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  • Ansar Ali se une a Bentley como director de Mulliner y Motorsport de McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams se convierte en director técnico de Mulliner y Bob Martin es nombrado director de operaciones
  • La reorganización sigue niveles récord de demanda de servicios a medida, quintuplicándose en los últimos cinco años

(Crewe, 13 de enero de 2023) Bentley Motors anunció hoy el nombramiento de Ansar Ali como nuevo director de Mulliner y Motorsport, y reportará directamente a Adrian Hallmark, presidente y director ejecutivo. Ali liderará la división reorganizada de Mulliner a medida que la personalización del cliente alcance niveles récord de demanda.

Ali, que tiene una carrera de 30 años en la industria automotriz, se une desde McLaren Special Operations, donde fue Director General. Antes de esto, Ali ocupó cargos de alta dirección en Ford, Lotus, Caterham y cofundó Zenos Cars.

Las responsabilidades duales de Ali en Bentley cubren las actividades de automovilismo, trabajando en estrecha colaboración con los equipos de carreras de GT3 que compiten actualmente y un enfoque en la división de puesta en servicio personal de Bentley, Mulliner, el carrocero más antiguo del mundo y ahora con tres clasificaciones distintas; Clásicos, Colecciones y Carrozados. Al comentar sobre el nombramiento de Ali, Adrian Hallmark dijo:

“Mulliner representa el pináculo del diseño y la experiencia automotriz, y Ansar se une en un momento en que estamos experimentando niveles récord de demanda en nuestras características, colecciones, carrocerías y posibilidades clásicas. La considerable experiencia de Ansar en la industria, particularmente en el liderazgo de divisiones dirigidas por clientes altamente personalizadas y de bajo volumen, ofrecerá información valiosa que reforzará a Mulliner como la división líder en puesta en marcha personal y generará contribuciones significativas al negocio más amplio de Bentley”.

Ali liderará una división reorganizada a medida de Mulliner en la que Paul Williams se convierte en director técnico, habiendo ocupado varios puestos de alto nivel en una carrera de 15 años en Bentley, y Bob Martin, anteriormente director de ensamblaje final en Bentley, se convierte en director de operaciones. Todas las posiciones son efectivas inmediatamente.

Mulliner ha estado construyendo carrocerías y cabinas a medida desde 1923 y hoy fabrica automóviles personalizados y exquisitos que personifican el lujo, el rendimiento, la exclusividad y la individualidad. La cartera de Mulliner incluye autos fabricados en carrocería como el Batur, ediciones limitadas tradicionales, incluido el Blower, y una amplia variedad de proyectos de clientes impresionantes y únicos.

El alto nivel de demanda de los clientes de servicios a medida, que alcanzó cifras récord en 2022, ayudó a impulsar a Bentley a su tercer año consecutivo de ventas récord, anunciando a principios de esta semana un éxito de ventas de 15 174 en 2022, un aumento del cuatro por ciento con respecto a 2021.

Motores Bentley
Bentley Motors es la marca de automóviles de lujo más buscada del mundo. La sede de la empresa en Crewe alberga todas sus operaciones, incluido el diseño, la investigación y el desarrollo, la ingeniería y la producción de las cinco líneas de modelos de la empresa, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga y Bentayga EWB. La combinación de la artesanía fina, el uso de habilidades que se han transmitido de generación en generación, junto con la experiencia en ingeniería y la tecnología de punta es exclusiva de las marcas de automóviles de lujo del Reino Unido, como Bentley. También es un ejemplo de lo mejor de la fabricación británica de alto valor. Bentley emplea a unas 4000 personas en Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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  • Ansar Ali joins Bentley as Mulliner and Motorsport Director from McLaren Special Operations
  • Paul Williams becomes Mulliner Chief Technical Officer with Bob Martin appointed Chief Operating Officer
  • Reorganisation follows record levels of demand for bespoke services, increasing fivefold in the past five years 

(Crewe, 13 January 2023) Bentley Motors today announced the appointment of Ansar Ali as the new Mulliner and Motorsport Director, reporting directly to Adrian Hallmark, Chairman and CEO. Ali will lead the reorganised Mulliner division as customer personalisation reaches record levels of demand.

Ali, who has a 30 year career in the automotive industry, joins from McLaren Special Operations where he was Managing Director. Before this, Ali held senior management roles at Ford, Lotus, Caterham and co-founded Zenos Cars.

Ali’s dual responsibilities at Bentley cover Motorsport activities, working closely with the GT3 race teams currently competing, and a focus on Bentley’s personal commissioning division, Mulliner, the oldest coachbuilder in the world and now with three distinct classifications; Classics, Collections and Coachbuilt.  Commenting on Ali’s appointment, Adrian Hallmark said:

“Mulliner represents the very pinnacle of automotive design and expertise and Ansar joins at a time when we are experiencing record levels of demand across our features, collections, coachbuilt and classics possibilities. Ansar’s considerable industry experience, particularly leading low-volume, highly bespoke customer-led divisions will offer valuable insights that will reinforce Mulliner as the leading personal commissioning division and generate significant contributions to the wider Bentley business.”

Ali will lead a reorganised Mulliner bespoke division in which Paul Williams becomes Chief Technical Officer, having held a number of senior positions in a 15 year career at Bentley, and Bob Martin, formerly Head of Final Assembly at Bentley, becomes Chief Operating Officer. All positions are effective immediately.

Mulliner has been building bespoke bodies and cabins since 1923 and today handcrafts exquisite, personalised cars that epitomise luxury, performance, exclusivity and individuality. Mulliner’s portfolio includes coachbuilt cars such as the Batur, heritage limited editions including the Blower, and a wide variety of stunning and unique customer projects.

The high level of customer demand for bespoke services, reaching record numbers in 2022, helped push Bentley to its third consecutive record sales year, announcing earlier this week a sales success of 15,174 in 2022, a four per cent increase on 2021.

Bentley Motors
Bentley Motors is the most sought after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering and production of the company’s five model lines, Continental GT, Continental GT Convertible, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

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