
By Lorenzo Quinn


Lorenzo Quinn, Support

Ca’ Sagredo Hotel, Venice 13 May – 26 November
Lorenzo Quinn’s new monumental sculpture now installed at the Ca’ Sagredo Hotel during Venice Biennale 2017
On 13 May, contemporary artist, Lorenzo Quinn, unveiled his new monumental sculpture at the Ca’ Sagredo Hotel, Venice. Internationally renowned as one of the most popular sculptors of our times, the installation showcases Quinn’s artistic progression and his experimentation with new mediums and subject matter to transmit his passion for eternal values and authentic emotions.
Reflecting on the two sides of human nature, the creative and the destructive, as well as the capacity for humans to act and make an impact on history and the environment, Quinn addresses the ability for humans to make a change and re-balance the world around them – environmentally, economically,
socially. Support sees Quinn reflect on and readdress these global issues by echoing the meticulous execution and technique of the Masters of the past to create a powerful and unique sculpture which will be displayed for the duration of the Venice Biennale 2017 – 57th International Art Exhibition.
Support sees two large hands emerging from the Grand Canal to protect and support the historic building of the Ca’ Sagredo Hotel. The hands symbolise tools that can both destroy the world, but also have the capacity to save it. At once, the sculpture has both a noble air as well as an alarming one – the gesture being both gallant in appearing to hold up the building whilst also creating a sense of fear in highlighting the fragility of the building surrounded by water and the ebbing tide.
‘I wanted to sculpt what is considered the hardest and most technically challenging part of the human body. The hand holds so much power – the power to love, to hate, to create, to destroy,’ Lorenzo Quinn.


Biografia Lorenzo Quinn

  La imagen puede contener: 1 persona, exterior y agua

Halcyon Gallery

★ Meet the Artist! ★

A rare opportunity to meet Lorenzo Quinn and take a picture with him next to his new monumental sculpture ‘SUPPORT’ at the Venice Biennale.

Lorenzo will be waiting for you at the Ca’ Sagredo hotel in Venice on the following dates:
* Friday June 9 from 4-6 pm *
* Saturday June 10 from 10 -12 am *


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