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Audi Sphere modelos Audi grandsphere concept

Audi Sphere models

Audi grandsphere concept


Para Audi, dar forma al futuro es una expresión de actitud. En ninguna parte es tan palpable esta actitud como en los prototipos de la marca. Con los conceptos Audi skysphere, Audi grandsphere y Audi urbansphere, Audi ilustra su visión del lujo progresivo .

La palabra “esfera” en los nombres enfatiza que el espacio interior, el interior, tendrá una mayor importancia en la movilidad del futuro. El interior se convertirá en la base del diseño y la tecnología, convirtiendo el vehículo en una esfera donde los pasajeros puedan disfrutar de la vida y las experiencias mientras viajan, un tercer espacio vital.

Para Audi, esto incluye un ecosistema integral de servicios automotrices: comunicaciones o relajación, trabajo o retiro en privado: el automóvil se está transformando de un mero automóvil en un dispositivo de experiencia. Con la seriesphere, Audi muestra su visión de la movilidad premium eléctrica del futuro.

Concepto de esfera activa de Audi (2022)

Concepto de esfera activa de Audi: este es el nombre del cuarto modelo de la familia de autos conceptuales que Audi ha estado presentando desde agosto de 2021. No solo tienen propulsión eléctrica, sino que también están diseñados para ser capaces de conducción automatizada. Este diseño técnico da lugar a diseños completamente nuevos, especialmente de los interiores y las ofertas para que aquellos a bordo utilicen su tiempo de forma productiva o simplemente se relajen. Los autos de concepto de esfera de Audi muestran colectivamente la visión de la movilidad premium del mañana.

Audi urbansphere concept (2022)

Diseñado sistemáticamente de adentro hacia afuera, Audi ha revelado los planes para el auto conceptual Audi urbansphere. Los diseñadores e ingenieros crearon inicialmente el Audi urbansphere para su uso en megaciudades chinas con mucho tráfico, aunque el concepto también es adecuado para cualquier otro centro metropolitano del mundo. En estas áreas urbanas, donde el espacio personal es particularmente escaso, el prototipo ofrece el mayor espacio interior de cualquier Audi hasta la fecha. Lo coordina de manera inteligente con tecnologías y servicios digitales que atraen todos los sentidos y ofrecen un nivel de experiencia completamente nuevo.

Audi grandsphere concepto (2021)

El jet privado para la carretera: en la IAA 2021, Audi presenta el estudio conceptual Audi grandsphere. Como un vuelo de primera clase, el sedán grandsphere de 5,35 m (17,6 pies) de largo combina el lujo de un viaje privado con la mayor comodidad con una oferta integral de experiencias a bordo. La conducción automatizada de nivel 4 hace posibles nuevas dimensiones de libertad: en este modo, el interior se convierte en una espaciosa esfera de experiencia sin volante, pedales o pantallas. Y los asientos delanteros se convierten en un salón de primera clase con el máximo espacio, vistas más libres y acceso a todas las funciones de un ecosistema digital holístico en el que está integrado el Audi grandsphere.

Audi skysphere concepto (2021)

Audi ha presentado el primer miembro de una nueva familia de vehículos conceptuales, un espectacular roadster. Audi skysphere concept es el nombre del descapotable de dos puertas con motor eléctrico cuyas líneas conducen directamente al diseño Audi del mañana. Con él, la marca ilustra su visión del segmento de lujo progresivo del futuro, en el que el interior se convierte en un espacio interactivo y el vehículo en una plataforma para experiencias cautivadoras. Esto es posible gracias a la conducción autónoma, un rediseño revolucionario del interior y un ecosistema digital continuo.

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Audi Sphere models Audi grandsphere concept

Audi Sphere models

Audi grandsphere concept


For Audi, shaping the future is an expression of attitude. Nowhere is this attitude as palpable as in the brand’s concept cars. With the Audi skysphere, Audi grandsphere and Audi urbansphere concepts, Audi is illustrating its vision of progressive luxury.

The word “sphere” in the names emphasizes that the inner space – the interior – will be granted heightened importance in the mobility of the future. The interior will become the foundation for design and technology, turning the vehicle into a sphere where the passengers can enjoy life and experiences while on the go – a third living space.

For Audi, this includes a comprehensive ecosystem of automotive services: communications or relaxation, work or retreat in privacy – the car is transforming from a mere automobile into an experience device. With the sphere series, Audi is showing off its vision of the electric premium mobility of the future.

