After months of excitement, the Geneva Supercar Show has finally come to the Domaine du Grand Malagny for its first edition with full of surprises. The four-day event welcomed cars enthusiasts on an exceptional journey to discover the most prestigious supercar manufacturers and their latest innovation.

The 6th of July 2023 marks the beginning of a wonderful adventure: The Geneva Supercar Show. The new supercar show welcomed more than 1’500 visitors for the very first time, with the aim of creating quite a statement. Franck Muller CEO, Nicholas Rudaz, alongside the Mayor of Genthod, Joël Schmulowitz, as well as the director of the event, Manoj Bairstow, and the Vieux Grenadiers, launched the festivities by cutting the ribbon at the opening ceremony.

At the entrance of the Domaine du grand Malagny, a line of supercars set the tone. Maserati, Lamborgini, McLaren P1 and Ferrari joined in, as did the Kimera EVO37 Martini 7 Edition, presented by Misha from The Torque Rally, a company specialising in motoring events. Lined up side by side, these sublime supercars set the scene, facing Geneva Lake. There’s no need for superfluity here, the cars spoke for themselves. In total, 17 exhibitors from Italy, France, Germany, UK and the USA had set up stands in Genthod to promote more than 21 hydrogen, electric and combustion-powered supercars.

Among them, the ‘Gumpert Apollo’, top 3 in lap times on the Top Gear test track and available in only two examples in France, maked its appearance. Straight from the Italian Grande Botte, Maserati presented the brand new MC20 Cielo for the first time to the Swiss market. Featuring a retractable glass roof and cutting-edge technology, this car promises an immersive driving experience, head in the clouds. At the GFG Style stand, visitors had the opportunity to meet Fabrizio Giugiaro, designer of the brand’s new concept car: Kangaroo, a two-seater off-road electric hyper-SUV with 4-wheel drive and 4-wheel steering. Aznom, on its part, was honoured to be present with its Palladium model, the world’s first hyper-SUV at 6 metres long and producing just 10 units worldwide.

On the French side, the collaboration between Alpine and students from the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) in Torino surprised aficionados with the Alpine A4810 by IED: a hydrogen-powered concept supercar, conceived as a ‘super sedan’ thanks to an aerodynamic design and elements reminiscent of Formula 1. Last but not least, Autowelt Schweiz unveiling two automotive monsters: the Mercedes-Benz Hofele HG63 Evolution Ultimate and the Mercedes-Benz Hofele HG63 / G 63 AMG, both of which have been tuned by the German car tuner Hofele; while the American brand Czinger, who travelled all the way from Los Angeles, presented its latest model, the 21C, valued at some €2 million.

The first edition marked the beginning of an incredible adventure. We look forward to seeing you next year from 4 to 7 July 2024

Watches and Wonders 2021 – Morning Show – April 9

#watchesandwonders2021 A lively show this morning with highlights from yesterday’s brand announcements, discussed in fine detail with Zhixiang Ding, Editor-in-Chief of Chronos China. There was a strong sky theme, with moons, astronomy, the calendar and even rainbows.

We were joined live from Neuchâtel by Antoine Pin, CEO of the Watch Division at Bulgari to talk about his plans for the year ahead. Then we crossed to Schaffhausen to speak live to Chris Grainger-Herr, CEO of IWC Schaffhausen about the brand’s roots in engineering, and its forward-facing blend of digital and in-person interactions going forward. The Watching Brief was all about Design today. In Shanghai, Carson Chan, chief advisor to FHH, talked us through the greens and puristic designs on screen, while in the studio independent watch consultant Gianfranco Ritschel once more donned his gloves on to show us the structured dials in the ‘flesh’. We went Behind the Clock Face with Cartier, Panerai and Piaget looking at new innovations and customer experience. And Pascal Ravessoud, Director of External Affairs for FHH, was on set to catch you up if you missed yesterday’s panel on Corporate Social Responsibility and tease today’s panel on distribution in a post-pandemic world.
未来触手可及 意大利意柯那设计集团携跨界战略合作伙伴闪耀上海车展

上海-2019 年 4 月 16 日-第十八届上海国际汽车工业展览会正式开幕,意大利意柯那设计集团携手国内领先的互联网及整车制造企业京东物流、美团点评、奇瑞新能源共同闪耀亮相,针对未来出行需求发布多款创新产品。

