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BALMUDA The Toaster

Los tres elementos esenciales del deleite culinario. BALMUDA La tostadora utiliza tecnología de vapor y control de temperatura preciso para sacar lo mejor de cada tipo de pan. Su modo de horno también puede cocinar otros artículos a la perfección.

Tecnología revolucionaria

El factor decisivo son los 5 cc de agua vertidos en la tostadora al principio. Al calentarse más rápidamente que el aire, una fina capa de vapor envuelve el pan, tostando ligeramente su superficie, mientras evita que se escape su humedad y sabor internos.

Tecnología de vapor que retiene la humedad y el sabor.

Regulación precisa de la temperatura segundo a segundo

El control preciso de tres zonas de temperatura crea excelentes contrastes de sabor y textura: crujiente y sabroso en la superficie, húmedo y esponjoso en el interior

Los cinco modos

BALMUDA La tostadora tiene cuatro modos diseñados para calentar varios tipos de pan a la perfección. El modo de horno adicional se puede usar para cocinar varios platos de horno.

Modo Sandwich Pan

Este modo ofrece un delicioso contraste entre un exterior nítido y un interior húmedo. Ideal para todos los días pan de molde fino y magdalenas inglesas del supermercado. Ajuste el temporizador para obtener el nivel deseado de color marrón.

Modo de pan artesanal

El tostado a alta temperatura garantiza una superficie crujiente y deliciosa al tiempo que preserva la elasticidad interior del pan. Incluso el pan de panadería con su alto contenido de humedad adquiere un tono marrón tostado, como si hubiera sido frito en seco por un chef en una sartén pesada. Seleccione este modo para disfrutar al máximo de la textura y el aroma del pan.

Modo pizza

Al tostar más fuerte desde arriba que desde abajo, este modo es ideal para pan con queso y otras coberturas, así como bagels en rodajas. Úselo en la pizza para llevar de ayer para hacer la base tan caliente y crujiente y los ingredientes tan deliciosos como si acabara de salir del horno de la tienda. Cuando los bagels están en el menú, este modo conserva su textura masticable mientras brinda por la parte superior un acabado dorado y crujiente.

Modo pastelero

Ahora puede reproducir el delicioso sabor y la textura distintivamente crujiente y esponjosa que una vez solo se pudo experimentar en el pan recién horneado.
Los cruasanes mantecosos se vuelven cálidos y crujientes sin quemarse. Los rollos salen muy calientes, incluso en el centro. Las baguettes calentadas permanecen ligeras y aireadas en el interior con una corteza maravillosamente crujiente, ¡tan deliciosa como en un restaurante!

Modo horno

El calor se regula para alcanzar la temperatura deseada sin el uso de vapor. Esta es una forma deliciosa de preparar varios platos como gratinados, galletas o incluso alimentos congelados que se pueden cocinar al horno.

CEO de BALMUDA, Gen Terao

Desde la chispa inicial hasta el producto terminado, BALMUDA The Toaster tardó dos décadas en hacerse. El desarrollo comenzó basado en una cierta idea, pero tomó algunos cambios sorprendentes después de descubrimientos casuales. A continuación, comparto algunos recuerdos del viaje.

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BALMUDA The Toaster

The three essential elements of culinary delight. BALMUDA The Toaster uses steam technology and precise temperature control to bring out the best in every kind of bread. Its Oven Mode can also cook other items to perfection.

Revolutionary Technology

The decisive factor is the 5 cc of water poured into the toaster at the at the beginning.  Heating more rapidly than air, a thin layer of steam envelops the bread, lightly toasting its surface, while keeping its  inner moisture and flavor from escaping.

Steam technology that locks in moisture and flavor

Precise, second-by-second temperature regulation

Precise control of three temperature zones creates superb contrasts of flavor and texture: crisp and savory on the surface, moist and fluffy inside

The Five Modes

BALMUDA The Toaster has four modes designed to heat various types of bread to perfection. The additional oven mode can be used to cook various oven dishes.

Sandwich Bread Mode

This mode delivers a delicious contrast between a crisp exterior and a moist interior. Ideal for everyday thin-sliced bread and English muffins from the supermarket. Adjust the timer to obtain the desired level of brownness.

