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5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

Las mesas de centro sirven como un apoyo más en el espacio vital principal de una casa: la sala de estar . Por su ubicación en pleno medio ambiente, las mesas de centro siempre son el centro de atención de la estancia. Formando parte de la decoración, pueden guardar bandejas de casa, jarrones con flores, velas, pequeñas esculturas y otros objetos decorativos. Inspiration & Ideas preparó este artículo para inspirarte conuna selección de posibilidades y consejos para la decoración de tu mesa de café enDubái¡ Innova y mejora el diseño de tu salón según tu estilo!

Ideas fáciles de decoración de mesa de café

Llenas de funcionalidad , las mesas de centro son atractivas y capaces de dar un toque especial a varios tipos de decoración. Debido a la diversidad de modelos disponibles, pueden apelar a diferentes gustos. Por tanto, la mesa de centro puede, además, delimitar el ambiente y componer la decoración de tu salón Dubái . Y todo según tu personalidad.

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

Una de las cosas más importantes a considerar para la decoración de su mesa de café es la sensación general de su sala de estar, incluida la paleta de colores y el estilo de decoración del resto de su espacio vital. ¿Te encanta una sala de estar acogedora? ¿Te atrae un aspecto moderno, con líneas limpias? ¿O prefieres algo intermedio? Saber esto te ayudará a elegir el tipo de elementos decorativos que colocarás en la mesa de tu salón. Además, a la hora de elegir objetos decorativos para tu mesa de centro , ten en cuenta cómo piensas utilizar la mesa. Puede usarse para exhibir artículos decorativos y libros, para sostener bebidas y controles remotos, como reposapiés, como mesa de comedor, como espacio de almacenamiento adicional o como un lugar para entretenerse, jugar y armar rompecabezas.

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

1. Comience con libros

Los libros de mesa de café suelen ser lo primero que buscan los diseñadores de interiores cuando diseñan un espacio. Una pila de libros de diseño, coronados con un cristal, un collar de cuentas o una pequeña caja o tazón, es la manera perfecta de mejorar la decoración de la mesa de café , o cualquier superficie que necesite algo especial. Los libros de mesa de café no solo elevan su decoración, sino que también ofrecen un excelente tema de conversación y brindan a sus invitados algo para mirar cuando visitan su hogar en Dubai .


5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

Un tazón bonito o una canasta llena de fruta fresca , o incluso nueces enteras , es una excelente manera de agregar la belleza de los elementos naturales a la decoración de su mesa de café . También puedes jugar con diferentes materiales y elementos naturales, como cestos, cuentas y cadenas de madera, cerámica, bandejas y cuencos tejidos, conchas, piedras, obs de mármol, etc.

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

3. Capa en algunas piezas decorativas

Camine por su casa y reúna artículos tales como objetos escultóricos, bandejas, cajas con tapa, canastas, jarrones de vidrio, piezas decorativas, recuerdos de sus viajes, gres, cerámica, botellas y tazones. Agarra cualquier cosa que tenga interés visual y te haga feliz. Para ayudar a crear el estado de ánimo o sentimiento deseado, recuerde incluir cosas que sean hermosas y sentimentales y que reflejen su estilo personal .

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

4. No olvides las flores ni las plantas

Agregar un jarrón con flores frescas o una planta viva siempre es una gran idea para la decoración de la mesa de café , especialmente si tiene una mesa de café de vidrio u otras superficies que no se dañarán con el agua. Si tienes una mesa de madera, una buena manera de incorporar arreglos florales y plantas es colocándolos en una bandeja grande para proteger la superficie de tu mesa. ¡Las plantas y flores falsas también son siempre una gran opción!

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

5. Termina con una vela

Nos encanta el aspecto lujoso de una vela blanca reluciente sobre una mesa de café. Ya sea que le gusten las velas perfumadas o prefiera una versión sin perfume, la mesa de café o la mesa central son un excelente lugar para agregar el hermoso brillo y el ambiente de la luz de las velas. Otra manera fácil de agregar el aspecto de las velas a su sala de estar es usar algunos candelabros o candelabros de madera maciza para realzar la decoración de su mesa de café . Añaden un toque hermoso , incluso sin velas.

