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Exclusiva casa club – Aston Martin Club 1913 – ubicada en la emblemática calle 18 del campo de golf Pebble Beach Links

  • 70 años después de ingresar por primera vez al mercado estadounidense, la activación de Aston Martin en el Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance de 2021 será la más grande de su historia.
  • Se planearon dos presentaciones importantes de productos Aston Martin; una revelación global y un debut en Norteamérica
  • Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One ™ Team AMR21 en exhibición reconoce el regreso de la marca a las carreras de Grand Prix después de 60 años
  • De Goldfinger a No Time to Die; Aston Martin honra la relación de larga data con la franquicia de James Bond

Gaydon, Warwickshire: 70 años después de que la marca ingresara por primera vez al mercado estadounidense, Aston Martin regresará a la prestigiosa Monterey Car Week en 2021 con su mayor presencia en la península como Aston Martin Club 1913.

Ubicado en una casa club de lujo construida a medida de 11,300 pies cuadrados (1,050 metros cuadrados) en una ubicación privilegiada con vista a la sagrada calle 18 de Pebble Beach Golf Links sobre Stillwater Cove, el espacio 2021 de Aston Martin rinde homenaje tanto al pasado como al presente. , al mismo tiempo que mira hacia adelante con la presentación de dos nuevos productos que apuntan al futuro de los automóviles de alto rendimiento de la marca.

Destacando el fin de semana, Aston Martin Club 1913 albergará el debut en Norteamérica del nuevo Aston Martin Valhalla, luego de su presentación en el Gran Premio de Gran Bretaña en Silverstone, así como una revelación global de un nuevo y emocionante producto que amplía las credenciales de rendimiento de la marca a Un paso más.

Además de los dos debuts, la activación de Aston Martin en la península este año también incluirá una selección de los especiales de la marca, los principales deportivos, GT y SUV, que reconocen el pasado, el presente y el futuro de la marca británica de ultra lujo.

Los visitantes del Aston Martin Club 1913 disfrutarán de una exhibición que celebra el regreso de la marca a las carreras de Gran Premio de alto nivel después de más de 60 años, utilizando tecnología derivada de los esfuerzos de carreras de Fórmula Uno® para informar la nueva estrategia de autos de carretera con motor central de la marca. Compartiendo el espacio de lujo, Aston Martin también honrará su relación con la franquicia cinematográfica de James Bond que abarca más de 50 años. Además, los vehículos que incorporan las capacidades de vanguardia del servicio personalizado de marcas, Q by Aston Martin, autos como el visceral V12 Speedster, estarán en exhibición para que los visitantes los vean de primera mano por primera vez en Estados Unidos.

70 años de Aston Martin las Américas
2021 es un año propicio para Aston Martin en América; es el 70 aniversario de la venta de su primer automóvil en América del Norte. 70 años de ventas de fabricantes en los Estados Unidos y, más tarde, Canadá, es un hito importante y, en el transcurso de esas siete décadas, el negocio se ha visto llevado al corazón de los entusiastas de los autos deportivos de lujo en todo el continente.

De hecho, alrededor de uno de cada cuatro de todos los automóviles Aston Martin construidos hasta la fecha han encontrado a sus primeros propietarios en América del Norte, lo que hace que la región sea muy importante para el desempeño comercial de la marca.

Poco después de entrar en producción en 1950 con su entonces nueva berlina DB2, Aston Martin eligió expandir su presencia y comenzar las ventas en las Américas como una forma de capitalizar el nuevo gusto de la región por los autos deportivos europeos en los años inmediatos de la posguerra. Como parte de un incipiente impulso de relaciones públicas para dar a conocer la marca en los estados, se envió un DB2 / 4 de 1951 a los EE. UU. Para probarlo con publicaciones clave para entusiastas de la automoción.

La revista Road & Track fue una de las primeras publicaciones en poner sus manos en el automóvil y no perdió el tiempo en evaluarlo adecuadamente con el piloto Phil Hill, que pronto será campeón del mundo, al volante. Las pruebas y evaluaciones realizadas por publicaciones estadounidenses fueron un éxito; Road & Track lo proclamó como “… uno de los mejores autos de manejo y más rápidos jamás probados …”. De hecho, después de concluir la evaluación, Hill se alejó de la prueba tan impresionado que decidió comprar el vehículo de prueba; convirtiéndose en uno de los primeros compradores de DB2 en América del Norte, recibiendo la entrega el 15 de septiembre de 1951.

No se puede subestimar el éxito de DB2 en Norteamérica. De los 411 automóviles fabricados, alrededor de un tercio se dirigieron directamente desde la fábrica de Aston Martin a los propietarios en los Estados Unidos. 70 años después de sus humildes comienzos en 1951 ha habido altibajos para el negocio. Hoy, sin embargo, una cosa sigue igual; Aston Martin the Americas todavía representa aproximadamente el 30% de las ventas anuales de Aston Martins en todo el mundo, lo que lo convierte en el mercado más grande de la marca por volumen. Las ventas unitarias en las Américas se triplicaron con creces a más de 1,000 vehículos en el primer semestre de 2021, lo que representa el 36% de las ventas globales con una combinación mayor en comparación con el año anterior con un sólido desempeño de DBX.

En 2021, Aston Martin the Americas cuenta con 35 concesionarios dedicados en los Estados Unidos, con otros cinco concesionarios en Canadá, así como ubicaciones individuales en México, Chile, Perú y, más recientemente, Brasil.

Al reflexionar sobre la asociación de 70 años entre Aston Martin y América del Norte, el director ejecutivo de la marca, Tobias Moers, dijo: “Durante siete décadas, los conductores entusiastas de Estados Unidos y Canadá han tenido la oportunidad de disfrutar de algunos de los mejores autos que todavía han hecho. Aproximadamente una cuarta parte de todos los coches que hemos fabricado se han vendido en Norteamérica; La inversión, la gestión y el apoyo estadounidenses y canadienses han desempeñado un papel importante en la historia de la empresa. Estoy muy feliz de vernos celebrar no solo este importante aniversario, sino también el vínculo duradero entre nuestra marca y la marca de propietarios conocedores y enormemente entusiastas que disfrutan hoy de nuestros autos en América del Norte ”.

Una presentación global de productos y un debut en América del Norte

Subrayando el prestigio y la procedencia de los coches antiguos seleccionados para ser exhibidos en el Concurso de Elegancia de Pebble Beach, Aston Martin ha elegido su espacio con vistas al evento de este año para presentar a nivel mundial un nuevo producto de la marca que amplía las credenciales de rendimiento de la compañía un paso más. . El nuevo producto se dará a conocer el jueves 12 de agosto en un evento VIP privado y más tarde estará disponible para verlo en el Aston Martin Club 1913 a partir del viernes 13 de agosto por invitación.

Tras su revelación global en el Gran Premio de Gran Bretaña en julio, Aston Martin traerá su nuevo superdeportivo Valhalla a la península de Monterey, donde los entusiastas, fanáticos de la marca y posibles propietarios podrán verlo de primera mano. Con el desarrollo liderado por el CEO de Aston Martin, Tobias Moers, Valhalla es el producto más reciente y más significativo de la estrategia Project Horizon de la marca hasta la fecha; un automóvil que ampliará la cartera de modelos para reflejar la presencia de Aston Martin en la Fórmula Uno®, establecerá los mejores estándares de su clase en cuanto a rendimiento, dinámica y placer de conducción, e impulsará la transición de la combustión interna a los sistemas de propulsión híbridos y, posteriormente, totalmente eléctricos.

With worldwide production volume strictly limited to 999 examples over two years, Valhalla is a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and full-electric powertrains.

