Hennessy is one of the most respected and popular cognac makers in the world. If you’re a fan of cognac, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve tried one of Hennessy’s expressions over the years. But what do you know about the history of this iconic brand? Ever think its name sounds much more Irish than French? Well, there’s a reason for that.

For over two centuries, Hennessy has written new chapters in the story of cognac. Today, the House is the unrivaled market leader and one of the top high-end spirits brands in the world.

Hennessy – 250 Years of History


Founded in 1765, the House of Hennessy originated in the vision of one man, Richard Hennessy. “For over two centuries, eight generations of the Hennessy family and seven generations of the Fillioux family have worked together to ensure the quality and consistency of our Cognacs,” says Yann Fillioux, 7th Generation Hennessy Master Blender.



The story of the House of Hennessy began with one man’s vision. An Irish officer in the service of the King of France, Richard Hennessy foresaw the extraordinary international commercial potential of Cognac’s eaux-de-vie. In 1765, he set up his own business and founded a House that has since met with unequaled and unfailing success. That success is the result of a constant quest for excellence in the creation of exceptional cognacs, coupled with an ambitious business development strategy.

Richard Hennessy. © Jas Hennessy & Co / The Makers Entertainment.

Richard Hennessy.
© Jas Hennessy & Co / The Makers Entertainment.

At the end of the 18th century, Hennessy began to grow in all four corners of the globe, starting with the United States. At the beginning of the 19th century, the House set its sights on Australia and Southeast Asia. The South American, Japanese and Chinese markets were conquered in turn.

In 1860, a quarter of cognac exports bore one name: Hennessy.

In the 20th century, the work begun by the House’s founder was continued. A million cases were shipped in 1967, and twenty years later that figure was two million. With over five and a half million cases in 2013, Hennessy is now the top French wine and spirits brand by value in the world. In addition to the fabulous commercial success of a brand present on every continent and in over 130 countries, Hennessy cognac is an ambassador for French art de vivre the world over.

Creation date: 1765
CEO: Bernard Peillon
Head office: 1, rue de la Richonne, 16100 Cognac – France
Website: www.hennessy.com

Photo: © Jas Hennessy & Co

Moët & Chandon

Driven by its pioneering spirit, Moët & Chandon has always produced a Champagne with an inimitable identity.

Creation date: 1743
Chairman and CEO: Stéphane Baschiera
Head office: Avenue de Champagne, 51200 Epernay – France
Website: www.moet.com


Since 1743 when it was founded, Moët & Chandon has been passing down unequaled winemaking savoir-faire and an innovative and pioneering spirit from generation to generation.

Claude Moët, its founder, was the first person to embody these values when he made his Champagne the most sought-after in Europe. With his grandson, Jean Remy Moët, a pioneering and visionary mind, Moët & Chandon became a major international champagne brand. This saga quickly transformed the family House into a worldwide symbol of success.

The 1,190 hectares of rich limestone soil, 50% of which is classed as Grand Cru and 25% Premier Cru, make up the largest vineyard area in Champagne. Underground, the Moët & Chandon cellars are the most extensive in the region. Extending more than 28 kilometers, they form a subterranean labyrinth where the wine metamorphoses under optimum conditions of humidity and temperature.


As the House’s signature cuvée, Moët Impérial is its most comprehensive and universal expression. This Champagne is a perfectly executed blend of over 200 crus, mingling the full body of pinot noir with the suppleness of meunier and the finesse of chardonnay. The very incarnation of balance in Champagne for over 150 years.

“Undoubtedly, it is Moët & Chandon’s legendary heritage and pioneering spirit. Furthermore, this is a brand with an exceptional savoir-faire, yet it is always innovatively forward-thinking. From innovating successful new trends in bottling to creating new methods of celebration, Moët & Chandon continues to pursue new ways to share the magic of Champagne with the world.”

Stéphane Baschiera, Chairman and CEO of Moët & Chandon


For Benoît Gouez, Cellar Master at Moët & Chandon since 2005, the champagne that he was previously ignorant of has now become a passion. In his own words: “I’m not from the wine world. I arrived here through a series of encounters, circumstances and above all, intuition! “. Benoît Gouez’s enthusiasm and expertise drove him to understand the spirit of Moët & Chandon Champagne, which he has been magnifying with boldness and elegance, vintage after vintage.


