Drumelia’s founder and CEO, Sergey Sinichkin

Drumelia’s founder and CEO, Sergey Sinichkin

Drumelia’s founder and CEO, Sergey Sinichkin, established the foundations of Drumelia Real Estate in Marbella back in 1997 after relocating from St. Petersburg. First acquiring a master’s degree in engineering before pursuing a career as a licensed real estate agent in 1993, he has been proud to call Marbella home for more than two decades.

Drumelia’s founder and CEO, Sergey Sinichkin

Drumelia’s founder and CEO, Sergey Sinichkin

Sergey’s steadfast work ethic and unparalleled market knowledge allowed Drumelia to confidently establish itself as one of Marbella’s premier real estate agencies. With his ground-level expertise and intimate understanding of local nuances, Sergey is an ideal advisor, consultant and an impassioned expert of his craft.

“One of my greatest passions in life is my work. For more than 20 years, I have called Marbella my home, have allowed my colleagues to become some of my dearest friends, and have nurtured relationships with cherished clients across every corner of the world.”

“I am deeply proud of the fact that, very often, I have become close friends with many of my clients – forging lasting personal connections that are based on trust, honesty and integrity. This has led to many exciting and flourishing relationships with friends right here in Marbella and across the world. I consider my main purpose to be to provide qualified assistance in solving one of the most vital tasks in people’s lives. What could be more important than your family home? For me, there is no greater joy than helping my friends in taking the next step.”



Lady Jane


Product Design | Beauty

Designed to be as luxurious as it is versatile, the Lady Jane Collection displays a classic scene as the ensemble of high end salon equipment and beauty furniture transforms a salon into a dreamy, artistic spa oasis.

We created this collection to enable any salon to be transformed into a destination. The design of the pieces reflects the human body at rest, allowing guests to discover beauty while being made beautiful themselves” – Marcel Wanders.

The collection includes an island station, a styling salon chair, shampoo unit with basin, rolling trolleys, a variety of mirrors and a reception desk. The furniture upholstery presents a stitched floral relief that endorses a visual and physical feeling of depth to the guest. All frames and metal pulls are coated in either gold, chrome or matt black colours. Designed with soft and poetic curves, precise silhouettes, rich details and versatile accessories, the pieces create an elegant and welcoming interior. Offering functionality that uplifts the human spirit, this collection is a fresh breeze in the field of professional equipment.

الفن الفرنسي للحيوية

لويس فويتون تحتفل بمهارة البيت في لندن

الرحلة عبر لندن

تقديم فن الحياة الفرنسي: يحتفي فيلم “Louis Vuitton and London” بمهارة الدار وروح الابتكار الدائم فيها.

يضم هذا المعرض مجموعة رائعة من الحقائب من أرشيفات الدار ، ويشيد بالتاريخ الذي ربط لويس فويتون بلندن منذ أن افتتح جورج فويتون أول متجر له في المدينة في 1 مارس 1885. يقع في رقم 289 شارع أكسفورد ، وكان هذا أول متجر خارج فرنسا.


فخورًا بتراث عائلته وحريصًا على تعزيز شغفه بالتصميم وتأثير فرنسا في الخارج ، أضاف المنشئ علم Gallic ثلاثي الألوان إلى لافتاته الخاصة. في إحدى نوافذ متجر لندن ، وضع لافتة مماثلة ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع أحد صناديق سرير Louis Vuitton التي استخدمها الضباط الفرنسيون في مهامهم في الخارج ، في أول مثال على تزيين النوافذ بشكل فردي.

في عام 1889 ، افتتح جورج مؤسسة جديدة مقابل Charing Cross ، واحدة من أهم محطات السكك الحديدية في لندن. بعد سنوات ، في عام 1900 ، وبهدف عكس تطور إبداعاته ، قرر جورج الانتقال إلى قلب الحي الفاخر في المدينة ، في 149 شارع نيو بوند ، بالقرب من المتجر الحالي. .

تقديم الفرنسية Art de Vivre:
“لويس فويتون ولندن”
تحتفي بمهارة الدار وبروح الابتكار المستمر.

