Polestar Precept
The near future of automotive

Polestar Precept is not a conventional concept car. It’s the embodiment of our ambitions for design, technology and sustainability. A vision that will lead to Polestar 5, our electric performance 4-door GT, set to be launched in 2024.

Not a concept car, but a statement car

The automotive industry is facing pressing questions about design and environmental impact. Precept aims to answer these questions, showing our commitment to sustainable and engaging electric mobility.

The next step in Polestar’s evolution

Precept is both ambitious and logical. The next step for Polestar, not a leap. It combines sustainable materials that can already be produced, technology that is under development, and a design language that is futuristic yet realistic. We’ve borrowed from tomorrow. Not fifty years from now.

Intentional innovation

We can’t afford to waste time on sci-fi flights of fancy. Precept defines and displays potential solutions to the real-world challenges that lie before us. It questions conventions without indulging in daydreams.


Rolls-Royce announces a product that represents a new kind of Black Badge motor car. Their most advanced motor car yet has been reengineered to characterise the alter ego of Rolls-Royce: assertive, dynamic and potent. This is the purest Black Badge motor car in the marque’s history. This is Black Badge Ghost.


  • Black Badge Ghost debuts dark side of Post Opulent design
  • 6.75-litre V12 engine now delivers increased power (600PS) and torque (900NM)
  • Drivetrain and chassis re-engineered for more urgent performance
  • Curated collection debuts striking Turchese Leather and Technical Carbon veneer
  • Bespoke alloy wheel introduced in Black Badge house style with carbon fibre barrel
  • Infinity lemniscate symbol continues to codify noir expression of Rolls-Royce

“After considerable internal debate, Rolls-Royce announced that it would create an officially sanctioned response to a new kind of client: a permanent Bespoke treatment to its motor cars named Black Badge. These products, which were launched in 2016, would be darker in aesthetic, more urgent in personality and dramatic in material treatment.

“In the five years since Black Badge became publicly available, this bold family of motor cars has come to symbolise the pinnacle of a new type of super-luxury product, setting in motion a shift across the wider luxury industry. Subsequently, nearly all luxury makers create products that seek to capture the Black Badge spirit.

“Today, we announce a product that represents a new kind of Black Badge motor car, one that seizes on the minimalist, Post Opulent design treatment that has recast the legend of Ghost but amplifies and subverts it with the application of black.

Our most advanced motor car yet has been reengineered to characterise the alter ego of Rolls-Royce: assertive, dynamic and potent. This is the purest Black Badge motor car in the marque’s history. This is Black Badge Ghost.”
Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Uboatworx – The Super Sub is the most hydrodynamic sub on the market.

Distinguished by a long tail and advanced wing design, the Super Sub is the most hydrodynamic sub on the market. A best-in class propulsion system with four powerful thrusters delivers a total of 60 kW allowing for steep 30-degree climbs and dives.

The result is the smoothest and most exhilarating underwater experience, capable of diving to depths of 300 metres, all while maintaining an almost 360-degree view.

“Best Global Brands 2021”: Mercedes-Benz once again world’s most valuable luxury car brand

Mercedes-Benz has cemented its top place as the only European brand in the top ten of the “Best Global Brands 2021”. The brand with the three-pointed star stands at number eight in the latest rankings published by renowned US brand consultancy Interbrand – a position it has held since 2018. The brand value has risen three percent since 2020 to 50.866 billion US dollars. It means that Mercedes-Benz retains its position as the world’s most valuable luxury car brand for the sixth year in a row, and the only one in the top ten.

“Our continued ranking in the top ten and the increased brand value are successes that we at team Mercedes-Benz are very proud of. This result validates our strategic direction yet again – as a company but also in terms of our brand positioning. Across all our brands, Mercedes-Benz is transitioning from a traditional understanding of luxury to a modern interpretation that emphasises aspects such as approachability, innovation and individuality, that establishes an awareness of a world of new possibilities and that inspires enthusiasm for sustainable mobility,” says Bettina Fetzer, Vice President Communications and Marketing Mercedes-Benz AG

Mercedes-Benz is preparing itself for becoming all-electric before the end of the decade – wherever market conditions allow. The aim is to “Lead in Electric” and “Lead in Car Software”.
Indicator of the world’s most valuable brands US brand consultancy Interbrand has been conducting the “Best Global Brands” study since 1999.