Valhalla heralds a new definition of Aston Martin. With a mid-engined 950PS (937HP) plug-in hybrid (PHEV) powertrain, carbon fibre structure and aerodynamics shaped by the pioneering philosophy first seen in the revolutionary Aston Martin Valkyrie, Valhalla will bring the perfect balance of hypercar performance and advanced powertrain, driving dynamics and uniquely sophisticated design materials to truly redefine the supercar sector. Lea más sobre Valhalla aquí.

Q By Aston Martin Specials – V12 Speedster
Aston Martin traerá su V12 Speedster a Estados Unidos para exhibirlo en Monterey, este último ejemplo terminado en el icónico Aston Martin Racing Green.

Creado por el servicio de personalización a medida de la marca británica de lujo “Q by Aston Martin”, el Aston Martin V12 Speedster es un automóvil de conductor verdaderamente visceral que celebra el automovilismo al aire libre y se inspira tanto en la rica historia de las carreras como en el diseño aeronáutico de la marca. Demostrando las habilidades y la planificación meticulosa de Q de Aston Martin y Aston Martin Design, el V12 Speedster es un automóvil de exhibición viviente, lo que subraya el compromiso de la compañía de ofrecer a los clientes un automóvil de conductor impresionante, utilizando el ingenio de ingeniería y los materiales avanzados evidentes en todo Aston Martin. distancia. Solo 88 ejemplares del Aston Martin están disponibles para compradores de todo el mundo. Lea más sobre V12 Speedster aquí..

50 años de James Bond
La relación entre la franquicia cinematográfica de James Bond y Aston Martin tiene más de 50 años de historia a sus espaldas, de modo que los dos a menudo son sinónimos el uno del otro. Antes del estreno este otoño de la última película de la franquicia Bond, No Time to Die, Aston Martin celebrará su relación con el espía más famoso del mundo con una exhibición que celebra al primer Aston Martin en aparecer en una de las películas, la icónica , 1964 DB5.

Los huéspedes que visiten el Aston Martin Club 1913 también tendrán la oportunidad de ver el coche DB5 Goldfinger Continuation de 2,75 millones de libras esterlinas + impuestos, uno de los 25 coches para clientes, creado en asociación con los productores de las películas de James Bond, EON Productions, y con un amplio conjunto de dispositivos funcionales que se vieron por primera vez en la pantalla en la película de James Bond de 1964, Goldfinger.

La película más reciente y número 25 de la franquicia de Bond, No Time to Die, se estrena el 8 de octubre en Estados Unidos y presenta la mayor cantidad de Aston Martins de todas las películas de James Bond hasta el momento, con cuatro autos de la marca de ultra lujo; el DB5 de 1964, un Aston Martin V8 clásico visto por primera vez en Living Daylights de 1987, el último DBS Superleggera y el concepto Valhalla de 2019. En total, los vehículos de Aston Martin han aparecido en 12 de las películas de la franquicia, con No Time to Die Aston Martin en la decimotercera película de James Bond.

“Los últimos 16 meses han sido una época de incertidumbre sin precedentes para muchos en todo el mundo, incluidos los de Aston Martin, pero también nos hemos tomado este tiempo para emprender una transformación radical, posicionándonos para el futuro”, dijo. Renato Bisignani, director de marketing y comunicaciones globales de Aston Martin. “Con un nuevo equipo de liderazgo en su lugar, una emocionante cartera de nuevos productos que esperar y nuevas asociaciones, la Monterey Car Week 2021 es en gran medida la culminación de todo este arduo trabajo; es lógico que esta sea nuestra activación más grande hasta la fecha “.

Aston Martin Club 1913 está ubicado en 1536 Cypress Drive en Pebble Beach, con vista a la calle 18 de Pebble Beach Golf Links. El acceso es solo por invitación desde el viernes 13 de agosto hasta el domingo 15 de agosto. Los huéspedes interesados ​​en visitar el espacio de la marca pueden comunicarse con su distribuidor local para obtener más información.

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Exclusive Club House – Aston Martin Club 1913 – located on the iconic 18th Fairway of the Pebble Beach Links Golf Course

  • 70 Years after first entering the American market, Aston Martins activation at the 2021 Pebble Beach Concours dElegance will be its biggest ever
  • Two major Aston Martin product introductions planned; one global reveal and one North American debut
  • Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ Team AMR21 on display recognizes the brands return to Grand Prix racing after 60 Years
  • From Goldfinger to No Time to Die; Aston Martin honors long-standing relationship with James Bond franchise

Gaydon, Warwickshire: 70 years on from the brand first entering the American market, Aston Martin will return to the prestigious Monterey Car Week in 2021 with its largest ever presence on the peninsula as Aston Martin Club 1913.

Positioned at a custom-built 11,300 sq. ft. (1,050 sq. m.) luxury Club House in a prime location overlooking the hallowed 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links above Stillwater Cove, Aston Martin’s 2021 space honors both the past and present, while simultaneously looking forward with the introduction of two new products that point to the brand’s performance car future.

Highlighting the weekend, Aston Martin Club 1913 will host the North American debut of the new Aston Martin Valhalla – following its reveal at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone – as well as a global reveal of an exciting new product which extends the brand’s performance credentials a step further.

In addition to the two debuts, Aston Martin’s activation on the peninsula this year will also include a selection of the brand’s specials, core sportscars, GTs and SUV, recognizing the British ultra-luxury brand’s past, present and future.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will enjoy a display which celebrates the brand’s return to top-level Grand Prix racing after more than 60 years, using technology derived from Formula One® racing endeavors to inform the brand’s new mid-engine road car strategy. Sharing the luxury space, Aston Martin will also honor its relationship with the James Bond film franchise spanning more than 50 years. In addition, vehicles which embody the leading-edge capabilities of the marques bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin – cars like the visceral V12 Speedster – will be on display for guests to see first-hand for the first time in America.

70 Years of Aston Martin the Americas
2021 is an auspicious year for Aston Martin in the Americas; it’s the 70th anniversary of the brand selling its first car in North America. 70 years of manufacturer sales in the United States and, later, Canada, is a major milestone and, over the course of those seven decades, the business has seen itself taken to the hearts of luxury sports car enthusiasts across the continent.

Indeed, around one in four of all Aston Martin cars built to date have found their first owners in North America, making the region hugely important to the commercial performance of the brand.

Shortly after entering production in 1950 with its then-new DB2 saloon, Aston Martin elected to expand its foothold and begin sales in the Americas as a way capitalizing on the region’s new-found taste for European sportscars in the immediate post-war years. As part of a fledgling public relations push to raise awareness for the brand in the states, a 1951 DB2/4 was shipped to the U.S. for testing with key automotive enthusiast publications.

Road & Track magazine was among the first publications to get its hands on the car and wasted no time in properly evaluating it with none other than soon-to-be world champion Grand Prix driver Phil Hill at the wheel. Testing and evaluation by U.S. publications was a success; Road & Track proclaimed it to be “…one of the best handling and fastest cars ever tested….”  In fact, after concluding the evaluation Hill walked away from the test so impressed, he decided to purchase the test vehicle itself; becoming one of the first buyers of the DB2 in North America, taking delivery on 15 September 1951.

The success of the DB2 in North America cannot be overstated. Of the 411 cars built, around a third made their way direct from the Aston Martin factory to owners in the United States. 70 years on from its humble beginnings in 1951 there have been ebbs and flows for the business. Today however, one thing remains the same; Aston Martin the Americas still accounts for roughly 30% Aston Martins sold worldwide annually, making it the brand’s largest market by volume. Unit sales in the Americas more than trebled to over 1,000 vehicles in H1 2021 representing 36% of global sales with an increased mix vs prior year with strong performance from DBX.

In 2021, Aston Martin the Americas counts 35 dedicated dealers across the United States, with a further five dealers in Canada, as well as individual locations in Mexico, Chile, Peru and most recently, Brazil.

