Convocatoria final de inscripciones en los Royal Automobile Club Historic Awards 2022
Las nominaciones para los Premios Históricos del Royal Automobile Club 2022 cierran a las 5 p. m. del sábado 8 de octubre, por lo que tiene poco más de una semana para enviar sus sugerencias sobre lo mejor de lo mejor en el mundo del automovilismo histórico y los deportes de motor británicos.
1979 Aston Martin Bulldog
La gama de categorías refleja la amplitud del movimiento automovilístico histórico, y el Club busca celebrar las industrias artesanales, los eventos de base y los esfuerzos individuales, así como los “grandes nombres” en este sector.
Cualquiera puede nominar: las empresas pueden nominarse a sí mismas, a sus productos o a sus empleados, las organizaciones pueden nominar a sus eventos o personal, los entusiastas pueden nominar eventos maravillosos en los que han participado o visto, las personas pueden sugerir revistas o artículos en línea, programas de televisión o podcasts que han amado – o que han creado. Las candidaturas son gratuitas y se realizan a través de un sencillo formulario en on
El período de elegibilidad es del 1 de octubre de 2021 al 30 de septiembre de 2022 y los ganadores se anunciarán en una noche de gala de entrega de premios en la sede del club Pall Mall del Royal Automobile Club el 24 de noviembre.
Las nominaciones están invitadas en los siguientes categories:
Colección: reconocimiento de los logros dentro del período de elegibilidad de museos grandes y pequeños o de colecciones de propiedad privada.
Evento competitivo: tiene un amplio mandato que cubre todo, desde reuniones de carreras y rallies por etapas hasta subidas de colinas, pruebas de regularidad, series de carreras e incluso carreras individuales.
Innovación: creada para premiar la iniciativa y la creatividad en el desarrollo de nuevos productos y servicios.
Espectáculo de automovilismo: para eventos automovilísticos clásicos de todos los tamaños, sin elementos de competencia cronometrada. Los eventos elegibles incluyen concursos de elegancia, recorridos, reuniones de clubes y espectáculos de vehículos clásicos.
Periodismo excepcional: para la mejor función impresa, digital o de transmisión.
Esfuerzo personal: celebración de los logros individuales dentro del mundo histórico del automovilismo o del automovilismo.
Restauración: reconocer la habilidad superlativa, la investigación y la sensibilidad a la historia de un vehículo que hace una restauración de clase mundial.
Young Achiever: para esas estrellas en ascenso, de 18 a 30 años, que son el futuro de la industria automovilística histórica de Gran Bretaña.
Un elemento clave de los premios es el proceso de evaluación independiente, riguroso y experto. Cada categoría es evaluada por su propio jurado especializado cuidadosamente seleccionado con altos niveles de experiencia relevante.
En la noche de entrega de premios del jueves 24 de noviembre, el Club también entregará el Premio a la Trayectoria del Royal Automobile Club, en reconocimiento a una persona que ha realizado una contribución notable al legado del automovilismo y/o el automovilismo británico durante muchas décadas. El ganador del año pasado fue John Grant, presidente del British Racing Drivers Club.
Los premios son una continuación del pedigrí de 125 años del Club en el reconocimiento de los logros automovilísticos. Hoy, el Club presenta una serie de galardones reconocidos internacionalmente, incluidos el Trofeo Segrave, el Trofeo Torrens, la Medalla Simms, el Trofeo Dewar y el trofeo más antiguo del automovilismo: el Tourist Trophy.
Para más información de prensa, póngase en contacto con:
Sobre el Real Automóvil Club
El Real Automóvil Club fue fundado en 1897 y su distinguida historia refleja la del automovilismo mismo. En 1907, el Rey Eduardo VII otorgó al Club su título Real, lo que selló el estatus del Club como la organización automovilística más antigua e influyente de Gran Bretaña.
Los primeros años del Club se centraron en promover el automóvil y su lugar en la sociedad, lo que se convirtió en eventos automovilísticos como el 1000 Mile Trial, que se celebró por primera vez en 1900. En 1905, el Club celebró el primer Tourist Trophy, que sigue siendo el más antiguo continuamente Compitió para el evento de deportes de motor. El Club promovió los primeros Grandes Premios de antes y después de la guerra en Brooklands en 1926 y Silverstone en 1948 respectivamente, mientras continuaba con la campaña por los derechos de los automovilistas, incluida la introducción de las primeras licencias de conducir.
Hoy, el Club continúa desarrollando y apoyando el automovilismo a través de la representación en la Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) y la Fundación RAC mientras promueve sus propios eventos automovilísticos, incluida la London Motor Week del Club y el RM Sotheby’s London to Brighton Veteran Car Run.
El Club también otorga una serie de trofeos y medallas reconocidos internacionalmente que celebran los logros automovilísticos. Estos incluyen el Trofeo Segrave, el Trofeo Torrens, la Medalla Simms, el Trofeo Dewar y el trofeo más antiguo en el automovilismo por el que aún se compite en la actualidad, el Tourist Trophy. 19:52:382022-10-04 14:51:27Convocatoria final de inscripciones en los Royal Automobile Club Historic Awards 2022
La exclusiva regata de superyates, Ibiza JoySail 2022 zarpa desde Mallorca y llega a Marina Ibiza
Las mejores vistas de la ciudad y una travesía entre las Baleares inauguran la Ibiza JoySail 2022 Algunas de los mejores superyates del mundo se citan en Ibiza para disfrutar del último evento de la temporada
Ayer atracó en Ibiza la regata de superyatesmás joven del Mediterráneo, la Ibiza JoySail. Después de una divertida y emocionante jornada en el mar, en la que las potentes embarcaciones completaron la travesía Palma-Ibiza, los regatistas, familiares y amigos se reunieron en la espectacular Marina Ibiza para disfrutar de un cóctel de bienvenida de la mano del restaurante de moda de la isla, Roto Ibiza.
La exclusiva regata de superyates, Ibiza JoySail 2022 zarpa desde Mallorca y llega a Marina Ibiza
La puesta de sol, la ciudad de Ibiza de fondo y el acogedor ambiente, fueron los ingredientes para un cita deslumbrante que inauguró la regata en tierra, dando inicio a la animada agenda social programada hasta el domingo, que hace de la regata un evento para disfrutar tanto en tierra como en el mar.Esta competición supone el fin de la temporada de regatas de superyates en el Mediterráneo, y su carácter “family & friends” multiplica el atractivo para sus participantes, pues es la única regata en la que la tripulación combina regatistas profesionales con familiares y amigos de los armadores, dando lugar a un encuentro divertido además de competitivo.
La exclusiva regata de superyates, Ibiza JoySail 2022 zarpa desde Mallorca y llega a Marina Ibiza
Ibiza en el mes de septiembre es el escenario ideal para un evento de estas características, en el que amantes de la vela de todas las partes del mundo acuden a la isla en busca de la combinación única de deporte y diversión.
La exclusiva regata de superyates, Ibiza JoySail 2022 zarpa desde Mallorca y llega a Marina Ibiza
“Es una de las pocas regatas de superyates del mundo, en el que estas embarcaciones de grandes esloras tienen la oportunidad de competir de forma segura y, sobre todo, pasárselo muy bien en tierra con todo tipo de actividades. Y qué mejor sitio que Ibiza para que la gente se lo pase bien”, asegura el director de la regata, Nacho Postigo. “En las fechas en que se celebra la regata la isla está todavía bien viva, y para los propietarios y capitanes de los barcos son muy buenas fechas. Y cuando les decimos que la regata es en Ibiza les resulta muy apetecible”, añade.
Puedes consultar en el programa completo de la regata y el listado de inscritos. 12:08:032022-09-30 11:24:08La exclusiva regata de superyates, Ibiza JoySail 2022 zarpa desde Mallorca y llega a Marina Ibiza
PEBBLE BEACH, California (21 de agosto de 2022) — Un Duesenberg único repitió su primer papel como ganador del Concours al llevarse el primer premio en el Concours d’Elegance de Pebble Beach.
