• Prototipo único de la primera colaboración de productos revelado
  • Innovador recipiente horizontal para albergar excepcional whisky de malta única
  • Seis materiales clave reciclados, reutilizados o de origen ético se unen para crear un diseño impresionante y sostenible
  • Cobre reciclado, madera reutilizada, aluminio reciclado y cuero bajo en CO2 elaborados a mano
  • Desarrollado conjuntamente entre los equipos de diseño de Bentley y The Macallan
  • Representa el siguiente paso en una asociación fundada en la sostenibilidad.
  • Se lanzará en el verano de 2023

(Crewe y Speyside, 22 de agosto de 2022)  Bentley Motors y The Macallan han revelado hoy el diseño innovador de The Macallan Horizon, el primer whisky de malta de edición limitada creado por la colaboración de la marca.

Reflejando el núcleo de sustentabilidad que está en el corazón de la asociación junto con un propósito conjunto de innovación, el prototipo de The Macallan Horizon fusiona artesanía tradicional, materiales reciclados y un diseño horizontal exclusivo. Creado tras un extenso desarrollo conjunto entre Bentley Motors y The Macallan, el prototipo encapsula la ambición conjunta de construir un futuro sostenible a partir de la rica herencia de ambas marcas.

En homenaje a los aclamados Six Pillars de The Macallan, las piedras angulares de la marca que dan cuenta de sus distintivos whiskies de malta única, The Macallan Horizon incorpora seis materiales únicos reciclados, reutilizados o de origen ético que son parte integral de The Macallan y Bentley Motors.

Una armonía de seis materiales sostenibles clave

El recipiente prototipo que se ha elaborado conjuntamente es diferente a cualquier botella de whisky en la historia. El diseño único desafía la estética vertical tradicional de una botella de whisky y refleja la trayectoria horizontal de un automóvil, empujando los límites y el arte de lo posible. En consecuencia, la embarcación se asienta horizontalmente en una cuna especialmente diseñada y no tiene una base permanente.

En el centro del diseño se encuentra una botella de vidrio hecha a mano con un extraordinario giro de 180 grados, que representa el dominio del espacio y el tiempo logrado por The Macallan y Bentley Motors al crear el prototipo.

Luego, la embarcación está rodeada por una estructura 3D intrincadamente retorcida fabricada en un conjunto de hermosos materiales sostenibles. Los brazos de la estructura están elaborados en:

  • Cobre reciclado de los alambiques curiosamente pequeños en desuso que se encontraban dentro de la antigua destilería de The Macallan.
  • Aluminio recuperado de la producción del Continental GT, Flying Spur y Bentayga en la casa de Bentley en Crewe, Inglaterra
  • Madera reciclada de ambas marcas
  • El cuero con menor CO2 del mundo, de origen local en Escocia, y también utilizado en el muy exclusivo Bentley Mulliner Batur grand tourer presentado ayer.

El componente final será el extraordinario whisky puro de malta que se está elaborando para el lanzamiento, que también contará su propia historia de reciclaje y sostenibilidad.

Chris Cooke, gerente de diseño de productos y estilo de vida de Bentley, comenta:

“Nuestro prototipo para The Macallan Horizon es verdaderamente pionero tanto en su diseño como en el uso de materiales. Es una fusión del ADN de diseño de Bentley nítidamente definido pero curvilíneo, la innovación de The Macallan y materiales reciclados de ambas marcas británicas icónicas. La forma del diseño nos ha permitido tratar la luz como un material en sí mismo, y la interacción entre la luz y la madera reutilizada, el aluminio y el cobre es extraordinaria. Al ser un objeto de belleza en sí mismo y tener elementos de sostenibilidad tan fuertes, es una representación de lo que vendrá después de nuestra asociación”.

Jaume Ferras, director creativo global de The Macallan, comenta:

“Inspirándonos en la industria automotriz, estamos mostrando nuestro desarrollo creativo de The Macallan Horizon, que se encuentra entre los proyectos más innovadores en los que nos hemos embarcado en nuestros 200 años de historia.

“Trabajar con Bentley Motors nos ha inspirado a ver las cosas de manera diferente. En el mundo del whisky, todo está en posición vertical, como nuestros alambiques y nuestras botellas. Cuando observamos la dirección horizontal seguida por Bentley Motors como parte de la industria automotriz, nos hizo considerar si y cómo podríamos adaptar este formato para el whisky, que en última instancia requiere ser vertido.

“Estoy increíblemente orgulloso del diseño revolucionario que hemos creado para The Macallan Horizon y los materiales sostenibles únicos que estamos incorporando como parte de nuestro compromiso con un mundo mejor. Simplemente no sería posible sin la artesanía y la creatividad incomparables por las que The Macallan y Bentley Motors son reconocidos, y es la personificación de la excelencia inigualable que persigue The Macallan desde 1824”.