Only Moët & Chandon could innovate by breaking the rules. The House rose to a new challenge by developing a luxuriously revolutionary Champagne: Moët Ice Impérial is the very first refreshing Champagne to be enjoyed over ice, in large glasses that have been specially designed to reveal all of its subtlety.




Driven by its pioneering spirit, Moët & Chandon has always produced a Champagne with an inimitable identity.

Driven by its pioneering spirit, Moët & Chandon has always produced a Champagne with an inimitable identity.

Moët & Chandon House.© Andreas Achmann

Recientemente descrito como “una compañía de hornos diferente a cualquier otra” por la revista británica GQ en una revisión reciente, Harrison Ovens es una empresa familiar que encarna el espíritu de la artesanía artesanal británica. La marca rechaza la producción en masa de alto volumen ofrecida por corporaciones sin rostro en todo el mundo, favoreciendo un enfoque auténtico, práctico y personal.

Harrison Ovens – Luxury, Artisan Solid Fuel Ovens

Harrison Ovens – Luxury, Artisan Solid Fuel Ovens

Hornos Harrison – Hornos artesanales de combustible sólido de lujo

Cada horno Harrison está hecho a mano con amor entre Londres y Ramsgate, Kent, tras haber trasladado recientemente parte de la fabricación de su hogar original en Londres, a un alto y perfecto grado; ciertamente no hay sentido del estilo sobre la sustancia, cuando ambos son igualmente impresionantes.

Harrison Ovens fue fundada por el entusiasta de la cocina con fuego real Daniel Thumwood, cuyo particular interés en cocinar de manera tradicional con combustibles sólidos lo inició en el camino hacia el éxito del horno artesanal. Determinado por la naturaleza engorrosa y poco inspiradora de los hornos profesionales de carbón, Daniel buscó algo diferente que cumpliera con los mismos propósitos y se adaptara expertamente a cocineros aficionados de alta gama y restaurantes boutique con cocinas abiertas.

Este podría ser el mejor horno de combustible sólido de alto rendimiento del planeta.

Considere la moderna cocina de alta gama y es difícil no imaginar una reluciente gama de hornos de pared a pared respaldada por Patrick Bateman que ha sido cuidadosamente coordinada para que coincida con el humidor. Sin embargo, los hornos artesanales Harrison representan un enfoque más tradicional de la forma, uno que representa la sustancia culinaria sobre el estilo Square Mile. Hecho a mano en el Reino Unido por el ingeniero y soldador Daniel Thumwood, cada diseño de cámara cerrada funciona con carbón, combinando el sabor auténtico derivado de una parrilla abierta con toda la comodidad controlada por calor de un horno de convección. Adecuado tanto para uso en interiores como en exteriores, The Harrison viene en una gama de colores inspirados en la gastronomía, desde tinta de calamar hasta venado, aunque si sus gustos musicales abarcan a Huey Lewis y Phil Collins, también está disponible en acero inoxidable regulable.

Daniel proviene de una experiencia artística, después de haber estudiado historia del arte renacentista durante 6 años. Fue sobre estos fundamentos sobre los que Daniel construyó su imperio, combinando su amor por el arte con un amor por la cocina y sus habilidades en los campos de la artesanía en metal. En la vida útil de 4 años de la compañía – (nb: los hornos han estado en desarrollo durante 4 años, la compañía se constituyó en mayo de 2016), Daniel participa regularmente en todas las etapas de la creación de Harrison Ovens, trabajando junto a su padre George, un veterano del oficio. Cada horno se hace a mano y se prueba y aprueba personalmente antes de salir del taller de Daniel y se le otorga su certificado de autenticidad. ¿El final resulto? Un producto británico artesanal superior y lujoso, que Daniel siente que refleja el cuidado y el carácter, las perfecciones e imperfecciones, de su creador.

Hablando sobre Harrison Ovens, Daniel citó:

En Harrison creemos firmemente que los artesanos ahora son los que cambian el juego. En un mundo de producción en masa y vida a alta velocidad, nuestras habilidades se remontan a una época de métodos auténticos, paso a paso.

