Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Marriott Bonvoy alienta a los viajeros a cambiar al modo de vacaciones con nuevas aperturas de verano por las que vale la pena desconectarse

Global Travel Leader invita a los profesionales que trabajan a activar sus notificaciones de fuera de la oficina y disfrutar de un verano de viajes renovados

Para celebrar el verano, Marriott Bonvoy ® , la extraordinaria cartera de Marriott International de 30 marcas hoteleras, el galardonado programa de lealtad y las infinitas experiencias, inspira a todos a cambiar sus escritorios por daiquiris y tomarse un merecido tiempo libre para disfrutar del sol. Desde estadías sofisticadas en lugares exóticos hasta escapadas románticas junto a la playa, Marriott Bonvoy ® alienta a todos los tipos de viajeros a cambiar al modo de vacaciones en estas nuevas y emocionantes aperturas en todo el mundo.

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Para el turista elevado
Con una dosis saludable de vitamina D y vitamina Sea en el horizonte, los viajeros están listos para revitalizarse y disfrutar de unas vacaciones de verano de primer nivel. Una investigación reciente de escucha social realizada en nombre de Marriott International observó un aumento significativo año tras año en las búsquedas de “ir a lo grande” + viajes: +64 % (59 → 97), elaborado + vacaciones: +285 % (450 → 1734 ), “optar por no participar” + trabajar + explorar: +0 % (19 → 19), “crecer” + viajar: +8 % (12 → 13.) Es seguro decir que esta nueva clase de “Vacacionista elevado” manténgase en movimiento durante todo el verano y aproveche las nuevas aperturas en la cartera de Marriott Bonvoy® .

Ubicado en el suroeste de Tokio y destinado a ser el refugio de bienestar de la ciudad, The Westin Yokohama ofrece las experiencias de bienestar líderes en la industria de la marca, diseñadas para capacitar a los juerguistas de verano para que se relajen y rejuvenezcan en un tranquilo oasis urbano. Haciendo una gran entrada en los itinerarios inspirados en la temporada está el sofisticado JW Marriott Hotel Guadalajara , un hotel radiante de lujo en uno de los barrios más prestigiosos de la ciudad. Quienes buscan aventuras y desean alejarse de sus escritorios pueden experimentar experiencias de trekking únicas en la vida y disfrutar de una estadía eFour Points by Sheraton Kigali en la capital de Ruanda antes de explorar el increíble paisaje del país.

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Para los creadores de recuerdos
A medida que las escuelas terminan para el verano, los padres trabajadores están listos para crear nuevos recuerdos familiares y reintroducir el poder de viajar a la próxima generación. Este año, los padres querrán hacer que las vacaciones familiares de verano sean muy especiales con oportunidades para conexiones más significativas provocadas por salir y explorar el mundo.

Las costas de las tierras bajas de las playas de Carolina del Sur son un patio de recreo perfecto para toda la familia en el nuevo SpringHill Suites by Marriott Myrtle Beach Oceanfront . Las familias pueden comenzar el día con café y desayuno caliente recién hecho de cortesía antes de disfrutar de las comodidades estilo centro turístico, que incluyen una piscina al aire libre con terraza y un río lento interior/al aire libre, para que los recuerdos ostentosos duren toda la vida. Para una expedición por las profundidades, el nuevo AC Hotel by Marriott Melbourne Southbank está equipado con el diseño moderno y decidido característico de la marca, junto con una piscina infinita con vistas panorámicas de la ciudad para relajarse después de un largo viaje. Como la parada perfecta en un viaje familiar por carretera, The National, Autograph Collectionda nueva vida al histórico First National Bank Building de 32 pisos, una de las mayores renovaciones en la historia del estado, con detalles de diseño opulentos que reflejan la rica historia de Oklahoma.

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Para The Honeymoon Takers
Sobrevivieron a una gran cantidad de tiempo de cuarentena y decidieron casarse: la próxima gran decisión es dónde sumergirse profundamente en la felicidad de los recién casados.

Fusionando el encanto de la ciudad y el mar, Split, la pintoresca metrópolis de Croacia a lo largo de la costa dálmata, cuenta con belleza y cultura en el recientemente renovado Le Méridien Lav, Split . Con el célebre diseño moderno de mediados de siglo de la marca, las habitaciones y suites también se abren a grandes balcones con románticas vistas de la ciudad y las islas circundantes. También se espera que haga una elegante entrada al mercado en Croacia este otoño, AC Hotel by Marriott Split , ubicado en el edificio más alto del país, está atravesado por un acueducto romano expuesto que data de hace 17 siglos. Para una escapada apasionante con un toque de alta energía, la suite Extreme WOW de W Dubai – Mina Seyahi es perfecta para una pareja amante de la diversión, que cuenta con dos dormitorios, sala de estar, comedor y un amplio balcón.

Para The Solo Escapers
Ya sea que trabajen de forma remota como nómadas digitales o agreguen días a un viaje de negocios, los que viajan solos están cambiando sus anteojos de luz azul por tonos soleados polarizados. Investigaciones recientes de escucha social realizadas en nombre de Marriott International observaron un aumento significativo año tras año en las búsquedas de “Horario de trabajo” + flexibilidad: +10 % (41 → 45), Trabajo + renuncia + viajes: +18 % (17 → 20.) Como resultado, las oportunidades para un estilo de vida nómada se han vuelto más sostenibles para un escapista solitario trotamundos.

En las laderas de las hermosas Montañas Rocosas, Calgary es la puerta de entrada de Alberta al aire libre, el vestíbulo moderno y de última generación del Courtyard Calgary Downtown es perfecto para el trabajador remoto que busca un espacio flexible para ser productivo. Un viaje a la ciudad famosa por la moda mundial, el arte y los diamantes conduce a la recién inaugurada Sapphire House Antwerp, Autograph Collection , que representa un estilo de vida contemporáneo que refleja la forma de vida glamorosa de Amberes. En las costas de San Juan, Residence Inn by Marriott San Juan Isla Verde ofrece una opción de estadía prolongada en Puerto Rico para los amantes de la playa con habitaciones bien diseñadas y amplios espacios para relajarse.

Los miembros de Marriott Bonvoy ® pueden ganar puntos por estadías en hoteles y resorts en la cartera de Marriott Bonvoy de 30 marcas extraordinarias, incluidos resorts todo incluido y alquileres de casas premium, así como también a través de compras diarias con tarjetas de crédito de marca compartida. Los miembros pueden canjear sus puntos por experiencias que incluyen estadías futuras, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™ o, a través de socios, por productos de lujo de las boutiques Marriott Bonvoy® .