The Macallan Horizon se lanzará en el verano de 2023.

Bentley Motors y The Macallan lanzaron su asociación de marca global en julio de 2021. Unidas por la dedicación a la artesanía, la creatividad, la innovación y la sostenibilidad, ambas marcas se han comprometido a compartir los aprendizajes de sus respectivas industrias mientras continúan buscando la excelencia inquebrantable por la que son reconocidas. . The Macallan Horizon celebra su unión y su búsqueda de un futuro mejor.

Fabricado sin compromiso.
Saborea The Macallan con responsabilidad.
Si bebes no conduzcas.

Bentley Motors es la marca de automóviles de lujo más buscada del mundo. La sede central de la empresa en Crewe alberga todas sus operaciones, incluido el diseño, la investigación y el desarrollo, la ingeniería, Mulliner y la producción de las cinco líneas de modelos de la empresa: Continental GT, Continental GTC, Flying Spur, Bentayga y Bentayga EWB. La combinación de la artesanía fina, el uso de habilidades que se han transmitido de generación en generación, junto con la experiencia en ingeniería y la tecnología de punta es exclusiva de las marcas de automóviles de lujo del Reino Unido, como Bentley. También es un ejemplo de lo mejor de la fabricación británica de alto valor. Bentley emplea a unas 4000 personas en Crewe.

Fundado en 1824 en una meseta sobre el río Spey en el noreste de Escocia, The Macallan es reconocido mundialmente por su incomparable artesanía, creatividad e innovación con cada botella de whisky de malta que revela su dominio único de la madera y el espíritu. La sostenibilidad social y ambiental está en el corazón de The Macallan, y como parte de su compromiso de establecer un legado positivo, reveló su nueva destilería galardonada en 2018. Diseñado por arquitectos de renombre internacional, el edificio se inspira en las antiguas colinas escocesas circundantes. y está ubicado en la hermosa finca de 485 acres de The Macallan. Hasta el día de hoy, la mayor influencia en la codiciada cartera de whiskies de malta de The Macallan son sus barricas de roble curadas con jerez de las que sus whiskies obtienen sus sabores, aromas y color natural distintivos.


  • Unique prototype of first product collaboration revealed
  • Ground-breaking horizontal vessel to hold exceptional single malt whisky
  • Six key upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials unite to create a stunning, sustainable design
  • Recycled copper, reused wood, recycled aluminium and low CO2 leather crafted together by hand
  • Jointly developed between design teams at Bentley and The Macallan
  • Represents the next step in a partnership founded in sustainability
  • To be launched in Summer 2023

(Crewe and Speyside, 22 August 2022) Bentley Motors and The Macallan have today revealed the ground-breaking design of The Macallan Horizon – the first limited edition single malt whisky being created by the brand collaboration.

Reflecting the sustainability core that’s at the heart of the partnership together with a joint purpose of innovation, the prototype of The Macallan Horizon fuses traditional craftsmanship, recycled materials and an exclusive horizontal design. Created following extensive joint development between Bentley Motors and The Macallan, the prototype encapsulates a joint ambition of building a sustainable future from the rich heritage of both brands.

In homage to The Macallan’s acclaimed Six Pillars – the foundation stones of the brand that account for its distinctive single malt whiskies – The Macallan Horizon incorporates six unique upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials which are integral to The Macallan and Bentley Motors.

A Harmony of Six Key Sustainable Materials

The prototype vessel that has been jointly crafted is unlike any bottle of whisky in history. The unique design defies the traditional vertical aesthetic of a whisky bottle and reflects the horizontal trajectory of a car, pushing the boundaries and the art of the possible. Accordingly, the vessel sits horizontally in a purpose-build cradle, and has no standing base.

At the centre of the design is a hand-made glass bottle with an extraordinary 180-degree twist, representing the mastery of space and time achieved by The Macallan and Bentley Motors in creating the prototype.

The vessel is then surrounded by an intricately twisted 3D structure crafted in a suite of beautiful, sustainable materials. The arms of the structure are crafted in:

  • Recycled copper from the disused, curiously small spirit stills which were located within The Macallan’s former distillery
  • Aluminium recovered from the production of the Continental GT, Flying Spur and Bentayga at Bentley’s home in Crewe, England
  • Recycled wood from both brands
  • The world’s lowest CO2 leather, locally-sourced in Scotland, and also used in the highly exclusive Bentley Mulliner Batur grand tourer unveiled yesterday

The final component will be the extraordinary single malt whisky being crafted for the release, which will also tell its own story of recycling and sustainability.

Bentley’s Product and Lifestyle Design Manager, Chris Cooke, comments:

“Our prototype for The Macallan Horizon is truly pioneering in both its design and use of materials. It’s a fusion of the sharply defined yet curvaceous Bentley design DNA, The Macallan’s innovation and recycled materials from both iconic British brands. The form of the design has allowed us to treat light as a material in itself, and the interplay between light and repurposed wood, aluminium and copper is extraordinary. In being both an object of beauty in itself and having such strong sustainability elements, it’s a representation of what’s coming next from our partnership.”

