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Cartier celebra la belleza del amor con  LOVE IS ALL

Cartier celebra la belleza del amor con  LOVE IS ALL

Cartier presenta LOVE IS ALL, una película coral sin igual, un himno al amor. Representa la visión de una Maison que celebra el amor universal y atemporal y tiene como objetivo compartirlo con un espíritu de deleite y generosidad.

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Filmada entre París, Los Ángeles y Shanghai, LOVE IS ALL es un testimonio de la familia en todas sus formas. Reúne a varios Amigos de la Maison por primera vez con un elenco extraordinario que incluye a Ella Balinska, Mariacarla Boscono, Monica Bellucci, Khatia Buniatishvili, Lily Collins, Golshifteh Farahani, Mélanie Laurent, Troye Sivan, Willow Smith, Annabelle Wallis, Jackson Wang y Maisie Williams.

Estas 12 personalidades singulares se basan en la creatividad y la energía de cada uno a través de este alegre himno, que muestra la importancia de la diversidad cultural y artística para la vitalidad de una Maison como Cartier.

Dirigida por la joven directora británica y fotógrafa de moda Charlotte Wales, conocida por su enfoque fresco, considerado y alegre, esta película refleja lo que es importante para Cartier: la creencia de que la singularidad de cada persona se enriquece con la de los demás y que estas conexiones refuerzan nuestra talentos. Es una declaración sin reservas de aprecio por las artes y la cultura de una Maison que sabe que debemos pensar fuera de la caja, superar los límites y superar las barreras, y cualquier otra cosa que frene nuestras vidas o nuestro deseo de liberar nuestros corazones.

LOVE IS ALL es también una elección de canción importante, una melodía pop compuesta en los años 70 por Roger Glover y Ronnie James Dio. “Todos tienen que vivir juntos”: la película de Cartier comparte el mensaje universal detrás de estas letras cálidas y alegres mientras celebramos la temporada navideña, el momento más importante para reunirnos y celebrar la familia.

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Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier presents LOVE IS ALL, an unparalleled choral film, a hymn to love. It represents the vision of a Maison that celebrates universal and timeless love and aims to share it in a spirit of delight and generosity.

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Filmed between Paris, Los Angeles and Shanghai, LOVE IS ALL is a testament to family in all its forms. It brings together a number of Friends of the Maison for the first time with an extraordinary cast that includes Ella Balinska, Mariacarla Boscono, Monica Bellucci, Khatia Buniatishvili, Lily Collins, Golshifteh Farahani, Mélanie Laurent, Troye Sivan, Willow Smith, Annabelle Wallis, Jackson Wang and Maisie Williams.

These 12 singular personalities build on each other’s creativity and energy through this joyous hymn, showing how important cultural and artistic diversity is to the vitality of a Maison such as Cartier.

Directed by young British director and fashion photographer Charlotte Wales, known for her fresh, considerate and light-hearted approach, this film reflects what is important to Cartier: the belief that each person’s singularity is enriched by others’, and that these connections reinforce our talents. It is an unreserved statement of appreciation for the arts and for culture from a Maison that knows we must think outside the box, push boundaries and overcome barriers, and anything else that holds back our lives or our desire to free our hearts.

LOVE IS ALL is also a significant song choice, a pop melody composed in the 70s by Roger Glover and Ronnie James Dio. “Everybody’s got to live together”: Cartier’s film shares the universal message behind these warm and joyful lyrics as we celebrate the holiday season, the most important time for coming together and celebrating family.

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Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier presents LOVE IS ALL, an unparalleled choral film, a hymn to love. It represents the vision of a Maison that celebrates universal and timeless love and aims to share it in a spirit of delight and generosity.

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Filmed between Paris, Los Angeles and Shanghai, LOVE IS ALL is a testament to family in all its forms. It brings together a number of Friends of the Maison for the first time with an extraordinary cast that includes Ella Balinska, Mariacarla Boscono, Monica Bellucci, Khatia Buniatishvili, Lily Collins, Golshifteh Farahani, Mélanie Laurent, Troye Sivan, Willow Smith, Annabelle Wallis, Jackson Wang and Maisie Williams.

