Masterworks | Combatir la inflación con bellas artes

Un nuevo estudio de Allianz Life informa que la inflación está obligando a muchos estadounidenses a modificar sus planes de jubilación:

  • El 43% dijo que tuvo que echar mano de sus ahorros para la jubilación debido a la inflación.
  • El 54% dijo que han detenido o reducido los ahorros para la jubilación debido a la inflación.
  • Al 75% le preocupa que el aumento del costo de vida afecte sus planes de jubilación.

Con una inflación por encima del 8% y en su tasa más alta en más de 40 años, es difícil culparlos.

Y puede que no se alivie mucho tan pronto…

El banco de inversión de 1,5 billones de dólares Deutsche Bank predijo recientemente que es probable que EE. UU. vea que las presiones de los precios se mantendrán elevadas y tardarán dos años en caer incluso por debajo del 6%, y rondarán ese nivel en cinco años.

Si está buscando soluciones de cartera para ayudar a combatir la inflación, considere el arte contemporáneo…

El arte contemporáneo se ha revalorizado a un ritmo medio del 13,5% anual en periodos de alta inflación, como ahora. Y durante esos tiempos, ha superado significativamente a los bonos corporativos estadounidenses (0,5 %), el S&P 500 (5,5 %), las acciones de mercados emergentes (3,9 %) y el oro (3,2 %), según el índice MW All-Art.

Con Masterworks, puede agregar arte contemporáneo a su cartera como cobertura contra la inflación.

Empieza ahora. La inflación podría permanecer obstinadamente alta.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks ” según la Regulación A de la Ley de Valores de 1933. Masterworks solo podrá realizar ventas después de que se haya presentado una declaración de oferta ante la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC) y la SEC haya “calificado” la declaración de oferta . no se solicita dinero u otra consideración, y si se envía en respuesta, no se aceptará. no se puede aceptar ninguna oferta para comprar los valores y no se puede recibir ninguna parte del precio de compra hasta que la declaración de oferta presentada por el emisor ante la SEC haya sido calificada por la SEC, cualquier oferta de este tipo puede retirarse o revocarse, sin obligación o compromiso de cualquier tipo, en cualquier momento antes de la notificación de aceptación dada después de la fecha de calificación. una indicación de interés no implica obligación o compromiso de ningún tipo. Debe leer los documentos de oferta presentados ante la SEC antes de invertir y la información adicional disponible en

*Refleja la apreciación del precio ponderado por valor de todo el Arte Contemporáneo (obras producidas después de 1945) vendidas al menos dos veces en subasta pública. Existen diferencias significativas entre las inversiones en arte y las acciones.

Masterworks no está registrado, licenciado o supervisado como corredor de bolsa o asesor de inversiones por la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC), la Autoridad Reguladora de la Industria Financiera (FINRA) o cualquier otra autoridad reguladora financiera ni tiene licencia para proporcionar asesoramiento o servicios financieros., LLC se encuentra en 225 Liberty Street, Nueva York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services., LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services., LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services., LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services., LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services., LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services., LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services., LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services., LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.

Masterworks | Fight Inflation With Fine Art

A new study from Allianz Life reports inflation is forcing many Americans to alter their retirement plans:

  • 43% said they had to dip into their retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 54% said they have stopped or reduced retirement savings due to inflation.
  • 75% are concerned that the rising costs of living will affect their retirement plans.

With inflation north of 8%, and at its highest rate in 40+ years, it’s hard to blame them.

And it may not be easing up much that soon…

$1.5 trillion investment bank Deutsche Bank recently predicted the US is likely to see price pressures remain elevated and take two years to even fall below 6%, and will hover around that level in five years.

If you’re looking for portfolio solutions to help combat inflation, consider contemporary art…


Contemporary art has appreciated at an average rate of 13.5% annually in high inflation periods, like right now. And during those times, it has significantly outperformed US corporate bonds (0.5%), the S&P 500 (5.5%), emerging market equities (3.9%), and gold (3.2%), according to the MW All-Art Index.

With Masterworks, you can add contemporary art to your portfolio as an inflation hedge.

Get started now. Inflation could remain stubbornly high.

Download the mobile app today!




Masterworks is “testing the waters” under Regulation A under the Securities Act of 1933. Masterworks will only be able to make sales after an offering statement has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the SEC has “qualified” the offering statement. no money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted. no offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement filed by the issuer with the SEC has been qualified by the SEC, any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of acceptance given after the date of qualification. an indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind. You must read the offering documents filed with the SEC before investing and the additional information available at

*Reflects value-weighted price appreciation for all Contemporary Art (works produced after 1945) sold at least twice at public auction. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks.

Masterworks is not registered, licensed or supervised as a broker dealer or investment adviser by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) or any other financial regulatory authority or licensed to provide any financial advice or services., LLC is located at 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281.