
Luxury real estate Zurich: Residential real estate market – Prices flatline on a high after period of growth

  • Price highs of 35,000 Swiss francs (approx. 35,000 euros) per square metre
  • Sustained upward trend for modern urban apartments and historic mansions

Hamburg / Zurich, 18 January 2022. Zurich is among the cities in the world offering the highest quality of life. As one of the leading financial and economic centres in Europe, the city attracts many private buyers and institutional investors. With its population now having reached 440,000, more people are currently live in Zurich than ever before. “In Q3 2022, residential property prices in Zurich only rose slightly (+0.6%) over the same quarter last year. In view of the continuing demand from national and international buyers, along with the extremely limited supply of properties in prime locations, we expect prices to flatline on a high in 2023,” says Axel Kühn, Licence Partner at Engel & Völkers Zurich Paradeplatz & Oerlikon. The average price per square metre for apartments in the luxury segment is currently between 22,000 and 35,000 Swiss francs (approx. 22,000 to 35,000 euros). The average sales price for mansions and detached properties with living interiors of some 300 square metres is 9 million Swiss francs (approx. 9 million euros). The steady growth in the population will continue to drive this excess demand – meaning that, despite the current economic outlook and rising interest rates, prices can be expected to remain stable in the city centre, in prime locations, and the surrounding regions. The high quality of life, the diverse array of cultural offerings and educational institutions, and the proximity to the mountains make Zurich an attractive primary residence. Alongside traditional banks and insurance firms, many tech companies and start-ups have recently relocated their headquarters to Zurich. This trend alone will mean that the appeal of the city as a place to live and work will continue to increase.



Appealing location factors and a high standard of living attract international buyers

Around 120,000 companies are based in Zurich, forming a dynamic network of major international corporations, innovative medium-sized companies and highly specialised small businesses. “The burgeoning start-up scene gives a further boost to its status as a business hub, which in turn is prompting lots of young talent and a highly qualified workforce from all over the world to settle here and, after initial rental experiences, act on their long-term purchase plans,” says Lars Keller, Licence Partner of Engel & Völkers Zurich & Zurichberg. While domestic clients account for around 75 percent of the real estate market, 25 percent of all property transactions in Zurich can now be attributed to foreign buyers living in Switzerland – and this figure is on the rise. The majority of prospective buyers come from Germany, the Benelux Union, the UK, France, Italy, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.

Top prices for residential property in hillside locations on Lake Zurich

Among the most exclusive locations are Fluntern and Hottingen at the foot of the Zurichberg. These two residential neighbourhoods are east of the historic city centre and combine the benefits of suburban living with the luxury of expansive natural surroundings. The many opportunities for jogging and mountain biking make this location particularly popular with clients who enjoy a sporty, active lifestyle. Historic estates on large plots with magnificent gardens and unobstructed views of Lake Zurich and the Alps are in high demand here. In 2022, just a small number of properties of this calibre changed hands for tens of millions. Top prices per square metre in excess of 33,000 Swiss francs (approx. 33,000 euros) were fetched for high-end apartments.

The Enge neighbourhood is situated southwest of the city centre. Residential properties here are set over a hillside dotted with large parks filled with mature trees. This area is especially popular with young families due to it being within walking distance to Zurich’s business centre and lakeside bathing spots. In 2022, townhouses sold here for up to 10 million Swiss francs (approx. 10.1 million euros). The top price per square metre for loft apartments was as much as 24,500 Swiss francs (approx. 24,500 euros).

Höngg is located above the Limmat River on the slopes of the “Käferberg”. Thanks to its south-facing location overlooking the city centre, Lake Zurich and the Limmat Valley, this neighbourhood is highly sought-after by families and commuters. Residents here also value the proximity to the local recreation areas of Waidberg / Käferberg, as well as the convenient transport links to the city centre and Zurich Airport, which can be reached in just 15 minutes by car. In 2022, mansions in Höngg sold for an average of 4 to 5 million Swiss francs (approx. 4 to 5 million euros).

Zurich West is the former industrial quarter and one of the city’s up-and-coming districts. This trendy district has a captivating alternative flair and makes for an architectural contrast to the picturesque Old Town. A host of different cafés, vibrant craft shops and second-hand boutiques add to the charm of Zurich West. This area of the city is particularly popular with students and young entrepreneurs. Top prices per square metre for freehold apartments here in 2022 reached 23,500 Swiss francs (approx. 23,500 euros).

luxury real estate Outlook: Thriving economic area to safeguard high prices

New construction projects such as “Europaallee” directly next-door to Zurich’s main railway station, the “Käferholz” residential complex with over 200 premium freehold apartments and “Hamberger Park” with luxury apartments are all playing their part in the ongoing structural evolution of the city, and  attracting renowned corporations such as Google. Zurich is becoming increasingly cosmopolitan with the accompanying influx of expats, without losing any of its historical heritage as a centre of culture. The sustained price rises in recent years prove that Switzerland’s regional real estate market is witnessing stable growth. For 2023, prices are expected to level out on a high. “Thanks to their stable value, residential properties in and around Zurich are a sound and future-proof investment,” says Kerstin Kühn, Licence Partner of Engel & Völkers Zurich Paradeplatz & Oerlikon, who goes on to make a recommendation: “Focus on properties in well-developed communities in suburban or rural areas that offer space to set up a home office, or, alternatively, focus on micro-apartments in the city centre.”