本次车展上,荣获 2019 年德国国家设计奖的 Nucleus 自动驾驶概念车,意柯那联合美团设计制造的“福袋”无人送餐机器人,以及京东、意柯那、奇瑞三方战略合作设计及制造的京东物流自动驾驶货运车组成了强大参展阵容,登陆上海国家会展中心 8.1H 馆。其中,京东、意柯那、奇瑞三方战略合作研发设计生产的自动驾驶货运车迎来全球首秀;Nucleus 概念车在日内瓦、洛杉矶、巴黎成功展出后第一次在上海亮相;“福袋”送餐机器人在 2019 年初拉斯维加斯 CES 消费电子展上大获好评之后亦在上海车展迎来亚洲首发。


ICONA AUTO SHANGHAI 2019 Nucleus 概念车展现终极自动驾驶社交空间

科技设计的 L5 级完全无人驾驶系统使得驾驶席成了历史。设计过程中,禾多科技为车辆配备了目前已经较为成熟的传感器,如摄像头和毫米波雷达,更引入以 Velodyne 的 Velarray 为蓝本的固态激光雷达作为整车传感器的关键一环,兼顾传感器性能和车辆造型的要求。得益于此,车的内部没有司机和方向盘——当人们出行时的重点从道路变为目的地,就意味着移动生活空间得到了重新定义。
意柯那全球设计总监 Samuel Chuffart 先生在介绍时表示:“Nucleus 为未来出行的模式转变提供了范本,并且已经成为了去年日内瓦车展后推出的其他几款概念车的灵感来源。”
秉承“Less Is More”的设计理念, Nucleus 创新性地使用单厢式车身结构,整个车身如同一个移动的豪华休息舱将乘坐人包裹其中。5.25 米长、2.12 米宽的车身,配上 26 英寸的车轮,整车高度达到 1.75 米,其动力系统选用新能源领域最具前瞻性的轮毂电机技术,每个车轮上都装载了一台由合作伙伴 Elaphe 研发的 L1500 轮毂电机,可提供 110kW 的最大功率,以及1500N.m 的峰值扭矩。与此同时,与车身颜色一致的半透明饰板取代传统车窗玻璃,乘客自在欣赏沿途风景的同时也可保证旅途私密性。在车厢内部,Nucleus 包含六个可灵活调节的座椅,能够组成一个中央沙发,乘坐其中仿若置身五星级酒店的奢华起居室。配合先进的车载娱乐信息系统,即使是短途旅程,乘客也可以自在处理商务事宜或放松休闲。


业务场景需求定向研发的一款机器人产品,并将于 2019 年逐步落地至美团多种业务场景当中。



美团福袋配备了 3 个独立的抽屉容器,每次配送可服务多达 3 个用户,在配备人脸识别功能的同时,它还能通过声音和屏幕进行多种感官层次的交流。和许多过度拟人化的机器人不同,它的设计灵感来源于简洁大方的雕塑形态。正如当代艺术在今天的建筑中所表现的一样,人工智能亦可通过一种高品质、强交互的美学得到呈现。



京东物流自动驾驶货运车是由意柯那设计、京东提供自动驾驶解决方案与场景、奇瑞新能源制造的 L4 级别自动驾驶货运车辆,它没有驾驶室,整车的空间都用于装载货物,能够提供高达4000L 的存储空间。可根据交通法规实现自主路径规划与行驶、障碍物识别、自动跟车、行驶中交互等诸多自动驾驶功能。在无人驾驶的情况下完成仓库至配送站或者配送站至快递员的运输任务,未来还计划将入驻校园、工业园区等更多场景。





继 2019 拉斯维加斯 CES 消费电子展与美团签署战略合作协议之后,意柯那的战略合作伙伴又新添国内领先的互联网企业京东。

京东 X 事业部自动驾驶产品高级总监杨晶先生在三方战略合作签约仪式上补充道:“京东 X事业部自 2016 年成立起就致力于无人仓、无人车、无人机以及其他基于智能硬件的无人科技的研发和应用。在无人车领域,我们一直专注于解决最后一公里配送的难题,并且已经有配送机器人进行了两年多的真实配送。为了实现这一愿景,京东的无人车产品必须拥有最好的设计和最可靠的性能,并且环保——这也是我们选择意柯那和奇瑞新能源作为合作伙伴的原因。”
意大利意柯那设计集团于 2010 年成立于都灵。经过多年发展,目前集团已拥有欧洲、北美和亚太三大独立设计中心,成长为全球领先的独立汽车设计公司。 意柯那将现代工业美学融入意式经典汽车哲学,并依托集团发源地都灵强大的工程开发和样车试制资源,为全球客户提供全方位、国际化的整车开发及设计服务,帮助客户呈现移动出行的最佳美学。