Reflecting on the 70-year association between Aston Martin and North America the marque’s Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Moers, said: “For seven decades now, enthusiast drivers in the United States and Canada have had the chance to enjoy some of the greatest cars we have yet made. Around a quarter of all the cars we have ever made have been sold in North America; American and Canadian investment, management and support have played a major part in the company’s history. I am very happy to see us celebrate not only this important anniversary, but also the enduring link between our brand and the knowledgeable and hugely enthusiastic brand of owners who enjoy our cars in North America today.”

A Global Product Reveal and a North American Debut
Underscoring the prestige and provenance of the vintage cars selected to be displayed in the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, Aston Martin has chosen its space overlooking this year’s event to globally debut a new product from the brand which extends the company’s performance credentials a step further. The new product will be revealed Thursday, 12 August at a private VIP event and later available to view at Aston Martin Club 1913 from Friday, 13 August, by invitation.

Following its global reveal at the British Grand Prix in July, Aston Martin will bring its new Valhalla supercar to the Monterey Peninsula where enthusiasts, brand fans and prospective owners can see it first-hand. With development led by Aston Martin’s CEO, Tobias Moers, Valhalla is the latest and most significant product of the brand’s Project Horizon strategy to-date; a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and later, full-electric powertrains.

With worldwide production volume strictly limited to 999 examples over two years, Valhalla is a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and full-electric powertrains.

Valhalla heralds a new definition of Aston Martin. With a mid-engined 950PS (937HP) plug-in hybrid (PHEV) powertrain, carbon fibre structure and aerodynamics shaped by the pioneering philosophy first seen in the revolutionary Aston Martin Valkyrie, Valhalla will bring the perfect balance of hypercar performance and advanced powertrain, driving dynamics and uniquely sophisticated design materials to truly redefine the supercar sector. Read more about Valhalla here.

Q By Aston Martin Specials – V12 Speedster
Aston Martin will bring its V12 Speedster to America for display in Monterey, this latest example finished in the iconic Aston Martin Racing Green.

Created by luxury British marque’s bespoke customisation service ‘Q by Aston Martin’, the Aston Martin V12 Speedster is a truly visceral driver’s car which celebrates open-air motoring and draws inspiration from both the brand’s rich racing history and aeronautical design. Demonstrating the skills and meticulous planning of Q by Aston Martin and Aston Martin Design, the V12 Speedster is a living show car, underlining the company’s commitment to deliver customers a stunning driver’s car, using the engineering ingenuity and advanced materials evident throughout the entire Aston Martin range. Just 88 examples of the Aston Martin are available to buyers worldwide. Read more about V12 Speedster here.

50 Years of James Bond
The relationship between the James Bond film franchise and Aston Martin is one with more than 50 years of history behind it such that the two are often synonymous with one another. Ahead of this Autumn’s premiere of the latest film within the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – Aston Martin will celebrate its relationship with the world’s most famous spy with a display that celebrates the first Aston Martin to feature in one of the films, the iconic, 1964 DB5.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will also be treated with the opportunity to see the £2.75 million + taxes DB5 Goldfinger Continuation car – one of just 25 customer cars – created in association with the producers of the James Bond films, EON Productions, and featuring a broad suite of working gadgets first seen on screen in the 1964 James Bond film, Goldfinger. Read more about the DB5 Goldfinger Continuation cars here.

The latest, and 25th, film in the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – premieres 8 October in the United States and features the most Aston Martins of any James Bond film yet, with four cars from the ultra-luxury brand; the 1964 DB5, a classic Aston Martin V8 first seen in 1987’s Living Daylights, the latest DBS Superleggera and the 2019 Valhalla concept. All told, Aston Martin vehicles have been featured in 12 of the franchise’s films, with No Time to Die Aston Martin’s 13th James Bond film.

“The past 16 months or so have been a time of unprecedented uncertainty for many around the world, including those of us at Aston Martin, but we’ve also taken this time to undertake a radical transformation, positioning ourselves for the future,” said Renato Bisignani, Head of Global Marketing and Communications for Aston Martin. “With a new leadership team in place, an exciting portfolio of new products to look forward to and new partnerships, the 2021 Monterey Car Week is very much the culmination of all this hard work; it’s only fitting this is our largest activation ever.”

Aston Martin Club 1913 is located at 1536 Cypress Drive in Pebble Beach, overlooking the 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links. Access is by invitation only from Friday, 13 August through Sunday, 15 August. Guests interested in visiting the brand space may contact their local dealer for more information.




Exclusive Club House – Aston Martin Club 1913 – located on the iconic 18th Fairway of the Pebble Beach Links Golf Course

  • 70 Years after first entering the American market, Aston Martins activation at the 2021 Pebble Beach Concours dElegance will be its biggest ever
  • Two major Aston Martin product introductions planned; one global reveal and one North American debut
  • Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ Team AMR21 on display recognizes the brands return to Grand Prix racing after 60 Years
  • From Goldfinger to No Time to Die; Aston Martin honors long-standing relationship with James Bond franchise

Gaydon, Warwickshire: 70 years on from the brand first entering the American market, Aston Martin will return to the prestigious Monterey Car Week in 2021 with its largest ever presence on the peninsula as Aston Martin Club 1913.

Positioned at a custom-built 11,300 sq. ft. (1,050 sq. m.) luxury Club House in a prime location overlooking the hallowed 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links above Stillwater Cove, Aston Martin’s 2021 space honors both the past and present, while simultaneously looking forward with the introduction of two new products that point to the brand’s performance car future.

Highlighting the weekend, Aston Martin Club 1913 will host the North American debut of the new Aston Martin Valhalla – following its reveal at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone – as well as a global reveal of an exciting new product which extends the brand’s performance credentials a step further.

In addition to the two debuts, Aston Martin’s activation on the peninsula this year will also include a selection of the brand’s specials, core sportscars, GTs and SUV, recognizing the British ultra-luxury brand’s past, present and future.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will enjoy a display which celebrates the brand’s return to top-level Grand Prix racing after more than 60 years, using technology derived from Formula One® racing endeavors to inform the brand’s new mid-engine road car strategy. Sharing the luxury space, Aston Martin will also honor its relationship with the James Bond film franchise spanning more than 50 years. In addition, vehicles which embody the leading-edge capabilities of the marques bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin – cars like the visceral V12 Speedster – will be on display for guests to see first-hand for the first time in America.

70 Years of Aston Martin the Americas
2021 is an auspicious year for Aston Martin in the Americas; it’s the 70th anniversary of the brand selling its first car in North America. 70 years of manufacturer sales in the United States and, later, Canada, is a major milestone and, over the course of those seven decades, the business has seen itself taken to the hearts of luxury sports car enthusiasts across the continent.

Indeed, around one in four of all Aston Martin cars built to date have found their first owners in North America, making the region hugely important to the commercial performance of the brand.

Shortly after entering production in 1950 with its then-new DB2 saloon, Aston Martin elected to expand its foothold and begin sales in the Americas as a way capitalizing on the region’s new-found taste for European sportscars in the immediate post-war years. As part of a fledgling public relations push to raise awareness for the brand in the states, a 1951 DB2/4 was shipped to the U.S. for testing with key automotive enthusiast publications.

Road & Track magazine was among the first publications to get its hands on the car and wasted no time in properly evaluating it with none other than soon-to-be world champion Grand Prix driver Phil Hill at the wheel. Testing and evaluation by U.S. publications was a success; Road & Track proclaimed it to be “…one of the best handling and fastest cars ever tested….”  In fact, after concluding the evaluation Hill walked away from the test so impressed, he decided to purchase the test vehicle itself; becoming one of the first buyers of the DB2 in North America, taking delivery on 15 September 1951.