Classic mansion in Wollishofen

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Located in the heart of Zurich’s Wollishofen neighbourhood, Engel & Völkers currently has this historic mansion dating from 1895 listed for sale (price on request). The property is set on a plot spanning some 2,000 square metres, with a total of 15 rooms spread over three floors. The mansion is impressive for its refined details that include original parquet flooring, restored stucco ceilings and specially made silk wallpaper. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Zurich Paradeplatz)

Exclusive freehold apartment on the Sonnenberg

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Situated on the “Sonnenberg”, this exclusive apartment is on sale for 4.3 million Swiss francs (approx. 4.4 million euros). The 2.5-room apartment is located in a building with five residential units in total. It affords state-of-the-art comforts throughout its interiors, which span 113 square metres. The property also boasts a large covered terrace and, thanks to its southwest orientation, it is ideal for owners looking to enjoy a panoramic view over the city and the surrounding vineyards. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Zurich Zurichberg)

Candela C-8 ‘powered by Polestar’ comparte batería y tecnología de carga con Polestar 2

GOTEMBURGO, SUECIA – 17 de enero de 2023. El nuevo Candela C-8 ‘con tecnología de Polestar’ es el primer producto de una asociación entre Polestar (Nasdaq: PSNY) y Candela. Las dos marcas suecas de movilidad premium llegaron a un acuerdo en agosto de 2022 para que Polestar suministre baterías y tecnología para impulsar los hidroalas eléctricas de Candela.

El Candela C-8 ‘con tecnología de Polestar’ está diseñado para utilizar el mismo paquete de baterías de 69 kWh y tecnología de carga de CC que el motor único de rango estándar de Polestar 2. Candela espera una autonomía de hasta 57 millas náuticas con una sola carga a una velocidad de crucero de 22 nudos, en comparación favorable con las lanchas a motor de combustión interna, y con una autonomía de alta velocidad de 2 a 3 veces más larga que las lanchas rápidas eléctricas convencionales.

“Con las baterías de Polestar, el Candela C-8 se convierte en el primer barco eléctrico que puede viajar a destinos a los que antes solo se podía llegar con barcos con motor de combustión. El Candela C-8 impulsado por Polestar marca un avance significativo para la electrificación en el mar”, dice Gustav Hasselskog, CEO y fundador de Candela.

Este alto rendimiento eléctrico en el mar es posible gracias a una combinación de tecnología innovadora de Candela y Polestar. El Candela C-8 utiliza un motor de vaina de transmisión directa eficiente, el Candela C-POD, y ‘vuela’ en hidroalas guiadas por computadora que elevan el casco por encima del agua a altas velocidades, lo que reduce el consumo de energía hasta en un 80 % en comparación con los tradicionales. lanchas a motor

Además del paquete de baterías de 69 kWh de Polestar 2,, Polestar también suministra tecnología de carga rápida de CC para el Candela C-8, además de compartir capacidades de investigación y desarrollo para integrar la tecnología y el software en una aplicación marina para transferirla desde tierra. al mar

“Compartir conocimientos sobre baterías e ingeniería de vehículos con Candela ayudará a alcanzar nuestro objetivo compartido de hacer la transición a un futuro en el que todas las formas de transporte sean sostenibles”, dice Thomas Ingenlath, director ejecutivo de Polestar.

El suministro de baterías y componentes de carga a un tercero de esta manera es una novedad para Polestar como fabricante de vehículos eléctricos y amplía los esfuerzos de Polestar para impulsar la movilidad eléctrica sostenible más allá de la industria automotriz.

Candela C-8 Polestar Power está disponible para pedidos en
A partir de hoy, todos los Candela C-8 pedidos estarán equipados con baterías Polestar.

Sobre Candela
Candela Technology es una empresa tecnológica sueca cuya misión es acelerar el cambio hacia lagos y océanos libres de combustibles fósiles. Usando hidroalas guiadas por computadora, alas submarinas que levantan el casco por encima de la superficie, superando así la fricción del agua, la embarcación de Candela usa hasta un 80% menos de energía a altas velocidades que las lanchas a motor tradicionales.

Además de un mayor alcance y un mejor rendimiento que otros barcos eléctricos, las embarcaciones de Candela tienen varios beneficios sobre los barcos ICE convencionales. Con un ruido mínimo, cero estelas y cero emisiones, la embarcación de Candela combina una huella ambiental liviana con una mejor comodidad para los pasajeros y una experiencia de manejo emocionante.

Candela fue fundada en 2014 por el ingeniero Gustav Hasselskog y presentó su primer modelo de producción, Candela C-7, en 2019. Con un alcance de 50 millas náuticas a 20 nudos, el C-7 estableció varios récords mundiales para barcos eléctricos. La producción limitada de 32 unidades finalizó en 2021.

En 2022, Candela Water lanzó el sucesor Candela C-8, más grande y de mayor volumen, que está diseñado para que los barcos eléctricos se generalicen. Con espacio para ocho pasajeros y equipado con la batería Polestar 2, tiene un alcance esperado de 57 millas náuticas a 22 nudos y una velocidad máxima de 30 nudos. Propulsado por el Candela C-POD, un motor pod eléctrico desarrollado internamente por el equipo de ingenieros de 50 personas de Candela, es un 400 % más eficiente que otras lanchas a motor del mercado. Con más de 150 unidades vendidas hasta la fecha, el C-8 es actualmente el barco premium eléctrico más vendido.

En 2023, Candela lanzará el barco taxi Candela P-8 Voyager y el ferry eléctrico P-12, que llevarán la revolucionaria tecnología de hidroplano eléctrico de la compañía a las embarcaciones comerciales.

Acerca de Polestar
Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC (Nasdaq: PSNY) (“Polestar”) es un fabricante sueco de vehículos eléctricos premium. Fundada por Volvo Car AB (publ.) (junto con sus subsidiarias, “Volvo Cars”) y Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd (“Geely”), en 2017, Polestar disfruta de sinergias tecnológicas y de ingeniería específicas con Volvo Cars y beneficios de importantes economías de escala como resultado.

Polestar tiene su sede en Gotemburgo, Suecia, y sus vehículos están actualmente disponibles y en circulación en los mercados de Europa, América del Norte, China y Asia Pacífico. Los automóviles Polestar se fabrican actualmente en dos instalaciones en China, con una fabricación futura adicional planificada en los EE. UU.