Jaume Ferras, Global Creative Director for The Macallan, comments:

“Taking inspiration from the car industry, we are showcasing our creative development of The Macallan Horizon, which is among the most ground-breaking projects we have embarked on in our 200-year history.

“Working with Bentley Motors has inspired us to see things differently. In the whisky world, everything is upright, such as our stills and our bottles. When we looked at the horizontal direction pursued by Bentley Motors as part of the automotive industry, it made us consider if and how we could adapt this format for whisky, which ultimately requires to be poured.

“I am incredibly proud of the revolutionary design we have created for The Macallan Horizon and the unique sustainable materials we are incorporating as part of our commitment to a better world. It simply would not be possible without the incomparable craftsmanship and creativity for which The Macallan and Bentley Motors are renowned, and is the embodiment of the uncompromised excellence pursued by The Macallan since 1824.”

The Macallan Horizon will launch in Summer 2023.

Bentley Motors and The Macallan launched their global brand partnership in July 2021. United by a dedication to craftsmanship, creativity, innovation and sustainability, both brands have committed to share learnings from their respective industries while continuing to pursue the uncompromised excellence for which they are renowned. The Macallan Horizon celebrates their union and their pursuit of a better future.

Crafted without compromise.
Please savour The Macallan responsibly.
Do not drink and drive.

Bentley Motors is the most sought-after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering, Mulliner and production of the company’s five model lines: Continental GT, Continental GTC, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

Founded in 1824 on a plateau above the River Spey in north-east Scotland, The Macallan is renowned globally for its incomparable craftsmanship, creativity and innovation with each bottle of single malt whisky revealing its unique mastery of wood and spirit. Social and environmental sustainability is at the heart of The Macallan, and as part of its commitment to establishing a positive legacy it revealed its award-winning new Distillery in 2018. Designed by internationally acclaimed architects, the building takes inspiration from the surrounding ancient Scottish hills and is located on The Macallan’s beautiful 485-acre Estate. To this day, the single greatest influence on The Macallan’s sought after portfolio of single malts is its sherry seasoned oak casks from which its whiskies derive their distinctive flavours, aromas and natural colour.


  • Unique prototype of first product collaboration revealed
  • Ground-breaking horizontal vessel to hold exceptional single malt whisky
  • Six key upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials unite to create a stunning, sustainable design
  • Recycled copper, reused wood, recycled aluminium and low CO2 leather crafted together by hand
  • Jointly developed between design teams at Bentley and The Macallan
  • Represents the next step in a partnership founded in sustainability
  • To be launched in Summer 2023

(Crewe and Speyside, 22 August 2022) Bentley Motors and The Macallan have today revealed the ground-breaking design of The Macallan Horizon – the first limited edition single malt whisky being created by the brand collaboration.

Reflecting the sustainability core that’s at the heart of the partnership together with a joint purpose of innovation, the prototype of The Macallan Horizon fuses traditional craftsmanship, recycled materials and an exclusive horizontal design. Created following extensive joint development between Bentley Motors and The Macallan, the prototype encapsulates a joint ambition of building a sustainable future from the rich heritage of both brands.

In homage to The Macallan’s acclaimed Six Pillars – the foundation stones of the brand that account for its distinctive single malt whiskies – The Macallan Horizon incorporates six unique upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials which are integral to The Macallan and Bentley Motors.

A Harmony of Six Key Sustainable Materials

The prototype vessel that has been jointly crafted is unlike any bottle of whisky in history. The unique design defies the traditional vertical aesthetic of a whisky bottle and reflects the horizontal trajectory of a car, pushing the boundaries and the art of the possible. Accordingly, the vessel sits horizontally in a purpose-build cradle, and has no standing base.

At the centre of the design is a hand-made glass bottle with an extraordinary 180-degree twist, representing the mastery of space and time achieved by The Macallan and Bentley Motors in creating the prototype.

The vessel is then surrounded by an intricately twisted 3D structure crafted in a suite of beautiful, sustainable materials. The arms of the structure are crafted in:

  • Recycled copper from the disused, curiously small spirit stills which were located within The Macallan’s former distillery
  • Aluminium recovered from the production of the Continental GT, Flying Spur and Bentayga at Bentley’s home in Crewe, England
  • Recycled wood from both brands
  • The world’s lowest CO2 leather, locally-sourced in Scotland, and also used in the highly exclusive Bentley Mulliner Batur grand tourer unveiled yesterday

The final component will be the extraordinary single malt whisky being crafted for the release, which will also tell its own story of recycling and sustainability.

