En Boca do Lobo, más que la creación de los mejores muebles de lujo, nos enorgullece abrazar nuestro patrimonio cultural portugués, y eso significa que tomamos el conocimiento y la artesanía de los más grandes artesanos portugueses, utilizando técnicas antiguas para crear algo espectacular y, sin embargo, , atemporal. Descubra este elemento notable de la arquitectura portuguesa, así como el máximo diseño contemporáneo en estos muebles de lujo con azulejos pintados a mano.

Luxury Furniture


Uno de los aspectos clave de la arquitectura portuguesa y la identidad cultural es el “azulejo”, o azulejos pintados a mano, que se pueden encontrar fácilmente en todo Portugal en diferentes tipos de edificios, tanto en el interior como en el exterior. El Azulejo es una pieza de plato de barro o cerámica, generalmente de forma cuadrada decorada con coloridos diseños que consisten, en la mayoría de los casos, en motivos moriscos. Sin embargo, estos azulejos pintados a mano también suelen representar escenas de la historia portuguesa, como episodios de la era de los Descubrimientos, que recuerdan recuerdos de un pasado lejano e inmortalizan la herencia portuguesa.

Luxury Furniture

El proceso es muy complejo. El dibujo está hecho en papel pergamino que se dibuja con un bolígrafo de graffiti y se estampa con un lápiz de carbón en el azulejo. La pintura se realiza con pintura al agua; un polvo que se mezcla con agua para trabajar la densidad.

Luxury Furniture
Luxury Furniture

El proceso de pintura requiere conocimiento: no demasiado acuoso ni demasiado fuerte. El contorno se hace con el pincel de contorno y luego el fondo se pinta con un pincel de franja para resaltar la pieza. El azulejo pintado a mano va al horno y el resto del carbón desaparece. El proceso está completo.

Luxury Furniture
Luxury Furniture
Luxury Furniture

Heritage Collection honra la tradición, cuenta la historia y eleva cualquier diseño icónico, llevando las técnicas antiguas y la artesanía excepcional a un nivel completamente nuevo.

Luxury Furniture
Luxury Furniture

Fuertemente inspirado en la historia y la cultura portuguesas, Dom Heritage es un cruce entre dos de las piezas de diseño más icónicas de Boca do Lobo, manteniendo la forma del Gabinete Dom Manuel, con el uso del acabado de azulejo que se encuentra en las piezas Heritage.

Luxury Furniture

El Dom Heritage es un homenaje a la gran época del país, así como a su artesanía tradicional que Boca do Lobo busca mantener viva. Inspirada en el estilo manuelino clásico, esta pieza de muebles de lujo presenta elementos de diseño notables.

Luxury Furniture
Luxury Furniture

El aparador Heritage es un viaje magnífico a través del legado portugués. Cubierto de Azulejos, azulejos tradicionales pintados a mano y una de las formas de arte más representativas de la cultura portuguesa, este aparador contemporáneo retrata diferentes escenas de la era de los Descubrimientos del país. El ejemplo perfecto de muebles pintados a mano.

Luxury Furniture

Siglos de historia se reúnen en un solo panel final, y cada capa se ve realzada por espejos verticales en las superficies laterales. El toque de deambular por el rico legado continúa cuando las dos puertas se abren a un interior revestido de pan de oro brillante y un adorno clásico que hace que esta pieza de mobiliario de lujo se distinga por su opulencia.

Luxury Furniture
Luxury Furniture

Dando color a la icónica Consola Lapiaz de Boca do Lobo, Lapiaz Tiles nace de una artesanía excepcional y lleva el diseño a un nuevo ámbito. Esta consola contemporánea está magistralmente cubierta por azulejos tradicionales pintados a mano, combinados con su característica orgánica lograda a través de la colocación manual de la hoja de latón pulido.

Luxury Furniture

La consola Lapiaz Tiles es una pieza de diseño excepcional que luce magnífica en cualquier habitación de lujo. Esta consola contemporánea, magistralmente cubierta por azulejos blancos y azules, es la última adición a su diseño de interiores de lujo.

