Nuevamente, este año, la firma ha sido galardonada con tres premios dentro de la categoría de Diseño de Producto en iF Product Design Awards y otros tres más en Red Dot Awards, erigiéndose con sus televisores y productos de audio como una de las marcas más destacadas dentro del sector de la imagen y el sonido.

Mayo 2023. – Loewe, histórico fabricante de televisores, vuelve a cosechar este año múltiples premios en los prestigiosos iF Product Design Awards y Red Dot Design Awards dentro de la categoría de Diseño de Producto.  

Galardones que destacan el diseño

Cada año, iF International Forum Design GmbH, la organización independiente de diseño más longeva del mundo, concede los prestigiosos premios iF Design Awards. Para la edición de este año, los expertos han analizado miles de candidaturas procedentes de 52 países, llevándose Loewe tres de los galardones. Dentro de la categoría de Televisores, la firma ha conseguido el premio de Diseño por su producto Loewe Iconic, obteniendo también excelentes resultados con sus productos de audio klang bar3 mr y klang sub1. De igual manera, estos tres productos han sido galardonados por el jurado de expertos de Red Dot Design Award, segundo concurso de diseño más importante a nivel mundial, dentro de la categoría de Diseño de Producto 2023.

Loewe Iconic: un televisor fabricado en piedra

Loewe Iconic no sólo causa sensación por ser la perfecta combinación de televisor y sistema de sonido de gama alta, sino también por su escultural diseño de 360 grados. De hecho, su base es un sistema único de alta calidad que ha sido fabricada con Syno-Stone, un material mineral sólido y duradero. Cuenta, además, con una forma escultural, permitiendo allá donde se ubique dar un toque refinado y artístico al ambiente.

Tanto Loewe iconic 65 como Loewe iconic 55 han sido capacitados para ofrecer una calidad de imagen perfecta gracias al empleo de paneles OLED 4K de última generación y alta resolución, así como a la calibración individual que ha llevado a cabo la firma con cada uno de los aparatos. Basándose en algoritmos optimizados a lo largo de décadas, estos nuevos televisores proporcionan imágenes naturales y armoniosas, y permiten disfrutar de un cine en casa del más alto nivel. Asimismo, su compatibilidad con HLG, HDR10 y Dolby VisionTM, les capacita para reproducir imágenes de alto contraste y un impresionante espectro de colores que transportan al telespectador a horizontes infinitos.

Además, el nuevo televisor de Loewe se encuentra disponible en dos variantes de chasis: SL5 y SL7. Ambos se caracterizan por su durabilidad y posibilidades de reparación, ya que han sido desarrollados y producidos en Alemania. Así, el chasis sl7 es ideal para vídeo a la carta: los usuarios de VoD pueden acceder rápidamente a los servidores de streaming más populares desde la pantalla de bienvenida o directamente desde el mando. Además, su grabador de disco duro integrado, Loewe DR+ de 1 TB, permite grabar programas de televisión convencional de la forma más sencilla. Por su parte, el chasis sl5 ofrece la función Loewe DR+, que permite la grabación de programas con el sistema integrado de dos canales y doble sintonizador que hace posible grabar dos programas de televisión a la vez o ver un programa mientras se graba otro. También, se puede interrumpir un programa para seguir viéndolo más tarde en diferido. Los ficheros almacenados se muestran acompañados de una clara vista previa con el título del programa y la fecha. A todo lo anterior, suma la función de sonido especial Mimi Sound PersonalizationTM, que permite ajustar el sonido en función de la capacidad auditiva de cada usuario. El producto, además, se acompaña de un Smart TV Stick 4K para los contenidos en streaming que se maneja con el mando del televisor.

Loewe klang bar mr3: impactante sonido cinematográfico

Loewe iconic lleva perfectamente integrada de manera invisible la también premiada klang bar mr3. Una barra de sonido que ha sido diseñada para ofrecer una experiencia de audio natural con un impresionante sonido cinematográfico capaz de llenar la estancia y con una excelente inteligibilidad de la voz, incluso, en salas de gran tamaño, gracias a su potencia total de 360 vatios. Para ello, se vale de tres altavoces (izquierdo, derecho y central) y dos subwoofers integrados, siendo un sistema 3.1 que puede ampliarse fácilmente a una configuración 5.1. Así, se pueden emparejar de forma inalámbrica y sin latencia, gracias a su sistema exclusivo Loewe WDAL, dos altavoces delanteros y dos traseros, o un subwoofer, como, por ejemplo, los altavoces de la marca pertenecientes a la línea klang mr.

De hecho, cuando se emparejan altavoces delanteros, los altavoces izquierdo y derecho de la barra pasan automáticamente a hacer la función de canal central. También, es posible añadir altavoces activos más antiguos o amplificadores activos a través de su conexión AV multicanal y todo ello sin tener que usar ningún dispositivo adicional. De igual manera, la barra destaca por ser compatible con Dolby Atmos, DTS:X y aplicaciones multiroom vía Play-Fi.

Loewe klang sub1: diseño exclusivo y materiales de primera

Loewe klang sub1 es un subwoofer inalámbrico que reúne los valores esenciales de la marca, ajustándose con precisión a las características acústicas de los productos de Loewe, pero también en cuanto al diseño y a la calidad de los materiales se refiere. Con un sonido inmersivo y equilibrado, este subwoofer no solo va a encantar a los aficionados del cine y la música, sino también a los amantes del diseño porque la firma ha empleado una selección de materiales de alta calidad, dotándole, además de un aspecto exclusivo, gracias a su refinada tela acústica y a las robustas cubiertas superior e inferior. El diseño se completa con detalles sofisticados, tales como el conector del cable de alimentación, que se encuentra oculto en la base del woofer.

Con unas dimensiones de tan sólo 287x287x158 milímetros, este subwoofer compacto destaca por ofrecer conexión inalámbrica al televisor, una reproducción de sonido sin vibraciones y una potencia musical total de 160 vatios. Así, gracias a él, es posible disfrutar en casa de un sonido cinematográfico de máxima calidad y de una espectacular experiencia musical, gracias a su innovador y sofisticado diseño.

Pensado para proporcionar unos graves dinámicos y potentes, este subwoofer es el complemento perfecto tanto de las soluciones de audio integradas en los televisores Loewe (a partir del modelo SL3), como de aquellas pertenecientes a otros fabricantes que presenten salida de audio controlada desde el televisor. Además, sobresale por contar, bajo su lujoso chasis, con cuatro conos pasivos móviles y dos altavoces de graves activos en una disposición hexagonal. Gracias a ello, está libre de vibraciones, incluso, a altos niveles de volumen, por lo que tampoco presenta el ruido que suele acompañarlas. De igual manera, este diseño interno ha permitido crear una estructura en torno a un 50% más pequeña frente a la que poseen los woofers convencionales, pero ofreciendo el mismo rendimiento. Y todo ello bajo unas dimensiones de tan sólo 287x287x158 milímetros.

PVP Loewe iconic 65: 7.999 euros (IVA incluido)

PVP Loewe iconic 55: 6.499 euros (IVA incluido)

PVP Loewe klang bar3 mr: 999 euros (IVA incluido)

PVP Loewe klang sub1: 399 euros (IVA incluido)

Perfil corporativo

Loewe lleva un siglo siendo sinónimo de innovación y lujo en el sector de la electrónica de consumo. Desde su fundación en 1923 hasta la invención de la televisión electrónica en 1931, Loewe se ha convertido en una empresa con una larga tradición que opera en todo el mundo. Con 200 empleados y una red de ventas internacional, Loewe Technology GmbH está actualmente presente en 36 países con elegantes productos de televisión y audio de alta gama. La marca internacional presume con pasión y orgullo de su excepcional capacidad innovadora, su tradición y su impecable calidad de fabricación “Made in Germany”. La combinación de ingeniería alemana, excelencia, diseño exclusivo y sostenibilidad ha sentado las bases de la filosofía de la marca. Pero el verdadero motor de Loewe son su fábrica, rebosante de tradición, y su planta de producción de alta tecnología en la sede de Kronach, Alta Franconia.

Las cocinas más vanguardistas y funcionales están en Casa Decor 2023

La vanguardia y la tecnología se han unido para enriquecer las  cocinas  en esta edición de Casa Decor. Frentes que se ocultan, zonas de tránsito, espacios transversales, salones donde se cocina y cocinas donde se está, lugares para recibir y compartir, con la sofisticación como seña de identidad y el bienestar y la funcionalidad como bandera.

Cálida sofisticación en Copatlife

La cocina, entendida como un espacio de bienestar y glamour gracias a los detalles, acabados, tecnología y una estética única, recibe el nombre de “Way of Life”. El  Espacio Copatlife,  de  Virginia Albuja,  nos muestra una estancia serena y elegante con muebles acabados en madera de olmo y beige suave, tonalidades también presentes en suelo y techo, el diseño acústico Idealux FL  en  acabado melamínico  Roble Etna de alta calidad de  Idiatec  que realza visualmente el espacio.

Una isla central, en   gres porcelánico  natural Blanco Platino de SapienStone,  protagoniza la cocina y alberga la zona de coladuría, con  fregadero Blanco  y la grifería Quooker Flex,   con  flexo extraíble  , y la zona de cocción, equipada con placa de inducción + campana extractora KMI8590 , de  Küppersbusch,  a ras de la encimera. La grasa y el vapor se extraen directamente de su fuente y no se esparcen por la habitación, por lo que es una solución perfecta para cocinas abiertas.

En un lateral de la cocina destaca el  mueble Guest retráctil,  de doble puerta, preparado para zona de cóctel y equipado con enfriador de copas de CO2,   portavasos acabado aluminio  Brunito , enchufes a juego, baldas, cajoneras, retroiluminación Solaris  con regulación tono cálido y frío y 5 niveles de intensidad. El fregadero y el grifo son  blancos.