تقديراً للتاريخ الذي يربط لويس فويتون بلندن ، منذ أن افتتح جورج فويتون أول متجر له في المدينة في 1 مارس 1885 ، يضم هذا المعرض مجموعة رائعة من جذوع محفوظات الدار.

يجمع نادي الرجال بين القطع التاريخية من المحفوظات جنبًا إلى جنب مع المجموعات الحالية التي تمجّد فن الحياة والترفيه البريطاني. تم إنشاء كل صندوق من حقائب Louis Vuitton في ورشة Asnières الأسطورية (فرنسا) ، وهو يجلب إلى الحياة أحلام ورغبات عملائه في جميع أنحاء العالم.

تأخذ التسلية الرياضية لأسلوب الحياة البريطاني الكلاسيكي مركز الصدارة مع جذوع رائعة مثل تلك المخصصة لألعاب البوكر والأنشطة الخارجية. تحتفل صناديق ألعاب الكازينو وموسيقى الدي جي بالأنشطة الترفيهية ، بينما تحمل صناديق الشامبانيا والنبيذ والكافيار تمجيدًا لفن التذوق.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يكرم نادي الرجال روح مؤسسه لويس فويتون ، مخترع “فن الأمتعة” الحقيقي ، مع مجموعة مختارة من الحقائب للسفر برا وبحرا وجوا.

عندما يتعلق الأمر بأحداث التصميم ، فهذه سنة غير نمطية للغاية ، لذا فإن معظم المعارض ستحول إلى الشكل عبر الإنترنت وتعرض قطع التصميم الفاخرة الجميلة على منصات مختلفة توفر بطريقة ما بديلاً لمثل هذه الأوقات غير المؤكدة. اليوم ، تقدم لك Inspiration and Ideas عددًا قليلاً من أحداث التصميم التي ستزدهر حتى نهاية العام سواء عبر الإنترنت أو في الوقت الحالي مع جميع احتياطات الأمان المتخذة حتى تتمكن من الاستمتاع بجميع عجائب الأثاث الفاخر والتصميم الحديث.

التصميم الداخلي

Design Events To Be Excited For Until The End Of The Year Design Events To Be Excited For Until The End Of The Year

9 نوفمبر – 14 نوفمبر (حدث افتراضي)

للتكيف مع الحقائق الجديدة والتحولات الحالية ، ستقدم إصدارات هذا العام من Downtown Design ، المصممين والمبدعين الذين يبحثون في الموضوعات المتعلقة بالموقع والعمل الجماعي والتخيل المستقبلي ومشاركة المساحة العامة في ظل القيود المادية والتنقل.

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لأول مرة في تاريخها الذي يبلغ 42 عامًا ، يتبنى أحد أكثر أحداث التصميم شهرة ، Decorex، تنسيقًا افتراضيًا بالكامل يتضمن 3 أيام من التواصل والإلهام والمواصفات عبر الإنترنت. من 17 إلى 19 نوفمبر 2020 ، حضور Decorex Virtual مجاني.

17 – 19 نوفمبر (حدث افتراضي)

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معرض FORT LAUDERDALE الدولي للقوارب

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يتقدم معرض فورت لودرديل الدولي للقوارب كما هو مخطط له. تعد صحة وسلامة موظفي FLIBS والعارضين والزوار ذات أهمية قصوى ، وعلى هذا النحو سوف تتبع معايير AllSecure على مستوى الصناعة التي أنشأتها وتنفذها Informa بالتنسيق مع شركاء الجمعية. يُقام معرض فورت لودرديل الدولي للقوارب السنوي الحادي والستون في 28 أكتوبر – 1 نوفمبر 2020.

28 أكتوبر – 1 نوفمبر
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Inspiration Christmas Boca do Lobo banner blogs Inspiration christmas


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لمدة 15 عامًا ، كانت Sleep & Eat هي الوجهة التي يتواصل بها مجتمع تصميم الضيافة. بالعودة لأول مرة بتنسيق افتراضي بالكامل ، في الفترة من 17 إلى 19 نوفمبر ، سيجمع Sleep & Eat Virtual صناعة تصميم الضيافة معًا مرة أخرى لاجتماعات الفيديو ، والتواصل السريع ، ومشاركة المعرفة ، والإلهام.

