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Entregas en 2022: Porsche registra un ligero aumento

Entregas en 2022: Porsche registra un ligero aumento

Porsche tuvo un desempeño sólido en el año fiscal 2022, con un ligero aumento en las entregas. El fabricante de autos deportivos entregó un total de 309,884 autos en los últimos 12 meses, un 3 por ciento más que en 2021, a pesar de varias crisis globales.

Porsche cumple los sueños de sus clientes, como lo demuestran las sólidas cifras de entrega y la continua buena situación de los pedidos para el año fiscal 2022. En todo el mundo, el fabricante de automóviles deportivos entregó 309.884 vehículos a clientes el año pasado, un aumento del 3 por ciento con respecto al año anterior.

Detlev von Platen, miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva de Ventas y Marketing de Porsche AG

“Los muchos desafíos causados por la guerra en Ucrania, las cadenas de suministro interrumpidas y la actual crisis de los semiconductores dieron forma al año pasado y nos pusieron a prueba”, dice Detlev von Platen, miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva de Ventas y Marketing de Porsche AG. “Así que estoy más orgulloso de todo el equipo Porsche. En este entorno difícil, hemos logrado cumplir el sueño de tener un Porsche para más clientes que nunca”.

Entregas en Europa un 7% por encima del año anterior

En la región de ventas de Europa, Porsche entregó 62.685 automóviles en 2022. Esto es un 7 por ciento más que el año anterior. En su mercado local de Alemania, 29.512 clientes recibieron sus automóviles, un aumento del 3 por ciento. En América del Norte, Porsche registró 79.260 entregas, igualando el nivel del año anterior. Este fue un desempeño particularmente sólido en vista de los desafíos logísticos y de suministro que comenzaron el año. En el que sigue siendo el mercado individual más grande, China, se entregaron 93 286 automóviles a los clientes    (-2 %). La ligera caída aquí se debe principalmente a los efectos de la pandemia de COVID. Olas de infección, bloqueos relacionados con COVID y desafíos logísticos afectaron las entregas. La región de ventas de Ultramar y Mercados Emergentes continúa desarrollándose positivamente con un aumento en las entregas del 13 por ciento. Se entregaron unos 45.141 automóviles a clientes en esta región durante 2022.

Los SUV siguen siendo populares entre los clientes

Los modelos con mayor demanda nuevamente en 2022 fueron los SUV de la marca: el Porsche Cayenne se entregó un total de 95.604 veces. El Macan siguió en segundo lugar con 86.724 unidades entregadas. Con 40.410 entregas (+5 por ciento), el Porsche 911 también sigue siendo muy popular. La berlina deportiva Panamera se entregó a 34.142 clientes (+13%).

El Taycan se mantiene en un alto nivel de pedidos. En 2022, Porsche entregó 34 801 automóviles de la línea de modelos en todo el mundo (-16 por ciento). La disminución se debió a los cuellos de botella de la cadena de suministro y la disponibilidad limitada de componentes. Ambos problemas afectaron en particular al deportivo eléctrico. Los clientes recibieron 18.203 unidades de los modelos 718 Boxster y 718 Cayman.


Taycan GTS y Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“Por el lado de las ventas, los resultados han sido positivos en 2022”, dice von Platen. “Porsche está en una posición sólida. Y estamos construyendo sobre esa base”.

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%

Descargo de responsabilidad

Este anuncio contiene “declaraciones prospectivas” que reflejan la visión actual de Porsche sobre los eventos futuros.

Palabras como ‘voluntad’, ‘presumir’, ‘como meta’, ‘podría’, ‘posiblemente’, ‘debería’, ‘creer’, ‘pretender’, ‘plan’, ‘en preparación’ y ‘objetivo’ se utilizan para indicar declaraciones relacionadas con el futuro. Estas declaraciones están sujetas a una variedad de riesgos, incertidumbres y suposiciones. Si cualquiera de estos riesgos o incertidumbres se materializa o si las suposiciones subyacentes a las declaraciones prospectivas de Porsche resultan infundadas, los resultados reales podrían diferir significativamente de los que Porsche ha asumido expresa o implícitamente en estas declaraciones. Las declaraciones a futuro en este comunicado de prensa se basan únicamente en las circunstancias correspondientes al día de la publicación.

Estas declaraciones prospectivas no se actualizarán más adelante. Estas afirmaciones son verdaderas el día de su publicación y pueden ser superadas por hechos posteriores.