En la pared de enfrente están los electrodomésticos, de  Küppersbusch: el   horno pirolítico  BP6550 , la  cafetera  CKV6550 y la nevera FKG 8840  . La vajilla, de  El Corte Inglés Hogar,  así como los textiles, y las botellas de vino tinto  20 Aldeas 2018,  de  Bodegas Condado  de Hazas, están bien protegidas en una vitrina,  perfecta para degustar en este entorno.

La iluminación técnica es de  Oliva Iluminación  y la domótica y mecanismos del espacio se controlan con el  ABB-free@home® Niessen Sky Monitor de 4,3″,  de  Niessen.

Fundamental, el toque vegetal que aporta frescura.

Fotos: Lupe Clemente para Casa Decor

Delta diluye el  borde de entrada/salida

La propuesta que vemos en el  Espacio Delta,  liderada por  José Manuel Gómez Ruiz-Clavijo  , se llama “El Origen de la Vida” y es un escenario innovador que representa un ciclo hidrológico completo a través de sus nuevas cocinas exteriores en acero 316, 100% clima. resistentes, reciclables y autónomas, con fregadero y barbacoa, e interiores, con exclusivos marcos hidrófugos. El resto del mobiliario pertenece a la  línea Delta Eco,  libre de formaldehído y con acabado al agua sin disolventes.

Las diferentes zonas del espacio quedan delimitadas visualmente a través de los materiales, tanto de los suelos -con una parte revestidos de tarima de pino antiguo, de  Antigüedades Marsol e Hijos-  como de las puertas policromadas de los dormitorios del siglo XVII/XVIII y del siglo XIX forjadas barandilla de hierro, y otra para el  pavimento Sahara Noir Bocciardato  de  Laminam  – en cuanto a las paredes, revestidas con mortero de arcilla Ecoclay  

En primer lugar, se ha creado una acogedora zona de estar; a continuación, la propia cocina, con  electrodomésticos Siemens,  donde destaca su extractor telescópico de cristal, que sólo aparece cuando se necesita. Frente a él, un rincón de baño con vestidor, equipado con  lavabo y grifería Bathco.

Para protegerse del exterior de la intemperie, proponen una pérgola bioclimática retráctil de  Durmi. Como complementos para el bienestar, el espacio se ha equipado con  sillas y taburetes Nao,  una isla y mesa de comedor, un sofá de exterior de tela y alfombras de la firma  LDK Living Outdoors. La vajilla y la cristalería de Vista Alegre  aportan su nota de estilo con las   colecciones  Futurismo , Bicos Bicolor Gris y Verde,  Platos 2I  , Pieces  St. Moritz Cristal  y  Les Bains. 

El regreso a la ciudad más contemporánea, según Arrital

Y los más tecnológicos. Materializado por el interiorista  Manuel Espejo,  el  Espacio Arrital  se denomina “Retropolitan” y propone un  concepto habitacional  capaz de ir más allá de la cocina, potenciando la transversalidad de los espacios. También cuenta con una zona de lectura y un rincón dedicado al vino, con botellas de vino tinto  20 Aldeas 2018,  de  Bodegas Condado  de Hazas.

El proyecto se ha realizado con la  colección Nautila,  de  Arrital,  en acabado madera Roble Fumé  Los revestimientos que lo complementan son microcemento de la  colección Metallic/Brass,  de  Cement Design,  y  Paraná Quartzite  de  Terra,  de  Cupa Stone.

 Destaca el   sistema abatible y retráctil  Sipario utilizado por Arrital  en esta edición de  Casa Decor , que permite plegar primero las puertas y luego retraerlas –con tecnología aeroespacial y alma de aluminio ranurado–, ocultando toda la cocina con un simple dedo.

La encimera de la cocina se ha equipado con la  placa de inducción total de 80 cm, de  Siemens. y con sus nuevos hornos compactos con microondas y 100% vapor, de la  gama studioLine,  que cuentan con inteligencia artificial.

Gira  se ha encargado de los mecanismos. En “Retropolitan” utilizan el modelo convencional  Esprit Lacado Blanco Mate.

Fotos: Nacho Uribesalazar para Casa Decor

La cocina con corazón alpino de Mobalpa

Como homenaje a su lugar de origen,  Espacio Mobalpa  se estrena en Casa Decor con una cocina de 36 m2, con vocación sostenible y multicultural, diseñada junto al estudio de arquitectura  Noema Studio. En Centenario del “Savoir-faire” en los Alpes, lo mejor de la cultura alpina se combina con la naturaleza, la ciudad y los sentidos que todos ellos despiertan, y se trasladan a cualquier parte del mundo a través de materiales naturales y autóctonos comunes. al lugar de origen y destino –en este caso, Madrid– con el fin de dejar la menor huella ecológica posible. Aquí confluyen piedra, cuarcita, vidrio templado, vegetación, madera de fresno y alerce, textiles de algodón y lino, con el agua como elemento rector.

Una fuente, que representa a los pueblos serranos, incorpora agua a este espacio. Está hecho con ladrillos antiguos hechos a mano, pila de piedra, grifo de bronce de toneles viejos y un  aufabi mallorquín  , todo ello procedente de  Antigüedades Marsol e Hijos.

La envolvente del espacio se ha revestido con la  pintura Rock Clay de  Ecoclay. El pie de la isla de cocina está revestido con  mortero de arcilla Ecoclay, que representa las orillas de los lagos alpinos. Las encimeras y el lavabo se han realizado con piedra natural  Tauca  de  Naturamia y   para el suelo se ha elegido el travertino  Calima , todo ello de Levantina. El acabado en bronce cepillado de la grifería Axor  Starck  es otro detalle que ayuda a recrear el paisaje en las montañas alpinas  .

Para fomentar este ambiente, el techo se ha cubierto con el  visillo Aveiro, de la  Costa Este,  en tonos beige y azul. Así se recrea la sensación del agua y el aire recorriendo el espacio, que comienza y finaliza con el  revestimiento de aluminio Linarte, de  Renson,   combinando la naturaleza con los materiales más innovadores.

Con la máxima atención a la sostenibilidad, los electrodomésticos de  Siemens  studioLine  han sido elegidos por su bajo consumo y máxima duración: el horno de vapor compacto y el horno de microondas compacto.

Los muebles y complementos decorativos de  El Corte Inglés Hogar  aportan calidez y bienestar, y  Huakal  amuebla el espacio con piezas artesanales únicas donde se unen tradición y diseño.

Fotos: Lupe Clemente para Casa Decor

¡Bienvenido a la “Sala de curiosidades” de Delamora!

Sorpresa, fantasía y curiosidad son ingredientes esenciales en la cocina de  Espacio Delamora,  creada por  Vonna:  ella pretende perdurar y sorprender con materiales cálidos y vibrantes –latón, piedra natural o madera de nogal– que invitan a adentrarse e investigar en este mueble único. . Con el punto justo entre la sofisticación y la calidez del hogar, cuenta además con tecnología eficiente e innovadora.

La primera curiosidad la encontramos en el suelo: el  suelo Tura de  Xtone,  creado especialmente para esta edición de Casa Decor a partir de la digitalización de una colección real de fósiles. Este porcelánico es totalmente reciclable y se produce en una planta de autoconsumo energético y con un sistema de recuperación del 100% de materiales y recursos. La piedra natural –  Brecia Imperiale, Breccia Pernice  y  Opera Fantástico  – del espacio también es de  Xtone.


Curiosa y fascinante es también la puerta que articula el espacio a modo de pared técnica, funcionando como una cuarta pared que se pliega sobre muebles escamoteables con herrajes. Se trata de una actualización de la clásica puerta de palillería diseñada por  Vonna,  estudio formado por Victoria González y Nicolás Poggetti, sobre un soporte de nogal con incrustaciones de piezas de  mármol Xtone  y latón.

Por su reducido consumo y producción sostenible,  los electrodomésticos de Miele equipan la cocina: campana extractora, envasadora al vacío, lavavajillas integrado, combi integrado, placa de inducción, bodega integrada y horno combinado de vapor. El reciclaje se completa con  los clasificadores de residuos de Blanco. 

El arte también tiene su lugar entre las maravillosas curiosidades de este gabinete. Manila Wall Art ha realizado el  mural Paredes de la Cámara de las Maravillas  , una obra en acrílico directamente sobre la pared realizada con aerógrafo y pincel a mano alzada, donde la naturaleza es la gran protagonista.

La belleza del entorno se completa con la  gama de velas, candelabros, mimbre y jabones de Loewe Perfumes.  

Fotos: Amador Toril para Casa Decor


Cada edición de Casa Decor es única e irrepetible, tanto por la singularidad del edificio elegido como por los proyectos que se presentan cada año. El edificio es el buque insignia de la edición, que marca la personalidad de las propuestas de su interior. De ahí que el inmueble no sólo deba cumplir unos requisitos técnicos de tamaño, estado y localización. También debe crear una emoción y enamorar, tanto a los profesionales y empresas que van a transformarlo, como a los visitantes que descubrirán un espacio único.

Para la edición 58ª de Casa Decor en 2023, hemos elegido un espléndido edificio residencial en la calle

Serrano 92, semiesquina con Juan Bravo. Si bien Casa Decor nace en 1992 en el Barrio de Salamanca, donde ha celebrado 13 ediciones (Goya, Velázquez, Pº de Recoletos, Pº de la Castellana, Príncipe de Vergara, Jorge Juan, etc.), por primera vez recala en la emblemática calle Serrano.

Este hecho no ha sido circunstancial, sino elegido con la intención de celebrar una edición de lujo en una de las arterias comerciales más icónicas de la capital. De esta manera, será una edición que estará integrada de forma natural en la oferta exclusiva que ofrece la Milla de Oro de Madrid.


Construido alrededor de 1929, el edificio cuenta con 4.000 m2, distribuidos en bajo y tres plantas. La fachada exterior, que da a Serrano, es de líneas armónicas y simétricas, de ordenamiento neoclásico. La planta baja, con dos locales a cada lado del portal, está compuesta por cinco arcos de medio punto, con zócalo y paños en piedra. Cada planta cuenta con 7 ventanas abalconadas, siendo las laterales acristaladas. Los 21 huecos de fachada cambian la discreta ornamentación de la ventana según la planta.