The success of the DB2 in North America cannot be overstated. Of the 411 cars built, around a third made their way direct from the Aston Martin factory to owners in the United States. 70 years on from its humble beginnings in 1951 there have been ebbs and flows for the business. Today however, one thing remains the same; Aston Martin the Americas still accounts for roughly 30% Aston Martins sold worldwide annually, making it the brand’s largest market by volume. Unit sales in the Americas more than trebled to over 1,000 vehicles in H1 2021 representing 36% of global sales with an increased mix vs prior year with strong performance from DBX.

In 2021, Aston Martin the Americas counts 35 dedicated dealers across the United States, with a further five dealers in Canada, as well as individual locations in Mexico, Chile, Peru and most recently, Brazil.

Reflecting on the 70-year association between Aston Martin and North America the marque’s Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Moers, said: “For seven decades now, enthusiast drivers in the United States and Canada have had the chance to enjoy some of the greatest cars we have yet made. Around a quarter of all the cars we have ever made have been sold in North America; American and Canadian investment, management and support have played a major part in the company’s history. I am very happy to see us celebrate not only this important anniversary, but also the enduring link between our brand and the knowledgeable and hugely enthusiastic brand of owners who enjoy our cars in North America today.”

A Global Product Reveal and a North American Debut
Underscoring the prestige and provenance of the vintage cars selected to be displayed in the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, Aston Martin has chosen its space overlooking this year’s event to globally debut a new product from the brand which extends the company’s performance credentials a step further. The new product will be revealed Thursday, 12 August at a private VIP event and later available to view at Aston Martin Club 1913 from Friday, 13 August, by invitation.

Following its global reveal at the British Grand Prix in July, Aston Martin will bring its new Valhalla supercar to the Monterey Peninsula where enthusiasts, brand fans and prospective owners can see it first-hand. With development led by Aston Martin’s CEO, Tobias Moers, Valhalla is the latest and most significant product of the brand’s Project Horizon strategy to-date; a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and later, full-electric powertrains.

With worldwide production volume strictly limited to 999 examples over two years, Valhalla is a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and full-electric powertrains.

Valhalla heralds a new definition of Aston Martin. With a mid-engined 950PS (937HP) plug-in hybrid (PHEV) powertrain, carbon fibre structure and aerodynamics shaped by the pioneering philosophy first seen in the revolutionary Aston Martin Valkyrie, Valhalla will bring the perfect balance of hypercar performance and advanced powertrain, driving dynamics and uniquely sophisticated design materials to truly redefine the supercar sector. Read more about Valhalla here.

Q By Aston Martin Specials – V12 Speedster
Aston Martin will bring its V12 Speedster to America for display in Monterey, this latest example finished in the iconic Aston Martin Racing Green.

Created by luxury British marque’s bespoke customisation service ‘Q by Aston Martin’, the Aston Martin V12 Speedster is a truly visceral driver’s car which celebrates open-air motoring and draws inspiration from both the brand’s rich racing history and aeronautical design. Demonstrating the skills and meticulous planning of Q by Aston Martin and Aston Martin Design, the V12 Speedster is a living show car, underlining the company’s commitment to deliver customers a stunning driver’s car, using the engineering ingenuity and advanced materials evident throughout the entire Aston Martin range. Just 88 examples of the Aston Martin are available to buyers worldwide. Read more about V12 Speedster here.

50 Years of James Bond
The relationship between the James Bond film franchise and Aston Martin is one with more than 50 years of history behind it such that the two are often synonymous with one another. Ahead of this Autumn’s premiere of the latest film within the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – Aston Martin will celebrate its relationship with the world’s most famous spy with a display that celebrates the first Aston Martin to feature in one of the films, the iconic, 1964 DB5.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will also be treated with the opportunity to see the £2.75 million + taxes DB5 Goldfinger Continuation car – one of just 25 customer cars – created in association with the producers of the James Bond films, EON Productions, and featuring a broad suite of working gadgets first seen on screen in the 1964 James Bond film, Goldfinger. Read more about the DB5 Goldfinger Continuation cars here.

The latest, and 25th, film in the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – premieres 8 October in the United States and features the most Aston Martins of any James Bond film yet, with four cars from the ultra-luxury brand; the 1964 DB5, a classic Aston Martin V8 first seen in 1987’s Living Daylights, the latest DBS Superleggera and the 2019 Valhalla concept. All told, Aston Martin vehicles have been featured in 12 of the franchise’s films, with No Time to Die Aston Martin’s 13th James Bond film.

“The past 16 months or so have been a time of unprecedented uncertainty for many around the world, including those of us at Aston Martin, but we’ve also taken this time to undertake a radical transformation, positioning ourselves for the future,” said Renato Bisignani, Head of Global Marketing and Communications for Aston Martin. “With a new leadership team in place, an exciting portfolio of new products to look forward to and new partnerships, the 2021 Monterey Car Week is very much the culmination of all this hard work; it’s only fitting this is our largest activation ever.”

Aston Martin Club 1913 is located at 1536 Cypress Drive in Pebble Beach, overlooking the 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links. Access is by invitation only from Friday, 13 August through Sunday, 15 August. Guests interested in visiting the brand space may contact their local dealer for more information.

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Exclusive Club House – Aston Martin Club 1913 – located on the iconic 18th Fairway of the Pebble Beach Links Golf Course

  • 70 Years after first entering the American market, Aston Martins activation at the 2021 Pebble Beach Concours dElegance will be its biggest ever
  • Two major Aston Martin product introductions planned; one global reveal and one North American debut
  • Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ Team AMR21 on display recognizes the brands return to Grand Prix racing after 60 Years
  • From Goldfinger to No Time to Die; Aston Martin honors long-standing relationship with James Bond franchise

Gaydon, Warwickshire: 70 years on from the brand first entering the American market, Aston Martin will return to the prestigious Monterey Car Week in 2021 with its largest ever presence on the peninsula as Aston Martin Club 1913.

Positioned at a custom-built 11,300 sq. ft. (1,050 sq. m.) luxury Club House in a prime location overlooking the hallowed 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links above Stillwater Cove, Aston Martin’s 2021 space honors both the past and present, while simultaneously looking forward with the introduction of two new products that point to the brand’s performance car future.

Highlighting the weekend, Aston Martin Club 1913 will host the North American debut of the new Aston Martin Valhalla – following its reveal at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone – as well as a global reveal of an exciting new product which extends the brand’s performance credentials a step further.

In addition to the two debuts, Aston Martin’s activation on the peninsula this year will also include a selection of the brand’s specials, core sportscars, GTs and SUV, recognizing the British ultra-luxury brand’s past, present and future.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will enjoy a display which celebrates the brand’s return to top-level Grand Prix racing after more than 60 years, using technology derived from Formula One® racing endeavors to inform the brand’s new mid-engine road car strategy. Sharing the luxury space, Aston Martin will also honor its relationship with the James Bond film franchise spanning more than 50 years. In addition, vehicles which embody the leading-edge capabilities of the marques bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin – cars like the visceral V12 Speedster – will be on display for guests to see first-hand for the first time in America.

70 Years of Aston Martin the Americas
2021 is an auspicious year for Aston Martin in the Americas; it’s the 70th anniversary of the brand selling its first car in North America. 70 years of manufacturer sales in the United States and, later, Canada, is a major milestone and, over the course of those seven decades, the business has seen itself taken to the hearts of luxury sports car enthusiasts across the continent.

Indeed, around one in four of all Aston Martin cars built to date have found their first owners in North America, making the region hugely important to the commercial performance of the brand.

Shortly after entering production in 1950 with its then-new DB2 saloon, Aston Martin elected to expand its foothold and begin sales in the Americas as a way capitalizing on the region’s new-found taste for European sportscars in the immediate post-war years. As part of a fledgling public relations push to raise awareness for the brand in the states, a 1951 DB2/4 was shipped to the U.S. for testing with key automotive enthusiast publications.