Luxury Furniture
Luxury Furniture

Una bañera llamativa cubierta con azulejos tradicionales pintados a mano, la bañera Heritage lleva la artesanía y el diseño excepcionales a un nuevo ámbito. Con una lágrima pintada en oro terminada con barniz de alto brillo, refleja la cultura portuguesa de una manera elegante y sofisticada a través de su lujoso diseño contemporáneo.

Luxury Furniture
Luxury Furniture
Luxury Furniture
Luxury Furniture
Luxury Furniture

LUXXU presenta un nuevo libro dedicado al Estilo Cosmopolita. El objetivo principal es fusionar materias primas industriales con la elegante simplicidad del minimalismo y el atractivo vintage del diseño de mediados de siglo. Descubre más en este nuevo artículo del Blog de Boca do Lobo.

cosmopolitan style

Un flujo interminable de inspiración para la mejor decoración cosmopolitaEl diseño moderno urbano es ideal para la vida cosmopolita y es perfecto para los habitantes de la ciudad acomodados. Este estilo, que incorpora elementos de influencias contemporáneas, industriales y modernas, es notable en sí mismo. Siempre está de moda debido a su énfasis en el lujo y la comodidad, y es una forma inteligente de crear su propio oasis urbano. LUXXU, con el fin de ilustrar mejor nuestra interpretación del estilo de decoración moderno urbano, reunió interiores inolvidables en mansiones opulentas e incluso lujosos apartamentos para demostrar cómo la marca adopta fácilmente la estética relajada pero refinada del estilo cosmopolita.

Colores y texturas que definen el estilo cosmopolita

cosmopolitan style

Al diseñar un espacio cosmopolita, es importante tener en cuenta varios aspectos, uno de ellos es una expresión audaz que se puede resaltar con diseños geométricos y piezas vintage con adornos tradicionales. LUXXU puede lograrlo fácilmente con la ayuda de piezas como las lámparas colgantes Shard y las lámparas de pared pequeñas Pharo II, ¡que contienen las características que mejor representan este tipo de estilo!

cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
A Dining Room Full Of Cosmopolitan Decorative Accents
cosmopolitan style

Este comedor personifica lo último en vida cosmopolita, lo que le permite ser lo más creativo posible al planificar el ambiente de su hogar. Una elegante mesa de comedor Apotheosis con un jarrón lleno de flores frescas acentúa el espacio elegantemente amueblado, que se completa con muebles igualmente modernos como el espejo de pared McQueen y la lámpara de pared Waterfall. ¡El ambiente moderno que emana de este espacio será perfecto para cualquier reunión y servirá como un retiro relajante del estrés diario!

McQueen Wall Light Mirror
cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
Waterfall Wall Lamp
cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
Revamping Your Kitchen With The Right Amount Of Cosmo
cosmopolitan style
LUXXU x Anastasia Reese

En muchos hogares, las cocinas están ocupadas. La habitación donde se preparan las comidas familiares debe ser una de las principales prioridades porque es una de las habitaciones más difíciles de decorar. Incluir taburetes de bar es un lugar sencillo para comenzar. Con la silla de bar Charla, tienes la pieza elegante ideal que no solo ofrece una excelente comodidad, sino que también tiene un diseño llamativo que seguramente se convertirá en el centro de atención. Son una excelente manera de agregar vibraciones cosmo a su cocina.

cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
See also: Trend Alert! Hellenistic Revival Bring A Classic Feel To Your Spaces
cosmopolitan style
 Modern Elements With Edgy Experimental Designs
cosmopolitan style

Todo el mundo quiere incorporar las últimas tendencias en los diseños de interiores de sus casas y usar la ropa más nueva. Para ayudarte a entender cómo incorporar el estilo cosmopolita en tu decoración y las fórmulas que necesitas para llevarlo a cabo, LUXXU siempre va un paso por delante. Los muebles grandes como el sofá Thomson le dan a la sala de estar una sensación de bajo perfil al tiempo que realzan la exquisitez de los detalles decorativos como la suspensión Babel II y completan el diseño general con sus sofisticados patrones geométricos.

cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
Biophilic Elements Within A Cosmopolitan Design
cosmopolitan style