Para obtener más información sobre estas nuevas aperturas y Marriott Bonvoy ® , inscríbase en el programa de forma gratuita o para reservar directamente, visite


Nota sobre declaraciones prospectivas
Este comunicado de prensa contiene “declaraciones prospectivas” en el sentido de las leyes federales de valores de los Estados Unidos, incluidas declaraciones relacionadas con el crecimiento de unidades y habitaciones; nuestra cartera de crecimiento; aperturas esperadas de hoteles y otros proyectos y debuts de marcas en ciertos mercados; tendencias y expectativas de crecimiento y demanda para ciertos tipos de productos y en ciertos mercados; y declaraciones similares sobre eventos futuros anticipados y expectativas que no son hechos históricos. Le advertimos que estas declaraciones no son garantías de desempeño futuro y están sujetas a numerosos riesgos e incertidumbres en evolución que es posible que no podamos predecir o evaluar con precisión, incluidos los factores de riesgo que identificamos en nuestros archivos de la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores de EE. UU., que incluyen nuestro Informe Anual más reciente en el Formulario 10-K o Informe Trimestral en el Formulario 10-Q. Cualquiera de estos factores podría causar que los resultados reales difieran materialmente de las expectativas expresadas o implícitas en este comunicado de prensa. Hacemos estas declaraciones prospectivas a partir de la fecha de este comunicado de prensa y no asumimos ninguna obligación de actualizar o revisar públicamente ninguna declaración prospectiva, ya sea como resultado de nueva información, eventos futuros u otros.

Acerca de Marriott Bonvoy ®
La extraordinaria cartera de Marriott Bonvoy ofrece hospitalidad de renombre en los destinos más memorables del mundo, con 30 marcas que se adaptan a cada tipo de viaje. Los miembros pueden ganar puntos por estadías en hoteles y resorts, incluidos resorts con todo incluido y alquileres de casas premium, y mediante compras diarias con tarjetas de crédito de marca compartida. Los miembros pueden canjear sus puntos por experiencias que incluyen estadías futuras, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™ o, a través de socios, por productos de lujo de las boutiques Marriott Bonvoy® . Para inscribirse gratis o para obtener más información sobre Marriott Bonvoy® , visite .

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Global Travel Leader Invites Working Professionals to Turn on Their Out-of-Office Notifications and Enjoy a Summer of Renewed Travel

In celebration of summer, Marriott Bonvoy® – Marriott International’s extraordinary portfolio of 30 hotel brands, award-winning loyalty program, and endless experiences – inspires all to swap their desks for daiquiris and take some well-deserved time off to enjoy the sunshine. From sophisticated stays in exotic locales to romantic beachside getaways, Marriott Bonvoy® encourages all types of travelers to switch into vacation mode at these exciting new openings around the world.

For The Elevated Vacationer
With a healthy dose of vitamin D and vitamin Sea on the horizon, travelers are ready for reinvigoration and time off to enjoy an upscale summer vacation. A recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “go big” + travel: +64% (59 → 97), elaborate + vacation: +285% (450 → 1734), “opt out” + work + explore: +0% (19 → 19), “grown up” + travel: +8% (12 → 13.) It’s safe to say that this new class of “Elevated Vacationers” will be on the move all summer long and take advantage of new openings across the Marriott Bonvoy® portfolio.

Located in the southwest of Tokyo and set to be the city’s haven of well-being, The Westin Yokohama delivers the brand’s industry-leading wellness experiences – designed to empower summer revellers to relax and rejuvenate in a tranquil urban oasis. Making a grand entrance into seasonally inspired itineraries is the sophisticated JW Marriott Hotel Guadalajara, a hotel beaming with luxury in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in the city. Adventure seeking escapers eager to get far away from their desks can experience once-in-a-lifetime trekking experiences can enjoy a stop-over stay at Four Points by Sheraton Kigali in Rwanda’s capital before exploring the country’s incredible landscape.

For The Memory Makers
As schools let out for summer, hard-working parents are ready to make new family memories and reintroduce the power of travel to the next generation. This year, parents will want to make family summer vacations extra special with opportunities for more meaningful connections sparked by stepping out and exploring the world.

The low-country shorelines of South Carolina’s beaches are a perfect playground for the whole family at the all-new SpringHill Suites by Marriott Myrtle Beach Oceanfront. Families can jumpstart their day with complimentary, fresh, hot breakfast and coffee before enjoying resort-style amenities, including an outdoor pool with sun deck, and an indoor/outdoor lazy river – for splashy memories to last a lifetime. For an expedition down under, the new AC Hotel by Marriott Melbourne Southbank is equipped with the brand’s signature modern and purposeful design, along with an infinity pool with sweeping city views to unwind after a long trip. As the perfect stop on a family road trip, The National, Autograph Collection breathes new life into the historic 32-story First National Bank Building – one of the biggest renovations in the state’s history – with opulent design details reflecting Oklahoma’s rich history.

For The Honeymoon Takers
They survived an abundance of quarantine time and decided to tie the knot – the next big decision is where to take a deep dive into newlywed bliss.

Fusing the charm of both city and sea, Split, Croatia’s quaint metropolis along the Dalmatian coast boasts beauty and culture at the recently renovated Le Méridien Lav, Split. Featuring the brand’s celebrated, mid-century modern design, the guest rooms and suites also open to large balconies with romantic views across the city and surrounding islands. Also expected to make an elegant market entrance into Croatia this fall, AC Hotel by Marriott Split – located in the tallest building in the country – is bisected by an exposed Roman aqueduct dating back 17 centuries. For a passionate getaway with a high-energy twist, W Dubai – Mina Seyahis Extreme WOW Suite is perfect for a fun-loving pair, featuring two bedrooms, lounge, a dining area, and a sweeping balcony.

For The Solo Escapers
Whether working remotely as a digital nomad or tacking days onto a business trip, solo travelers are trading their blue light glasses for sunny polarized shades. Recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “Work schedule” + flexibility: +10% (41 → 45), Work + resign + traveling: +18% (17 → 20.) As a result, opportunities for a nomadic lifestyle have become more sustainable for a globetrotting solo escaper.

At the foothills of the beautiful Rocky Mountains, Calgary is Alberta’s gateway to the great outdoors, Courtyard Calgary Downtown’s modern, state-of-the-art lobby is perfect for the remote worker looking for a flexible space to be productive. A trip to the city famed for world fashion, art, and diamonds leads to the newly opened Sapphire House Antwerp, Autograph Collection, representing a contemporary lifestyle that reflects Antwerp’s glamorous way of living. On the shores of San Juan, Residence Inn by Marriott San Juan Isla Verde offers a longer stay option in Puerto Rico for beach lovers with well-designed rooms and sprawling spaces to relax.

Marriott Bonvoy® members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts across Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of 30 extraordinary brands, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, as well as through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques.

