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The Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris presents MEDUSA, an exhibition taking a contemporary and unprecedented look at jewellery, unveiling a number of taboos.
Just like the face of Medusa in Greek mythology, a piece of jewellery attracts and troubles the person who designs it, looks at it or wears it. While it is one of the most ancient and universal forms of human expression, jewellery has an ambiguous status, mid-way between fashion and sculpture, and is rarely considered to be a work of art. Indeed, it is often perceived as too close to the body, too feminine, precious, ornamental or primitive. But it is thanks to avant-garde artists and contemporary designers that it has been reinvented, transformed and detached from its own traditions.
In the wake of the museum’s series of joint and cross-disciplinary exhibitions, such as “L’Hiver de l’Amour”, “Playback” and “Decorum”, MEDUSA questions the traditional art boundaries by reconsidering, with the complicity of artists, the questions of craftsmanship, decoration, fashion and pop culture.
The exhibition brings together over 400 pieces of jewellery: created by artists (Anni Albers, Man Ray, Meret Oppenheim, Alexander Calder, Salvador Dali, Louise Bourgeois, Lucio Fontana, Niki de Saint Phalle, Fabrice Gygi, Thomas Hirschhorn, Danny McDonald, Sylvie Auvray…), avant-garde jewellery makers and designers (René Lalique, Suzanne Belperron, Line Vautrin, Art Smith, Tony Duquette, Bless, Nervous System…), contemporary jewellery makers (Gijs Bakker, Otto Künzli, Karl Fritsch, Dorothea Prühl, Seulgi Kwon, Sophie Hanagarth…) and also high end jewelers (Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, Victoire de Castellane, Buccellati…), as well as anonymous, more ancient or non-Western pieces (including prehistorical and medieval works, punk and rappers’ jewellery as well as costume jewellery etc.).
These pieces, well-known, little-known, unique, familiar, handmade, massproduced, or computer made, mix some refined, hand-wrought, amateur and even futuristic aesthetics which are rarely associated together. They sometimes go far beyond simple jewellery and explore other means of engaging with, and putting on, jewellery.
The exhibition is organized around four themes with a specific display for each: Identity, Value, Body and Instruments. Each section starts from the often negative preconceptions surrounding jewellery in order to better deconstruct them, and finally reveal jewellery’s underlying subversive and performative potential.
Fifteen works and installations by contemporary artists (Mike Kelley, Leonor Antunes, Jean-Marie Appriou, Atelier EB, Liz Craft…) dot the exhibition, echoing the themes of its various sections. The works presented question related issues of decoration and ornament, and anchor our connection to jewellery within a broadened relationship to the body and the world.
Curator: Anne Dressen
In collaboration with Michèle Heuzé and Benjamin Lignel, scientific advisors
- Full price: 10 €
- Reduced price : 7 €
- Free : -18 ans
Combined ticket for 2 exhibitions
- Medusa + Karel Appel
- Medusa + Derain, Balthus, Giacometti
- Karel Appel + Derain, Balthus, Giacometti
Full price: 15€
Reduced price: 11€
Opening and access
Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm (last admission 5.15 pm)
Evening opening for exhibitions only, on Thursday until 10 pm (last admission 9.15 pm)
Free entry to permanent collections
List of the artists and designers exhibited Anonyme
Claudio Abate
Mathieu K. Abonnenc
Anni Albers & Alexander
Marie Angeletti
Marianne Anselin
Leonor Antunes
Apple & Hermès
Jean-Marie Appriou
John Armleder
Atelier E.B.
