Tendencias en el baño: el baño como zona de estar y estancia de bienestar

Los materiales naturales, los colores sutiles y las formas orgánicas crean un baño acogedor en el que pasar el rato.

  • El baño acogedor ofrece un lugar de refugio del ajetreo y el bullicio de la vida cotidiana.
  • Los materiales naturales de alta calidad, como la cerámica y la madera, definen el interior con su tacto agradable
  • El diseño sin complicaciones se une a las formas redondas
  • Excelente diseño de baño para habitaciones de cualquier tamaño.
  • Sostenibilidad: productos duraderos, ahorradores de agua y reciclables
  • El diseño y las características técnicas garantizan una mayor higiene en el baño

El baño ya no es solo un lugar para la rutina diaria de cuidado y salud. Se ha convertido en un lugar de refugio del ajetreo y el bullicio de la vida cotidiana donde puedes sentirte a gusto, relajarte y ser uno contigo mismo. Así como la cocina ha convergido con la sala de estar, el baño ahora se está convirtiendo en uno con el dormitorio. Los límites de las habitaciones se vuelven fluidos con el área de lavado y la bañera ubicadas en el centro del dormitorio, por ejemplo, con solo el inodoro separado físicamente. Los espacios flotantes funcionan porque los objetos sanitarios ahora se diseñan e instalan como muebles, como elementos decorativos independientes hechos de materiales naturales como cerámica, madera y piedra natural con una apariencia que crea una sensación de santuario.

El baño como zona de estar

No solo los baños contemporáneos se diseñan con un estilo cada vez más hogareño en cuanto a sus objetos sanitarios y muebles de baño, sino que los muebles, lámparas, textiles y complementos se abren paso cada vez más en este rincón de la casa. Las formas y los materiales se combinan con relajantes tonos beige y marrón para crear un ambiente acogedor, realzado con plantas que acentúan el espacio y aseguran un clima agradable en la habitación. La inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores es un sello distintivo del diseño escandinavo y de la estética japonesa en particular. La colección de baño Zencha de Duravit armoniza estos dos conceptos. El diseñador Sebastian Herkner elaboró ​​los objetos sanitarios y muebles de baño con materiales naturales como cerámica, madera y vidrio texturizado. Mientras que los muebles de almacenamiento modulares con sus bordes delicados y huecos de sombra emanan un aspecto más austero, la bañera independiente da la impresión de un gran canal que culmina en un elegante borde con una suave curva hacia el exterior. La colección de baño White Tulip de Duravit presenta formas orgánicas combinadas con muebles en superficies de madera maciza natural y lacados de alto brillo o mate satinado para crear armonía y suavidad en el interior. Diseñado por Philippe Starck, las formas de los objetos sanitarios, la grifería y el mobiliario recuerdan la silueta de un tulipán en flor. La colección de baño White Tulip de Duravit presenta formas orgánicas combinadas con muebles en superficies de madera maciza natural y lacados de alto brillo o mate satinado para crear armonía y suavidad en el interior. Diseñado por Philippe Starck, las formas de los objetos sanitarios, la grifería y el mobiliario recuerdan la silueta de un tulipán en flor. La colección de baño White Tulip de Duravit presenta formas orgánicas combinadas con muebles en superficies de madera maciza natural y lacados de alto brillo o mate satinado para crear armonía y suavidad en el interior. Diseñado por Philippe Starck, las formas de los objetos sanitarios, la grifería y el mobiliario recuerdan la silueta de un tulipán en flor.

Estilo de vida natural

La inspiración en la naturaleza es una tendencia que ha llegado para quedarse en el diseño de interiores. Como material, la madera tiene superficies atractivas al tacto, así como cualidades estéticas y táctiles que la hacen adecuada para un estilo de decoración natural como casi ningún otro material. La madera también es una característica establecida del baño. En D-Neo, el diseñador belga Bertrand Lejoly ha creado una gama de baño completa que ofrece tocadores sencillos y armarios semi-altos en una gama de acabados de muebles de roble y nogal.

Pequeño y de buen gusto

Del mismo modo, cada vez más fabricantes ofrecen ahora no solo objetos sanitarios, sino también muebles de dimensiones reducidas para que incluso los baños con medidas compactas puedan transformarse fácilmente en espacios habitables. Después de todo, los baños en las grandes ciudades suelen tener solo unos pocos metros cuadrados. Los armarios con espejos, los muebles de almacenamiento y los lavabos con espacio de almacenamiento también contribuyen a mantener el orden en el baño. Cuando todo tiene un lugar, la calma visual también está asegurada. Las superficies libres pueden acomodar piezas decorativas llamativas como joyeros, jarrones y cuencos.

Preservando los recursos

Pensar y actuar de manera sostenible siempre ha sido importante en Duravit, sobre todo cuando se trata de productos de diseño atemporal fabricados con materiales duraderos y de alta calidad. Duravit también ofrece una gama de soluciones para el baño que consumen menos agua que las convencionales o están fabricadas con materiales sostenibles. Sustano es un buen ejemplo: el primer plato de ducha reciclable que se comercializa es un golpe de efecto del fabricante alemán. Fabricado con el material mineral sostenible DuroCast Nature, no solo tiene una alta dureza superficial y densidad, sino que también los platos de ducha pueden devolverse al fabricante o a un centro de reciclaje local después del final de su vida útil. La gama minimalista de grifos Tulum de Philippe Starck ahorra energía y agua porque está equipada con una función FreshStart. En la posición central, esto solo produce agua fría para empezar. El caudal limitado por la función MinusFlow también ayuda a ahorrar este preciado recurso. Paralelamente a su gama de productos sostenibles existente, Duravit ha incorporado el objetivo de ser climáticamente neutral para 2045 en sus objetivos empresariales.

higiene en el baño

Desde la pandemia se ha prestado mayor atención a la higiene, especialmente en el baño. La limpieza a fondo está garantizada no solo por las superficies fáciles de limpiar, como la cerámica o DuroCast Nature, sino también por el diseño y las características técnicas. Por ejemplo, los inodoros de la gama White Tulip de Philippe Starck están equipados con la innovadora tecnología HygieneFlush que limpia todo el interior del inodoro. El esmalte cerámico HygieneGlaze también garantiza que aprox. El 90 por ciento de las bacterias (bacterias Ege coli) se han eliminado después de solo seis minutos, aumentando a aprox. 99,9 por ciento después de 24 horas. Otra creación de Philippe Starck es la serie de baño Soleil by Starck, cuyo inodoro sorprende con una delicada tapa que sobresale ligeramente. Esta característica de diseño especial significa que la tapa es fácil de agarrar sin tocar el asiento o la cerámica.