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

Luego, sigue editando y ajustando hasta que te guste cómo se ve.

¿Qué consejo aplicarías a la decoración de tu mesa de centro ?

Ver también: Diseño de interiores de Dubái: muebles de lujo para un estilo de vida exclusivo

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5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Coffee tables serve as one more support in the main living space of a house: the living room. Because of their location right in the middle of the environment, center tables are always in the spotlight of the room. Making part of the decor, they can keep house trays, vases with flowers, candles, small sculptures and other decorative objects. Inspiration & Ideas prepared this article to inspire you with a selection of possibilities and tips for your coffee table decor in Dubai. Innovate and improve your living room design according to your style!

Easy Coffee Table Decor Ideas

Full of functionality, coffee tables are attractive and capable of giving a special touch to various types of decoration. Due to the diversity of models available, they can appeal to different tastes. Therefore, the coffee table can, in addition, delimit the environment and compose the decoration of your Dubai living room. And everything according to your personality.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

One of the most important things to consider for your coffee table decor is the overall feel of your living room, including the colour palette and decor style of the rest of your living space. Do you love a cosy living room? Are you drawn to a modern look, with clean lines? Or do you prefer something in between? Knowing this will help you choose the type of decorative items to place on your living room table. Also, when choosing decorative objects for your coffee table, take into account how you plan to use the table. It might be used to display decorative items and books, to hold drinks and remote controls, as a footrest, as a dining table, as additional storage space, or as a place to entertain, play games, and do puzzles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

1. Start With Books

Coffee table books are typically the first things interior designers reach for when styling a space. A stack of design books, topped with a crystal, a strand of beads, or a small box or bowl, is the perfect way to improve your coffee table decor – or any surface that needs a little something. Not only do coffee table books elevate your decor, but they also offer a great conversation piece and give your guests something to look at when they visit your Dubai home.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

A pretty bowl or a basket filled with fresh fruit, or even whole walnuts, is a great way to add the beauty of natural elements to your coffee table decor. You can also play with different materials and natural elements, such as baskets, wood beads and chains, pottery, woven trays and bowls, shells, stones, marble obs, and so on.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

3. Layer In Some Decorative Pieces

Walk around your house and gather items such as sculptural objects, trays, lidded boxes, baskets, glass vases, accent pieces, mementoes from your travels, stoneware, pottery, bottles, and bowls. Grab anything that has visual interest and makes you happy. To help create your desired mood or feeling, remember to include things that are both beautiful and sentimental and reflect your personal style.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

4. Don’t Forget Flowers Or Plants

Adding a vase of fresh flowers or a live plant is always a great idea for your coffee table decor, especially if you have a glass coffee table or other surfaces that won’t be damaged by water. If you have a wooden table, a good way to incorporate floral arrangements and plants is by placing them in a large tray to protect the surface of your table. Faux plants and flowers are always a great option, too!

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5. Finish With A Candle

We do love the luxurious look of a shimmering white candle on a coffee table. Whether you love a scented candle or prefer an unscented version, the coffee table or center table is a great place to add the beautiful glow and ambience of candlelight. Another easy way to add the look of candles to your living space is by using a few chunky wood candle holders or candle sticks to elevate your coffee table decor. They add a beautiful touch, even without candles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Then, just keep editing and tweaking until you like the way it looks!

Which Tip Will You Apply To Your Coffee Table Decor?

See also: Dubai Interior Design: Luxury Furniture For An Exclusive Lifestyle

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
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5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Coffee tables serve as one more support in the main living space of a house: the living room. Because of their location right in the middle of the environment, center tables are always in the spotlight of the room. Making part of the decor, they can keep house trays, vases with flowers, candles, small sculptures and other decorative objects. Inspiration & Ideas prepared this article to inspire you with a selection of possibilities and tips for your coffee table decor in Dubai. Innovate and improve your living room design according to your style!