Polestar ha producido dos autos eléctricos de alto rendimiento. El Polestar 1 se fabricó entre 2019 y 2021 como un GT híbrido de rendimiento eléctrico de bajo volumen con carrocería de fibra de carbono, 609 CV, 1000 Nm y una autonomía eléctrica de 124 km (WLTP), la más larga de cualquier coche híbrido del mundo. mundo en ese momento.

El Fastback de rendimiento eléctrico Polestar 2 es el primer automóvil de alto volumen completamente eléctrico de la compañía. La gama de modelos Polestar 2 incluye tres variantes con una combinación de baterías estándar y de largo alcance de hasta 78 kWh, y sistemas de propulsión de motor único y doble con hasta 350 kW / 476 hp y 680 Nm.

Polestar planea lanzar un nuevo vehículo eléctrico por año, comenzando con Polestar 3, el primer SUV de rendimiento eléctrico de la compañía que debutó en octubre de 2022. Se espera el lanzamiento de Polestar 4, un SUV cupé de rendimiento eléctrico más pequeño, en 2023.

En 2024, se planea lanzar el Polestar 5 GT de 4 puertas con desempeño eléctrico como la evolución de producción de Polestar Precept, el auto conceptual manifiesto que Polestar lanzó en 2020 que muestra la visión futura de la marca en términos de diseño, tecnología y sustentabilidad. A medida que la compañía busca reducir su impacto climático con cada nuevo modelo, Polestar tiene como objetivo producir un automóvil verdaderamente neutral para el clima para 2030.

En marzo de 2022, Polestar presentó su segundo automóvil conceptual, un roadster de rendimiento eléctrico que se basa en las ambiciones de diseño, tecnología y sostenibilidad establecidas por Precept y muestra la visión de la marca para los automóviles deportivos del futuro. El convertible de techo rígido presenta una evolución del lenguaje de diseño único mostrado por primera vez por Precept y enfatiza una experiencia de conducción dinámica. El concepto desarrolla aún más el enfoque en la sostenibilidad y la tecnología, con el objetivo de lograr una mayor circularidad. Polestar confirmó en agosto de 2022 que se producirá una versión del concepto como el roadster de rendimiento eléctrico Polestar 6, con un lanzamiento previsto para 2026.

It’s time do rediscover LUXXU! Welcome To A New Era Set In Stone – LUXXU’s New Era marks the beginning of a new design concept. Introducing new materials, finishes and geometric lines, but maintaining the same sense of luxury, the New Era Set In Stone reshapes your interiors and transforms them to achieve maximum elegance. Rediscover this in Inspiration And Ideas‘ new article!

See also: Visit Boca do Lobo Design Gallery In Oporto
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Rediscover LUXXU: Welcome To A New Era Set In Stone

Magna Chandelier

Magna Chandelier is a masterpiece that was inspired by the organic shapes of nature, the beauty, and the elevation of mountains. A piece that reunites the modern with craftsmanship techniques. Each part is made with crystal white details in the centre and the glimmering metallic frame is made of brass. Magna Chandelier will add a poetic beauty and will change the atmosphere of any room.

Skyline Suspension
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Skyline is now introduced in a horizontal perspective and as a suspension piece. Drawing inspiration from the ever-busy metropolises around the world, the Skyline Suspension epitomizes the grandiose nature of skyscrapers and their silhouettes. This lighting fixture design is supported by a brass frame that is seamlessly connected to an Alabaster marble structure that irradiates smooth lighting throughout.

Algerone Mirror
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Divided into three asymmetrical frames, the fragmented form of the Algerone mirror was designed to convey a more peculiar aesthetic that adds depth and interest to any space it bestows. Each frame is boarded with Eucalipto Frise veneer and brass details that further complement the mirror’s ornamental appeal.

Algerone Mirror
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
See also: 7 New Arrivals for Dubai: Finest Luxury Furniture
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
Algerone Sofa
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

The Algerone sofa was created to express the ultimate expression of comfort and luxury in a singular piece. Upholstered in smooth brown velvet, this linear sofa emphasizes the classical lines and geometric features that the Algerone family is best known for. The Algerone sofa is bound to become the enviable centrepiece of any living room style.

Algerone Rectangular Dining Table
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Algerone is an imposing rectangular dining table, inspired by sleek architectural elements. This classic piece showcases the strength and classic nature of Statuario marble that is further enhanced by the presence of meticulously placed brass lines. The intertwinement of these materials makes for quite an alluring decor statement.

Algerone Bar Cabinet
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

The Algerone bar cabinet is a sleek and opulent design solution with architectural features. Its main component is Statuario Marble hence its strong and durable character. Algerone also highlights an interior handcrafted in smoked glass, polished brass, and glossy Eucalipto Frise Veneer. Ideal for an open-concept space or a contemporary living room, the Algerone bar cabinet is set to create a stunning visual effect.

Algerone Bar Cabinet
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
Algerone Bed
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

The Algerone bed is the epitome of modern design, combining noble materials such as polished brass, grey leather, and Statuario marble with sleek lines. The architectural inspirations of the collection are reflected in this design, making it quite an alluring decor statement while ensuring the ultimate comfort.

Algerone Dressing Table
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Incorporate a new sense of modernity that only marble can provide into a bedroom, closet, or vanity area with the Algerone dressing table. A luxury item made with the most premium materials such as polished brass, Eucalipto Frise Veneer, mirror, and Statuario marble, that has a powerful presence in any ambience.

Skyline Wall Lamp
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Drawing inspiration from the ever-busy metropolises around the world, the Skyline Wall Lamp represents the city’s profile, the silhouette of stunning skyscrapers seen that can be seen at night.

