Qatar is home to some fantastic interior design projects, that match perfectly the country’s exclusive lifestyle with incredible home decor. Be inspired by these amazing interior design projects and their respective interior design companies.


Amazing Interior Design Projects In Qatar

Decorelle is an Architectural and Interior Design Company that has left its mark in the market as a friendly, experienced, and professional solution for any interior design project.

Amazing Interior Design Projects In Qatar

This company’s interior designs projects include architectural designs with initial planning blueprints and progress to interior spaces, colors, and feels. The Al Shemoukh Twin Towers are a perfect example of Decorelle’s mastery of balancing the perfect interior design project with a luxurious and elegant lifestyle.


Amazing Interior Design Projects In Qatar

LUNA Designs’ interior design projects create art, always searching the natural beauty and quality, giving its projects a unique personality and bearing in mind the vanguard of contemporary design, simple and balanced.

Amazing Interior Design Projects In Qatar

The Waterfront Luxury Hotel combines elegance and luxury to create a spacious and yet comfortable interior design project with a luxurious vibe.

Amazing Interior Design Projects In Qatar


Amazing Interior Design Projects In Qatar

DEL PRINCIPE’s mission is to combine the company’s international expertise and best practices in commercial design and build with local knowledge, to create original and highly functional interiors.

Amazing Interior Design Projects In Qatar

This interior design project combines imagination and creativity, bringing to fruition the perfect harmony between luxury and a modern and colorful vibe.


Amazing Interior Design Projects In Qatar

An international, art and furniture-loving, middle-aged couple with two teenagers wanted to convert a wonderful 800 square meter two-story penthouse into a timeless, functional, and welcoming home.

Over the past twenty years, the couple has collected a wide variety of art and furniture pieces and wanted to use as much of their collection as possible in their new home.


Amazing Interior Design Projects In Qatar

Mirabello Interiors created the perfect interior design project for the couple combining with expertise these elements in the penthouse.

Amazing Interior Design Projects In Qatar

Find out more about the best luxury interior design projects with Boca do Lobo

Sideboards GIF Boca do Lobo

Tiendas de muebles de lujo, expertos en decoración e interiorismo

Tiendas de muebles de lujo con más de 50 años de experiencia en interiorismo y decoración del más alto nivelGunni & Trentino es una empresa española especializada en alta decoración como suministradora de mobiliario para proyectos de interiorismo.

Nuestra firma es un referente en el sector de la decoración y el diseño. En nuestras tiendas de muebles de lujo y decoración Trabajamos con los mejores materialesproductos y marcas para asegurar un resultado durable y un interiorismo de la mayor calidad. Nuestro catálogo de productos incluye miles de referencias y abarca todos los estilos de decoración: Clásico, moderno, contemporáneo, nórdico, rústico, colonial o de vanguardia. Contamos con producto propio de la marca Gunni & Trentino en Cocinas de diseñoArmariosPavimentos y Revestimientos.

Suministro de productos para todo tipo de proyectos

Nuestra amplia selección de productos y marcas y la cuidada selección de piezas de mobiliario moderno, clásico y contemporáneo de los más famosos diseñadores y arquitectos, nos permite adaptarnos a cada proyecto y tipo de espacio. Gunni & Trentino cuenta además con varias líneas de producto de fabricación propia en las secciones de Cocinas, Armarios y Puertas, Baños y Spas, Pavimentos y Revestimientos. Esta combinación de artículos, junto con nuestra experiencia y especialización, nos permite adaptarnos a las necesidades de cada cliente, ya sea profesional o particular, tanto en el diseño como en el presupuesto.