17 – 19 نوفمبر (حدث افتراضي)
تصميم MIAMI

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في شهر ديسمبر ، تفخر Design Miami بإطلاق برنامج Podium الجديد ، وهو مفهوم بيع للمعارض يقدم تصميمًا قابلًا للتحصيل من كل من المعارض الفنية الرائدة واستوديوهات التصميم المستقلة ، برعاية مدير المعارض الفنية أريك تشين.

27 نوفمبر – 6 ديسمبر (حدث مباشر)

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معرض فريدمان بندا

Design Events To Be Excited For Until The End Of The Year Design Events To Be Excited For Until The End Of The Year 11
فاي توجود [بريطاني ، ب. 1977]
Maquette 259 / مقعد قماش وفوم ، صدأ (نموذج أولي) ، 2020
معدة ، قماش مغسول ، رغوة تنجيد ، طلاء قماش
27.5 × 70.75 × 53 بوصة
70 × 180 × 135 سم
إصدار 8

في 5 نوفمبر ، سيفتتح فريدمان بيندا معرضًا فنيًا واسعًا بعنوان What Would Have been. في أعقاب دورة صاخبة وغير مسبوقة من أحداث التصميم العالمية ، سيشترك المعرض الفني في مجموعة من التصاميم الحديثة من أكثر من 30 استوديوًا مليئًا بالفنانين المعاصرين الذين كانوا في الأصل مخصصين للعرض في صالات العرض والمعارض والمتاحف عبر القارات الخمس.

5 نوفمبر – 12 ديسمبر

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جوناثان ترايت [بريطاني ، ب. 1980]
الحلم (الثريا) ، 2020
برونز مصقول ، زجاج مصنفر ، تجهيزات إضاءة
167 × 25 × 100 سم (متغير)
معرض ديفيد جيل غاليري
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يعرض Spring Group Show في David Gill Gallery’قطعًا رئيسية من الفن والتصميم الحديث والمعاصر. أعمال دام زها حديد ، سير ديفيد شيبرفيلد ، فريدريكسون ستالارد ، ماتيا بونيتي ، لينا بيترز ، سيباستيان برايكوفيتش ، فرانسيس سلطانة ، بارنابي بارفورد ، جاروست وبونيتي ، كامبانا براذرز ، ميشيل أوكا دونر ، سيباستيان إيرازوريز ، ميلينا موزكيز وغيرهم.

16 مارس – 31 ديسمبر 2020

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معرض فومي للصور

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يعكس معرض غاليري فومي الجديد بلطف هذا الموقف الجديد ، مع إعادة تشكيل تصميمه الداخلي كمساحة محلية تأملية. يقول سام برات وفاليريو كابو ، مؤسسا FUMI: “لقد مررنا جميعًا بتغييرات مهمة هذا العام ، ونأخذ أشياء كثيرة أقل بكثير من المسلمات – بما في ذلك أعمال التصميم الجميلة التي توجد هنا لإثراء عالمنا.

17 سبتمبر – 31 ديسمبر 2020

Design Events To Be Excited For Until The End Of The Year Design Events To Be Excited For Until The End Of The Year 16

Inspiration Christmas Boca do Lobo banner blogs Inspiration christmas


Summer is nearly over, but as long as the warm weather remains, the urge of running to a swimming pool has never been more appealing and Inspiration and Ideas brings to you 11 sun-kissing ideas brought to you from all around the world! These outdoor swimming pools are utter modern architecture creations that level up all your expectations when it comes to contemporary design in general.

Los Vilos House, Chile, by Cristián Boza

11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture (11) 11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture 11

The late 20th-century retreat of architect Cristián Boza nestles into a cliffside in Chile that overlooks the South Pacific Ocean. One of its key features is its circular, stone swimming pool that slots into the hillside, which is accessed via an elevated bridge that extends from a roof terrace. For residents who prefer wild water swimming, a large staircase leads down from the top of the site to the oceanfront.