Easy Coffee Table Decor Ideas

Full of functionality, coffee tables are attractive and capable of giving a special touch to various types of decoration. Due to the diversity of models available, they can appeal to different tastes. Therefore, the coffee table can, in addition, delimit the environment and compose the decoration of your Dubai living room. And everything according to your personality.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

One of the most important things to consider for your coffee table decor is the overall feel of your living room, including the colour palette and decor style of the rest of your living space. Do you love a cosy living room? Are you drawn to a modern look, with clean lines? Or do you prefer something in between? Knowing this will help you choose the type of decorative items to place on your living room table. Also, when choosing decorative objects for your coffee table, take into account how you plan to use the table. It might be used to display decorative items and books, to hold drinks and remote controls, as a footrest, as a dining table, as additional storage space, or as a place to entertain, play games, and do puzzles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

1. Start With Books

Coffee table books are typically the first things interior designers reach for when styling a space. A stack of design books, topped with a crystal, a strand of beads, or a small box or bowl, is the perfect way to improve your coffee table decor – or any surface that needs a little something. Not only do coffee table books elevate your decor, but they also offer a great conversation piece and give your guests something to look at when they visit your Dubai home.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

A pretty bowl or a basket filled with fresh fruit, or even whole walnuts, is a great way to add the beauty of natural elements to your coffee table decor. You can also play with different materials and natural elements, such as baskets, wood beads and chains, pottery, woven trays and bowls, shells, stones, marble obs, and so on.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

3. Layer In Some Decorative Pieces

Walk around your house and gather items such as sculptural objects, trays, lidded boxes, baskets, glass vases, accent pieces, mementoes from your travels, stoneware, pottery, bottles, and bowls. Grab anything that has visual interest and makes you happy. To help create your desired mood or feeling, remember to include things that are both beautiful and sentimental and reflect your personal style.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

4. Don’t Forget Flowers Or Plants

Adding a vase of fresh flowers or a live plant is always a great idea for your coffee table decor, especially if you have a glass coffee table or other surfaces that won’t be damaged by water. If you have a wooden table, a good way to incorporate floral arrangements and plants is by placing them in a large tray to protect the surface of your table. Faux plants and flowers are always a great option, too!

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5. Finish With A Candle

We do love the luxurious look of a shimmering white candle on a coffee table. Whether you love a scented candle or prefer an unscented version, the coffee table or center table is a great place to add the beautiful glow and ambience of candlelight. Another easy way to add the look of candles to your living space is by using a few chunky wood candle holders or candle sticks to elevate your coffee table decor. They add a beautiful touch, even without candles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Then, just keep editing and tweaking until you like the way it looks!

Which Tip Will You Apply To Your Coffee Table Decor?

See also: Dubai Interior Design: Luxury Furniture For An Exclusive Lifestyle

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
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5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Coffee tables serve as one more support in the main living space of a house: the living room. Because of their location right in the middle of the environment, center tables are always in the spotlight of the room. Making part of the decor, they can keep house trays, vases with flowers, candles, small sculptures and other decorative objects. Inspiration & Ideas prepared this article to inspire you with a selection of possibilities and tips for your coffee table decor in Dubai. Innovate and improve your living room design according to your style!

Easy Coffee Table Decor Ideas

Full of functionality, coffee tables are attractive and capable of giving a special touch to various types of decoration. Due to the diversity of models available, they can appeal to different tastes. Therefore, the coffee table can, in addition, delimit the environment and compose the decoration of your Dubai living room. And everything according to your personality.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

One of the most important things to consider for your coffee table decor is the overall feel of your living room, including the colour palette and decor style of the rest of your living space. Do you love a cosy living room? Are you drawn to a modern look, with clean lines? Or do you prefer something in between? Knowing this will help you choose the type of decorative items to place on your living room table. Also, when choosing decorative objects for your coffee table, take into account how you plan to use the table. It might be used to display decorative items and books, to hold drinks and remote controls, as a footrest, as a dining table, as additional storage space, or as a place to entertain, play games, and do puzzles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

1. Start With Books

Coffee table books are typically the first things interior designers reach for when styling a space. A stack of design books, topped with a crystal, a strand of beads, or a small box or bowl, is the perfect way to improve your coffee table decor – or any surface that needs a little something. Not only do coffee table books elevate your decor, but they also offer a great conversation piece and give your guests something to look at when they visit your Dubai home.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