Skyline Wall Lamp
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
Which Piece Do You Love The Most In This New Design Concept?
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The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Thinking about redecorating your luxury house? It’s time to upgrade your home decor with Dubai‘s Most Wanted Modern Furniture Pieces of 2022. These exquisite designs will leave every guest mesmerized, and mostly yourself! Sometimes, one incredible piece is all you need to set the mood. Today, Inspiration And Ideas takes you on a tour through the most coveted design!

1. Lapiaz Sideboard

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

The Lapiaz Sideboard is a Modern Furniture piece born from the cold and freshly cracked to show off the world its rich, golden details. This contemporary sideboard is an exclusive piece designed to enrich your entrywayliving room, or even home office since its exceptional design awakens your passion while presenting unmatched versatility.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

2. Lapiaz Center Table

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

The Lapiaz Center Table is one of the latest projects developed by Boca do LoboLapiaz was the inspiration for this Modern Furniture piece. The french word is the name given to the typical karst formations produced by the surface dissolution of limestone or dolomite rocks. It can also be caused by freezing and thawing in cold climates. This is how the Lapiaz luxury coffee table emerged.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

3. Navarra Center Table

The design of Navarra center table captures unique Spanish warmth and the finest craftsmanship. An exclusive marble modern furniture piece and a polished choice for your home interiors, Navarra will bring a unique flair into your luxury living room.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

4. Glance Mirror

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

With order being the pleasure of the reason, the disorder is the delight of emotions. What seems confused and cluttered can, at a glance, acquire a new meaning capable of inspiring and charming us. The Glance Mirror tells a story about the crossroads of life and the reason for the chaos.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

5. Symphony Sideboard

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

The Symphony Sideboard is handmade by experienced craftsmen, each with different specialities, from metal work to wood carving. It features a cluster of polished brass tubes enveloping an exotic wood structure, creating a harmonious artful juxtaposition to the rhythm of the pipes.

6. Pixel Cabinet

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Iconic and unparalleled, the Pixel Cabinet by Boca Do Lobo presents a ground-breaking modern furniture design. Made out of 1088 triangles, the upper part of the Pixel Cabinet plays with perception and combines exceptional materials with multicolored compositions to give the cabinet a unique, striking design: handmade leaf gilding triangles, 10 different types of wood leaves from palisander to African walnut veneer, and acquiring.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

7. Metamorphosis Dining Table

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Metamorphosis Dining Table embodies handmade techniques such as wood carving, metal cutting, and hammering, and polishing, executed by some of the best craftsmen in Portugal. A modern furniture piece for those who have a peculiar taste for limited edition pieces and conceptual designs.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

8. Imperfectio Sofa

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Imperfectio is a modern furniture piece that praises artisanal work as the ultimate form of art that is quite intentionally imperfect; an appeal to the art which is truer to life. Part of the Imperfectio collection, it presents the most functional yet exclusive design.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

D50 Coupé, the new flagship of the Barcelona-based brand

De Antonio Yachts will present the D50 in its new Coupé version at the Düsseldorf Boat ShowDuring the Düsseldorf Boat Show, De Antonio Yachts will present the World Premiereof the new D50 Coupé model, a unique design that exceeds all expectations in its lengthand reinvents the walkaround concept.

Based on the D50 Open and inheriting thewaterlines of its predecessor the D46, European Boat of the Year winner, it offers impressivesailing performance in a perfect combination of sportiness and efficient cruising powered by hidden outboard engines in 4-unit 350hp or 400hp or 2-engine 600hpcombinations.

The new flagship of the Barcelona brand stands out for its stylised superstructure, whichfurther highlights its avant-garde architecture, offering its occupants an encloseddrivingarea for greater comfort and allowing its central part to open up thanks to the retractable canvas roof.

Its deck layout offers impressive sunbathing areas for relaxation, outdoor galley andgenerous deck spaces, without renouncing a very spacious and customisable interior layout with 2 or 3 cabins, one of which can be adapted for a crew cabin or servicecabin. Likewise, the interior can also contain up to two bathrooms, adapting to the needs of each owner. Elegant, sporty, spacious and cabrio, this is the D50 Coupé. Its world premiere will take place at Boot, the Düsseldorf International Boat Show, from21 to 29 January at the brand’s stand (Hall 5/Stand no. 5B20)

Antonio Yachts

Engel & Völkers | Germany’s residential property market: Prices plateau on a high across country 

Germany’s residential property market: Prices plateau on a high across country 

  • 56 towns and cities across Germany compared in Engel & Völkers report for 2022
  • Stable market dynamics despite inflation and buyer restraint
  • Demand continues to exceed supply in very good locations 

Hamburg, 4 October 2022. In this year’s “Market Report for Residential Property in Germany“, Engel & Völkers analyses current market and price developments in 56 selected locations in the Federal Republic of Germany and makes a forecast with regard to market dynamics over the coming year. With the period of extremely low interest rates coming to an end in the spring of 2022, Germany’s residential real estate market is now entering a new phase. The increase in mortgage interest rates and high rate of inflation have seen property price rises of recent years tail off for the first time. In many places, the time to market also increased due to a drop of demand caused by overall buyer restraint. This has led to a plateauing of prices at a high level and, most recently, slight decreases in asking prices in average and simple locations. In July, the asking price for existing freehold apartments settled at a nationwide average of approx. 4,195 euros per square metre. This still represents a growth of 8.2 percent over the same period last year (July 2021: 3,784 euros per square metre). The market segment for houses reflects a similar picture, with average asking prices levelling out at around 415,000 euros across Germany in July (July 2021: 365,000 euros), representing a year-on-year increase of 13.7 percent. “We find ourselves in new and, for many, unfamiliar circumstances. The residential property market in Germany was predominantly a seller’s market for many years. Now we are seeing a shift towards a buyer’s market. Sharp drops in prices are not expected in the future however. This trend is far more a healthy regulating of the exceptionally high price rises witnessed in recent years,” says Till-Fabian Zalewski, CEO of the DACH region at Engel & Völkers.

