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Una pieza de tu tiempo: ¿Qué significa regalarle un reloj a una mujer?

Una pieza de tu tiempo: ¿Qué significa regalarle un reloj a una mujer?

Desde el siglo XVI, los relojes han sido un lujo que tiene mucho más valor sentimental que simplemente dar la hora. Hoy en día, regalar un reloj todavía tiene mucho significado. Si ese regalo es de un hombre a una mujer, es aún más significativo.

Si ha recibido uno de nuestros relojes de lujo de alta gama como regalo del hombre especial en su vida, es posible que se pregunte qué significa. Para ofrecer una idea, hemos resumido solo algunas de las maravillosas razones por las que los hombres han comprado a sus novias, prometidas o esposas un reloj Backes & Strauss.


Los relojes de pulsera han sido un accesorio de moda imprescindible desde que se hicieron populares a principios del siglo XX. Tan pequeños como son, dicen mucho sobre el usuario, y los diseños clásicos pueden complementar incluso al seguidor de la moda más dedicado.

Nuestros relojes han sido diseñados para usarse durante décadas y se vinculan con los gustos cambiantes en el mundo de lo que está de moda. Cuando recibe el reloj perfecto, obtiene el resultado de pensar detenidamente en su gusto y estilo de vida específicos. Con suerte, recibirá un accesorio que complemente su estilo general y lo haga lucir mucho más fabuloso.

Ya se trate de un cronógrafo aerodinámico o de un espumoso reloj de oro rosa con una correa delicada, cada reloj Backes & Strauss tiene un carácter propio. Al igual que tú. La persona que compró su reloj habrá considerado su esencia y su reloj debe expresar esto.


Incluso las suntuosas obras maestras artesanales con incrustaciones de diamantes que creamos son artículos utilitarios. Por muy avanzados que seamos tecnológicamente, ¡la gente todavía necesita relojes!

Es bueno mantenerse organizado, y esto significa llevar un registro del tiempo a lo largo del día. Pero como muchas mujeres pueden estar de acuerdo, no siempre es la tarea más sencilla hurgar en su bolso para encontrar su teléfono celular. Un rápido vistazo a un hermoso reloj en su muñeca es mucho más fácil y mucho más satisfactorio. Además, proporciona un recordatorio sutil pero constante de la persona especial que también le regaló su reloj.


No hay nada que se pueda comparar con abrir un regalo de lujo y Backes & Strauss hace que esta parte del proceso sea especialmente agradable. La suntuosidad de nuestros diseños se extiende a cómo se empaquetan nuestras piezas, ¡y nos aseguramos de que cada segundo que pase con uno de nuestros artículos cuente!

Al igual que las joyas, existe el exquisito suspenso al abrir la caja para revelar lo que hay dentro y luego la pura alegría por la belleza que encuentras. Ya sea un regalo de cumpleaños, un regalo para la temporada navideña o simplemente porque, cuando le regalas un reloj a una mujer, también le estás regalando un símbolo de opulencia y esplendor.


Otra metáfora significativa que entra en juego con un reloj de regalo es la de darle tiempo a alguien. Este es un bien del que todos desearíamos tener más con los que amamos. Alta relojería pueden incluso convertirse en reliquias preciadas, transmitidas a la próxima generación de mujeres poderosas de la familia para marcar hitos importantes. En ese sentido, el fuerte valor sentimental de su reloj no tiene límite de tiempo: debe ser disfrutado por las generaciones venideras.

¡Usar su nuevo regalo puede incluso ayudarlo a llegar más a tiempo! Después de todo, te eleva y te hace lucir más pulido y profesional. Esto contribuye en gran medida a prepararlo para los desafíos que enfrenta todos los días.


No hay nada descartable en el regalo de un reloj. Después de todo, han sido cuidadosamente diseñados para usarse, usarse y disfrutarse todos los días. También son una de las únicas cosas que se pueden usar todo el tiempo y darle a alguien un reloj significa que pensarán en ti más a menudo.

Un reloj de pulsera le recordará a una mujer a la persona que se lo regaló cada vez que se lo ponga, cada vez que lo mire durante el día o la noche. Y luego, una vez más, cuando se lo quita antes de ducharse, bañarse, nadar o para descansar bien por la noche.

