¿Cuál es tu misión? ¿Incluye la preservación de la Tierra para su familia, su comunidad y el mundo?
Entonces nuestra misión, entregar el vehículo más eficiente del planeta, ES su misión.
Vehículo de carga solar Aptera

Nuestra misión
El problema es la ineficiencia
Anhelas hacer más con menos.
Más de 50 millas por galón o 200 millas por carga. Pero no puede porque seguimos haciendo las cosas como siempre se han hecho.
La solución es la eficiencia.
Fusionada con el poder del sol, la eficiencia te permitirá hacer más con menos: más millas con menos carbono, menos material, menos energía de la red.
Puedes ayudarnos a hacer las cosas de manera diferente.
Eficiencia Ejemplificada
Nuestros vehículos disfrutan de una eficiencia sin igual, utilizando poco menos de 100 Wh por milla para la conducción diaria. Y pueden recorrer más de 40 millas por día con energía solar, cinco veces más lejos que otros vehículos eléctricos con el mismo sistema solar.
Solar eficiente
El Aptera es el primer vehículo eléctrico que nunca se carga.
La mayoría de los conductores nunca tendrán que cargar su Aptera porque no viajan más de lo que su sistema solar puede producir por año.
Seguridad eficiente
El Aptera es un nivel completamente nuevo de seguridad para los pasajeros.
La seguridad a través de la ciencia avanzada abarca una celda de seguridad compuesta para pasajeros más fuerte que la de cualquier otro vehículo en la carretera actual.

Efficient Construction
The Aptera has only 10 key structural parts.
(Typical EVs have 300.)
Fewer Parts → Easier Build → (way) Lower Capitalization
Efficient Ease
1,000+ miles of range plus our advanced CoPilot
will make long journeys a breeze.
Aptera’s autopilot-system hardware, developed in conjunction with a large Japanese OEM, means it can quickly compete in the autonomous-driving arena with Tesla, BMW, and Audi.
Bringing Efficiency to Market
By 2040, electric vehicles will account for 35% of all new vehicle sales. Aptera will introduce its commitment to efficiency with the production of 10,000 units by 2022 and 40,000 by 2024
Why Now?
The commoditization of the EV space is reaching critical mass.
The auto industry is poised for radical reinvention.
The time for efficiency is NOW.
Efficient Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing has stymied the stranglehold of steel stamping. (Capitalization for stamping dies — $1b — has traditionally kept margins low.)
We can now scale production and launch new models with previously unimaginable speed.
Lightness = Efficiency
Generative part design allows A.I. to optimize for the greatest strength with the least amount of material and weight.
Our resin-infused sandwich-core construction
produces exceedingly lightweight composite structures that are
many times stronger than their steel counterparts.
There is no mass-produced, 100% composite vehicle like the Aptera — and nothing similar on the horizon.
Competing On Efficiency
Range is Aptera’s superpower!
With its 1,000+ mile range, the Aptera has 4 times that of the average competition. Even the Tesla Model 3 Long Range has only 325. The BMW I-3 manages a mere 114.
The Aptera can travel 4 times the distance of EVs with battery packs of the same size.
The Rivian, for example, needs a pack 5% larger than Aptera’s to go a quarter of the distance.
Most of our competitors have only a 200-300-mile range, and it takes a pack of 55-105kWh to achieve even that.
Efficient Mobile Distribution
Distribution costs reduce margins. That’s why Aptera’s using:
Direct-to-consumer sales.
Online promotion/test-drive scheduling & events in key markets; SoCal rollout – where else?
Service house calls (a model proven globally by Tesla).
Efficiency-Driven Revenue
With an innovative mobile-distribution and service model, we expect uncommon margins!
Our initial target price is $36k-$59k. Our initial target cost is $22k-$36k. By 2022, we expect to realize margins of 35%. (This return is unheard of. By comparison, margin champ BMW has just over 6%.)
The Efficiency Experts
Steve & Chris are devoted to helping people do what’s right for the environment.
Convinced that any industry can be made cleaner and more efficient through smart engineering, they’ve developed technologies to reduce carbon and manufacturing emissions and curtail the use of chemical pesticides, among other eco-friendly interventions. Each has earned a reputation for setting ambitious goals and meeting them quickly and cost-effectively.
Timeline Of Efficiency
Production Plan Funded; Tooling and Factory Buildout Starts
Expanding pre-order list based on progress toward delivering first Aptera
Begin Raising Development Money
Inviting previous followers, deposit holders, and investors to join us
First New Prototypes Shown and Driven Proven capability attracts investment to fund production plan
Pre-Production Vehicles Begin Testing; Beta Deliveries
Started Less than 9 months after funding, delivery of first vehicles; begin refining and scaling production
6-Passenger Aptera Design Begins
Ideal for ride-hailing services and autonomous delivery, fully autonomous vehicle sets new standard for large-vehicle efficiency
Production Run Rate of 2,000 Per Year Achieved
Sufficient to start realizing economies of scale
6-Passenger Aptera Production Begins
Run Rate Increased to 10,000 Per Year Increased profit margins stabilize company and demonstrate manufacturing bona fides
Funding Efficiency
Between Launch of Crowdfunding Campaign and Production Start
Raise $2.5m for pre-production vehicle builds and the engineering required to launch our first production lines
Crash, crush, and FMVSS-certify the Aptera for production
Educate people about how Aptera can fulfill their desire to Do More
Our Vision For The Future…
We believe efficient transportation is crucial to managing our natural resources. Aptera can inspire people to do more with their cars than just drive and build an efficiency-obsessed brand offering an array of safe, comfortable, fun-to-drive vehicles that will enjoy explosive growth.