Freehold apartments: Sustained demand keeps prices stable

Up until this spring, the segment for freehold apartments was still registering significant price rises, with a 10.3 percent increase in the first half of 2022 (HY1 2022: 4,095 per square metre / HY1 2021: 3,713 euros per square metre). From May 2022 onwards, asking prices plateaued across Germany and in the majority of towns and cities surveyed by Engel & Völkers. In July, moderate price declines were registered compared to the previous month of June in Germany’s Top 7 cities, which include Munich (-1.9 percent), Frankfurt (-1.2 percent), Düsseldorf (-1.4 percent) and Hamburg (-1.3 percent). Berlin and Stuttgart, on the other hand, witnessed slight increases in asking prices of +0.4 percent in the capital and +0.7 percent in the state capital of Baden Wurttemberg. With an average price of 10,067 euros per square metre, Munich leads the ranking of all the locations surveyed, followed by Frankfurt at 6,918 euros per square metre and Hamburg at 6,769 euros per square metre. Due to the ongoing shortage of available listings in many places, prices remain stable at a high level. “Living space in city centres is still very much in demand. The availability of freehold apartments in particular remains too low and the population influx into the big cities is so high that prices will continue to plateau and no major downward corrections are to be expected. Many buyer groups are showing strong credentials in terms of equity, in the prime locations in particular, meaning that slight price rises may still be seen in some locations,” says Till-Fabian Zalewski. Through to the end of 2022, Engel & Völkers forecasts moderate price rises in prime locations in more than a quarter of the 56 towns and cities surveyed.

Detached and semi-detached houses: Munich still highest priced residential location

In the market segment for detached and semi-detached houses, the development in interest rates also had a stifling effect on the rise in prices for the first time. While the percentage price increase in the first half of 2022 was as high as 13.7 percent year-on-year (HY1 2022: 390,000 euros / HY1 2021: 343,000 euros), only moderate changes in asking prices have been registered since June. The Top 7 metropolitan areas of Cologne (+ 0.7 percent) and Stuttgart (+ 5.8 percent) recorded slight price rises, while Munich (-1.5 percent), Berlin (-1.1 percent), Düsseldorf (-0.6 percent), Hamburg (-0.4 percent) and Frankfurt (-0.1 percent) all witnessed a slight decrease in prices. With an average asking price of 1.4 million euros, Munich remains the highest priced location in Germany in July 2022, followed by Heidelberg at 975,000 euros and Stuttgart at 898,000 euros. At the same time, there was a considerable rise in the number of publicly advertised property listings across Germany in the summer due to longer times to market as a result of the increased reluctance to buy. “Although buyers have become more discerning, the market also now offers many opportunities,” says Till-Fabian Zalewski, who goes on to emphasise: “Clients with a serious interest in buying have the chance right now to acquire properties that were more difficult to acquire in recent years due to competition from fellow bidders. In many cases, buyers now have the freedom to choose between different properties once again.”

Prices in German towns and cities remain stable

Valuations on the residential real estate market in Germany continue to be very stable, and while market activity has remained dynamic in recent years, real estate has also proven to be resistant to crisis. In 2021, for example, the transaction volume was 182.4 billion euros and, despite the pandemic, grew 11.7 percent over the previous year (2020: 163.3 billion euros). Even with the recent rise in interest rates, no significant decline in prices is expected in Germany’s major cities until the end of 2022. With regard to availability, the more restrained demand for residential property comes at the same time as a recent decline in construction activity due to a lack of available land for development and higher construction costs. Due to the worsening of financing conditions for some property buyers, pressure on the rental market is on the rise. Looking ahead to the coming winter, buying interest is focused in particular on newly built properties and existing homes that have been renovated with energy efficiency in mind and have modern heating systems installed. “The high demand for houses continues, as does the desire to own a home of one’s own. The level of supply is still too low to meet demand – a fact that will more than compensate for the higher interest rates,” says Till-Fabian Zalewski, who stresses the importance of location: “Real estate, especially in very good locations, remains a crisis-proof investment – not least because competitive investment alternatives are lacking.”

Outlook: Micro-locations to play a decisive role

For the coming months, Engel & Völkers anticipates that prices will remain stable in very good locations and only fall in isolated cases. The development of interest rates will impact the market. Some demand could shift to lower price segments as a result. At the same time, the shortage of real estate and decline in new construction activity will have a stabilising effect on the market. “While general sweeping statements were possible in recent years due to price rises across the entire country, exact forecasts are now difficult to make. They will depend greatly on global political and economic factors. It is therefore crucial now and in the coming months to take a close look at the respective micro-location and the property,” says Till-Fabian Zalewski. In the federal states of Hamburg and Saxony, for instance, the real estate transfer tax is set to be increased in 2023, meaning that it might be worthwhile in individual cases to bring forward a planned property purchase. Due to the geopolitical situation, buyers are becoming increasingly interested in energy-efficient real estate, which in turn will mean there will be a greater need for advice on issues such as energy-efficient renovations in the future. “In turbulent times like these, seeking professional advice from experienced real estate experts is especially important – in order to be in a position to assess the changing market climate correctly,” ´Till-Fabian Zalewski adds.