Para las parejas comprometidas, los relojes pueden ser un regalo poético y romántico que simboliza el tiempo que pasan juntos. Los relojes clásicos son ideales como regalo de aniversario, ya que representan el pasado, el presente y el futuro. Un hombre que te da este tipo de regalo te está comunicando la profundidad de su compromiso y su afecto permanente por ti.

Si aún no estás prometida y has recibido algo de este calibre del hombre de tu vida, casi siempre significa que está comprometido contigo. Significa la profundidad de su relación y consolida la idea de que le gustaría compartir cada segundo, minuto y hora juntos.


Lo que hace que el reloj de pulsera perfecto sea un regalo ideal para las mujeres es el hecho de que se necesita tanto cuidado y atención para elegirlo. No solo atesorarás la excelencia artesanal que define nuestras piezas, sino también su significado personal. Te dice que el dador valora tus deseos y necesidades y profundiza tu relación con el reconocimiento de tu individualidad.

El regalo del reloj de pulsera muestra que se ha pensado mucho en el presente y que el donante está interesado en ti y quiere saber lo que te gusta. Tan complejo como es este proceso, es la simplicidad misma y es evidencia de una conexión profunda y duradera entre dos personas.

Dar algo tan personal y significativo como un reloj de pulsera Backes & Strauss requiere que el donante haga un riesgo calculado porque tiene que entenderte para comprarte algo que te encantará. Es una forma de establecer un lazo emocional aún mayor entre una pareja y se trata de que tu amado tome un papel más activo en tu vida.

Se pueden atribuir muchos significados literales y figurativos a la entrega de un reloj como regalo. Pero al final del día, depende de ti descifrar cuál es la intención detrás de esto. Sin embargo, es una suposición bastante segura que si alguien se ha tomado el tiempo para tratar de averiguar qué tipo de reloj se adapta mejor a usted y sus necesidades; ¡ha sido alcanzado por la flecha de Cupido!

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A Piece of Your Time: What Does It Mean to Gift a Woman a Watch?

A Piece of Your Time: What Does It Mean to Gift a Woman a Watch?

From as far back as the 16th-century, watches have been a luxury that holds far more sentimental value than merely telling the time. Today, giving a watch as a gift still contains a great deal of meaning. If that gift is from a man to a woman, it’s even more significant. 

If you’ve received one of our high-end, luxury timepieces as a gift from the special man in your life you might be wondering what it signifies. To offer some insight, we’ve outlined just some of the wonderful reasons men have bought their girlfriends, fiancées or wives a Backes & Strauss watch.


Wristwatches have been a must-have fashion accessory since they became popular at the beginning of the 20th century. As small as they are, they say a lot about the wearer, and classic designs can complement even the most dedicated follower of fashion.

Our timepieces have been designed to be worn for decades, and tie into changing tastes in the world of what’s in vogue. When you’re given the perfect watch, you’re getting the result of careful thinking about your specific taste and lifestyle. You’ll hopefully receive an accessory that complements your overall style and makes you look that much more fabulous.

Whether it’s a streamlined chronograph or a frothy rose gold timepiece with a delicate strap, every Backes & Strauss watch has a character of its very own. Just like you do. The person who purchased your watch will have considered the essence of you, and your watch should express this.


Even the sumptuous, diamond-encrusted, handcrafted masterpieces we create are utilitarian items. However advanced we may be technologically, people still need watches!

It’s good to stay organised, and this means keeping track of time throughout the day. But as many women can agree, it’s not always the most straight forward task to root around in your handbag to find your cellphone! A quick glance at a beautiful timepiece on your wrist is much easier and far more satisfying. Plus, it provides a subtle yet constant reminder of the special person who gifted you your watch too.


There’s nothing that can quite compare to unboxing a luxurious gift and Backes & Strauss makes this part of the process especially enjoyable. The sumptuousness of our designs extends into how our pieces are packaged, and we make sure every second you spend with one of our items counts!

Like jewellery, there is the exquisite suspense in sliding the box open to reveal what’s inside and then the pure joy at the thing of beauty you find. Whether it’s a birthday gift, a present for the holiday season or just because, when you gift a woman a watch, you’re also gifting her a symbol of opulence and splendour.