Distribuidores oficiales de las marcas de diseño mas prestigiosas del mundo

Comercializamos productos de las mejores editoras internacionales de mobiliario de diseño, con una selección de más de 600 marcas de reconocido prestigio, repartidas en nuestras 9 categorías: Mobiliario de Hogar, Mobiliario de Exterior, Cocinas, Baños y SPAs, Pavimentos y Revestimientos, Armarios y Puertas, Mobiliario de Oficina, Iluminación y Menaje. Entre dichas marcas se encuentran: Armani Casa, And Tradition, Artemide, Agape, B&B Italia, Bisazza, Cassina, Cosentino, Cosmic, Devon&Devon, DuPont Corian, Dornbracht, Effegibi, Falper, Fendi Casa, Flexform, Flos, Fritz Hansen, Foscarini, Gaggenau, Gervasoni, Giorgetti, Carl Hansen, Ingo Maurer, Kenzo Casa, Kettal, Kos, KWC, Kartell, Knoll, La Cornue, Limited Edition, Lightyears, Maxalto, Moroso, Miele, Pallucco, Paola Lenti, Poliform, Poltrona Frau, Porada, Promemoria, Ritmonio, Smeg, Siemens, Stua, Sub-Zero, Tece, Technogym, THG, Tom Dixon, Tresserra, Zeitraum, Zucchetti, Venini, Waterworks o Wolf.

Interlocutor único para cada fase del proyecto

Ofrecemos al cliente la ventaja de tener un único interlocutor a lo largo de todo el proyecto. La eficiencia de nuestro servicio se basa en el profundo conocimiento técnico de cada área: Hogar, Cocinas, Baños, Armarios, Iluminación, Pavimentos, Revestimientos, Oficina y Menaje y en una forma de trabajar que permite una excelente coordinación.

Servicio personalizado y exclusivo

Ofrecemos un servicio personalizado capaz de responder a las necesidades específicas de cada cliente y proyecto. Con nuestros equipos, formados por profesionales de primer nivel – comerciales, interioristas, técnicos especializados, montadores y transportistas propios – creamos espacios únicos y exclusivos, funcionales, confortables y bellos. Suministramos a nuestros clientes profesionales y particulares todos los artículos necesarios para la rehabilitación, remodelación o construcción de viviendas particulares, hoteles, oficinas, restaurantes, espacios comerciales, cadenas de franquicias, sedes corporativas o institucionales y obra civil, Ofrecemos un amplio abanico que abarca desde proyectos de élite que exigen un interiorismo de lujo, a proyectos adaptados a presupuestos medios y medios-altos.

Nuestros valores

La calidad, excelencia, creatividad y un servicio totalmente orientado a las necesidades del cliente constituyen nuestro compromiso. Crear atmósferas únicas de la mano de nuestros clientes es nuestra pasión. Nuestra experiencia nos permite responder, hasta el más mínimo detalle, a las características del proyecto y a las preferencias de Arquitectos, Interioristas, Decoradores y clientes particulares. Buscamos constantemente el equilibrio perfecto entre tradición y modernidad, utilizando únicamente los mejores materiales y los diseños más adecuados a cada proyecto. Trabajamos con productos que permiten combinar las últimas tendencias e innovaciones tecnológicas con un enfoque artesanal totalmente personalizado.Todo ello con el cuidado, la dedicación y el amor por el detalle que nos diferencia desde hace tantos años.

Un poco de historia

Nuestra firma cuenta con 50 años de recorrido. Resultado de una exitosa fusión entre dos empresas de tradición familiar, Gunni & Trentino  es actualmente una mezcla perfecta del saber hacer de ambas compañías fundadoras. Un gusto cosmopolita, un equipo de profesionales de primera línea, un fuerte compromiso con la excelencia y el amor por el detalle, combinados con un concepto moderno de lo que hoy en día significa el lujo en interiorismo, han hecho el resto. Nos gusta pensar que continuamos construyendo un patrimonio de marca propio, hecho de vocación, conocimiento, experiencia y dedicación al cliente, que añade valor a una firma sólida, madura y reconocida.


Design Limited Edition had the opportunity and the privilege to talk with the amazing and talented Jonh Coury, the co-founder of CM Studio Paris. Together with Florent Maillard, the interior designers give life to timeless interiors, with a taste of French elegance. We had a chance to discover all the details behind his outstanding work, are you ready to find out?

Jonh Coury and Florent Maillard founders of CM Studio Paris.
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When asked about the studio’s main mission, CM Studio Paris‘s co-founder shared that the goal is “to magnify the life of their customers by designing for them timeless and magical interiors. We want them to feel comfortable in refined environments that will remain perennially fashionable.”

