Hailee Steinfeld: Pendientes de la Colección Red Carpet de oro blanco y oro Amarillo ético de 18 quilates certificado Fairmined engastados de diamantes fancy amarillos por un total de 10.37 quilates y diamantes; y dos anillos de la colección Precious Lace de oro rosa ético de 18 kilates engastado de diamantes.

Vanessa Hudgens: Collar de oro blanco ético de 18 quilates engastado con un diamante talla petra de 10.06 quilates y diamantes; pendientes de oro blanco ético  de 18 quilates engastados de diamantes; 2 anillos  de oro blanco ético  de 18 quilates engastados de diamantes  todo de la colección de Alta Joyería y un Anillo de la colección L’Heure du Diamant  de oro blanco ético de 18k engastado de diamantes.

. Anya Taylor-Joy, Cynthia Erivo, Florence Pugh and Yusra Mardini step out on the red carpet at the 76th British Academy Film Awards wearing Tiffany designs

Alfombra roja en la 76.ª edición de los Premios de Cine de la Academia Británica con diseños de Tiffany .

Londres llamando. Anya Taylor-Joy , Cynthia Erivo , Florence Pugh y Yusra Mardin pisan la alfombra roja de la 76ª edición de los Premios de Cine de la Academia Británica con diseños de Tiffany . #BAFTA #TiffanyAndCo

. Anya Taylor-Joy, Cynthia Erivo, Florence Pugh and Yusra Mardini step out on the red carpet at the 76th British Academy Film Awards wearing Tiffany designs

. Anya Taylor-Joy, Cynthia Erivo, Florence Pugh and Yusra Mardini step out on the red carpet at the 76th British Academy Film Awards wearing Tiffany designs



FACET lanza su primera colección de joyería clásica junto a Greenland Ruby y Tracemark con los rubis del origen más sostenible del mundo

Tres reconocidas empresas suman esfuerzos hacia el camino de la sostenibilidad con una colección de piezas únicas que podrá encontrarse en las joyerías más exclusivas de Europa¿Rubís en Groenlandia? Así es. Se trata de unos rubís procedentes de una mina cercana a la ciudad de Aappaluttoq (‘piedra roja’ en el idioma local), a unos 150 km de Nuuk, la capital del país. Estos rubís son extraídos de manera responsable, cumpliendo con las más estrictas prácticas ambientales, mineras, de derechos humanos, laborales y de educación en cada paso de la cadena de valor. Es por ello que esta mina ha sido catalogada como el nuevo origen de rubís más sostenible del mundo.

La empresa española FACET, considerada una de las principales impulsoras de la sostenibilidad en el sector y líder en producción responsable, logró en el año 2020 otro hito de enorme relevancia para la industria. El compromiso con la sostenibilidad se extendía aún más allá al conseguir la total trazabilidad de las piedras y metales preciosos, gracias a la colaboración con la empresa española Tracemark. Ahora, FACET forma una alianza con Tracemark y Greenland Ruby lanzando al mercado la colección de joyería clásica más sostenible del mundo, con los rubís más antiguos y sostenibles del planeta hasta la fecha (más de 3 mil millones de años según expertos geólogos que han estudiado la zona).

De esta manera, se incorpora por primera vez la trazabilidad en piedra preciosa de color, demostrable en su origen y a lo largo de toda la cadena de valor.

Para FACET priman los valores de la sostenibilidad y el compromiso con la responsabilidad, la transparencia y la integridad en la cadena de suministro. Es por ello, que una vez más aúna esfuerzos con empresas alineadas con esos valores con el fin de demostrar que el cambio en el sector es posible.


La exclusiva colección FIRE UNDER ICE de 27 piezas está formada por sortijas, colgantes y pendientes con diamantes y rubís de Groenlandia, como piedras centrales de las piezas, completamente trazables y con certificado de procedencia y está producida con oro reciclado trazable con certificado CoC (expedido por RJC). Gracias a la tecnología que ofrece Tracemark, el consumidor final podrá escanear un código QR con el que obtendrá una información completa y real de cada uno de los pasos que la joya y sus componentes han ido experimentando a lo largo de la cadena de valor hasta llegar a sus manos.