Artisan Bread Mode

High-temperature toasting ensures a crisp and delicious surface while preserving the bread’s interior elasticity. Even bakery bread with its high moisture content takes on a toasty brown hue, just as if it had been dry-fried by a chef in a heavy pan. Select this mode to enjoy the texture and aroma of bread to its fullest.

Pizza Mode

By toasting more strongly from above than below, this mode is ideal for bread with cheese and other toppings as well as sliced bagels. Use it on yesterday’s take-out pizza to make the base as hot and crisp and the toppings as delicious as if it had just come out of the store’s oven. When bagels are on the menu, this mode preserves their chewy texture while toasting the top to a crisp, golden finish.

Pastry Mode

Now you can reproduce the delicious flavor and distinctively crisp and fluffy texture that could once only be experienced in freshly baked bread.
Buttery croissants become warm and crisp without burning. Rolls come out piping hot, even in the center. Heated baguettes remain light and airy on the inside with a wonderfully crisp crust—as delicious as in a restaurant!

Oven Mode

Heat is regulated to reach the desired temperature without the use of steam. This is a delicious way to prepare various dishes such as gratin, cookies or even frozen foods that can be oven-cooked.


From initial spark to finished product, BALMUDA The Toaster was two decades in the making. Development began based on a certain idea, but took some surprising turns after chance discoveries. Below, I share some memories of the journey.


1991, Ronda, Spain

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BALMUDA The Toaster

The three essential elements of culinary delight. BALMUDA The Toaster uses steam technology and precise temperature control to bring out the best in every kind of bread. Its Oven Mode can also cook other items to perfection.

Revolutionary Technology

The decisive factor is the 5 cc of water poured into the toaster at the at the beginning.  Heating more rapidly than air, a thin layer of steam envelops the bread, lightly toasting its surface, while keeping its  inner moisture and flavor from escaping.

Steam technology that locks in moisture and flavor

Precise, second-by-second temperature regulation

Precise control of three temperature zones creates superb contrasts of flavor and texture: crisp and savory on the surface, moist and fluffy inside

The Five Modes

BALMUDA The Toaster has four modes designed to heat various types of bread to perfection. The additional oven mode can be used to cook various oven dishes.

Sandwich Bread Mode

This mode delivers a delicious contrast between a crisp exterior and a moist interior. Ideal for everyday thin-sliced bread and English muffins from the supermarket. Adjust the timer to obtain the desired level of brownness.

Artisan Bread Mode

High-temperature toasting ensures a crisp and delicious surface while preserving the bread’s interior elasticity. Even bakery bread with its high moisture content takes on a toasty brown hue, just as if it had been dry-fried by a chef in a heavy pan. Select this mode to enjoy the texture and aroma of bread to its fullest.

Pizza Mode

By toasting more strongly from above than below, this mode is ideal for bread with cheese and other toppings as well as sliced bagels. Use it on yesterday’s take-out pizza to make the base as hot and crisp and the toppings as delicious as if it had just come out of the store’s oven. When bagels are on the menu, this mode preserves their chewy texture while toasting the top to a crisp, golden finish.

Pastry Mode

Now you can reproduce the delicious flavor and distinctively crisp and fluffy texture that could once only be experienced in freshly baked bread.
Buttery croissants become warm and crisp without burning. Rolls come out piping hot, even in the center. Heated baguettes remain light and airy on the inside with a wonderfully crisp crust—as delicious as in a restaurant!

Oven Mode

Heat is regulated to reach the desired temperature without the use of steam. This is a delicious way to prepare various dishes such as gratin, cookies or even frozen foods that can be oven-cooked.


From initial spark to finished product, BALMUDA The Toaster was two decades in the making. Development began based on a certain idea, but took some surprising turns after chance discoveries. Below, I share some memories of the journey.


1991, Ronda, Spain

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BALMUDA The Toaster

The three essential elements of culinary delight. BALMUDA The Toaster uses steam technology and precise temperature control to bring out the best in every kind of bread. Its Oven Mode can also cook other items to perfection.

Revolutionary Technology

The decisive factor is the 5 cc of water poured into the toaster at the at the beginning.  Heating more rapidly than air, a thin layer of steam envelops the bread, lightly toasting its surface, while keeping its  inner moisture and flavor from escaping.