A Paris Apartment On Île De La Cité
A Paris Apartment On Île De La Cité

Currently working on new and exciting projects, in France, the UK, Croatia, Serbia, and so on, Jonh Coury believes in the importance of social networks, rising in recent years, as a way to promote their work, and to keep a relationship with their audience, that goes behind continents, until Brazil!

A Paris Duplex In Le Marais

We believe that people are getting really bored with minimalism and that there is a real new interest for “twisted classicism”! “Nothing is more modern than antiquity” used to say Karl Lagerfeld.

Jonh Coury

Timeless interiors that magnify existence through eclecticism and poetry.

CM Studio Paris

French elegance and refinement are probably the aspects that best characterize CM Studio Paris, and what their clients feel more attracted by. “Most of our customers this year are Foreign customers for whom we are renovating apartments in Paris but also big properties in the French countryside and abroad”.


When it comes to the importance of craftsmanship, and its quality, Jonh Coury believes it gives them a competitive advantage, explaining why foreign customers are starting to approach CM Studio Paris to realize projects outside of France.

A Paris Duplex In Le Marais

The wonder duo keeps standing out with the most ostentatious and bespoke settings in the interior design world. According to the interior designer, in terms of upcoming design trends, maximalism is the way to go. “We believe that Light, shining metals, natural materials, round shaped furniture, and maximalism will be more and more attractive in the years to come. And CM Studio Paris has a role in promoting those trends to a brand new category of customers.”

A Paris Duplex In Le Marais

All images – courtesy of CM Studio Paris

Ideas de diseño únicas que necesita en su hogar contemporáneo

¿Necesitas inspiración para tus glamurosos interiores? ¿Quiere renovar la decoración de su hogar con muebles de lujo? ¡Entonces no busques más y descubre nuestras ideas de diseño únicas para un hogar contemporáneo!


Crea una entrada para el oponente y deja que tus invitados se sientan impresionados.

Unique Design Ideas You Need In Your Contemporary Home

Una de nuestras tendencias de diseño favoritas son los interiores completamente blancos. Aunque los ambientes monocromáticos parecen fáciles de lograr, existen algunos factores clave que pueden hacer o deshacer cualquier diseño minimalista. Los reflejos dorados dan calidez a la habitación y las diversas texturas ofrecen profundidad. En esta moderna decoración de pasillo, una caja fuerte de lujo se combina con una silla de comedor dorada, para una inspiración ecléctica.


Unique Design Ideas You Need In Your Contemporary Home

La mística de los bulevares de finales del siglo XIX es la inspiración de la obra maestra Lumiere Console de Boca do Lobo. Una confluencia de farolas victorianas y forma tectónica arquitectónica, ejemplifica las dualidades contemporáneas del arte y la funcionalidad.


Este pasillo de lujo encarna una sensación de grandiosidad, atemporalidad y brillo como ningún otro. El llamativo marco de latón de este espejo decorativo combina a la perfección con la naturaleza metálica de la consola y los tonos verdes del taburete, dando paso a la zona de convivencia.

Marcando la pauta para el resto de la casa, el pasillo es un espacio grandioso que se siente como caminar en un museo.

Un diseño de pasillo rústico que incorpora materiales naturales y nobles para aportar profundidad y contraste a esta región del hogar.

El diseño de interiores tiene que ver con los detalles. Los toques de oro son la elección perfecta para mejorar la decoración de tu hogar a otro nivel.

Un pasillo elegante con características mínimas.


¡Decora tu cocina moderna con los mejores detalles de diseño!

¡La cocina en un apartamento de lujo en Nueva York es absolutamente impresionante y la silla de bar única fue el complemento perfecto para este interior! Con sus elegantes líneas doradas y su lujosa y cómoda tapicería, ¡esta es una pieza a la que no podrás resistirte! ¿Qué piensas?

Un diseño de cocina de mediados de siglo con un espacio abierto que cuenta con todos los elementos para una gran decoración: materiales nobles, piezas de iluminación de lujo y mobiliario moderno.

Muebles contemporáneos de mediados de siglo, colores neutros y materiales naturales están presentes en esta lujosa decoración de comedor, que lo hace atemporal.

¿Quién dijo que un comedor pequeño es un problema? Esta decoración de comedor totalmente blanca tiene detalles dorados que agregan interés a esta área social.