These 12 singular personalities build on each other’s creativity and energy through this joyous hymn, showing how important cultural and artistic diversity is to the vitality of a Maison such as Cartier.

Directed by young British director and fashion photographer Charlotte Wales, known for her fresh, considerate and light-hearted approach, this film reflects what is important to Cartier: the belief that each person’s singularity is enriched by others’, and that these connections reinforce our talents. It is an unreserved statement of appreciation for the arts and for culture from a Maison that knows we must think outside the box, push boundaries and overcome barriers, and anything else that holds back our lives or our desire to free our hearts.

LOVE IS ALL is also a significant song choice, a pop melody composed in the 70s by Roger Glover and Ronnie James Dio. “Everybody’s got to live together”: Cartier’s film shares the universal message behind these warm and joyful lyrics as we celebrate the holiday season, the most important time for coming together and celebrating family.

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Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier presents LOVE IS ALL, an unparalleled choral film, a hymn to love. It represents the vision of a Maison that celebrates universal and timeless love and aims to share it in a spirit of delight and generosity.

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Filmed between Paris, Los Angeles and Shanghai, LOVE IS ALL is a testament to family in all its forms. It brings together a number of Friends of the Maison for the first time with an extraordinary cast that includes Ella Balinska, Mariacarla Boscono, Monica Bellucci, Khatia Buniatishvili, Lily Collins, Golshifteh Farahani, Mélanie Laurent, Troye Sivan, Willow Smith, Annabelle Wallis, Jackson Wang and Maisie Williams.

These 12 singular personalities build on each other’s creativity and energy through this joyous hymn, showing how important cultural and artistic diversity is to the vitality of a Maison such as Cartier.

Directed by young British director and fashion photographer Charlotte Wales, known for her fresh, considerate and light-hearted approach, this film reflects what is important to Cartier: the belief that each person’s singularity is enriched by others’, and that these connections reinforce our talents. It is an unreserved statement of appreciation for the arts and for culture from a Maison that knows we must think outside the box, push boundaries and overcome barriers, and anything else that holds back our lives or our desire to free our hearts.

LOVE IS ALL is also a significant song choice, a pop melody composed in the 70s by Roger Glover and Ronnie James Dio. “Everybody’s got to live together”: Cartier’s film shares the universal message behind these warm and joyful lyrics as we celebrate the holiday season, the most important time for coming together and celebrating family.

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Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier presents LOVE IS ALL, an unparalleled choral film, a hymn to love. It represents the vision of a Maison that celebrates universal and timeless love and aims to share it in a spirit of delight and generosity.

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Cartier celebrates the beauty of love with LOVE IS ALL

Filmed between Paris, Los Angeles and Shanghai, LOVE IS ALL is a testament to family in all its forms. It brings together a number of Friends of the Maison for the first time with an extraordinary cast that includes Ella Balinska, Mariacarla Boscono, Monica Bellucci, Khatia Buniatishvili, Lily Collins, Golshifteh Farahani, Mélanie Laurent, Troye Sivan, Willow Smith, Annabelle Wallis, Jackson Wang and Maisie Williams.

These 12 singular personalities build on each other’s creativity and energy through this joyous hymn, showing how important cultural and artistic diversity is to the vitality of a Maison such as Cartier.

Directed by young British director and fashion photographer Charlotte Wales, known for her fresh, considerate and light-hearted approach, this film reflects what is important to Cartier: the belief that each person’s singularity is enriched by others’, and that these connections reinforce our talents. It is an unreserved statement of appreciation for the arts and for culture from a Maison that knows we must think outside the box, push boundaries and overcome barriers, and anything else that holds back our lives or our desire to free our hearts.

LOVE IS ALL is also a significant song choice, a pop melody composed in the 70s by Roger Glover and Ronnie James Dio. “Everybody’s got to live together”: Cartier’s film shares the universal message behind these warm and joyful lyrics as we celebrate the holiday season, the most important time for coming together and celebrating family.

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