En la primera, al ser la principal y más noble, las ventanas van coronadas por frontones algo más historiados que el resto, con una cornisa en arco y un travesaño que se apoya al marco de piedra del balcón por medio de ménsulas de orden clásico. En la segunda planta, el remate de los balcones se simplifica en un frontón triangular.

En estas dos plantas, una balconada sencilla, de

barrotes de hierro y cenefa calada, recorre todo el frente de fachada, excepto los miradores acristalados.

Por su parte, la tercera planta, al ser la destinada para alquileres más humildes, los balcones, todos individuales, apenas llevan una moldura sobre el dintel con un discreto remate.

Otra característica de estas edificaciones es el acceso al edificio, a travésde un paso de carruajesque conduce a un primer patio de luces, de dimensiones generosas, dando paso después a un gran patio de manzana de 148 m2. Esta particularidad hace que el edificio cuente con una fachada interior, igualmente simétrica y detallada, aportando luz natural a todas las estancias interiores.

El edificio fue reestructurado en una gran reforma en el año 76 ejecutada por el Banco Hispanoamericano para convertir las tres plantas del inmueble en oficinas.


El edificio de Serrano 92 es un ejemplo vivo de las edificaciones que aún se mantienen fieles al planteamiento original de las viviendas de esta zona, promovido por el Marqués de Salamanca a partir de 1860. Aunque conocido popularmente como “barrio de Salamanca”, en realidad se trata de un distrito con seis barrios administrativos. El barrio al que pertenece el edificio de Serrano 92 es “Castellana”, ya que se encuentra a una cuadra escasa del principal paseo que vertebra la capital.

El Ensanche de Madrid en esta zona este de la ciudad se desarrolló en varias fases a partir de su aprobación en 1860. Se tomó como punto de partida el ordenamiento urbano que hiciera Haussmann en París a mitad del siglo XIX, al que se sumó poco después el Eixample de Barcelona dirigido por Idelfonso Cerdá. En Madrid, el Plan de Carlos María de Castro, el urbanista que llevó a cabo el proyecto, estaba destinado a ampliar la ciudad más allá del casco urbano, para dar cabida a la creciente población que se hallaba en graves problemas de viviendas y salubridad. El Plan preveía nuevas zonas hacia el norte, noroeste y, más adelante, sur de la ciudad.

La zona noroeste tuvo como principal promotor a José María de Salamanca, un astuto hombre de negocios que se había enriquecido gracias a la construcción de las diferentes vías de ferrocarril y a sus arriesgadas inversiones bancarias. En 1858 empieza a adquirir los terrenos al este del Paseo de Recoletos, llegando a sumar más de 900.000 metros cuadrados 5 años después. En 1864 empieza las primeras edificaciones en la primera mitad de la calle Serrano y sus alrededores. No obstante, la acuciante crisis económica y la falta de liquidez, le obligó a vender al banco los 37 edificios construidos desde la calle Villanueva hasta Juan Bravo en 1869.

En estas primeras edificaciones se seguirían las ordenanzas del Plan Castro, principalmente, en la creación de edificios de 3 y 4 plantas, con un gran patio de manzana ajardinado. Además, debían tener 2 o 3 patios de luces interiores, para procurar luz y ventilación. En cuanto a la fachada, se buscaba una uniformidad exterior, con una composición sencilla y sobria de estilo neoclásico francés, siguiendo las pautas estéticas (aunque con notarias diferencias) del barrio de Saint-Germain-des-Pres en París.


En sus más de 4 kilómetros de recorrido, desde la Plaza de la Independencia hasta la calle del Príncipe de Vergara, la calle Serrano es conocida internacionalmente como el paraíso de la moda y de las tiendas de lujo. Sin embargo, también es una calle para pasear y disfrutar de los muchos atractivos culturales, arquitectónicos y artísticos con que cuenta.

En un principio, se llamó Bulevar Narváez, en honor de uno de los generales-políticos más influyentes del periodo isabelino. Fue a partir de 1868, cuando el bulevar pasa a ser calle de Serrano, en recuerdo del general y político Francisco Serrano y Domínguez (1810-1855), que vivía en un hotel de este bulevar que hacía esquina con Villanueva. A iniciativa del propio Marqués de Salamanca, en la esquina de la calle de Maldonado estuvo la primera estación de tranvías que comenzó sus operaciones en 1871, para unir el barrio con el centro de la ciudad.

Las primeras casas de la calle Serrano ocupaban una manzana completa y tenían un jardín interior. Uno de los jardines interiores era el que contemplaba Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer desde su ventana pues vivía en el nº 25 de la calle Claudio Coello y sus balcones interiores daban a dicho jardín.

Las casas contaban con piso bajo, principal, segundo y tercero y un cuarto piso destinado a buhardillas. El piso principal y el segundo se proyectaron como auténticos palacetes con jardín privado y cocheras sobre el patio de manzana. Fueron las primeras en tener luz eléctrica, termos de agua caliente, cocinas de carbón, sanitarios, los desagües más rápidos, ascensores y ascensores y teléfono.

En Serrano también se construyeron y aposentaron los mejores comercios de la época. Estuvo el restaurante Filiquier, una de las virguerías gastronómicas de aquel entonces. Y en Serrano vivió durante algún tiempo una larguísima lista de próceres: Ríos Rosas, Fernández de la Hoz, Alonso Martínez, Castelar, Cánovas del Castillo, Lázaro Galdiano, Pérez Galdós, Rafael Alberti.

Entre la numerosa muestra de joyas arquitectónicas de la calle Serrano, podemos encontrar el denominado edificio ABC de Serrano, llamado así porque en su día albergó las dependencias del veterano diario “ABC”, cuyo edificio primigenio fue proyectado por por José López Sallaberry en el año 1899.

Muy cerca del edificio, se puede encontrar el Museo de Escultura al Aire Libre de la Castellana, situado bajo el paso elevado que une las calles de Juan Bravo y Eduardo Dato, y que contiene una excelente colección de escultura abstracta española. Otras edificaciones significativas son el Museo Arqueológico Nacional, el Museo Lázaro Galdiano, los Jardines del Descubrimiento integrados en la Plaza de Colón, la casa-palacio de los marqueses de Portazgo (hoy, el Colegio de Abogados), la casa-palacio de Tomás Beruete (hoy sede del Centro Riojano de Madrid) o la Embajada de Estados Unidos.


En total, se adecuarán 50 espacios que serán intervenidos por los profesionales y firmas más importantes del sector. A pesar de su rehabilitación como oficinas, algunos espacios aún conservan trazas de las antiguas viviendas: techos altos, suelos

de pino melis, balcones de madera, herrajes y puertas de la época. No obstante, si algo llama la atención de Serrano 92, además de su excelente ubicación, es la luz que penetra por todos los espacios, que no deja un rincón sin iluminar.


Casa Decor es una plataforma de interiorismo, diseño, tendencias y estilo de vida que se celebra, desde 1992, en Madrid, y que permanece abierta durante

6 semanas. Cada año, más de 200 participantes intervienen un edificio diferente, histórico y singular, del centro de la capital, para presentar las últimas novedades en diseño de mobiliario, materiales, tecnología e innovación en el sector del hábitat, a través de espacios reales o conceptuales de gran nivel expositivo.


De la numerosa afluencia que visita Casa Decor, un 55% es cliente final, en tanto el 45% restante son profesionales relacionados con diferentes áreas de negocio, no sólo en el sector del hábitat, sino de la construcción, hostelería, restauración, promoción inmobiliaria, publicidad, turismo, moda, educación y cultura. Por ello, todos los visitantes de Casa Decor son clientes potenciales directos con los que el expositor puede entrar en contacto.


En cada edición, se reúnen más de 200 expositores, entre profesionales y empresas, con el fin de promocionar su trabajo, productos y/o servicios, en un entorno único y exclusivo. Casa Decor es un gran proyecto colaborativo, que potencia y da visibilidad no sólo al sector del interiorismo, sino también a marcas de lujo y estilo de vida, que funciona como un laboratorio creativo de ideas, materiales, diseño e innovación.


•   Con espacio propio:

Los profesionales y las firmas pueden contratar un espacio durante las seis semanas y disfrutar, además, de los beneficios exclusivos de marketing y comunicación asociados a su participación hasta la siguiente edición. Para ello, han de realizar un proyecto decorativo, ya sea de un espacio real o conceptual, que cumpla los máximos estándares de calidad en su propuesta y ejecución.

•   Con presencia de producto:

Las marcas pueden colocar sus productos en los espacios de la Exposición, de forma que quedan integrados en ambientes reales y de alta decoración.


El visitante de Casa Decor entra en contacto directo con el producto y establece un vínculo con éste, a través de su experiencia sensorial. Se trata de una forma única de acercarse al producto o de mostrar un servicio de manera empírica y con gran impacto emocional.

Casa Decor ofrece una fórmula única de relacionarse con el producto por medio de espacios decorados, diferente a otros formatos publicitarios, ferias y promoción tradicional.


Casa Decor pone al servicio del participante todos sus medios y soportes de comunicación, tanto digitales como impresos y publicitarios, durante el año que dura la campaña. Una exclusiva plataforma de comunicación mediática, con prestigio y gran credibilidad en el sector del interiorismo.


Los contactos comerciales y profesionales se suman al trato directo con clientes, medios de comunicación y prescriptores. Un beneficio de gran valor para los expositores, que pueden maximizar con acciones y eventos personalizados durante la Exposición.


En la edición de 2022, visitaron la Exposición 38.260 personas y más de 800 periodistas nacionales e internacionales, de 600 medios y canales de comunicación, que generaron 1.709 noticias on y offline, valoradas en más de 10 millones de euros.