Steam technology that locks in moisture and flavor

Precise, second-by-second temperature regulation

Precise control of three temperature zones creates superb contrasts of flavor and texture: crisp and savory on the surface, moist and fluffy inside

The Five Modes

BALMUDA The Toaster has four modes designed to heat various types of bread to perfection. The additional oven mode can be used to cook various oven dishes.

Sandwich Bread Mode

This mode delivers a delicious contrast between a crisp exterior and a moist interior. Ideal for everyday thin-sliced bread and English muffins from the supermarket. Adjust the timer to obtain the desired level of brownness.

Artisan Bread Mode

High-temperature toasting ensures a crisp and delicious surface while preserving the bread’s interior elasticity. Even bakery bread with its high moisture content takes on a toasty brown hue, just as if it had been dry-fried by a chef in a heavy pan. Select this mode to enjoy the texture and aroma of bread to its fullest.

Pizza Mode

By toasting more strongly from above than below, this mode is ideal for bread with cheese and other toppings as well as sliced bagels. Use it on yesterday’s take-out pizza to make the base as hot and crisp and the toppings as delicious as if it had just come out of the store’s oven. When bagels are on the menu, this mode preserves their chewy texture while toasting the top to a crisp, golden finish.

Pastry Mode

Now you can reproduce the delicious flavor and distinctively crisp and fluffy texture that could once only be experienced in freshly baked bread.
Buttery croissants become warm and crisp without burning. Rolls come out piping hot, even in the center. Heated baguettes remain light and airy on the inside with a wonderfully crisp crust—as delicious as in a restaurant!

Oven Mode

Heat is regulated to reach the desired temperature without the use of steam. This is a delicious way to prepare various dishes such as gratin, cookies or even frozen foods that can be oven-cooked.


From initial spark to finished product, BALMUDA The Toaster was two decades in the making. Development began based on a certain idea, but took some surprising turns after chance discoveries. Below, I share some memories of the journey.


1991, Ronda, Spain

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BALMUDA The Toaster

The three essential elements of culinary delight. BALMUDA The Toaster uses steam technology and precise temperature control to bring out the best in every kind of bread. Its Oven Mode can also cook other items to perfection.

Revolutionary Technology

The decisive factor is the 5 cc of water poured into the toaster at the at the beginning.  Heating more rapidly than air, a thin layer of steam envelops the bread, lightly toasting its surface, while keeping its  inner moisture and flavor from escaping.

Steam technology that locks in moisture and flavor

Precise, second-by-second temperature regulation

Precise control of three temperature zones creates superb contrasts of flavor and texture: crisp and savory on the surface, moist and fluffy inside

The Five Modes

BALMUDA The Toaster has four modes designed to heat various types of bread to perfection. The additional oven mode can be used to cook various oven dishes.

Sandwich Bread Mode

This mode delivers a delicious contrast between a crisp exterior and a moist interior. Ideal for everyday thin-sliced bread and English muffins from the supermarket. Adjust the timer to obtain the desired level of brownness.

Artisan Bread Mode

High-temperature toasting ensures a crisp and delicious surface while preserving the bread’s interior elasticity. Even bakery bread with its high moisture content takes on a toasty brown hue, just as if it had been dry-fried by a chef in a heavy pan. Select this mode to enjoy the texture and aroma of bread to its fullest.

Pizza Mode

By toasting more strongly from above than below, this mode is ideal for bread with cheese and other toppings as well as sliced bagels. Use it on yesterday’s take-out pizza to make the base as hot and crisp and the toppings as delicious as if it had just come out of the store’s oven. When bagels are on the menu, this mode preserves their chewy texture while toasting the top to a crisp, golden finish.

Pastry Mode

Now you can reproduce the delicious flavor and distinctively crisp and fluffy texture that could once only be experienced in freshly baked bread.
Buttery croissants become warm and crisp without burning. Rolls come out piping hot, even in the center. Heated baguettes remain light and airy on the inside with a wonderfully crisp crust—as delicious as in a restaurant!

Oven Mode

Heat is regulated to reach the desired temperature without the use of steam. This is a delicious way to prepare various dishes such as gratin, cookies or even frozen foods that can be oven-cooked.


From initial spark to finished product, BALMUDA The Toaster was two decades in the making. Development began based on a certain idea, but took some surprising turns after chance discoveries. Below, I share some memories of the journey.


1991, Ronda, Spain

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