Tracemark es un estándar mundial de trazabilidad de joyería que proporciona la trazabilidad certificada y auditada de cada pieza de joyería para garantizar el respeto de los derechos humanos a
lo largo de la cadena de suministro de una joya.

Greenland Ruby es la única empresa minera de piedra de color miembro del RJC encargada de explotar los recursos gemológicos de Groenlandia y extraer los rubís de este nuevo yacimiento, considerados ya como los rubís más antiguos de la tierra. Esta operación cumple con los más altos estándares humanitarios y de responsabilidad social. La mano de obra local goza de protecciones y condiciones de trabajo garantizadas por la legislación groenlandesa y el Gobierno y la economía del país son estables.

Además, se ha creado una fundación independiente (Pink Polar Bear), a la cual FACET ha contribuido, para apoyar la Investigación Polar Internacional en todas las disciplinas, no solo animales, sino también seres humanos que se ven afectados por el cambio climático en el Ártico, específicamente en

“Una vez más, FACET da un paso hacia adelante hacia una industria más sostenible y responsable con una nueva alianza con Tracemark y Greenland Ruby. Esta colaboración simboliza nuestro compromiso de cambiar la industria hacia una más transparente, responsable e innovadora.”

José Miguel Serret, CEO de FACET.

Fundada en 1987, se ha consolidado como una empresa líder internacional en producción sostenible de joyería.

FACET manufactura todas sus piezas con la pasión del oficio y trabajando exclusivamente con materiales de abastecimiento responsable. Combinando la experiencia de artesanos joyeros con
tecnología e innovación, aportan un valor añadido a cada joya, garantizando un producto de alta calidad y una satisfacción de más de 2.000 clientes. FACET cuenta con dos fábricas, una en Bombay (India) desde 2005 y otra en Córdoba desde 2020.

Los dos centros de producción están auditados y certificados COP y COC por el Responsible Jewellery Council.

Sus valores centrados en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, han posicionado a la empresa española como un referente líder en joyería ética y responsable.


CHOPARD - Happy Diamonds Legacy

CHOPARD – Happy Diamonds Legacy



By overturning the codes of watchmaking and luxury jewelry in the mid-1970s, Chopard accompanied the changes of an era marked by the freedom of women and the liberalization of society. The Maison pays tribute to this victorious past that forged its identity.

CHOPARD - Happy Diamonds Legacy

CHOPARD – Happy Diamonds Legacy


An explosion of colors and extravagance, a turning point, an icon and the watch most collected by women: Happy Sport is all this and so much more. The embodiment of Caroline Scheufele’s passion and joie de vivre, from their birth in the 90s to the present, Happy Sport models have epitomized a noble legacy of casual chic style in a kaleidoscope of more than 1,000 variations – each one infused with the spirit of Chopard’s Co-President and Artistic Director.

A powerful metaphor of the emancipatory momentum women experienced in the 20th century, the Happy Sport watch sealed Chopard’s place in contemporary watchmaking and continues to stage a fascinating and perpetually creative show in which women play a starring role. Happy Sport is forever.


The creative soul of the Maison, Caroline Scheufele began shaping her brilliant destiny from childhood onwards. Born into a long line of watchmakers, she designed her first watch as a young girl, from pieces of aluminium foil. While still a teenager, she let her fertile imagination wander by designing a clown pendant with small dancing diamonds twirling inside its belly. Made in secret by the workshops on the initiative of Caroline Scheufele’s father, this clown was to be the first ever piece of Chopard jewelry. A joyful and playful creation, it quickly became the favorite gift of a generation of fathers to their beloved daughters, and the symbol of Chopard’s formidable jewelry adventure.


