En asociación con aclamados arquitectos de estadios, MEIS y constructores pioneros de metaversos, Spatial, el estadio 1KM para 90,000 espectadores, está diseñado para mostrar el amor de Hublot por el fútbol, el diseño y la comunidad.

Para mantenerse actualizado, siga: @Hublot #Hublot #HublotLovesFootball NYON, Suiza, 11/04/2022 – Otra primicia para el cronometrador oficial en el mundo del fútbol, el relojero de lujo suizo Hublot ingresa al metaverso con la presentación del ‘Hublot Ama el estadio Metaverse de fútbol’. Un espacio híbrido de deportes, arte y eventos digitales, la estructura del estadio está inspirada en el intrincado diseño del cuerpo de la caja y la esfera digital del reloj Big Bang e recientemente lanzado por Hublot.

Diseñado por los legendarios arquitectos MEIS, los principales diseñadores de lugares deportivos y de entretenimiento a los que se les atribuye el diseño del estadio Crypto.com, los estadios Everton FC y Roma. los
El estadio también marca el lugar más grande construido en el metaverso espacial.

Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO de Hublot, dijo: “Los enfoques de diseño ruidosos y con visión de futuro son parte de nuestro ADN, lo que hace que Hublot Loves Football Metaverse Stadium sea una progresión natural.
para nuestra marca. Continuando con nuestro legado como el cronometrador de confianza del fútbol mundial, esta iniciativa nos permite colocar una marca de tiempo en la historia del metaverso cuando la intersección del lujo, la moda, el deporte y los mundos virtuales empiezan a despegar. El fútbol nos brinda un lugar para unirnos y celebrar nuestros sueños compartidos, y estamos extendiendo el fútbol a un nuevo ámbito. Te invitamos para mirar a través del ojo de buey a este nuevo mundo, donde puede descubrir nuestras últimas imágenes de Hublot Loves Football protagonizadas por nuestros embajadores y amigos de la marca. Todos podemos reunirnos, celebrar nuestra historia humana compartida y mirar hacia adelante a nuestro futuro juntos”.

Como parte de su compromiso de larga data con la innovación, Hublot fue uno de los primeros en adoptar las criptomonedas entre las marcas de relojes de lujo. En 2018, Hublot presentó la edición limitada Big Bang Meca-10
P2P que solo estaba disponible para comprar a través de pagos de Bitcoin, un reloj vinculado al décimo aniversario de la moneda.

Hublot se asoció con Spatial, la plataforma Web3 dedicada a ayudar a los creadores y marcas a construir espacios 3D visualmente impactantes, para la primera incursión de la marca en el metaverso. Dirigido por experimentados líderes de Apple, Nest, LucasArts y Disney, Spatial es el hogar Web3 para marcas de lujo en el metaverso con más de 4 millones de minutos en la plataforma cada semana. Los visitantes serán capaz de explorar un estadio virtual de 360 ​​grados, inspirado en el Big Bang e de Hublot, accesible de forma gratuita a través de dispositivos móviles, computadoras de escritorio o auriculares Oculus. Jinha Lee, cofundadora y CPO de Spatial, dijo: “Estamos orgullosos de trabajar con Hublot en este importante hito deportivo y del metaverso: crear nuestro espacio más grande hasta la fecha. En esencia, el metaverso representa una nueva dimensión para la creatividad, la innovación y la inclusión. Canalizamos esa visión en una experiencia inmersiva única donde personas de todo el mundo pueden reunirse y celebrar el mundo. juego. Para hacer esto, creamos un mundo que muestra nuestro amor mutuo por el fútbol, ​​el arte y la comunidad”.

La experiencia estará abierta al público en general a través de dispositivos móviles y en línea en Spatial.io, lo que permitirá a cualquier persona explorar el estadio de fútbol con capacidad para 90.000 espectadores, equipado con un kilómetro de largo.
vestíbulo y muro de prensa.

Dan Meis, FAIA, fundador y director general de MEIS Studios, dijo: “Al diseñar este estadio, nos inspiramos en el enfoque valiente, sin disculpas e inigualable de Hublot para
diseño. Al hacer referencia al Big Bang e, el proyecto refleja la historia histórica de Hublot de presentar nuevas dimensiones de diseño a nuevas audiencias. Esta asociación engloba todos los
El mundo ha llegado a conocer de Hublot y MEIS: una filosofía de diseño con visión de futuro combinada con una atención al detalle que es atemporal e inigualable”.