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2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Porsche put in a robust performance in fiscal year 2022, with a slight increase in deliveries. The sports car manufacturer delivered a total of 309,884 cars over the past 12 months, 3 per cent more than in 2021 – despite several global crises.

Porsche fulfills the dreams of its customers, as strong delivery figures and the continued good order situation for fiscal year 2022 demonstrate. Worldwide, the sports car manufacturer delivered 309,884 vehicles to customers last year, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year.

Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG

“The many challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, interrupted supply chains and the ongoing semiconductor crisis have shaped the past year and put us to the test,” says Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “So I am all the prouder of the entire Porsche team. In this difficult environment, we have succeeded in fulfilling the dream of owning a Porsche for more customers than ever before.”

Deliveries in Europe 7 per cent above previous year

In the Europe sales region, Porsche delivered 62,685 cars in 2022. This is 7 per cent more than in the previous year. In its home market of Germany, 29,512 customers took delivery of their cars – an increase of 3 per cent. In North America, Porsche recorded 79,260 deliveries, matching the previous year’s level. This was a particularly strong performance in view of logistical and supply challenges that started the year. In what remains the biggest single market, China, 93,286 cars were delivered to customers     (-2 per cent). The slight dip here is mainly due to the effects of the COVID pandemic. Waves of infection, COVID-related lockdowns and logistical challenges affected the deliveries. The Overseas and Emerging Markets sales region continues to develop positively with an increase in deliveries of 13 per cent. Some 45,141 cars were delivered to customers in this region during 2022.

SUVs remain popular among customers

The models with the highest demand again in 2022 were the brand’s SUVs: the Porsche Cayenne was delivered a total of 95,604 times. The Macan followed in second place with 86,724 units delivered. With 40,410 deliveries (+5 per cent) the Porsche 911 remains very popular as well. The sports saloon Panamera was delivered to 34,142 customers (+13 per cent).

The Taycan remains at a high level of orders. In 2022, Porsche delivered 34,801 cars from the model line worldwide (-16 percent). The decline was due to supply chain bottlenecks and limited component availability. Both issues affected the electric sports car in particular. Customers took delivery of 18,203 units of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Taycan GTS and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“On the sales side, results have been positive in 2022,” says von Platen. “Porsche is in a solid position. And we’re building on that basis.”

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%


This announcement contains ‘forward-looking statements’ that reflect the Porsche’s current view of the future events.

Words such as ‘will’, ‘presume’, ‘as a goal’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘should’, ‘believe’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘in preparation’, and ‘aim’ are used to indicate statements relating to the future. These statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialise or if the assumptions underlying Porsche’s forward-looking statements should prove unfounded, the actual results could differ significantly from the ones that Porsche has expressly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release are based solely on the circumstances pertaining on the day of publication.

These forward-looking statements will not be updated later. These statements are true on the day of publication and may be overtaken by later events.

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2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Porsche put in a robust performance in fiscal year 2022, with a slight increase in deliveries. The sports car manufacturer delivered a total of 309,884 cars over the past 12 months, 3 per cent more than in 2021 – despite several global crises.

Porsche fulfills the dreams of its customers, as strong delivery figures and the continued good order situation for fiscal year 2022 demonstrate. Worldwide, the sports car manufacturer delivered 309,884 vehicles to customers last year, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year.

Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG

“The many challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, interrupted supply chains and the ongoing semiconductor crisis have shaped the past year and put us to the test,” says Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “So I am all the prouder of the entire Porsche team. In this difficult environment, we have succeeded in fulfilling the dream of owning a Porsche for more customers than ever before.”

Deliveries in Europe 7 per cent above previous year

In the Europe sales region, Porsche delivered 62,685 cars in 2022. This is 7 per cent more than in the previous year. In its home market of Germany, 29,512 customers took delivery of their cars – an increase of 3 per cent. In North America, Porsche recorded 79,260 deliveries, matching the previous year’s level. This was a particularly strong performance in view of logistical and supply challenges that started the year. In what remains the biggest single market, China, 93,286 cars were delivered to customers     (-2 per cent). The slight dip here is mainly due to the effects of the COVID pandemic. Waves of infection, COVID-related lockdowns and logistical challenges affected the deliveries. The Overseas and Emerging Markets sales region continues to develop positively with an increase in deliveries of 13 per cent. Some 45,141 cars were delivered to customers in this region during 2022.