Bentley’s Product and Lifestyle Design Manager, Chris Cooke, comments:

“Our prototype for The Macallan Horizon is truly pioneering in both its design and use of materials. It’s a fusion of the sharply defined yet curvaceous Bentley design DNA, The Macallan’s innovation and recycled materials from both iconic British brands. The form of the design has allowed us to treat light as a material in itself, and the interplay between light and repurposed wood, aluminium and copper is extraordinary. In being both an object of beauty in itself and having such strong sustainability elements, it’s a representation of what’s coming next from our partnership.”

Jaume Ferras, Global Creative Director for The Macallan, comments:

“Taking inspiration from the car industry, we are showcasing our creative development of The Macallan Horizon, which is among the most ground-breaking projects we have embarked on in our 200-year history.

“Working with Bentley Motors has inspired us to see things differently. In the whisky world, everything is upright, such as our stills and our bottles. When we looked at the horizontal direction pursued by Bentley Motors as part of the automotive industry, it made us consider if and how we could adapt this format for whisky, which ultimately requires to be poured.

“I am incredibly proud of the revolutionary design we have created for The Macallan Horizon and the unique sustainable materials we are incorporating as part of our commitment to a better world. It simply would not be possible without the incomparable craftsmanship and creativity for which The Macallan and Bentley Motors are renowned, and is the embodiment of the uncompromised excellence pursued by The Macallan since 1824.”

The Macallan Horizon will launch in Summer 2023.

Bentley Motors and The Macallan launched their global brand partnership in July 2021. United by a dedication to craftsmanship, creativity, innovation and sustainability, both brands have committed to share learnings from their respective industries while continuing to pursue the uncompromised excellence for which they are renowned. The Macallan Horizon celebrates their union and their pursuit of a better future.

Crafted without compromise.
Please savour The Macallan responsibly.
Do not drink and drive.

Bentley Motors is the most sought-after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering, Mulliner and production of the company’s five model lines: Continental GT, Continental GTC, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

Founded in 1824 on a plateau above the River Spey in north-east Scotland, The Macallan is renowned globally for its incomparable craftsmanship, creativity and innovation with each bottle of single malt whisky revealing its unique mastery of wood and spirit. Social and environmental sustainability is at the heart of The Macallan, and as part of its commitment to establishing a positive legacy it revealed its award-winning new Distillery in 2018. Designed by internationally acclaimed architects, the building takes inspiration from the surrounding ancient Scottish hills and is located on The Macallan’s beautiful 485-acre Estate. To this day, the single greatest influence on The Macallan’s sought after portfolio of single malts is its sherry seasoned oak casks from which its whiskies derive their distinctive flavours, aromas and natural colour.


  • Unique prototype of first product collaboration revealed
  • Ground-breaking horizontal vessel to hold exceptional single malt whisky
  • Six key upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials unite to create a stunning, sustainable design
  • Recycled copper, reused wood, recycled aluminium and low CO2 leather crafted together by hand
  • Jointly developed between design teams at Bentley and The Macallan
  • Represents the next step in a partnership founded in sustainability
  • To be launched in Summer 2023

(Crewe and Speyside, 22 August 2022) Bentley Motors and The Macallan have today revealed the ground-breaking design of The Macallan Horizon – the first limited edition single malt whisky being created by the brand collaboration.

Reflecting the sustainability core that’s at the heart of the partnership together with a joint purpose of innovation, the prototype of The Macallan Horizon fuses traditional craftsmanship, recycled materials and an exclusive horizontal design. Created following extensive joint development between Bentley Motors and The Macallan, the prototype encapsulates a joint ambition of building a sustainable future from the rich heritage of both brands.

In homage to The Macallan’s acclaimed Six Pillars – the foundation stones of the brand that account for its distinctive single malt whiskies – The Macallan Horizon incorporates six unique upcycled, repurposed or ethically sourced materials which are integral to The Macallan and Bentley Motors.

A Harmony of Six Key Sustainable Materials

The prototype vessel that has been jointly crafted is unlike any bottle of whisky in history. The unique design defies the traditional vertical aesthetic of a whisky bottle and reflects the horizontal trajectory of a car, pushing the boundaries and the art of the possible. Accordingly, the vessel sits horizontally in a purpose-build cradle, and has no standing base.

At the centre of the design is a hand-made glass bottle with an extraordinary 180-degree twist, representing the mastery of space and time achieved by The Macallan and Bentley Motors in creating the prototype.

The vessel is then surrounded by an intricately twisted 3D structure crafted in a suite of beautiful, sustainable materials. The arms of the structure are crafted in:

  • Recycled copper from the disused, curiously small spirit stills which were located within The Macallan’s former distillery
  • Aluminium recovered from the production of the Continental GT, Flying Spur and Bentayga at Bentley’s home in Crewe, England
  • Recycled wood from both brands
  • The world’s lowest CO2 leather, locally-sourced in Scotland, and also used in the highly exclusive Bentley Mulliner Batur grand tourer unveiled yesterday

The final component will be the extraordinary single malt whisky being crafted for the release, which will also tell its own story of recycling and sustainability.