Another significant metaphor that comes into play with a watch gift is that of giving someone time. This is a commodity we all wish we had more of with the ones we love. Watches can even become treasured heirlooms, handed down to the next generation of powerful women in the family to mark important milestones. In that sense, the strong sentimental value of your watch has no time limit – it is to be enjoyed for generations to come.

Wearing your new gift may even help you be more on time! After all, it elevates you and makes you look more polished and professional. This goes a long way towards readying you for the challenges you face every day.


There’s nothing throwaway about the gift of a watch. After all, they’ve been carefully designed to be worn, used, and enjoyed each day. They’re also one of the only things that can be worn all the time and giving someone a timepiece means they’ll think of you more often.

A wristwatch will remind a woman of the person who gave it to her every time she puts it on, each time she looks at it during your day or night. And then once more when she takes it off before a shower, bath, swim, or to get a good night’s rest.

For betrothed couples, watches can make a poetic, romantic gift symbolising the couple’s time together. Classic timepieces are ideal as an anniversary gift as they signify the past, present and future. A man who gives you this kind of present is communicating the depth of his commitment and his abiding affection for you.

If you’re not yet betrothed and have received something of this calibre from the man in your life, it almost always means that he’s committed to you. It signifies the depth of your relationship and cements the idea that he would like to share every second, minute and hour together.


What makes the perfect wristwatch such an ideal gift for women is the fact that so much care and attention goes into choosing it. You’ll treasure not only the handcrafted excellence that defines our pieces but how personally meaningful it is too. It tells you that the giver values your wants and needs and deepens your relationship with recognition of your individuality.

The gift of wristwatch shows that a lot of thought has gone into the present and that the giver is interested in you and wants to know what you like. As complex a process as this is, it’s simplicity itself and is evidence of a deep and abiding connection between two people.

Giving something as personal and meaningful as a Backes & Strauss wristwatch requires the giver to make a calculated risk because he has to understand you to buy you something you’ll love. It’s a way to establish even more of an emotional tie between a couple and is about your beloved taking a more active role in your life.

Many literal and figurative meanings can be ascribed to the gift-giving of a watch. But at the end of the day, it’s up to you to decipher what the intention is behind it. However, it’s a pretty safe assumption that if someone has taken the time to try and figure out what kind of timepiece would suit you and your needs best; he’s been hit by Cupid’s arrow!

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A Piece of Your Time: What Does It Mean to Gift a Woman a Watch?

A Piece of Your Time: What Does It Mean to Gift a Woman a Watch?

From as far back as the 16th-century, watches have been a luxury that holds far more sentimental value than merely telling the time. Today, giving a watch as a gift still contains a great deal of meaning. If that gift is from a man to a woman, it’s even more significant. 

If you’ve received one of our high-end, luxury timepieces as a gift from the special man in your life you might be wondering what it signifies. To offer some insight, we’ve outlined just some of the wonderful reasons men have bought their girlfriends, fiancées or wives a Backes & Strauss watch.


Wristwatches have been a must-have fashion accessory since they became popular at the beginning of the 20th century. As small as they are, they say a lot about the wearer, and classic designs can complement even the most dedicated follower of fashion.

Our timepieces have been designed to be worn for decades, and tie into changing tastes in the world of what’s in vogue. When you’re given the perfect watch, you’re getting the result of careful thinking about your specific taste and lifestyle. You’ll hopefully receive an accessory that complements your overall style and makes you look that much more fabulous.

Whether it’s a streamlined chronograph or a frothy rose gold timepiece with a delicate strap, every Backes & Strauss watch has a character of its very own. Just like you do. The person who purchased your watch will have considered the essence of you, and your watch should express this.


Even the sumptuous, diamond-encrusted, handcrafted masterpieces we create are utilitarian items. However advanced we may be technologically, people still need watches!

It’s good to stay organised, and this means keeping track of time throughout the day. But as many women can agree, it’s not always the most straight forward task to root around in your handbag to find your cellphone! A quick glance at a beautiful timepiece on your wrist is much easier and far more satisfying. Plus, it provides a subtle yet constant reminder of the special person who gifted you your watch too.