Hablando de los primeros días de Harrison Ovens, agrega:

Inicialmente diseñé y desarrollé Harrison, para mi propio uso, pero el interés ha sido tan abrumador, que ahora estoy ofreciendo hacer un número limitado de este hermoso horno, para chefs creativos e innovadores, tanto aficionados como profesionales.

¿qué hace que Harrison Ovens sea tan especial?

Además de su estética tradicional, trayendo un estilo clásico a la era moderna en una época en la que lo ‘vintage’ se considera de moda, cada Horno Harrison tiene su propio número de serie, un libro de registro y un certificado de autenticidad que refuerza la relación personal. entre la marca y el cliente. Para enfatizar esta relación, cada certificado ha sido firmado y sellado con cera por el maestro artesano Daniel Thumwood, quien construye cada Horno Harrison a mano. Este enfoque hecho a mano garantiza que no haya dos hornos Harrison iguales: cada uno tiene su propio carácter, sus sutiles imperfecciones y su personalidad culinaria, brindando comidas y sabores únicos que sería imposible replicar con el horno de la más alta calidad. Realmente desarrollas tu propio gusto.

Sin embargo, los Hornos Harrison no son simplemente un dispositivo de cocina: se mezclan sin esfuerzo en cualquier cocina, cada Horno Harrison sirve como un mueble, llama la atención a medida que los invitados lo admiran y seguramente será una pieza de conversación garantizada. Cada horno está diseñado y fabricado para complementar perfectamente las cocinas y jardines más sofisticados de todo el mundo. Ofreciendo no solo las comidas más suntuosas, Harrison Ovens seguramente traerá un sentido de creatividad y asombro a cualquier boutique social de la que se conviertan, o restaurantes boutique, entreteniendo a los huéspedes sin parar e invitando preguntas.

Perfecto para cualquier combinación de colores o tema de cocina o jardín, los hornos Harrison están disponibles en una variedad de tonos con nombre apropiado, que incluyen tinta de calamar, moules, borsch, venado, pez loro, col rizada y rábano picante. Se encuentra disponible un horno Harrison tradicional de acero inoxidable, conocido como Harrison ‘S’. Para aquellos que buscan una sensación vintage en su Horno Harrison, la marca británica ofrece un gabinete de base de nogal y roble de aspecto natural, o un clásico acero inoxidable.

Más rentables que otros hornos de cámara cerrada producidos en masa, los hornos Harrison comienzan en aproximadamente £ 5000. Una inversión como esta garantiza calidad, deliciosa comida casera en un horno hecho a mano y unirse a las filas de la élite, donde los chefs aficionados y profesionales se encuentran desde que invirtieron en Harrison Ovens.

Daniel Thumwood, fundador de Harrison Ovens

Hornos Harrison

¿Por qué debería invertir en un horno Harrison?

Los hornos Harrison son hornos de combustible sólido de cámara cerrada, lo que los convierte en la combinación perfecta de una parrilla abierta y un horno convencional. Este tipo de horno se puede encontrar en los mejores restaurantes de todo el mundo, lo que garantiza que cada comida sea de calidad gourmet y con estrellas Michelin en la comodidad de su hogar. Durante el proceso de cocción, los aspectos de cámara cerrada de un horno Harrison permiten que el calor viaje alrededor de las paredes del horno por convección. Esto significa que los alimentos se cocinan de manera uniforme y rápida a fuego alto, mientras retienen la humedad, la suculencia y el sabor, sin los brotes asociados con una parrilla abierta.

Con una cámara cerrada, horno de combustible sólido, puede cocinar prácticamente todo lo que su corazón desee: carne, pizza, pescado, pastel, pan, las posibilidades son infinitas. Al cocinar dentro de un horno Harrison, todas estas deliciosas comidas y más se infunden con deliciosas pestañas ahumadas de sabor.

El uso de un horno Harrison también es rentable: el carbón ahorra dinero, ya que es más barato que el gas y la electricidad cocinar a altas temperaturas, al tiempo que salva el medio ambiente como una sustancia orgánica, natural y no tóxica. ¡La marca a menudo utiliza un horno Harrison para tostar granos de café y fumar queso!

