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296 GT3, Los primeros bocetos del futuro de Ferrari en GT Racing

296 GT3, Los primeros bocetos del futuro de Ferrari en GT Racing

Maranello, 16 de marzo de 2022: el futuro de Ferrari en la escena de las carreras de GT toma forma y se desarrolla en torno a los volúmenes del 296 GTB, redefiniéndolo de acuerdo con los requisitos de la pista y el rendimiento y dando vida al 296 GT3.

Este modelo retoma el legado del 488 GT3 que, en sus configuraciones estándar y Evo 2020, ha acumulado 107 títulos desde su carrera de debut hasta la fecha, con 429 victorias en 770 largadas. Estas cifras extraordinarias lo convierten en el automóvil más exitoso en la historia del Cavallino Rampante.

Para los diseñadores e ingenieros de Ferrari Competizioni GT, igualar esta lista de triunfos representa no solo un desafío que superar, sino una reserva inagotable de experiencias y soluciones técnicas a partir de las cuales dibujar y esculpir en una nueva forma.

El diseño del 296 GT3, eliminando la aerodinámica y los elementos característicos de la versión de carreras, ha conservado el vínculo con el modelo de producción, que desde su misma concepción se inspira en coches como el 250 LM de 1963. Ese coche logró grandes éxitos, como en las 24 Horas de Le Mans de 1965 (la última victoria absoluta de Ferrari en esta carrera), y también disfrutó de un gran éxito entre los equipos privados.

El 296 GT3, que ya se está ensamblando en las plantas de Oreca di Signes, marcará el regreso a la pista de un Ferrari equipado con un motor de 6 cilindros, aunque, de conformidad con las normas técnicas, no estará equipado con la unidad eléctrica. .

El nuevo GT3 del fabricante del Cavallino Rampante comenzará a desarrollarse en la pista en los próximos meses de cara a su debut en carrera, previsto para 2023.


296 GT3, The first sketches of Ferraris future in GT Racing

296 GT3, The first sketches of Ferraris future in GT Racing

Maranello, 16 March 2022 –  Ferrari’s future on the GT racing scene takes shape and develops around the volumes of the 296 GTB, redefining it according to track and performance requirements and giving life to the 296 GT3.

This model takes up the legacy of the 488 GT3 which, in its standard and Evo 2020 configurations, has picked up 107 titles from its debut race to date, with 429 wins from 770 starts. These extraordinary figures make it the most successful car in Prancing Horse history.

For Ferrari Competizioni GT designers and engineers, matching this list of triumphs represents not only a challenge to be overcome, but an inexhaustible reserve of experiences and technical solutions from which to draw and to sculpt into a new form.

The design of the 296 GT3, taking away the aerodynamic and the characteristic elements of the racing version, has preserved the link to the production model, which from its very conception is inspired by cars such as the 1963 250 LM. That car achieved major successes, such as in the 1965 24 Hours of Le Mans (Ferrari’s last overall victory in this race), also enjoying great success among the private teams.

The 296 GT3, already being assembled at the Oreca di Signes plants, will mark the return to the track of a Ferrari equipped with a 6-cylinder engine, even though – in compliance with technical regulations – it will not be equipped with the electric unit.

The new GT3 from the Prancing Horse manufacturer will begin development on the track in the coming months in view of its race debut, scheduled for 2023.

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296 GT3, The first sketches of Ferraris future in GT Racing

296 GT3, The first sketches of Ferraris future in GT Racing

Maranello, 16 March 2022 –  Ferrari’s future on the GT racing scene takes shape and develops around the volumes of the 296 GTB, redefining it according to track and performance requirements and giving life to the 296 GT3.

This model takes up the legacy of the 488 GT3 which, in its standard and Evo 2020 configurations, has picked up 107 titles from its debut race to date, with 429 wins from 770 starts. These extraordinary figures make it the most successful car in Prancing Horse history.

For Ferrari Competizioni GT designers and engineers, matching this list of triumphs represents not only a challenge to be overcome, but an inexhaustible reserve of experiences and technical solutions from which to draw and to sculpt into a new form.

The design of the 296 GT3, taking away the aerodynamic and the characteristic elements of the racing version, has preserved the link to the production model, which from its very conception is inspired by cars such as the 1963 250 LM. That car achieved major successes, such as in the 1965 24 Hours of Le Mans (Ferrari’s last overall victory in this race), also enjoying great success among the private teams.

The 296 GT3, already being assembled at the Oreca di Signes plants, will mark the return to the track of a Ferrari equipped with a 6-cylinder engine, even though – in compliance with technical regulations – it will not be equipped with the electric unit.

The new GT3 from the Prancing Horse manufacturer will begin development on the track in the coming months in view of its race debut, scheduled for 2023.

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