Por cuarto año consecutivo, mantenemos nuestro compromiso real e inalienable con la sostenibilidad, que es preciso aplicar en todas las áreas de acción de la Exposición. Nuestros principios de sostenibilidad se basan en la utilización de materiales orgánicos, reciclados y reciclables, de extracción y producción sostenible; proyectos que maximicen los recursos, minimicen el impacto y sean fáciles de retirar; reutilización de materiales y muebles tras la Exposición; ahorro de agua y eficiencia energética; “Interiorismo de Km 0”, que apueste por el producto artesanal y los oficios tradicionales de la región; y cultura biofílica, que favorezca los espacios verdes y saludables.

California is known for its beachessurfingHollywoodDisneyland, and wine, as well as its large economy and progressive politics. California is arguably the most famous state in North America and millions of tourists travel there every year for the nightlifescenery, and sunshine. From San Francisco to Los Angeles, these are the best interior designers in California. Stay tuned!

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1. Advanced Home Services

Advanced Home Services started as a service company where the trust and continuous collaboration with clients, leading industry professionals, and retail vendors truly advanced the company to venture into the diversity of services. From General Construction, Plumbing, Water Quality, Project Management, and Retail Furnishings to Interior Design. Partnership with multiple contracting firms that are licensed and bonded in construction and remodeling projects is what makes Advanced Home Services a full-service design-build firm.

2. Avenue Interior Design

Since its 2009 foundation in a bohemian studio off of Venice and Abbot Kinney, hospitality-based Avenue Interior Design has positioned itself as a tiny powerhouse in an industry full of giants. Now based in Downtown Los Angeles, and decidedly less tiny, the team continues to design and collaborate on the industry’s most exciting properties for the most prominent leaders in hospitality.

3. AvroKO California

AvroKO has established a new paradigm in the hospitality industry, encompassing a multitude of disciplines while creating thoughtful and engaging architecture, brands, products, and environments. Since its launch in 2001, AvroKO has earned a reputation as one of the most innovative design firms in the field, due in large part to the group’s integrated design process and focus on creating emotionally connected experiences.

4. Cecile Starin Design

Cecilie Starin Design is an interior design company run by Cecilie Starin in Tiburon. The company primarily serves high-end residential clients in San Francisco, Napa, Marin County, and the Peninsula but will also serve customers in other parts of California. Cecilie has extensive fine arts, fashion design, and decor experience.

5. Charles de Lisle

The circumstances of Charles de Lisle’s childhood help explain his creative tendencies. Charles grew up in rural Massachusetts; he spent time exploring factories near his father’s woodworking shop where he collected scraps, bits of industrial products, images, and thoughts. After studying ceramics, Charles moved to California, where he learned how to weld and began fabricating lighting fixtures. Charles started his own office in 2008; a design collective focused on custom fabricated furniture, lighting, decorative arts, interior projects, and landscape projects. Surely one of the best interior designers in California.


50 Best Interior Designers In North America PartII: California


6. Chu & Gooding

Chu & Gooding is an acclaimed architecture and interior firm with an emphasis on cultural, arts-related, educational, and institutional projects, recognized for designing distinctive homes and sophisticated spaces. Part of a long lineage of craft, expertise, and experience, they have a deep understanding of the tactile, and they see interiors as a profound, provocative, and essential element of architectural design.

7. Claudia Afshar Design Studio

Claudia Afshar needs no introduction. The designer and founder/CEO of Claudia Afshar Design Studio has been making waves in the design industry due to her incredibly fresh, sophisticated, and functional residential design projects. You may have seen her work featured in some of the most distinguished design magazines such as Vogue, Elle Decor, Rue Magazine, and many others.

8. Clements Design

Kathleen, who works alongside her son Tommy at Clements Design, doesn’t generally discuss her celebrity clientele. However, her work on the homes of actors Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux as well as the lovely mansion shared by comedienne Ellen DeGeneres and her partner Portia DeRossi is common knowledge. Clements Design is known for its gallery-like Nature-inspired interiors filled with judiciously chosen rustic antiques so spare in their lines that they function almost as sculptures.

9. Commune Design

As the name implies, Commune Design is a Los Angeles-based design studio that values the strength of the collective mind, believing that authentic creativity and innovation come from collaboration. The actual merit of their work comes from their collaborations with their clients as well as with other members of the community. This is a studio with a reputation for holistic work across the fields of architecture, product, graphic and interior design.

10. David Dalton Inc.

David Dalton Inc. specializes in both commercial and residential interior design and has completed a rich variety of international interior projects. Residential projects range from the large-scale, new construction design and planning of an Oxford country estate, to the luxe interiors of a Beverly Hill Tudor manse, to the remodeled interiors of an urban Chicago contemporary loft. Commercial projects include hotels, retail spaces, spas, sanctuaries, medical facilities, and more.

50 Best Interior Designers In North America PartII: California


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11. East Kennedy Company

East Kennedy brings two parallel worlds together to create a space where luxury interior meets fashion in a seamless union. They view what they do as curating an art collection for your home and body. The goal is to create a tangible space to reflect your unique style and soul from the inside out. With a selection of uniquely sophisticated home accessories and furniture, accompanied by luxurious statement apparel, you can fully express your innermost self. Whether you need to treat yourself or someone else, you’ll find something to compliment your fabulous taste.

12. Forest Perkins

Forrest Perkins is a distinct design studio of Perkins Eastman, a global architecture firm working out of 15 interdisciplinary offices around the world. The firm believes that design has a direct, positive impact on people’s lives.

13. Frank Berry Designs

Frank Berry Designs is a full-service design development firm based in Orange County, California. As international specialists in custom commercial and residential design with an extensive industry background, they offer a strong design aesthetic and invaluable insight into the building process. They align interests with those of their clients to develop a creative vision and strategic plan that translates into an unparalleled living environment.

14. Gensler California

“Leveraging the power of design to create a better world”, Gensler‘s motto takes design to another level. This global team is reimagining the future of cities believing the world is definitively changing and that change is for the best. One community, united by the commitment to improve the human experience holistically. Naturally optimistic, this company wants to use the power of design to spark positivity and create a future that promotes equity, resilience, and well-being for everyone.

15. Grayson Luxury

Grayson Luxury is the ideal interior design destination for traditional sophistication with a modern sensibility. Bringing together some of the most innovative designer brands in the home interiors industry, Grayson Luxury has quickly become the one-stop shop for designers and homeowners alike. Beginning as a trade-only showroom in the LA Mart Design Center, Grayson Luxury has relocated to an expansive space nestled in the heart of Beverly Hills where clients can enjoy the comfort and grandeur of this reputable locale.

50 Best Interior Designers In North America PartII: California


50 Best Interior Designers In North America PartII: California

16. Hardware Designs

Hardware Designs has catered to homeowners by providing expertise and exceptional hardware, plumbing fixtures, and lighting from all over the world. Their products are carefully selected to enhance the design and functionality of your home, whether you are renovating your existing home or building a new custom home. Since 1982, they have collaborated with homeowners, interior designers, architects, and builders to achieve your unique design plans and to supply luxury products that are perfect for your new home.

17. HBA Los Angeles

One of the giants in the interior design industry, Hirsch Bedner Associates has been leaving a mark at luxury hotels all over the globe since 1965. Their notorious presence in the hospitality market and their unparalleled expertise and detailed knowledge give their designers the ability to identify interior design trends at their source as well as they are able to make predictions about new directions and innovations at a worldwide level.

18. Heather Hilliard Design

Heather Hilliard Design is a boutique interior design studio that serves clients in San Francisco and surrounding areas. Heather specializes in creating and designing personalized interiors that merge classic detailing and modern design. For the past 10 years, Heather Hilliard Design has been working with craftsmen and artists across the globe, who execute Heather’s customized designs for her clients. One of the best interior designers in California, some of the most notorious projects by Heather Hilliard Design include Presidio Heights I, Pacific Heights, and Piedmont.

19. Horbach Design

Studying industrial design at the Academy of Arts in Hamburg, Germany, Christine Marie Horbach was guided by one of the most renowned designers of our time, Dieter Rams. Over the past 20 years, Horbach Design has designed numerous luxury interiors and high-end products for private clients and internationally acclaimed companies including JW Marriott, Rosenthal, The LaFayette Hotel, and Zodiac Aerospace.

20. HPG International

HPG International is an internationally recognized provider of FF&E and OS&E procurement services to the world’s finest hotels and resorts.

50 Best Interior Designers In North America PartII: California


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21. HSH Interiors

At HSH Interiors, every project begins with the client’s vision—they believe that sophisticated interiors should be as unique as the people who live in them. This full-service interior design firm has been transforming clients’ dreams into realities since 2002, serving the Bay Area, Lake Tahoe, and beyond.

22. IA Interior Architects

IA Interior Architects‘ most important asset is its people—and those people come from a diverse background that informs the spaces they design. IA designs people-centric environments across vertical markets. Their intent is to enrich the human experience, create wellness, strengthen brand and culture, and integrate technology as well as new ways of working. They anticipate the future to realize the client’s vision and goals.

23. Indidesign

This studio was established with the vision of creating memories by evoking a sense of place on a journey through surprise, discovery, and desire. Each one of the projects is defined by its unique identity and it delivers a special experience through the seamless fusion of design and operation. Indidesign is a collection of dynamic, knowledgeable, and creative designers and their commitment and involvement are consistently strong through every phase of the design and construction process.

24. Jamie Bush

A New Yorker who grew up in a family of notable designers and artists, Jamie Bush studied Architecture and Design in New Orleans and Italy. After receiving his Master’s in Architecture from Tulane University, Jamie relocated to L.A. and opened his own interior design firm in 2002. Featured in such major publications as Architectural Digest, Dwell, and the Los Angeles Times, Jamie is highly regarded for his keen understanding of architecture and design. One of the best interior designers in California.