Los hornos Harrison son increíblemente fáciles de limpiar: todos los desechos caen en un cenicero debajo de la cámara principal y se pueden desechar de forma rápida y sencilla. Este desperdicio no tiene impacto en el medio ambiente y puede ser particularmente útil cuando se dispersa en el cultivo de vegetales.

Obtenga más información sobre Harrison Ovens en:

Hornos Harrison


BALMUDA The Toaster

The three essential elements of culinary delight. BALMUDA The Toaster uses steam technology and precise temperature control to bring out the best in every kind of bread. Its Oven Mode can also cook other items to perfection.

Revolutionary Technology

The decisive factor is the 5 cc of water poured into the toaster at the at the beginning.  Heating more rapidly than air, a thin layer of steam envelops the bread, lightly toasting its surface, while keeping its  inner moisture and flavor from escaping.

Steam technology that locks in moisture and flavor

Precise, second-by-second temperature regulation

Precise control of three temperature zones creates superb contrasts of flavor and texture: crisp and savory on the surface, moist and fluffy inside

The Five Modes

BALMUDA The Toaster has four modes designed to heat various types of bread to perfection. The additional oven mode can be used to cook various oven dishes.

Sandwich Bread Mode

This mode delivers a delicious contrast between a crisp exterior and a moist interior. Ideal for everyday thin-sliced bread and English muffins from the supermarket. Adjust the timer to obtain the desired level of brownness.

Artisan Bread Mode

High-temperature toasting ensures a crisp and delicious surface while preserving the bread’s interior elasticity. Even bakery bread with its high moisture content takes on a toasty brown hue, just as if it had been dry-fried by a chef in a heavy pan. Select this mode to enjoy the texture and aroma of bread to its fullest.

Pizza Mode

By toasting more strongly from above than below, this mode is ideal for bread with cheese and other toppings as well as sliced bagels. Use it on yesterday’s take-out pizza to make the base as hot and crisp and the toppings as delicious as if it had just come out of the store’s oven. When bagels are on the menu, this mode preserves their chewy texture while toasting the top to a crisp, golden finish.

Pastry Mode

Now you can reproduce the delicious flavor and distinctively crisp and fluffy texture that could once only be experienced in freshly baked bread.
Buttery croissants become warm and crisp without burning. Rolls come out piping hot, even in the center. Heated baguettes remain light and airy on the inside with a wonderfully crisp crust—as delicious as in a restaurant!

Oven Mode

Heat is regulated to reach the desired temperature without the use of steam. This is a delicious way to prepare various dishes such as gratin, cookies or even frozen foods that can be oven-cooked.


From initial spark to finished product, BALMUDA The Toaster was two decades in the making. Development began based on a certain idea, but took some surprising turns after chance discoveries. Below, I share some memories of the journey.


1991, Ronda, Spain

Italian entrepreneur Flavio Briatore’s newest restaurant opening offers a lad-back fine dining experience in Knightsbridge

Flavio Briatore has never stood still. From Formula One racing, to a nightclub empire, to high-end restaurants, he has transformed all the industries he has been involved with. At the heart of all his work is glamour and luxury, and his latest dining offering, Maia in the heart of London’s Knightsbridge, takes this to a new level. Kristina Spencer investigates

Knightsbridge’s newest dining spot: Maia by Flavio Briatore

Adrenaline, excitement, adventure – these have been a part of Flavio Briatore’s life since the early days. Born in 1950, the Italian tycoon worked as a ski instructor and a door-to-door insurance salesman before meeting Luciano Benetton, founder of the eponymous clothing company. Known for his business wit and endless charm, Briatore was soon appointed Benetton’s director of American operations and went over to the US to open more than 800 stores during the 1980s.

In 1988 in Australia Briatore saw his first grand prix and a year later was named commercial director of Benetton’s Formula One team. The Italian understood that, for the audience, racing was less about the mechanics behind the operation and more about the spectacle and the excitement. Formula One had never seen anything like him before – Briatore transformed the sport into one of the most glamorous on the planet, and made a fortune along the way.