Debido a la globalización, las tendencias pueden extenderse a cualquier parte del mundo. De esta forma, debemos asimilar la vida que nos rodea si queremos seguir una línea contemporánea, urbana y global. Los conceptos reflejados en nuestros hogares se pueden obtener a través de nuestras experiencias reales. El espejo sin bordes en este diseño de baño contribuye a la apariencia elegante y moderna de la habitación, y la suspensión Majestic II agrega una iluminación difusa a la habitación que es ideal para maquillarse.

cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
Cosmopolitan Is A Mix Of Industrial And Contemporary
cosmopolitan style

Las áreas urbanas pueden ser agotadoras para sus habitantes debido al ritmo frecuentemente frenético de una ciudad; si reside en una ciudad importante, estamos seguros de que puede identificarse. Todo lo que realmente quieres hacer al final del día es relajarte en tu casa con una botella de vino mientras miras Netflix. ¿Qué mejor lugar para hacerlo que en la lujosa comodidad de la Cama Château, que le da a tu dormitorio personalidad además de comodidad? Para obtener el toque moderno definitivo, combínelo con artículos que tengan matices metálicos, como el Nubian Ottoman, para que el espacio se sienta más opulento.

cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style
cosmopolitan style


The brand aims to complement any project with premium designs that will undoubtedly be works of art in any room. It offers a wide selection of finishes and materialsLUXXU aims to produce genuine masterworks by combining the artisans’ skills and knowledge with their adventurous and gifted imagination. Today, Inspiration And Ideas bring you a selection of pieces with details that matter!

See also: Take A Tour On This Sumptuous Residence With A Contemporary Vibe
premium designs - banner luxury rooms
Let’s Get Inspired!

Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail,” as Leonardo Da Vinci once said. By balancing various materials and finishes and paying close attention to detail, LUXXU creates exclusive environments where the individual components play a flawless symphony.

The use of the finest details, such as exquisite crystal glass tears or golden-brass tubes, will help create the ultimate detailed masterpiece that will serve as the accent needed, whether the style is maximalist or minimalist. All Details Do Matter, after all.

premium designs - dark dresser with golden details

A dressing room needs furniture that is practical and has the appropriate amount of storage. Sometimes it can be challenging to strike a balance between luxury and functionality, which is why LUXXU designed the Waltz Dresser with high-end components like polished brass, black lacquer, and walnut root to demonstrate that the two can coexist. Because the drawer handles on the PullCast Jewelry Hardware dresser are golden polished brass, they contrast beautifully with the dark-toned wood to create an elegant and contemporary dresser with eight roomy drawers.

premium designs - dark living room with a sofa

A sofa offers much more than just convenience and comfort. Every living room revolves around it, and it establishes the tone for this division.

premium designs - sofa details

The Anguis Sofa can adjust to your needs and has a distinctive, opulent aspect that will elevate any room. This design feature is a sofa that is both traditional and modern and ensures high standards of strength and durability. This design piece exhibits the finesse of its production because it was made with high-quality materials.

premium designs - grey sofa

See also: Turn Your Dining Room Into The Most Charming Place
premium designs - banner stock list

A statement piece is necessary for every interior to add flair and exclusivity. With the strength of each design’s details, LUXXU’s lighting collection has the ability to transform any environment.

premium designs - golden chandelier

Unique lighting fixtures like a powerful chandelier to add elegance to kitchen design or a statement bedside lighting piece to turn any bedroom decor into an opulent chamber are made from a combination of gold-plated brass and crystal glass.

premium designs - golden suspension lamp
premium designs - two green armchairs with golden details and a screen white and grey, wood and golden side table

There is more to a bedroom’s decor than just a bed and a nightstand. To the last detail, every component has been planned out to create a calm environment that is conducive to relaxation.

premium designs - luxury bedroom with a nude headboard and a wood and golden nightstand

Embrace distinctive furnishings that not only serve a purpose but also add the finishing touch, such as the Imperium Side Table, a powerful representation of strength. The Delta Screen, a folding screen that is expertly encased in lacquered wood, polished brass, and leather, is an additional choice.

premium designs - black and golden side table
premium designs - black and golden screen
Stay With Us & Get To Know How To Enhance Your Home Decor With Premium Designs!
See also: In-Stock: Most Wanted And Timeless Pieces To Upgrade Your Interior
premium designs - luxury houses ebook

The brand aims to complement any project with premium designs that will undoubtedly be works of art in any room. It offers a wide selection of finishes and materialsLUXXU aims to produce genuine masterworks by combining the artisans’ skills and knowledge with their adventurous and gifted imagination. Today, Inspiration And Ideas bring you a selection of pieces with details that matter!