Como parte de la campaña Hublot Loves Football, exhibiciones dedicadas equipadas para la experiencia de realidad virtual para acceder al estadio aparecerán junto a las boutiques Hublot en centros comerciales de lujo en Doha, Kuala Lumpur, Singapur, Indonesia y Tailandia a lo largo de noviembre.

Hublot es un fabricante de relojes suizo fundado en 1980 y con sede en Nyon. Para su primer reloj, esta empresa fundamentalmente disruptiva combinó el oro con una correa de caucho en una caja con un diseño inspirado en el ojo de buey de un barco (“hublot” en francés). Así nació el Arte de la Fusión, mezclando tradición, innovación, artesanía, mundos y
talentos. Se convirtió en la firma estética y técnica de la marca.

Esta identidad se reforzó en 2005 con el Big Bang, que atestiguó un saber hacer inigualable en cuanto a complicaciones, movimientos de fabricación y vanguardia.
materiales El carbono, el titanio, la cerámica y el zafiro se han desarrollado en este modelo hasta extremos técnicos.

Este enfoque innovador y de alta calidad de la relojería se resume en su filosofía, ‘Sé el primero, único y diferente’, y gradualmente dio lugar a otras colecciones con diseños innovadores: Classic Fusion, Spirit of Big Bang, Square Bang y Manufacture Pieces. . Estos se basan en altos niveles de artesanía, tanto en términos de materiales tan queridos por Hublot (como Magic Gold, cerámicas de colores brillantes y zafiros) como en sus movimientos de fabricación (cronógrafo Unico, Meca-10 y grandes complicaciones como el Tourbillon, la repetición de minutos de la catedral y los movimientos específicos de piezas de manufactura). El mundo de Hublot se extiende a asociaciones poderosas, incluido el fútbol.

Hublot Loves Football’ se ha convertido en el eslogan de los eventos deportivos más importantes del mundo (como la Copa Mundial de la FIFATM, la Premier League, la UEFA Champions League, la UEFA
EUROTM) y a través de sus embajadores. Este amor por el fútbol continúa en el arte, el diseño, la música, el deporte, la buena mesa y la navegación.
Por último, la implicación de Hublot en proyectos medioambientales conjuntos con SORAI y Polar Pod refleja su preocupación por los temas de actualidad. Casi 125 boutiques en todo el mundo
compartir el fervor y los valores de Hublot, junto con el comercio electrónico Hublot.com


Partnering with acclaimed stadium architects, MEIS, and pioneering metaverse builders, Spatial, the 90,000 spectator, 1KM stadium is designed to showcase Hublot’s love for football, design, and community.

To stay up-to-date, follow: @Hublot #Hublot #HublotLovesFootball NYON, Switzerland, 04.11.2022 – Another first for the Official Timekeeper in the world of football, Swiss luxury watchmaker Hublot enters the metaverse with the unveiling of the ‘Hublot Loves Football Metaverse Stadium’. A hybrid sport, art, and digital events space, the stadium structure is inspired by the intricate design of the case body and digital face of Hublot’s recently launched Big Bang e watch.

Designed by legendary MEIS architects, the foremost designers of sports and entertainment venues credited with designing Crypto.com stadium, Everton FC and Roma Stadiums. The
stadium also marks the largest venue built in the Spatial metaverse.

Ricardo Guadalupe, Hublot CEO, said: “Loud and forward-thinking approaches to design are part of our DNA, making the Hublot Loves Football Metaverse Stadium a natural progression
for our brand. Continuing our legacy as the trusted timekeeper of world football, this initiative allows us to place a timestamp in metaverse history when the intersection of luxury, fashion,
sport and virtual worlds is beginning to take off. Football provides a place for us to unite and celebrate our shared dreams, and we are extending football into a new realm. We invite you
to gaze through the porthole into this new world, where you can discover our Hublot Loves Football latest visuals starring our Ambassadors and Friends of the Brand. We can all gather,
celebrate our shared human history and look forward to our future together.”

As part of its longstanding commitment to innovation, Hublot was an early adopter of crypto amongst luxury watch brands. In 2018, Hublot unveiled the limited edition Big Bang Meca-10
P2P that was only available to be purchased via Bitcoin payments, a watch pegged to the 10th anniversary of the currency.