Este año, 220 autos de 19 países y 33 estados entraron al campo de competencia del Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance , y el auto nombrado Best of Show fue el Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo de 1932 de Lee R. Anderson Sr.
“Este raro Duesenberg une el poder estadounidense con el estilo europeo”, dijo la presidenta del Concours, Sandra Button. “Le fue bien en algunos mítines y concursos tempranos. Luego, su historia dio un giro, con el chasis separado de la carrocería. La historia de su resurrección es una de pura pasión”.
Un automóvil estadounidense ganó por última vez el Best of Show en 2013, cuando un Packard Twelve de 1934 ocupó el primer lugar. Duesenberg ha sido durante mucho tiempo la marca estadounidense con más victorias en Pebble Beach, con seis victorias anteriores; esta victoria eleva su total a siete.
“Dios mío, estamos abrumados”, exclamó Penny Anderson. “¡Simplemente no podemos creer que ganamos Best of Show! Hemos conocido a tanta gente a lo largo de los años, hemos disfrutado de todas las personas que participan. Es una alegría y un honor estar aquí”.
“Hemos estado haciendo esto durante años y hemos estado cerca en el pasado”, dijo Lee, “pero en realidad nunca hemos ganado, así que Penny tiene razón, es abrumador. Toda la preparación: la historia detrás de este auto es simplemente asombrosa. Solo hay un Figoni Duesenberg, siempre, y es este de aquí. Entonces, es como si todas estas cosas se unieran para hacer un verdadero campeón. Estamos muy emocionados”.
La carrera de este año por Best of Show contó con otros fuertes contendientes, incluido el Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupé de 1937 de Fritz Burkard, el Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet de 1930 de Sam y Emily Mann, y el Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport de 1951 de Merle y Peter Mullin. Estabilizadores Farina Cabriolet.
El Pebble Beach Concours recaudó más de $2,67 millones para obras de caridad este año, elevando las donaciones benéficas totales del evento a más de $35 millones hasta la fecha. A través de Pebble Beach Company Foundation, el principal socio caritativo de Concours, estos fondos beneficiarán a más de 95 organizaciones benéficas locales, impactando las vidas de más de 10,000 niños anualmente en el condado de Monterey.
Gooding & Company, la casa de subastas oficial del Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, concluyó su 18.ª subasta anual de Pebble Beach este fin de semana, logrando más de $105 millones en ventas. Varios autos estrella establecieron nuevos récords mundiales, incluido el Ferrari F40 de 1990, que se vendió por $3,965,000, y el Bugatti EB110 Super Sport de 1994, que logró $3,167,500. La mejor venta del fin de semana fue un increíblemente elegante Bugatti Type 57SC Atalante de 1937, que alcanzó un precio de venta final de $10,345,000.
El 72º Concurso de Elegancia de Pebble Beach se llevará a cabo el domingo 20 de agosto de 2023 y celebrará al famoso carrocero Joseph Figoni y Pegaso. Las características adicionales de 2023 incluyen Invicta, Mercedes-Benz S / SS / SSK, McLaren, Alvis y American Dream Cars de la década de 1950, y se anunciarán más características a principios del otoño. Para obtener más información sobre Pebble Beach Concours, visite .
Lista completa de ganadores de 2022
1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo Lee R. Anderson Sr., Naples, Florida
1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupe The Pearl Collection/Fritz Burkard, Suiza
1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet Sam y Emily Mann, Englewood, Nueva Jersey
1951 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Stabilimenti Farina Cabriolet
Merle & Peter Mullin, Los Angeles, California
Gwenn Graham Descapotable más elegante 1932 Lincoln KB Murphy Roadster John y Heather Mozart, Palo Alto, California
JB & Dorothy Nethercutt Auto cerrado más elegante 1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupe The Pearl Collection/Fritz Burkard, Suiza
Jules Heumann Auto abierto más elegante 1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo Lee R. Anderson Sr., Naples, Florida
Strother MacMinn Coche deportivo más elegante 1957 Ferrari 250 GT LWB Zagato Berlinetta Lee & Joan Herrington/The Herrington Collection, Bow, New Hampshire
Primero: 1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet, Sam & Emily Mann, Englewood, Nueva Jersey
2do: 1938 Packard 1601 Eight Graber Cabriolet, Anne Brockinton Lee/The Robert M. Lee Automobile Collection, Sparks, Nevada
3.°: 1939 Delahaye 135 MS Graber Cabriolet, Peter Kappeler, Walchwil, Suiza
Clase P-2: Carrocería Graber tarde
Primero: 1953 Bentley Mark VI Graber Drophead Coupé, John Miller/John R Miller Enterprises, Salt Lake City, Utah
2.º: cupé especial Alvis TD21 Graber de 1961, Ken Swanstrom, Doylestown, Pensilvania
3ro: 1954 Aston Martin DB2/4 Graber Drophead Coupé, Gene Ponder, Marshall, Texas
Clase R-1: 24 horas de Le Mans Centennial Early
Primero: 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO Scaglietti Berlinetta, David MacNeil, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
2do: 1953 Jaguar Ligero C-type Race Car, Time to Drive Collection, Charlottesville, Virginia
3°: 1937 BMW 328 NSKK Race Car, Stephen Bruno, Boca Raton, Florida
Clase R-2: 24 horas de Le Mans Centennial Late
Primero: Porsche 935 K3 Coupé de 1979, Bruce Meyer, Beverly Hills, California
2do: 1965 Alfa Romeo TZ2 Zagato Competition Berlinetta, The William Lyon Family, Newport Beach, California
3.°: 1964 Alpine M64 Coupé, Mitch McCullough, Pompton Plains, Nueva Jersey
Clase S: Otto Vu
Primero: 1953 Siata 208CS Balbo Coupe, Larry & Jane Solomon, Palo Alto, California
2do: 1954 Fiat 8V Zagato Coupe, New Canaan, Connecticut
3.°: 1953 Siata 208S Motto Spider, Scott y Jamie Cielewich, Winter Park, Florida
Clase V: Ford Hot Rods históricos de 1932
Primero: Ford Bob McGee Roadster de 1932, Bruce Meyer, Beverly Hills, California
2do: 1932 Ford Pacific Gunsight Special Roadster, Kim McCullough, Pompton Plains, Nueva Jersey
3.º: Ford Ian Cusey Roadster de 1932, Robert Owens, Wellington, Texas
Realizado por primera vez en 1950, Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® ( se ha convertido en la principal celebración mundial del automóvil. Solo los autos más hermosos y raros están invitados a aparecer en la famosa calle 18 de Pebble Beach Golf Links®, y los conocedores del arte y el estilo se reúnen para admirar estas obras maestras. Las donaciones benéficas recaudadas por Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® ahora suman más de $35 millones. Los eventos relacionados incluyen Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance™ presentado por Rolex, Pebble RetroAuto™ y Pebble Beach® Auctions presentado por Gooding & Company. Pebble Beach®, Pebble Beach Golf Links®, Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance®, Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance™, Pebble Beach RetroAuto™ y Pebble Beach® Automotive Week son marcas comerciales, marcas de servicio e imagen comercial de Pebble Beach Company. Reservados todos los derechos.
Pebble Beach Company, con sede en Pebble Beach, California, posee y opera los mundialmente famosos Pebble Beach Resorts®, incluidos The Lodge at Pebble Beach™, The Inn at Spanish Bay™ y Casa Palmero®. La compañía también opera cuatro campos de golf de renombre: Pebble Beach Golf Links®, Spyglass Hill® Golf Course, The Links at Spanish Bay™ y Del Monte™ Golf Course. Sus otras propiedades famosas incluyen el pintoresco 17-Mile Drive®, The Spa at Pebble Beach™, Pebble Beach Golf Academy™ y Pebble Beach® Equestrian Center. Anualmente alberga eventos de primer nivel como Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance®, AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, Callaway Pebble Beach Invitational presentado por EMC2, Pebble Beach Food & Wine y Nature Valley First Tee Open en Pebble Beach. Sitio del US Open Championship 2019, Pebble Beach Golf Links® ha sido sede de cinco US Open, cuatro US Amateurs, un PGA Championship y muchos otros torneos. Para reservas o más información llame al 800-654-9300 o visite . 12:31:572022-08-24 14:34:011932 DUESENBERG J FIGONI SPORTS TORPEDO NOMBRADO BEST OF SHOW EN EL 71ST PEBBLE BEACH CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE
PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. (August 21, 2022) — A unique Duesenberg reprised its early role as Concours winner by taking the top prize at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance.