The carefully researched index lists the top 100 of the most valuable brands worldwide and is widely considered the competitive benchmark and an important indicator used by CEOs around the globe. The renowned ranking system is based on three primary criteria: “The financial performance of the brand’s products or services”, “The role of the brand in the purchasing decision-making process” and “The strength of the brand when it comes to securing future returns for the company”. Certified to ISO 10668, the evaluation methodology was the first to establish a widely accepted standard for the comparison of brands and enables objective classification on a monetary basis. More information on the study and on Interbrand are available at: www.bestglobalbrands.com

Blue Origin y Sierra Space desarrollan una estación espacial comercial

Nuevo destino orbital abre espacio para negocios y viajes, creando un nuevo ecosistema

Blue Origin y Sierra Space anunciaron hoy planes para Orbital Reef, una estación espacial desarrollada, de propiedad y operada comercialmente, que se construirá en órbita terrestre baja. La estación abrirá el próximo capítulo de exploración y desarrollo del espacio humano facilitando el crecimiento de un ecosistema vibrante y un modelo comercial para el futuro. Orbital Reef está respaldado por líderes y compañeros de equipo de la industria espacial, incluidos Boeing, Redwire Space, Genesis Engineering Solutions y la Universidad Estatal de Arizona.

Diseñado para abrir múltiples mercados nuevos en el espacio, Orbital Reef brindará a cualquier persona la oportunidad de establecer su propia dirección en órbita. Este destino único ofrecerá a los clientes de investigación, industriales, internacionales y comerciales los servicios de extremo a extremo competitivos que necesitan, incluido el transporte espacial y la logística, la habitación espacial, el alojamiento de equipos y las operaciones, incluida la tripulación a bordo. La estación comenzará a operar en la segunda mitad de esta década.

Conceptual images of occupants in the core module of Orbital Reef with Earth in the background

El módulo principal de Orbital Reef.

Orbital Reef funcionará como un “parque empresarial de uso mixto” en el espacio. La infraestructura compartida respalda de manera eficiente las necesidades de propiedad de diversos inquilinos y visitantes. Cuenta con una arquitectura espacial centrada en el ser humano con servicios y comodidades de clase mundial que son inspiradores, prácticos y seguros. Como principal destino comercial en órbita terrestre baja, Orbital Reef proporcionará la infraestructura esencial necesaria para escalar la actividad económica y abrir nuevos mercados en el espacio. El transporte espacial reutilizable y el diseño inteligente, acompañados de una automatización y logística avanzadas, minimizarán el costo y la complejidad tanto para los operadores espaciales tradicionales como para los recién llegados, permitiendo que la más amplia gama de usuarios persiga sus objetivos. La arquitectura de sistema abierto permite que cualquier cliente o nación se conecte y escale para satisfacer la demanda. Los atracaderos de módulos, los puertos de vehículos, los servicios públicos y las comodidades aumentan a medida que crece el mercado.

El modelo comercial de Orbital Reef facilita las cosas a los clientes y está diseñado estratégicamente para admitir una cartera diversa de usos. El equipo cuenta con todos los servicios y sistemas para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes emergentes, incluidos investigadores, fabricantes y visitantes. Orbital Reef ofrece interfaces estándar en todos los niveles: casillero, rack y módulo. Agencias espaciales experimentadas, consorcios de alta tecnología, naciones soberanas sin programas espaciales, compañías de viajes y medios de comunicación, empresarios financiados e inventores patrocinados e inversores con visión de futuro, todos tienen un lugar en Orbital Reef.

El equipo de expertos de Orbital Reef aporta capacidades probadas y nuevas visiones para proporcionar elementos y servicios clave, incluida la experiencia única de construir y operar la Estación Espacial Internacional:

Blue Origin: sistemas de servicios públicos, módulos de núcleo de gran diámetro y sistema de lanzamiento New Glenn de carga pesada reutilizable.
Sierra Space: módulo grande de entorno flexible integrado (LIFE), módulo de nodo y avión espacial Dream Chaser de aterrizaje en la pista para el transporte de tripulación y carga, capaz de aterrizar en pistas de todo el mundo.
Boeing: módulo científico, operaciones de la estación, ingeniería de mantenimiento y nave espacial de la tripulación Starliner.
Redwire Space: investigación, desarrollo y fabricación de microgravedad; operaciones de carga útil y estructuras desplegables.
Genesis Engineering Solutions: nave espacial de una sola persona para operaciones de rutina y excursiones turísticas.
Arizona State University: lidera un consorcio global de universidades que brindan servicios de asesoramiento en investigación y divulgación pública.