The history of Happy Diamonds is set against the backdrop of the profound transformation and cultural changes of the 1970s. Inspired by the lightness and freedom of the spray from a waterfall, the Chopard workshops decided to release diamonds from all settings for the very first time: a real upheaval in the world of watchmaking. “Diamonds are happier when they are free” exclaimed Caroline Scheufele’s mother when she first caught sight of these icons in the making. Conveying a universal message, Happy Diamonds reflected the spirit of the times: precious things should not be locked up! Free and liberated, they sparkled more brightly than ever – like the women who wore them.



As soon as it was introduced, the kinetic energy spread by the Happy Sport distilled an aura of Joie de Vivre. Combining diamonds and steel turned watchmaking codes upside down, in step with those of modern society within which women were taking an unprecedented place. With more and more of them taking up positions of responsibility, their influence began steadily growing within the family as well as in business and politics. A new lifestyle was required for these heroines leading their lives in a free-spirited and independent way – and fashion had to adapt. Happy Sport was entirely in tune with this tendency. A key instigator of the sport-chic trend, it goes equally well with jeans and sneakers as with a little black dress and high heels – all of which helped it conquer catwalks, red carpets and women’s wrists!
CHOPARD - Happy Diamonds Legacy

CHOPARD – Happy Diamonds Legacy



By overturning the codes of watchmaking and luxury jewelry in the mid-1970s, Chopard accompanied the changes of an era marked by the freedom of women and the liberalization of society. The Maison pays tribute to this victorious past that forged its identity.

CHOPARD - Happy Diamonds Legacy

CHOPARD – Happy Diamonds Legacy


An explosion of colors and extravagance, a turning point, an icon and the watch most collected by women: Happy Sport is all this and so much more. The embodiment of Caroline Scheufele’s passion and joie de vivre, from their birth in the 90s to the present, Happy Sport models have epitomized a noble legacy of casual chic style in a kaleidoscope of more than 1,000 variations – each one infused with the spirit of Chopard’s Co-President and Artistic Director.

A powerful metaphor of the emancipatory momentum women experienced in the 20th century, the Happy Sport watch sealed Chopard’s place in contemporary watchmaking and continues to stage a fascinating and perpetually creative show in which women play a starring role. Happy Sport is forever.


The creative soul of the Maison, Caroline Scheufele began shaping her brilliant destiny from childhood onwards. Born into a long line of watchmakers, she designed her first watch as a young girl, from pieces of aluminium foil. While still a teenager, she let her fertile imagination wander by designing a clown pendant with small dancing diamonds twirling inside its belly. Made in secret by the workshops on the initiative of Caroline Scheufele’s father, this clown was to be the first ever piece of Chopard jewelry. A joyful and playful creation, it quickly became the favorite gift of a generation of fathers to their beloved daughters, and the symbol of Chopard’s formidable jewelry adventure.


The history of Happy Diamonds is set against the backdrop of the profound transformation and cultural changes of the 1970s. Inspired by the lightness and freedom of the spray from a waterfall, the Chopard workshops decided to release diamonds from all settings for the very first time: a real upheaval in the world of watchmaking. “Diamonds are happier when they are free” exclaimed Caroline Scheufele’s mother when she first caught sight of these icons in the making. Conveying a universal message, Happy Diamonds reflected the spirit of the times: precious things should not be locked up! Free and liberated, they sparkled more brightly than ever – like the women who wore them.



As soon as it was introduced, the kinetic energy spread by the Happy Sport distilled an aura of Joie de Vivre. Combining diamonds and steel turned watchmaking codes upside down, in step with those of modern society within which women were taking an unprecedented place. With more and more of them taking up positions of responsibility, their influence began steadily growing within the family as well as in business and politics. A new lifestyle was required for these heroines leading their lives in a free-spirited and independent way – and fashion had to adapt. Happy Sport was entirely in tune with this tendency. A key instigator of the sport-chic trend, it goes equally well with jeans and sneakers as with a little black dress and high heels – all of which helped it conquer catwalks, red carpets and women’s wrists!
CHOPARD - Happy Diamonds Legacy

CHOPARD – Happy Diamonds Legacy



By overturning the codes of watchmaking and luxury jewelry in the mid-1970s, Chopard accompanied the changes of an era marked by the freedom of women and the liberalization of society. The Maison pays tribute to this victorious past that forged its identity.