For more information on these new openings and Marriott Bonvoy®, enroll in the program for free, or to book directly, visit


Note on Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of United States federal securities laws, including statements related to unit and rooms growth; our growth pipeline; expected hotel and other project openings and brand debuts in certain markets; growth and demand trends and expectations for certain product types and in certain markets; and similar statements concerning anticipated future events and expectations that are not historical facts. We caution you that these statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to numerous evolving risks and uncertainties that we may not be able to accurately predict or assess, including the risk factors that we identify in our U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Any of these factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations we express or imply in this press release. We make these forward-looking statements as of the date of this press release and undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

About Marriott Bonvoy®
Marriott Bonvoy’s extraordinary portfolio offers renowned hospitality in the most memorable destinations in the world, with 30 brands that are tailored to every type of journey. Members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, and through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques. To enroll for free or for more information about Marriott Bonvoy®, visit

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Global Travel Leader Invites Working Professionals to Turn on Their Out-of-Office Notifications and Enjoy a Summer of Renewed Travel

In celebration of summer, Marriott Bonvoy® – Marriott International’s extraordinary portfolio of 30 hotel brands, award-winning loyalty program, and endless experiences – inspires all to swap their desks for daiquiris and take some well-deserved time off to enjoy the sunshine. From sophisticated stays in exotic locales to romantic beachside getaways, Marriott Bonvoy® encourages all types of travelers to switch into vacation mode at these exciting new openings around the world.

For The Elevated Vacationer
With a healthy dose of vitamin D and vitamin Sea on the horizon, travelers are ready for reinvigoration and time off to enjoy an upscale summer vacation. A recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “go big” + travel: +64% (59 → 97), elaborate + vacation: +285% (450 → 1734), “opt out” + work + explore: +0% (19 → 19), “grown up” + travel: +8% (12 → 13.) It’s safe to say that this new class of “Elevated Vacationers” will be on the move all summer long and take advantage of new openings across the Marriott Bonvoy® portfolio.

Located in the southwest of Tokyo and set to be the city’s haven of well-being, The Westin Yokohama delivers the brand’s industry-leading wellness experiences – designed to empower summer revellers to relax and rejuvenate in a tranquil urban oasis. Making a grand entrance into seasonally inspired itineraries is the sophisticated JW Marriott Hotel Guadalajara, a hotel beaming with luxury in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in the city. Adventure seeking escapers eager to get far away from their desks can experience once-in-a-lifetime trekking experiences can enjoy a stop-over stay at Four Points by Sheraton Kigali in Rwanda’s capital before exploring the country’s incredible landscape.

For The Memory Makers
As schools let out for summer, hard-working parents are ready to make new family memories and reintroduce the power of travel to the next generation. This year, parents will want to make family summer vacations extra special with opportunities for more meaningful connections sparked by stepping out and exploring the world.

The low-country shorelines of South Carolina’s beaches are a perfect playground for the whole family at the all-new SpringHill Suites by Marriott Myrtle Beach Oceanfront. Families can jumpstart their day with complimentary, fresh, hot breakfast and coffee before enjoying resort-style amenities, including an outdoor pool with sun deck, and an indoor/outdoor lazy river – for splashy memories to last a lifetime. For an expedition down under, the new AC Hotel by Marriott Melbourne Southbank is equipped with the brand’s signature modern and purposeful design, along with an infinity pool with sweeping city views to unwind after a long trip. As the perfect stop on a family road trip, The National, Autograph Collection breathes new life into the historic 32-story First National Bank Building – one of the biggest renovations in the state’s history – with opulent design details reflecting Oklahoma’s rich history.

For The Honeymoon Takers
They survived an abundance of quarantine time and decided to tie the knot – the next big decision is where to take a deep dive into newlywed bliss.

Fusing the charm of both city and sea, Split, Croatia’s quaint metropolis along the Dalmatian coast boasts beauty and culture at the recently renovated Le Méridien Lav, Split. Featuring the brand’s celebrated, mid-century modern design, the guest rooms and suites also open to large balconies with romantic views across the city and surrounding islands. Also expected to make an elegant market entrance into Croatia this fall, AC Hotel by Marriott Split – located in the tallest building in the country – is bisected by an exposed Roman aqueduct dating back 17 centuries. For a passionate getaway with a high-energy twist, W Dubai – Mina Seyahis Extreme WOW Suite is perfect for a fun-loving pair, featuring two bedrooms, lounge, a dining area, and a sweeping balcony.

For The Solo Escapers
Whether working remotely as a digital nomad or tacking days onto a business trip, solo travelers are trading their blue light glasses for sunny polarized shades. Recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “Work schedule” + flexibility: +10% (41 → 45), Work + resign + traveling: +18% (17 → 20.) As a result, opportunities for a nomadic lifestyle have become more sustainable for a globetrotting solo escaper.

At the foothills of the beautiful Rocky Mountains, Calgary is Alberta’s gateway to the great outdoors, Courtyard Calgary Downtown’s modern, state-of-the-art lobby is perfect for the remote worker looking for a flexible space to be productive. A trip to the city famed for world fashion, art, and diamonds leads to the newly opened Sapphire House Antwerp, Autograph Collection, representing a contemporary lifestyle that reflects Antwerp’s glamorous way of living. On the shores of San Juan, Residence Inn by Marriott San Juan Isla Verde offers a longer stay option in Puerto Rico for beach lovers with well-designed rooms and sprawling spaces to relax.

Marriott Bonvoy® members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts across Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of 30 extraordinary brands, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, as well as through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques.

For more information on these new openings and Marriott Bonvoy®, enroll in the program for free, or to book directly, visit


Note on Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of United States federal securities laws, including statements related to unit and rooms growth; our growth pipeline; expected hotel and other project openings and brand debuts in certain markets; growth and demand trends and expectations for certain product types and in certain markets; and similar statements concerning anticipated future events and expectations that are not historical facts. We caution you that these statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to numerous evolving risks and uncertainties that we may not be able to accurately predict or assess, including the risk factors that we identify in our U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Any of these factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations we express or imply in this press release. We make these forward-looking statements as of the date of this press release and undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

About Marriott Bonvoy®
Marriott Bonvoy’s extraordinary portfolio offers renowned hospitality in the most memorable destinations in the world, with 30 brands that are tailored to every type of journey. Members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, and through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques. To enroll for free or for more information about Marriott Bonvoy®, visit

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Global Travel Leader Invites Working Professionals to Turn on Their Out-of-Office Notifications and Enjoy a Summer of Renewed Travel

In celebration of summer, Marriott Bonvoy® – Marriott International’s extraordinary portfolio of 30 hotel brands, award-winning loyalty program, and endless experiences – inspires all to swap their desks for daiquiris and take some well-deserved time off to enjoy the sunshine. From sophisticated stays in exotic locales to romantic beachside getaways, Marriott Bonvoy® encourages all types of travelers to switch into vacation mode at these exciting new openings around the world.