This is the tenth time that Engel & Völkers has published its “Market Report for Residential Property in Germany”. It contains in-depth analysis of price trends in all residential locations, as well as other developments on the market and financing advice (in German):

Sources:  Asking prices: VALUE Marktdatenbank, Engel & Völkers Residential
transaction figures: Gutachterausschüsse, GEWOS-Immobilienmarktanalyse IMA®, Engel & Völkers Residential


Elegant newly built apartment in Berlin
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This elegant apartment has only just been completed in the sought-after Berlin district of Charlottenburg. It has three light-flooded rooms spanning a total of 80 square metres. It is on the market with Engel & Völkers for 999,000 euros. The furnishings are especially premium in quality and include oak parquet, marble floors and custom carpentry. A balcony facing the inner courtyard and an underground parking space round off this listing. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Berlin Hohenzollerndamm Market Center/Alexander Haas)

Large eco-friendly home in Heidelberg
Image Image Image Situated at a prime address within walking distance of Heidelberg’s Old Town, this modern “Holz100” house is set on a woodland plot spanning around 9,000 square metres. The unique low-energy property is especially impressive for its special architectural design and the harmonious use of natural materials such as wood, slate and lava stone. Five bedrooms and study rooms are aligned around a large, light-flooded gallery space with an open plan living and dining area that boasts panoramic views of the city. The naturally landscaped garden boasts three terraces, an automatic irrigation system and a regeneration zone for the large organic pool. The property is on sale with Engel & Völkers for 4.95 million euros. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Heidelberg)

Low-energy house in Hamburg
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This house is in pristine condition and set on an approx. 242 square metre plot at the end of a row of terraced properties in the leafy suburb of Osdorf. It is on the market with Engel & Völkers for 1.08 million euros. The modern amenities are particularly energy-efficient and high in quality, with A+++ appliances. In addition to four bedrooms and a spacious living and dining area, the property also boasts a garden with a sunny south-facing terrace and a parking space. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Hamburg Elbe Market Center)

copyright photos: Engel & Völkers


Cobermaster Concept | James  Alexander - The lamp that tells the story of a creative young man


James  Alexander

La lámpara que cuenta la historia de un joven creativo

Todas las piezas de la marca Cobermaster Concept cuentan una historia, porque todas ellas fueron pensadas, diseñadas y producidas en base a un concepto.

Pero que se sepa: esta pieza tiene una historia especial detrás, que la marca se enorgullece de compartir ahora.

Durante el largo periodo de confinamiento, que se hizo sentir a causa de la pandemia del Covid-19, muchos niños se quedaron sin acceso a las clases presenciales, y otros tantos que, por necesidad, tuvieron que acompañar a sus padres al trabajo, por lo que que pudieran conciliar su vida personal y profesional.

Este fue el caso de Tiago Alexandre, a quien pertenece esta historia, y quien durante algún tiempo asistió a clases de la empresa donde trabaja su padre. El contacto con el departamento de innovación y diseño, donde se diseñan los muebles de Cobermaster Concept, despertó en Tiago un gran deseo de diseñar sus propias piezas. Movido por el entusiasmo de su hijo, su padre, Frederico Albergaria, director general de la marca, lo retó a diseñar un nuevo modelo de lámpara de pie, pidiéndole que se dedicara en cuerpo y alma al proyecto, pensando en el concepto y el respeto por el medio ambiente. ambiente. Por otro lado, si el modelo fuera interesante y factible, la lámpara sería fabricada y presentada en las distintas ferias internacionales donde Cobermaster Concept tiene una presencia asidua.

¡Se lanzó el lema! Tiago ahora estaba a cargo de un proyecto como un verdadero profesional. Durante unos días, el joven se encerró en una habitación, lejos de todos, trabajando en completo secreto. Unos días después, le presentó a su padre un boceto de su visión de la nueva lámpara. Después de observar el diseño, Frederico pensó de inmediato que el pequeño boceto podría convertirse en una de las mejores lámparas de pie desarrolladas por la marca.

Cuando se le preguntó sobre la inspiración, Tiago explicó rápidamente que se había inspirado en los altavoces altos vintage, muy utilizados en los años 80 y 90, que le gustaban mucho.

¡Se creó el primer gran proyecto de Tiago y no podría estar más feliz! Ahora faltaba un nombre para su creación. El padre sugirió que fuera JAMES ALEXANDER, la versión en inglés del nombre del creador (Tiago Alexandre), en honor a él mismo.

La lámpara James ya se ha producido y actualmente se presenta al mercado, habiendo sido una de las piezas más codiciadas en París, en la última edición de Maison et Objet, y elogiada por muchos diseñadores y profesionales del sector durante la feria.

¡La verdad es que hasta ahora nadie sabía que esta pieza fue diseñada por un adolescente en el mejor momento de sus 12 años!

La capacidad de iniciativa de Tiago acabó marcando positivamente el difícil periodo de la pandemia, despertando en él las ganas de diseñar, crear y emprender.

JAMES ALEXANDER es la nueva lámpara de Cobermaster Concept, una pieza de iluminación que nos transporta al glamour de otros tiempos, con un toque vintage e industrial. Una pieza diseñada al detalle donde incluso las lámparas tienen la forma de los altavoces que se usaban en aquella época. Más que un nuevo modelo de lámpara, es una obra de arte e iluminación capaz de dar la firma definitiva a cualquier proyecto de decoración premium, estando disponible para envío a cualquier parte del mundo.



Cobermaster Concept es una marca portuguesa dedicada al desarrollo y fabricación de muebles premium de inspiración vintage e industrial con proyección internacional.

La innovación, la sostenibilidad, el diseño y el carácter son la base de inspiración para la creación de cada una de las piezas, la mayoría de las cuales están fabricadas con la rejilla 3D, una malla de características únicas, fabricada con una tecnología desarrollada y patentada por la propia empresa.

The Jills Zeder Group: Nº1 Luxury Property Specialists in real Trends 2021 Rankings

The Jills Zeder Group: Nº1 Luxury Property Specialists Miami in real Trends 2021 Rankings

In real estate, there are numerous firms and agencies claiming to be number one in their market. But only a few can back their claims with recognition from trusted industry authorities – and The Jills Zeder Group in Miami is one of them.

Ranked by RealTrends as the #1 Real Estate Team for 2021, The Jills Zeder Group, Coldwell Banker Luxury Property Specialists has firmly established themselves among the top Realtors not only in the Miami area, but also throughout Florida and the entire United States.