¡Esta decoración mediterránea de sala de estar le hará sentir que está pasando unas vacaciones especiales en Italia! La combinación de tonos cálidos y piezas de diseño moderno de mediados de siglo.

Sala de estar moderna y contemporánea con tonos grises que combinan con las paredes blancas, lo que la convierte en una habitación luminosa para pasar un momento agradable en familia.

Un diseño de salón único en tonos blancos, grises y dorados.

¡La sala de estar perfecta con algunas piezas impresionantes!

Este rincón de lectura tiene una alfombra redonda blanca a juego con los sillones. La habitación tiene un tema de colores neutros con algunos toques de oro.


Covet House Boca do Lobo Luxxu Maison Valentina PullCast Circu


Las líneas limpias y los colores crema caracterizan este moderno entorno de oficina en casa.


Este proyecto de baño transmite la misión de encarnar el entorno dentro del hogar e interpretar un nuevo diseño moderno con una calidad exquisita.

Unique Design Ideas You Need In Your Contemporary Home

El mármol es un material noble que se ha empleado para impulsar el diseño en muchos lugares de alta gama. ¡Todo está incluido en esta decoración de baño de mármol blanco y negro!


Entre el modernismo crudo y la suavidad orgánica, este diseño de baño de lujo aboga por líneas contemporáneas llevadas al extremo para una nueva expresión de serenidad.

Unique Design Ideas You Need In Your Contemporary Home

Un maravilloso baño moderno de lujo con bañera Newton y espejo de pared ovalado, para crear una sensación de relajación perfecta y única.

Unique Design Ideas You Need In Your Contemporary Home

Un majestuoso cuarto de baño moderno con bañera de diamantes en mármol sintético Sahara Noir. Una bañera refinada en forma de joya en tonos negros y dorados y crea un espacio lujoso.

¡Quédese con nosotros para descubrir más ideas de diseño únicas!

El diseño interior exclusivo de lujo que te hará soñar

Cualquier casa necesita tener un diseño interior exclusivo para que pueda alegrar tus días y convertir tu hogar en una casa elegante y con encanto.

Venice Mirror

Este exclusivo espejo de pared le llevará a la realeza a su propia casa encantadora. Añadiendo un aspecto de lujo a cualquier pared y aportando el exclusivo diseño interior.

Glance Mirror

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Glance Mirror

Si quieres conseguir el mejor interiorismo exclusivo vas a necesitar este mueble de lujo, con un diseño creativo y un color deslumbrante, que puede combinar con cualquier pieza Lapiaz o incluso con las sillas Nº11. Representando tan bien la mejor artesanía.

Fortuna Dining Table

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Fortuna Table

Esta magnífica mesa de comedor agregará valor a su hogar único, con los detalles dorados que llaman al estado de lujo y la sofisticación, que realzarán su comedor o incluso su oficina. La exclusiva superficie de latón dorado encajará perfectamente con cualquiera.

Newton Suspension Lamp

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Newton Lamp

Este candelabro único y elegante es el complemento perfecto para una habitación dorada y es muy fácil tener una habitación dorada, con la pieza de Boca do Lobo llena de lujo para agregar a su exquisita casa.

interior design miami

Piccadilly Mirror

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Piccadilly Mirror

Este espejo exclusivo y elegante es una pieza que representa tan bien el asombroso trabajo de Boca do Lobo, agregar esta pieza a su hogar va a agregar el diseño interior exclusivo.

Diamond Sideboard

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Diamond Sideboard

¿Quién no ama los diamantes? Es imposible no dejarse hipnotizar por ellos. Esta exquisita pieza llamada Diamante con el diseño exclusivo, con diferentes colores y personalización es la pieza que convertirá cualquier casa sencilla en un diseño interior exclusivo.

Monochrome Sideboard

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Monocrhome Sideboard

¡El diseño exclusivo de esta pieza dejará una primera impresión espectacular! La creatividad mezclada con el lujo es siempre la respuesta correcta.

Pixel Cabinet

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Pixel cabinet

Nada es más colorido y elegante que esta pieza, este gabinete agregará tanta vida a su exclusivo diseño interior.