This year, 220 cars from 19 countries and 33 states pulled onto the competition field of the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, and the car named Best of Show was the 1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo of Lee R. Anderson Sr.
“This rare Duesenberg marries American might with European style,” said Concours Chairman Sandra Button. “It did well in some early rallies and concours. Then, its history took a turn, with chassis separated from body. The story of its resurrection is one of pure passion.”
An American car last won Best of Show in 2013, when a 1934 Packard Twelve took the top spot. Duesenberg has long been the winningest American marque at Pebble Beach, with six prior wins; this win brings its total to seven.
“My goodness, we’re overwhelmed,” Penny Anderson exclaimed. “We just can’t believe we won Best of Show! We’ve met so many people through the years, enjoyed all the people that participate. It’s just a joy and an honor to be here.”
“We’ve been doing this for years, and we’ve come close in the past,“ said Lee, “but we’ve never won actually, so Penny is right, it’s overwhelming. All the preparation—the story behind this car is just amazing. There’s only one Figoni Duesenberg, ever ever, and it’s this one right here. So, it’s like all these things coming together to make a real champion. We’re so excited.”
This year’s race for Best of Show featured other strong contenders, including Fritz Burkard’s 1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupé, Sam and Emily Mann’s 1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet, and Merle and Peter Mullin’s 1951 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Stabilimenti Farina Cabriolet.
The Pebble Beach Concours raised more than $2.67 million for charity this year, bringing the event’s total charitable donations to over $35 million to date. Through the Pebble Beach Company Foundation, the primary charitable partner of the Concours, these funds will benefit more than 95 local charities, impacting the lives of more than 10,000 children annually in Monterey County.
Gooding & Company, the official auction house of the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, concluded its 18th annual Pebble Beach Auctions this weekend, realizing over $105 million in sales. Several star cars set new world records, including the 1990 Ferrari F40, which sold for $3,965,000, and the 1994 Bugatti EB110 Super Sport, which achieved $3,167,500. The top sale of the weekend was a stunningly elegant 1937 Bugatti Type 57SC Atalante, which achieved a final sale price of $10,345,000.
The 72nd Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance will take place on Sunday, August 20, 2023, and will celebrate famed coachbuilder Joseph Figoni and Pegaso. Additional 2023 features include Invicta, Mercedes-Benz S / SS / SSK, McLaren, Alvis, and American Dream Cars of the 1950s—with more features to be announced in the early fall. For more information on the Pebble Beach Concours visit
Complete List of 2022 Winners
1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo
Lee R. Anderson Sr., Naples, Florida
1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupe
The Pearl Collection/Fritz Burkard, Switzerland
1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet
Sam & Emily Mann, Englewood, New Jersey
1951 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Stabilimenti Farina Cabriolet
Merle & Peter Mullin, Los Angeles, California
Gwenn Graham Most Elegant Convertible
1932 Lincoln KB Murphy Roadster
John & Heather Mozart, Palo Alto, California
JB & Dorothy Nethercutt Most Elegant Closed Car
1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupe
The Pearl Collection/Fritz Burkard, Switzerland
Jules Heumann Most Elegant Open Car
1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo
Lee R. Anderson Sr., Naples, Florida
Strother MacMinn Most Elegant Sports Car
1957 Ferrari 250 GT LWB Zagato Berlinetta
Lee & Joan Herrington/The Herrington Collection, Bow, New Hampshire
1st: 1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet, Sam & Emily Mann, Englewood, New Jersey
2nd: 1938 Packard 1601 Eight Graber Cabriolet, Anne Brockinton Lee/The Robert M. Lee Automobile Collection, Sparks, Nevada
3rd: 1939 Delahaye 135 MS Graber Cabriolet, Peter Kappeler, Walchwil, Switzerland
Class P-2: Graber Coachwork Late
1st: 1953 Bentley Mark VI Graber Drophead Coupé, John Miller/John R Miller Enterprises, Salt Lake City, Utah
2nd: 1961 Alvis TD21 Graber Special Coupe, Ken Swanstrom, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
3rd: 1954 Aston Martin DB2/4 Graber Drophead Coupé, Gene Ponder, Marshall, Texas
Class R-1: 24 Hours of Le Mans Centennial Early
1st: 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO Scaglietti Berlinetta, David MacNeil, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
2nd: 1953 Jaguar Lightweight C-type Race Car, Time to Drive Collection, Charlottesville, Virginia
3rd: 1937 BMW 328 NSKK Race Car, Stephen Bruno, Boca Raton, Florida
Class R-2: 24 Hours of Le Mans Centennial Late
1st: 1979 Porsche 935 K3 Coupe, Bruce Meyer, Beverly Hills, California
2nd: 1965 Alfa Romeo TZ2 Zagato Competition Berlinetta, The William Lyon Family, Newport Beach, California
3rd: 1964 Alpine M64 Coupé, Mitch McCullough, Pompton Plains, New Jersey
Class S: Otto Vu
1st: 1953 Siata 208CS Balbo Coupe, Larry & Jane Solomon, Palo Alto, California
2nd: 1954 Fiat 8V Zagato Coupe, New Canaan, Connecticut
3rd: 1953 Siata 208S Motto Spider, Scott & Jamie Cielewich, Winter Park, Florida
Class V: 1932 Ford Historic Hot Rods
1st: 1932 Ford Bob McGee Roadster, Bruce Meyer, Beverly Hills, California
2nd: 1932 Ford Pacific Gunsight Special Roadster, Kim McCullough, Pompton Plains, New Jersey
3rd: 1932 Ford Ian Cusey Roadster, Robert Owens, Wellington, Texas
First conducted in 1950, Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® ( has grown to be the world’s premier celebration of the automobile. Only the most beautiful and rare cars are invited to appear on the famed 18th fairway of Pebble Beach Golf Links®, and connoisseurs of art and style gather to admire these masterpieces. Charitable donations raised by Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® now total more than $35 million. Related events include Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance™ presented by Rolex, Pebble RetroAuto™, and Pebble Beach® Auctions presented by Gooding & Company. Pebble Beach®, Pebble Beach Golf Links®, Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance®, Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance™, Pebble Beach RetroAuto™ and Pebble Beach® Automotive Week are trademarks, service marks and trade dress of Pebble Beach Company. All rights reserved.
Pebble Beach Company, headquartered in Pebble Beach, Calif., owns and operates the world-famous Pebble Beach Resorts®, including The Lodge at Pebble Beach™, The Inn at Spanish Bay™ and Casa Palmero®. The company also operates four renowned golf courses: Pebble Beach Golf Links®, Spyglass Hill® Golf Course, The Links at Spanish Bay™ and Del Monte™ Golf Course. Its other famed properties include scenic 17-Mile Drive®, The Spa at Pebble Beach™, Pebble Beach Golf Academy™ and Pebble Beach® Equestrian Center. It annually hosts premier events such as the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance®, AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, Callaway Pebble Beach Invitational presented by EMC2, Pebble Beach Food & Wine, and Nature Valley First Tee Open at Pebble Beach. Site of the 2019 U.S. Open Championship, Pebble Beach Golf Links® has hosted five U.S. Opens, four U.S. Amateurs, one PGA Championship and numerous other tournaments. For reservations or more information please call 800-654-9300 or visit . 12:31:572022-08-24 12:31:571932 DUESENBERG J FIGONI SPORTS TORPEDO NAMED BEST OF SHOW AT THE 71ST PEBBLE BEACH CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE
PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. (August 21, 2022) — A unique Duesenberg reprised its early role as Concours winner by taking the top prize at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance.