01_Salón Zencha

Diseño de baño acogedor con la gama de baño Duravit Zencha en Antracita Mate. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

02 Espacio habitable_Zencha

Diseño de baño acogedor con la gama de baño Duravit Zencha en Blanco. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

03_Salón WhiteTulip

Diseño de baño acogedor con la línea de baño White Tulip de Duravit. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores: cuarto de baño con un ambiente agradable. La gama de baño Duravit D-Neo ofrece una serie de baño completa con unidades de tocador sin complicaciones en una gama de acabados de roble y nogal. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores: cree un baño D-Neo para sentirse bien con Duravit. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG))


Inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores: cree un baño D-Neo para sentirse bien con Duravit. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

07_Baños pequeños_DuraSquare

Compacto pero elegante: lavabo con lavabo y consola de metal de la serie Duravit DuraSquare. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Duravit presenta Sustano, el primer plato de ducha reciclable fabricado con el innovador material DuroCast Nature. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Sustano representa la primera aplicación del nuevo material futurista DuroCast Nature en el baño. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Gama de grifería ahorradora de energía y agua Tulum de Philippe Starck con función FreshStart y MinusFlow de caudal reducido para un menor consumo de agua y energía en el baño. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


La función FreshStart de ahorro de energía en los mezcladores monomando garantiza que el agua caliente solo se agregue cuando la palanca se mueve deliberadamente hacia la izquierda, una opción cuidadosamente considerada disponible, por ejemplo, en la inconfundible gama de grifos Tulum by Starck. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


HygieneFlush: la innovadora tecnología de descarga que limpia toda la superficie interior del inodoro con una innovadora técnica de descarga. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

12_Higiene_WC Soleil

El inodoro de la gama de baño Soleil by Starck sorprende con una delicada tapa que sobresale ligeramente y es fácil de agarrar sin tocar el asiento o la cerámica. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG

Acerca de Duravit AG

Fundada en 1817 en Hornberg, en la Selva Negra, Duravit AG es hoy en día un fabricante internacional líder de baños de diseño y opera en más de 130 países en todo el mundo. La cartera completa de productos del proveedor de baño comprende cerámica sanitaria de primera calidad, muebles de baño, bañeras y platos de ducha, sistemas de bienestar, inodoros con ducha, grifería y accesorios, así como sistemas de instalación. Además de su experiencia en diseño interna, Duravit también trabaja en estrecha colaboración en el desarrollo de productos con una red internacional de diseñadores como Cecilie Manz, Philippe Starck, Christian Werner, Sebastian Herkner y Bertrand Lejoly, así como con talentosos recién llegados. La ambición de Duravit es hacer que la vida de sus accionistas sea un poco mejor cada día a través de una combinación de diseños con visión de futuro, excelencia de producto sin concesiones, un agudo sentido de las necesidades humanas y una gestión empresarial responsable. Una medida clave para lograr estos objetivos es la misión primordial de convertirse en una empresa climáticamente neutra para 2045 sin excepciones.

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

Las mesas de centro sirven como un apoyo más en el espacio vital principal de una casa: la sala de estar . Por su ubicación en pleno medio ambiente, las mesas de centro siempre son el centro de atención de la estancia. Formando parte de la decoración, pueden guardar bandejas de casa, jarrones con flores, velas, pequeñas esculturas y otros objetos decorativos. Inspiration & Ideas preparó este artículo para inspirarte conuna selección de posibilidades y consejos para la decoración de tu mesa de café enDubái¡ Innova y mejora el diseño de tu salón según tu estilo!

Ideas fáciles de decoración de mesa de café

Llenas de funcionalidad , las mesas de centro son atractivas y capaces de dar un toque especial a varios tipos de decoración. Debido a la diversidad de modelos disponibles, pueden apelar a diferentes gustos. Por tanto, la mesa de centro puede, además, delimitar el ambiente y componer la decoración de tu salón Dubái . Y todo según tu personalidad.

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

Una de las cosas más importantes a considerar para la decoración de su mesa de café es la sensación general de su sala de estar, incluida la paleta de colores y el estilo de decoración del resto de su espacio vital. ¿Te encanta una sala de estar acogedora? ¿Te atrae un aspecto moderno, con líneas limpias? ¿O prefieres algo intermedio? Saber esto te ayudará a elegir el tipo de elementos decorativos que colocarás en la mesa de tu salón. Además, a la hora de elegir objetos decorativos para tu mesa de centro , ten en cuenta cómo piensas utilizar la mesa. Puede usarse para exhibir artículos decorativos y libros, para sostener bebidas y controles remotos, como reposapiés, como mesa de comedor, como espacio de almacenamiento adicional o como un lugar para entretenerse, jugar y armar rompecabezas.

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

1. Comience con libros

Los libros de mesa de café suelen ser lo primero que buscan los diseñadores de interiores cuando diseñan un espacio. Una pila de libros de diseño, coronados con un cristal, un collar de cuentas o una pequeña caja o tazón, es la manera perfecta de mejorar la decoración de la mesa de café , o cualquier superficie que necesite algo especial. Los libros de mesa de café no solo elevan su decoración, sino que también ofrecen un excelente tema de conversación y brindan a sus invitados algo para mirar cuando visitan su hogar en Dubai .


5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

Un tazón bonito o una canasta llena de fruta fresca , o incluso nueces enteras , es una excelente manera de agregar la belleza de los elementos naturales a la decoración de su mesa de café . También puedes jugar con diferentes materiales y elementos naturales, como cestos, cuentas y cadenas de madera, cerámica, bandejas y cuencos tejidos, conchas, piedras, obs de mármol, etc.

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

3. Capa en algunas piezas decorativas

Camine por su casa y reúna artículos tales como objetos escultóricos, bandejas, cajas con tapa, canastas, jarrones de vidrio, piezas decorativas, recuerdos de sus viajes, gres, cerámica, botellas y tazones. Agarra cualquier cosa que tenga interés visual y te haga feliz. Para ayudar a crear el estado de ánimo o sentimiento deseado, recuerde incluir cosas que sean hermosas y sentimentales y que reflejen su estilo personal .

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

4. No olvides las flores ni las plantas

Agregar un jarrón con flores frescas o una planta viva siempre es una gran idea para la decoración de la mesa de café , especialmente si tiene una mesa de café de vidrio u otras superficies que no se dañarán con el agua. Si tienes una mesa de madera, una buena manera de incorporar arreglos florales y plantas es colocándolos en una bandeja grande para proteger la superficie de tu mesa. ¡Las plantas y flores falsas también son siempre una gran opción!

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

5. Termina con una vela

Nos encanta el aspecto lujoso de una vela blanca reluciente sobre una mesa de café. Ya sea que le gusten las velas perfumadas o prefiera una versión sin perfume, la mesa de café o la mesa central son un excelente lugar para agregar el hermoso brillo y el ambiente de la luz de las velas. Otra manera fácil de agregar el aspecto de las velas a su sala de estar es usar algunos candelabros o candelabros de madera maciza para realzar la decoración de su mesa de café . Añaden un toque hermoso , incluso sin velas.