“Durante más de sesenta años, la NASA y otras agencias espaciales han desarrollado vuelos espaciales orbitales y habitación espacial, preparándonos para que los negocios comerciales despeguen en esta década”, dijo Brent Sherwood, vicepresidente senior de Programas de Desarrollo Avanzado de Blue Origin. “Ampliaremos el acceso, reduciremos el costo y brindaremos todos los servicios y comodidades necesarios para normalizar los vuelos espaciales. Un ecosistema empresarial vibrante crecerá en la órbita terrestre baja, generando nuevos descubrimientos, nuevos productos, nuevos entretenimientos y conciencia global “.

“Sierra Space está encantada de asociarse con Blue Origin y proporcionar el avión espacial Dream Chaser, el módulo LIFE y tecnologías espaciales adicionales para abrir espacio para la investigación comercial, la fabricación y el turismo. Como ex astronauta de la NASA, he estado esperando el momento en que trabajar y vivir en el espacio sea accesible para más personas en todo el mundo, y ese momento ha llegado ”, dijo la Dra. Janet Kavandi, ex astronauta de la NASA en tres ocasiones y presidenta de Sierra Space.

“Esto es emocionante para nosotros porque este proyecto no duplica la ISS inmensamente exitosa y duradera, sino que va un paso más allá para cumplir una posición única en la órbita terrestre baja, donde puede servir a una amplia gama de empresas y albergar tripulaciones no especializadas, ”Dijo John Mulholland, vicepresidente de Boeing y director de programa de la Estación Espacial Internacional. “Requiere el mismo tipo de experiencia que usamos para diseñar primero y luego construir la Estación Espacial Internacional y las mismas habilidades que empleamos todos los días para operar, mantener y sostener la ISS”.

“El Arrecife Orbital representa la próxima evolución del paradigma espacial comercial al crear la primera plataforma del sector privado tripulada en órbita terrestre baja. Orbital Reef llevará adelante el legado singular de la ISS, apoyando actividades innovadoras de investigación, desarrollo y fabricación de microgravedad que promoverán campos tan diversos como las comunicaciones y la biotecnología ”, dijo Mike Gold, vicepresidente ejecutivo de Espacio Civil y Asuntos Externos de Redwire. . “El entorno de microgravedad presenta un campo completamente nuevo para el desarrollo comercial y científico, lo que convierte a Orbital Reef en la plataforma que lanzará nuevas tecnologías y capacidades que mejorarán drásticamente la vida en la Tierra al tiempo que permite el viaje de la humanidad a las estrellas”.

“La nave espacial para una sola persona transformará la caminata espacial”, dijo Brand Griffin, gerente de programa de Genesis Engineering Solutions. “Tanto los trabajadores espaciales como los turistas tendrán acceso seguro, cómodo y rápido fuera de Orbital Reef. El entorno en mangas de camisa, la gran visibilidad, la guía automatizada y los manipuladores de precisión avanzados harán que las operaciones externas sean rentables y rutinarias “.

“La Iniciativa Interplanetaria de ASU tiene el honor de liderar el consorcio universitario que apoya a Orbital Reef”, dijo Lindy Elkins-Tanton, Vicepresidenta de la Iniciativa Interplanetaria de ASU e Investigadora Principal de la misión Psyche de la NASA. “Hemos reunido a un grupo internacional de más de una docena de universidades para trabajar en la ética y las pautas de la investigación, en cómo podemos poner en práctica toda nuestra experiencia en ciencia e investigación y fabricación en baja gravedad, para ayudar a las naciones, las corporaciones y grupos que quieran acceder a Orbital Reef. Se trata de creer colectivamente en nuestro futuro y llevar la ciencia y la ingeniería a un futuro mejor, algo tremendamente emocionante “.

Consejo Asesor de la Universidad Orbital Reef

La Universidad Estatal de Arizona (ASU) lidera un consorcio global de universidades, el Consejo Asesor de la Universidad Orbital Reef. Compuesto por más de una docena de instituciones académicas líderes con experiencia en investigación espacial y de microgravedad, el Consejo Asesor de Investigación de la Universidad se centrará en las necesidades de la comunidad académica, estimulará la investigación, asesorará a investigadores novatos, desarrollará estándares de conducta y liderará el alcance STEM.