This year, 220 cars from 19 countries and 33 states pulled onto the competition field of the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, and the car named Best of Show was the 1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo of Lee R. Anderson Sr.
“This rare Duesenberg marries American might with European style,” said Concours Chairman Sandra Button. “It did well in some early rallies and concours. Then, its history took a turn, with chassis separated from body. The story of its resurrection is one of pure passion.”
An American car last won Best of Show in 2013, when a 1934 Packard Twelve took the top spot. Duesenberg has long been the winningest American marque at Pebble Beach, with six prior wins; this win brings its total to seven.
“My goodness, we’re overwhelmed,” Penny Anderson exclaimed. “We just can’t believe we won Best of Show! We’ve met so many people through the years, enjoyed all the people that participate. It’s just a joy and an honor to be here.”
“We’ve been doing this for years, and we’ve come close in the past,“ said Lee, “but we’ve never won actually, so Penny is right, it’s overwhelming. All the preparation—the story behind this car is just amazing. There’s only one Figoni Duesenberg, ever ever, and it’s this one right here. So, it’s like all these things coming together to make a real champion. We’re so excited.”
This year’s race for Best of Show featured other strong contenders, including Fritz Burkard’s 1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupé, Sam and Emily Mann’s 1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet, and Merle and Peter Mullin’s 1951 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Stabilimenti Farina Cabriolet.
The Pebble Beach Concours raised more than $2.67 million for charity this year, bringing the event’s total charitable donations to over $35 million to date. Through the Pebble Beach Company Foundation, the primary charitable partner of the Concours, these funds will benefit more than 95 local charities, impacting the lives of more than 10,000 children annually in Monterey County.
Gooding & Company, the official auction house of the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, concluded its 18th annual Pebble Beach Auctions this weekend, realizing over $105 million in sales. Several star cars set new world records, including the 1990 Ferrari F40, which sold for $3,965,000, and the 1994 Bugatti EB110 Super Sport, which achieved $3,167,500. The top sale of the weekend was a stunningly elegant 1937 Bugatti Type 57SC Atalante, which achieved a final sale price of $10,345,000.
The 72nd Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance will take place on Sunday, August 20, 2023, and will celebrate famed coachbuilder Joseph Figoni and Pegaso. Additional 2023 features include Invicta, Mercedes-Benz S / SS / SSK, McLaren, Alvis, and American Dream Cars of the 1950s—with more features to be announced in the early fall. For more information on the Pebble Beach Concours visit
Complete List of 2022 Winners
1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo
Lee R. Anderson Sr., Naples, Florida
1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupe
The Pearl Collection/Fritz Burkard, Switzerland
1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet
Sam & Emily Mann, Englewood, New Jersey
1951 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Stabilimenti Farina Cabriolet
Merle & Peter Mullin, Los Angeles, California
Gwenn Graham Most Elegant Convertible
1932 Lincoln KB Murphy Roadster
John & Heather Mozart, Palo Alto, California
JB & Dorothy Nethercutt Most Elegant Closed Car
1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupe
The Pearl Collection/Fritz Burkard, Switzerland
Jules Heumann Most Elegant Open Car
1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo
Lee R. Anderson Sr., Naples, Florida
Strother MacMinn Most Elegant Sports Car
1957 Ferrari 250 GT LWB Zagato Berlinetta
Lee & Joan Herrington/The Herrington Collection, Bow, New Hampshire
1st: 1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet, Sam & Emily Mann, Englewood, New Jersey
2nd: 1938 Packard 1601 Eight Graber Cabriolet, Anne Brockinton Lee/The Robert M. Lee Automobile Collection, Sparks, Nevada
3rd: 1939 Delahaye 135 MS Graber Cabriolet, Peter Kappeler, Walchwil, Switzerland
Class P-2: Graber Coachwork Late
1st: 1953 Bentley Mark VI Graber Drophead Coupé, John Miller/John R Miller Enterprises, Salt Lake City, Utah
2nd: 1961 Alvis TD21 Graber Special Coupe, Ken Swanstrom, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
3rd: 1954 Aston Martin DB2/4 Graber Drophead Coupé, Gene Ponder, Marshall, Texas
Class R-1: 24 Hours of Le Mans Centennial Early
1st: 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO Scaglietti Berlinetta, David MacNeil, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
2nd: 1953 Jaguar Lightweight C-type Race Car, Time to Drive Collection, Charlottesville, Virginia
3rd: 1937 BMW 328 NSKK Race Car, Stephen Bruno, Boca Raton, Florida
Class R-2: 24 Hours of Le Mans Centennial Late
1st: 1979 Porsche 935 K3 Coupe, Bruce Meyer, Beverly Hills, California
2nd: 1965 Alfa Romeo TZ2 Zagato Competition Berlinetta, The William Lyon Family, Newport Beach, California
3rd: 1964 Alpine M64 Coupé, Mitch McCullough, Pompton Plains, New Jersey
Class S: Otto Vu
1st: 1953 Siata 208CS Balbo Coupe, Larry & Jane Solomon, Palo Alto, California
2nd: 1954 Fiat 8V Zagato Coupe, New Canaan, Connecticut
3rd: 1953 Siata 208S Motto Spider, Scott & Jamie Cielewich, Winter Park, Florida
Class V: 1932 Ford Historic Hot Rods
1st: 1932 Ford Bob McGee Roadster, Bruce Meyer, Beverly Hills, California
2nd: 1932 Ford Pacific Gunsight Special Roadster, Kim McCullough, Pompton Plains, New Jersey
3rd: 1932 Ford Ian Cusey Roadster, Robert Owens, Wellington, Texas
First conducted in 1950, Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® ( has grown to be the world’s premier celebration of the automobile. Only the most beautiful and rare cars are invited to appear on the famed 18th fairway of Pebble Beach Golf Links®, and connoisseurs of art and style gather to admire these masterpieces. Charitable donations raised by Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® now total more than $35 million. Related events include Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance™ presented by Rolex, Pebble RetroAuto™, and Pebble Beach® Auctions presented by Gooding & Company. Pebble Beach®, Pebble Beach Golf Links®, Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance®, Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance™, Pebble Beach RetroAuto™ and Pebble Beach® Automotive Week are trademarks, service marks and trade dress of Pebble Beach Company. All rights reserved.
Pebble Beach Company, headquartered in Pebble Beach, Calif., owns and operates the world-famous Pebble Beach Resorts®, including The Lodge at Pebble Beach™, The Inn at Spanish Bay™ and Casa Palmero®. The company also operates four renowned golf courses: Pebble Beach Golf Links®, Spyglass Hill® Golf Course, The Links at Spanish Bay™ and Del Monte™ Golf Course. Its other famed properties include scenic 17-Mile Drive®, The Spa at Pebble Beach™, Pebble Beach Golf Academy™ and Pebble Beach® Equestrian Center. It annually hosts premier events such as the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance®, AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, Callaway Pebble Beach Invitational presented by EMC2, Pebble Beach Food & Wine, and Nature Valley First Tee Open at Pebble Beach. Site of the 2019 U.S. Open Championship, Pebble Beach Golf Links® has hosted five U.S. Opens, four U.S. Amateurs, one PGA Championship and numerous other tournaments. For reservations or more information please call 800-654-9300 or visit . 12:31:572022-08-24 12:31:571932 DUESENBERG J FIGONI SPORTS TORPEDO NAMED BEST OF SHOW AT THE 71ST PEBBLE BEACH CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE
PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. (August 21, 2022) — A unique Duesenberg reprised its early role as Concours winner by taking the top prize at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance.
This year, 220 cars from 19 countries and 33 states pulled onto the competition field of the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, and the car named Best of Show was the 1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo of Lee R. Anderson Sr.
“This rare Duesenberg marries American might with European style,” said Concours Chairman Sandra Button. “It did well in some early rallies and concours. Then, its history took a turn, with chassis separated from body. The story of its resurrection is one of pure passion.”
An American car last won Best of Show in 2013, when a 1934 Packard Twelve took the top spot. Duesenberg has long been the winningest American marque at Pebble Beach, with six prior wins; this win brings its total to seven.