5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái
5 consejos para mejorar la decoración de su mesa de café en Dubái

Luego, sigue editando y ajustando hasta que te guste cómo se ve.

¿Qué consejo aplicarías a la decoración de tu mesa de centro ?

Ver también: Diseño de interiores de Dubái: muebles de lujo para un estilo de vida exclusivo

¡Es hora de redescubrir LUXXU! Bienvenido a una nueva era establecida en piedra: la nueva era de LUXXU marca el comienzo de un nuevo concepto de diseño. Introduciendo nuevos materiales, acabados y líneas geométricas, pero manteniendo la misma sensación de lujo, New Era Set In Stone remodela tus interiores y los transforma para conseguir la máxima elegancia. ¡Redescubre esto en el nuevo artículo de Inspiración e Ideas!

The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Redescubre LUXXU: Bienvenido a una nueva era grabada en piedra
Araña Magna

Magna Chandelier es una obra maestra inspirada en las formas orgánicas de la naturaleza, la belleza y la elevación de las montañas. Una pieza que reúne lo moderno con técnicas artesanales. Cada parte está hecha con detalles de cristal blanco en el centro y el marco metálico reluciente está hecho de latón. Magna Chandelier agregará una belleza poética y cambiará la atmósfera de cualquier habitación.

Suspensión del horizonte

The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Skyline se presenta ahora en perspectiva horizontal y como pieza suspendida. Inspirándose en las metrópolis siempre ocupadas de todo el mundo, Skyline Suspension personifica la naturaleza grandiosa de los rascacielos y sus siluetas. Este diseño de accesorio de iluminación está respaldado por un marco de latón que está perfectamente conectado a una estructura de mármol de alabastro que irradia una iluminación suave por todas partes.

The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Dividido en tres marcos asimétricos, la forma fragmentada del espejo Algerone fue diseñada para transmitir una estética más peculiar que agrega profundidad e interés a cualquier espacio que otorga. Cada marco está revestido con chapa Eucalipto Frise y detalles de latón que complementan aún más el atractivo ornamental del espejo.

Algerone Mirror
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
Algerone Sofa
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

El sofá Algerone fue creado para expresar la máxima expresión de comodidad y lujo en una pieza singular. Tapizado en suave terciopelo marrón, este sofá lineal enfatiza las líneas clásicas y las características geométricas por las que la familia Algerone es más conocida. El sofá Algerone se convertirá en la pieza central envidiable de cualquier estilo de sala de estar.

Mesa de comedor rectangular Algerone

The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Algerone es una imponente mesa de comedor rectangular, inspirada en elegantes elementos arquitectónicos. Esta pieza clásica muestra la fuerza y la naturaleza clásica del mármol Statuario que se ve reforzada por la presencia de líneas de latón meticulosamente colocadas. El entrelazamiento de estos materiales crea una declaración de decoración bastante atractiva.

Algerone Bar Cabinet
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

El mueble bar Algerone es una solución de diseño elegante y opulento con características arquitectónicas. Su principal componente es el Mármol Statuario de ahí su carácter fuerte y duradero. Algerone también destaca un interior hecho a mano en vidrio ahumado, latón pulido y chapa Eucalipto Frise brillante. Ideal para un espacio de concepto abierto o una sala de estar contemporánea, el mueble bar Algerone está configurado para crear un efecto visual impresionante.

Algerone Bar Cabinet
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
Algerone Bed
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

La cama Algerone es el epítome del diseño moderno, combinando materiales nobles como el latón pulido, el cuero gris y el mármol Statuario con líneas elegantes. Las inspiraciones arquitectónicas de la colección se reflejan en este diseño, lo que lo convierte en una declaración de decoración bastante atractiva al tiempo que garantiza la máxima comodidad.

Algerone Dressing Table
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Incorpore una nueva sensación de modernidad que solo el mármol puede brindar en un dormitorio, armario o tocador con el tocador Algerone. Un artículo de lujo elaborado con los materiales más premium como el latón pulido, Eucalipto Frise Veneer, espejo y mármol Statuario, que tiene una poderosa presencia en cualquier ambiente.

Lámpara de pared Skyline

The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Inspirándose en las metrópolis siempre ocupadas de todo el mundo, la lámpara de pared Skyline representa el perfil de la ciudad, la silueta de los impresionantes rascacielos que se ven de noche.

Lámpara de pared Skyline

The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone
The Beginning Of A New Design Concept: Set In Stone

Thinking about redecorating your luxury house? It’s time to upgrade your home decor with Dubai‘s Most Wanted Modern Furniture Pieces of 2022. These exquisite designs will leave every guest mesmerized, and mostly yourself! Sometimes, one incredible piece is all you need to set the mood. Today, Inspiration And Ideas takes you on a tour through the most coveted design!

1. Lapiaz Sideboard

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

The Lapiaz Sideboard is a Modern Furniture piece born from the cold and freshly cracked to show off the world its rich, golden details. This contemporary sideboard is an exclusive piece designed to enrich your entrywayliving room, or even home office since its exceptional design awakens your passion while presenting unmatched versatility.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

2. Lapiaz Center Table

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

The Lapiaz Center Table is one of the latest projects developed by Boca do LoboLapiaz was the inspiration for this Modern Furniture piece. The french word is the name given to the typical karst formations produced by the surface dissolution of limestone or dolomite rocks. It can also be caused by freezing and thawing in cold climates. This is how the Lapiaz luxury coffee table emerged.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

3. Navarra Center Table

The design of Navarra center table captures unique Spanish warmth and the finest craftsmanship. An exclusive marble modern furniture piece and a polished choice for your home interiors, Navarra will bring a unique flair into your luxury living room.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

4. Glance Mirror

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

With order being the pleasure of the reason, the disorder is the delight of emotions. What seems confused and cluttered can, at a glance, acquire a new meaning capable of inspiring and charming us. The Glance Mirror tells a story about the crossroads of life and the reason for the chaos.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

5. Symphony Sideboard

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

The Symphony Sideboard is handmade by experienced craftsmen, each with different specialities, from metal work to wood carving. It features a cluster of polished brass tubes enveloping an exotic wood structure, creating a harmonious artful juxtaposition to the rhythm of the pipes.

6. Pixel Cabinet

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Iconic and unparalleled, the Pixel Cabinet by Boca Do Lobo presents a ground-breaking modern furniture design. Made out of 1088 triangles, the upper part of the Pixel Cabinet plays with perception and combines exceptional materials with multicolored compositions to give the cabinet a unique, striking design: handmade leaf gilding triangles, 10 different types of wood leaves from palisander to African walnut veneer, and acquiring.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

7. Metamorphosis Dining Table

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Metamorphosis Dining Table embodies handmade techniques such as wood carving, metal cutting, and hammering, and polishing, executed by some of the best craftsmen in Portugal. A modern furniture piece for those who have a peculiar taste for limited edition pieces and conceptual designs.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

8. Imperfectio Sofa

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Imperfectio is a modern furniture piece that praises artisanal work as the ultimate form of art that is quite intentionally imperfect; an appeal to the art which is truer to life. Part of the Imperfectio collection, it presents the most functional yet exclusive design.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Whether it’s a stand-alone room or part of an open-plan zone, the dining area is a place that should be practical, functional and beautiful. A place for family dinners, homework and dinner parties, your dining room has the potential to be one of the most frequented rooms in your home if you get the design right. Dining rooms can be tricky spaces to get right. There needs to be a balance between function and form. But don’t worry, Boca do Lobo is here to give you the best tips!