SUVs remain popular among customers

The models with the highest demand again in 2022 were the brand’s SUVs: the Porsche Cayenne was delivered a total of 95,604 times. The Macan followed in second place with 86,724 units delivered. With 40,410 deliveries (+5 per cent) the Porsche 911 remains very popular as well. The sports saloon Panamera was delivered to 34,142 customers (+13 per cent).

The Taycan remains at a high level of orders. In 2022, Porsche delivered 34,801 cars from the model line worldwide (-16 percent). The decline was due to supply chain bottlenecks and limited component availability. Both issues affected the electric sports car in particular. Customers took delivery of 18,203 units of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Taycan GTS and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“On the sales side, results have been positive in 2022,” says von Platen. “Porsche is in a solid position. And we’re building on that basis.”

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%


This announcement contains ‘forward-looking statements’ that reflect the Porsche’s current view of the future events.

Words such as ‘will’, ‘presume’, ‘as a goal’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘should’, ‘believe’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘in preparation’, and ‘aim’ are used to indicate statements relating to the future. These statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialise or if the assumptions underlying Porsche’s forward-looking statements should prove unfounded, the actual results could differ significantly from the ones that Porsche has expressly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release are based solely on the circumstances pertaining on the day of publication.

These forward-looking statements will not be updated later. These statements are true on the day of publication and may be overtaken by later events.

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2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Porsche put in a robust performance in fiscal year 2022, with a slight increase in deliveries. The sports car manufacturer delivered a total of 309,884 cars over the past 12 months, 3 per cent more than in 2021 – despite several global crises.

Porsche fulfills the dreams of its customers, as strong delivery figures and the continued good order situation for fiscal year 2022 demonstrate. Worldwide, the sports car manufacturer delivered 309,884 vehicles to customers last year, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year.

Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG

“The many challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, interrupted supply chains and the ongoing semiconductor crisis have shaped the past year and put us to the test,” says Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “So I am all the prouder of the entire Porsche team. In this difficult environment, we have succeeded in fulfilling the dream of owning a Porsche for more customers than ever before.”

Deliveries in Europe 7 per cent above previous year

In the Europe sales region, Porsche delivered 62,685 cars in 2022. This is 7 per cent more than in the previous year. In its home market of Germany, 29,512 customers took delivery of their cars – an increase of 3 per cent. In North America, Porsche recorded 79,260 deliveries, matching the previous year’s level. This was a particularly strong performance in view of logistical and supply challenges that started the year. In what remains the biggest single market, China, 93,286 cars were delivered to customers     (-2 per cent). The slight dip here is mainly due to the effects of the COVID pandemic. Waves of infection, COVID-related lockdowns and logistical challenges affected the deliveries. The Overseas and Emerging Markets sales region continues to develop positively with an increase in deliveries of 13 per cent. Some 45,141 cars were delivered to customers in this region during 2022.

SUVs remain popular among customers

The models with the highest demand again in 2022 were the brand’s SUVs: the Porsche Cayenne was delivered a total of 95,604 times. The Macan followed in second place with 86,724 units delivered. With 40,410 deliveries (+5 per cent) the Porsche 911 remains very popular as well. The sports saloon Panamera was delivered to 34,142 customers (+13 per cent).

The Taycan remains at a high level of orders. In 2022, Porsche delivered 34,801 cars from the model line worldwide (-16 percent). The decline was due to supply chain bottlenecks and limited component availability. Both issues affected the electric sports car in particular. Customers took delivery of 18,203 units of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Taycan GTS and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“On the sales side, results have been positive in 2022,” says von Platen. “Porsche is in a solid position. And we’re building on that basis.”

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%


This announcement contains ‘forward-looking statements’ that reflect the Porsche’s current view of the future events.

Words such as ‘will’, ‘presume’, ‘as a goal’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘should’, ‘believe’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘in preparation’, and ‘aim’ are used to indicate statements relating to the future. These statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialise or if the assumptions underlying Porsche’s forward-looking statements should prove unfounded, the actual results could differ significantly from the ones that Porsche has expressly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release are based solely on the circumstances pertaining on the day of publication.

These forward-looking statements will not be updated later. These statements are true on the day of publication and may be overtaken by later events.

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2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Porsche put in a robust performance in fiscal year 2022, with a slight increase in deliveries. The sports car manufacturer delivered a total of 309,884 cars over the past 12 months, 3 per cent more than in 2021 – despite several global crises.