“My goodness, we’re overwhelmed,” Penny Anderson exclaimed. “We just can’t believe we won Best of Show! We’ve met so many people through the years, enjoyed all the people that participate. It’s just a joy and an honor to be here.”
“We’ve been doing this for years, and we’ve come close in the past,“ said Lee, “but we’ve never won actually, so Penny is right, it’s overwhelming. All the preparation—the story behind this car is just amazing. There’s only one Figoni Duesenberg, ever ever, and it’s this one right here. So, it’s like all these things coming together to make a real champion. We’re so excited.”
This year’s race for Best of Show featured other strong contenders, including Fritz Burkard’s 1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupé, Sam and Emily Mann’s 1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet, and Merle and Peter Mullin’s 1951 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Stabilimenti Farina Cabriolet.
The Pebble Beach Concours raised more than $2.67 million for charity this year, bringing the event’s total charitable donations to over $35 million to date. Through the Pebble Beach Company Foundation, the primary charitable partner of the Concours, these funds will benefit more than 95 local charities, impacting the lives of more than 10,000 children annually in Monterey County.
Gooding & Company, the official auction house of the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, concluded its 18th annual Pebble Beach Auctions this weekend, realizing over $105 million in sales. Several star cars set new world records, including the 1990 Ferrari F40, which sold for $3,965,000, and the 1994 Bugatti EB110 Super Sport, which achieved $3,167,500. The top sale of the weekend was a stunningly elegant 1937 Bugatti Type 57SC Atalante, which achieved a final sale price of $10,345,000.
The 72nd Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance will take place on Sunday, August 20, 2023, and will celebrate famed coachbuilder Joseph Figoni and Pegaso. Additional 2023 features include Invicta, Mercedes-Benz S / SS / SSK, McLaren, Alvis, and American Dream Cars of the 1950s—with more features to be announced in the early fall. For more information on the Pebble Beach Concours visit
Complete List of 2022 Winners
1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo
Lee R. Anderson Sr., Naples, Florida
1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupe
The Pearl Collection/Fritz Burkard, Switzerland
1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet
Sam & Emily Mann, Englewood, New Jersey
1951 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Stabilimenti Farina Cabriolet
Merle & Peter Mullin, Los Angeles, California
Gwenn Graham Most Elegant Convertible
1932 Lincoln KB Murphy Roadster
John & Heather Mozart, Palo Alto, California
JB & Dorothy Nethercutt Most Elegant Closed Car
1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupe
The Pearl Collection/Fritz Burkard, Switzerland
Jules Heumann Most Elegant Open Car
1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo
Lee R. Anderson Sr., Naples, Florida
Strother MacMinn Most Elegant Sports Car
1957 Ferrari 250 GT LWB Zagato Berlinetta
Lee & Joan Herrington/The Herrington Collection, Bow, New Hampshire
1st: 1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet, Sam & Emily Mann, Englewood, New Jersey
2nd: 1938 Packard 1601 Eight Graber Cabriolet, Anne Brockinton Lee/The Robert M. Lee Automobile Collection, Sparks, Nevada
3rd: 1939 Delahaye 135 MS Graber Cabriolet, Peter Kappeler, Walchwil, Switzerland
Class P-2: Graber Coachwork Late
1st: 1953 Bentley Mark VI Graber Drophead Coupé, John Miller/John R Miller Enterprises, Salt Lake City, Utah
2nd: 1961 Alvis TD21 Graber Special Coupe, Ken Swanstrom, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
3rd: 1954 Aston Martin DB2/4 Graber Drophead Coupé, Gene Ponder, Marshall, Texas
Class R-1: 24 Hours of Le Mans Centennial Early
1st: 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO Scaglietti Berlinetta, David MacNeil, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
2nd: 1953 Jaguar Lightweight C-type Race Car, Time to Drive Collection, Charlottesville, Virginia
3rd: 1937 BMW 328 NSKK Race Car, Stephen Bruno, Boca Raton, Florida
Class R-2: 24 Hours of Le Mans Centennial Late
1st: 1979 Porsche 935 K3 Coupe, Bruce Meyer, Beverly Hills, California
2nd: 1965 Alfa Romeo TZ2 Zagato Competition Berlinetta, The William Lyon Family, Newport Beach, California
3rd: 1964 Alpine M64 Coupé, Mitch McCullough, Pompton Plains, New Jersey
Class S: Otto Vu
1st: 1953 Siata 208CS Balbo Coupe, Larry & Jane Solomon, Palo Alto, California
2nd: 1954 Fiat 8V Zagato Coupe, New Canaan, Connecticut
3rd: 1953 Siata 208S Motto Spider, Scott & Jamie Cielewich, Winter Park, Florida
Class V: 1932 Ford Historic Hot Rods
1st: 1932 Ford Bob McGee Roadster, Bruce Meyer, Beverly Hills, California
2nd: 1932 Ford Pacific Gunsight Special Roadster, Kim McCullough, Pompton Plains, New Jersey
3rd: 1932 Ford Ian Cusey Roadster, Robert Owens, Wellington, Texas
First conducted in 1950, Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® ( has grown to be the world’s premier celebration of the automobile. Only the most beautiful and rare cars are invited to appear on the famed 18th fairway of Pebble Beach Golf Links®, and connoisseurs of art and style gather to admire these masterpieces. Charitable donations raised by Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® now total more than $35 million. Related events include Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance™ presented by Rolex, Pebble RetroAuto™, and Pebble Beach® Auctions presented by Gooding & Company. Pebble Beach®, Pebble Beach Golf Links®, Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance®, Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance™, Pebble Beach RetroAuto™ and Pebble Beach® Automotive Week are trademarks, service marks and trade dress of Pebble Beach Company. All rights reserved.
Pebble Beach Company, headquartered in Pebble Beach, Calif., owns and operates the world-famous Pebble Beach Resorts®, including The Lodge at Pebble Beach™, The Inn at Spanish Bay™ and Casa Palmero®. The company also operates four renowned golf courses: Pebble Beach Golf Links®, Spyglass Hill® Golf Course, The Links at Spanish Bay™ and Del Monte™ Golf Course. Its other famed properties include scenic 17-Mile Drive®, The Spa at Pebble Beach™, Pebble Beach Golf Academy™ and Pebble Beach® Equestrian Center. It annually hosts premier events such as the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance®, AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, Callaway Pebble Beach Invitational presented by EMC2, Pebble Beach Food & Wine, and Nature Valley First Tee Open at Pebble Beach. Site of the 2019 U.S. Open Championship, Pebble Beach Golf Links® has hosted five U.S. Opens, four U.S. Amateurs, one PGA Championship and numerous other tournaments. For reservations or more information please call 800-654-9300 or visit . 12:31:572022-08-24 12:31:571932 DUESENBERG J FIGONI SPORTS TORPEDO NAMED BEST OF SHOW AT THE 71ST PEBBLE BEACH CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE
PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. (August 21, 2022) — A unique Duesenberg reprised its early role as Concours winner by taking the top prize at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance.
This year, 220 cars from 19 countries and 33 states pulled onto the competition field of the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, and the car named Best of Show was the 1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo of Lee R. Anderson Sr.
“This rare Duesenberg marries American might with European style,” said Concours Chairman Sandra Button. “It did well in some early rallies and concours. Then, its history took a turn, with chassis separated from body. The story of its resurrection is one of pure passion.”
An American car last won Best of Show in 2013, when a 1934 Packard Twelve took the top spot. Duesenberg has long been the winningest American marque at Pebble Beach, with six prior wins; this win brings its total to seven.
“My goodness, we’re overwhelmed,” Penny Anderson exclaimed. “We just can’t believe we won Best of Show! We’ve met so many people through the years, enjoyed all the people that participate. It’s just a joy and an honor to be here.”
“We’ve been doing this for years, and we’ve come close in the past,“ said Lee, “but we’ve never won actually, so Penny is right, it’s overwhelming. All the preparation—the story behind this car is just amazing. There’s only one Figoni Duesenberg, ever ever, and it’s this one right here. So, it’s like all these things coming together to make a real champion. We’re so excited.”