25. Jeff Schlarb

Jeff Schlarb is a San Francisco interior design company founded in 2002. Its team of designers, architects, engineers, and stylists has also completed projects in Southern Marin and New York. Jeff Schlarb’s product package is broken into pre-design, design development, and implementation services. The company’s pre-design services include concept analysis, scope development, and cost analysis while actual design services include decoration, furniture sourcing, woodwork, fabrics, lighting, and window treatments.

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26. Jeffrey Alan Marks

Jeffrey Alan Marks‘ designs are infused with fresh informality, good nature, and playful charm. Internationally recognized as one of today’s most influential American designers, this California talent captures each client’s personality to create timeless and livable interiors.

27. Jensen Interior Design

Robyn Jensen is the owner and principal designer of Jensen Interior Design. A Cornell graduate and world traveler, Jensen has lived in NY, LA, LondonParis, India, and now resides in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. Her passion for interior design was born while living in India amidst its vibrant colors, textiles, and extraordinary history of art, architecture, and culture. She specializes in high-end residential interior design with projects from Seattle, Sonoma, Santa Barbara, Beverly Hills, Asia, and the Middle East.

28. Just The Touch

Liling Tseng Lampell is a California-licensed interior designer serving the SF Bay area for more than 10 years. She specializes in creating sophisticated modern interiors and luxurious livable spaces. Her comprehensive cutting-edge style has drawn distinguished clients throughout the United States and abroad. Clients praise Just The Touch‘s intuitive customer service, innovative problem-solving, and attention to detail included in every project.

29. Kari Whitman Interiors

Clients including Jessica Alba, Kristen Bell, Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas, Don Johnson, Virginia Madsen, Emilio Estevez, and Don Henley have flocked to her high-end interior design firm for her trademark eclectic style and knowledge of eco-friendly and pet-friendly design. Kari founded KWI – Kari Whitman Interiors – in 1994 as a design-build firm specializing in high-end residential interior design. Kari’s expertise also extends into commercial interior design, and projects range from condominiums to estate homes, and boutique hotels to large-scale residential developments.

30. Kelly Wearstler

Since its establishment in 1994, Kelly Wearstler’s interior design company has blossomed to include clothing, jewelry, and home collections. Described as a “branding virtuoso” by Architectural Digest, her vibrant interiors and lifestyle boutique make her a leading name in modern American design. The multi-talented author and fashionista have been featured both on the Los Angeles Times bestseller list and Vogue‘s Best Dressed list. Her famous clients include the ever-so-stylish Gwen Stefani and Cameron Diaz.

50 Best Interior Designers In North America PartII: California


50 Best Interior Designers In North America PartII: California

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31. Ken Fulk

Ken Fulk is a design impresario and a creator of experiences large and small. He is renowned for his layered interiors, high-concept brand identities, and unforgettable parties. Ken Fulk has spent the last 25 years developing a business by elevating the daily lives of his clients, not only designing their homes, jets, restaurants, and hotels but also creatively directing birthdays, weddings, dinners, anniversaries, and family getaways.

32. KHA Architects

At its core, architecture is creative, inspiring, and optimistic. It’s about what’s possible. A full-service architecture and interior design firm that specializes in residential design, KHA Architects is widely recognized for its ability to create visually arresting, inviting, and supremely comfortable residences. Again and again, clients say the firm honors and incorporates their most deeply-held idea of home — in a way they never could have imagined — into their design.

33. LM Design Group Inc

LM Design Group is a full-service luxury architecture and interior design firm, founded by the partners Leonid Minkovski – CEO And Design Director – and Linda Marlin – Interior Designer -, who brings a unique wealth of experience and magisterial quality to their projects. The design group is made up of hundreds of manufacturers and works closely with skilled master craftsmen and talented artists, all of which create authentic and high-end custom designs. The company portfolio includes luxury commercial propertieslarge palatial homes, and historical properties.

34. Lunaria

Lunaria Design Studio was built as a place where creativity could run loose and enjoying life was front and center. Their mission is to help you live out your joy as well, doing what you love, impacting people, and bringing more beauty into the world. They are your forever cheerleaders in both life and business, supporting you through full-scope brand and web design.

35. Martyn Lawrence Bullard

Martyn Lawrence Bullard is a household name in America and the UK, thanks primarily to his television shows Million Dollar Decorators (on Bravo TV) and Hollywood Me. Not surprisingly, the British-born designer moved to Hollywood 20 years ago to become an actor. His role in an Ed Wood film landed him the job of decorating the offices of Wood’s production company. These days, he has furniture, fabric, and fragrance lines. Fashion and jewelry product lines are in the works. His commitment has earned him the respect of such notable clientèle as Tommy Hilfiger, Elton John, and Cher.

50 Best Interior Designers In North America PartII: California


50 Best Interior Designers In North America PartII: California

36. Michael S. Smith

Honored by all the top shelter publications, including Architectural Design and Elle Decor, this A-lister is one of the top talents in the design industry. Not to mention that Barack & Michelle Obama chose him to decorate the White House and makeover the Oval Office. His early days included studies at the Otis College of Art and Design and abroad, as well as a partnership with designer John Saladino in New York. The Californian returned to his roots to establish Michael S Smith, Inc. in 1990.


MODCLAIR is a Furniture Boutique Showroom & Gallery located in Montclair, New Jersey that offers Full Service Complimentary Interior Design. This comprehensive service caters to each individual client’s needs, style, budget, and timeline for completion. They source furniture pieces from the vast array of brands they work with to create your desired aesthetic for each room of your home.

38. Nicole Hollis

Nicole Hollis conceives timeless interiors that elevate the human spirit. This award-winning collective of interior designers, interior architects, and furniture designers is led by creative director and principal Nicole Hollis in partnership with her husband, CEO Lewis Heathcote.

39. Noz Design

Noz Design is a full-service interior design firm based in San Francisco, serving clients on residential and select commercial projects throughout the Bay Area and from coast to coast. With a focus on eclectic, collected spaces, Noz Design creates effortlessly bold, well-appointed homes that not only reflect our dwellers’ lifestyles and tastes but also maximize a space’s functionality and a project’s budget.

40. Oliver M. Furth

Alongside consulting for LACMA’S Decorative Arts Council as chair emeritus, Oliver M. Furth shares his vast knowledge of the city’s creative scene with such clients as Imagine’s Michael Rosenberg, Arianna Huffington, Beautycon Media CEO Moj Mahdara, UTA’s Jim Berkus, and CAA’s Michael Rosenfeld.

50 Best Interior Designers In North America PartII: California


50 Best Interior Designers In North America PartII: California

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41. Palevsky Interior Design

Owner and Principal Designer, Alison Palevsky, has been an interior designer for nearly two decades and has worked on high-end residential projects in Manhattan, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Miami, Aspen, and Mexico, to name a few. In 2014, she launched her own company, Palevsky Inc., specializing in interiors that blend comfort, livability, and modernity with high style. Her most recent project included a massive renovation of a 15,000-square-foot estate located on the bluffs of Punta Mita Estates in Mexico.

42. Passione

Passione is an Orange County-based custom residential and commercial interior design firm. The significant benefits of working with them include in-house furniture refinishing and restoration. They provide excellence with complete design concepts, specifications, and construction documents for new construction and remodeling.

43. Rodrigo Vargas Design

Rodrigo Vargas Design Associates is an international, full-service interior design firm with a diverse and talented team of designers who specialize in creating award-winning design concepts for Five-Star luxury hotels & resorts, multifamily real estate projects, restaurants, and high-end residential projects all over the world. As a certified Minority Business Enterprise, RVDA has worked extensively in Southern California and won awards for its work in downtown Los Angeles.

44. Romanek Design Studio

As glamorous as her clientele — Gwyneth Paltrow, Beyoncé, and Jay-Z, Joe Jonas, Kelly Rowland, The AllBright social club — Brigette Romanek launched her Romanek Design Studio from the Laurel Canyon home she shares with her director husband, Mark Romanek. The hillside home, once owned by Rick Rubin and possibly haunted, required an overhaul by the ex-handbag designer (her Rockstar purse was carried by Kate Moss, two Kardashians, and Eva Mendes).

45. Rotett Studio

Leader in the architecture and design industry, Rottet Studio is an international firm that has a substantial portfolio of corporate, hospitality, residential, and maritime projects for the world’s leading companies and brands. Rottet is known in the market as innovators, not followers, and stays ahead of the design curve by setting trends based on their vast experience and knowledge. The main objective of the team is to create stunning, functional, and timeless places that promote a better way of life.


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46. SFA Design

SFA is a studio leader in the international design world, directed by Kara Smith and Sue Firestone, that spreads the good design taste to the premier resorts, hotels, and private residences. With strong values and an incredible vision allied to meticulous execution, the team creates refined interiors for the elite clientele, among them top hotel brands and “A-Listers” for entertainment, sports, and Fortune 500 businesses.


47. Urbana Design Studio

Urbana Design Studio is a boutique interior design firm dedicated to thoughtful, resonant designs for extraordinary kitchens, bathrooms, renovations, and additions. They specialize in custom plans that center around the kitchen as a grounding element that radiates throughout the space. As the heart of the home, kitchens have the ability to nourish, cultivate connections, enhance healthy living, and enrich the lives of everyone living there. Through Urbana’s unique design process, they marry craft, function, beauty, and flow into a cohesive space that nurtures and restores.

48. We Are Dada

We Are Dada is an interior design studio from Los Angeles that works on a multitude of projects.

49. Wimberly Interiors

With special emphasis on hospitality design practice, Wimberly Interiors keeps the commitment to designing excellence in the Americas and beyond. Focused on lifestyle, entertainment, urban design, mixed-use, residential and public realms.

50. YDesign Group

YDesign Group (now Lumens) is a family of online-led retailers offering the best in modern and contemporary lighting, fans, furniture, and furnishings to design-driven consumers and trade professionals.

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What do you think about this selection of the best interior designers in California?