Symphony Sideboard

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Symphony Sideboard

El aparador Symphony es un mueble que aporta todo el lujo y la paz, representando la perfección. Para el diseño interior exclusivo, sueña con que puede agregar el espejo de filigrana a juego con el diseño elegante.

Heritage Sideboard

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Heritage Sideboard

Esta obra de arte tradicional es perfecta para cualquier habitación, donde agregar los muebles perfectos lo cambiará todo.

Quédate con Boca do Lobo para inspirarte en diseños de interiores exclusivos

catalogue boca do lobo

Give your interior design project a touch of elegance and luxury. These six pieces of luxury furniture by Boca do Lobo will inspire you and give any space a touch of elegance that goes hand-to-hand with Qatar’s exclusive lifestyle. Get to know more about these timeless designs!


Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

Exclusive, comfortable, and luxurious. The creativity and rich decoration of the Versailles Palace contributed to the inspiration of the creation of this exuberant sofa. Boca do Lobo opens the way to freedom and the need of bringing extravagant creations to life with the Versailles Sofa.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

The Versailles Sofa is made in a wood structure and panels in a manual sculpture, produced in resin, and finished with restoration techniques similar to stone. The upholstery fabric is made up of six velvety and removable pillows. This luxury furniture piece goes hand-to-hand with Qatar’s exclusive lifestyle, and it certainly is a piece that will give your living room a different impact.

اكسبو 2020 دبي EXPO 2020 Dubai: Amazing Pavilions Design


Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

The Hera Suspension Lamp will certainly shine luxury and elegance upon your interior design project. The Hera is the perfect piece with an Arabic vibe to brighten your exclusive home.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

The lighting fixture is molded to resemble the features and look of a golden branch. Handmade from cast brass, this chandelier has an organic shape and intricate contemporary details to create an adjustable arrangement in a harmonious ensemble. This luxury furniture piece is perfect for sophisticated living and dining rooms.


Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

Bohème embodies the spirit of true adventurers who choose to live an unconventional and exclusive lifestyle, born as a statement piece that travelled around the world.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

Comprising a collection of vintage suitcases in an interwar style that captures different events, nations, and ideas, the Bohème gold safe is comprised of six polished brass briefcases, each one possessing its own drawer with an interior that can be fully customized. A beautiful luxury furniture piece that provides solace to the restless traveler, it matches both antique furniture and contemporary design.

See Also: Dubai Interior Design: Furniture For An Exclusive Lifestyle

Luxury Safes GIF Boca do Lobo


Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

Metamorphosis Center Table experiences new unexpected design techniques, noble finishes through a meticulous artistic process. This luxury furniture piece is composed of two fragments, finished in mirror and noble marble, and beautified by the presence of golden creatures that are prepared for their ultimate metamorphosis.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي



There is nothing finer than a gorgeous mirror to set off the décor in a room. Boca do Lobo offers you marvelous and beautiful mirrors that add a touch of magic to a room in the same way a painting does. This luxury furniture piece will create a new dimension in the interior design of your space.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

This stunning luxury mirror will certainly reflect the exclusive lifestyle of Qatar. It is composed of ten different-sized grey mirrors in rusted golden leaf finished frames, which are then constructed in an overlapping pattern.


Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

Like a perfect symphony, this bathtub creates the perfect harmony between elegance and luxury. The gold-plated brass tubes stand out on this oval-shaped design, giving it the elegant yet luxurious look you are searching for. This luxury furniture piece is made of white casted iron giving it a clean look that is perfect for any luxury bathroom project.

Qatar Interior Design: Six Luxury Pieces For An Exclusive Lifestyle تصميم داخلي

These six luxury furniture pieces will certainly give the perfect touch of elegance and exclusiveness to your interior design project in Qatar. A design style that matches perfectly with Qatar’s exclusive lifestyle and is in perfect harmony with the Arabic vibe.

Find out more about the best luxury furniture with Boca do Lobo

اكسبو 2020 دبي EXPO 2020 Dubai: Amazing Pavilions Design

See Also: Dubai Interior Design: Furniture For An Exclusive Lifestyle

Lamps Boca do Lobo

Welcome to The Londoner, the luxury design hotel in one of the most famous places in the world. In London, you’ll find a wonderful mix of everything: people, cutures, experiences, places and so on. The Londoner is “an ode to the city and promises to awaken a multitude of impressions in its visitors.