Porsche fulfills the dreams of its customers, as strong delivery figures and the continued good order situation for fiscal year 2022 demonstrate. Worldwide, the sports car manufacturer delivered 309,884 vehicles to customers last year, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year.

Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG

“The many challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, interrupted supply chains and the ongoing semiconductor crisis have shaped the past year and put us to the test,” says Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “So I am all the prouder of the entire Porsche team. In this difficult environment, we have succeeded in fulfilling the dream of owning a Porsche for more customers than ever before.”

Deliveries in Europe 7 per cent above previous year

In the Europe sales region, Porsche delivered 62,685 cars in 2022. This is 7 per cent more than in the previous year. In its home market of Germany, 29,512 customers took delivery of their cars – an increase of 3 per cent. In North America, Porsche recorded 79,260 deliveries, matching the previous year’s level. This was a particularly strong performance in view of logistical and supply challenges that started the year. In what remains the biggest single market, China, 93,286 cars were delivered to customers     (-2 per cent). The slight dip here is mainly due to the effects of the COVID pandemic. Waves of infection, COVID-related lockdowns and logistical challenges affected the deliveries. The Overseas and Emerging Markets sales region continues to develop positively with an increase in deliveries of 13 per cent. Some 45,141 cars were delivered to customers in this region during 2022.

SUVs remain popular among customers

The models with the highest demand again in 2022 were the brand’s SUVs: the Porsche Cayenne was delivered a total of 95,604 times. The Macan followed in second place with 86,724 units delivered. With 40,410 deliveries (+5 per cent) the Porsche 911 remains very popular as well. The sports saloon Panamera was delivered to 34,142 customers (+13 per cent).

The Taycan remains at a high level of orders. In 2022, Porsche delivered 34,801 cars from the model line worldwide (-16 percent). The decline was due to supply chain bottlenecks and limited component availability. Both issues affected the electric sports car in particular. Customers took delivery of 18,203 units of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Taycan GTS and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“On the sales side, results have been positive in 2022,” says von Platen. “Porsche is in a solid position. And we’re building on that basis.”

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%


This announcement contains ‘forward-looking statements’ that reflect the Porsche’s current view of the future events.

Words such as ‘will’, ‘presume’, ‘as a goal’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘should’, ‘believe’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘in preparation’, and ‘aim’ are used to indicate statements relating to the future. These statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialise or if the assumptions underlying Porsche’s forward-looking statements should prove unfounded, the actual results could differ significantly from the ones that Porsche has expressly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release are based solely on the circumstances pertaining on the day of publication.

These forward-looking statements will not be updated later. These statements are true on the day of publication and may be overtaken by later events.

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2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Porsche put in a robust performance in fiscal year 2022, with a slight increase in deliveries. The sports car manufacturer delivered a total of 309,884 cars over the past 12 months, 3 per cent more than in 2021 – despite several global crises.

Porsche fulfills the dreams of its customers, as strong delivery figures and the continued good order situation for fiscal year 2022 demonstrate. Worldwide, the sports car manufacturer delivered 309,884 vehicles to customers last year, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year.

Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG

“The many challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, interrupted supply chains and the ongoing semiconductor crisis have shaped the past year and put us to the test,” says Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “So I am all the prouder of the entire Porsche team. In this difficult environment, we have succeeded in fulfilling the dream of owning a Porsche for more customers than ever before.”

Deliveries in Europe 7 per cent above previous year

In the Europe sales region, Porsche delivered 62,685 cars in 2022. This is 7 per cent more than in the previous year. In its home market of Germany, 29,512 customers took delivery of their cars – an increase of 3 per cent. In North America, Porsche recorded 79,260 deliveries, matching the previous year’s level. This was a particularly strong performance in view of logistical and supply challenges that started the year. In what remains the biggest single market, China, 93,286 cars were delivered to customers     (-2 per cent). The slight dip here is mainly due to the effects of the COVID pandemic. Waves of infection, COVID-related lockdowns and logistical challenges affected the deliveries. The Overseas and Emerging Markets sales region continues to develop positively with an increase in deliveries of 13 per cent. Some 45,141 cars were delivered to customers in this region during 2022.

SUVs remain popular among customers

The models with the highest demand again in 2022 were the brand’s SUVs: the Porsche Cayenne was delivered a total of 95,604 times. The Macan followed in second place with 86,724 units delivered. With 40,410 deliveries (+5 per cent) the Porsche 911 remains very popular as well. The sports saloon Panamera was delivered to 34,142 customers (+13 per cent).