See also: Take A Tour On This Sumptuous Residence With A Contemporary Vibe
premium designs - banner luxury rooms
Let’s Get Inspired!

Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail,” as Leonardo Da Vinci once said. By balancing various materials and finishes and paying close attention to detail, LUXXU creates exclusive environments where the individual components play a flawless symphony.

The use of the finest details, such as exquisite crystal glass tears or golden-brass tubes, will help create the ultimate detailed masterpiece that will serve as the accent needed, whether the style is maximalist or minimalist. All Details Do Matter, after all.

premium designs - dark dresser with golden details

A dressing room needs furniture that is practical and has the appropriate amount of storage. Sometimes it can be challenging to strike a balance between luxury and functionality, which is why LUXXU designed the Waltz Dresser with high-end components like polished brass, black lacquer, and walnut root to demonstrate that the two can coexist. Because the drawer handles on the PullCast Jewelry Hardware dresser are golden polished brass, they contrast beautifully with the dark-toned wood to create an elegant and contemporary dresser with eight roomy drawers.

premium designs - dark living room with a sofa

A sofa offers much more than just convenience and comfort. Every living room revolves around it, and it establishes the tone for this division.

premium designs - sofa details

The Anguis Sofa can adjust to your needs and has a distinctive, opulent aspect that will elevate any room. This design feature is a sofa that is both traditional and modern and ensures high standards of strength and durability. This design piece exhibits the finesse of its production because it was made with high-quality materials.

premium designs - grey sofa

See also: Turn Your Dining Room Into The Most Charming Place
premium designs - banner stock list

A statement piece is necessary for every interior to add flair and exclusivity. With the strength of each design’s details, LUXXU’s lighting collection has the ability to transform any environment.

premium designs - golden chandelier

Unique lighting fixtures like a powerful chandelier to add elegance to kitchen design or a statement bedside lighting piece to turn any bedroom decor into an opulent chamber are made from a combination of gold-plated brass and crystal glass.

premium designs - golden suspension lamp
premium designs - two green armchairs with golden details and a screen white and grey, wood and golden side table

There is more to a bedroom’s decor than just a bed and a nightstand. To the last detail, every component has been planned out to create a calm environment that is conducive to relaxation.

premium designs - luxury bedroom with a nude headboard and a wood and golden nightstand

Embrace distinctive furnishings that not only serve a purpose but also add the finishing touch, such as the Imperium Side Table, a powerful representation of strength. The Delta Screen, a folding screen that is expertly encased in lacquered wood, polished brass, and leather, is an additional choice.

premium designs - black and golden side table
premium designs - black and golden screen
Stay With Us & Get To Know How To Enhance Your Home Decor With Premium Designs!
See also: In-Stock: Most Wanted And Timeless Pieces To Upgrade Your Interior
premium designs - luxury houses ebook

La marca pretende complementar cualquier proyecto con diseños premium que sin duda serán obras de arte en cualquier estancia. Ofrece una amplia selección de acabados y materiales. LUXXU tiene como objetivo producir obras maestras genuinas combinando las habilidades y el conocimiento de los artesanos con su imaginación aventurera y dotada. ¡Hoy, Inspiration And Ideas te trae una selección de piezas con detalles que importan!

premium designs - banner luxury rooms
Let’s Get Inspired!

“Los detalles hacen la perfección, y la perfección no es un detalle”, como dijo una vez Leonardo Da Vinci. Al equilibrar varios materiales y acabados y prestar mucha atención a los detalles, LUXXU crea ambientes exclusivos donde los componentes individuales tocan una sinfonía impecable.