Tauba Auerbach
Sylvie Auvray
Solange Azagury-Partridge
Giampaolo Babetto
Gijs Bakker
Baldwin Grand
Bernard Baschet
Peter Bauhuis
Friedrich Becker
Suzanne Belperron
Bernadette Corporation
David Bielander
Martin-Guillaume Biennais
Manfred Bischoff
Alexander Blank
Joseph-Étienne Blerzy
BLESS (Ines Kaag &
Desiree Heiss)
Louise Bourgeois
Bourne & Sheperd
Brune Boyer
Frédéric Braham
Zoe Brand
Helen Britton
Caroline Broadhead
Monika Brugger
Christophe Burger
Claus Bury
Pol Bury
Isabelle Busnel
Liesbet Bussche
Alexander Calder
Faust Cardinali
Maison Cartier
Victoire de Castellane
CHANEL Joaillerie
Peter Chang
Lin Cheung
Giorgio de Chirico
Tina Chow
William Clark
Jean Cocteau
Maison Attilio Codognato
Pietro Consagra
Giovanni Corvaja
Lydia Courteille
Morgan Courtois
Liz Craft
Culture Chasse
Johanna Dahm
Salvador Dalí by Henryk
Jay DeFeo
Marion Delarue
Sonia Delaunay
Brice Dellsperger
Carole Deltenre
Françoise van den Bosch
Jacomjin van der Donk
Paul Derrez
Jean Despres
Ligia Dias
David Douard
David Dubois
Henri Dubret
Adrien Mathurin Dumelle &
Samson Le Roy & Dailly
Hubert Duprat
Tony Duquette
Jimmie Durham
Atelier de F. Egermann
Dominic Elvin
Ferdinand Erhart
Max Ernst by François Hugo
Claire Falkenstein
Simone Fattal
Naomi Filmer
Leonor Fini
Sharon Fitness
Maison Flamand
Lucio Fontana
Maison Fontana
Warwick Freeman
Karl Fritsch
François-Désiré FromentMeurice
& James Pradier &
Jules Wièse
Henri Gargat
David Gayral
General Idea
Alberto Giacometti par
François Hugo
Kiko Gianocca
Piero Gilardi
G. Gouverneur
Phil Green
Carole Guinard
Fabrice Gygi
Sophie Hanagarth
Pierre Hardy for Hermès
Keith Haring
Hanna Hedman
Sheila Hicks
Thomas Hirschhorn
Histoire d’Or
Evelyn Hofer
Peter Hoogeboom
Juliana Huxtable
Georg Jensen by Nanna
Jacques Joly
Gilles Jonemann
Jacqueline de Jong
Michel Journiac
Isaac Julien
Jenna Kaes
Lauren Kalman
Alexandre Keller
Mike Kelley
Jeff Koons & Stella
Jannis Kounellis
Manon van Kouswijk
Sam Kramer
Otto Künzli
Seulgi Kwon
Emmanuel Lacoste
Boutique Lafargue
Auli Laitinen
Claude Lalanne
René Lalique
Michele Lamy
Agnes Larsson
Stanley Lechtzin
Emmy van Leersum
Florence Lehmann
Patricia Lemaire
Benjamin Lignel
Perle Lo Casale
Paul Louis
Louis Vuitton Malletier
Ingrid Luche
Suska Mackert
Madestones by Diamaz
Tobias Madison
Serge Manzon
Maison Marchak
Maison Margiela
Christophe Marguier
Bruno Martinazzi
Nick Mauss
Danny McDonald
Aude Medori
Bjarne Melgaard & Bjørg
Nanna Melland
Mellerio dits Meller
Mended Veil
Bruce Metcalf
Jhana Millers
Monster Cable Products Inc.
GianCarlo Montebello
Gustave Moreau
Gert Mosettig
Ugo Mulas
Nervous System
Louise Nevelson
Manfred Nisslmüller
Catherine Noll
Ted Noten
Meret Oppenheim
Nam June Paik
Jean Painlevé
Christodoulos Panayiotou
Seth Papac
Noon Passama
Margaret De Patta
Bruno Pélassy
Mai-Thu Perret
Gaetano Pesce
Galatée Pestre
Ruudt Peters
Pablo Picasso
Annelies Planteijdt
Dorothea Prühl
Paco Rabanne
Wendy Ramshaw
Sari Räthel
Man Ray
Carissa Rodriguez
Clément Rodzielski
Henri Rondel
Ugo Rondinone
Dieter Roth
Gerd Rothmann
Kris Ruhs
Agathe Saint Girons
Niki de Saint Phalle
Gérard Sandoz
Maison Schiaparelli
Marjorie Schick
Bernhard Schobinger
Service des matériels de la
Garde républicaine
Verena Sieber-Fuchs
Peter Skubic
Art Smith
SOS Racisme
Jesús-Rafael Soto
Gisbert Stach
Josef Strau
Janna Syvänoja
Suzanne Syz
Alina Szapocznikow
Dorothea Tanning par
François Hugo
Raymond Templier by Jean
The Kase
Sam Tho Duong
Lauren Tickle
Elie Top
Maison Tournaire
Toye, Kenning & Spencer
Maud Traon
Michael Travis
Elsa Triolet
Elene Usdin
Van Cleef & Arpels
Sophia Vari
Line Vautrin
Jean Vendome
Bernar Venet
Laurence Verdier
Fulco di Verdura
Jean-Luc Verna
Betony Vernon
Versace Fine Jewellery
Tone Vigeland
Visual Aids Artists’ Caucus
& Franck Moore
Lisa Walker
David Watkins
Vivienne Westwood
Björn Weckström
Hannes Wettstein
Bill Whitten
Haegue Yang
Amy Yao
Annamaria Zanella
Christoph Zellweger
Noa Zilberman
Heimo Zobernig
Lukas Zpira