Road & Track magazine was among the first publications to get its hands on the car and wasted no time in properly evaluating it with none other than soon-to-be world champion Grand Prix driver Phil Hill at the wheel. Testing and evaluation by U.S. publications was a success; Road & Track proclaimed it to be “…one of the best handling and fastest cars ever tested….”  In fact, after concluding the evaluation Hill walked away from the test so impressed, he decided to purchase the test vehicle itself; becoming one of the first buyers of the DB2 in North America, taking delivery on 15 September 1951.

The success of the DB2 in North America cannot be overstated. Of the 411 cars built, around a third made their way direct from the Aston Martin factory to owners in the United States. 70 years on from its humble beginnings in 1951 there have been ebbs and flows for the business. Today however, one thing remains the same; Aston Martin the Americas still accounts for roughly 30% Aston Martins sold worldwide annually, making it the brand’s largest market by volume. Unit sales in the Americas more than trebled to over 1,000 vehicles in H1 2021 representing 36% of global sales with an increased mix vs prior year with strong performance from DBX.

In 2021, Aston Martin the Americas counts 35 dedicated dealers across the United States, with a further five dealers in Canada, as well as individual locations in Mexico, Chile, Peru and most recently, Brazil.

Reflecting on the 70-year association between Aston Martin and North America the marque’s Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Moers, said: “For seven decades now, enthusiast drivers in the United States and Canada have had the chance to enjoy some of the greatest cars we have yet made. Around a quarter of all the cars we have ever made have been sold in North America; American and Canadian investment, management and support have played a major part in the company’s history. I am very happy to see us celebrate not only this important anniversary, but also the enduring link between our brand and the knowledgeable and hugely enthusiastic brand of owners who enjoy our cars in North America today.”

A Global Product Reveal and a North American Debut
Underscoring the prestige and provenance of the vintage cars selected to be displayed in the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, Aston Martin has chosen its space overlooking this year’s event to globally debut a new product from the brand which extends the company’s performance credentials a step further. The new product will be revealed Thursday, 12 August at a private VIP event and later available to view at Aston Martin Club 1913 from Friday, 13 August, by invitation.

Following its global reveal at the British Grand Prix in July, Aston Martin will bring its new Valhalla supercar to the Monterey Peninsula where enthusiasts, brand fans and prospective owners can see it first-hand. With development led by Aston Martin’s CEO, Tobias Moers, Valhalla is the latest and most significant product of the brand’s Project Horizon strategy to-date; a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and later, full-electric powertrains.

With worldwide production volume strictly limited to 999 examples over two years, Valhalla is a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and full-electric powertrains.

Valhalla heralds a new definition of Aston Martin. With a mid-engined 950PS (937HP) plug-in hybrid (PHEV) powertrain, carbon fibre structure and aerodynamics shaped by the pioneering philosophy first seen in the revolutionary Aston Martin Valkyrie, Valhalla will bring the perfect balance of hypercar performance and advanced powertrain, driving dynamics and uniquely sophisticated design materials to truly redefine the supercar sector. Read more about Valhalla here.

Q By Aston Martin Specials – V12 Speedster
Aston Martin will bring its V12 Speedster to America for display in Monterey, this latest example finished in the iconic Aston Martin Racing Green.

Created by luxury British marque’s bespoke customisation service ‘Q by Aston Martin’, the Aston Martin V12 Speedster is a truly visceral driver’s car which celebrates open-air motoring and draws inspiration from both the brand’s rich racing history and aeronautical design. Demonstrating the skills and meticulous planning of Q by Aston Martin and Aston Martin Design, the V12 Speedster is a living show car, underlining the company’s commitment to deliver customers a stunning driver’s car, using the engineering ingenuity and advanced materials evident throughout the entire Aston Martin range. Just 88 examples of the Aston Martin are available to buyers worldwide. Read more about V12 Speedster here.

50 Years of James Bond
The relationship between the James Bond film franchise and Aston Martin is one with more than 50 years of history behind it such that the two are often synonymous with one another. Ahead of this Autumn’s premiere of the latest film within the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – Aston Martin will celebrate its relationship with the world’s most famous spy with a display that celebrates the first Aston Martin to feature in one of the films, the iconic, 1964 DB5.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will also be treated with the opportunity to see the £2.75 million + taxes DB5 Goldfinger Continuation car – one of just 25 customer cars – created in association with the producers of the James Bond films, EON Productions, and featuring a broad suite of working gadgets first seen on screen in the 1964 James Bond film, Goldfinger. Read more about the DB5 Goldfinger Continuation cars here.

The latest, and 25th, film in the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – premieres 8 October in the United States and features the most Aston Martins of any James Bond film yet, with four cars from the ultra-luxury brand; the 1964 DB5, a classic Aston Martin V8 first seen in 1987’s Living Daylights, the latest DBS Superleggera and the 2019 Valhalla concept. All told, Aston Martin vehicles have been featured in 12 of the franchise’s films, with No Time to Die Aston Martin’s 13th James Bond film.

“The past 16 months or so have been a time of unprecedented uncertainty for many around the world, including those of us at Aston Martin, but we’ve also taken this time to undertake a radical transformation, positioning ourselves for the future,” said Renato Bisignani, Head of Global Marketing and Communications for Aston Martin. “With a new leadership team in place, an exciting portfolio of new products to look forward to and new partnerships, the 2021 Monterey Car Week is very much the culmination of all this hard work; it’s only fitting this is our largest activation ever.”

Aston Martin Club 1913 is located at 1536 Cypress Drive in Pebble Beach, overlooking the 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links. Access is by invitation only from Friday, 13 August through Sunday, 15 August. Guests interested in visiting the brand space may contact their local dealer for more information.

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Exclusive Club House – Aston Martin Club 1913 – located on the iconic 18th Fairway of the Pebble Beach Links Golf Course

  • 70 Years after first entering the American market, Aston Martins activation at the 2021 Pebble Beach Concours dElegance will be its biggest ever
  • Two major Aston Martin product introductions planned; one global reveal and one North American debut
  • Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ Team AMR21 on display recognizes the brands return to Grand Prix racing after 60 Years
  • From Goldfinger to No Time to Die; Aston Martin honors long-standing relationship with James Bond franchise

Gaydon, Warwickshire: 70 years on from the brand first entering the American market, Aston Martin will return to the prestigious Monterey Car Week in 2021 with its largest ever presence on the peninsula as Aston Martin Club 1913.

Positioned at a custom-built 11,300 sq. ft. (1,050 sq. m.) luxury Club House in a prime location overlooking the hallowed 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links above Stillwater Cove, Aston Martin’s 2021 space honors both the past and present, while simultaneously looking forward with the introduction of two new products that point to the brand’s performance car future.

Highlighting the weekend, Aston Martin Club 1913 will host the North American debut of the new Aston Martin Valhalla – following its reveal at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone – as well as a global reveal of an exciting new product which extends the brand’s performance credentials a step further.

In addition to the two debuts, Aston Martin’s activation on the peninsula this year will also include a selection of the brand’s specials, core sportscars, GTs and SUV, recognizing the British ultra-luxury brand’s past, present and future.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will enjoy a display which celebrates the brand’s return to top-level Grand Prix racing after more than 60 years, using technology derived from Formula One® racing endeavors to inform the brand’s new mid-engine road car strategy. Sharing the luxury space, Aston Martin will also honor its relationship with the James Bond film franchise spanning more than 50 years. In addition, vehicles which embody the leading-edge capabilities of the marques bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin – cars like the visceral V12 Speedster – will be on display for guests to see first-hand for the first time in America.