Island Mansion, Capri, by Boca do Lobo Studio

11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture (1) 11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture 1

Boca Do Lobo studio brings to life a dream property in Capri, an exclusive island that leads to a millionaire three-story house with world-class interiors, an extensive sun deck, a private heliport, and an infinity pool, all surrounded by the crystalline blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The stunning pool is all covered with the Portuguese tile technique, a true feat of modern architecture.

Casa Xólotl, Mexico, by Punto Arquitectónico

This outdoor pool weaves in and out of the stone walls of Casa Xólotl, a Mexican house that Punto Arquitectónico renovated after finding it in a state of disrepair. The water is accessed by steps down from an outdoor living area or it can be enjoyed from an overhanging hammock. On one side of the pool, a waterfall feature has been incorporated within the doorway of the home’s former cistern.

Casa B, Malta, by Architrend Architecture

11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture (8) 11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture 8

A rooftop swimming pool is the focal point of Casa B, a concrete house that Architrend Architecture has slotted within a traditional terrace in the seaside town in Malta. The pool is visible from street level through a glass side that is framed by a square concrete arch, while its glass-bottom allows residents to observe bathers from inside the home’s double-height entrance lobby.

Oak Pass House, USA, by Walker Workshop

11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture (2) 11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture 2

This picturesque infinity pool stretches 22 meters along the edge of the roof terrace of a Californian home, which Walker Workshop has carved into a hillside in Beverly Hills. The pool sweeps beneath and reflects the bough of one of the biggest of 130 protected oak trees abutting the site, around which the entire house was designed.

Casa Monterry, Mexico, by Tadao Ando

11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture (9) 11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture 9

Tadao Ando‘s Casa Monterry features a long, linear pool that juts out from its hillside setting to provide uninterrupted views of the Sierra Las Mitras mountains. Its minimalist appearance complements the modern architecture of the house behind it, which is composed of various horizontal and vertical concrete planes that appear to emerge from the landscape at different heights – including the poolside patio.

Canal House, USA, by Studio MK27

11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture (4) 11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture 4

One of the most unusual private pools in our list belongs to Canal House in Miami Beach. The natural swimming pool takes the form of a lagoon within which residents can swim with fish. It measures 30 meters in length and is surrounded by vegetation to provide an “authentically manicured” natural

Jellyfish House, Spain, by Wiel Arets Architects

11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture (7) 11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture 7

This large glass-bottomed pool cantilevers from the roof of the Jellyfish House in Marbella to offer clear views of the Mediterranean Sea over neighboring houses. It overhangs a semi-enclosed terrace adjacent to the entrance of the home, bathing it in rippling light projections and shadows of overhead swimmers. It also shares a glass wall with the first-floor kitchen to provide glimpses of bathers inside the house.

Villa Molli, Italy, by Lorenzo Guzzini

11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture (6) 11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture 6

Architect Lorenzo Guzzini designed a minimalist infinity pool for this grey-stone villa in Italy, which helps to retain focus on the panoramic views of Lake Como. According to Guzzini, the pool “is not a mere cliche, but it has an architectural and symbolic function, uniting visually to the wild ‘aqua dulza’ of the lake“.

Ruckers Hill House, Australia, by Studio Bright

11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture (5) 11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture 5

The elongated outdoor pool at Ruckers Hill House in Melbourne is designed to mimic a “colonnaded Roman bath”, lined with tall, white-brick walls inset with upturned arches. It was built by Studio Bright as part of its extension of an existing Edwardian-era home and is framed through a large glass window within an open-plan kitchen and dining room.

Panorama, Argentina, by Fernanda Marques

11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture (3) 11 Exclusive Swimming Pool Designs Inspired By Modern Architecture 3

A 10-meter-long pool shares a thick glass wall with the double-height living area of this Argentinan apartment, resembling a giant aquarium. It was sewn into a narrow space in the apartment’s garden while Fernanda Marques was carrying out an interior renovation. It is accessible from either the home’s second floor or a statement folded stair in the garden.