There’s nothing that can quite compare to unboxing a luxurious gift and Backes & Strauss makes this part of the process especially enjoyable. The sumptuousness of our designs extends into how our pieces are packaged, and we make sure every second you spend with one of our items counts!

Like jewellery, there is the exquisite suspense in sliding the box open to reveal what’s inside and then the pure joy at the thing of beauty you find. Whether it’s a birthday gift, a present for the holiday season or just because, when you gift a woman a watch, you’re also gifting her a symbol of opulence and splendour.


Another significant metaphor that comes into play with a watch gift is that of giving someone time. This is a commodity we all wish we had more of with the ones we love. Watches can even become treasured heirlooms, handed down to the next generation of powerful women in the family to mark important milestones. In that sense, the strong sentimental value of your watch has no time limit – it is to be enjoyed for generations to come.

Wearing your new gift may even help you be more on time! After all, it elevates you and makes you look more polished and professional. This goes a long way towards readying you for the challenges you face every day.


There’s nothing throwaway about the gift of a watch. After all, they’ve been carefully designed to be worn, used, and enjoyed each day. They’re also one of the only things that can be worn all the time and giving someone a timepiece means they’ll think of you more often.

A wristwatch will remind a woman of the person who gave it to her every time she puts it on, each time she looks at it during your day or night. And then once more when she takes it off before a shower, bath, swim, or to get a good night’s rest.

For betrothed couples, watches can make a poetic, romantic gift symbolising the couple’s time together. Classic timepieces are ideal as an anniversary gift as they signify the past, present and future. A man who gives you this kind of present is communicating the depth of his commitment and his abiding affection for you.

If you’re not yet betrothed and have received something of this calibre from the man in your life, it almost always means that he’s committed to you. It signifies the depth of your relationship and cements the idea that he would like to share every second, minute and hour together.


What makes the perfect wristwatch such an ideal gift for women is the fact that so much care and attention goes into choosing it. You’ll treasure not only the handcrafted excellence that defines our pieces but how personally meaningful it is too. It tells you that the giver values your wants and needs and deepens your relationship with recognition of your individuality.

The gift of wristwatch shows that a lot of thought has gone into the present and that the giver is interested in you and wants to know what you like. As complex a process as this is, it’s simplicity itself and is evidence of a deep and abiding connection between two people.

Giving something as personal and meaningful as a Backes & Strauss wristwatch requires the giver to make a calculated risk because he has to understand you to buy you something you’ll love. It’s a way to establish even more of an emotional tie between a couple and is about your beloved taking a more active role in your life.

Many literal and figurative meanings can be ascribed to the gift-giving of a watch. But at the end of the day, it’s up to you to decipher what the intention is behind it. However, it’s a pretty safe assumption that if someone has taken the time to try and figure out what kind of timepiece would suit you and your needs best; he’s been hit by Cupid’s arrow!

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A Piece of Your Time: What Does It Mean to Gift a Woman a Watch?

A Piece of Your Time: What Does It Mean to Gift a Woman a Watch?

From as far back as the 16th-century, watches have been a luxury that holds far more sentimental value than merely telling the time. Today, giving a watch as a gift still contains a great deal of meaning. If that gift is from a man to a woman, it’s even more significant. 

If you’ve received one of our high-end, luxury timepieces as a gift from the special man in your life you might be wondering what it signifies. To offer some insight, we’ve outlined just some of the wonderful reasons men have bought their girlfriends, fiancées or wives a Backes & Strauss watch.


Wristwatches have been a must-have fashion accessory since they became popular at the beginning of the 20th century. As small as they are, they say a lot about the wearer, and classic designs can complement even the most dedicated follower of fashion.

Our timepieces have been designed to be worn for decades, and tie into changing tastes in the world of what’s in vogue. When you’re given the perfect watch, you’re getting the result of careful thinking about your specific taste and lifestyle. You’ll hopefully receive an accessory that complements your overall style and makes you look that much more fabulous.

Whether it’s a streamlined chronograph or a frothy rose gold timepiece with a delicate strap, every Backes & Strauss watch has a character of its very own. Just like you do. The person who purchased your watch will have considered the essence of you, and your watch should express this.