For The Elevated Vacationer
With a healthy dose of vitamin D and vitamin Sea on the horizon, travelers are ready for reinvigoration and time off to enjoy an upscale summer vacation. A recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “go big” + travel: +64% (59 → 97), elaborate + vacation: +285% (450 → 1734), “opt out” + work + explore: +0% (19 → 19), “grown up” + travel: +8% (12 → 13.) It’s safe to say that this new class of “Elevated Vacationers” will be on the move all summer long and take advantage of new openings across the Marriott Bonvoy® portfolio.

Located in the southwest of Tokyo and set to be the city’s haven of well-being, The Westin Yokohama delivers the brand’s industry-leading wellness experiences – designed to empower summer revellers to relax and rejuvenate in a tranquil urban oasis. Making a grand entrance into seasonally inspired itineraries is the sophisticated JW Marriott Hotel Guadalajara, a hotel beaming with luxury in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in the city. Adventure seeking escapers eager to get far away from their desks can experience once-in-a-lifetime trekking experiences can enjoy a stop-over stay at Four Points by Sheraton Kigali in Rwanda’s capital before exploring the country’s incredible landscape.

For The Memory Makers
As schools let out for summer, hard-working parents are ready to make new family memories and reintroduce the power of travel to the next generation. This year, parents will want to make family summer vacations extra special with opportunities for more meaningful connections sparked by stepping out and exploring the world.

The low-country shorelines of South Carolina’s beaches are a perfect playground for the whole family at the all-new SpringHill Suites by Marriott Myrtle Beach Oceanfront. Families can jumpstart their day with complimentary, fresh, hot breakfast and coffee before enjoying resort-style amenities, including an outdoor pool with sun deck, and an indoor/outdoor lazy river – for splashy memories to last a lifetime. For an expedition down under, the new AC Hotel by Marriott Melbourne Southbank is equipped with the brand’s signature modern and purposeful design, along with an infinity pool with sweeping city views to unwind after a long trip. As the perfect stop on a family road trip, The National, Autograph Collection breathes new life into the historic 32-story First National Bank Building – one of the biggest renovations in the state’s history – with opulent design details reflecting Oklahoma’s rich history.

For The Honeymoon Takers
They survived an abundance of quarantine time and decided to tie the knot – the next big decision is where to take a deep dive into newlywed bliss.

Fusing the charm of both city and sea, Split, Croatia’s quaint metropolis along the Dalmatian coast boasts beauty and culture at the recently renovated Le Méridien Lav, Split. Featuring the brand’s celebrated, mid-century modern design, the guest rooms and suites also open to large balconies with romantic views across the city and surrounding islands. Also expected to make an elegant market entrance into Croatia this fall, AC Hotel by Marriott Split – located in the tallest building in the country – is bisected by an exposed Roman aqueduct dating back 17 centuries. For a passionate getaway with a high-energy twist, W Dubai – Mina Seyahis Extreme WOW Suite is perfect for a fun-loving pair, featuring two bedrooms, lounge, a dining area, and a sweeping balcony.

For The Solo Escapers
Whether working remotely as a digital nomad or tacking days onto a business trip, solo travelers are trading their blue light glasses for sunny polarized shades. Recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “Work schedule” + flexibility: +10% (41 → 45), Work + resign + traveling: +18% (17 → 20.) As a result, opportunities for a nomadic lifestyle have become more sustainable for a globetrotting solo escaper.

At the foothills of the beautiful Rocky Mountains, Calgary is Alberta’s gateway to the great outdoors, Courtyard Calgary Downtown’s modern, state-of-the-art lobby is perfect for the remote worker looking for a flexible space to be productive. A trip to the city famed for world fashion, art, and diamonds leads to the newly opened Sapphire House Antwerp, Autograph Collection, representing a contemporary lifestyle that reflects Antwerp’s glamorous way of living. On the shores of San Juan, Residence Inn by Marriott San Juan Isla Verde offers a longer stay option in Puerto Rico for beach lovers with well-designed rooms and sprawling spaces to relax.

Marriott Bonvoy® members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts across Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of 30 extraordinary brands, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, as well as through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques.

For more information on these new openings and Marriott Bonvoy®, enroll in the program for free, or to book directly, visit


Note on Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of United States federal securities laws, including statements related to unit and rooms growth; our growth pipeline; expected hotel and other project openings and brand debuts in certain markets; growth and demand trends and expectations for certain product types and in certain markets; and similar statements concerning anticipated future events and expectations that are not historical facts. We caution you that these statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to numerous evolving risks and uncertainties that we may not be able to accurately predict or assess, including the risk factors that we identify in our U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Any of these factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations we express or imply in this press release. We make these forward-looking statements as of the date of this press release and undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

About Marriott Bonvoy®
Marriott Bonvoy’s extraordinary portfolio offers renowned hospitality in the most memorable destinations in the world, with 30 brands that are tailored to every type of journey. Members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, and through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques. To enroll for free or for more information about Marriott Bonvoy®, visit

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Global Travel Leader Invites Working Professionals to Turn on Their Out-of-Office Notifications and Enjoy a Summer of Renewed Travel

In celebration of summer, Marriott Bonvoy® – Marriott International’s extraordinary portfolio of 30 hotel brands, award-winning loyalty program, and endless experiences – inspires all to swap their desks for daiquiris and take some well-deserved time off to enjoy the sunshine. From sophisticated stays in exotic locales to romantic beachside getaways, Marriott Bonvoy® encourages all types of travelers to switch into vacation mode at these exciting new openings around the world.

For The Elevated Vacationer
With a healthy dose of vitamin D and vitamin Sea on the horizon, travelers are ready for reinvigoration and time off to enjoy an upscale summer vacation. A recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “go big” + travel: +64% (59 → 97), elaborate + vacation: +285% (450 → 1734), “opt out” + work + explore: +0% (19 → 19), “grown up” + travel: +8% (12 → 13.) It’s safe to say that this new class of “Elevated Vacationers” will be on the move all summer long and take advantage of new openings across the Marriott Bonvoy® portfolio.

Located in the southwest of Tokyo and set to be the city’s haven of well-being, The Westin Yokohama delivers the brand’s industry-leading wellness experiences – designed to empower summer revellers to relax and rejuvenate in a tranquil urban oasis. Making a grand entrance into seasonally inspired itineraries is the sophisticated JW Marriott Hotel Guadalajara, a hotel beaming with luxury in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in the city. Adventure seeking escapers eager to get far away from their desks can experience once-in-a-lifetime trekking experiences can enjoy a stop-over stay at Four Points by Sheraton Kigali in Rwanda’s capital before exploring the country’s incredible landscape.