Bentley’s Product and Lifestyle Design Manager, Chris Cooke, comments:

“Our prototype for The Macallan Horizon is truly pioneering in both its design and use of materials. It’s a fusion of the sharply defined yet curvaceous Bentley design DNA, The Macallan’s innovation and recycled materials from both iconic British brands. The form of the design has allowed us to treat light as a material in itself, and the interplay between light and repurposed wood, aluminium and copper is extraordinary. In being both an object of beauty in itself and having such strong sustainability elements, it’s a representation of what’s coming next from our partnership.”

Jaume Ferras, Global Creative Director for The Macallan, comments:

“Taking inspiration from the car industry, we are showcasing our creative development of The Macallan Horizon, which is among the most ground-breaking projects we have embarked on in our 200-year history.

“Working with Bentley Motors has inspired us to see things differently. In the whisky world, everything is upright, such as our stills and our bottles. When we looked at the horizontal direction pursued by Bentley Motors as part of the automotive industry, it made us consider if and how we could adapt this format for whisky, which ultimately requires to be poured.

“I am incredibly proud of the revolutionary design we have created for The Macallan Horizon and the unique sustainable materials we are incorporating as part of our commitment to a better world. It simply would not be possible without the incomparable craftsmanship and creativity for which The Macallan and Bentley Motors are renowned, and is the embodiment of the uncompromised excellence pursued by The Macallan since 1824.”
The Macallan Horizon will launch in Summer 2023.

Bentley Motors and The Macallan launched their global brand partnership in July 2021. United by a dedication to craftsmanship, creativity, innovation and sustainability, both brands have committed to share learnings from their respective industries while continuing to pursue the uncompromised excellence for which they are renowned. The Macallan Horizon celebrates their union and their pursuit of a better future.

Crafted without compromise.
Please savour The Macallan responsibly.
Do not drink and drive.

Bentley Motors is the most sought-after luxury car brand in the world. The company’s headquarters in Crewe is home to all of its operations including design, R&D, engineering, Mulliner and production of the company’s five model lines: Continental GT, Continental GTC, Flying Spur, Bentayga and Bentayga EWB. The combination of fine craftsmanship, using skills that have been handed down through generations, alongside engineering expertise and cutting-edge technology is unique to UK luxury car brands such as Bentley. It is also an example of high-value British manufacturing at its best. Bentley employs around 4,000 people at Crewe.

Founded in 1824 on a plateau above the River Spey in north-east Scotland, The Macallan is renowned globally for its incomparable craftsmanship, creativity and innovation with each bottle of single malt whisky revealing its unique mastery of wood and spirit. Social and environmental sustainability is at the heart of The Macallan, and as part of its commitment to establishing a positive legacy it revealed its award-winning new Distillery in 2018. Designed by internationally acclaimed architects, the building takes inspiration from the surrounding ancient Scottish hills and is located on The Macallan’s beautiful 485-acre Estate. To this day, the single greatest influence on The Macallan’s sought after portfolio of single malts is its sherry seasoned oak casks from which its whiskies derive their distinctive flavours, aromas and natural colour.

Dani Brasserie at Four Seasons Hotel Madrid Wins the hot concepts 2022 Award for Hotel restaurants

Dani Brasserie en Four Seasons Hotel Madrid gana el premio Hot Concepts 2022 a la categoría Restaurantes de Hotel

El restaurante de Dani García, ubicado en la séptima planta del Hotel Four Seasons Madrid, ha sido premiado en la 19ª edición de los   premios Restauración News
14 de julio de 2022,

Restauración News ha celebrado un año más   los “Oscar de la restauración” en reconocimiento a las marcas y empresas más destacadas del sector HORECA foodservice. En esta 19ª edición, que se celebró el 30 de junio de 2022 en el Teatro Goya de Madrid, se entregaron los Hot Concepts Awards a un total de 19 restauradores en diferentes categorías, como servicio rápido, casual y fine dining, track record, tecnología, innovación y gestión empresarial.

Entre los premiados,  Dani Brasserie , que solo lleva dos años en el negocio, fue una de las estrellas del evento. El restaurante del chef malagueño, ubicado en la séptima planta del  Four Seasons Hotel Madrid , ha sido galardonado con el  Hot Concepts Award for Hotel Restaurants .  El premio fue recogido por Alejandro López, Director General de Dani Brasserie, que asistió a la gala junto a Ismael Paul, Jefe de Cocina del restaurante. Esta categoría reconoce la labor de restaurantes fuertemente vinculados a hoteles, cadenas hoteleras y alojamientos, que se han destacado por agregar valor al establecimiento en el que se ubican.