WhatsApp Image 2020 08 27 at 11

Curated by renowned design brands, this contemporary mansion showcases unprecedented craftsmanship, bespoke details, and the ultimate artful lifestyle experience. Various lounging and living room areas fill the expensive home with places dedicated to gathering and entertaining. Inspiration and Ideas gives you a full tour inside of this $15 Million Mansion seating on the edge of Capri, a place where you can relax and enjoy not only life but modern design to the fullest. Step inside of this luxury living room and get ready to be utterly amazed, every corner hides an art furniture gem and we are about to give to you all the inside scoop.

The living room is many times the greeting card of the house. A gold and white color pallet make these areas a perfect portrait of luxury and contemporary scenario.

Unraveling A Luxury Living Room in A $15 Million Mansion In Capri

5 63 Photo

The living room design is perfectly harmonious, with two elegant sofas that fit perfectly along with the leading-edge center table with a modern design twist in the middle.


Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs (4) Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs 4

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Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs (5) Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs 5
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Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs (6) Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs 6

Elsewhere, a lounge area combines many amenities in the same living room design, while never compromising the luxury interiors.


Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs (11) Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs 11

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Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs (7) Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs 7

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Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs (9) Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs 9

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Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs (10) Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs 10

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Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs (2) Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs 2

Of course, an outside space for relaxing is a must, when you’re home is an island mansion, in Capri. Here, the white and gold theme transports itself to a modern terrace, where two Portuguese design brands complement each other beautifully.


Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs (3) Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs 3

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Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs (8) Get The Look Of These Expensive Living Room Designs 8

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WhatsApp Image 2020 08 27 at 11

Evo Yachts, the brand owned by the Blu Emme Yachts shipyard, participates in the Cannes Yachting Festival 2020 with a world premiere: Evo R6 Open.

Born from the pen of designer Valerio Rivellini, the new 18-meter is the open version of Evo R6, the successful flagship of the R range, introduced last year also in Cannes, from which it incorporates the elegance of the design and the flexibility of the spaces.

Evo Yachts launches the new R6 Open in Cannes

Evo Yachts launches the new R6 Open in Cannes

Compared to the classic version, the new Open is distinguished by a steel Roll-Bar, instead of the T-Top, consisting of a suspended wing that acts as a link between the two uprights. The result is a design with sporty and streamlined lines, which gives an idea of ​​lightness. The search for lightness is evident even in the small details, such as the choice not to place the antennas above the aileron, but to ‘raise them’ so as to make them an integral element in the structure design

A retractable awning guarantees shade both on the driving seat and in the front cockpit, equipped with a large dining area, illuminated at night by the courtesy lights on the Roll-Bar, which create suggestive plays of light. Three more are added to this outdoor area: from the large sundeck at the bow, with a sofa in front of the island sundeck of the beach lounge, to the stern beach where the modular platform ensures a variety of uses.

As with all models in the Evo Yachts range, the beach lounge is the most characteristic area of ​​the boat, thanks to the “XTension” side panels, the shipyard’s trademark, which, opening laterally in a few seconds, increase the space available to the 40 %. The width of the central sundeck is such as to allow a 2.85 meter tender to be housed under it.

The layout of Evo R6 Open is an invitation to conviviality and relaxation in an immersive experience with the surrounding environment. Although it is a pure open, however, all the comforts and the ample heights below deck are guaranteed: in addition to the dinette there is space for the owner’s cabin, the two doubles for guests aft, and 2 bathrooms.

With dual engine options, 2 x Volvo Penta IPS 800 or 950, Evo R6 Open ensures a maximum speed of 35 knots and 280 miles of range.

Evo Yachts sarà al Cannes Yachting Festival (8-13 settembre 2020) 

Stand – QSP147

Combining luxury with interior design, the new Versace Home collection encompasses extensive lines for every inch of your dwelling – from the bedroom, to the living room, dining room, library and office.