For The Memory Makers
As schools let out for summer, hard-working parents are ready to make new family memories and reintroduce the power of travel to the next generation. This year, parents will want to make family summer vacations extra special with opportunities for more meaningful connections sparked by stepping out and exploring the world.

The low-country shorelines of South Carolina’s beaches are a perfect playground for the whole family at the all-new SpringHill Suites by Marriott Myrtle Beach Oceanfront. Families can jumpstart their day with complimentary, fresh, hot breakfast and coffee before enjoying resort-style amenities, including an outdoor pool with sun deck, and an indoor/outdoor lazy river – for splashy memories to last a lifetime. For an expedition down under, the new AC Hotel by Marriott Melbourne Southbank is equipped with the brand’s signature modern and purposeful design, along with an infinity pool with sweeping city views to unwind after a long trip. As the perfect stop on a family road trip, The National, Autograph Collection breathes new life into the historic 32-story First National Bank Building – one of the biggest renovations in the state’s history – with opulent design details reflecting Oklahoma’s rich history.

For The Honeymoon Takers
They survived an abundance of quarantine time and decided to tie the knot – the next big decision is where to take a deep dive into newlywed bliss.

Fusing the charm of both city and sea, Split, Croatia’s quaint metropolis along the Dalmatian coast boasts beauty and culture at the recently renovated Le Méridien Lav, Split. Featuring the brand’s celebrated, mid-century modern design, the guest rooms and suites also open to large balconies with romantic views across the city and surrounding islands. Also expected to make an elegant market entrance into Croatia this fall, AC Hotel by Marriott Split – located in the tallest building in the country – is bisected by an exposed Roman aqueduct dating back 17 centuries. For a passionate getaway with a high-energy twist, W Dubai – Mina Seyahis Extreme WOW Suite is perfect for a fun-loving pair, featuring two bedrooms, lounge, a dining area, and a sweeping balcony.

For The Solo Escapers
Whether working remotely as a digital nomad or tacking days onto a business trip, solo travelers are trading their blue light glasses for sunny polarized shades. Recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “Work schedule” + flexibility: +10% (41 → 45), Work + resign + traveling: +18% (17 → 20.) As a result, opportunities for a nomadic lifestyle have become more sustainable for a globetrotting solo escaper.

At the foothills of the beautiful Rocky Mountains, Calgary is Alberta’s gateway to the great outdoors, Courtyard Calgary Downtown’s modern, state-of-the-art lobby is perfect for the remote worker looking for a flexible space to be productive. A trip to the city famed for world fashion, art, and diamonds leads to the newly opened Sapphire House Antwerp, Autograph Collection, representing a contemporary lifestyle that reflects Antwerp’s glamorous way of living. On the shores of San Juan, Residence Inn by Marriott San Juan Isla Verde offers a longer stay option in Puerto Rico for beach lovers with well-designed rooms and sprawling spaces to relax.

Marriott Bonvoy® members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts across Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of 30 extraordinary brands, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, as well as through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques.

For more information on these new openings and Marriott Bonvoy®, enroll in the program for free, or to book directly, visit


Note on Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of United States federal securities laws, including statements related to unit and rooms growth; our growth pipeline; expected hotel and other project openings and brand debuts in certain markets; growth and demand trends and expectations for certain product types and in certain markets; and similar statements concerning anticipated future events and expectations that are not historical facts. We caution you that these statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to numerous evolving risks and uncertainties that we may not be able to accurately predict or assess, including the risk factors that we identify in our U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Any of these factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations we express or imply in this press release. We make these forward-looking statements as of the date of this press release and undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

About Marriott Bonvoy®
Marriott Bonvoy’s extraordinary portfolio offers renowned hospitality in the most memorable destinations in the world, with 30 brands that are tailored to every type of journey. Members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, and through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques. To enroll for free or for more information about Marriott Bonvoy®, visit

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Global Travel Leader Invites Working Professionals to Turn on Their Out-of-Office Notifications and Enjoy a Summer of Renewed Travel

In celebration of summer, Marriott Bonvoy® – Marriott International’s extraordinary portfolio of 30 hotel brands, award-winning loyalty program, and endless experiences – inspires all to swap their desks for daiquiris and take some well-deserved time off to enjoy the sunshine. From sophisticated stays in exotic locales to romantic beachside getaways, Marriott Bonvoy® encourages all types of travelers to switch into vacation mode at these exciting new openings around the world.

For The Elevated Vacationer
With a healthy dose of vitamin D and vitamin Sea on the horizon, travelers are ready for reinvigoration and time off to enjoy an upscale summer vacation. A recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “go big” + travel: +64% (59 → 97), elaborate + vacation: +285% (450 → 1734), “opt out” + work + explore: +0% (19 → 19), “grown up” + travel: +8% (12 → 13.) It’s safe to say that this new class of “Elevated Vacationers” will be on the move all summer long and take advantage of new openings across the Marriott Bonvoy® portfolio.

Located in the southwest of Tokyo and set to be the city’s haven of well-being, The Westin Yokohama delivers the brand’s industry-leading wellness experiences – designed to empower summer revellers to relax and rejuvenate in a tranquil urban oasis. Making a grand entrance into seasonally inspired itineraries is the sophisticated JW Marriott Hotel Guadalajara, a hotel beaming with luxury in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in the city. Adventure seeking escapers eager to get far away from their desks can experience once-in-a-lifetime trekking experiences can enjoy a stop-over stay at Four Points by Sheraton Kigali in Rwanda’s capital before exploring the country’s incredible landscape.

For The Memory Makers
As schools let out for summer, hard-working parents are ready to make new family memories and reintroduce the power of travel to the next generation. This year, parents will want to make family summer vacations extra special with opportunities for more meaningful connections sparked by stepping out and exploring the world.

The low-country shorelines of South Carolina’s beaches are a perfect playground for the whole family at the all-new SpringHill Suites by Marriott Myrtle Beach Oceanfront. Families can jumpstart their day with complimentary, fresh, hot breakfast and coffee before enjoying resort-style amenities, including an outdoor pool with sun deck, and an indoor/outdoor lazy river – for splashy memories to last a lifetime. For an expedition down under, the new AC Hotel by Marriott Melbourne Southbank is equipped with the brand’s signature modern and purposeful design, along with an infinity pool with sweeping city views to unwind after a long trip. As the perfect stop on a family road trip, The National, Autograph Collection breathes new life into the historic 32-story First National Bank Building – one of the biggest renovations in the state’s history – with opulent design details reflecting Oklahoma’s rich history.

For The Honeymoon Takers
They survived an abundance of quarantine time and decided to tie the knot – the next big decision is where to take a deep dive into newlywed bliss.