See also: Get Inspired With Master Bedroom Ideas
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Decide the function of your dining room

If you are starting totally from scratch with your dining room, ask yourself what is the room’s main function. Is it just for dinner parties or will you be eating casual family meals in there too? How many people will you need to seat? Do you want to create an intimate space or something formal and elegant?

Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Essentially you need to decide who, how, and when the space will be used and let those decisions dictate the furniture you choose, but also the colour scheme and the layout. Take inspiration by saving images you like, doing a mood board or taking inspiration from magazines.

Nº 11 Chair
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Get the right floor for your dining room

Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Flooring in a dining room is a key element to make sure it functions well. A dining room floor should not only look lovely, but it also needs to work hard too, these rooms are high-traffic spaces and are susceptible to spills and stains too.

Metamorphosis Dining Table
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Plan plenty of lighting

Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Plan your dining room lighting early on in the design process because it’s a really important element as it will set the tone for the whole room. You want to make sure there’s enough light so your guests don’t appear to be sitting in a cave, but you still want it to feel glowy and ambient.

Newton Suspension Lamp
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Pick the colour scheme

Moving on from the move practical aspects of designing a dining room to the more fun and creative decisions. First up the colour. The dining room colour scheme you choose will come down to the overall feel you want to create in the room. For example, dark and sumptuous or bright and airy?

These decisions will come down to how often you use the room and at what time of day. If you often use it for breakfasts and lunches, going super dark might be a bit intense, maybe stick with neutrals or experiment with blues and greens. If it’s a place for entertaining for an evening, go deep and rich.

Soleil Chair
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

See also: Discover How To Bring Luxury For The Holiday Season

Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Add a pattern with a wallpaper

Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Dining room wallpaper is a really easy way to bring pattern, colour, and texture into a space. We love the fresh, bright colours and prints going on in this space, providing our point that dining rooms are not the rooms to play it safe, have fun with it and choose unexpected patterns.

Empire Round Dining Table
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Find the perfect dining room furniture

Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

It’s going to be the key part of designing a dining room – the dining room table and chairs. It’s not a decision to make quickly. You have to really think about what size and shape will suit your space best.

Hera Suspension Lamp
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Choose the perfect layout

Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

It might appear that you are quite limited when it comes to dining room layouts – table in the center, chairs around the edge… Well yes, this setup makes sense but it’s not the only option.

Fortuna Round Dining Table
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Bring in practical and beautiful storage pieces

Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

It can be useful to have some extra surface space for drinks and decor and a place to store glassware. Console tables or sideboards also make great storage in a dining room and provide a spot for adding extra lighting and bringing in some decor into a room where most furniture has to be kept clear of clutter. Make sure these pieces are higher than the dining table so your eye is drawn to the display and not interrupted by the table.

Lapiaz Sideboard
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Add an area rug

Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Rugs are a lovely way to ground a dining table and add some texture, pattern and colour. The key is to get the right size so your dining table and all the chairs sit comfortably on top but there’s still some floor to be seen.

Put your personality into it

Then it’s just about decor. Bringing your personal style into the space. Gallery walls bring so much personality to a room, and yet they take up zero floor space and you can switch them as often as you like to change the vibe.

Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Plan out the layout on the floor before you start hanging anything, and don’t just stick to a uniform grid, mix and match frames and hang them slightly more randomly for a more informal, on-trend look.

Glance Mirror
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Stay With Us To More Dining Room Inspiration!

See also: Get Inspired With These Living Room Decor Ideas
Make Your Dining Room Shine In This Holiday

Looking for ideas to revamp a boring Master Bedroom? The main bedroom in your house should feel like a sanctuary – a place that inspires rest and relaxation. Luckily, achieving this would be easier with Boca do Lobo‘s ideas. Setting the right atmosphere in the Master Bedroom may be as easy as tweaking a few pieces of decor, but it’s also important not to overlook the practical aspects of the room.

See also: Discover How To Bring Luxury For The Holiday Season
Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home


The crowning joy of any master bedroom is the bed, so it’s important to make sure you choose the right mattress and pillows to ensure you get a good night of sleep. Once comfort is out of the way, it’s time to turn your focus to the single biggest piece of furniture in any bedroom: your headboard.

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home

Bed bases usually come with headboards, but some do not, which gives you the option of organising something a little more bespoke and special for your bedroom. When choosing your bed base, opt for a timeless look that will be able to form the perfect backdrop for the rest of your bedroom decor as time goes by.

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home
Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home

For those who are a little more experimental, opt for swapping your headboard for something a bit more on-trend. A headboard is an easy way to make a bold style statement in the bedroom.


If improving the quality of your sleep is a top priority, it’s important to select a bedroom colour scheme that evokes peace and calm. For most, this may mean selecting a soft, neutral or pastel colour for the walls.

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home
Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home

If you like the idea of your master bedroom feeling like a cocoon, you may prefer a dark colour on the walls. Whatever colour you select, there are a few colours many designers steer clear of, namely bright reds (which are associated with feelings of excitement and anger), lime green (which is associated with increased energy), and orange (which evokes a sense of freshness and vitality).

See also: Fall In Love With Interior Design Trends For 2023

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home


Throw cushions are one of the best ways to instantly update your bedroom decor with the added bonus that they’re incredibly easy to swap out whenever you like.

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home

Playing around with your collection of cushions will add a beautiful tactile element to the master bedroom. For the conservative, consider playing with tonal shades of the same colour to add depth. And for the more experimental, go wild with patterns and rich textures like linens and velvets to create a vibrant look.

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home
Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home


There’s nothing better than a sculptural feature light in the bedroom whether you’re adding a statement pendant lamp, a pair of wall sconces, or a practical table lamp on your nightstand.

Other than providing much-needed task lighting for your night-time reading needs, lighting in the bedroom can also act as a stylish decor piece. Perfectly combining form with function, choose a light for the bedroom that will assist in creating a dreamy ambience at the end of the day. Opt for a variety of lighting options in the bedroom to create lighting solutions for all kinds of situations – just make sure you hide your cables for a seamless look.

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home
Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home


One of the most important elements of the bedroom when it comes to both form and function is your bedding – after all, you spend almost a third of your life sleeping in them!