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20 Best luxury Interior Designers in Texas

Today we bring to you our 20 Best luxury Interior Designers who are based in the second biggest state in the USA, state of Texas. They all made it there, and they made it practically everywhere, but it’s still up to you. With modern designers and projects in other states and even countries, these Interior Designers are simply incredible and will inspire you. Let’s meet them!

1. Benjamin Johnston
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Benjamin Johnston Design is an award-winning and internationally-published architecture and design firm known for creating classic, curated, cool spaces that reflect its clients’ lifestyles, personal histories, and aspirations. Mixing the classical arts with today’s technology, the firm specializes in shaping environments that are as functional as they are timelessly stylish. The creative Director, Benjamin Johnston, and his accomplished team have completed projects well beyond their home base in Houston — the team has worked on projects in 9 countries, 12 states, and 27 cities worldwide.

2. CalisonRTKL
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

CallisonRTKL, a global architecture, planning, and design practice, began over seven decades ago and has evolved into a cultural agency to advance positive outcomes in our communities. Our team addresses the imperatives of resiliency, well-being, and technology and their influence on the built environment through a human-centric design approach.

3. Cannon Design
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

The Cannon Design community includes forward-looking companies committed to creating a better world. These teams amplify our impact across many dimensions—strategy, innovation, facilities management, software, and prefabrication to name a few—by delivering exceptional intelligence and creativity. For clients of all types, we activate our full community to uncover remarkable opportunities for organizations and entire industries to leap forward and transform.

4. Dazoro Designs

Dazoro Designs is Dallas based interior design firm. They service the entire Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. This Best Interior Designer has been the pinnacle of my enduring passion for interior design. Each and every piece used in our design process passes through a permeate which is my sensibility and theory of art. Dazoro Designs has a passion for interior designing and by using minimalist styling elements they create a design that transforms any room from good to unique which reflects the owner’s own personality and taste.

5. Forrest Perkins

20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Forrest Perkins is a collective of individuals with uniquely different design backgrounds and passions, collaborating together, across locations, to create environments that bring lasting memories and enrich people’s lives. They create inspired interior design solutions for Luxury Hospitality and Residential destinations. and approach each design as an opportunity to tell a unique story and choreograph a personalized guest experience through attention to design, detail, and service, inspired by a sense of place and individuality.

Odette Sofa
8 Most Wanted Furniture Design Pieces in Riyadh تصميم الأثاث

Inspired by the Swan Lake Op. 20, ballet composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Odette Modern Sofa tells the story of a princess turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer’s curse. Its sweeping silhouette is accentuated with a polished brass structure and an asymmetric back that offers a sophisticated design and timeless appeal.

6. Harwood International

20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Harwood District is home to the first office tower in Uptown, Dallas built-in 1984. Now, more than 30 years later, the District continues to deliver the best in premier working experience. Surrounded by more than 250 dining destinations, 10 luxury hotels, 21,200 multifamily units, and a population of over 450,000 within 5 miles, the Harwood District is the perfect spot to plant your office roots.

7. HKS Architects

20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

HKS Architects are a design firm of more than 1,400 architects, luxury interior designers, urban designers, scientists, artists, anthropologists, and more. We work together across industries and across the globe to create places that delight, heal and stimulate peak performance. We nurture a culture of extraordinary people with curious and creative minds who are passionate about delivering elegant solutions. We also have a dedicated research team devoted to discovering processes and ideas that improve outcomes for everyone. In everything we do, we’re mindful of the fragility of all life and of the planet.

8. Ink + Oro Dallas

20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Ink + Oro’s luxury lifestyle brand is known for its distinctive designs and fearless attitude. I+O’s journey has traversed design typologies from residential and commercial interior design to curated collections of furniture, art, and accessories. With a design vision that pairs comfort with luxury, spontaneity with sophistication, and blends local culture with global inspiration, Ink + Oro is changing the look, feel, and meaning of boutique design.

9. Jan Showers
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Dallas-based designer Jan Showers believes, “Design should relate to the way we live—it also should be beautiful, glamorous, comfortable and luxurious, even when very casual.”The interiors of Jan Showers & Associates are chic and timeless. They exude glamour and grace with an approachable and at-ease feeling, much like Jan herself. Architectural Digest has named Jan Showers & Associates to the AD100, its preeminent directory to the international world of design. Jan’s to-the-trade furniture and lighting collection, the Jan Showers Collection, highlights her signature style.

10. Lucas Eilers
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Lucas/Eilers Design Associates, LLP was founded in 1995 by partners Sandra Drews Lucas and Sarah Brooks Eilers to create timeless and imaginative interior spaces. The philosophy of the firm is to implement the principles and elements of design by combining vision, experience, and integrity in order to tailor cohesive designs from inception to installation. Award-winning designs include traditional, contemporary, and eclectic projects across North America in locations including Houston, New York, Colorado, California, Tennessee, Wisconsin, South Carolina, Massachusetts, Vermont, Washington D.C., and New Mexico.

Coleccionista Bookcase

This Coleccionista can be placed against a wall or it can serve as a separator division. The drawers have double-sided in order for you can decorate both divisions, as well as ensure the functionality of this piece of furniture.

See also: Italian Design: Neutral Rooms For Your Luxury Home Decor
11. Lucinda Loya Interiors
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Lucinda Loya is an internationally recognized, award-winning luxury interior designer who built her firm and personal brand from the ground up in Houston, TX. As principal of Lucinda Loya Interiors, she has become one of the most sought-after interior designers for crafting only the most thoughtful and visionary interiors. Her project portfolio includes private homes, grand commercial spaces, professional sports facilities, private jets, and more, with a footprint that spans from London to New York and throughout the United States.

12. Luxe Lifestyle NYC
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Luxe Lifestyles NYC is an Interior Design brand that brings Luxury & Style to your home. We take great pride in choosing pleasure-loving pieces, that will add timeless beauty to your home. Luxe Lifestyles NYC flooring division caters to commercial and residential clients. With over 20 years of experience, they continue to surpass the competition by providing dedicated service and state-of-the-art flooring solutions to all of their clients.

13. Maureen Stevens
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

In the Fall of 2013, after 26 years in the healthcare industry, Maureen Stevens decided to go all in on the pursuit of my creative side & love of interiors. This led her to the start of my design blog which has opened a faceted door of opportunities and meeting new friends. Her work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press, House Beautiful, HGTV Magazine, Better Homes & Gardens, Good Housekeeping, Domino, and more. We were awarded the Fashion Design Awards and have been featured as “Best of Houzz” in both service & design since 2015.

14. Nina Magon
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Nina Magon, the founder and principal of Nina Magon Studio, is a multifaceted interior designer, interior architect, and business magnate, delivering luxurious residential, commercial, and hospitality projects, inclusive of a collection of lifestyle product designs. Nina has received accolades and global recognition for her exquisite collection of work. Nina Magon Studio’s internationally diverse team of talented and experienced professionals are some of the best in the mind

15. Paloma Contreras
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Paloma Contreras is an award-winning interior designer and tastemaker based in Houston, Texas. Paloma’s design sensibility is a modern take on traditional style– gravitating toward classic silhouettes and timeless pieces paired with a touch of glamour and an infusion of colour. Paloma’s interiors are timeless yet fresh– balancing attention to detail and the intersection of form and function to enhance a well-lived life. Paloma has been repeatedly named to the prestigious ELLE Decor “A-List” of the top interior designers in the world.

Wave is an original and stylish coffee table for a modern living room as it is also an unconventional center table for your sitting room. With great style and elegance, it creates an exclusive ambience to your modern interiors.

16. Robert Trown & Associates
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Robert Trown & Associates was founded in 1996.

17. Rottet Studio
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Rottet Studio is an international architecture and interior design firm with an extensive portfolio of corporate, hospitality, residential, and maritime projects for the world’s leading companies and brands. This is a leader in the architecture and design industry that delivers stunning, functional, and timeless places which promote a better way of life through the built environment.

18. Sherry Hayslip Interiors
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Sherry Hayslip is a multi-award-winning interior designer known for her innovative designs and sophisticated style. Entrepreneur, Designer, Writer, and Curator of all things evoking beauty and meaning, Sherry brings careful and thoughtful attention to all aspects of her work. Her company’s range of influence spans from residential and commercial interior design to a luxury retail boutique, featuring one-of-a-kind home furnishings, decorative accessories, jewellery, gifts, and objets d’art. With a signature style that encases beautiful design with an element of surprise and spontaneity.

19. Studio 11
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Studio 11 Design is a full-service interior design firm that produces innovative and effective design solutions for the hospitality and leisure industries. Led by veteran designer and co-founder Kellie Sirna, Studio 11 Design is internationally acclaimed for shaping soulful spaces. With decades of combined experience in hotel, restaurant, nightclub, casino, resort, and spa design around the world, Sirna and team boast a diverse portfolio that showcases a wide skill set and serves prominent brand management clientele including Marriott, Hilton, Fairmont, Starwood, Kimpton, IHG, Hyatt, and Omni.

20. Wilson Associates
20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Wilson Associates is a development/design/build practice with experience in a range of commercial and residential projects. Founded by siblings Anthony, Peter, and Sara Wilson with the development of the Rockridge Market Hall in 1987, Wilson Associates has been building innovative spaces in the Bay Area for more than 25 years. Informed by attention to craft, material explorations, and an interest in new ways of working and living, our work is resolutely local.

Lapiaz Headboard

Lapiaz Headboard takes exceptional craftsmanship and contemporary design to a new realm. The organic features of this upholstered headboard are achieved through the manual fitting of gold-polished brass into the velvet structure. A platform bed can be added under request and it can accommodate a range of mattress types.

20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Founded in 1994, Adriana Hoyos Furnishings is one of the best interior designers in the USA and has converted over time into an iconic brand for glamorous design rooted in a latin american style. This best interior designer brand was created on the principles of offering unique and stylized products with great added value that enhances spaces with sophisticated comfort.

Residential Projects

Yacht House – Nassau, Bahamas

Adriana Hoyos is one of the Best Interior Designers in the USA, with manufacturing facilities in Quito, Ecuador, and International headquarters in Miami, Florida.