Get to Know The Jills Zeder Group

The Jills Zeder Group is the combination of two of the most powerful real estate brokerage teams in South Florida – The JILLS® and The Zeder Team. Realizing they’re driven by the same goals and business ethics, the teams joined forces in March, 2019, and quickly went on to create real estate history.

The team’s logo features three palm trees, symbolizing the three families that make up the core of this regional powerhouse. The JILLS® Team is represented by Jill Hertzberg and her children Danny Hertzberg and Hillary Hertzberg, as well as by Jill Eber and her sister Felise Eber. The Zeder Team is led by Judy Zeder and her children Nathan Zeder and Kara Zeder Rosen.

Together, this formidable group has 150 years of collective experience and $2 billions of dollars in sales just in 2021. Prior to their merger, their combined sales totaled $6 billion, some of which were achieved through their collaborative work on high-profile luxury sales.

The group specializes in upscale real estate throughout Miami-Dade County, representing buyers and sellers in the sale of multimillion dollar estates, high-end condominiums, and stunning waterfront properties.

Their affiliation with the Coldwell Banker Realty offices in Miami Beach and Coral Gables gives them access to a wide range of regional, national, and international clients across 43 countries, as well as to cutting edge resources and technology.

The group is also affiliated with the International Luxury Alliance and Hamptons International – London, expanding their reach to ultra high net worth individuals from anywhere in the world.

Unifying their varied strengths, the two generations of experts in The Jills Zeder team provide unparalleled service to match the needs and preferences of their highly discriminating clientele.

The #1 Real Estate Team in the United States in RealTrends’ 2021 Rankings

For 2021, The Jills Zeder Group was ranked the number one large real estate team in sales volume by RealTrends, as featured in Wall Street Journal. This means that, in 2020, among real estate teams in the country with 11 to 20 sales professionals, The Jills Zeder Group achieved the highest sales volume.

The team leads an elite list of what RealTrends describes as “the top one-tenth of one percent of more than 1.4 million licensed Realtors nationwide.” The Jills Zeder Group leads the top 250 real estate teams in the United States, with their closed sales volume of $1,236,209,506 and closed transaction sides (buying or selling) of 214.6 in 2020.

In addition, RealTrends data show that The Jills Zeder Group was the first non-team owned brokerage to have achieved sales of over $1 billion in just one year, an achievement the group was able to accomplish just a few months after the merger.

What it Means to Stakeholders

Coldwell Banker president and CEO called the group’s accomplishment “a testament to the team’s expertise, professionalism, and constant dedication to serve their clients as their trusted advisors.”

Buying or selling a luxury property in Miami-Dade County often involves multimillion dollar transactions. With so much at stake, you want to make sure you’re represented only by proven and tested professionals.

It’s important to have the guidance of experts who will see to it that your interests are protected, no matter which side of the transaction you’re in. Your Realtor should be someone who has the capability to guide you and steer the transaction toward a seamless and worry-free closing.

The Jills Zeder Group’s track record, both collectively and separately, speaks volumes about their performance, earning them the trust and confidence of high net worth individuals from around the world.

Their #1 ranking from RealTrends serves as a seal of confidence, affirming the group’s expertise, abilities, and commitment to achieving their clients’ goals.

What is RealTrends?

RealTrends is an independent and privately held communications, publication, and consulting firm specializing in residential real estate. They provide a range of services to the residential real estate industry, including valuations, M&A, and technology and marketing. In addition to realtors and brokers, their consulting clients include mortgage providers, title companies, tech service providers, and other professionals and companies involved in the real estate business.

Stakeholders in the industry look to RealTrends for updated market reports and analyses, which the organization bases on the financial data provided by hundreds of RealTrends Association Network members.

RealTrends also conducts surveys and studies to get the latest pulse of the market and uncover current industry trends. These reports are accessed through RealTrends’ monthly newsletter and other publications.

The organization also stages Gathering of Eagles, an annual event where leading real estate professionals can get the latest information and insights about the industry. RealTrends Association members also get access to association president Steve Murray’s podcasts, webinars, and one-on-one consultations.

The RealTrends Ranking Programs

RealTrends has several ranking programs designed for specific segments of the real estate industry. These include:

  • The RealTrends + Tom Ferry The Thousand RankingsIn this program, RealTrends, in collaboration with Tom Ferry International, invites individuals and teams to submit their production information. RealTrends will then verify the data and rank the entries accordingly.The Thousand team rankings program is broken down into four categories:
    • Small – for teams with 2 to 5 licensed agents
    • Medium – for teams with 6 to 10 licensed agents
    • Large – for teams with 11 to 20 licensed agents
    • Mega – for teams with 21 or more licensed agents

    For the RealTrends 2021 rankings, The Jills Zeder Group topped the Large Team category with sales volume of over $1.2 billion.

  • America’s BestThis ranking program recognizes the top individual real estate professionals by state.
  • RealTrends Five HundredStarted 34 years ago, the RealTrends Five Hundred rankings is considered the definitive ranking program for the largest residential real estate brokerage firms. It has several categories, including:
    • 500 By Volume – This ranks the country’s top brokerage firms by closed sales volume per year.
    • Billionaires’ Club – This ranks the top brokerages that closed at least $1 billion worth of transactions for the year
    • Nation’s Best – Includes brokerage firms that closed at least 500 transaction sides for the year but did not rank in the RealTrends Five Hundred category
    • Average Sale – This ranks brokerage firms according to the average sales price closed for the year
    • Independents – This honors the top independent brokerage firms in the country.
    • Top Movers – This recognizes brokerages with the biggest increase in closed sides for the year.
  • The RealTrends Market LeadersAs with the RealTrends Five Hundred rankings, RealTrends Market Leaders ranks the largest residential brokerage firms in the United States, but breaks down the rankings by metropolitan area.
  • RealTrends Website RankingsThis program ranks the top real estate websites in the United States. It includes six categories highlighting the facets that make a website effective:
    • Best Overall
    • Best Design
    • Best Community
    • Best Mobile
    • Best Property Detail
    • Best Video

    In the RealTrends 2021 Website Rankings, The Jills Zeder Group’s website ranked highly in several categories, including #3 in Best Overall, #2 in Best Design, and #1 in Best Mobile.