The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town

Yabu Pushelberg was the design firm responsible for the interior design, which aimed to create an intimate and seductive ambience in the lobby, reception and bar of The Londoner.

It’s the first hotel of its kind in London.

Glenn Pushelberg, Co-Founder Of Yabu Pushelberg

Soleil Sofa

The Residence: For The Special Ones

The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town
The Drawing Room

The quintessentially British living room, the Drawing Room has a modern yet classic design with a hand-painted mural by New York creative duo En Viu.

The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town
The Y Bar

The Y Bar is the perfect place to work during the day and have a drink at night. Sound confusing? It’s not – it’s just the perfect and adaptable space, with comic illustrations from Andrew Rae.

The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town
The Whisky Room

What if you could discover the wonders of The Londoner‘s whisky collection through a secret door? Yes – it is as idyllic as it appears to be. And if you want to leave your most precious bottle for your next visit, there’s a safe room too.

Rooms & Suites

The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town
Junior Suite, a lovely studio.
The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town
Corner Suite, a charming oasis.
The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town
Capital Suite, offering a new perspective.
The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town
Signature Suite, a home in the city.
The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town
Tower Penthouse Suite, a two-storey apartment with iconic views.

At The Londoner, guests will find a touch of residential charm mixed with stylish interiors. Each room has been individually designed and you can choose what you like best. The separate bedrooms, objets d’art and great city views are simply impossible to resist.

Bars & Restaurants – It’s difficult to pick one!

The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town
Whitcomb’s | A corner of French Mediterranean, where a bright, artistic environment meets a kitchen of exclusive, seasonal ingredients.
The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town
8 At The Londoner | A decadent rooftop izakaya lounge that reinterprets the informal and traditional Japanese style.
The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town
Joshua’s Tavern | An intimate neighbourhood bar serving gintonicas, draught beer, tasty treats and live unplugged performances.

The Londoner’s restaurants and bars reflect the city’s eclectic gastronomic scene. Elegant Japanese offers modern cuisine with French Mediterranean. Bright and airy spaces for breakfast and brunch contrast with intimate cocktail and champagne bars, while the rooftop terrace provides a spectacular backdrop for people watching and feasting.

The Retreat – To Enjoy and Relax

The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town

If you are looking for the perfect place to relax, you have come to the right place: at The Londoner, you’ll find private poolside cabanas and can enjoy the pool. There is also a beauty salon and a gym: everything is ready to welcome you and make you feel good.

As if all of this weren’t enough, you’re close to Bansky.

The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town

Stay at The Londoner and get tickets to a rare collection of Banksy‘s work on display in a Covent Garden warehouse just steps from the hotel.

Where to find The Londoner:

The Londoner: Yabu Pushelberg Brings The New Boutique Hotel To Town

Located on the southwest corner of Leicester Square, The Londoner hotel is surrounded by exciting options. Rooftop terraces and speakeasies, major exhibitions and intimate galleries. As they say: Welcome to a new lifestyle hotel in the heart of the West End.

All images are sourced from:

Did you enjoy this article about The Londoner?

Heritage Sideboard boca do lobo

A bathroom is a very private space, a room of relaxation, it is a place of calm and inspiration. We bring you a curated selection of Bathroom Ideas to elevate your American home. Be inspired and choose your favorite design!


Luxury Bathroom

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas luxury bathroom
How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas

A luxury bathroom can be achieved by having an incredible statement piece. A sophisticated bathtub such as the Lapiaz will be the game changer in your private oasis.