Fusing the charm of both city and sea, Split, Croatia’s quaint metropolis along the Dalmatian coast boasts beauty and culture at the recently renovated Le Méridien Lav, Split. Featuring the brand’s celebrated, mid-century modern design, the guest rooms and suites also open to large balconies with romantic views across the city and surrounding islands. Also expected to make an elegant market entrance into Croatia this fall, AC Hotel by Marriott Split – located in the tallest building in the country – is bisected by an exposed Roman aqueduct dating back 17 centuries. For a passionate getaway with a high-energy twist, W Dubai – Mina Seyahis Extreme WOW Suite is perfect for a fun-loving pair, featuring two bedrooms, lounge, a dining area, and a sweeping balcony.

For The Solo Escapers
Whether working remotely as a digital nomad or tacking days onto a business trip, solo travelers are trading their blue light glasses for sunny polarized shades. Recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “Work schedule” + flexibility: +10% (41 → 45), Work + resign + traveling: +18% (17 → 20.) As a result, opportunities for a nomadic lifestyle have become more sustainable for a globetrotting solo escaper.

At the foothills of the beautiful Rocky Mountains, Calgary is Alberta’s gateway to the great outdoors, Courtyard Calgary Downtown’s modern, state-of-the-art lobby is perfect for the remote worker looking for a flexible space to be productive. A trip to the city famed for world fashion, art, and diamonds leads to the newly opened Sapphire House Antwerp, Autograph Collection, representing a contemporary lifestyle that reflects Antwerp’s glamorous way of living. On the shores of San Juan, Residence Inn by Marriott San Juan Isla Verde offers a longer stay option in Puerto Rico for beach lovers with well-designed rooms and sprawling spaces to relax.

Marriott Bonvoy® members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts across Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of 30 extraordinary brands, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, as well as through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques.

For more information on these new openings and Marriott Bonvoy®, enroll in the program for free, or to book directly, visit


Note on Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of United States federal securities laws, including statements related to unit and rooms growth; our growth pipeline; expected hotel and other project openings and brand debuts in certain markets; growth and demand trends and expectations for certain product types and in certain markets; and similar statements concerning anticipated future events and expectations that are not historical facts. We caution you that these statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to numerous evolving risks and uncertainties that we may not be able to accurately predict or assess, including the risk factors that we identify in our U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Any of these factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations we express or imply in this press release. We make these forward-looking statements as of the date of this press release and undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

About Marriott Bonvoy®
Marriott Bonvoy’s extraordinary portfolio offers renowned hospitality in the most memorable destinations in the world, with 30 brands that are tailored to every type of journey. Members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, and through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques. To enroll for free or for more information about Marriott Bonvoy®, visit

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Global Travel Leader Invites Working Professionals to Turn on Their Out-of-Office Notifications and Enjoy a Summer of Renewed Travel

In celebration of summer, Marriott Bonvoy® – Marriott International’s extraordinary portfolio of 30 hotel brands, award-winning loyalty program, and endless experiences – inspires all to swap their desks for daiquiris and take some well-deserved time off to enjoy the sunshine. From sophisticated stays in exotic locales to romantic beachside getaways, Marriott Bonvoy® encourages all types of travelers to switch into vacation mode at these exciting new openings around the world.

For The Elevated Vacationer
With a healthy dose of vitamin D and vitamin Sea on the horizon, travelers are ready for reinvigoration and time off to enjoy an upscale summer vacation. A recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “go big” + travel: +64% (59 → 97), elaborate + vacation: +285% (450 → 1734), “opt out” + work + explore: +0% (19 → 19), “grown up” + travel: +8% (12 → 13.) It’s safe to say that this new class of “Elevated Vacationers” will be on the move all summer long and take advantage of new openings across the Marriott Bonvoy® portfolio.

Located in the southwest of Tokyo and set to be the city’s haven of well-being, The Westin Yokohama delivers the brand’s industry-leading wellness experiences – designed to empower summer revellers to relax and rejuvenate in a tranquil urban oasis. Making a grand entrance into seasonally inspired itineraries is the sophisticated JW Marriott Hotel Guadalajara, a hotel beaming with luxury in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in the city. Adventure seeking escapers eager to get far away from their desks can experience once-in-a-lifetime trekking experiences can enjoy a stop-over stay at Four Points by Sheraton Kigali in Rwanda’s capital before exploring the country’s incredible landscape.

For The Memory Makers
As schools let out for summer, hard-working parents are ready to make new family memories and reintroduce the power of travel to the next generation. This year, parents will want to make family summer vacations extra special with opportunities for more meaningful connections sparked by stepping out and exploring the world.

The low-country shorelines of South Carolina’s beaches are a perfect playground for the whole family at the all-new SpringHill Suites by Marriott Myrtle Beach Oceanfront. Families can jumpstart their day with complimentary, fresh, hot breakfast and coffee before enjoying resort-style amenities, including an outdoor pool with sun deck, and an indoor/outdoor lazy river – for splashy memories to last a lifetime. For an expedition down under, the new AC Hotel by Marriott Melbourne Southbank is equipped with the brand’s signature modern and purposeful design, along with an infinity pool with sweeping city views to unwind after a long trip. As the perfect stop on a family road trip, The National, Autograph Collection breathes new life into the historic 32-story First National Bank Building – one of the biggest renovations in the state’s history – with opulent design details reflecting Oklahoma’s rich history.

For The Honeymoon Takers
They survived an abundance of quarantine time and decided to tie the knot – the next big decision is where to take a deep dive into newlywed bliss.

Fusing the charm of both city and sea, Split, Croatia’s quaint metropolis along the Dalmatian coast boasts beauty and culture at the recently renovated Le Méridien Lav, Split. Featuring the brand’s celebrated, mid-century modern design, the guest rooms and suites also open to large balconies with romantic views across the city and surrounding islands. Also expected to make an elegant market entrance into Croatia this fall, AC Hotel by Marriott Split – located in the tallest building in the country – is bisected by an exposed Roman aqueduct dating back 17 centuries. For a passionate getaway with a high-energy twist, W Dubai – Mina Seyahis Extreme WOW Suite is perfect for a fun-loving pair, featuring two bedrooms, lounge, a dining area, and a sweeping balcony.

For The Solo Escapers
Whether working remotely as a digital nomad or tacking days onto a business trip, solo travelers are trading their blue light glasses for sunny polarized shades. Recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “Work schedule” + flexibility: +10% (41 → 45), Work + resign + traveling: +18% (17 → 20.) As a result, opportunities for a nomadic lifestyle have become more sustainable for a globetrotting solo escaper.

At the foothills of the beautiful Rocky Mountains, Calgary is Alberta’s gateway to the great outdoors, Courtyard Calgary Downtown’s modern, state-of-the-art lobby is perfect for the remote worker looking for a flexible space to be productive. A trip to the city famed for world fashion, art, and diamonds leads to the newly opened Sapphire House Antwerp, Autograph Collection, representing a contemporary lifestyle that reflects Antwerp’s glamorous way of living. On the shores of San Juan, Residence Inn by Marriott San Juan Isla Verde offers a longer stay option in Puerto Rico for beach lovers with well-designed rooms and sprawling spaces to relax.