Why a RealTrends Ranking is Significant

In real estate, recognition from RealTrends is considered a badge of honor and an affirmation of a Realtor’s or real estate team’s ability to produce outstanding results. As an independent and unbiased authority in the industry since 1987, RealTrends’ rankings and awards are considered as benchmarks in defining excellence in the industry.

The organization’s ranking programs are participated in by thousands of real estate professionals and brokerage firms from around the country, who have to meet strict qualifications before their entries can be considered. To be ranked by RealTrends means the Realtor or brokerage has truly made it to the top of the heap.

With its #1 ranking, The Jills Zeder Group has achieved a remarkable milestone that speaks to the team’s expertise, dedication, and hard work.

One of the highlights of RealTrends’ The Thousand program is the publication of the results in the Wall Street Journal, giving it an added layer of significance and prominence. In fact, the program is often casually referred to as the WSJ Real Estate Ranking, although WSJ is not involved in the production of the rankings.

Other Achievements by The Jills Zeder Group

In addition to its #1 Ranking by RealTrends, The Jills Zeder Group has been recognized by other prestigious organizations and publications in 2021.

  • The #1 Team for Coldwell Banker RealtyIn March, 2021, Coldwell Banker Realty named The Jills Zeder Group as the firm’s number one top-performing large firm nationally in 2020, outperforming more than 96,000 Coldwell Banker sales professionals. The group was also named the #1 Coldwell Banker Realty Team, besting more than 45,000 sales professionals, and the #1 Team within Coldwell Banker Florida.The team got the top spot for the second year in a row, coming in on the back of their outstanding sales achievement of over $6 billion for 2020.

    Along with this, the group also earned the Society of Excellence designation, which is given to the top 1% of Coldwell Banker sales agents throughout the country.

  • Variety’s Showbiz Real Estate Elite 2021The iconic entertainment magazine Variety has named Jill Eber, Jill Hertzberg, and Judy Zeber among its Showbiz Real Estate Elite – a designation given to the top performing real estate professionals who count showbiz celebrities and business leaders among their clients.
  • SFBJ’s 2021 Power Brokers in Real Estate
  • South Florida Business Journal - Meet 2021 Power BrokersThe South Florida Business Journal has once again included Jill Eber, Judy Zeder, and Jill Hertzberg in its annual list of residential Power Brokers throughout Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, citing The Jills Zeder Group’s outstanding sales achievement.

In addition, the agents at The Jills Zeder Group have been featured in numerous publications, TV shows, podcasts, and other far reaching venues, where they shared their expert industry insights and formidable market knowledge. You can find them individually or collectively in widely-circulated magazines, newspapers, and TV shows, including The Wall Street Journal, South Florida Business Journal, The Real Deal, Forbes, Modern Luxury, and so much more.

High-Profile Luxury Sales

The Jills Zeder Group also brokered a number of high-profile and record-breaking sales in 2021, further boosting their reputation as the go-to real estate powerhouse in Southern Florida.

These are just a few of their noteworthy accomplishments:

Partner with the #1 Real Estate Team in the United States

Together, merging their traditional expertise and contemporary outlook, The Jills Zeder Group continues to receive the highest rankings and accolades from around the globe, the U.S., Florida, and various cities. The Jills Zeder Group is — quite simply — an intergenerational formula for success.

A luxury home in Miami-Dade County is one of the biggest investments you can ever make. Don’t leave the success of such a major undertaking to chance. Partner with The Jills Zeder Group and get peace of mind knowing you’re working with the best of the best.

Call the team today at 305.722.5721 (Coral Gables) or 305.341.7447 (Miami Beach). You may also send an email to (Coral Gables) or (Miami Beach), or leave a message here.


UDesign | Luxury Home Design – Manhattan Suite Apartment

Eclectic, sophisticated, mature, classical and modern. These are all words that fit the description of the Manhattan Suite Apartment.

The bold colours, the dark wooden floors, the four metre high wooden ceilings and the funky old school style comes together to create an inspiring environment. Based on the principles of simplicity and symmetry the design choices in the living area hint at Neo-classicism.

The artworks carry a theme of faces and add splashes of colour and a sensual mood to the room. The striking (and very realistic) Cavalli wallpaper in the hallway turns a normally boring place into a really interesting space.

The master bedroom has shades of the baroque, especially in the wallpapered panels on both sides of the fireplace and the circular mirror, a little Art Nouveau in the hanging brass lamp and four armchairs, and the rest as minimalist as possible to make the whole thing work.

Luxury Home Design

The minimalist/baroque style carries through to the bathroom, where a full-size statue of Venus de Milo stands beside the window looking in. She likes what she sees: a free-standing bath, a small round table to place the champagne glass, a simple but elegant towel rack and a wine-red stool, all overlooking the wonderful view of the city. The details speak volumes in this superlative bedroom suite.


CRYPTO KING$ - Philipp Plein x Antoni Tudisco

CRYPTO KING$ – Philipp Plein x Antoni Tudisco



M.o.N.A. (MUSEO DE ARTE NFT) – es el primer establecimiento que se inaugura hoy en Plein Plaza de Decentraland. Este espacio artístico ha sido ideado por el diseñador como un foro abierto al desarrollo e impulso del arte digital destinado a fomentar y mostrar a los jóvenes artistas de NFT. La inauguración incluye una visita guiada al mundo artístico inmersivo de Plein en el Metaverso junto con una exposición de una serie de NFTs diseñados por el dúo artístico establecido en 2022 “Crypto Kings”, seudónimo que designa la colaboración artística entre Philipp Plein y el mundialmente conocido artista de NFT Antoni Tudisco.