Even the sumptuous, diamond-encrusted, handcrafted masterpieces we create are utilitarian items. However advanced we may be technologically, people still need watches!

It’s good to stay organised, and this means keeping track of time throughout the day. But as many women can agree, it’s not always the most straight forward task to root around in your handbag to find your cellphone! A quick glance at a beautiful timepiece on your wrist is much easier and far more satisfying. Plus, it provides a subtle yet constant reminder of the special person who gifted you your watch too.


There’s nothing that can quite compare to unboxing a luxurious gift and Backes & Strauss makes this part of the process especially enjoyable. The sumptuousness of our designs extends into how our pieces are packaged, and we make sure every second you spend with one of our items counts!

Like jewellery, there is the exquisite suspense in sliding the box open to reveal what’s inside and then the pure joy at the thing of beauty you find. Whether it’s a birthday gift, a present for the holiday season or just because, when you gift a woman a watch, you’re also gifting her a symbol of opulence and splendour.


Another significant metaphor that comes into play with a watch gift is that of giving someone time. This is a commodity we all wish we had more of with the ones we love. Watches can even become treasured heirlooms, handed down to the next generation of powerful women in the family to mark important milestones. In that sense, the strong sentimental value of your watch has no time limit – it is to be enjoyed for generations to come.

Wearing your new gift may even help you be more on time! After all, it elevates you and makes you look more polished and professional. This goes a long way towards readying you for the challenges you face every day.


There’s nothing throwaway about the gift of a watch. After all, they’ve been carefully designed to be worn, used, and enjoyed each day. They’re also one of the only things that can be worn all the time and giving someone a timepiece means they’ll think of you more often.

A wristwatch will remind a woman of the person who gave it to her every time she puts it on, each time she looks at it during your day or night. And then once more when she takes it off before a shower, bath, swim, or to get a good night’s rest.

For betrothed couples, watches can make a poetic, romantic gift symbolising the couple’s time together. Classic timepieces are ideal as an anniversary gift as they signify the past, present and future. A man who gives you this kind of present is communicating the depth of his commitment and his abiding affection for you.

If you’re not yet betrothed and have received something of this calibre from the man in your life, it almost always means that he’s committed to you. It signifies the depth of your relationship and cements the idea that he would like to share every second, minute and hour together.


What makes the perfect wristwatch such an ideal gift for women is the fact that so much care and attention goes into choosing it. You’ll treasure not only the handcrafted excellence that defines our pieces but how personally meaningful it is too. It tells you that the giver values your wants and needs and deepens your relationship with recognition of your individuality.

The gift of wristwatch shows that a lot of thought has gone into the present and that the giver is interested in you and wants to know what you like. As complex a process as this is, it’s simplicity itself and is evidence of a deep and abiding connection between two people.

Giving something as personal and meaningful as a Backes & Strauss wristwatch requires the giver to make a calculated risk because he has to understand you to buy you something you’ll love. It’s a way to establish even more of an emotional tie between a couple and is about your beloved taking a more active role in your life.

Many literal and figurative meanings can be ascribed to the gift-giving of a watch. But at the end of the day, it’s up to you to decipher what the intention is behind it. However, it’s a pretty safe assumption that if someone has taken the time to try and figure out what kind of timepiece would suit you and your needs best; he’s been hit by Cupid’s arrow!

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A Piece of Your Time: What Does It Mean to Gift a Woman a Watch?

A Piece of Your Time: What Does It Mean to Gift a Woman a Watch?

From as far back as the 16th-century, watches have been a luxury that holds far more sentimental value than merely telling the time. Today, giving a watch as a gift still contains a great deal of meaning. If that gift is from a man to a woman, it’s even more significant. 

If you’ve received one of our high-end, luxury timepieces as a gift from the special man in your life you might be wondering what it signifies. To offer some insight, we’ve outlined just some of the wonderful reasons men have bought their girlfriends, fiancées or wives a Backes & Strauss watch.


Wristwatches have been a must-have fashion accessory since they became popular at the beginning of the 20th century. As small as they are, they say a lot about the wearer, and classic designs can complement even the most dedicated follower of fashion.