CHOPARD - Happy Diamonds Legacy

CHOPARD – Happy Diamonds Legacy


An explosion of colors and extravagance, a turning point, an icon and the watch most collected by women: Happy Sport is all this and so much more. The embodiment of Caroline Scheufele’s passion and joie de vivre, from their birth in the 90s to the present, Happy Sport models have epitomized a noble legacy of casual chic style in a kaleidoscope of more than 1,000 variations – each one infused with the spirit of Chopard’s Co-President and Artistic Director.

A powerful metaphor of the emancipatory momentum women experienced in the 20th century, the Happy Sport watch sealed Chopard’s place in contemporary watchmaking and continues to stage a fascinating and perpetually creative show in which women play a starring role. Happy Sport is forever.


The creative soul of the Maison, Caroline Scheufele began shaping her brilliant destiny from childhood onwards. Born into a long line of watchmakers, she designed her first watch as a young girl, from pieces of aluminium foil. While still a teenager, she let her fertile imagination wander by designing a clown pendant with small dancing diamonds twirling inside its belly. Made in secret by the workshops on the initiative of Caroline Scheufele’s father, this clown was to be the first ever piece of Chopard jewelry. A joyful and playful creation, it quickly became the favorite gift of a generation of fathers to their beloved daughters, and the symbol of Chopard’s formidable jewelry adventure.


The history of Happy Diamonds is set against the backdrop of the profound transformation and cultural changes of the 1970s. Inspired by the lightness and freedom of the spray from a waterfall, the Chopard workshops decided to release diamonds from all settings for the very first time: a real upheaval in the world of watchmaking. “Diamonds are happier when they are free” exclaimed Caroline Scheufele’s mother when she first caught sight of these icons in the making. Conveying a universal message, Happy Diamonds reflected the spirit of the times: precious things should not be locked up! Free and liberated, they sparkled more brightly than ever – like the women who wore them.



As soon as it was introduced, the kinetic energy spread by the Happy Sport distilled an aura of Joie de Vivre. Combining diamonds and steel turned watchmaking codes upside down, in step with those of modern society within which women were taking an unprecedented place. With more and more of them taking up positions of responsibility, their influence began steadily growing within the family as well as in business and politics. A new lifestyle was required for these heroines leading their lives in a free-spirited and independent way – and fashion had to adapt. Happy Sport was entirely in tune with this tendency. A key instigator of the sport-chic trend, it goes equally well with jeans and sneakers as with a little black dress and high heels – all of which helped it conquer catwalks, red carpets and women’s wrists!
CHOPARD - Happy Diamonds Legacy

CHOPARD – Happy Diamonds Legacy



By overturning the codes of watchmaking and luxury jewelry in the mid-1970s, Chopard accompanied the changes of an era marked by the freedom of women and the liberalization of society. The Maison pays tribute to this victorious past that forged its identity.

CHOPARD - Happy Diamonds Legacy

CHOPARD – Happy Diamonds Legacy


An explosion of colors and extravagance, a turning point, an icon and the watch most collected by women: Happy Sport is all this and so much more. The embodiment of Caroline Scheufele’s passion and joie de vivre, from their birth in the 90s to the present, Happy Sport models have epitomized a noble legacy of casual chic style in a kaleidoscope of more than 1,000 variations – each one infused with the spirit of Chopard’s Co-President and Artistic Director.

A powerful metaphor of the emancipatory momentum women experienced in the 20th century, the Happy Sport watch sealed Chopard’s place in contemporary watchmaking and continues to stage a fascinating and perpetually creative show in which women play a starring role. Happy Sport is forever.


The creative soul of the Maison, Caroline Scheufele began shaping her brilliant destiny from childhood onwards. Born into a long line of watchmakers, she designed her first watch as a young girl, from pieces of aluminium foil. While still a teenager, she let her fertile imagination wander by designing a clown pendant with small dancing diamonds twirling inside its belly. Made in secret by the workshops on the initiative of Caroline Scheufele’s father, this clown was to be the first ever piece of Chopard jewelry. A joyful and playful creation, it quickly became the favorite gift of a generation of fathers to their beloved daughters, and the symbol of Chopard’s formidable jewelry adventure.