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home
Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home

While we all have our favoured sets of sheets, layering bedding is an easy way to create a whole new look in the bedroom without needing to hit the shops. Play around with different colours and patterns to create visual interest. And, don’t forget to consider different textiles for the seasons as some bedding is better for summer, and others for winter.


Bedrooms always tend to accumulate a variety of clutter, so it’s important to get your bedroom storage situation under control. Whether that’s focusing on organising your jewellery and skincare routine to perfection on your dresser, or decluttering your wardrobe, keeping your belongings in order in an aesthetically pleasing way can also up the style factor of your space.

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home

Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home
Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home

In addition to stylish storage options, take the opportunity to create chic vignettes on your bedside tables or dresser. Cluster similar items nearby and play around with height to create a beautiful visual highlight in the room.

Stay With Us To Discover The Most Amazing Master Bedroom Inspirations!

See also: Get Inspired With These Living Room Decor Ideas
Master Bedroom Decor Ideas To Revamp Your Modern Home

2023 is coming and Boca do Lobo bring you unique New Arrivals for this amazing year. Our brand is always up to date on new trends and, of course, new products. Discover some luxury furniture designs, and get ready to feel inspired to redecorate any room in your house with a piece that stands out!

Download HERE Our New Arrivals 2023 Ebook
Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023


Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Fortuna is a contemporary dining table with a one-of-a-kind design aesthetic and refined statement to the most influential minds.


Representing the essence of empowerment, sophistication, and mystics, the Fortuna features an exclusive polished brass patina surface for ground-breaking dining rooms.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

With a one-of-a-kind design aesthetic and refined statement to the most influential minds, the Fortuna is a contemporary center table fit for any luxurious setting. 


Representing the essence of empowerment, sophistication, and mystics, the Fortuna features an exclusive gold brass surface for extravagant spaces.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

The Empire is a sublime console built in marble with polished brass details.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Its cracks are hand-carved and inserted through polished brass sheets, which are hand-hammered for a unique finish. 

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Designed to make an impression, this unique console is a unique masterpiece that will fit perfectly in exclusive entryways or hallways and empowering spaces.


A refined statement piece made for those with refined minds and tastes.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

See also: Pantone Colour Of The Year 2023: Meet The Viva Magenta

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

The Pietra console plays with function and sculptural form to create a timeless design experience through its classical greek aura and the finest marble.


A reminder of the renaissance era, its top gently lies in two unique and sturdy marble columns that are conceived from a solid block that is then hand-sculpted.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023
Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

A noble piece carved in Boca do Lobo workshops that are ideal for a grand entryway, a regal hallway or other open and opulent settings. 


This Pietra console is effortlessly stylish and it´s suitable for those looking for a contemporary piece with a Hellenic revival style.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023
Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

The Newton center table is an outstanding moment of inspiration. A luxury statement piece created in order to fulfil the needs of our clients that are looking for the most unexpected and the most extravagant in contemporary furniture design.


A strong piece with luxurious details and is made from high-quality materials.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023
Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

With order being the pleasure of the reason, the disorder is the delight of emotions. What seems confused and cluttered can, at a glance, acquire a new meaning capable of inspiring and becharming us. The Glance Mirror tells a story about the crossroads of life and the reason for the chaos.


The unique beauty of this round mirror comes from daring to risk and challenge conventional design through the finest craftsmanship.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023
Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

The Empire dining table symbolizes generations of gatherings and decisions, both in times of celebration and tension. Its cracks reflect tough times, revealing a gold interior in a manifesto towards power.


Flawless and bright, the remaining surface points towards a thriving future, reminding one to toast to prosperity.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023
Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Boca do Lobo presents the ultimate recreation of a vintage piano tailored to give rise to a unique piece, embellished by one of the oldest jewellery-making techniques known, the Filigree technique.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023
Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023



Boca do Lobo uses the highest quality materials and textures, giving them shapes through objects that create a cosmopolitan luxury environment, finding the finest example in this table.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023
Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023
Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023


Ethereal Garden is a unique and exclusive stool created using the highest quality glass from the Italian Murano island. It is the reinvention of ancient techniques, such as glass blowing and glasswork, in a contemporary design, inspired by natural elements.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023
Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Floral is a soulful stool which evokes Portuguese Romanticism traditions thanks to its gentle flowers delineated with oil paint over a black background.

Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

Which One Of These New Arrivals Do You Prefer?

See also: Get Inspired With These Living Room Decor Ideas
Discover Boca do Lobo's New Arrivals For 2023

It’s time to get inspired to renovate your home decor with these Luxury Rooms ideas. Over the past years, LUXXU has ambitiously envisioned a series of luxury rooms that are reigned by singularity and luxury but always keep comfort a priority. LUXXU Blog is proud to present the ultimate collection of these inspiring interiors, gathered in one single book to stimulate your senses. Discover more in this new article!

Click HERE To Download Our New Room Trends Ebook
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Welcome To A Luxurious Way Of Living

The Most Amazing Living Rooms

The high ceilings allow one to completely appreciate each design’s splendour. The Thomson sofa draws interest with its elongated and beautiful design. The Magna Chandelier is the focal point of this deluxe mansion’s living room. The idea for this piece came from the organic shapes of nature and the stunning mountain view that is associated with this home’s location. Finally, the Lloyd Bookcase makes a strong statement with its classic and subtle forms.

Magna Chandelier
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Thomson Sofa
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Lloyd Bookcase
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

In this contemporary and neutral living room setup, the Algerone Long Side Table behind the sofas is blended into the design while still radiating refinement and distinction.

Algerone Long Side Table
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Galea Armchair
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Algerone Bookcase
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

This living room acquires classical proportions with column features, and marble accents as well as patterned and geometric designs being an instrumental part of the decor. Taking the lead is two Senzu sofas, modern leather pieces with integrated side tables with a Kenya black marble top and a stainless steel base. The Majestic chandelier illuminates the central area, offering a more romantic yet daring atmosphere.

Senzu Sofa
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Majestic Chandelier
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Dining Rooms To Die For

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

This elegant dining room, though small, is filled with ostentatious design elements. Additional items that add to comfort and luxury are the Algerone Rectangular Dining Table and Chairs. For the area’s lighting, the Waterfall Rectangular Suspension was selected. This piece creates the appearance of waterfalls in the dining room. It is made of ribbed fine tubes of crystal glass and gold-plated brass. The Nubian Sideboard, which was positioned right next to the window, contains additional geometric details. The wooden flooring and translucent accents are examples of these details.

Algerone Rectangular Dining Table
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Algerone Dining Chair
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Nubian Sideboard
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

A breathtaking dining space, just like private rooms at luxury restaurants in Los Angeles. Around the magnificent custom, Littus oval dining table are, of course, 14 Charla dining chairs, the first Charla piece ever. It already feels like Hollywood! The Shard Suspension is the perfect lighting fixture for this exclusive dining room design.