This year’s race for Best of Show featured other strong contenders, including Fritz Burkard’s 1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupé, Sam and Emily Mann’s 1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet, and Merle and Peter Mullin’s 1951 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Stabilimenti Farina Cabriolet.
The Pebble Beach Concours raised more than $2.67 million for charity this year, bringing the event’s total charitable donations to over $35 million to date. Through the Pebble Beach Company Foundation, the primary charitable partner of the Concours, these funds will benefit more than 95 local charities, impacting the lives of more than 10,000 children annually in Monterey County.
Gooding & Company, the official auction house of the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, concluded its 18th annual Pebble Beach Auctions this weekend, realizing over $105 million in sales. Several star cars set new world records, including the 1990 Ferrari F40, which sold for $3,965,000, and the 1994 Bugatti EB110 Super Sport, which achieved $3,167,500. The top sale of the weekend was a stunningly elegant 1937 Bugatti Type 57SC Atalante, which achieved a final sale price of $10,345,000.
The 72nd Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance will take place on Sunday, August 20, 2023, and will celebrate famed coachbuilder Joseph Figoni and Pegaso. Additional 2023 features include Invicta, Mercedes-Benz S / SS / SSK, McLaren, Alvis, and American Dream Cars of the 1950s—with more features to be announced in the early fall. For more information on the Pebble Beach Concours visit
Complete List of 2022 Winners
1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo
Lee R. Anderson Sr., Naples, Florida
1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupe
The Pearl Collection/Fritz Burkard, Switzerland
1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet
Sam & Emily Mann, Englewood, New Jersey
1951 Talbot-Lago T26 Grand Sport Stabilimenti Farina Cabriolet
Merle & Peter Mullin, Los Angeles, California
Gwenn Graham Most Elegant Convertible
1932 Lincoln KB Murphy Roadster
John & Heather Mozart, Palo Alto, California
JB & Dorothy Nethercutt Most Elegant Closed Car
1937 Talbot-Lago T150C-SS Figoni & Falaschi Teardrop Coupe
The Pearl Collection/Fritz Burkard, Switzerland
Jules Heumann Most Elegant Open Car
1932 Duesenberg J Figoni Sports Torpedo
Lee R. Anderson Sr., Naples, Florida
Strother MacMinn Most Elegant Sports Car
1957 Ferrari 250 GT LWB Zagato Berlinetta
Lee & Joan Herrington/The Herrington Collection, Bow, New Hampshire
1st: 1930 Duesenberg J Graber Cabriolet, Sam & Emily Mann, Englewood, New Jersey
2nd: 1938 Packard 1601 Eight Graber Cabriolet, Anne Brockinton Lee/The Robert M. Lee Automobile Collection, Sparks, Nevada
3rd: 1939 Delahaye 135 MS Graber Cabriolet, Peter Kappeler, Walchwil, Switzerland
Class P-2: Graber Coachwork Late
1st: 1953 Bentley Mark VI Graber Drophead Coupé, John Miller/John R Miller Enterprises, Salt Lake City, Utah
2nd: 1961 Alvis TD21 Graber Special Coupe, Ken Swanstrom, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
3rd: 1954 Aston Martin DB2/4 Graber Drophead Coupé, Gene Ponder, Marshall, Texas
Class R-1: 24 Hours of Le Mans Centennial Early
1st: 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO Scaglietti Berlinetta, David MacNeil, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
2nd: 1953 Jaguar Lightweight C-type Race Car, Time to Drive Collection, Charlottesville, Virginia
3rd: 1937 BMW 328 NSKK Race Car, Stephen Bruno, Boca Raton, Florida
Class R-2: 24 Hours of Le Mans Centennial Late
1st: 1979 Porsche 935 K3 Coupe, Bruce Meyer, Beverly Hills, California
2nd: 1965 Alfa Romeo TZ2 Zagato Competition Berlinetta, The William Lyon Family, Newport Beach, California
3rd: 1964 Alpine M64 Coupé, Mitch McCullough, Pompton Plains, New Jersey
Class S: Otto Vu
1st: 1953 Siata 208CS Balbo Coupe, Larry & Jane Solomon, Palo Alto, California
2nd: 1954 Fiat 8V Zagato Coupe, New Canaan, Connecticut
3rd: 1953 Siata 208S Motto Spider, Scott & Jamie Cielewich, Winter Park, Florida
Class V: 1932 Ford Historic Hot Rods
1st: 1932 Ford Bob McGee Roadster, Bruce Meyer, Beverly Hills, California
2nd: 1932 Ford Pacific Gunsight Special Roadster, Kim McCullough, Pompton Plains, New Jersey
3rd: 1932 Ford Ian Cusey Roadster, Robert Owens, Wellington, Texas
First conducted in 1950, Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® ( has grown to be the world’s premier celebration of the automobile. Only the most beautiful and rare cars are invited to appear on the famed 18th fairway of Pebble Beach Golf Links®, and connoisseurs of art and style gather to admire these masterpieces. Charitable donations raised by Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance® now total more than $35 million. Related events include Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance™ presented by Rolex, Pebble RetroAuto™, and Pebble Beach® Auctions presented by Gooding & Company. Pebble Beach®, Pebble Beach Golf Links®, Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance®, Pebble Beach Tour d’Elegance™, Pebble Beach RetroAuto™ and Pebble Beach® Automotive Week are trademarks, service marks and trade dress of Pebble Beach Company. All rights reserved.
Pebble Beach Company, headquartered in Pebble Beach, Calif., owns and operates the world-famous Pebble Beach Resorts®, including The Lodge at Pebble Beach™, The Inn at Spanish Bay™ and Casa Palmero®. The company also operates four renowned golf courses: Pebble Beach Golf Links®, Spyglass Hill® Golf Course, The Links at Spanish Bay™ and Del Monte™ Golf Course. Its other famed properties include scenic 17-Mile Drive®, The Spa at Pebble Beach™, Pebble Beach Golf Academy™ and Pebble Beach® Equestrian Center. It annually hosts premier events such as the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance®, AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, Callaway Pebble Beach Invitational presented by EMC2, Pebble Beach Food & Wine, and Nature Valley First Tee Open at Pebble Beach. Site of the 2019 U.S. Open Championship, Pebble Beach Golf Links® has hosted five U.S. Opens, four U.S. Amateurs, one PGA Championship and numerous other tournaments. For reservations or more information please call 800-654-9300 or visit . 12:31:572022-08-24 12:31:571932 DUESENBERG J FIGONI SPORTS TORPEDO NAMED BEST OF SHOW AT THE 71ST PEBBLE BEACH CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE
Presentamos Motorlux, un evento reinventado que se basa en el legado de Motorworks Revival de McCall
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan 2022 /PRNewswire/ – Hagerty se complace en anunciar Motorlux, una nueva versión de la fiesta inaugural de la Semana del Automóvil de Monterey que se basa en el renacimiento de Motorworks de McCall. Al regresar al Monterey Jet Center el miércoles 17 de agosto de 2022, Motorlux se mantiene fiel a sus elegantes raíces de entretenimiento mientras crea experiencias elevadas y artísticamente seleccionadas que celebran la cultura automotriz, aeronáutica y culinaria.
“Agradecemos a Gordon y Molly McCall por confiarnos como administradores de esta prestigiosa reunión que fundaron y convirtieron en un evento de clase mundial”, dijo Soon Hagerty, vicepresidente sénior de marca de Hagerty. “Monterey Car Week es el evento automotriz anual más esperado y estamos dedicados a garantizar que Motorlux siga siendo la celebración de referencia de automóviles, artesanía y comunidad que prepara el escenario para los días venideros”.
Con refinamientos en todo, Motorlux presentará un enfoque temático de alimentos y bebidas con menús y cócteles exclusivos creados por expertos culinarios locales. Las exhibiciones inmersivas, que muestran a los innovadores de la automoción, la aviación, la moda y el diseño, prepararán el escenario para la creación de redes y la comunidad, alentadas por un nuevo concepto de asientos en todo el hangar.