A pretty bowl or a basket filled with fresh fruit, or even whole walnuts, is a great way to add the beauty of natural elements to your coffee table decor. You can also play with different materials and natural elements, such as baskets, wood beads and chains, pottery, woven trays and bowls, shells, stones, marble obs, and so on.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

3. Layer In Some Decorative Pieces

Walk around your house and gather items such as sculptural objects, trays, lidded boxes, baskets, glass vases, accent pieces, mementoes from your travels, stoneware, pottery, bottles, and bowls. Grab anything that has visual interest and makes you happy. To help create your desired mood or feeling, remember to include things that are both beautiful and sentimental and reflect your personal style.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

4. Don’t Forget Flowers Or Plants

Adding a vase of fresh flowers or a live plant is always a great idea for your coffee table decor, especially if you have a glass coffee table or other surfaces that won’t be damaged by water. If you have a wooden table, a good way to incorporate floral arrangements and plants is by placing them in a large tray to protect the surface of your table. Faux plants and flowers are always a great option, too!

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5. Finish With A Candle

We do love the luxurious look of a shimmering white candle on a coffee table. Whether you love a scented candle or prefer an unscented version, the coffee table or center table is a great place to add the beautiful glow and ambience of candlelight. Another easy way to add the look of candles to your living space is by using a few chunky wood candle holders or candle sticks to elevate your coffee table decor. They add a beautiful touch, even without candles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Then, just keep editing and tweaking until you like the way it looks!

Which Tip Will You Apply To Your Coffee Table Decor?

See also: Dubai Interior Design: Luxury Furniture For An Exclusive Lifestyle

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
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5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Coffee tables serve as one more support in the main living space of a house: the living room. Because of their location right in the middle of the environment, center tables are always in the spotlight of the room. Making part of the decor, they can keep house trays, vases with flowers, candles, small sculptures and other decorative objects. Inspiration & Ideas prepared this article to inspire you with a selection of possibilities and tips for your coffee table decor in Dubai. Innovate and improve your living room design according to your style!

Easy Coffee Table Decor Ideas

Full of functionality, coffee tables are attractive and capable of giving a special touch to various types of decoration. Due to the diversity of models available, they can appeal to different tastes. Therefore, the coffee table can, in addition, delimit the environment and compose the decoration of your Dubai living room. And everything according to your personality.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

One of the most important things to consider for your coffee table decor is the overall feel of your living room, including the colour palette and decor style of the rest of your living space. Do you love a cosy living room? Are you drawn to a modern look, with clean lines? Or do you prefer something in between? Knowing this will help you choose the type of decorative items to place on your living room table. Also, when choosing decorative objects for your coffee table, take into account how you plan to use the table. It might be used to display decorative items and books, to hold drinks and remote controls, as a footrest, as a dining table, as additional storage space, or as a place to entertain, play games, and do puzzles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

1. Start With Books

Coffee table books are typically the first things interior designers reach for when styling a space. A stack of design books, topped with a crystal, a strand of beads, or a small box or bowl, is the perfect way to improve your coffee table decor – or any surface that needs a little something. Not only do coffee table books elevate your decor, but they also offer a great conversation piece and give your guests something to look at when they visit your Dubai home.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

A pretty bowl or a basket filled with fresh fruit, or even whole walnuts, is a great way to add the beauty of natural elements to your coffee table decor. You can also play with different materials and natural elements, such as baskets, wood beads and chains, pottery, woven trays and bowls, shells, stones, marble obs, and so on.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

3. Layer In Some Decorative Pieces

Walk around your house and gather items such as sculptural objects, trays, lidded boxes, baskets, glass vases, accent pieces, mementoes from your travels, stoneware, pottery, bottles, and bowls. Grab anything that has visual interest and makes you happy. To help create your desired mood or feeling, remember to include things that are both beautiful and sentimental and reflect your personal style.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

4. Don’t Forget Flowers Or Plants

Adding a vase of fresh flowers or a live plant is always a great idea for your coffee table decor, especially if you have a glass coffee table or other surfaces that won’t be damaged by water. If you have a wooden table, a good way to incorporate floral arrangements and plants is by placing them in a large tray to protect the surface of your table. Faux plants and flowers are always a great option, too!