Best Interior Designers in USA: Adriana Hoyos Design Studio
Source: Adriana Hoyos Website

This project “The Yacht House” has been chosen as the winner of the best interior designers projects of Private Residence by International Property Awards. Thank you for selecting our project that portrays our passion for design.

Get The Look: Metamorphosis Center Table

This coffee table is composed of two fragments, finished in mirror and noble marble, and beautified by golden creatures prepared for their ultimate metamorphosis.

Porche Penthouse -Miami, Florida

Adriana Hoyos’s best product portfolio includes case goods, upholstery, and accessories. An example of that is this modern penthouse interior design project.

The elegance and subtle design of the brand itself inspired Porsche Design Tower Penthouse. Smooth, elegant look and feel for an exclusive residence with an oceanfront view.

Get Th Look: Lapiaz Modular Sofa

This unique Modular Sofa takes craftsmanship and design to a new dimension. This contemporary design piece is inspired by authentic karst formations.

Armani – Sunny Isles, Florida

Source: Adriana Hoyos Website

Living room design with an organic and round layout. We used blue tones to bring the ocean inside the residence. One of the main attractions of Armani Residence is the master bedroom with neutral color tones.

Get The Look: Angra Sideboard

Bold yet elegant black and gold sideboard. inspired by the cliffs of the historical city of Angra do Heroismo on Azores island, Portugal.

Article That You Will Love: 20 Best Interior Designers in Texas

Hospitality Projects

Vanderbilt Mansion – Fisher Island, Miami

Best Interior Designers in USA: Adriana Hoyos Design Studio
Source: Adriana Hoyos Website

The Drawing Room render shows a sophisticated eclectic design style by involving different materials and textures inspired by Floridian colors but maintaining the essence of the existing interiors of the Vanderbilt Mansion.

Get The Look: Soleil Armchair

Soleil Armchair is a synthesis of styles and senses. Inspired by the spirit and mission of the famous Cirque de Soleil, the purpose is to invoke, provoke and evoke. Soft, sultry curves gently embrace the sitter in this elegant vintage and contemporary-style armchair.

Continuum Penthouse – Miami, Florida

The social value of a brand is critical. As one of the best interior designers, their products and, services will evolve according to the aspirations of the target clients. They are committed to being as perseverate on what they believe is their contribution to a lifestyle of glamour and elegance.

Get The Look: Navarra Center Table

Navarra Center Table brings an elegant flair to your home decoration. It is a contemporary center table composed of two square marble modules, linked by an organic marble surface element on top enveloped by casted brass.

Stay with us to discover more about the Best Interior Designers in the USA!

See Also: Stylish Dressing Room Furniture: The Charm Of Modern Design
New Arrivals Banner Boca do Lobo

A well-designed Luxury living room can enhance the comfort and aesthetic appeal of any home. When it comes to living room decor, it’s important to have the best solutions for a luxurious and sophisticated setting. Discover a selection of living room furniture and lighting options to transform your living room into the most welcoming and stylish area of your house with the help of Inspiration & Ideas! Discover more in our new article.

Get Comfortable With Us: The Best Solutions To Transform Your Living Room

The living room serves as the focal point of the house and is where we unwind, host visitors, and spend quality time with our loved ones. As a result, it’s crucial to design a space that is both cosy and stylish. Let’s explore the things that LUXXU has to offer so you can design the ideal living room!

Lighting Is Crucial
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

Lighting is one of the most important components of any living area. A variety of beautiful lighting alternatives from LUXXU may make your living area feel warm and inviting. Whether you choose stylish pendant lights, contemporary chandeliers, or opulent floor lamps, LUXXU has a lighting solution to fit your tastes and requirements.

Tycho Chandelier
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

Drawing inspiration from the most unusual planetarium in the world, the Tycho Chandelier is a layered lighting fixture made of high-quality brass rings and crystal glass tubes. Highly decorative and elegant, the Tycho fits perfectly into modern lounges and dining areas.

Tycho Chandelier and Tycho Floor Lamp
Harpia Suspension
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

The Harpia Suspension Lamp evokes the power and majesty of ancient Greece. With its vigorous eagle design and razor-sharp crystal glass, it exudes a sense of strength. The gold-plated brass adds a touch of elegance and steals the attention of any room. Use multiple compositions to create a harmonious lighting installation and elevate your space with the beauty of this suspended light, ideal for residential or hospitality projects.

Harpia Suspension and Gala Floor Lamp
Babel Wall Lamp
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

An original and exquisite décor fixture with an unmistakable presence, the Babel wall lamp adds a classical appeal to any environment. The craftsman’s crystal work singularity shines back in the circular surfaces where smooth, glamorous shades are reflected and held by a gold-plated brass ring. A sublime item for a perfect ambience. Luxury living room

Babel Wall Lamp and Needle Table Lamp

Furniture And Upholstery Are The Foundation
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

Furniture is a crucial component of living room decor. LUXXU’s furniture and upholstery pieces are created with both comfort and aesthetics in mind. These collections, which include modular sofas and armchairs as well as chic center tables and side tables, are the ideal way to furnish an opulent living space.

Otto Sofa
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

The Otto Sofa has a unique organic shape that provides impeccable comfort and style. The new member of the Otto family exudes a mid-century vibe and luxury design, as it’s made with the most precious materials, Brass, Leather & Velvet, and great design, produced with amazing craftsmanship.

Otto Sofa and Empire Set I Center Table
Algerone Sofa
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

The Algerone sofa was created to express the ultimate expression of comfort and luxury in a singular piece. Upholstered in smooth brown velvet, this linear sofa emphasizes the classical lines and geometric features that the Algerone family is best known for. The Algerone sofa is bound to become the enviable centrepiece of any living room style.

Algerone Sofa and Algerone Set Center Table
Galea Armchair
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

Galea is a glamorous armchair that blends the ancient with the modern. It draws inspiration from a helmet worn by warriors in the Roman Empire and is brought to life through traditional production techniques. The result is a brass, wood, and velvet modern armchair, whose elegant silhouette ensures it’s perfect for luxury residences or any hospitality project.

Galea Armchair and Shard Suspension
Thomson Sofa
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

The Thomson Sofa represents Luxxu’s sophisticated design, with refreshing details and above all a luxurious and sensual touch to any living room. The mix of standard materials chosen for Thomson Sofa makes this ultimate luxury sofa a unique option for any design project.

Thomson Sofa and Algerone Big Side Table

See also: 10 Luxury Design Gorgeous Most Amazing Inspirations

To Complete The Look
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

LUXXU offers a variety of accessories in addition to lighting and furniture, which can help you complete the look of your living space. LUXXU has the most beautiful mirrors everything you need to design a room that is both attractive and functional, including beautiful rugs, and opulent mirrors.

Halo Mirror by Boca do Lobo
get price button
Vertigo Mirror
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

Simple, yet very elegant, Vertigo is a round mirror with a gold-plated brass frame. With a sleek design, the details on the framing grant Vertigo a classy appeal. It looks perfect when placed in a bedroom, over a vanity, or in a living room.

Vertigo Mirror and Saboteur Swivel Sofa
Tempus Rug
A Selection Of Living Room Furniture & Lighting Pieces

Tempus is a modern rug with irregular lines that reflect the eternal nature of time. Made with Bamboo, this hand-tufted rug fits into any project, residential or hospitality, with its unique design. It is available in seven different sizes, and you may request a custom size to fit in any room.

Tempus Rug and Prisma Stool
Which Pieces Will You Choose For Your Living Room Decor?
See also: Salone del Mobile 2023: 20 Top Brands You Can’t Miss In Milan

10 luxury Design gorgeous Most Amazing Inspirations

the hospitality industry is back in the game with renewed attention to sustainability and well-being. Since last year, the world has been presented with exceptional new Hotels, Restaurants and Spa projects around the world that have redefined the Guest Experience with new strategies. Striking interiors with authentic characters play a differentiating role in this new era of Hospitality Design, as does the reinvention of spaces to suit the modern lifestyle, and integrating local experiences to allow travellers to truly connect with the destination. As the industry is experiencing a revival, inspiration is key.

 #Bocadolobo #design #hospitality #luxury #interiors #modern #lifestyle #myluxepoint

Boca do Lobo presents a collection of design-led hotels, restaurants and spas that function both as social hubs and platforms for extraordinary experiences. We present this series of carefully curated Hospitality Interiors that provide an individualized look at the modern hospitality narrative. This book explores in detail the new hospitality interior design trends that launch the pillars of a Changing World and sets itself as a source of inspiration for Interior Designers by exploring different styles and concepts.

A hotel reception is a place of particular value. It is here where the first (and last) contact of the guest with the facility takes place. It is critical to make sure that visitors get a positive first impression. Every detail matters when it comes to making sure the reception area efficiently serves and pleasantly surprises guests. Boca do Lobo

The design should be expressive and convey a strong character but not for the price of overwhelming the guests with any unnecessary excess. Comfort and functionality are essential to make guests feel even more comfortable than at home. Materials usually include stone, wood, ceramics, glass, and concrete.

Heritage Sideboard
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Lobbies: A vibrant social hub

A Lobby is no longer a vacant waiting area, as hotels are no longer just a place to sleep. Hotel Lobbies are being reimagined as vibrant social hubs, a place to socialize and, above all, engage. Stepping into a perfectly designed space filled with beautiful artwork and elegant furniture is a sign that a guest is about to have an amazing stay.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

In fact, there may be no greater indicator of a hotel’s quality than the lobby. But should be integrated into the design so travellers can easily connect to Wi-Fi, use mobile or kiosk check-in, and engage with other technologies. A hotel lobby must be conceived as a destination point for both modern travellers and locals.