The restaurant Maia offers a swinging sixties-inspired ambience

It was Briatore’s ground-breaking vision that made Benetton a winning team within five seasons. Demonstrating his skill as a talent spotter, in 1991 he signed the driver Michael Schumacher, who won his first titles in 1994 and 1995. In 2000, after Renault bought Benetton’s team, Briatore signed a contract with Fernando Alonso, who was 18 at the time. Five years later Alonso won his first World Drivers’ Championship.

Briatore’s vision was one of success, and he loved what came with it. He dated models Naomi Campbell and Heidi Klum, launched a luxury clothing brand and eventually entered the luxury hospitality industry. Why? “My whole life has been about luxury. It’s where I feel most at home, and I wouldn’t do anything else,” he declares.

The businessman owns a Spa resort in Kenya and nightclub-restaurants in Monte-Carlo, Tuscany, Dubai and London. His most recent addition is Maia, on Hans Crescent in the heart of Knightsbridge, offering both traditional Italian dishes and plant-based choices. With Maia, Briatore wanted to create an “around-the-clock venue,” where you could spend anywhere from an hour to the entire day. “You can have a business lunch or an early evening aperitivo and carry on through to dinner. Maia is dynamic and adapts to the time of the day with a different atmosphere and offerings.”

Maia’s menu features traditional Italian dishes as well as healthier options

Maia is open all week for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between. Its mission is to bring the soul back into the neighbourhood and create a go-to place for the locals, be it for a laid-back afternoon aperitivo or a family celebration. “Many Knightsbridge residents are already regulars,” says Briatore. “They come back because the staff know them by name and they feel they are taken care of.”

The menu has an array of contemporary versions of Italian classics, with vegetarian and vegan options. But can Italian food really be healthy? “Italian food is so versatile,” laughs Briatore. “Beyond the clichés, you will find a choice of fresh, seasonal dishes,” created by Michelin-trained Head Chef, Mauro di Leo. There are the usual suspects: cacio e pepe, veal Milanese and white fish ceviche with veggie crisps. But there is also a detox Maia salad (chopped kale, broccoli, cauliflower, parsley, carrots, sunflower seeds and lemon-ginger dressing) and an abundance of avocado on the menu. Maia might be onto something.

Health and wellness have been buzzwords for some time, but over the past couple of years they have changed the food industry. Rather than simply a trend, wellness has become an ongoing commitment, especially amongst millennials and Gen-Zs who deeply care about having a healthier lifestyle; and although it comes at a premium, they are ready to pay.

Francesca Giacomini’s protein salad bowl at Maia, Knightsbridge

Which is where Maia comes in. “All around us, we are being given more and more opportunities to eat a plant-based diet; it’s good for us and good for the planet so I can’t see that going away,” says Briatore. “Being Italian, this trend is actually what our food culture is based upon, and not that different from what our parents and grandparents put on the dinner table every day.”

The restaurant offers a healthy and nutritional menu from its in-residence wellness advocate Francesca Giacomini of ‘Francesca The Method’ fitness and nutrition plans. But Maia shouldn’t be mistaken for a health parlour: the afternoon tea is a treat with freshly baked cakes and pastries, and if you are after something stronger, Richard Woods, the award-winning mixologist, will mix you a drink.

Maia’s interior is subtle, referencing the 1960s with comfortable chairs and soft furnishings in dark leather around dark, glass-topped tables. Come evening, the curtains are drawn over floor-to-ceiling windows and the lights go down. It is important not to distract from the atmosphere, according to Briatore, as “the guests are at the heart of the restaurant – clients are the best decor we can get”.

The restaurant may be the newest addition to the Billionaire Group, yet it is certainly not the last one – early in 2020, Briatore will be opening a Crazy Pizza in Monaco, following its success in London, and Billionaire Riyadh will be launched. Briatore’s ambition is to continue to grow his empire – he brings a lifetime of experience with him . “I believe in calculated risk” he says “and I have learned you can’t always win but it sure feels great when you do!”


When Jenn-Air debuted its provocative rebranding at the Architectural Digest Design Show in New York City last year, everyone noticed. In fact, they won the “Best in Show” award for their new campaign, Bound by Nothing, and their new collections, Rise and Noir. Across both lines are column refrigerators, built-in refrigerators, commercial ranges, range tops, cooktops, wall ovens, urban living offerings, and dishwashers—all of which offer the luxurious, skillful styling that defines the new campaign.