El uso de los detalles más finos, como exquisitas lágrimas de cristal o tubos de latón dorado, ayudará a crear la última obra maestra detallada que servirá como el acento necesario, ya sea que el estilo sea maximalista o minimalista. Después de todo, todos los detalles sí importan.

premium designs - dark dresser with golden details

Un vestidor necesita muebles que sean prácticos y tengan la cantidad adecuada de almacenamiento. A veces puede ser un desafío lograr un equilibrio entre el lujo y la funcionalidad, razón por la cual LUXXU diseñó el Waltz Dresser con componentes de alta gama como latón pulido, laca negra y raíz de nogal para demostrar que ambos pueden coexistir. Debido a que las manijas de los cajones en el tocador PullCast Jewelry Hardware son de latón pulido dorado, contrastan maravillosamente con la madera en tonos oscuros para crear un tocador elegante y contemporáneo con ocho cajones espaciosos.

premium designs - dark living room with a sofa

Un sofá ofrece mucho más que comodidad y confort. Cada salón gira en torno a él, y establece el tono de esta división.

premium designs - sofa details

El sofá Anguis puede ajustarse a sus necesidades y tiene un aspecto distintivo y opulento que elevará cualquier habitación. Esta característica de diseño es un sofá que es a la vez tradicional y moderno y garantiza altos estándares de resistencia y durabilidad. Esta pieza de diseño exhibe la delicadeza de su elaboración ya que fue realizada con materiales de alta calidad.

premium designs - grey sofa

See also: Turn Your Dining Room Into The Most Charming Place
premium designs - banner stock list

Una pieza de declaración es necesaria para cada interior para agregar estilo y exclusividad. Con la fuerza de los detalles de cada diseño, la colección de iluminación de LUXXU tiene la capacidad de transformar cualquier entorno.

premium designs - golden chandelier

Los accesorios de iluminación únicos, como un candelabro potente para agregar elegancia al diseño de la cocina, o una pieza de iluminación llamativa junto a la cama para convertir la decoración de cualquier dormitorio en una cámara opulenta, están hechos de una combinación de latón chapado en oro y cristal.

premium designs - golden suspension lamp
premium designs - two green armchairs with golden details and a screen white and grey, wood and golden side table

Hay más en la decoración de un dormitorio que solo una cama y una mesita de noche. Cada componente ha sido pensado hasta el último detalle para crear un ambiente tranquilo que propicie la relajación.

premium designs - luxury bedroom with a nude headboard and a wood and golden nightstand

Adopte muebles distintivos que no solo cumplen un propósito sino que también agregan el toque final, como la mesa auxiliar Imperium, una poderosa representación de fuerza. El Delta Screen, un biombo plegable hábilmente revestido en madera lacada, latón pulido y cuero, es una opción adicional.

premium designs - black and golden side table
premium designs - black and golden screen
¡Quédese con nosotros y descubra cómo mejorar la decoración de su hogar con diseños premium!
premium designs - luxury houses ebook

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: La demanda durante todo el año asegura una evolución estable de los precios

  • Los motivos de compra de los clientes inmobiliarios del centro y noreste de la isla se centran en una renovada cercanía con la naturaleza y la sostenibilidad
  • Las propiedades con los mejores estándares de construcción ofrecen potencial para la apreciación del valor

Hamburgo, noviembre de 2022. Mallorca es el principal destino de ensueño para muchos compradores de propiedades de habla alemana. Las islas Baleares seguirán siendo muy solicitadas como lugar de inversión en 2023. “Los clientes con planes de inversión a largo plazo pueden disfrutar de los beneficios de una vida aislada aquí, así como de la excelente infraestructura y el acceso durante todo el año a zonas recreativas y recreativas exclusivas”. actividades culturales, además de la amplia oferta que ofrecen 17 colegios internacionales”, comenta Florian Hofer, Director General de Engel & Völkers en Baleares. El enfoque de los posibles compradores de propiedades se ha desplazado recientemente, lejos de los puntos turísticos, a los pueblos de montaña llenos de historia en el centro de la isla y en el noreste. El interés de los clientes se centra cada vez más en fincas tradicionales y casas adosadas renovadas, así como en nuevas construcciones contemporáneas que cumplen con las más altas exigencias en términos de sostenibilidad y estándares ecológicos. La disponibilidad limitada de listados de propiedades y la demanda constante significan que se espera que los precios se estabilicen en un nivel alto en el futuro.