Audi activesphere concept (2022)

Audi activesphere concept – this is the name of the fourth model in the family of concept cars that Audi has been introducing since August 2021. Not only do they all have electric drives, but they’re also designed to be capable of automated driving. This technical layout gives rise to entirely new designs, especially of the interiors and the offerings for those on board to use their time productively or just relax. Audi’s sphere concept cars collectively showcase the vision of the premium mobility of tomorrow.

Audi urbansphere concept (2022)

Systematically designed from the inside out, Audi has unveiled plans for the Audi urbansphere concept car. Designers and engineers initially created the Audi urbansphere for use in traffic-dense Chinese megacities, although the concept is also suitable for any other metropolitan center in the world. In these urban areas, where personal space is in particularly short supply, the concept car offers the largest interior space of any Audi to date. It intelligently coordinates this with technologies and digital services that appeal to all the senses and offer a whole new level of experience.

Audi grandsphere concept (2021)

The private jet for the road – At the IAA 2021, Audi is presenting the Audi grandsphere concept study. Like a first class flight, the 5.35 m (17.6 ft.) long grandsphere sedan combines the luxury of private travel in the greatest of comfort with a comprehensive onboard experience offering. Level 4 automated driving makes new dimensions of freedom possible: in this mode, the interior turns into a spacious sphere of experience without a steering wheel, pedals, or displays. And the front seats become a first class lounge with maximum space, freer views, and access to all the functions of a holistic digital ecosystem that the Audi grandsphere is integrated into.

Audi skysphere concept (2021)

Audi has unveiled the first member of a new family of concept vehicles, a spectacular roadster. Audi skysphere concept is the name of the electric-powered, two-door convertible whose lines lead directly to the Audi design of tomorrow. With it, the brand is illustrating its vision for the progressive luxury segment of the future, in which the interior becomes an interactive space and the vehicle a platform for captivating experiences. This is being made possible thanks to autonomous driving, a revolutionary redesign of the interior, and a seamless digital ecosystem.

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Audi Sphere models Audi grandsphere concept

Audi Sphere models

Audi grandsphere concept


For Audi, shaping the future is an expression of attitude. Nowhere is this attitude as palpable as in the brand’s concept cars. With the Audi skysphere, Audi grandsphere and Audi urbansphere concepts, Audi is illustrating its vision of progressive luxury.

The word “sphere” in the names emphasizes that the inner space – the interior – will be granted heightened importance in the mobility of the future. The interior will become the foundation for design and technology, turning the vehicle into a sphere where the passengers can enjoy life and experiences while on the go – a third living space.

For Audi, this includes a comprehensive ecosystem of automotive services: communications or relaxation, work or retreat in privacy – the car is transforming from a mere automobile into an experience device. With the sphere series, Audi is showing off its vision of the electric premium mobility of the future.

Audi activesphere concept (2022)

Audi activesphere concept – this is the name of the fourth model in the family of concept cars that Audi has been introducing since August 2021. Not only do they all have electric drives, but they’re also designed to be capable of automated driving. This technical layout gives rise to entirely new designs, especially of the interiors and the offerings for those on board to use their time productively or just relax. Audi’s sphere concept cars collectively showcase the vision of the premium mobility of tomorrow.

Audi urbansphere concept (2022)

Systematically designed from the inside out, Audi has unveiled plans for the Audi urbansphere concept car. Designers and engineers initially created the Audi urbansphere for use in traffic-dense Chinese megacities, although the concept is also suitable for any other metropolitan center in the world. In these urban areas, where personal space is in particularly short supply, the concept car offers the largest interior space of any Audi to date. It intelligently coordinates this with technologies and digital services that appeal to all the senses and offer a whole new level of experience.

Audi grandsphere concept (2021)

The private jet for the road – At the IAA 2021, Audi is presenting the Audi grandsphere concept study. Like a first class flight, the 5.35 m (17.6 ft.) long grandsphere sedan combines the luxury of private travel in the greatest of comfort with a comprehensive onboard experience offering. Level 4 automated driving makes new dimensions of freedom possible: in this mode, the interior turns into a spacious sphere of experience without a steering wheel, pedals, or displays. And the front seats become a first class lounge with maximum space, freer views, and access to all the functions of a holistic digital ecosystem that the Audi grandsphere is integrated into.

Audi skysphere concept (2021)

Audi has unveiled the first member of a new family of concept vehicles, a spectacular roadster. Audi skysphere concept is the name of the electric-powered, two-door convertible whose lines lead directly to the Audi design of tomorrow. With it, the brand is illustrating its vision for the progressive luxury segment of the future, in which the interior becomes an interactive space and the vehicle a platform for captivating experiences. This is being made possible thanks to autonomous driving, a revolutionary redesign of the interior, and a seamless digital ecosystem.

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