Este ha sido el caso de Dani Brasserie, que desde su apertura en septiembre de 2020 se ha consolidado como uno de los azoteas más cotizados de la capital gracias a su privilegiada ubicación y exquisitas propuestas gastronómicas. En este marco de lujo,  Dani García  propone un recorrido por las recetas que han marcado su carrera profesional, como su famoso Tomate Nitro, que le valió tres estrellas Michelin en 2018, junto a nuevas creaciones veraniegas, como el Club Sandwich de Dani, tatin de tomate con Helado de parmesano, merluza con gazpachuelo o la  sopa de frescor de almendra  con gamba blanca.

La oferta gastronómica también incluye una selección de cócteles diseñada por el equipo creativo de Dani Brasserie, que rinde homenaje a grandes artistas que han dejado huella en la historia de España, como Sorolla, Dalí, Velázquez, Almodóvar, Sara Montiel o Gloria Fuertes .

Horario de apertura

  • Desayuno: Lunes a Viernes de 7:30 a 11:00 am y Sábados, Domingos y Festivos de 8:00 a 11:30 am
  • Almuerzos: todos los días de 13:00 a 16:00 horas
  • Snacks y bebidas: todos los días de 13:00 a 01:00
  • Cenas: todos los días de 7:00 a 11:00 p. m.


Dani Brasserie at Four Seasons Hotel Madrid Wins the hot concepts 2022 Award for Hotel restaurants

Dani Brasserie at Four Seasons Hotel Madrid Wins the hot concepts 2022 Award for Hotel restaurants

Dani García’s restaurant, located on the seventh floor of Four Seasons Hotel Madrid, has won an award at the 19th edition of the Restauración News awards
July 14, 2022,

For yet another year, Restauración News has held the “Oscars of the restaurant industry” in recognition of the most outstanding brands and companies in the HORECA foodservice sector. In this 19th edition, which was held on June 30, 2022 at the Goya Theatre in Madrid, the Hot Concepts Awards were presented to a total of 19 restaurant operators in different categories, such as fast service, casual and fine dining, track record, technology, innovation and business management.

Among the award winners, Dani Brasserie, which has only been in business for two years, was one of the stars of the event. The restaurant of the Malaga-born chef, located on the seventh floor of Four Seasons Hotel Madrid, has been awarded the Hot Concepts Award for Hotel Restaurants. The award was accepted by Alejandro López, General Manager of Dani Brasserie, who attended the gala together with Ismael Paul, Head Chef of the restaurant. This category recognises the work of restaurants that are strongly linked to hotels, hotel chains and accommodations, which have stood out for adding value to the establishment in which they are located.

This has been the case with Dani Brasserie, which, since it opened in September 2020, has established itself as one of the most sought-after rooftop restaurants in the capital thanks to its ideal location and exquisite gastronomic proposals. In this luxury setting, Dani García proposes a journey through the recipes that have marked his professional career, such as his famous Tomate Nitro, which earned him three Michelin stars in 2018, along with new summer creations, including Dani’s Club Sandwich, tomato tatin with Parmesan ice cream, hake with gazpachuelo or the frescor de almendra soup with white prawns.

The gastronomic selection also includes a selection of cocktails designed by the creative team at Dani Brasserie, which pays tribute to great artists who have left their mark on the history of Spain, such as Sorolla, Dalí, Velázquez, Almodóvar, Sara Montiel and Gloria Fuertes.

Opening Hours

  • Breakfast: Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 11:00 am and Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 8:00 to 11:30 am
  • Midday meals: every day from 1:00 to 4:00 pm
  • Snacks and drinks: every day from 1:00 pm to 1:00 am
  • Evening meals: every day from 7:00 to 11:00 pm


Dani Brasserie at Four Seasons Hotel Madrid Wins the hot concepts 2022 Award for Hotel restaurants

Dani Brasserie at Four Seasons Hotel Madrid Wins the hot concepts 2022 Award for Hotel restaurants

Dani García’s restaurant, located on the seventh floor of Four Seasons Hotel Madrid, has won an award at the 19th edition of the Restauración News awards
July 14, 2022,

For yet another year, Restauración News has held the “Oscars of the restaurant industry” in recognition of the most outstanding brands and companies in the HORECA foodservice sector. In this 19th edition, which was held on June 30, 2022 at the Goya Theatre in Madrid, the Hot Concepts Awards were presented to a total of 19 restaurant operators in different categories, such as fast service, casual and fine dining, track record, technology, innovation and business management.

Among the award winners, Dani Brasserie, which has only been in business for two years, was one of the stars of the event. The restaurant of the Malaga-born chef, located on the seventh floor of Four Seasons Hotel Madrid, has been awarded the Hot Concepts Award for Hotel Restaurants. The award was accepted by Alejandro López, General Manager of Dani Brasserie, who attended the gala together with Ismael Paul, Head Chef of the restaurant. This category recognises the work of restaurants that are strongly linked to hotels, hotel chains and accommodations, which have stood out for adding value to the establishment in which they are located.