The history of Happy Diamonds is set against the backdrop of the profound transformation and cultural changes of the 1970s. Inspired by the lightness and freedom of the spray from a waterfall, the Chopard workshops decided to release diamonds from all settings for the very first time: a real upheaval in the world of watchmaking. “Diamonds are happier when they are free” exclaimed Caroline Scheufele’s mother when she first caught sight of these icons in the making. Conveying a universal message, Happy Diamonds reflected the spirit of the times: precious things should not be locked up! Free and liberated, they sparkled more brightly than ever – like the women who wore them.



As soon as it was introduced, the kinetic energy spread by the Happy Sport distilled an aura of Joie de Vivre. Combining diamonds and steel turned watchmaking codes upside down, in step with those of modern society within which women were taking an unprecedented place. With more and more of them taking up positions of responsibility, their influence began steadily growing within the family as well as in business and politics. A new lifestyle was required for these heroines leading their lives in a free-spirited and independent way – and fashion had to adapt. Happy Sport was entirely in tune with this tendency. A key instigator of the sport-chic trend, it goes equally well with jeans and sneakers as with a little black dress and high heels – all of which helped it conquer catwalks, red carpets and women’s wrists!
CHOPARD - Happy Diamonds Legacy

CHOPARD – Happy Diamonds Legacy



Al derrocar los códigos de la relojería y la joyería de lujo a mediados de la década de 1970, Chopard acompañó los cambios de una era marcada por la libertad de la mujer y la liberalización de la sociedad. La Maison rinde homenaje a ese pasado victorioso que forjó su identidad.

CHOPARD - El legado de los diamantes felices

CHOPARD – El legado de los diamantes felices


Una explosión de colores y extravagancia, un punto de inflexión, un icono y el reloj más coleccionado por las mujeres: Happy Sport es todo esto y mucho más. La encarnación de la pasión y la alegría de vivir de Caroline Scheufele, desde su nacimiento en los años 90 hasta el presente, los modelos Happy Sport han personificado un noble legado de estilo casual chic en un caleidoscopio de más de 1000 variaciones, cada una infundida con el espíritu de Chopard. Copresidente y Director Artístico.
Una poderosa metáfora del impulso emancipador que experimentaron las mujeres en el siglo XX, el reloj Happy Sport selló el lugar de Chopard en la relojería contemporánea y continúa representando un espectáculo fascinante y perpetuamente creativo en el que las mujeres desempeñan un papel protagónico. Happy Sport es para siempre.


El alma creativa de la Maison, Caroline Scheufele comenzó a dar forma a su brillante destino desde la infancia en adelante. Nacida en una larga línea de relojeros, diseñó su primer reloj cuando era niña, a partir de trozos de papel de aluminio. Cuando aún era una adolescente, dejó volar su fértil imaginación diseñando un colgante de payaso con pequeños diamantes danzantes girando dentro de su vientre. Realizado en secreto por los talleres por iniciativa del padre de Caroline Scheufele, este payaso iba a ser la primera pieza de joyería de Chopard. Una creación alegre y lúdica, se convirtió rápidamente en el regalo favorito de una generación de padres para sus amadas hijas y en el símbolo de la formidable aventura joyera de Chopard.


La historia de Happy Diamonds tiene como telón de fondo la profunda transformación y los cambios culturales de la década de 1970. Inspirándose en la ligereza y la libertad del rocío de una cascada, los talleres de Chopard decidieron lanzar diamantes de todos los engastes por primera vez: una verdadera revolución en el mundo de la relojería. “Los diamantes son más felices cuando son gratis”, exclamó la madre de Caroline Scheufele cuando vio por primera vez estos íconos en proceso. Al transmitir un mensaje universal, Happy Diamonds reflejó el espíritu de la época: ¡las cosas preciosas no deben guardarse bajo llave! Libres y liberados, brillaban más que nunca, como las mujeres que los usaban.