Como novedad este año, Motorlux y el Monterey Jet Center servirán como una plataforma de subastas automotrices en vivo. La subasta boutique, que ofrece aproximadamente 80 automóviles excepcionales, será presentada por Broad Arrow Auctions y su equipo de veteranos de la industria. La vista previa de la subasta está programada para el miércoles 17 de agosto, con la venta programada para el jueves 18 de agosto. Se puede encontrar información adicional sobre la subasta en .
Motorlux se enorgullece de continuar apoyando a la Fundación CHP 11-99, una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) dedicada a ayudar a las familias de los oficiales de la Patrulla de Caminos de California en tiempos de necesidad. Desde 1982, la Fundación 11-99 ha brindado más de $42 millones en asistencia, incluidos $35 millones en becas académicas y vocacionales.
“Nos encanta la misión de la Fundación CHP 11-99 y estamos muy orgullosos de ayudarlos a brindar asistencia de emergencia y becas a las familias de los oficiales de la Patrulla de Caminos de California”, dijo McKeel Hagerty, director ejecutivo de Hagerty. “Las donaciones benéficas siempre han sido parte integral de este evento. Queremos honrar ese legado construyendo sobre esta maravillosa tradición como parte de nuestro compromiso de hacer el bien haciendo el bien”.
Los paquetes de entradas para Motorlux ya están a la venta. El estacionamiento en el lugar ahora está incluido con todos los paquetes de boletos, lo que agrega un nivel de conveniencia y exclusividad a la noche.
Acerca de Motorlux Motorlux es una nueva versión de la fiesta inaugural de la Semana del Automóvil de Monterey, con un enfoque en los automóviles, la artesanía y la comunidad. Volviendo al Monterey Jet Center el 17 de agosto de 2022, Motorlux se mantiene fiel a sus raíces entretenidas y elegantes mientras se eleva con experiencias cuidadosamente seleccionadas que celebran la automoción, la aviación, la moda y el diseño. Para obtener más información, visite el sitio web de Motorlux en .
Acerca de Hagerty, Inc. (NYSE: HGTY) Con sede en Traverse City, Michigan, el propósito de Hagerty es salvar la cultura del automóvil y la conducción para las generaciones futuras y su misión es construir un negocio global para financiar ese propósito. Hagerty es una marca de entusiastas de la automoción que ofrece productos y programas de membresía integrados, así como un proveedor de seguros especializado centrado en el mercado global de entusiastas de la automoción. Hagerty es el hogar de Hagerty Drivers Club, Hagerty DriveShare, Hagerty Valuation Tools, Hagerty Media, la revista Hagerty Drivers Club, MotorsportReg, Hagerty Garage + Social, The Amelia, Detroit Concours d’Elegance, Greenwich Concours d’Elegance, California Mille, Motorlux, Hagerty Drivers Foundation y más. Para obtener más información sobre Hagerty, visite o conéctese con nosotros en Facebook , Instagram y Twitter . Se puede encontrar más información en .
Declaraciones prospectivas Este comunicado de prensa contiene declaraciones a futuro dentro del significado de la Ley de Reforma de Litigios de Valores Privados de 1995. Estas declaraciones a futuro reflejan las intenciones, expectativas o creencias actuales de Hagerty con respecto a su negocio. Estas declaraciones pueden ir precedidas, seguidas o incluir las palabras “objetivo”, “anticipar”, “creer”, “estimar”, “esperar”, “pronosticar”, “pretender”, “probable”, “perspectiva”, ” plan”, “potencial”, “proyecto”, “proyección”, “buscar”, “puede”, “could”, “may”, “should”, “would”, “will”, los negativos de los mismos y otras palabras y términos de significado similar. Las declaraciones prospectivas incluyen todas las declaraciones que no son hechos históricos. Tales declaraciones a futuro están sujetas a varios riesgos e incertidumbres. Respectivamente, hay o habrá factores importantes que podrían causar que los resultados reales difieran materialmente de los indicados en estas declaraciones. Los factores que pueden hacer que nuestras decisiones o resultados reales difieran materialmente de los contemplados en estas declaraciones prospectivas incluyen: (i) la capacidad de Hagerty para reconocer los beneficios anticipados del tema de este comunicado, que puede verse afectado, entre otras cosas, por la competencia y la capacidad de Hagerty para crecer y gestionar la rentabilidad del crecimiento; (ii) el desempeño financiero futuro de Hagerty; (iii) nuevos participantes en el mercado o competidores actuales de Hagerty que desarrollen ofertas A preferidas; (iv) la pérdida de uno o más de los socios de distribución de Hagerty; (v) la incapacidad de Hagerty para prevenir, controlar o detectar actividades fraudulentas, incluyendo transacciones con pólizas de seguros o pagos de siniestros; (vi) la capacidad de Hagerty para atraer y retener miembros; (vii) la capacidad de Hagerty para prevenir ciberataques o violaciones de la seguridad de los datos; (viii) cambios regulatorios que afecten a Hagerty; (ix) aumentos inesperados en la frecuencia o gravedad de las reclamaciones de seguros contra Hagerty; y otros riesgos e incertidumbres enumerados en el Formulario S-1 de Hagerty presentado ante la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores de EE. UU. el 21 de diciembre de 2021. No hay garantía de que se materialicen las declaraciones prospectivas. Se le advierte que no confíe indebidamente en las declaraciones prospectivas, que reflejan las expectativas solo a partir de esta fecha. Hagerty no asume ninguna obligación de actualizar o revisar públicamente ninguna declaración prospectiva, ya sea como resultado de nueva información, desarrollos futuros o de otra manera,
Cualquier declaración prospectiva se refiere solo a la fecha en que se realiza, y Hagerty no asume ninguna obligación de actualizar las declaraciones prospectivas para reflejar eventos o circunstancias posteriores a la fecha en que se realizaron, ya sea como resultado de nueva información, futuros eventos o de otra manera, excepto según lo exijan las leyes de valores aplicables. 20:10:292023-01-30 13:16:16Presentamos Motorlux, un evento reinventado que se basa en el legado de Motorworks Revival de McCall
Introducing Motorlux, a Reimagined Event that Builds on McCall’s Motorworks Revival’s Legacy
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. 2022 /PRNewswire/ – Hagerty is excited to announce Motorlux, a fresh take on Monterey Car Week’s kick-off party which builds on the foundation of McCall’s Motorworks Revival. Returning to the Monterey Jet Center on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, Motorlux remains faithful to its elegant entertaining roots while creating elevated and artfully curated experiences that celebrate automotive, aviation and culinary culture.
“We are grateful to Gordon and Molly McCall for entrusting us as stewards of this prestigious gathering that they founded and grew into a world-class event,” said Soon Hagerty, Senior Vice President of Brand, Hagerty. “Monterey Car Week is the most anticipated annual automotive event and we’re dedicated to ensuring that Motorlux remains the benchmark celebration of cars, craft and community that sets the stage for the days to come.”
With refinements throughout, Motorlux will feature a themed approach to food and beverage with menus and signature cocktails created by local culinary experts. Immersive displays, showcasing automotive, aviation, fashion and design innovators will set the stage for networking and community, encouraged by a new seating concept throughout the hangar.
New this year, Motorlux and the Monterey Jet Center will serve as a live automotive auction platform. The boutique auction, offering approximately 80 exceptional motor cars, will be presented by Broad Arrow Auctions and its team of industry veterans. The auction preview is set to take place on Wednesday, August 17, with the sale scheduled for Thursday, August 18. Additional information on the auction can be found at
Motorlux is proud to continue to support the CHP 11-99 Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping families of California Highway Patrol officers in times of need. Since 1982, the 11-99 Foundation has provided over $42 million in assistance, including $35 million in vocational and academic scholarships.
“We love the CHP 11-99 Foundation’s mission and we are so proud to help them provide emergency assistance and scholarship support to the families of California Highway Patrol officers,” said McKeel Hagerty, CEO of Hagerty. “Charitable giving has always been integral to this event. We want to honor that legacy by building on this wonderful tradition as part of our commitment to doing well by doing good.”