This luxurious bespoke piece is the perfect addition to your modern bathroom, enhancing its rich interiors with a gold-painted tear that contrast with the mirrored effect of its stainless steel. This bathtub is a piece of art created by Maison Valentina, the polished brass details and mirrored sides attribute this luxury design artwork an artic yet comfy and warm beauty. Definitely a statement piece for the most luxurious bathrooms.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas lapiaz bathtub boca do lobo
Lapiaz Bathtub

Complement this incredible design with a simple yet sophisticated feature like the Erosion Stool, small but with a large presence, this sculptural piece is handcrafted from resin and fibers with a high gloss lacquer finish. This bespoke piece can also be customized to your taste so it can fit your requirements perfectly.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas erosion stool 01 boca do lobo
Erosion Stool

Classic Bathroom

Do you prefer classic furniture elements? Then these Bathroom Ideas are for you. WIth two classic furniture pieces, this classic bathroom will shine in any American home.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas a bathroom with classic finishes
How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas

The Ring Square Mirror is just like a jewel that reflects eternal beauty when it is contemplated. Exploring the main function of a mirror, the richness of the luxury mirror lies within its reflection and, between its frames, you find carved details lined with golden leaf.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas ring square mirror 01 boca do lobo
Ring Square Mirror

The Metropolitan Washbasin is a sober yet elegant statement piece, perfect for a classic bathroom. This piece has a wood body and the front of the cupboard is in a cut mirror made by the best craftsmen in the business.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas metropolitan washbasin 03 boca do lobo
Metropolitan Washbasin

Mirrors Boca do Lobo bl mirror 750

Modern Bathroom

This modern bathroom is an ode to luxury interior design. Contemporary and with a certain organic softness, this is what groundbreaking design is all about.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas modern bathroom decor
How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas

The center of attention is undoubtedly the Diamond Bathtub, the true epitome of sophistication in our own private oasis. Maison Valentina interpreted one of Boca do Lobo’s statement pieces and adapted it to what the exclusive decor customer desires, all while maintaining the balance between the timeless values of decoration and utmost quality with an ever-growing modern vision. Every bathroom gets richer with this unique diamond.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas diamond bathtub 01 boca do lobo
Diamond Bathtub

The Symphony Freestand brings a great contemporary flair, a bespoke piece passionately inspired by music. Handcrafted with the finest materials, the Symphony Freestand ensures mystery and elegance and its golden color provides a luxury touch to every bathroom.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas symphony freestanding 01 boca do lobo
Symphony Freestand

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Golden Bathroom

Is there anything more luxurious than a bathroom made of sophisticated gold furnishings? If you like strong metals in your designs then this is the right inspiration for you. Another great addition to our Bathroom Ideas.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas a golden retreat 1
How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas

The Symphony Bathtub is an absolute showstopper, a truly unique bespoke piece handcrafted using quality material which ensures a certain mystery and the utmost elegance.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas symphony bathtub 01 boca do lobo
Symphony Bathtub

The lighting in your private paradise is also quite important, and the Soleil Sconce might be the perfect addition to your luxurious bathroom. This unique furnishing was born from the cataclysmic explosion of a massive star. The instant of a bright star burst that was suspended into a fascinating lighting design. An amazing design inspiration and the perfect fit in our Bathroom Ideas!

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas soleil sconce wall lamp 01 boca do lobo 1
Soleil Sconce
Did you like ‘ How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas’? Then be inspired by other curated selections
How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Living Room Ideas
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Bunny-Shaped Bed Your Kids Room Needs

A striking girls’ room that finds its balance through the textures and the blush pink color, where every detail makes the design.

Luxury girls room design was inspired by the fairytale story Alice in Wonderland. Circu has created this magical luxury girls’ room design where each corner of this room was designed to create a unique environment where children can live all the time in a world full of wonders where everything is possible and imagination is the key. The main inspiration for the design of the room came from the cartoon character, Alice in Wonderland. Trying to make a fabulous environment the element that gives the main emphasis is this Bunny Bed combined with other characteristic elements of the Alice in Wonderland theme.

With its bunny-shaped ears, this luxury girls room bed provides a place where the little ones can enter into a fantasy land where he/she can explore their wildest dreams while being fascinated by the beauty of nature. With a soft velvet finish, this luxury kids’ bed also has a fun feature that is a LED Light in one of its ears that allows the little girl to read her favorite fairytale stories at night. The soft pink color of this luxury kid bunny-shaped bed is combined with a lovely gray wallpaper with a touch of blush pink and LED lights that help to set the tone of the room into a more magical space in the luxury girls room.