Nada más ser presentado, la energía cinética que difunde el Happy Sport destila un aura de Joie de Vivre. La combinación de diamantes y acero puso patas arriba los códigos de la relojería, al ritmo de los de la sociedad moderna, en la que la mujer ocupaba un lugar sin precedentes. Con más y más de ellos ocupando puestos de responsabilidad, su influencia comenzó a crecer constantemente dentro de la familia, así como en los negocios y la política. Se requería un nuevo estilo de vida para estas heroínas que llevaban sus vidas de una manera libre e independiente, y la moda tuvo que adaptarse. Happy Sport estaba totalmente en sintonía con esta tendencia. Un instigador clave de la tendencia sport-chic, combina tan bien con jeans y zapatillas como con un pequeño vestido negro y tacones altos, ¡todo lo cual lo ayudó a conquistar las pasarelas, las alfombras rojas y las muñecas de las mujeres!
Maison Boucheron - High Jewelry collections Care Blanche 2022

Maison Boucheron – Colecciones de Alta Joyería  Care Blanche 2022

Maison Boucheron ofrece al estudio total libertad creativa. Colecciones de Alta Joyería que ponen la creación y la innovación en el centro de la emoción.

En algún otro lugar

Carte Blanche Colección Alta Joyería Julio 2022


Ailleurs – Elsewhere – es donde Claire Choisne y su estudio nos llevan con esta nueva colección. Un “otro lugar” donde todo se vuelve posible, sin fronteras, y donde la naturaleza está en estado puro. Desde los desiertos hasta los océanos, desde las montañas hasta las selvas tropicales, Studio Boucheron ha confrontado y mezclado mundos y materiales que inicialmente podría pensarse que son contradictorios; donde los diamantes se encuentran con los guijarros y la madera quemada, el oro se encuentra con el ratán y el meteorito.



Carte Blanche Alta Joyería Colección Julio 2021

“Con esta colección Holographique, busqué ofrecer a Boucheron una nueva definición de luz. Para capturar su esencia, usé color. Cada pieza es como un prisma que capta la complejidad de la luz representando todos los colores que la componen. Cada pieza revela los colores del mundo bajo una nueva luz”.
–Claire Choisne



Carte Blanche Colección Alta Joyería Julio 2020

Capturar un momento fugaz para que nunca desaparezca. Suspendiendo el tiempo. Expresar a través de la creación lo que las palabras no pueden decir. Esta es la poesía que Claire Choisne nos trae este año, en una colección personal, íntima y casi secreta de Alta Joyería. Reinterpreta los códigos de Maison Boucheron y los lleva en un viaje a su propio universo creativo.


Maison Boucheron - High Jewelry collections Care Blanche 2022

Maison Boucheron – High Jewelry collections Care Blanche 2022

Maison Boucheron offers the studio complete creative freedom. High Jewelry collections that put creation and innovation at the heart of emotion.


Carte Blanche High Jewelry Collection July 2022


Ailleurs – Elsewhere – is where Claire Choisne and her studio are taking us with this new Collection. An “elsewhere” where everything becomes possible, without any borders, and where nature is in a raw state. From the deserts to the oceans, the mountains to the rainforests, Studio Boucheron has confronted and mixed together worlds and materials one could initially think are contradictory; where diamonds meet pebbles and burnt wood, gold meets rattan and meteorite.



Carte Blanche High Jewelry Collection July 2021

“With this Holographique collection, I sought to offer Boucheron a new definition of light. To capture its essence, I used color. Each piece is like a prism that captures the complexity of light by representing all the colors that comprise it. Each piece reveals the colors of the world in a new light.”
– Claire Choisne



Carte Blanche High Jewelry Collection July 2020

Capturing a fleeting moment so it will never disappear. Suspending time. Expressing through creation what words cannot say. This is the poetry that Claire Choisne brings to us this year, in a personal, intimate and almost secretive collection of High Jewelry. She reinterprets the codes of Maison Boucheron and takes them on a journey into her own creative universe.