Hublot partnered with Spatial, Web3 platform dedicated to helping creators and brands build visually stunning 3D spaces, for the brand’s first foray into the metaverse. Led by experienced
leaders from Apple, Nest, LucasArts and Disney, Spatial is the Web3 home for luxury brands in the metaverse with over 4 million minutes spent on the platform every week. Visitors will be
able to explore a 360-degree virtual stadium, inspired by Hublot’s Big Bang e, accessible for free via mobile, desktop or Oculus headset.Jinha Lee, Co-Founder and CPO of Spatial, said:
“We are proud to be working with Hublot on this important sporting and metaverse milestone – creating our biggest space to date. At its core, the metaverse represents a new dimension for creativity, innovation, and inclusion. We channelled that vision into a unique immersive experience where people from all over the world can come together and celebrate the world’s
game. To do this we created a world that showcases our mutual love for football, art, and community.”

The experience will be open to the general public via mobile and online on Spatial.io, allowing anyone to explore the 90,000-spectator football stadium, equipped with a kilometre-long
concourse and media wall.

Dan Meis, FAIA, Founder and Managing Principal of MEIS Studios, said: “In designing this stadium, we took inspiration from Hublot’s brave, unapologetic, and unparalleled approach to
design. By referencing the Big Bang e, the project mirrors Hublot’s storied history of introducing new dimensions of design to new audiences. This partnership encapsulates all the
world has come to know from Hublot and MEIS: A forward-thinking design philosophy paired with an attention to detail that is timeless and without equal.”

As part of the Hublot Loves Football campaign, dedicated exhibitions equipped for VR experience to access the stadium will pop up next to Hublot Boutiques in luxury shoppingmalls in Doha, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand across November.

Hublot is a Swiss watch manufacturer founded in 1980 and based in Nyon. For its first-ever timepiece, this fundamentally disruptive company combined gold with a rubber strap in a case with a design inspired by a ship’s porthole (‘hublot’ in French). Thus, the Art of Fusion was born, blending tradition, innovation, craftsmanship, worlds and
talents. It became the brand’s aesthetic and technical signature.

This identity was strengthened in 2005 with the Big Bang, which attested to an unrivalled know-how in terms of complications, manufacture movements and state-of-the-art
materials. Carbon, titanium, ceramic and sapphire have been developed on this model to technical extremes.

This ground-breaking, high-quality approach to watchmaking is summed up in its philosophy, ‘Be First, Unique and Different.’ It gradually led to other collections with innovative designs: Classic Fusion, Spirit of Big Bang, Square Bang and Manufacture Pieces. These draw on high levels of craftsmanship, both in terms of the materials so dear to Hublot (such as Magic Gold, brightly-coloured ceramics and sapphires) and its manufacture movements (Unico chronograph, Meca-10 and large complications such as the Tourbillon, the Cathedral Minute Repeater and the specific Manufacture Pieces movements).Hublot’s world extends to powerful partnerships, including football.

Hublot Loves Football’ has become the slogan at the world’s biggest sporting events (such as the FIFA World CupTM, Premier League, UEFA Champions League, UEFA
EUROTM) and through its ambassadors. This love of football continues in art, design, music, sport, fine dining and sailing.
Lastly, Hublot’s implication in joint environmental projects with SORAI and Polar Pod reflects its concern for the issues of the day. Almost 125 boutiques around the world
share Hublot’s fervour and values, alongside the Hublot.com e-commerce


Partnering with acclaimed stadium architects, MEIS, and pioneering metaverse builders, Spatial, the 90,000 spectator, 1KM stadium is designed to showcase Hublot’s love for football, design, and community.

To stay up-to-date, follow: @Hublot #Hublot #HublotLovesFootball NYON, Switzerland, 04.11.2022 – Another first for the Official Timekeeper in the world of football, Swiss luxury watchmaker Hublot enters the metaverse with the unveiling of the ‘Hublot Loves Football Metaverse Stadium’. A hybrid sport, art, and digital events space, the stadium structure is inspired by the intricate design of the case body and digital face of Hublot’s recently launched Big Bang e watch.

Designed by legendary MEIS architects, the foremost designers of sports and entertainment venues credited with designing Crypto.com stadium, Everton FC and Roma Stadiums. The
stadium also marks the largest venue built in the Spatial metaverse.