70 Years of Aston Martin the Americas
2021 is an auspicious year for Aston Martin in the Americas; it’s the 70th anniversary of the brand selling its first car in North America. 70 years of manufacturer sales in the United States and, later, Canada, is a major milestone and, over the course of those seven decades, the business has seen itself taken to the hearts of luxury sports car enthusiasts across the continent.

Indeed, around one in four of all Aston Martin cars built to date have found their first owners in North America, making the region hugely important to the commercial performance of the brand.

Shortly after entering production in 1950 with its then-new DB2 saloon, Aston Martin elected to expand its foothold and begin sales in the Americas as a way capitalizing on the region’s new-found taste for European sportscars in the immediate post-war years. As part of a fledgling public relations push to raise awareness for the brand in the states, a 1951 DB2/4 was shipped to the U.S. for testing with key automotive enthusiast publications.

Road & Track magazine was among the first publications to get its hands on the car and wasted no time in properly evaluating it with none other than soon-to-be world champion Grand Prix driver Phil Hill at the wheel. Testing and evaluation by U.S. publications was a success; Road & Track proclaimed it to be “…one of the best handling and fastest cars ever tested….”  In fact, after concluding the evaluation Hill walked away from the test so impressed, he decided to purchase the test vehicle itself; becoming one of the first buyers of the DB2 in North America, taking delivery on 15 September 1951.

The success of the DB2 in North America cannot be overstated. Of the 411 cars built, around a third made their way direct from the Aston Martin factory to owners in the United States. 70 years on from its humble beginnings in 1951 there have been ebbs and flows for the business. Today however, one thing remains the same; Aston Martin the Americas still accounts for roughly 30% Aston Martins sold worldwide annually, making it the brand’s largest market by volume. Unit sales in the Americas more than trebled to over 1,000 vehicles in H1 2021 representing 36% of global sales with an increased mix vs prior year with strong performance from DBX.

In 2021, Aston Martin the Americas counts 35 dedicated dealers across the United States, with a further five dealers in Canada, as well as individual locations in Mexico, Chile, Peru and most recently, Brazil.

Reflecting on the 70-year association between Aston Martin and North America the marque’s Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Moers, said: “For seven decades now, enthusiast drivers in the United States and Canada have had the chance to enjoy some of the greatest cars we have yet made. Around a quarter of all the cars we have ever made have been sold in North America; American and Canadian investment, management and support have played a major part in the company’s history. I am very happy to see us celebrate not only this important anniversary, but also the enduring link between our brand and the knowledgeable and hugely enthusiastic brand of owners who enjoy our cars in North America today.”

A Global Product Reveal and a North American Debut
Underscoring the prestige and provenance of the vintage cars selected to be displayed in the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, Aston Martin has chosen its space overlooking this year’s event to globally debut a new product from the brand which extends the company’s performance credentials a step further. The new product will be revealed Thursday, 12 August at a private VIP event and later available to view at Aston Martin Club 1913 from Friday, 13 August, by invitation.

Following its global reveal at the British Grand Prix in July, Aston Martin will bring its new Valhalla supercar to the Monterey Peninsula where enthusiasts, brand fans and prospective owners can see it first-hand. With development led by Aston Martin’s CEO, Tobias Moers, Valhalla is the latest and most significant product of the brand’s Project Horizon strategy to-date; a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and later, full-electric powertrains.

With worldwide production volume strictly limited to 999 examples over two years, Valhalla is a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and full-electric powertrains.

Valhalla heralds a new definition of Aston Martin. With a mid-engined 950PS (937HP) plug-in hybrid (PHEV) powertrain, carbon fibre structure and aerodynamics shaped by the pioneering philosophy first seen in the revolutionary Aston Martin Valkyrie, Valhalla will bring the perfect balance of hypercar performance and advanced powertrain, driving dynamics and uniquely sophisticated design materials to truly redefine the supercar sector. Read more about Valhalla here.

Q By Aston Martin Specials – V12 Speedster
Aston Martin will bring its V12 Speedster to America for display in Monterey, this latest example finished in the iconic Aston Martin Racing Green.

Created by luxury British marque’s bespoke customisation service ‘Q by Aston Martin’, the Aston Martin V12 Speedster is a truly visceral driver’s car which celebrates open-air motoring and draws inspiration from both the brand’s rich racing history and aeronautical design. Demonstrating the skills and meticulous planning of Q by Aston Martin and Aston Martin Design, the V12 Speedster is a living show car, underlining the company’s commitment to deliver customers a stunning driver’s car, using the engineering ingenuity and advanced materials evident throughout the entire Aston Martin range. Just 88 examples of the Aston Martin are available to buyers worldwide. Read more about V12 Speedster here.

50 Years of James Bond
The relationship between the James Bond film franchise and Aston Martin is one with more than 50 years of history behind it such that the two are often synonymous with one another. Ahead of this Autumn’s premiere of the latest film within the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – Aston Martin will celebrate its relationship with the world’s most famous spy with a display that celebrates the first Aston Martin to feature in one of the films, the iconic, 1964 DB5.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will also be treated with the opportunity to see the £2.75 million + taxes DB5 Goldfinger Continuation car – one of just 25 customer cars – created in association with the producers of the James Bond films, EON Productions, and featuring a broad suite of working gadgets first seen on screen in the 1964 James Bond film, Goldfinger. Read more about the DB5 Goldfinger Continuation cars here.

The latest, and 25th, film in the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – premieres 8 October in the United States and features the most Aston Martins of any James Bond film yet, with four cars from the ultra-luxury brand; the 1964 DB5, a classic Aston Martin V8 first seen in 1987’s Living Daylights, the latest DBS Superleggera and the 2019 Valhalla concept. All told, Aston Martin vehicles have been featured in 12 of the franchise’s films, with No Time to Die Aston Martin’s 13th James Bond film.

“The past 16 months or so have been a time of unprecedented uncertainty for many around the world, including those of us at Aston Martin, but we’ve also taken this time to undertake a radical transformation, positioning ourselves for the future,” said Renato Bisignani, Head of Global Marketing and Communications for Aston Martin. “With a new leadership team in place, an exciting portfolio of new products to look forward to and new partnerships, the 2021 Monterey Car Week is very much the culmination of all this hard work; it’s only fitting this is our largest activation ever.”

Aston Martin Club 1913 is located at 1536 Cypress Drive in Pebble Beach, overlooking the 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links. Access is by invitation only from Friday, 13 August through Sunday, 15 August. Guests interested in visiting the brand space may contact their local dealer for more information.

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Exclusive Club House – Aston Martin Club 1913 – located on the iconic 18th Fairway of the Pebble Beach Links Golf Course

  • 70 Years after first entering the American market, Aston Martins activation at the 2021 Pebble Beach Concours dElegance will be its biggest ever
  • Two major Aston Martin product introductions planned; one global reveal and one North American debut
  • Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ Team AMR21 on display recognizes the brands return to Grand Prix racing after 60 Years
  • From Goldfinger to No Time to Die; Aston Martin honors long-standing relationship with James Bond franchise

Gaydon, Warwickshire: 70 years on from the brand first entering the American market, Aston Martin will return to the prestigious Monterey Car Week in 2021 with its largest ever presence on the peninsula as Aston Martin Club 1913.

Positioned at a custom-built 11,300 sq. ft. (1,050 sq. m.) luxury Club House in a prime location overlooking the hallowed 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links above Stillwater Cove, Aston Martin’s 2021 space honors both the past and present, while simultaneously looking forward with the introduction of two new products that point to the brand’s performance car future.

Highlighting the weekend, Aston Martin Club 1913 will host the North American debut of the new Aston Martin Valhalla – following its reveal at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone – as well as a global reveal of an exciting new product which extends the brand’s performance credentials a step further.