Ticket packages for Motorlux are now on sale. Onsite parking is now included with all ticket packages, adding a level of convenience and exclusivity to the evening.
About Motorlux Motorlux is a fresh take on Monterey Car Week’s kick-off party with a focus on cars, craft and community. Returning to the Monterey Jet Center on August 17, 2022, Motorlux remains faithful to its entertaining and elegant roots while elevated with artfully curated experiences celebrating automotive, aviation, fashion and design. For more visit the Motorlux website at
About Hagerty, Inc. (NYSE: HGTY) Based in Traverse City, Michigan, Hagerty’s purpose is to save driving and car culture for future generations and its mission is to build a global business to fund that purpose. Hagerty is an automotive enthusiast brand offering integrated membership products and programs as well as a specialty insurance provider focused on the global automotive enthusiast market. Hagerty is home to Hagerty Drivers Club, Hagerty DriveShare, Hagerty Valuation Tools, Hagerty Media, Hagerty Drivers Club magazine, MotorsportReg, Hagerty Garage + Social, The Amelia, Detroit Concours d’Elegance, Greenwich Concours d’Elegance, California Mille, Motorlux, Hagerty Drivers Foundation and more. For more information on Hagerty, please visit, or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. More information can be found at
Forward Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements reflect Hagerty’s current intentions, expectations, or beliefs regarding its business. These statements may be preceded by, followed by or include the words “aim,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “likely,” “outlook,” “plan,” “potential,” “project,” “projection,” “seek,” “can,” “could,” “may,” “should,” “would,” “will,” the negatives thereof and other words and terms of similar meaning. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not historical facts. Such forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, there are or will be important factors that could cause actual outcomes or results to differ materially from those indicated in these statements. Factors that may cause our actual decisions or results to differ materially from those contemplated by these forward-looking statements include: (i) Hagerty’s ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the subject of this release, which may be affected by, among other things, competition and the ability of Hagerty to grow and management growth profitability; (ii) the future financial performance of Hagerty; (iii) new entrants into the market or current competitors of Hagerty developing preferred Aofferings; (iv) the loss of one or more of Hagerty’s distribution partners; (v) Hagerty’s inability to prevent, monitor, or detect fraudulent activity, including transactions with insurance policies or payments of claims; (vi) Hagerty’s ability to attract and retain members; (vii) Hagerty’s ability to prevent cyberattacks or breaches of data security; (viii) regulatory changes affecting Hagerty; (ix) unexpected increases in the frequency or severity of insurance claims against Hagerty; and other risks and uncertainties listed in Hagerty’s Form S-1 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on December 21, 2021. There is no assurance that any forward-looking statements will materialize. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which reflect expectations only as of this date. Hagerty does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise, except as required by law.
Any forward-looking statement speaks only at the date on which it is made, and Hagerty does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date they were made, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities laws. 20:10:292022-07-05 20:10:29Introducing Motorlux, a Reimagined Event that Builds on McCall’s Motorworks Revival’s Legacy 2022
Introducing Motorlux, a Reimagined Event that Builds on McCall’s Motorworks Revival’s Legacy
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. 2022 /PRNewswire/ – Hagerty is excited to announce Motorlux, a fresh take on Monterey Car Week’s kick-off party which builds on the foundation of McCall’s Motorworks Revival. Returning to the Monterey Jet Center on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, Motorlux remains faithful to its elegant entertaining roots while creating elevated and artfully curated experiences that celebrate automotive, aviation and culinary culture.
“We are grateful to Gordon and Molly McCall for entrusting us as stewards of this prestigious gathering that they founded and grew into a world-class event,” said Soon Hagerty, Senior Vice President of Brand, Hagerty. “Monterey Car Week is the most anticipated annual automotive event and we’re dedicated to ensuring that Motorlux remains the benchmark celebration of cars, craft and community that sets the stage for the days to come.”
With refinements throughout, Motorlux will feature a themed approach to food and beverage with menus and signature cocktails created by local culinary experts. Immersive displays, showcasing automotive, aviation, fashion and design innovators will set the stage for networking and community, encouraged by a new seating concept throughout the hangar.
New this year, Motorlux and the Monterey Jet Center will serve as a live automotive auction platform. The boutique auction, offering approximately 80 exceptional motor cars, will be presented by Broad Arrow Auctions and its team of industry veterans. The auction preview is set to take place on Wednesday, August 17, with the sale scheduled for Thursday, August 18. Additional information on the auction can be found at
Motorlux is proud to continue to support the CHP 11-99 Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to helping families of California Highway Patrol officers in times of need. Since 1982, the 11-99 Foundation has provided over $42 million in assistance, including $35 million in vocational and academic scholarships.
“We love the CHP 11-99 Foundation’s mission and we are so proud to help them provide emergency assistance and scholarship support to the families of California Highway Patrol officers,” said McKeel Hagerty, CEO of Hagerty. “Charitable giving has always been integral to this event. We want to honor that legacy by building on this wonderful tradition as part of our commitment to doing well by doing good.”
Ticket packages for Motorlux are now on sale. Onsite parking is now included with all ticket packages, adding a level of convenience and exclusivity to the evening.
About Motorlux Motorlux is a fresh take on Monterey Car Week’s kick-off party with a focus on cars, craft and community. Returning to the Monterey Jet Center on August 17, 2022, Motorlux remains faithful to its entertaining and elegant roots while elevated with artfully curated experiences celebrating automotive, aviation, fashion and design. For more visit the Motorlux website at
About Hagerty, Inc. (NYSE: HGTY) Based in Traverse City, Michigan, Hagerty’s purpose is to save driving and car culture for future generations and its mission is to build a global business to fund that purpose. Hagerty is an automotive enthusiast brand offering integrated membership products and programs as well as a specialty insurance provider focused on the global automotive enthusiast market. Hagerty is home to Hagerty Drivers Club, Hagerty DriveShare, Hagerty Valuation Tools, Hagerty Media, Hagerty Drivers Club magazine, MotorsportReg, Hagerty Garage + Social, The Amelia, Detroit Concours d’Elegance, Greenwich Concours d’Elegance, California Mille, Motorlux, Hagerty Drivers Foundation and more. For more information on Hagerty, please visit, or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. More information can be found at
Forward Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements reflect Hagerty’s current intentions, expectations, or beliefs regarding its business. These statements may be preceded by, followed by or include the words “aim,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “likely,” “outlook,” “plan,” “potential,” “project,” “projection,” “seek,” “can,” “could,” “may,” “should,” “would,” “will,” the negatives thereof and other words and terms of similar meaning. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not historical facts. Such forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, there are or will be important factors that could cause actual outcomes or results to differ materially from those indicated in these statements. Factors that may cause our actual decisions or results to differ materially from those contemplated by these forward-looking statements include: (i) Hagerty’s ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the subject of this release, which may be affected by, among other things, competition and the ability of Hagerty to grow and management growth profitability; (ii) the future financial performance of Hagerty; (iii) new entrants into the market or current competitors of Hagerty developing preferred Aofferings; (iv) the loss of one or more of Hagerty’s distribution partners; (v) Hagerty’s inability to prevent, monitor, or detect fraudulent activity, including transactions with insurance policies or payments of claims; (vi) Hagerty’s ability to attract and retain members; (vii) Hagerty’s ability to prevent cyberattacks or breaches of data security; (viii) regulatory changes affecting Hagerty; (ix) unexpected increases in the frequency or severity of insurance claims against Hagerty; and other risks and uncertainties listed in Hagerty’s Form S-1 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on December 21, 2021. There is no assurance that any forward-looking statements will materialize. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which reflect expectations only as of this date. Hagerty does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise, except as required by law.
Any forward-looking statement speaks only at the date on which it is made, and Hagerty does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date they were made, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities laws. 20:10:292023-01-30 13:08:02Introducing Motorlux, a Reimagined Event that Builds on McCall’s Motorworks Revival’s Legacy 2022