Marriott Bonvoy® members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts across Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of 30 extraordinary brands, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, as well as through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques.

For more information on these new openings and Marriott Bonvoy®, enroll in the program for free, or to book directly, visit


Note on Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of United States federal securities laws, including statements related to unit and rooms growth; our growth pipeline; expected hotel and other project openings and brand debuts in certain markets; growth and demand trends and expectations for certain product types and in certain markets; and similar statements concerning anticipated future events and expectations that are not historical facts. We caution you that these statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to numerous evolving risks and uncertainties that we may not be able to accurately predict or assess, including the risk factors that we identify in our U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Any of these factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations we express or imply in this press release. We make these forward-looking statements as of the date of this press release and undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

About Marriott Bonvoy®
Marriott Bonvoy’s extraordinary portfolio offers renowned hospitality in the most memorable destinations in the world, with 30 brands that are tailored to every type of journey. Members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, and through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques. To enroll for free or for more information about Marriott Bonvoy®, visit

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Marriott Bonvoy Encourages Travelers to Switch into Vacation Mode with New Summer Openings Worth Logging Off For

Global Travel Leader Invites Working Professionals to Turn on Their Out-of-Office Notifications and Enjoy a Summer of Renewed Travel

In celebration of summer, Marriott Bonvoy® – Marriott International’s extraordinary portfolio of 30 hotel brands, award-winning loyalty program, and endless experiences – inspires all to swap their desks for daiquiris and take some well-deserved time off to enjoy the sunshine. From sophisticated stays in exotic locales to romantic beachside getaways, Marriott Bonvoy® encourages all types of travelers to switch into vacation mode at these exciting new openings around the world.

For The Elevated Vacationer
With a healthy dose of vitamin D and vitamin Sea on the horizon, travelers are ready for reinvigoration and time off to enjoy an upscale summer vacation. A recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “go big” + travel: +64% (59 → 97), elaborate + vacation: +285% (450 → 1734), “opt out” + work + explore: +0% (19 → 19), “grown up” + travel: +8% (12 → 13.) It’s safe to say that this new class of “Elevated Vacationers” will be on the move all summer long and take advantage of new openings across the Marriott Bonvoy® portfolio.

Located in the southwest of Tokyo and set to be the city’s haven of well-being, The Westin Yokohama delivers the brand’s industry-leading wellness experiences – designed to empower summer revellers to relax and rejuvenate in a tranquil urban oasis. Making a grand entrance into seasonally inspired itineraries is the sophisticated JW Marriott Hotel Guadalajara, a hotel beaming with luxury in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in the city. Adventure seeking escapers eager to get far away from their desks can experience once-in-a-lifetime trekking experiences can enjoy a stop-over stay at Four Points by Sheraton Kigali in Rwanda’s capital before exploring the country’s incredible landscape.

For The Memory Makers
As schools let out for summer, hard-working parents are ready to make new family memories and reintroduce the power of travel to the next generation. This year, parents will want to make family summer vacations extra special with opportunities for more meaningful connections sparked by stepping out and exploring the world.

The low-country shorelines of South Carolina’s beaches are a perfect playground for the whole family at the all-new SpringHill Suites by Marriott Myrtle Beach Oceanfront. Families can jumpstart their day with complimentary, fresh, hot breakfast and coffee before enjoying resort-style amenities, including an outdoor pool with sun deck, and an indoor/outdoor lazy river – for splashy memories to last a lifetime. For an expedition down under, the new AC Hotel by Marriott Melbourne Southbank is equipped with the brand’s signature modern and purposeful design, along with an infinity pool with sweeping city views to unwind after a long trip. As the perfect stop on a family road trip, The National, Autograph Collection breathes new life into the historic 32-story First National Bank Building – one of the biggest renovations in the state’s history – with opulent design details reflecting Oklahoma’s rich history.

For The Honeymoon Takers
They survived an abundance of quarantine time and decided to tie the knot – the next big decision is where to take a deep dive into newlywed bliss.

Fusing the charm of both city and sea, Split, Croatia’s quaint metropolis along the Dalmatian coast boasts beauty and culture at the recently renovated Le Méridien Lav, Split. Featuring the brand’s celebrated, mid-century modern design, the guest rooms and suites also open to large balconies with romantic views across the city and surrounding islands. Also expected to make an elegant market entrance into Croatia this fall, AC Hotel by Marriott Split – located in the tallest building in the country – is bisected by an exposed Roman aqueduct dating back 17 centuries. For a passionate getaway with a high-energy twist, W Dubai – Mina Seyahis Extreme WOW Suite is perfect for a fun-loving pair, featuring two bedrooms, lounge, a dining area, and a sweeping balcony.

For The Solo Escapers
Whether working remotely as a digital nomad or tacking days onto a business trip, solo travelers are trading their blue light glasses for sunny polarized shades. Recent social listening research conducted on behalf of Marriott International saw a significant year-over-year uptick in searches for “Work schedule” + flexibility: +10% (41 → 45), Work + resign + traveling: +18% (17 → 20.) As a result, opportunities for a nomadic lifestyle have become more sustainable for a globetrotting solo escaper.

At the foothills of the beautiful Rocky Mountains, Calgary is Alberta’s gateway to the great outdoors, Courtyard Calgary Downtown’s modern, state-of-the-art lobby is perfect for the remote worker looking for a flexible space to be productive. A trip to the city famed for world fashion, art, and diamonds leads to the newly opened Sapphire House Antwerp, Autograph Collection, representing a contemporary lifestyle that reflects Antwerp’s glamorous way of living. On the shores of San Juan, Residence Inn by Marriott San Juan Isla Verde offers a longer stay option in Puerto Rico for beach lovers with well-designed rooms and sprawling spaces to relax.

Marriott Bonvoy® members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts across Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of 30 extraordinary brands, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, as well as through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques.