The New Versace Home Collection Exudes Refined Glamour

Translating the Versace allure into a lifestyle concept, the brand’s all-new Home collection features exceptional furniture that combines luxury and interior design.

Crafted from luxurious woods, marble, and leather, each design evokes feelings of carrying a coveted Virtus handbag, the sophisticated Virtus line features emblematic Barocco V hardware enriched with acanthus leaf accents, boasting sleek lines, gold-tone accents, and plush upholstery.

Versace Home Collection 


Denoted by Medusa-shaped details and outlines, the Medusa Carezza collection features curved lines accentuated with gold-tone hardware, alongside expertly crafted key designs in leather, velvet, and patterned jacquard upholstery.

Anthenea,una experiencia única con el mar

Al abrir una ventana al mundo submarino, Anthenea ofrece un espacio mágico y te invita a vivir momentos atemporales en perfecta armonía con la naturaleza.

Aventurero, móvil, insumergible, autónomo, Anthenea combina con el entorno para infundir una increíble sensación de libertad a sus huéspedes.

Anthénea, la primera suite de hotel en el agua, da un soplo de libertad al paisaje turístico … Una experiencia multisensorial destinada a hoteleros para sus viajeros en busca de la reconexión con la naturaleza y la exploración … entre el horizonte y el fondo marino.

Anthénea, la primera suite de hotel flotante nómada de lujo

Un entorno ecológico en el agua

Producto 100% fabricado en Francia, ecorresponsable y nómada, el primer prototipo de Anthénea recientemente ha estado ondeando en la costa de granito rosa de Bretaña.

Imaginada como una suite de hotel en el agua, Anthénea es autónoma, autosuficiente y ecológica. Al poder equiparse con motores eléctricos silenciosos, permite una larga permanencia en el agua gracias al equipo diseñado para no dejar rastro de su paso.

Alimentada por su entorno, Anthénea está equipada con 5 paneles solares con orientación sur en su cúpula y 2 vainas de propulsión eléctrica.
Su forma circular está diseñada para seguir los rayos del sol y vivir de cerca
elementos. Su pozo central sirve como aire acondicionado natural doa @ nsreleaslreésgtiaontes .tirofpoicales mientras ofrece una inmersión en las regiones abisales.

El diseño ecológico de 50m2 reúne 3 espacios de vida: sala de estar con sofá, muebles curvos vestidos con concreto encerado y observatorio subacuático de 360 ° y cocina panorámica. La zona de noche consta de un dormitorio con cama redonda XL, bañera de agua salada o de agua dulce, solarium de 360 ° en la planta superior para 12 personas. El mobiliario está hecho completamente de materiales de diseño ecológico.

Nacido de un sueño y totalmente modular, Anthénea se limita solo a la imaginación del comprador.
Precio: suite de hotel totalmente equipada y amueblada (operativa o lista para usar): modelo de 50 m2 a € 480,000 sin impuestos (transporte incluido)

Destino: inexplorado (con o sin puerto de origen)
Al ofrecer una nueva forma de experiencia turística entre la visión subacuática y la exploración terrestre, Anthénea permite al viajero descubrir territorios insospechados y vivir experiencias inexploradas mientras desenrolla el hilo de lo íntimo: el del vínculo con la naturaleza y con uno mismo.

Photographe professionnel

La brújula siempre orientada hacia la libertad, esta alcoba no requiere permisos de construcción. Anthénea libera a los viajeros en busca de descubrimientos y hallazgos inesperados. Al ser más rápido de entregar que una construcción sobre pilotes y más respetuoso con el medio ambiente, también simplifica el proceso de adquisición de hoteleros con un enfoque ecológicamente responsable.

Un producto de “4 estaciones” adecuado para una gran amplitud térmica (-30 ° C a + 40 ° C), Anthénea puede anclar en un mar cálido, un lago en verano o navegar hacia la nieve islandesa.

Aerodinámica y combinada a la perfección con cualquier entorno natural, la lujosa suite flotante permite el acceso a las costas más confidenciales e inaccesibles y estar a la vanguardia de la fauna y flora submarina.