In addition to the two debuts, Aston Martin’s activation on the peninsula this year will also include a selection of the brand’s specials, core sportscars, GTs and SUV, recognizing the British ultra-luxury brand’s past, present and future.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will enjoy a display which celebrates the brand’s return to top-level Grand Prix racing after more than 60 years, using technology derived from Formula One® racing endeavors to inform the brand’s new mid-engine road car strategy. Sharing the luxury space, Aston Martin will also honor its relationship with the James Bond film franchise spanning more than 50 years. In addition, vehicles which embody the leading-edge capabilities of the marques bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin – cars like the visceral V12 Speedster – will be on display for guests to see first-hand for the first time in America.

70 Years of Aston Martin the Americas
2021 is an auspicious year for Aston Martin in the Americas; it’s the 70th anniversary of the brand selling its first car in North America. 70 years of manufacturer sales in the United States and, later, Canada, is a major milestone and, over the course of those seven decades, the business has seen itself taken to the hearts of luxury sports car enthusiasts across the continent.

Indeed, around one in four of all Aston Martin cars built to date have found their first owners in North America, making the region hugely important to the commercial performance of the brand.

Shortly after entering production in 1950 with its then-new DB2 saloon, Aston Martin elected to expand its foothold and begin sales in the Americas as a way capitalizing on the region’s new-found taste for European sportscars in the immediate post-war years. As part of a fledgling public relations push to raise awareness for the brand in the states, a 1951 DB2/4 was shipped to the U.S. for testing with key automotive enthusiast publications.

Road & Track magazine was among the first publications to get its hands on the car and wasted no time in properly evaluating it with none other than soon-to-be world champion Grand Prix driver Phil Hill at the wheel. Testing and evaluation by U.S. publications was a success; Road & Track proclaimed it to be “…one of the best handling and fastest cars ever tested….”  In fact, after concluding the evaluation Hill walked away from the test so impressed, he decided to purchase the test vehicle itself; becoming one of the first buyers of the DB2 in North America, taking delivery on 15 September 1951.

The success of the DB2 in North America cannot be overstated. Of the 411 cars built, around a third made their way direct from the Aston Martin factory to owners in the United States. 70 years on from its humble beginnings in 1951 there have been ebbs and flows for the business. Today however, one thing remains the same; Aston Martin the Americas still accounts for roughly 30% Aston Martins sold worldwide annually, making it the brand’s largest market by volume. Unit sales in the Americas more than trebled to over 1,000 vehicles in H1 2021 representing 36% of global sales with an increased mix vs prior year with strong performance from DBX.

In 2021, Aston Martin the Americas counts 35 dedicated dealers across the United States, with a further five dealers in Canada, as well as individual locations in Mexico, Chile, Peru and most recently, Brazil.

Reflecting on the 70-year association between Aston Martin and North America the marque’s Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Moers, said: “For seven decades now, enthusiast drivers in the United States and Canada have had the chance to enjoy some of the greatest cars we have yet made. Around a quarter of all the cars we have ever made have been sold in North America; American and Canadian investment, management and support have played a major part in the company’s history. I am very happy to see us celebrate not only this important anniversary, but also the enduring link between our brand and the knowledgeable and hugely enthusiastic brand of owners who enjoy our cars in North America today.”

A Global Product Reveal and a North American Debut
Underscoring the prestige and provenance of the vintage cars selected to be displayed in the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, Aston Martin has chosen its space overlooking this year’s event to globally debut a new product from the brand which extends the company’s performance credentials a step further. The new product will be revealed Thursday, 12 August at a private VIP event and later available to view at Aston Martin Club 1913 from Friday, 13 August, by invitation.

Following its global reveal at the British Grand Prix in July, Aston Martin will bring its new Valhalla supercar to the Monterey Peninsula where enthusiasts, brand fans and prospective owners can see it first-hand. With development led by Aston Martin’s CEO, Tobias Moers, Valhalla is the latest and most significant product of the brand’s Project Horizon strategy to-date; a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and later, full-electric powertrains.

With worldwide production volume strictly limited to 999 examples over two years, Valhalla is a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and full-electric powertrains.

Valhalla heralds a new definition of Aston Martin. With a mid-engined 950PS (937HP) plug-in hybrid (PHEV) powertrain, carbon fibre structure and aerodynamics shaped by the pioneering philosophy first seen in the revolutionary Aston Martin Valkyrie, Valhalla will bring the perfect balance of hypercar performance and advanced powertrain, driving dynamics and uniquely sophisticated design materials to truly redefine the supercar sector. Read more about Valhalla here.

Q By Aston Martin Specials – V12 Speedster
Aston Martin will bring its V12 Speedster to America for display in Monterey, this latest example finished in the iconic Aston Martin Racing Green.

Created by luxury British marque’s bespoke customisation service ‘Q by Aston Martin’, the Aston Martin V12 Speedster is a truly visceral driver’s car which celebrates open-air motoring and draws inspiration from both the brand’s rich racing history and aeronautical design. Demonstrating the skills and meticulous planning of Q by Aston Martin and Aston Martin Design, the V12 Speedster is a living show car, underlining the company’s commitment to deliver customers a stunning driver’s car, using the engineering ingenuity and advanced materials evident throughout the entire Aston Martin range. Just 88 examples of the Aston Martin are available to buyers worldwide. Read more about V12 Speedster here.

50 Years of James Bond
The relationship between the James Bond film franchise and Aston Martin is one with more than 50 years of history behind it such that the two are often synonymous with one another. Ahead of this Autumn’s premiere of the latest film within the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – Aston Martin will celebrate its relationship with the world’s most famous spy with a display that celebrates the first Aston Martin to feature in one of the films, the iconic, 1964 DB5.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will also be treated with the opportunity to see the £2.75 million + taxes DB5 Goldfinger Continuation car – one of just 25 customer cars – created in association with the producers of the James Bond films, EON Productions, and featuring a broad suite of working gadgets first seen on screen in the 1964 James Bond film, Goldfinger. Read more about the DB5 Goldfinger Continuation cars here.

The latest, and 25th, film in the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – premieres 8 October in the United States and features the most Aston Martins of any James Bond film yet, with four cars from the ultra-luxury brand; the 1964 DB5, a classic Aston Martin V8 first seen in 1987’s Living Daylights, the latest DBS Superleggera and the 2019 Valhalla concept. All told, Aston Martin vehicles have been featured in 12 of the franchise’s films, with No Time to Die Aston Martin’s 13th James Bond film.

“The past 16 months or so have been a time of unprecedented uncertainty for many around the world, including those of us at Aston Martin, but we’ve also taken this time to undertake a radical transformation, positioning ourselves for the future,” said Renato Bisignani, Head of Global Marketing and Communications for Aston Martin. “With a new leadership team in place, an exciting portfolio of new products to look forward to and new partnerships, the 2021 Monterey Car Week is very much the culmination of all this hard work; it’s only fitting this is our largest activation ever.”

Aston Martin Club 1913 is located at 1536 Cypress Drive in Pebble Beach, overlooking the 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links. Access is by invitation only from Friday, 13 August through Sunday, 15 August. Guests interested in visiting the brand space may contact their local dealer for more information.

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Exclusive Club House – Aston Martin Club 1913 – located on the iconic 18th Fairway of the Pebble Beach Links Golf Course

  • 70 Years after first entering the American market, Aston Martins activation at the 2021 Pebble Beach Concours dElegance will be its biggest ever
  • Two major Aston Martin product introductions planned; one global reveal and one North American debut
  • Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ Team AMR21 on display recognizes the brands return to Grand Prix racing after 60 Years
  • From Goldfinger to No Time to Die; Aston Martin honors long-standing relationship with James Bond franchise

Gaydon, Warwickshire: 70 years on from the brand first entering the American market, Aston Martin will return to the prestigious Monterey Car Week in 2021 with its largest ever presence on the peninsula as Aston Martin Club 1913.