With its new look and focus, Jenn-Air has become something of a disrupter. They’re even hosting what will be one of Modernism Week’s most interesting talks, “Women in Design: Shattering the Status Quo,” where a panel of designers will share their stories of challenges, rebelling against convention and carving their own pathways.

After a rebellious brand revival, Jenn Air has redefined the luxury kitchens with a collection of limited-edition offerings for column refrigerators. With the Cuts option, the modest stainless steel facade is replaced with rich Italian hides. The leather-wrapped panels come in Carbon, Cognac, Croc, and Caviar and feature hand-picked custom hardware. The upgrades aren’t confined to just the exterior. Limited to just 13 pieces, the Burlesque model will give the refrigerator’s interior a seductive makeover with a wine-colored velvet lining for a $30,000 upcharge.

In that spirit, this week we’re taking a look at three of Jenn-Air’s latest game-changers: Cuts, a collection of leather-clad column refrigerators and freezers; Burlesque, a refrigerator column with an anything-but-conventional interior; and the handsome Smoke & Brass professional-style range.

While Cuts explores new takes on exteriors, Burlesque is a glamorous revamping of the interior—emphasis on the vamp. The rich reds often found in automotive design inspired the burgundy-hued interior, while crocodile detailing and moody illumination further elevates the design. The warm, red glow contrasts the chilled interior, creating an air of suspense and tension. Produced in a limited number, and befitting its limited-edition value, each Burlesque refrigerator will be hand-stamped with a unique identifier.

Glendalough Distillery - No solo raro, sino único Single Malt Irish Whiskey 25 años

Not just rare, but unique. This is the first Irish single malt ever to be aged in an Irish oak cask.

This is a monumental moment for our distillery, and in the history of Irish whiskey, bottled.


The liquid itself is sublime, with each of the three casks and two predecessor liquids adding to its taste in both the right measure and order.

The luxurious sweetness of the heavily charred American oak Bourbon cask is followed by the bold, round flavours of toasted Spanish oak, Oloroso casks, with the lively last word left to the virgin Irish oak spices.

This is all clearly discernible in chronological order through an exquisite smoothness.

José Gourmet - We preserve memory and tradition

JOSÉ is a name whose origin is lost in the memory of time. Many JOSÉs, similar companies, have gone through the most remote history of humanity. Many JOSÉs became well-known in the recent past. We pay homage to all the JOSÉs that remain in our collective imaginary, as well as to those that were relevant in the anonymity of our lives.

José Gourmet Conservas

We preserve memory and tradition

José Gourmet - We preserve memory and tradition

José Gourmet – We preserve memory and tradition

It seemed befitting to evoke such a meaningful and typically Portuguese name, and at the same time, one that is so universal. JOSÉ appeared to be the smart choice for the project we started years ago. From the Hebrew root, JOSÉ is “the one who adds on”. This was our goal:

to add material and immaterial value, to expand relations between quality production and consumption quality, to increase understanding of the quality of raw materials, their nutritional potential, and the quality of the great small producers and products.

We preserve values and relationships

We are not producers. We are between those who produce with quality, and those who appreciate products that meet the requirements. Between the first and the latter, we carry out our adventure: to introduce, to add value, to promote new social and commercial relations, and new social and dietary habits among people.

We do not compete with competitors, whoever they are. We maintain an honest relationship with our suppliers and clients. Anyone who produces with commitment and responsibility, selecting good ingredients and implementing processes of excellence, deserves equal yield. We reach out to clients – or they come to us – demanding and sensitive to fair trade; people who won’t settle for anything less than the best and are willing to buy our products at fair price.

We preserve challenges and imagination

The quality of our products is the raison d’être of our company. But this quality does not exist on its own. It is surrounded by people that lead environments, traditions, values, circumstances, possibilities: it is cause and effect of ways of living, looking for the best in life. The strategies of graphic communication join in, helping to promote the vitality of this challenge. That’s the only way!