This has been the case with Dani Brasserie, which, since it opened in September 2020, has established itself as one of the most sought-after rooftop restaurants in the capital thanks to its ideal location and exquisite gastronomic proposals. In this luxury setting, Dani García proposes a journey through the recipes that have marked his professional career, such as his famous Tomate Nitro, which earned him three Michelin stars in 2018, along with new summer creations, including Dani’s Club Sandwich, tomato tatin with Parmesan ice cream, hake with gazpachuelo or the frescor de almendra soup with white prawns.

The gastronomic selection also includes a selection of cocktails designed by the creative team at Dani Brasserie, which pays tribute to great artists who have left their mark on the history of Spain, such as Sorolla, Dalí, Velázquez, Almodóvar, Sara Montiel and Gloria Fuertes.

Opening Hours

  • Breakfast: Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 11:00 am and Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 8:00 to 11:30 am
  • Midday meals: every day from 1:00 to 4:00 pm
  • Snacks and drinks: every day from 1:00 pm to 1:00 am
  • Evening meals: every day from 7:00 to 11:00 pm



Belmond – Jean Imbert anunciado como nuevo Chef del Legendary Venice Simplon Orient Express una nueva era gastronómica

Hoy, Belmond presenta una nueva era gastronómica para el legendario Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, A Belmond Train, Europe, con el nombramiento de Jean Imbert como chef del tren más famoso del mundo.



Lanzado en los rieles del primer viaje de la temporada 2022, el Chef Imbert hace realidad su sueño de convertirse en parte del legado del icónico tren, elevando la experiencia culinaria para los huéspedes que viajan a través de algunos de los paisajes más espectaculares de Europa.


Combinando la herencia gastronómica de este icónico tren con su propia pasión por los productos frescos de temporada, preparados de manera clásica y con precisión, el Chef Imbert crea hermosos momentos de perfección culinaria en movimiento; desde celebraciones íntimas en una Grand Suite privada, hasta una adquisición completa de los glamorosos vagones art-deco del tren.

El nuevo concepto del chef Imbert abarca todos los menús y experiencias culinarias del tren; desde el desayuno servido en la comodidad de la cabina de los huéspedes hasta el almuerzo, el té de la tarde, elegantes canapés durante la hora del aperitivo en 3674 Bar Car, el corazón social del tren, y una exquisita cena. Además, las indulgentes delicias del ‘Servicio de cabina’ se sirven durante todo el día.

Jean también ha rediseñado la atmósfera y la identidad visual de los tres vagones restaurante de la década de 1920 (L’Oriental, Etoile Du Nord y Côte d’Azur) para reflejar su visión y mantener su aspecto y estilo de viaje de la época dorada. Colaborando con algunos de los expertos en interiores más reconocidos. La nueva iluminación ambiental proyecta un cálido resplandor a la luz de las velas sobre las mesas con manteles blancos impecables y cubiertos de plata brillante, vajilla de porcelana francesa adornada a medida y diseños de menú únicos que reflejan la paleta de colores distinta y la historia de cada vagón.

ESTACIONALIDAD Y PROCEDENCIAConsolidando las relaciones existentes con los agricultores y productores locales, mientras forja nuevas conexiones con artesanos especialistas a lo largo de la ruta, el chef Imbert transformará los mejores ingredientes en menús originales a lo largo del calendario del tren, a medida que cambian las estaciones.UNA HISTORIA ESCRITA CON PASIÓN

“Estar inscrito en la historia del legendario Venice Simplon-Orient-Express es un sueño de la infancia hecho realidad. Realmente siento que las estrellas se han alineado para que tenga esta oportunidad única en la vida, y espero compartir mi profunda pasión por el tren, a través de la comida, con nuestros huéspedes en esta temporada y en los años venideros”. dice Jean Imbert, Chef, Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, A Belmond Train, Europa.

Pascal Deyrolle, Gerente General, Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, Europa, dice: “Estamos muy emocionados de invitar a Jean Imbert a proyectar su magia creativa en toda la oferta culinaria a bordo del Venice Simplon-Orient-Express. La gastronomía sofisticada es un pilar clave del viaje y nuestros huéspedes construyen recuerdos especiales en torno a la comida que comen, desde el desayuno en sus camarotes hasta la cena formal a bordo. Jean Imbert está trayendo un nuevo nivel de excelencia culinaria, manteniendo viva la leyenda y el misterio del tren más famoso del mundo”.


Belmond – Jean Imbert announced as new Chef of the Legendary Venice Simplon Orient Express a new gastronomic era

Today, Belmond unveils a new gastronomic era for the legendary Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, A Belmond Train, Europe, with the appointment of Jean Imbert as Chef of the world’s most famous train.