Creating the perfect luxury girls roomCloud Nightstand is a kids’ furniture product inspired by Pixar’s Short film “Party Cloud” and it is the perfect storage item for dreamy bedroom decoration. With a creative and playful design, It features 1 drawer and a decorative suitcase to provides extra storage to the kid’s rooms. Atomic Round Chandelier was inspired by the molecular composition of the atom as a nod to the atomic age and race to space mid-century era. DelightFULL’s designers created a round set of spotlights all arranged to look like the non-conventional molecular forms

For last, but not least, give texture into the luxury girls room design with the Cloud Rug. Give your kid’s bedroom to design a warm and comfortable feeling with CIRCU’s Cloud Rug. Every little boy or girl dreams about their wonderland and this rug is the ultimate decor piece to complete such a magical place. Cloud rug is made of artificial sheep wool, acrylic, and polyester.

Paying attention to every single detail, we have organized every corner so that in addition to meet the needs, this luxury girls room design also guarantees ‘A life in the world of wonders’ with the help of this bunny-shaped bed that every kid’s room needs for sure!

Want the look of the house design of your dreams? Want to have the home you’ve always wanted? Inspiration and Ideas has a selected some interior design ideas to achieve the home design of your dreams!

This unique lamp combines a mid-century modern design with a classic style. How would you describe this amazing design by Ferris Rafauli?

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This decorative wall mirror fits perfectly in this hall look.

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With a retro vibe, this art deco pendant lamp is best suited for a vintage living room, or mid-century modern bedroom.


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This modern sofa will add an organic element to any living room set.

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This modern Center Table and exquisite Armchair creating a perfect and modern living room. Don’t you agree?

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What do you think about this contemporary sofa with this amazing rug?

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The tapered legs give this cabinet a fresh and sleek look, comprising style and functionality.

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Combining the retro touch from the velvet with the 60’s sleek lines, it is an accent barrel chair atop a sophisticated swivel polished brass base. Its iconic low-slung and crescent shape make it look like a dislocated piece right from the Mid-century Mad Men era.


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Inspired by the beautiful architectural lines of the iconic Italian scenario, the mid-century modern dining table was drawn from a combination of straight lines and circumferences, redefining the limits of physics and opening the world’s design horizon.

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The body structure is produced in solid walnut wood with metal shoes on its legs, made of polished brass. It has a little degree of reclining, perfect for a zen moment in your living room.

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This loveseat mixes comfort with storage in the perfect design solution for any luxury home. Masculine and classic lines take over this walnut wood loveseat with a touch of brass and rattan accents.

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With a very natural and sleek look, as comfortable as it can get, this accent chair strays true to its origins.

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A hand-tufted and round rug full of personality and ready to translate all of those natural mystical and magical feelings into your interior design.

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This rug is the perfect representation of the power that body arts have in modern life and the goal is to bring that power into interior design.

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Rich in different textures and different materials, this unique rug is a metaphoric force that the animal may have in controversy with human action.


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Two design pieces come together to elevate your bedroom decor in a seamlessly flawless way.

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Elegance and intimacy are written all over this master bedroom!

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This pendant lamp is an art deco lighting fixture handmade in brass and aluminium that boasts all the most special elements of this design movement.

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Modern bedroom featuring a luxury bedside table, an elegant bed, and a unique wall light. What do you think about this combination?

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A design piece with a minimalist style that allows you to fit it in every room of your home, regardless of the style of your interior design.

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A truly fascinating and luxurious item, the Diamond Bathtub features a wooden structure finished in a high gloss black varnish, a colour that contrasts perfectly with the gold-painted rim.

A dreamy master bathroom that’s begging you to relax! The Diamond Bathtub takes centre stage on this interior providing a magic moment of unique design and comfortable living.

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Place the emotional and cylindrical Symphony Bathtub in the centre of your bathroom interior for a luxurious feel that will elevate your design.

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Great hospitality interiors need a matching bathroom! The marble Symphony Vessel Sink and the wonderful Pendant Suspension Light are robust yet stunning items that are perfect for a restaurant or hotel bathroom, being durable and beautiful to look at!

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Inspired by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Metropolitan Washbasin resembles a central mausoleum structure, blending the contemporary chic urban attitude with the classic sober lines.

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