The Taycan remains at a high level of orders. In 2022, Porsche delivered 34,801 cars from the model line worldwide (-16 percent). The decline was due to supply chain bottlenecks and limited component availability. Both issues affected the electric sports car in particular. Customers took delivery of 18,203 units of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Taycan GTS and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“On the sales side, results have been positive in 2022,” says von Platen. “Porsche is in a solid position. And we’re building on that basis.”

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%


This announcement contains ‘forward-looking statements’ that reflect the Porsche’s current view of the future events.

Words such as ‘will’, ‘presume’, ‘as a goal’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘should’, ‘believe’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘in preparation’, and ‘aim’ are used to indicate statements relating to the future. These statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialise or if the assumptions underlying Porsche’s forward-looking statements should prove unfounded, the actual results could differ significantly from the ones that Porsche has expressly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release are based solely on the circumstances pertaining on the day of publication.

These forward-looking statements will not be updated later. These statements are true on the day of publication and may be overtaken by later events.

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Entregas en 2022: Porsche registra un ligero aumento

Entregas en 2022: Porsche registra un ligero aumento

Porsche tuvo un desempeño sólido en el año fiscal 2022, con un ligero aumento en las entregas. El fabricante de autos deportivos entregó un total de 309,884 autos en los últimos 12 meses, un 3 por ciento más que en 2021, a pesar de varias crisis globales.

Porsche cumple los sueños de sus clientes, como lo demuestran las sólidas cifras de entrega y la continua buena situación de los pedidos para el año fiscal 2022. En todo el mundo, el fabricante de automóviles deportivos entregó 309.884 vehículos a clientes el año pasado, un aumento del 3 por ciento con respecto al año anterior.

Detlev von Platen, miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva de Ventas y Marketing de Porsche AG

“Los muchos desafíos causados por la guerra en Ucrania, las cadenas de suministro interrumpidas y la actual crisis de los semiconductores dieron forma al año pasado y nos pusieron a prueba”, dice Detlev von Platen, miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva de Ventas y Marketing de Porsche AG. “Así que estoy más orgulloso de todo el equipo Porsche. En este entorno difícil, hemos logrado cumplir el sueño de tener un Porsche para más clientes que nunca”.

Entregas en Europa un 7% por encima del año anterior

En la región de ventas de Europa, Porsche entregó 62.685 automóviles en 2022. Esto es un 7 por ciento más que el año anterior. En su mercado local de Alemania, 29.512 clientes recibieron sus automóviles, un aumento del 3 por ciento. En América del Norte, Porsche registró 79.260 entregas, igualando el nivel del año anterior. Este fue un desempeño particularmente sólido en vista de los desafíos logísticos y de suministro que comenzaron el año. En el que sigue siendo el mercado individual más grande, China, se entregaron 93 286 automóviles a los clientes    (-2 %). La ligera caída aquí se debe principalmente a los efectos de la pandemia de COVID. Olas de infección, bloqueos relacionados con COVID y desafíos logísticos afectaron las entregas. La región de ventas de Ultramar y Mercados Emergentes continúa desarrollándose positivamente con un aumento en las entregas del 13 por ciento. Se entregaron unos 45.141 automóviles a clientes en esta región durante 2022.

Los SUV siguen siendo populares entre los clientes

Los modelos con mayor demanda nuevamente en 2022 fueron los SUV de la marca: el Porsche Cayenne se entregó un total de 95.604 veces. El Macan siguió en segundo lugar con 86.724 unidades entregadas. Con 40.410 entregas (+5 por ciento), el Porsche 911 también sigue siendo muy popular. La berlina deportiva Panamera se entregó a 34.142 clientes (+13%).

El Taycan se mantiene en un alto nivel de pedidos. En 2022, Porsche entregó 34 801 automóviles de la línea de modelos en todo el mundo (-16 por ciento). La disminución se debió a los cuellos de botella de la cadena de suministro y la disponibilidad limitada de componentes. Ambos problemas afectaron en particular al deportivo eléctrico. Los clientes recibieron 18.203 unidades de los modelos 718 Boxster y 718 Cayman.


Taycan GTS y Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“Por el lado de las ventas, los resultados han sido positivos en 2022”, dice von Platen. “Porsche está en una posición sólida. Y estamos construyendo sobre esa base”.