Collaborating with us is Luís Mendonça, the designer in charge of all the design and art direction of the company from the very beginning. We needed someone who would combine agility, demand, creativity and experience. Thus, the graphic project gathers several facets, articulating needs and opportunities, involving design, art, and illustration, in particular, and bringing to our get-together authors whose prestige matches the excellence of our products. Our image is, in fact, a family of images, diversified and united, where something new is always about to happen.



Four Seasons Resort Nevis has unveiled a bespoke signature rum at crowned monkey RUM BAR, fittingly called Crowned Monkey Rum. A project that has been years in the making is finally launching in conjunction with the Resort’s 29th Anniversary, and to mark the momentous occasion, the first bottle will be sold for USD 29,000 to represent the 29 years since the property opened.


The legendary Caribbean resort launches a one-of-a-kind Caribbean rum blend



Exclusive to crowned monkey RUM BAR, only one barrel of Crowned Monkey Rum was produced, yielding a total of 345 private label bottles. “Bottle 001,” which comes adorned with the original cask seal, is sure to become an instant collector’s item, giving the opportunity for rum lovers and long-time fans of Four Seasons Resort Nevis to purchase a piece of history.

“We wanted to create something special that spoke to the history of the property and its significance here in Nevis,” says Pasquo King, Director of Food and Beverage. “From its rich, caramel colour and light vanilla notes to the hints of aromatic floral scents that waft over the senses as it is poured into the glass, this is a rum that represents the legacy of the Resort while showcasing the history of the destination.”

Crowned Monkey Rum was produced by Foursquare Rum Distillery in Barbados and aged for 14 years in a single Jim Beam bourbon barrel. The rum spent its first eight years in the tropics before being transferred for five years to age in more temperate climates and finally returning to the region for its final year before its local hand filling, labelling and bottling in Nevis.

As an unfiltered rum, all of the wonderful oils developed over the years allow Crowned Monkey Rum to have a smooth and creamy mouth feel with notes of burnt caramel, hints of vanilla and light golden raisins, which gives it a delicate balance throughout with a sweet aftertaste on the finish of light toffee and even lighter honey and floral notes. The rum enjoys a wonderful prolonged finish that belies its 46% ABV, which also serves to elevate the balance between more flavour at more strength.

“It was important to get the right rum, something that was a smooth sipping rum,” said Mark Theron, Master Rum Blender. “The rum breathes life into the warm feel of the Caribbean and exemplifies craftsmanship making it the perfect addition to any rum collection.”

To symbolise Nevis, the Crowned Monkey Rum label was specifically designed to pay homage to the lush beauty of the Resort’s island home, as well as highlight the green vervet monkeys that are the unofficial ambassadors of the island and the namesake of the rum bar at Four Seasons. Aside from Bottle 001, guests can also purchase a bottle number that is significant to them for USD 288 or by the shot (45ml) for USD 22. The rum will also be available in the bar’s new signature cocktail, called The Peak. The drink stirs in vanilla sugar and cherry bitters to complement the rum before being smoked with cherry wood to enhance the flavour profiles.

For reservations, book online, call (869) 469 6238 or contact your travel professional (chain code FS).

Taste An Authentic, Wild Kopi Luwak Coffee Of Specialty Grade!

Wild Kopi Luwak

We don’t just care about coffee, we care about you.

Best Beans

We source from Legendary estates, rare varietals and coffee competitions, guaranteeing exceptional aromas and flavours.

Precision<br />Roasted


Not too bitter, not too sour, our roast profiles were curated by our Roast Master for maximum flavour and sweetness.

Regarded as the most expensive coffee in the world, Kopi Luwak is often a big disappointment for true coffee connoisseurs. This is because the Civet cats which digest the coffee, are almost always caged, which is both cruel and disastrous to the delicate processing that would otherwise produce a tasty cup.

Taste An Authentic, Wild Kopi Luwak Coffee Of Specialty Grade!

At Difference Coffee, we source our Kopi Luwak from Gayo Estate, the only certified Wild Luwak Estates in Indonesia. The Luwak cats roam wild and select only the ripest coffee cherries, which get depulped through natural digestion. It is then taken through a series of washing, and quality sorting based on the most rigorous criteria set by the Specialty Coffee Association. The result is simple, a delicious and delicate coffee made the way nature has intended it to.

Prices start at £4.50 per capsule