Littus Oval Dining Table
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Charla Dining Chair
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Shard Suspension
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Entryways To Luxury
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

LUXXU chose to decorate this luxury mansion in Texas with a closed hallway. A contemplative setting that perfectly combines comfort and luxury. The Scarp console, Algerone mirror, and Nubian ottoman all transform into the perfect places to unwind after a long day.

Scarp Console
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Algerone Mirror
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Nubian Ottoman
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

See also: Lighting Ideas To Enhance Your Interior Design
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

The white walls of this entryway contrast with the golden accents, revealing the interior’s richness. LUXXU chose the Babel chandelier to make a statement, a lighting fixture with delicacy via its crystal teardrop glass and a tremendous presence. The Nubian console, an enriched quintessence of luxury and exquisite elegance, pairs nicely with the gold-plated brass. Two Tenor ottomans with the best upholstery were placed to compliment the doorway.

Babel Chandelier
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Tenor Ottoman
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Bedrooms For The Perfect Slumber

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

This master bedroom is a stunning place that has been carefully created with the highest-quality materials and exquisite finishing. The proper choice of luxury lighting fixtures, as well as furniture pieces with classic gold elements and sophisticated finishes, will take this design to the next level once more. The Charla XL Bed, Waltz Dresser, Charla Nightstand, and Tenor Ottoman were the only pieces of furniture that could produce this look.

Charla XL Bed
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Waltz Dresser
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

The Algerone Bed was first altered to show how this item can be adjusted to whatever needs any family may have. The Algerone Nightstand is the ideal bedside table because of its marble countertop, which offers the greatest beauty and is situated exactly in the middle of the bed. The Liberty Small Table Lamp that rests on top of it gives this bedroom an endless amount of elegance and charm, and the Liberty Slim Pendants that hang on each side of the beds are a feast for the eyes and perfect for anyone who likes illuminating details.

Algerone Bed
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Liberty Small Table Lamp
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Offices With The Most Stylish Concepts

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

The Charla Office Chair is the perfect upholstery solution for a modern home office with its timeless lines and ultimate comfort. For this Hong Kong penthouse office, LUXXU selected the Tycho Collection to brighten the room with the table lamp, the suspension lamp, and the floor lamp.

Charla Office Chair
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Tycho Suspension
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

This office space is the perfect room for those who love to work with comfort, a luxury aesthetic, and a breathtaking view. A project that reunites luxury and sophistication with functionality and comfort. A perfect symphony between LUXXUs pieces: the timeless design of the Charla Office Chair, the functional sophistication of the Apotheosis Desk; the beautiful lines of the Lloyd Bookcase, the charming gold details of the Pharo III Table Lamp, and the Skyline Suspension that irradiates smooth lighting throughout.

Apotheosis Desk
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Skyline Suspension
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

See also: Luxury Bathrooms: Create Your Home Spa
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Timeless Bathrooms
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

This modern bathroom has a decor like no other, with details that provide a new sense of luxury. The Pharo Small Pendant Lamp brings richness to the atmosphere through the golden brass, as the custom version of the Empire Mirror completes the decor with LUXXU’s most iconic lines.

Pharo Small Pendant
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Empire Mirror
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

The tortoise suspension cabinet and the Empire Plafond make this a dream bathroom. White and golden colours show a marvellous piece, contrasting with the golden tap and sink and black legs. Highly functional, yet beautifully designed.

Empire Plafond
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Outdoors That Are Real Paradises

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

The Hampton Sunloungers near the pool in this outdoor area offer the ultimate comfort and revive the art of lounging. In the back, the Charla Wood dining chairs and Vertigo dining table combine flawlessly in an outdoor dining setting, and the Nebo floor lamp adds a dash of sculptural charm to the area.

Hampton Sunlounger
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Vertigo Dining Table
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Anyone will appreciate the amenities of this private outdoor space, which provides residents and visitors with a comfortable retreat even on the hottest days. In a roomy atmosphere, unwind with friends or read in the Hampton Wood Armchairs and Hampton Wood Sofas from MYSA. When night falls the unique fire pit in the middle table may be lit for everyone’s comfort.

Hampton Wood Armchair
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Hampton Wood Sofa
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home Decor

Did You Feel Inspired By These Luxury Rooms?

See also: Discover Modern Sideboards To Any Room
Luxury Rooms: Inspirations For Your Home

Miami Art And Design Week 2022 is fast approaching, and collectors, dealers, and art enthusiasts are readying their wallets, presentations, and schedules. World-renowned and emerging fairs will draw the biggest names in contemporary art and design to the sandy beaches, palm tree-lined streets, and Art Deco hotels for which Miami is famous.

See also: Lighting Ideas To Enhance Your Interior Design

The main events of the week are Art Basel in Miami Beach, New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA), Untitled Art, Design Miami/, Scope and Art Miami present ideal opportunities to discover new artists and build your collection, at a variety of price points. While Miami truly has something for everyone, this curated selection of fair highlights will help you guide your week, complete with dates and locations for each exhibitor mentioned below.

Discover Everything You Need To Know About Art Basel Miami HERE

Untitled Art

Where: Ocean Drive & 12th Street, Miami Beach

When: Tuesday, November 29 – Saturday, December 3

Directly on the sands of Miami Beach, Untitled Art is a highlight of the week because of both the art on view and the prime location. Untitled features established contemporary art dealers who show a strong selection of emerging and mid-career artists with international reach. The curation is always top-level.

This year’s edition of Untitled includes an impressive presentation of Ukrainian artists from the Kyiv-based Voloshyn Gallery. Mixed-media works by Nikita Kadan will be on view, reflecting on the memory and history of war at large, in order to better understand the current conflict with Russia.

Another highlight will be Asya Geisberg Gallery’s booth, with new works by Marjolijn De Wit, Melanie Daniel, Rebecca Morgan, and Shane Walsh. Particularly captivating are De Wit’s paintings, which are filled with ceramic objects that explore man’s relationship with nature and the built environment.

Making its Untitled debut is Carvalho park, which is showing large, luminous paintings by Yulia Iosilzon and Maximilian Rödel. Carvalho Park’s booth will exhibit Rödel’s soft pastel renderings of dreamy skies and sunsets.

The fair will also feature events, panels, and performances throughout the week, including Her Clique’s “What Can Art Do?” conversation series with leading artists and curators such as Zoë Buckman and Hank Willis Thomas, who will explore art as a political and social tool.

Several special projects will also draw viewers. Artist Rachel Garrard, for example, will mount a site-specific installation of large, rusted steel sculptures that appear to emerge from the sand, connected by drawn lines and mounds that create patterns and geometric symbols. Mexico-based Collector is responsible for this installation, named Pathways Beyond Time.

New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA)

Where: Ice Palace Studios, 1400 North Miami Avenue, Miami

When: Wednesday, November 30 – Saturday, December 3

Celebrating its 20th edition, the New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA) Miami fair brings together small and mid-size galleries presenting an exciting selection of emerging and mid-career artists. Located in Downtown Miami, the fair embraces the warm climate with outdoor lounging areas where visitors can relax and enjoy a robust series of panels, music performances, workshops, and artist talks.