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%

Descargo de responsabilidad

Este anuncio contiene “declaraciones prospectivas” que reflejan la visión actual de Porsche sobre los eventos futuros.

Palabras como ‘voluntad’, ‘presumir’, ‘como meta’, ‘podría’, ‘posiblemente’, ‘debería’, ‘creer’, ‘pretender’, ‘plan’, ‘en preparación’ y ‘objetivo’ se utilizan para indicar declaraciones relacionadas con el futuro. Estas declaraciones están sujetas a una variedad de riesgos, incertidumbres y suposiciones. Si cualquiera de estos riesgos o incertidumbres se materializa o si las suposiciones subyacentes a las declaraciones prospectivas de Porsche resultan infundadas, los resultados reales podrían diferir significativamente de los que Porsche ha asumido expresa o implícitamente en estas declaraciones. Las declaraciones a futuro en este comunicado de prensa se basan únicamente en las circunstancias correspondientes al día de la publicación.

Estas declaraciones prospectivas no se actualizarán más adelante. Estas afirmaciones son verdaderas el día de su publicación y pueden ser superadas por hechos posteriores.

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2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Porsche put in a robust performance in fiscal year 2022, with a slight increase in deliveries. The sports car manufacturer delivered a total of 309,884 cars over the past 12 months, 3 per cent more than in 2021 – despite several global crises.

Porsche fulfills the dreams of its customers, as strong delivery figures and the continued good order situation for fiscal year 2022 demonstrate. Worldwide, the sports car manufacturer delivered 309,884 vehicles to customers last year, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year.

Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG

“The many challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, interrupted supply chains and the ongoing semiconductor crisis have shaped the past year and put us to the test,” says Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “So I am all the prouder of the entire Porsche team. In this difficult environment, we have succeeded in fulfilling the dream of owning a Porsche for more customers than ever before.”

Deliveries in Europe 7 per cent above previous year

In the Europe sales region, Porsche delivered 62,685 cars in 2022. This is 7 per cent more than in the previous year. In its home market of Germany, 29,512 customers took delivery of their cars – an increase of 3 per cent. In North America, Porsche recorded 79,260 deliveries, matching the previous year’s level. This was a particularly strong performance in view of logistical and supply challenges that started the year. In what remains the biggest single market, China, 93,286 cars were delivered to customers     (-2 per cent). The slight dip here is mainly due to the effects of the COVID pandemic. Waves of infection, COVID-related lockdowns and logistical challenges affected the deliveries. The Overseas and Emerging Markets sales region continues to develop positively with an increase in deliveries of 13 per cent. Some 45,141 cars were delivered to customers in this region during 2022.

SUVs remain popular among customers

The models with the highest demand again in 2022 were the brand’s SUVs: the Porsche Cayenne was delivered a total of 95,604 times. The Macan followed in second place with 86,724 units delivered. With 40,410 deliveries (+5 per cent) the Porsche 911 remains very popular as well. The sports saloon Panamera was delivered to 34,142 customers (+13 per cent).

The Taycan remains at a high level of orders. In 2022, Porsche delivered 34,801 cars from the model line worldwide (-16 percent). The decline was due to supply chain bottlenecks and limited component availability. Both issues affected the electric sports car in particular. Customers took delivery of 18,203 units of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Taycan GTS and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“On the sales side, results have been positive in 2022,” says von Platen. “Porsche is in a solid position. And we’re building on that basis.”

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%


This announcement contains ‘forward-looking statements’ that reflect the Porsche’s current view of the future events.

Words such as ‘will’, ‘presume’, ‘as a goal’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘should’, ‘believe’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘in preparation’, and ‘aim’ are used to indicate statements relating to the future. These statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialise or if the assumptions underlying Porsche’s forward-looking statements should prove unfounded, the actual results could differ significantly from the ones that Porsche has expressly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release are based solely on the circumstances pertaining on the day of publication.

These forward-looking statements will not be updated later. These statements are true on the day of publication and may be overtaken by later events.

, , , , ,

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Porsche put in a robust performance in fiscal year 2022, with a slight increase in deliveries. The sports car manufacturer delivered a total of 309,884 cars over the past 12 months, 3 per cent more than in 2021 – despite several global crises.

Porsche fulfills the dreams of its customers, as strong delivery figures and the continued good order situation for fiscal year 2022 demonstrate. Worldwide, the sports car manufacturer delivered 309,884 vehicles to customers last year, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year.

Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG

“The many challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, interrupted supply chains and the ongoing semiconductor crisis have shaped the past year and put us to the test,” says Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “So I am all the prouder of the entire Porsche team. In this difficult environment, we have succeeded in fulfilling the dream of owning a Porsche for more customers than ever before.”

Deliveries in Europe 7 per cent above previous year

In the Europe sales region, Porsche delivered 62,685 cars in 2022. This is 7 per cent more than in the previous year. In its home market of Germany, 29,512 customers took delivery of their cars – an increase of 3 per cent. In North America, Porsche recorded 79,260 deliveries, matching the previous year’s level. This was a particularly strong performance in view of logistical and supply challenges that started the year. In what remains the biggest single market, China, 93,286 cars were delivered to customers     (-2 per cent). The slight dip here is mainly due to the effects of the COVID pandemic. Waves of infection, COVID-related lockdowns and logistical challenges affected the deliveries. The Overseas and Emerging Markets sales region continues to develop positively with an increase in deliveries of 13 per cent. Some 45,141 cars were delivered to customers in this region during 2022.

SUVs remain popular among customers

The models with the highest demand again in 2022 were the brand’s SUVs: the Porsche Cayenne was delivered a total of 95,604 times. The Macan followed in second place with 86,724 units delivered. With 40,410 deliveries (+5 per cent) the Porsche 911 remains very popular as well. The sports saloon Panamera was delivered to 34,142 customers (+13 per cent).

The Taycan remains at a high level of orders. In 2022, Porsche delivered 34,801 cars from the model line worldwide (-16 percent). The decline was due to supply chain bottlenecks and limited component availability. Both issues affected the electric sports car in particular. Customers took delivery of 18,203 units of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Taycan GTS and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“On the sales side, results have been positive in 2022,” says von Platen. “Porsche is in a solid position. And we’re building on that basis.”

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%


This announcement contains ‘forward-looking statements’ that reflect the Porsche’s current view of the future events.

Words such as ‘will’, ‘presume’, ‘as a goal’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘should’, ‘believe’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘in preparation’, and ‘aim’ are used to indicate statements relating to the future. These statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialise or if the assumptions underlying Porsche’s forward-looking statements should prove unfounded, the actual results could differ significantly from the ones that Porsche has expressly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release are based solely on the circumstances pertaining on the day of publication.

These forward-looking statements will not be updated later. These statements are true on the day of publication and may be overtaken by later events.

, , , , ,

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Porsche put in a robust performance in fiscal year 2022, with a slight increase in deliveries. The sports car manufacturer delivered a total of 309,884 cars over the past 12 months, 3 per cent more than in 2021 – despite several global crises.

Porsche fulfills the dreams of its customers, as strong delivery figures and the continued good order situation for fiscal year 2022 demonstrate. Worldwide, the sports car manufacturer delivered 309,884 vehicles to customers last year, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year.

Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG

“The many challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, interrupted supply chains and the ongoing semiconductor crisis have shaped the past year and put us to the test,” says Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “So I am all the prouder of the entire Porsche team. In this difficult environment, we have succeeded in fulfilling the dream of owning a Porsche for more customers than ever before.”

Deliveries in Europe 7 per cent above previous year

In the Europe sales region, Porsche delivered 62,685 cars in 2022. This is 7 per cent more than in the previous year. In its home market of Germany, 29,512 customers took delivery of their cars – an increase of 3 per cent. In North America, Porsche recorded 79,260 deliveries, matching the previous year’s level. This was a particularly strong performance in view of logistical and supply challenges that started the year. In what remains the biggest single market, China, 93,286 cars were delivered to customers     (-2 per cent). The slight dip here is mainly due to the effects of the COVID pandemic. Waves of infection, COVID-related lockdowns and logistical challenges affected the deliveries. The Overseas and Emerging Markets sales region continues to develop positively with an increase in deliveries of 13 per cent. Some 45,141 cars were delivered to customers in this region during 2022.

SUVs remain popular among customers

The models with the highest demand again in 2022 were the brand’s SUVs: the Porsche Cayenne was delivered a total of 95,604 times. The Macan followed in second place with 86,724 units delivered. With 40,410 deliveries (+5 per cent) the Porsche 911 remains very popular as well. The sports saloon Panamera was delivered to 34,142 customers (+13 per cent).