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5. Finish With A Candle

We do love the luxurious look of a shimmering white candle on a coffee table. Whether you love a scented candle or prefer an unscented version, the coffee table or center table is a great place to add the beautiful glow and ambience of candlelight. Another easy way to add the look of candles to your living space is by using a few chunky wood candle holders or candle sticks to elevate your coffee table decor. They add a beautiful touch, even without candles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Then, just keep editing and tweaking until you like the way it looks!

Which Tip Will You Apply To Your Coffee Table Decor?

See also: Dubai Interior Design: Luxury Furniture For An Exclusive Lifestyle

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
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5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Coffee tables serve as one more support in the main living space of a house: the living room. Because of their location right in the middle of the environment, center tables are always in the spotlight of the room. Making part of the decor, they can keep house trays, vases with flowers, candles, small sculptures and other decorative objects. Inspiration & Ideas prepared this article to inspire you with a selection of possibilities and tips for your coffee table decor in Dubai. Innovate and improve your living room design according to your style!

Easy Coffee Table Decor Ideas

Full of functionality, coffee tables are attractive and capable of giving a special touch to various types of decoration. Due to the diversity of models available, they can appeal to different tastes. Therefore, the coffee table can, in addition, delimit the environment and compose the decoration of your Dubai living room. And everything according to your personality.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

One of the most important things to consider for your coffee table decor is the overall feel of your living room, including the colour palette and decor style of the rest of your living space. Do you love a cosy living room? Are you drawn to a modern look, with clean lines? Or do you prefer something in between? Knowing this will help you choose the type of decorative items to place on your living room table. Also, when choosing decorative objects for your coffee table, take into account how you plan to use the table. It might be used to display decorative items and books, to hold drinks and remote controls, as a footrest, as a dining table, as additional storage space, or as a place to entertain, play games, and do puzzles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

1. Start With Books

Coffee table books are typically the first things interior designers reach for when styling a space. A stack of design books, topped with a crystal, a strand of beads, or a small box or bowl, is the perfect way to improve your coffee table decor – or any surface that needs a little something. Not only do coffee table books elevate your decor, but they also offer a great conversation piece and give your guests something to look at when they visit your Dubai home.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

A pretty bowl or a basket filled with fresh fruit, or even whole walnuts, is a great way to add the beauty of natural elements to your coffee table decor. You can also play with different materials and natural elements, such as baskets, wood beads and chains, pottery, woven trays and bowls, shells, stones, marble obs, and so on.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

3. Layer In Some Decorative Pieces

Walk around your house and gather items such as sculptural objects, trays, lidded boxes, baskets, glass vases, accent pieces, mementoes from your travels, stoneware, pottery, bottles, and bowls. Grab anything that has visual interest and makes you happy. To help create your desired mood or feeling, remember to include things that are both beautiful and sentimental and reflect your personal style.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

4. Don’t Forget Flowers Or Plants

Adding a vase of fresh flowers or a live plant is always a great idea for your coffee table decor, especially if you have a glass coffee table or other surfaces that won’t be damaged by water. If you have a wooden table, a good way to incorporate floral arrangements and plants is by placing them in a large tray to protect the surface of your table. Faux plants and flowers are always a great option, too!

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

5. Finish With A Candle

We do love the luxurious look of a shimmering white candle on a coffee table. Whether you love a scented candle or prefer an unscented version, the coffee table or center table is a great place to add the beautiful glow and ambience of candlelight. Another easy way to add the look of candles to your living space is by using a few chunky wood candle holders or candle sticks to elevate your coffee table decor. They add a beautiful touch, even without candles.

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai

Then, just keep editing and tweaking until you like the way it looks!

Which Tip Will You Apply To Your Coffee Table Decor?

See also: Dubai Interior Design: Luxury Furniture For An Exclusive Lifestyle

5 Tips To Upgrade Your Coffee Table Decor in Dubai
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