A highlight of the fair will be Sapar Contemporary’s booth, featuring a new series of acrylic prints by Zinaida, entitled “She.”. The artist completed these works in Kyiv in June 2022 under constant bombing and limited access to electricity. The woman in “She” wears a costume that symbolizes eternal, divine feminity and contains references to Ukrainian, Greek, Berber, Arabic, Bulgarian, and Jewish cultures. Another highlight will be Shulamit Nazarian’s booth, which celebrates gallery artists with recent or upcoming career milestones.

NADA will also host its third Curated Spotlight section, featuring eight solo presentations of artists from NADA galleries, selected by a renowned curator. This year’s grouping was selected by Joeonna Bellorado-Samuels, director of Jack Shainman Gallery and founder of the gallery We Buy Gold. Included in the Curated Spotlight is Olympia, which will present new dreamy, eff tempera paintings by Lee Maxey.

See also: Fall In Love With This Modern Dining Table Selection
Get Ready For Miami Art And Design Week 2022

Art Miami

Where: 1 Herald Plaza, NE 14th Street & Biscayne Bay, Miami

When: Wednesday, November 30 – Sunday. December 4

Located downtown, across Biscayne Bay, is Art Miami, the city’s longest-running art fair. Now in its 32nd edition, it shares space with partner fair Context. With windows overlooking the palm tree-lined bay, Art Miami celebrates the city’s tropical climate. The fair features emerging and established galleries that exhibit an eclectic range of media. Installation and digital art are on view alongside more traditional examples of modern and contemporary art.

A highlight of the fair will be Hillis Taggart’s two booths. The gallery is exhibiting a stunning selection of colourful, abstract paintings by contemporary artists Hollis Heichemer, Alex Kanevsky, and Bill Scott. Particularly engaging are Kavensky’s abstracted domestic scenes and figurative works, as well as Heichemer’s poetic paintings, which are inspired by the environment surrounding her New Hampshire home.

Seoul-based Pyo Gallery is bringing work by a selection of leading Korean artists including Chun Kwang Young, whose predominant medium is the handmade Korean paper called hanji. Chun is known for his unique “aggregation” works, which are three-dimensional objects wrapped and tied with hanji.

Reflecting on the current war in Ukraine, Art Miami is also featuring several artists who are donating portions of their sales to support various Ukrainian fundraisers. British printmaker Phil Shaw, for instance, has made a limited-edition run of charity prints, “Solidarity”, which will be on view with Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery. Exhibitors will also show their support by highlighting Ukrainian artists, such as Avant Gallery exhibition of Kyiv-based Lina Condes’ stainless steel sculpture The Thinker.

Design Miami/

Where: 1800 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach

When: Wednesday, November 30 – Sunday, December 4

Design Miami/ features some of the biggest names in contemporary design, as well as noteworthy emerging designers and dealers. This year’s fair will mark the 18th edition of Design Miami/ with a special theme: “The Golden Age: Looking to the Future.” Selected by the fair’s curatorial director Maria Cristina Didero, the uniting concept expands on that of this summer’s Design Miami/ in Basel, “The Golden Age: Rooted in the Past.” The idea is to explore the stylistic and metaphorical concept of a golden age that can be a utopian, hopeful future or an idealized history.

Highlights include the Design Miami/ debut of Superhouse. The gallery is presenting “Dreamroom,” a booth from the Curio section that takes the form of an immersive bedroom scene with wild forms and bold colours, featuring designs by Ellen Pong, Kim MupangilaïRyan Decker, and Sean Gerstley. In line with the cutting-edge and exploratory ethos of the Curio section, Superhouse’s designs include a futuristic, playful side table and lamp by Pong that is part horse, part dolphin.

Throughout the fair, mirrors aboundEmma Scully Gallery, in its Design Miami/ debut, will present a Curio booth entitled “Reflecting Women,” dedicated to mirrors by female designers; and Gallery All will bring several new cast bronze peach mirrors by The Haas Brothers, including one whimsical, splashy design entitled Mirrorianne Boesky, after the duo’s gallerist Marianne Boesky.

The fair is also known for its luxury partners such as Audi, Perrier-Jouët, and Fendi, which will present a range of exclusive new projects and immersive experiences throughout the week. Particularly exciting is Come Stai?, a new chair by Gaetano Pesce with Matthieu Blazy for Bottega Veneta, in the luxury brand’s first partnership with Design Miami/.


Where: Ocean Drive & 8th Street, Miami Beach

When: Wednesday, November 30 – Sunday, December 4

Like Untitled Art, Scope is located on the sands of Miami Beach. Celebrating its 21st edition this year, the fair provides a platform for artistic innovation, embracing artists and exhibitors who are diverse and experimental. Scope aims to showcase contemporary art with a global lens and engage in critical issues and global politics.

A highlight of Scope will be the booth for Knowhere Art Gallery, a Black-owned space based in Martha’s Vineyard. The gallery will present new paintings from rising star Charly Palmer’s “Infinite Black” series, which is inspired by Black power, pride, and strength. Also of note is Imago, a gallery based in Lugano, Switzerland, which will show works by Andrea Gallotti, Matteo Pugliese, and Tom Vack. New abstract, mixed-media paintings by Gallotti will showcase the artist’s explorations of colour, material, and gesture.

Also embracing mixed media is The Contemporary Art Modern Project, based in Miami and Westport, Connecticut, which is presenting several mixed-media and fibre works including Sherene, a vibrant new figurative collage by Brazilian artist Silvana Soriano. The piece exemplifies Soriano’s interest in using art to explore narratives, poems, and personal stories.

Scope also features The New Contemporary, an experiential, multidisciplinary program in the atrium where daily events will occur. Included in this year’s program are musical performances, panel discussions, and morning healing and meditation sessions.

Going To Attend Miami Art And Design Week 2022?

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Get Ready For Miami Art And Design Week 2022

Every year Architectural Digest launches a list of the architects and interior designers who stood out the most during the year – it’s that time of the year! From the United States and around the world, AD1002023 is a list that includes the top talents in Interior Decoration, Architecture, and Landscape Design. Inspiration And Ideas bring you the 100 icons and the fabulous list of the AD100 Hall of Fame.

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The AD100 2023: The Icons Of Architecture And Interior Design

The goal of every designer is, of course, to exceed their client’s expectations. But when a project attracts editorial attention, the result is exceptionally rewarding. These AD100 designers have all graced the pages of Architectural Digest with the most amazing projects.


Making their debut on the AD100 list in 2023 we have great names. From New York (US), Bories & Shearron Architecture, Hadley Wiggins, Josh Greene Desing, Neal Becjstedt Studio, Young Huh Interior Design and Studio Mellone. From Brooklyn (US), Alexis Brown, SO-IL and Halard-Halard Design. Decada straight out of Mexico City, JP Demeyer & Co. from Belgium and Rita Konig from London.