Centro de la isla: tiempos de comercialización cortos para casas de campo auténticas y fincas rurales de lujo

Tierra adentro, en la región central de Mallorca, se pueden encontrar muchos pueblos de montaña históricos ubicados en un paisaje glorioso salpicado de almendros y olivos, y fincas vinícolas. Pueblos tradicionales como Alaró, Binissalem y Santa María son muy deseables entre los compradores. Con sus amados mercados semanales, son un imán para los artesanos locales, viticultores y agricultores por igual. “Aquellos que buscan adquirir bienes raíces aprecian la proximidad a la capital Palma, así como el alto grado de privacidad que ofrecen las grandes parcelas de tierra, donde se puede experimentar un regreso a la naturaleza y un estilo de vida mallorquín más virgen y auténtico”, dice Christina Deutsch, Socia Directora de Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centro & Sur. Ella observa la siguiente tendencia: “Los clientes inmobiliarios buscan cada vez más oportunidades para poseer una casa sostenible y se sienten atraídos por la opción de la autosuficiencia, como cultivar olivos o uvas en su propio jardín”. La demanda es especialmente alta para casas de campo tradicionales con amplios jardines y piscinas, así como para auténticas fincas revestidas con una típica fachada de piedra mallorquina. Estas propiedades en ubicaciones privilegiadas en Santa María tienen actualmente un precio de venta promedio de 3 millones de euros. En los municipios de Alaró y Bunyola los precios oscilan entre 2 y 3 millones de euros. Ciudades vecinas como Binissalem y Consell comandan precios que oscilan entre 1,5 y 2 millones de euros. La mayoría de los compradores del centro de Mallorca son de países de habla alemana. Recientemente, se ha observado un número creciente de posibles compradores de España, Francia, Bélgica y EE. UU.

Noreste: Alta demanda de retiros en la naturaleza y nuevas propiedades ecoeficientes

El noreste de Mallorca está bendecido con naturaleza virgen y costas impresionantes. Canyamel, Costa de los Pinos y Artà se encuentran entre las regiones más buscadas, donde el estilo mediterráneo de la isla balear se puede experimentar en su totalidad, lejos de los puntos turísticos más frecuentados. Las fincas y villas exclusivas con amplias áreas al aire libre, jardines y terrazas con vistas al mar se encuentran entre las propiedades más deseables en venta en el norte de la isla. En ubicaciones privilegiadas alrededor de Artà y Colònia de St. Pere, el precio promedio de venta de este tipo de viviendas es de 1,9 millones de euros. En las localidades costeras entre Cala Mesquida y Canyamel, y en el municipio de Manacor, los precios oscilan entre 1,5 y 1,8 millones de euros. “Muchos compradores están optando por adquirir una propiedad vacacional en su destino favorito y extender sus estadías en la isla para combinar las vacaciones con el trabajo remoto”, dice Rainer Fischer, socio gerente de Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, y agrega: “La increíble escena del restaurante y La gran cantidad de oportunidades para realizar actividades al aire libre como golf, vela, senderismo o tenis en la Academia de Tenis Rafael Nadal le dan a la región otro impulso en el atractivo”. La mayoría de los clientes de búsqueda en el noreste son de países de habla alemana. Recientemente ha habido un aumento en la demanda de personas en los Países Bajos que buscan un nuevo hogar en la isla.

Perspectivas: Los bienes inmuebles como inversión a largo plazo

“Las propiedades residenciales en el centro de la isla y en el noreste son particularmente atractivas por sus precios moderados y potencial para una futura apreciación del valor. Sirven como una inversión de capital a largo plazo, ofreciendo una forma firme de protección contra la inflación en comparación con otras inversiones alternativas”, dice Florian Hofer en resumen. Dada la continua evolución de Mallorca hacia un destino turístico de alto nivel y la constante inversión del Govern Balear en el desarrollo de las infraestructuras de la isla, los expertos de Engel & Völkers confían en que el mercado seguirá experimentando un crecimiento positivo.