Ricardo Guadalupe, Hublot CEO, said: “Loud and forward-thinking approaches to design are part of our DNA, making the Hublot Loves Football Metaverse Stadium a natural progression
for our brand. Continuing our legacy as the trusted timekeeper of world football, this initiative allows us to place a timestamp in metaverse history when the intersection of luxury, fashion,
sport and virtual worlds is beginning to take off. Football provides a place for us to unite and celebrate our shared dreams, and we are extending football into a new realm. We invite you
to gaze through the porthole into this new world, where you can discover our Hublot Loves Football latest visuals starring our Ambassadors and Friends of the Brand. We can all gather,
celebrate our shared human history and look forward to our future together.”

As part of its longstanding commitment to innovation, Hublot was an early adopter of crypto amongst luxury watch brands. In 2018, Hublot unveiled the limited edition Big Bang Meca-10
P2P that was only available to be purchased via Bitcoin payments, a watch pegged to the 10th anniversary of the currency.

Hublot partnered with Spatial, Web3 platform dedicated to helping creators and brands build visually stunning 3D spaces, for the brand’s first foray into the metaverse. Led by experienced
leaders from Apple, Nest, LucasArts and Disney, Spatial is the Web3 home for luxury brands in the metaverse with over 4 million minutes spent on the platform every week. Visitors will be
able to explore a 360-degree virtual stadium, inspired by Hublot’s Big Bang e, accessible for free via mobile, desktop or Oculus headset.Jinha Lee, Co-Founder and CPO of Spatial, said:
“We are proud to be working with Hublot on this important sporting and metaverse milestone – creating our biggest space to date. At its core, the metaverse represents a new dimension for creativity, innovation, and inclusion. We channelled that vision into a unique immersive experience where people from all over the world can come together and celebrate the world’s
game. To do this we created a world that showcases our mutual love for football, art, and community.”

The experience will be open to the general public via mobile and online on Spatial.io, allowing anyone to explore the 90,000-spectator football stadium, equipped with a kilometre-long
concourse and media wall.

Dan Meis, FAIA, Founder and Managing Principal of MEIS Studios, said: “In designing this stadium, we took inspiration from Hublot’s brave, unapologetic, and unparalleled approach to
design. By referencing the Big Bang e, the project mirrors Hublot’s storied history of introducing new dimensions of design to new audiences. This partnership encapsulates all the
world has come to know from Hublot and MEIS: A forward-thinking design philosophy paired with an attention to detail that is timeless and without equal.”

As part of the Hublot Loves Football campaign, dedicated exhibitions equipped for VR experience to access the stadium will pop up next to Hublot Boutiques in luxury shoppingmalls in Doha, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Indonesia, and Thailand across November.

Hublot is a Swiss watch manufacturer founded in 1980 and based in Nyon. For its first-ever timepiece, this fundamentally disruptive company combined gold with a rubber strap in a case with a design inspired by a ship’s porthole (‘hublot’ in French). Thus, the Art of Fusion was born, blending tradition, innovation, craftsmanship, worlds and
talents. It became the brand’s aesthetic and technical signature.

This identity was strengthened in 2005 with the Big Bang, which attested to an unrivalled know-how in terms of complications, manufacture movements and state-of-the-art
materials. Carbon, titanium, ceramic and sapphire have been developed on this model to technical extremes.

This ground-breaking, high-quality approach to watchmaking is summed up in its philosophy, ‘Be First, Unique and Different.’ It gradually led to other collections with innovative designs: Classic Fusion, Spirit of Big Bang, Square Bang and Manufacture Pieces. These draw on high levels of craftsmanship, both in terms of the materials so dear to Hublot (such as Magic Gold, brightly-coloured ceramics and sapphires) and its manufacture movements (Unico chronograph, Meca-10 and large complications such as the Tourbillon, the Cathedral Minute Repeater and the specific Manufacture Pieces movements).Hublot’s world extends to powerful partnerships, including football.

Hublot Loves Football’ has become the slogan at the world’s biggest sporting events (such as the FIFA World CupTM, Premier League, UEFA Champions League, UEFA
EUROTM) and through its ambassadors. This love of football continues in art, design, music, sport, fine dining and sailing.
Lastly, Hublot’s implication in joint environmental projects with SORAI and Polar Pod reflects its concern for the issues of the day. Almost 125 boutiques around the world
share Hublot’s fervour and values, alongside the Hublot.com e-commerce