Our timepieces have been designed to be worn for decades, and tie into changing tastes in the world of what’s in vogue. When you’re given the perfect watch, you’re getting the result of careful thinking about your specific taste and lifestyle. You’ll hopefully receive an accessory that complements your overall style and makes you look that much more fabulous.

Whether it’s a streamlined chronograph or a frothy rose gold timepiece with a delicate strap, every Backes & Strauss watch has a character of its very own. Just like you do. The person who purchased your watch will have considered the essence of you, and your watch should express this.


Even the sumptuous, diamond-encrusted, handcrafted masterpieces we create are utilitarian items. However advanced we may be technologically, people still need watches!

It’s good to stay organised, and this means keeping track of time throughout the day. But as many women can agree, it’s not always the most straight forward task to root around in your handbag to find your cellphone! A quick glance at a beautiful timepiece on your wrist is much easier and far more satisfying. Plus, it provides a subtle yet constant reminder of the special person who gifted you your watch too.


There’s nothing that can quite compare to unboxing a luxurious gift and Backes & Strauss makes this part of the process especially enjoyable. The sumptuousness of our designs extends into how our pieces are packaged, and we make sure every second you spend with one of our items counts!

Like jewellery, there is the exquisite suspense in sliding the box open to reveal what’s inside and then the pure joy at the thing of beauty you find. Whether it’s a birthday gift, a present for the holiday season or just because, when you gift a woman a watch, you’re also gifting her a symbol of opulence and splendour.


Another significant metaphor that comes into play with a watch gift is that of giving someone time. This is a commodity we all wish we had more of with the ones we love. Watches can even become treasured heirlooms, handed down to the next generation of powerful women in the family to mark important milestones. In that sense, the strong sentimental value of your watch has no time limit – it is to be enjoyed for generations to come.

Wearing your new gift may even help you be more on time! After all, it elevates you and makes you look more polished and professional. This goes a long way towards readying you for the challenges you face every day.


There’s nothing throwaway about the gift of a watch. After all, they’ve been carefully designed to be worn, used, and enjoyed each day. They’re also one of the only things that can be worn all the time and giving someone a timepiece means they’ll think of you more often.

A wristwatch will remind a woman of the person who gave it to her every time she puts it on, each time she looks at it during your day or night. And then once more when she takes it off before a shower, bath, swim, or to get a good night’s rest.

For betrothed couples, watches can make a poetic, romantic gift symbolising the couple’s time together. Classic timepieces are ideal as an anniversary gift as they signify the past, present and future. A man who gives you this kind of present is communicating the depth of his commitment and his abiding affection for you.

If you’re not yet betrothed and have received something of this calibre from the man in your life, it almost always means that he’s committed to you. It signifies the depth of your relationship and cements the idea that he would like to share every second, minute and hour together.


What makes the perfect wristwatch such an ideal gift for women is the fact that so much care and attention goes into choosing it. You’ll treasure not only the handcrafted excellence that defines our pieces but how personally meaningful it is too. It tells you that the giver values your wants and needs and deepens your relationship with recognition of your individuality.

The gift of wristwatch shows that a lot of thought has gone into the present and that the giver is interested in you and wants to know what you like. As complex a process as this is, it’s simplicity itself and is evidence of a deep and abiding connection between two people.

Giving something as personal and meaningful as a Backes & Strauss wristwatch requires the giver to make a calculated risk because he has to understand you to buy you something you’ll love. It’s a way to establish even more of an emotional tie between a couple and is about your beloved taking a more active role in your life.

Many literal and figurative meanings can be ascribed to the gift-giving of a watch. But at the end of the day, it’s up to you to decipher what the intention is behind it. However, it’s a pretty safe assumption that if someone has taken the time to try and figure out what kind of timepiece would suit you and your needs best; he’s been hit by Cupid’s arrow!

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A Piece of Your Time: What Does It Mean to Gift a Woman a Watch?

A Piece of Your Time: What Does It Mean to Gift a Woman a Watch?

From as far back as the 16th-century, watches have been a luxury that holds far more sentimental value than merely telling the time. Today, giving a watch as a gift still contains a great deal of meaning. If that gift is from a man to a woman, it’s even more significant. 