For more information on these new openings and Marriott Bonvoy®, enroll in the program for free, or to book directly, visit


Note on Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of United States federal securities laws, including statements related to unit and rooms growth; our growth pipeline; expected hotel and other project openings and brand debuts in certain markets; growth and demand trends and expectations for certain product types and in certain markets; and similar statements concerning anticipated future events and expectations that are not historical facts. We caution you that these statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to numerous evolving risks and uncertainties that we may not be able to accurately predict or assess, including the risk factors that we identify in our U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q. Any of these factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations we express or imply in this press release. We make these forward-looking statements as of the date of this press release and undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

About Marriott Bonvoy®
Marriott Bonvoy’s extraordinary portfolio offers renowned hospitality in the most memorable destinations in the world, with 30 brands that are tailored to every type of journey. Members can earn points for stays at hotels and resorts, including all-inclusive resorts and premium home rentals, and through everyday purchases with co-branded credit cards. Members can redeem their points for experiences including future stays, Marriott Bonvoy Moments™, or through partners for luxurious products from Marriott Bonvoy® Boutiques. To enroll for free or for more information about Marriott Bonvoy®, visit

France Excellence 2022

France Excellence 2022 already has a date The main luxury event in France will be held on September 19

The second edition of France Excellence, an event organized by Atout France – France’s Tourism Development Agency-, which debates the scenario and prospects for
French luxury goods and services, already has a confirmed date and place: next September 19, at the Rosewood Hotel in São Paulo, with the presence of some of the most important names in tourism,
gastronomy, fashion and culture from both countries.

The second edition of France Excellence, an event organized by Atout France – France’s Tourism Development Agency-, which debates the scenario and prospects for
French luxury goods and services, already has a confirmed date and place: next September 19, at the Rosewood Hotel in São Paulo, with the presence of some of the most important names in tourism,
gastronomy, fashion and culture from both countries.

Among the French partners confirmed for this edition are: Printemps, marking the return of the iconic French chain of luxury department stores to the Brazilian market, La Torre Eiffel and
Sodexo Live, seeking a new position with the high-end public.

The online event is open to the public, with a focus on travel professionals. Guests can attend the conference in person. As in 2021, the event will be
recorded and available on the Atout France YouTube channel and the content will also be available in the book in Portuguese.

For Caroline Putnoki, director for South America of Atout France, she said: France Excellence is an event that seeks to present in detail the best that France has to offer and also inspire the greatest
number of people to work in the luxury segment, which has very own.

While the France Excellence 2021 event focused on the history of luxury through the ages and civilizations and unique French savoir-faire, the 2022 edition will shed light on the
values inherent in French luxury: quality, emotion, exclusivity, sustainability. , history. And through these values, the ability of French luxury houses to renew themselves,
reinvent themselves, question and recreate themselves will be discussed.

“From an idea, a taste, a thought is born, then an attitude, an action and creation. The creators of luxury are numerous: in fashion, beauty, gastronomy, culture, art and tourism. These various worlds intertwine and are run by creators. The goal is to provoke reflection: how is this flavor born? In the gustatory sense, but also in the intellectual.

How can you create today in the universe of luxury, and at the same time be in a sustainable way? How is taste transmitted? And, how is the taste for creation formed (among the new generations)? How is the creation configured with a certain French spirit? Putnoki says.

The 2021 edition of France Excellence is available on the Atout France YouTube channel in , and also for free as a digital book in Portuguese.
Registration for the 2022 edition of France Excellence can be done on the website:

France Excellence Latin America and France in social networks
Instagram profile:

About Atout France
Atout France, the French Tourism Development Agency, works to develop the tourism industry. The agency maintains a monitoring and analysis system for the international tourism market
. This knowledge of supply and demand allows you to define strategies to develop French tourism. Atout France brings its expertise in engineering and development to
increase the competitiveness of companies and the attractiveness of French destinations. The Agency assists 1,200 professionals in their tourism marketing and promotion operations in France and
abroad, and is responsible for missions aimed at improving the quality of the offer: classification of tourist accommodation, registration of travel operators, monitoring Y
promotion of the Vignobles & Découvertes label. The Agency carries out its missions internationally thanks to a network of 33 offices in 30 countries. Its area of intervention extends to
78 markets thanks to the actions carried out in collaboration with the services of the French embassies.

France Excellence 2022

France Excellence 2022 already has a date The main luxury event in France will be held on September 19

The second edition of France Excellence, an event organized by Atout France – France’s Tourism Development Agency-, which debates the scenario and prospects for
French luxury goods and services, already has a confirmed date and place: next September 19, at the Rosewood Hotel in São Paulo, with the presence of some of the most important names in tourism,
gastronomy, fashion and culture from both countries.

The second edition of France Excellence, an event organized by Atout France – France’s Tourism Development Agency-, which debates the scenario and prospects for
French luxury goods and services, already has a confirmed date and place: next September 19, at the Rosewood Hotel in São Paulo, with the presence of some of the most important names in tourism,
gastronomy, fashion and culture from both countries.


Among the French partners confirmed for this edition are: Printemps, marking the return of the iconic French chain of luxury department stores to the Brazilian market, La Torre Eiffel and
Sodexo Live, seeking a new position with the high-end public.

The online event is open to the public, with a focus on travel professionals. Guests can attend the conference in person. As in 2021, the event will be
recorded and available on the Atout France YouTube channel and the content will also be available in the book in Portuguese.

For Caroline Putnoki, director for South America of Atout France, she said: France Excellence is an event that seeks to present in detail the best that France has to offer and also inspire the greatest
number of people to work in the luxury segment, which has very own.

While the France Excellence 2021 event focused on the history of luxury through the ages and civilizations and unique French savoir-faire, the 2022 edition will shed light on the
values inherent in French luxury: quality, emotion, exclusivity, sustainability. , history. And through these values, the ability of French luxury houses to renew themselves,
reinvent themselves, question and recreate themselves will be discussed.

“From an idea, a taste, a thought is born, then an attitude, an action and creation. The creators of luxury are numerous: in fashion, beauty, gastronomy, culture, art and tourism. These various worlds intertwine and are run by creators. The goal is to provoke reflection: how is this flavor born? In the gustatory sense, but also in the intellectual.

How can you create today in the universe of luxury, and at the same time be in a sustainable way? How is taste transmitted? And, how is the taste for creation formed (among the new generations)? How is the creation configured with a certain French spirit? Putnoki says.

The 2021 edition of France Excellence is available on the Atout France YouTube channel in , and also for free as a digital book in Portuguese.
Registration for the 2022 edition of France Excellence can be done on the website:

France Excellence Latin America and France in social networks
Instagram profile:


About Atout France
Atout France, the French Tourism Development Agency, works to develop the tourism industry. The agency maintains a monitoring and analysis system for the international tourism market
. This knowledge of supply and demand allows you to define strategies to develop French tourism. Atout France brings its expertise in engineering and development to
increase the competitiveness of companies and the attractiveness of French destinations. The Agency assists 1,200 professionals in their tourism marketing and promotion operations in France and
abroad, and is responsible for missions aimed at improving the quality of the offer: classification of tourist accommodation, registration of travel operators, monitoring Y
promotion of the Vignobles & Découvertes label. The Agency carries out its missions internationally thanks to a network of 33 offices in 30 countries. Its area of intervention extends to
78 markets thanks to the actions carried out in collaboration with the services of the French embassies.