Inmutable e insumergible, este pasaporte para escapadas contemplativas e inmersivas no requiere ningún conocimiento de diennfaovigraetaiolen. Sttoen La certificación como embarcación le permite deshacer y navegar en modo de descubrimiento lento.

Studio Munge has cultivated award-winning projects based on partnerships with the world’s preeminent hotel and luxury restaurant groups driven to create an unforgettable interior design.

Studio Munge is the fresh iteration of Italian designer Alessandro Munge’s 20 years of experience creating remarkable interiors. Studio Munge has brought yet another Clique Hospitality experience to life with the modern revitalization of the Palm’s iconic APEX rooftop bar.

APEX Rooftop Bar - Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge studio munge A Rooftop Wonder by Studio Munge That Overlooks Las Vegas APEX Rooftop Bar Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge 7

APEX Rooftop Bar - Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge studio munge A Rooftop Wonder by Studio Munge That Overlooks Las Vegas APEX Rooftop Bar Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge 10

As guests ascend into wonder and excitement, a 360-degree NanaWall reveals limitless views of Las Vegas. The open connection to the sky creates a seamless transition from vivacious daytime parties to the spirited movements of a Vegas nightclub. A lustrous black, gold, and white geometric floor reflect the building’s abstract diamond architecture. The graphite and sapphire statement bar entices the thirst of high-rollers and hotel guests alike.

APEX Rooftop Bar - Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge studio munge A Rooftop Wonder by Studio Munge That Overlooks Las Vegas APEX Rooftop Bar Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge 5

APEX Rooftop Bar - Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge studio munge A Rooftop Wonder by Studio Munge That Overlooks Las Vegas APEX Rooftop Bar Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge 4

APEX Rooftop Bar - Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge studio munge A Rooftop Wonder by Studio Munge That Overlooks Las Vegas APEX Rooftop Bar Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge 8

Supporting the Palms’ impressive art collection, four charming sculptures from renowned contemporary artist Dustin Yellin that comprise the series “Pyschogeorgraphies” will intrigue guests as they observe their humanistic form. Each humanoid sculpture is composed of collages laid in glass and fused with resin to create 3D paintings. Through layered elements of discovery and awe, this modern bar by Studio Munge will reposition the Palms’ as the ultimate destination to see and be seen in Las Vegas.

APEX Rooftop Bar - Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge studio munge A Rooftop Wonder by Studio Munge That Overlooks Las Vegas APEX Rooftop Bar Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge 2

APEX Rooftop Bar - Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge studio munge A Rooftop Wonder by Studio Munge That Overlooks Las Vegas APEX Rooftop Bar Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge 6

The fine experience begins on the ground floor of the hotel, welcoming guests via a corridor clad with wallcoverings in black and midnight blue. A custom oversized metal screen is installed beside two elevators that lead exclusively to the open-air club. “The ascension into Apex is one of anticipation and discovery, feelings we brought forth through dramatic lighting and dark ombré tones that frame remarkable views of Las Vegas!” says Alessandro from Studio Munge.

“We wanted to make something that is so impactful, so cool, so different, that it really kind of took away what it used to be.” – Andy Masi, Clique Hospitality.

APEX Rooftop Bar - Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge studio munge A Rooftop Wonder by Studio Munge That Overlooks Las Vegas APEX Rooftop Bar Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge 3

APEX Rooftop Bar - Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge studio munge A Rooftop Wonder by Studio Munge That Overlooks Las Vegas APEX Rooftop Bar Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge 11

APEX Rooftop Bar - Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge studio munge A Rooftop Wonder by Studio Munge That Overlooks Las Vegas APEX Rooftop Bar Luxury Interior Design by Studio Munge

Interior Design project details:
Project Breakdown: Art and Soul | Hospitality Design
The Evolution of the Vegas | Haute Living
Apex Social Club Debuts atop the Palms

Dining Tables Boca do Lobo studio munge A Rooftop Wonder by Studio Munge That Overlooks Las Vegas bl dining tables 750