Positioned at a custom-built 11,300 sq. ft. (1,050 sq. m.) luxury Club House in a prime location overlooking the hallowed 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links above Stillwater Cove, Aston Martin’s 2021 space honors both the past and present, while simultaneously looking forward with the introduction of two new products that point to the brand’s performance car future.

Highlighting the weekend, Aston Martin Club 1913 will host the North American debut of the new Aston Martin Valhalla – following its reveal at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone – as well as a global reveal of an exciting new product which extends the brand’s performance credentials a step further.

In addition to the two debuts, Aston Martin’s activation on the peninsula this year will also include a selection of the brand’s specials, core sportscars, GTs and SUV, recognizing the British ultra-luxury brand’s past, present and future.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will enjoy a display which celebrates the brand’s return to top-level Grand Prix racing after more than 60 years, using technology derived from Formula One® racing endeavors to inform the brand’s new mid-engine road car strategy. Sharing the luxury space, Aston Martin will also honor its relationship with the James Bond film franchise spanning more than 50 years. In addition, vehicles which embody the leading-edge capabilities of the marques bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin – cars like the visceral V12 Speedster – will be on display for guests to see first-hand for the first time in America.

70 Years of Aston Martin the Americas
2021 is an auspicious year for Aston Martin in the Americas; it’s the 70th anniversary of the brand selling its first car in North America. 70 years of manufacturer sales in the United States and, later, Canada, is a major milestone and, over the course of those seven decades, the business has seen itself taken to the hearts of luxury sports car enthusiasts across the continent.

Indeed, around one in four of all Aston Martin cars built to date have found their first owners in North America, making the region hugely important to the commercial performance of the brand.

Shortly after entering production in 1950 with its then-new DB2 saloon, Aston Martin elected to expand its foothold and begin sales in the Americas as a way capitalizing on the region’s new-found taste for European sportscars in the immediate post-war years. As part of a fledgling public relations push to raise awareness for the brand in the states, a 1951 DB2/4 was shipped to the U.S. for testing with key automotive enthusiast publications.

Road & Track magazine was among the first publications to get its hands on the car and wasted no time in properly evaluating it with none other than soon-to-be world champion Grand Prix driver Phil Hill at the wheel. Testing and evaluation by U.S. publications was a success; Road & Track proclaimed it to be “…one of the best handling and fastest cars ever tested….”  In fact, after concluding the evaluation Hill walked away from the test so impressed, he decided to purchase the test vehicle itself; becoming one of the first buyers of the DB2 in North America, taking delivery on 15 September 1951.

The success of the DB2 in North America cannot be overstated. Of the 411 cars built, around a third made their way direct from the Aston Martin factory to owners in the United States. 70 years on from its humble beginnings in 1951 there have been ebbs and flows for the business. Today however, one thing remains the same; Aston Martin the Americas still accounts for roughly 30% Aston Martins sold worldwide annually, making it the brand’s largest market by volume. Unit sales in the Americas more than trebled to over 1,000 vehicles in H1 2021 representing 36% of global sales with an increased mix vs prior year with strong performance from DBX.

In 2021, Aston Martin the Americas counts 35 dedicated dealers across the United States, with a further five dealers in Canada, as well as individual locations in Mexico, Chile, Peru and most recently, Brazil.

Reflecting on the 70-year association between Aston Martin and North America the marque’s Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Moers, said: “For seven decades now, enthusiast drivers in the United States and Canada have had the chance to enjoy some of the greatest cars we have yet made. Around a quarter of all the cars we have ever made have been sold in North America; American and Canadian investment, management and support have played a major part in the company’s history. I am very happy to see us celebrate not only this important anniversary, but also the enduring link between our brand and the knowledgeable and hugely enthusiastic brand of owners who enjoy our cars in North America today.”

A Global Product Reveal and a North American Debut
Underscoring the prestige and provenance of the vintage cars selected to be displayed in the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, Aston Martin has chosen its space overlooking this year’s event to globally debut a new product from the brand which extends the company’s performance credentials a step further. The new product will be revealed Thursday, 12 August at a private VIP event and later available to view at Aston Martin Club 1913 from Friday, 13 August, by invitation.

Following its global reveal at the British Grand Prix in July, Aston Martin will bring its new Valhalla supercar to the Monterey Peninsula where enthusiasts, brand fans and prospective owners can see it first-hand. With development led by Aston Martin’s CEO, Tobias Moers, Valhalla is the latest and most significant product of the brand’s Project Horizon strategy to-date; a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and later, full-electric powertrains.

With worldwide production volume strictly limited to 999 examples over two years, Valhalla is a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and full-electric powertrains.

Valhalla heralds a new definition of Aston Martin. With a mid-engined 950PS (937HP) plug-in hybrid (PHEV) powertrain, carbon fibre structure and aerodynamics shaped by the pioneering philosophy first seen in the revolutionary Aston Martin Valkyrie, Valhalla will bring the perfect balance of hypercar performance and advanced powertrain, driving dynamics and uniquely sophisticated design materials to truly redefine the supercar sector. Read more about Valhalla here.

Q By Aston Martin Specials – V12 Speedster
Aston Martin will bring its V12 Speedster to America for display in Monterey, this latest example finished in the iconic Aston Martin Racing Green.

Created by luxury British marque’s bespoke customisation service ‘Q by Aston Martin’, the Aston Martin V12 Speedster is a truly visceral driver’s car which celebrates open-air motoring and draws inspiration from both the brand’s rich racing history and aeronautical design. Demonstrating the skills and meticulous planning of Q by Aston Martin and Aston Martin Design, the V12 Speedster is a living show car, underlining the company’s commitment to deliver customers a stunning driver’s car, using the engineering ingenuity and advanced materials evident throughout the entire Aston Martin range. Just 88 examples of the Aston Martin are available to buyers worldwide. Read more about V12 Speedster here.

50 Years of James Bond
The relationship between the James Bond film franchise and Aston Martin is one with more than 50 years of history behind it such that the two are often synonymous with one another. Ahead of this Autumn’s premiere of the latest film within the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – Aston Martin will celebrate its relationship with the world’s most famous spy with a display that celebrates the first Aston Martin to feature in one of the films, the iconic, 1964 DB5.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will also be treated with the opportunity to see the £2.75 million + taxes DB5 Goldfinger Continuation car – one of just 25 customer cars – created in association with the producers of the James Bond films, EON Productions, and featuring a broad suite of working gadgets first seen on screen in the 1964 James Bond film, Goldfinger. Read more about the DB5 Goldfinger Continuation cars here.

The latest, and 25th, film in the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – premieres 8 October in the United States and features the most Aston Martins of any James Bond film yet, with four cars from the ultra-luxury brand; the 1964 DB5, a classic Aston Martin V8 first seen in 1987’s Living Daylights, the latest DBS Superleggera and the 2019 Valhalla concept. All told, Aston Martin vehicles have been featured in 12 of the franchise’s films, with No Time to Die Aston Martin’s 13th James Bond film.

“The past 16 months or so have been a time of unprecedented uncertainty for many around the world, including those of us at Aston Martin, but we’ve also taken this time to undertake a radical transformation, positioning ourselves for the future,” said Renato Bisignani, Head of Global Marketing and Communications for Aston Martin. “With a new leadership team in place, an exciting portfolio of new products to look forward to and new partnerships, the 2021 Monterey Car Week is very much the culmination of all this hard work; it’s only fitting this is our largest activation ever.”

Aston Martin Club 1913 is located at 1536 Cypress Drive in Pebble Beach, overlooking the 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links. Access is by invitation only from Friday, 13 August through Sunday, 15 August. Guests interested in visiting the brand space may contact their local dealer for more information.

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