If you’ve received one of our high-end, luxury timepieces as a gift from the special man in your life you might be wondering what it signifies. To offer some insight, we’ve outlined just some of the wonderful reasons men have bought their girlfriends, fiancées or wives a Backes & Strauss watch.


Wristwatches have been a must-have fashion accessory since they became popular at the beginning of the 20th century. As small as they are, they say a lot about the wearer, and classic designs can complement even the most dedicated follower of fashion.

Our timepieces have been designed to be worn for decades, and tie into changing tastes in the world of what’s in vogue. When you’re given the perfect watch, you’re getting the result of careful thinking about your specific taste and lifestyle. You’ll hopefully receive an accessory that complements your overall style and makes you look that much more fabulous.

Whether it’s a streamlined chronograph or a frothy rose gold timepiece with a delicate strap, every Backes & Strauss watch has a character of its very own. Just like you do. The person who purchased your watch will have considered the essence of you, and your watch should express this.


Even the sumptuous, diamond-encrusted, handcrafted masterpieces we create are utilitarian items. However advanced we may be technologically, people still need watches!

It’s good to stay organised, and this means keeping track of time throughout the day. But as many women can agree, it’s not always the most straight forward task to root around in your handbag to find your cellphone! A quick glance at a beautiful timepiece on your wrist is much easier and far more satisfying. Plus, it provides a subtle yet constant reminder of the special person who gifted you your watch too.


There’s nothing that can quite compare to unboxing a luxurious gift and Backes & Strauss makes this part of the process especially enjoyable. The sumptuousness of our designs extends into how our pieces are packaged, and we make sure every second you spend with one of our items counts!

Like jewellery, there is the exquisite suspense in sliding the box open to reveal what’s inside and then the pure joy at the thing of beauty you find. Whether it’s a birthday gift, a present for the holiday season or just because, when you gift a woman a watch, you’re also gifting her a symbol of opulence and splendour.


Another significant metaphor that comes into play with a watch gift is that of giving someone time. This is a commodity we all wish we had more of with the ones we love. Watches can even become treasured heirlooms, handed down to the next generation of powerful women in the family to mark important milestones. In that sense, the strong sentimental value of your watch has no time limit – it is to be enjoyed for generations to come.

Wearing your new gift may even help you be more on time! After all, it elevates you and makes you look more polished and professional. This goes a long way towards readying you for the challenges you face every day.


There’s nothing throwaway about the gift of a watch. After all, they’ve been carefully designed to be worn, used, and enjoyed each day. They’re also one of the only things that can be worn all the time and giving someone a timepiece means they’ll think of you more often.

A wristwatch will remind a woman of the person who gave it to her every time she puts it on, each time she looks at it during your day or night. And then once more when she takes it off before a shower, bath, swim, or to get a good night’s rest.

For betrothed couples, watches can make a poetic, romantic gift symbolising the couple’s time together. Classic timepieces are ideal as an anniversary gift as they signify the past, present and future. A man who gives you this kind of present is communicating the depth of his commitment and his abiding affection for you.

If you’re not yet betrothed and have received something of this calibre from the man in your life, it almost always means that he’s committed to you. It signifies the depth of your relationship and cements the idea that he would like to share every second, minute and hour together.


What makes the perfect wristwatch such an ideal gift for women is the fact that so much care and attention goes into choosing it. You’ll treasure not only the handcrafted excellence that defines our pieces but how personally meaningful it is too. It tells you that the giver values your wants and needs and deepens your relationship with recognition of your individuality.

The gift of wristwatch shows that a lot of thought has gone into the present and that the giver is interested in you and wants to know what you like. As complex a process as this is, it’s simplicity itself and is evidence of a deep and abiding connection between two people.

Giving something as personal and meaningful as a Backes & Strauss wristwatch requires the giver to make a calculated risk because he has to understand you to buy you something you’ll love. It’s a way to establish even more of an emotional tie between a couple and is about your beloved taking a more active role in your life.

Many literal and figurative meanings can be ascribed to the gift-giving of a watch. But at the end of the day, it’s up to you to decipher what the intention is behind it. However, it’s a pretty safe assumption that if someone has taken the time to try and figure out what kind of timepiece would suit you and your needs best; he’s been hit by Cupid’s arrow!

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