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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Esta masía catalogada fue construida en 1604 entre Alaró y Santa María. Sus interiores abarcan unos 1.051 metros cuadrados en total, con seis habitaciones y cinco baños. Situada en un entorno natural pintoresco en el centro de Mallorca, la propiedad se extiende sobre una parcela de aproximadamente dos hectáreas. Está a la venta por 6,85 millones de euros y cuenta con una piscina al aire libre y su propia fuente, así como una amplia terraza y jardines.
(Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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A pocos pasos de la ciudad vinícola de Petra, esta tradicional propiedad mallorquina cotiza actualmente en Engel & Völkers por 2,9 millones de euros. Se extiende por unos 876 metros cuadrados en total y consta de dos casas completamente equipadas separadas por una piscina al aire libre y alimentadas con energía solar. La casa principal cuenta con un amplio salón comedor, una cocina y cinco dormitorios. Mientras que la segunda casa tiene licencia de alquiler turístico para hasta doce personas, y cuenta con salón comedor con cocina y seis dormitorios en suite. (Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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Esta villa ultramoderna de nueva construcción se encuentra en el lado soleado de la localidad costera de Canyamel, cerca de Capdepera, en el noreste de Mallorca. Está a la venta por 4,9 millones de euros. La propiedad de tres niveles abarca 671 metros cuadrados en total, con cuatro dormitorios, cinco baños, una amplia sala de estar y un comedor independiente con cocina abierta, además de un gimnasio y cine en casa. Todas las habitaciones y amplias terrazas ofrecen vistas panorámicas al mar, contemplando el espectacular panorama costero de Canyamel. (Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Muy cerca de los centros turísticos costeros de Costa de los Pinos y Port Vert, Engel & Völkers está actualmente negociando esta finca excepcional con un precio inicial de 4,5 millones de euros. La propiedad cuenta con piscina y tiene una parcela de 7.100 metros cuadrados, con un interior de 522 metros cuadrados, que incluye seis habitaciones y seis baños. Se utilizaron materiales naturales de primera calidad en la construcción, incluidos losas de mármol sin tratar, vigas de techo antiguas y marcos de ventanas de teca.
(Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Mallorca: Year-round demand ensures stable price development

  • Buying motives of real estate clients in centre and northeast of the island focus on renewed closeness to nature and sustainability
  • Properties with top building standards offer potential for appreciation in value

Hamburg, 01 November 2022. Mallorca is the top dream destination for many German-speaking property buyers. The Balearic island is set to remain highly sought-after as an investment location in 2023. “Clients with long-term investment plans can enjoy the benefits of secluded living here, as well as the excellent infrastructure and year-round access to exclusive recreational and cultural activities, plus the broad choice offered by 17 international schools,” says Florian Hofer, Managing Director of Engel & Völkers in the Balearics. The focus of prospective property buyers has recently shifted, away from tourist hotspots, to the mountain villages steeped in history in the centre of the island and in the northeast. Client interest is increasingly focused on traditional finca estates and renovated townhouses, as well as contemporary new builds that meet the higher demands in terms of sustainability and eco standards. The limited availability of property listings and the consistent demand mean that prices are expected to stabilise at a high level moving forward.

Centre of the island: Short times to market for authentic country houses and upmarket rural estates