Launching on the rails from the first journey of the 2022 season, Chef Imbert realises his dream of becoming part of the iconic train’s legacy – elevating the culinary experience for guests journeying through some of Europe’s most spectacular landscapes.


Blending this iconic train’s gastronomic heritage with his own passion for fresh seasonal produce, prepared classically and with precision, Chef Imbert creates beautiful moments of culinary perfection in motion; from intimate celebrations in a private Grand Suite, to an entire takeover of the train’s glamorous art-deco carriages.

Chef Imbert’s new concept spans all of the train’s culinary menus and experiences; from breakfast served in the comfort of guests’ own cabin, to lunch, afternoon tea, elegant canapés during aperitivo hour in 3674 Bar Car, the social heart of the train, and an exquisite dinner. In addition, indulgent ‘Cabin Service’ delicacies are served around the clock.

Jean has also re-designed the atmosphere and visual identity of the three 1920s restaurant cars, (L’Oriental, Etoile Du Nord, and Côte d’Azur), to reflect his vision whilst maintaining their golden era of travel look and feel. Collaborating with some of the most renowned interior experts. New mood lighting casts a warm, candle-lit glow across tables laid with crisp white tablecloths and sparkling silver cutlery, bespoke art-adorned French porcelain dinnerware and unique menu designs reflect the distinct colour palette and history of each carriage.


Cementing existing relationships with local farmers and producers, while forging new connections with specialist artisans along the route, Chef Imbert will transform the finest ingredients into original menus over the course of the train’s calendar, as the seasons change.


“To be written into the story of the legendary Venice Simplon-Orient-Express is a childhood dream come true. I genuinely feel as though the stars have aligned for me to have this once in a lifetime opportunity, and I am looking forward to sharing my deep passion for the train, through food, with our guests in this season and for years to come”, says Jean Imbert, Chef, Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, A Belmond Train, Europe.

Pascal Deyrolle, General Manager, Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, Europe says, “We are so excited to be inviting Jean Imbert to cast his creative magic on the entire culinary offering on board the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express. Sophisticated dining is a key pillar of the journey and our guests build special memories around the food they eat, from breakfast in their cabins, to the formal dinner on board. Jean Imbert is bringing a new level of culinary excellence – keeping the legend and mystery of the world’s most famous train alive.”


Belmond – Jean Imbert announced as new Chef of the Legendary Venice Simplon Orient Express a new gastronomic era

Today, Belmond unveils a new gastronomic era for the legendary Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, A Belmond Train, Europe, with the appointment of Jean Imbert as Chef of the world’s most famous train.


Launching on the rails from the first journey of the 2022 season, Chef Imbert realises his dream of becoming part of the iconic train’s legacy – elevating the culinary experience for guests journeying through some of Europe’s most spectacular landscapes.


Blending this iconic train’s gastronomic heritage with his own passion for fresh seasonal produce, prepared classically and with precision, Chef Imbert creates beautiful moments of culinary perfection in motion; from intimate celebrations in a private Grand Suite, to an entire takeover of the train’s glamorous art-deco carriages.

Chef Imbert’s new concept spans all of the train’s culinary menus and experiences; from breakfast served in the comfort of guests’ own cabin, to lunch, afternoon tea, elegant canapés during aperitivo hour in 3674 Bar Car, the social heart of the train, and an exquisite dinner. In addition, indulgent ‘Cabin Service’ delicacies are served around the clock.

Jean has also re-designed the atmosphere and visual identity of the three 1920s restaurant cars, (L’Oriental, Etoile Du Nord, and Côte d’Azur), to reflect his vision whilst maintaining their golden era of travel look and feel. Collaborating with some of the most renowned interior experts. New mood lighting casts a warm, candle-lit glow across tables laid with crisp white tablecloths and sparkling silver cutlery, bespoke art-adorned French porcelain dinnerware and unique menu designs reflect the distinct colour palette and history of each carriage.


Cementing existing relationships with local farmers and producers, while forging new connections with specialist artisans along the route, Chef Imbert will transform the finest ingredients into original menus over the course of the train’s calendar, as the seasons change.


“To be written into the story of the legendary Venice Simplon-Orient-Express is a childhood dream come true. I genuinely feel as though the stars have aligned for me to have this once in a lifetime opportunity, and I am looking forward to sharing my deep passion for the train, through food, with our guests in this season and for years to come”, says Jean Imbert, Chef, Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, A Belmond Train, Europe.

Pascal Deyrolle, General Manager, Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, Europe says, “We are so excited to be inviting Jean Imbert to cast his creative magic on the entire culinary offering on board the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express. Sophisticated dining is a key pillar of the journey and our guests build special memories around the food they eat, from breakfast in their cabins, to the formal dinner on board. Jean Imbert is bringing a new level of culinary excellence – keeping the legend and mystery of the world’s most famous train alive.”