The Taycan remains at a high level of orders. In 2022, Porsche delivered 34,801 cars from the model line worldwide (-16 percent). The decline was due to supply chain bottlenecks and limited component availability. Both issues affected the electric sports car in particular. Customers took delivery of 18,203 units of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Taycan GTS and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“On the sales side, results have been positive in 2022,” says von Platen. “Porsche is in a solid position. And we’re building on that basis.”

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%


This announcement contains ‘forward-looking statements’ that reflect the Porsche’s current view of the future events.

Words such as ‘will’, ‘presume’, ‘as a goal’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘should’, ‘believe’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘in preparation’, and ‘aim’ are used to indicate statements relating to the future. These statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialise or if the assumptions underlying Porsche’s forward-looking statements should prove unfounded, the actual results could differ significantly from the ones that Porsche has expressly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release are based solely on the circumstances pertaining on the day of publication.

These forward-looking statements will not be updated later. These statements are true on the day of publication and may be overtaken by later events.

, , , , ,

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

2022 deliveries: Porsche posts a slight increase

Porsche put in a robust performance in fiscal year 2022, with a slight increase in deliveries. The sports car manufacturer delivered a total of 309,884 cars over the past 12 months, 3 per cent more than in 2021 – despite several global crises.

Porsche fulfills the dreams of its customers, as strong delivery figures and the continued good order situation for fiscal year 2022 demonstrate. Worldwide, the sports car manufacturer delivered 309,884 vehicles to customers last year, an increase of 3 per cent over the previous year.

Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG

“The many challenges caused by the war in Ukraine, interrupted supply chains and the ongoing semiconductor crisis have shaped the past year and put us to the test,” says Detlev von Platen, Executive Board Member for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG. “So I am all the prouder of the entire Porsche team. In this difficult environment, we have succeeded in fulfilling the dream of owning a Porsche for more customers than ever before.”

Deliveries in Europe 7 per cent above previous year

In the Europe sales region, Porsche delivered 62,685 cars in 2022. This is 7 per cent more than in the previous year. In its home market of Germany, 29,512 customers took delivery of their cars – an increase of 3 per cent. In North America, Porsche recorded 79,260 deliveries, matching the previous year’s level. This was a particularly strong performance in view of logistical and supply challenges that started the year. In what remains the biggest single market, China, 93,286 cars were delivered to customers     (-2 per cent). The slight dip here is mainly due to the effects of the COVID pandemic. Waves of infection, COVID-related lockdowns and logistical challenges affected the deliveries. The Overseas and Emerging Markets sales region continues to develop positively with an increase in deliveries of 13 per cent. Some 45,141 cars were delivered to customers in this region during 2022.

SUVs remain popular among customers

The models with the highest demand again in 2022 were the brand’s SUVs: the Porsche Cayenne was delivered a total of 95,604 times. The Macan followed in second place with 86,724 units delivered. With 40,410 deliveries (+5 per cent) the Porsche 911 remains very popular as well. The sports saloon Panamera was delivered to 34,142 customers (+13 per cent).

The Taycan remains at a high level of orders. In 2022, Porsche delivered 34,801 cars from the model line worldwide (-16 percent). The decline was due to supply chain bottlenecks and limited component availability. Both issues affected the electric sports car in particular. Customers took delivery of 18,203 units of the 718 Boxster and 718 Cayman models.

Taycan GTS and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

“On the sales side, results have been positive in 2022,” says von Platen. “Porsche is in a solid position. And we’re building on that basis.”

Porsche AG
January – December
2021 2022 Difference
Worldwide 301,915 309,884 +3%
Germany 28,565 29,512 +3%
North America 79,166 79,260  0%
China 95,671 93,286 -2%
Europe (excluding Germany) 58,576 62,685 +7%
Overseas and Emerging Markets 39,937 45,141 +13%


This announcement contains ‘forward-looking statements’ that reflect the Porsche’s current view of the future events.

Words such as ‘will’, ‘presume’, ‘as a goal’, ‘could’, ‘possibly’, ‘should’, ‘believe’, ‘intend’, ‘plan’, ‘in preparation’, and ‘aim’ are used to indicate statements relating to the future. These statements are subject to a variety of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialise or if the assumptions underlying Porsche’s forward-looking statements should prove unfounded, the actual results could differ significantly from the ones that Porsche has expressly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Forward-looking statements in this press release are based solely on the circumstances pertaining on the day of publication.

These forward-looking statements will not be updated later. These statements are true on the day of publication and may be overtaken by later events.

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