Inland in Mallorca’s central region, many historic mountain villages can be found nestled in glorious countryside dotted with almond and olive groves, and wine-growing estates. Traditional villages such as AlaróBinissalem and Santa María are extremely desirable among buyers. With their beloved weekly markets, they are a magnet for local artisans, winegrowers and farmers alike. “Those looking to acquire real estate appreciate the proximity to the capital Palma, as well as the high degree of privacy offered by the substantial plots of land, where a return to nature and a more unspoilt, authentic Majorcan lifestyle can be experienced,” says Christina Deutsch, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centre & South. She is observing the following trend: “Real estate clients are looking increasingly at opportunities to own a sustainable home, and are drawn by the option of self-sufficiency, such as from growing olives or grapes in their own garden.” Demand is especially high for traditional country houses with expansive gardens and pools, as well as for authentic finca estates clad with a typical Majorcan stone façade. Such properties in prime locations in Santa María currently have average asking prices of 3 million euros. In the municipalities of Alaró and Bunyola, prices are between 2 and 3 million euros. Neighbouring towns like Binissalem and Consell command prices ranging from 1.5 to 2 million euros. The majority of buyers at the centre of Mallorca are from German-speaking countries. Recently, increasing numbers of prospective buyers from Spain, France, Belgium and the USA have been observed.

Northeast: High demand for retreats in nature and eco-efficient new properties

The northeast of Mallorca is blessed with unspoiled nature and breathtaking coastlines. CanyamelCosta de los Pinos and Artà are among the most sought-after regions, where the Mediterranean flair of the Balearic island can be experienced in full, far removed from the heavily frequented tourist hotspots. Exclusive finca estates and villas with expansive outdoor areas, gardens and terraces with sea views are among the most desirable properties for sale in the north of the island. In prime locations around Artà and Colònia de St. Pere, the average asking prices for such homes are 1.9 million euros. In the coastal resorts between Cala Mesquida and Canyamel, and in the municipality of Manacor, prices range between 1.5 and 1.8 million euros. “Many buyers are opting to acquire a holiday property in their favourite destination and extend their stays on the island to combine holidays with remote working,” says Rainer Fischer, Managing Partner of Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, adding: “The incredible restaurant scene and wealth of opportunities to pursue outdoor activities like golfing, sailing, hiking, or tennis at the Rafael Nadal Tennis Academy, give the region yet another boost in appeal.” The majority of search clients in the northeast are from German-speaking countries. There has recently been an increase in demand from people in the Netherlands looking for a new home on the island.

Outlook: Real estate as a long-term investment

“Residential properties at the centre of the island and in the northeast are particularly attractive for their moderate prices and potential for future appreciation in value. They serve as a long-term capital investment, offering a steadfast form of protection from inflation compared to other investment alternatives,” Florian Hofer says in summary. In view of Mallorca’s ongoing evolution into a destination for top-end tourism and the Balearic government’s constant investment in the development of the island’s infrastructure, the experts at Engel & Völkers are confident that the market will continue to see positive growth. 



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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This listed country house was built in 1604 between Alaró and Santa María. Its interiors span some 1,051 square metres in total, with six bedrooms and five bathrooms. Set in picturesque natural surroundings in the centre of Mallorca, the property extends over a plot of approximately two hectares. It is on the market for 6.85 million euros and features an outdoor pool and its own fountain, as well as an expansive terrace and garden grounds.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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Just a short walk from the winegrowing town of Petra, this traditional Majorcan property is currently listed with Engel & Völkers for 2.9 million euros. It spans some 876 square metres in total, consisting of two fully appointed houses separated by an outdoor pool and sourced with solar power. The main house boasts a spacious living and dining room, a kitchen, and five bedrooms. While the second house has a tourist rental licence for up to twelve people, and features a living and dining room with kitchen, and six en suite bedrooms. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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This newly built and ultra-modern villa is located on the sunny side of the coastal resort of Canyamel, close to Capdepera in the northeast of Majorca. It is on sale for 4.9 million euros. The three-level property spans 671 square metres in total, with four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a spacious living room, and a separate dining room with open plan kitchen, plus a home gym and home cinema. All the rooms and expansive terraces afford panoramic views out to the sea, taking in the spectacular coastal panorama of Canyamel. (Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Very close to the coastal resorts of Costa de los Pinos and Port Vert, Engel & Völkers is currently brokering this exceptional finca estate with an asking price of 4.5 million euros. The property features a pool and has a plot spanning 7,100 square metres, with an interior of 522 square metres in size, including six bedrooms and six bathrooms. Premium natural materials were used in the construction, including untreated marble tiling, antique ceiling beams and teak window frames.
(Image source: Engel & Völkers Artá)