Why Should We Keep An Eye On The 2023 AD100 Talents?

Project after project they deliver defying innovation. They share with us a peculiar picture of the world – the shapes, colours, and narratives only accessible through their eyes. They build new cities and establish new ways of living and expressing themselves.


Apartment 48 – New York, USA 

The Archers – Los Angeles, USA 

Ash – New York, USA

Ashe Leandro – New York, USA

Atelier AM – Los Angeles, USA

Beata Heuman – London, UK

BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group – Copenhagen, London, New York, Shenzhen, and Barcelona

Billy Cotton – New York, USA

Carlos Mota Inc. – New York, USA

Casiraghi – Paris, France

Charlap Hyman & Herrero – New York and Los Angeles, USA

Charles & Co. – New York and Los Angeles, USA

Charles de Lisle – Sausalito, California, USA

Clements Design – Los Angeles, USA

Commune Design – Los Angeles, USA

Corey Damen Jenkins & Associates – New York, USA

Dan Fink Studio – New York, USA

Darryl Carter Inc. – Washington, D.C., USA

David Kleinberg Design Associates – New York, USA

David Netto Design – Los Angeles, USA

Dimorestudio – Milan, Italy

Elizabeth Roberts Architects – Brooklyn, USA

Elliott Barnes Interiors – Paris, France

Flack Studio – Melbourne, Australia

Francis Sultana – London, UK

Frank de Biasi Interiors – New York, USA, and Tangier, Morocco

G.P. Schafer Architect – New York, USA

Gachot- New York, USA

Green River Project – Brooklyn, USA

Hallworth Design – Toluca Lake, USA

Jake Arnold – Los Angeles, USA

Jamie Bush + Co. – Los Angeles, USA

Jeffrey Bilhuber LLC –  Bayville, New York, USA

Jeremiah Brent Design – Los Angeles and New York, USA

Joseph Dirand Architecture – Paris, France

Joy Moyler Interiors – New Rochelle, New York, USA

Julie Hillman Design – New York, USA

Justina Blakeney – Los Angeles, USA

Kelly Behun Studio – New York, USA

Ken Fulk Inc. – San Francisco and New York, USA

Kravitz Design – New York and Los Angeles, USA

LAPLACE – Paris, France

Leyden Lewis Design Studio – Brooklyn, USA

Mandy Cheng Design – Los Angeles, USA

Mark D. Sikes – Los Angeles. USA

Markham Roberts Inc. – New York, USA

Marmol Radziner – Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York, USA

Martin Brudnizki Design Studio – London, UK, and New York, USA

Martyn Lawrence Bullard Design – Los Angeles, USA

Michelle Nussbaumer Design – Dallas, Texas, USA

Miranda Brooks Landscape Design – Brooklyn, USA

Monique Gibson Interior Design – New York, USA

Nate Berkus Associates – Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles, USA

Nicole Hollis – San Francisco, USA

Olson Kundig – Seattle and New York, USA

Peter Pennoyer Architects – New York and Miami, USA

Pierce & Ward – Los Angeles and Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Pierre Yovanovitch – Paris, France, and New York, USA

Rafael de Cardenas Ltd. -New York, USA

Reath Design – Los Angeles, USA

Redd Kaihoi – New York, USA

Robert Stilin – New York, USA

Roman and Williams Buildings and Interiors – New York, USA

Romanek Design Studio – Los Angeles, USA

Rose Uniacke – London, UK

RP Miller – New York, USA

S.R. Gambrel- New York, USA

Sawyer | Berson – New York, USA

Sheila Bridges Design – New York, USA

Steven Harris Architects – New York, USA

Studio Gang – Chicago, New York, and San Francisco, USA and Paris, France

Studio Giancarlo Valle – New York, USA

Studio KO – Paris, France and Marrakech, Morocco

Studio Peregalli – Milan, Italy

Studio Shamshiri – Los Angeles, USA

Studio Volpe – San Francisco, USA

Studio Zewde – New York, USA

Terremoto – Los Angeles and San Francisco, USA

Tiffany Brooks Interiors – Grayslake, Illinois, USA

Veere Grenney Associates – London, UK

Victoria Hagan Interiors – New York and Palm Beach, USA

Vincent Van Duysen Architects – Antwerp, Belgium

Vincenzo de Cotiis -Milan, Italy

Virginia Tupker Interiors – Darien, Connecticut

Waldo’s Designs – Los Angeles, USA

WHY – Los Angeles and New York, USA

Workstead – Brooklyn, USA

Yellow House Architects – New York and Miami, Florida, USA

A list published annually since 1990, Architectural Digest’s AD100 names a select group of the world’s preeminent architects and designers for the coming year. The exclusive list gives us the names of the inspiring men and women who shape the way we live one building, house, and room at a time. With both firms and designers listed, making the lists gives the career-changing credentials every designer and architect strives for.


Sir David Adjaye – Accra, Ghana, London, UK, and New York, USA

Tadao Ando – Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan

Howard J. Backen – Montecito, Los Angeles, St. Helena, Sausalito, California, USA

Louis Benech – Paris, France

Deborah Berke – New York, USA

Robert Couturier – New York, USA

Madison Cox – New York, USA

Ilse Crawford – London, UK

Ellie Cullman – New York, USA

Thierry Despont – New York, USA

Diller Scofidio + Renfro – New York, USA

Jamie Drake – New York, USA

Mica Ertegun – New York, USA

Norman Foster – London, UK

Jacques Garcia – Paris, France

Frank Gehry – New York, USA

Jacques Grange – Paris, France

Alexa Hampton – New York, USA

Kengo Kuma – Tokyo, Japan, Paris, France, Beijing, China, and Shanghai, China

India Mahdavi – Paris, France

Peter Marino – New York, USA

Lee Mindel – New York, USA

Juan Pablo Molyneux – New York, USA, and Paris, France

Toshiko Mori – New York, USA

Jean Nouvel – Paris, France

Renzo Piano -Milan, Italy

Daniel Romualdez – New York, USA

Annabelle Selldorf – New York, USA

Stephen Sills – New York, USA

Michael S. Smith – New York, USA

Bill Sofield – New York, USA

John Stefanidis – London, UK

Robert A.M. Stern – New York, USA

Rose Tarlow – Los Angeles, USA

Axel Vervoordt – Antwerp, Belgium, and Hong Kong

Kelly Wearstler – Los Angeles, USA

Bunny Williams – New York, USA

With designers of all kinds making it onto the list – some cutting-edge, some classicists, and some raising the bar in international design – each recognized member has a clear vision to bring to the industry. In such a competitive industry coloured by amateurs and short-lived trends, being listed in the AD100 is one of the most gratifying experiences a designer or design firm can have.

Stay With Us To Discover More About AD100!

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The AD100 2023: The Icons Of Architecture And Interior Design