Lapiaz Oval Center Table
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Bar | Lounges: A space adapted to a new generation

The perfect Hotel Lounge is a place to enjoy a drink while surrounded by a spectacular ambience that is mentioned in every travel guide as one of the best spots to visit in the city by modern travellers. The Hotel Lounge is no longer a stuffy place for solo business travellers.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

The biggest change in bar design is making the bar a more prominent part of the lobby. In fact, more and more hotels are emphasizing the bar as the leading element of the lobby and the anchor of a hotel’s public space. Key elements when designing a lobby include modern technology. Furniture options at hotel bars can include lounge chairs, barstools and traditional tables and chairs.

Metamorphosis Snooker Table
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Restaurants: Creating Memorable Experiences

Apart from a great menu, a restaurant must be able to create a memorable experience overall for its visitors. Modern restaurants have carefully designed entrance seen from the street that provides a centralized view of the entire restaurant.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

Inside, you can create a pleasant atmosphere by including modern lighting fixtures, artwork, greenery, statement furniture and surprising elements that will set the restaurant apart from others. It could be blending the space seamlessly into the surrounding landscape or including local elements in the design and general experience. Many hotel brands have invested in eye-catching modern designs paired with incredible tasting experiences signed by Michelin-starred chefs.

Pietra Oval XL Nero Marquina Dining Table
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
“The goal is to create memorable experiences that resonate with modern lifestyle.”
Suites: A home away from home

Design-oriented hotel suites are the most common inspiration hunting ground for residential projects when it comes to creating outstanding master bedrooms. When designing a hotel suite, comfort and technology are key. Who doesn’t love the feeling of a soft, freshly made-hotel bed?

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

Pair those elements with a large bathroom and walk-in closet specially designed as well-being-focused spaces for pampering guests and voilàThe master bedroom of dreams is born. A hotel suite is a home away from home, and therefore it must be even more welcoming than home. Statement furniture like iconic luxury safes is an unexpected element that will surprise the Modern Guest.

Hera Pendant
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Bathrooms: Create Wellness Retreats

Just like the Hotel Suite, luxury hotel bathrooms are ofter wellness retreats that set the example for residential bathrooms. While creating a luxurious, wellness-focused experience may be the common goal for these spaces, when designing hotel bathrooms the starting point is usually the overall story the hotel’s design is telling.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

Guests want to be surprised and charmed, and creating that luxury experience is all about the details. Use sliding glass doors to bring natural light into these spaces. Choose walk-in showers with oversized shower heads and statement freestanding bathtubs, with brass and marble accessories. Overall, creating spa-inspired bathrooms remains a common standard when designing Hotel Bathrooms. It’s all about impressing guests and creating that “wow” moment.

Diamond Bathtub
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hallways & Corridors: A seamless transition from public to private areas

Hotel hallways and corridors may not seem like the most important spaces to consider in a hotel interior design project. However, they present another opportunity to convey the hotel’s design story by providing a seamless transition from the lobby to the hotel suite.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

Corridors are the natural extension of the hotel suite and must therefore provide a cohesive style and ambience. Adorn a hotel corridor with statement floors, some artwork exhibited in beautiful displays and luxurious art pieces like marble consoles and statement mirrors with intricate details. The result is the perfect transition from public to private areas.

Pietra Console
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Spas: Re-connecting with nature

Spas are often associated with luxury and are now considered a necessary element in hotel interior design. Spas must provide distinctive and inspirational experiences to guests who demand originality and a strong character from luxury hotels.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

These spaces are often designed to allow natural light in, and connections to the outdoor spa areas, gardens, or even a roof terrace. Therefore the spa’s sitting is crucial. Luxury spa design is no longer formal and minimalist. Instead, the focus is creating welcoming retreats designed to appeal to all the senses, that are all about comfort, relaxation, and reconnecting with nature.

Offices | Meeting Rooms: The modern creative hub

Office and meeting rooms are places for creativity to flow and collaboration to bloom. This has led to different design requirements, including the need for more comfortable, stylised furniture and advanced technology solutions. The basic categories to have in mind when designing an office are seating, work surfaces, collaborative equipment, acoustics and privacy.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

Adding some artwork and decorative accessories, as well as the right lighting fixtures will create a more welcoming feel in the room. The central piece of an office is the desk. Pair the table with an ergonomic leather office chair for maximum comfort, and the modern luxury office is born.

Empire Nero Marquina Desk
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo
Kids’ Lounges: A magical world of self-expression

Kids’ lounges are play areas designed to stimulate creativity and provide fun by allowing children to experience a magical world of their own. These spaces must be colourful and functional and include some eye-catching statement designs to provide a little extra stimulation to adventurous minds.

Hospitality Design: A Curated Selection by Boca do Lobo

From airplane beds, rocket armchairs and hot air balloons to sleeping cars and playhouses, in the next pages, you will find the most creative ideas to design outstanding kids’ lounges.

 More info:




Welcome to Casa Waters, Goa.

Casa Waters, a three-storey home on Vagator Beach in Goa holds a special place in our heart. It was the handpicked destination for the grand wedding of our Italian Billionaire Signor Ciuco and his beloved Lady Luna.

The barn-inspired, beach-house in the forest was decorated with Scarlet Splendour’s finest creations. From Karim Rashid’s EGO collection, Forest by Marcantonio, Animagic by Matteo Cibic, Richard Hutten’s Oasis and Wolk to the yet to launch collections like Serenity by Nika Zupanc, Nazar by Richard Yasmin and Bellavista & Piccini’s Ron. Our guests were delighted to experience it all in this luxurious home.

It’s a crazya** love story

When Signor Ciuco decided to take a much needed vacation, he did not expect to fall head over heels in love with the lovely Luna. Their very romantic, very theatrical tale is captured in beautiful hand-drawn illustrations by Italian designer Matteo Cibic. So where did it all begin? Right here, in aamchem Goem.

Luna said this was the place of her dreams and so Ciuco, along with the Scarlet Splendour family made their beloved bride’s dream come true! The family brought on board celebrated fashion designer Anamika Khanna to design an exclusive dress for their beloved Luna. Known for her exquisitely creative style of blending Indian craft of dressmaking with global contours, this designer’s dress for Luna was created with all things lux and couture. An evening of celebrations, smiles and bubbles galore, the wedding has an affair to remember for years to come. With an exclusive guest list, Scarlet Splendour’s friends and family from Kolkata and Matteo flew in from Italy, the betrothed couple had the most special time at the festivities.



alta perfumería

Vista Alegre presenta Home Cosmetics,

su colección de alta perfumería

Vista Alegre lanza una nueva colección con aromas exclusivos para el hogar materializados en piezas de alta decoración.

Madrid, febrero de 2023 – En una búsqueda constante de innovación, elegancia y productos distintivos, Vista Alegre se adentra en el exquisito mundo de los Home Cosmetics. En línea con la filosofía de estilo de vida, que viene adoptando la marca, Vista propone esta colección diferenciadora que combina decoración con alta perfumería para el hogar.

La personalidad de Vista Alegre está íntimamente ligada a la vivencia del espacio personal y como todos nuestros otros productos, la línea Home Cos
metics se caracteriza por su excelencia y saber hacer, que satisfacen los deseos deaquellos clientes que buscan un complemento más personalizado para su hogar.

Las tres fragancias exclusivas —Innocence, Mystère y Pouvoir— formuladas por la conocida perfumista Stéphanie Bakouche, colaboradora de marcas de fama mundial, enriquecen el ambiente del hogar con sus aromas únicos integrados en piezas de porcelana de gran impacto, que se inspiran en las colecciones de la marca. El aroma del espacio, armonizado con el elemento visual, se define y se vive íntimamente según el gusto, estilo y personalidad de cada uno. La gama incluye velas, jabones y brumas que se inspiran en referentes de la perfumería, que ponen el acento en la exclusividad, la calidad de las materias primas y la sostenibilidad.

La entrada en este nuevo segmento empezó con una buena noticia: la colección ganó el premio de plata de los Muse Design Awards, un concurso internacional que distingue a profesionales del diseño de diversas especialidades, cuyo trabajo traza un camino para el futuro, al mismo tiempo que deja su firma en la historia. Ascienden y ocupan el lugar que les corresponde como musa, rompiendo los límites de la normalidad y llevando el presente hasta el futuro con una mirada creativa que cautiva y motiva.

Stéphanie Bakouche nació con el don de distinguir e identificar la riqueza y profundidad de un mundo lleno de aromas. Stéphanie desarrolló este talento con sus estudios en el ISIPCA (París), que posteriores encuentros con grandes maestros y su rica experiencia en algunas de las mejores marcas ayudaron a fortalecer. El mismo amor, fuerza y dedicación que pone en su trabajo como perfumista, orientan los cursos que da en la Escuela Superior del Perfume de París y los encuentros en los que comparte con el público la historia, las maravillas y los secretos de esta arte.


Evocando la blancura de la porcelana más pura, símbolo de la elegancia y de la serenidad, Innocence combina con una simplicidad sofisticada notas frutadas de savia de higo y pétalos de jazmín e iris blanco, acentuadas por un toque de madera de sándalo. Innocence envuelve el hogar en su suave perfume creando un espacio de permanente equilibrio, que invita al silencio y a la meditación.


Con Pouvoir, el hogar invita a compartir historias, a expresar emociones, a celebrar los sentidos. Notas de óleo de coñac, extracto de roble, corcho, ámbar con notas de especias y raíz de vetiver son la esencia de la energía, del calor y de la joie de vivre que emanan de este perfume cosmopolita, que encuentra su inspiración en las ancestrales técnicas de fermentación, en los barriles de madera y en los decantadores en cristal de Vista Alegre, que potencian los aromas más exigentes.


Junto al mar, la belleza natural es aún más intensa. En el azul infinito del cielo y en el inmenso espejo de agua, los tonos exuberantes captan reflejos dorados y la mirada se pierde en el horizonte. Envuelta en pétalos de rosa, lirio de los valles y jazmín, Mystère lleva a su hogar la brisa marina y el frescor de la hierba, creando un misterioso y paradisiaco refugio.