Los miembros del Consejo Asesor Universitario incluyen:
Universidad del estado de Arizona
Escuela de Minas de Colorado
Universidad espacial internacional
Universidad de Oxford
Universidad de Purdue
Instituto de Investigaciones del Suroeste
Universidad Stanford
Universidad de Florida Central
Universidad de Colorado en Boulder
Universidad de Florida
Universidad de Michigan
Universidad de Texas en El Paso
Rama médica de la Universidad de Texas
Universidad de Vanderbilt


Exclusive Club House – Aston Martin Club 1913 – located on the iconic 18th Fairway of the Pebble Beach Links Golf Course

  • 70 Years after first entering the American market, Aston Martins activation at the 2021 Pebble Beach Concours dElegance will be its biggest ever
  • Two major Aston Martin product introductions planned; one global reveal and one North American debut
  • Aston Martin Cognizant Formula One™ Team AMR21 on display recognizes the brands return to Grand Prix racing after 60 Years
  • From Goldfinger to No Time to Die; Aston Martin honors long-standing relationship with James Bond franchise

Gaydon, Warwickshire: 70 years on from the brand first entering the American market, Aston Martin will return to the prestigious Monterey Car Week in 2021 with its largest ever presence on the peninsula as Aston Martin Club 1913.

Positioned at a custom-built 11,300 sq. ft. (1,050 sq. m.) luxury Club House in a prime location overlooking the hallowed 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links above Stillwater Cove, Aston Martin’s 2021 space honors both the past and present, while simultaneously looking forward with the introduction of two new products that point to the brand’s performance car future.

Highlighting the weekend, Aston Martin Club 1913 will host the North American debut of the new Aston Martin Valhalla – following its reveal at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone – as well as a global reveal of an exciting new product which extends the brand’s performance credentials a step further.

In addition to the two debuts, Aston Martin’s activation on the peninsula this year will also include a selection of the brand’s specials, core sportscars, GTs and SUV, recognizing the British ultra-luxury brand’s past, present and future.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will enjoy a display which celebrates the brand’s return to top-level Grand Prix racing after more than 60 years, using technology derived from Formula One® racing endeavors to inform the brand’s new mid-engine road car strategy. Sharing the luxury space, Aston Martin will also honor its relationship with the James Bond film franchise spanning more than 50 years. In addition, vehicles which embody the leading-edge capabilities of the marques bespoke service, Q by Aston Martin – cars like the visceral V12 Speedster – will be on display for guests to see first-hand for the first time in America.

70 Years of Aston Martin the Americas
2021 is an auspicious year for Aston Martin in the Americas; it’s the 70th anniversary of the brand selling its first car in North America. 70 years of manufacturer sales in the United States and, later, Canada, is a major milestone and, over the course of those seven decades, the business has seen itself taken to the hearts of luxury sports car enthusiasts across the continent.

Indeed, around one in four of all Aston Martin cars built to date have found their first owners in North America, making the region hugely important to the commercial performance of the brand.

Shortly after entering production in 1950 with its then-new DB2 saloon, Aston Martin elected to expand its foothold and begin sales in the Americas as a way capitalizing on the region’s new-found taste for European sportscars in the immediate post-war years. As part of a fledgling public relations push to raise awareness for the brand in the states, a 1951 DB2/4 was shipped to the U.S. for testing with key automotive enthusiast publications.

Road & Track magazine was among the first publications to get its hands on the car and wasted no time in properly evaluating it with none other than soon-to-be world champion Grand Prix driver Phil Hill at the wheel. Testing and evaluation by U.S. publications was a success; Road & Track proclaimed it to be “…one of the best handling and fastest cars ever tested….”  In fact, after concluding the evaluation Hill walked away from the test so impressed, he decided to purchase the test vehicle itself; becoming one of the first buyers of the DB2 in North America, taking delivery on 15 September 1951.

The success of the DB2 in North America cannot be overstated. Of the 411 cars built, around a third made their way direct from the Aston Martin factory to owners in the United States. 70 years on from its humble beginnings in 1951 there have been ebbs and flows for the business. Today however, one thing remains the same; Aston Martin the Americas still accounts for roughly 30% Aston Martins sold worldwide annually, making it the brand’s largest market by volume. Unit sales in the Americas more than trebled to over 1,000 vehicles in H1 2021 representing 36% of global sales with an increased mix vs prior year with strong performance from DBX.

In 2021, Aston Martin the Americas counts 35 dedicated dealers across the United States, with a further five dealers in Canada, as well as individual locations in Mexico, Chile, Peru and most recently, Brazil.

Reflecting on the 70-year association between Aston Martin and North America the marque’s Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Moers, said: “For seven decades now, enthusiast drivers in the United States and Canada have had the chance to enjoy some of the greatest cars we have yet made. Around a quarter of all the cars we have ever made have been sold in North America; American and Canadian investment, management and support have played a major part in the company’s history. I am very happy to see us celebrate not only this important anniversary, but also the enduring link between our brand and the knowledgeable and hugely enthusiastic brand of owners who enjoy our cars in North America today.”

A Global Product Reveal and a North American Debut
Underscoring the prestige and provenance of the vintage cars selected to be displayed in the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, Aston Martin has chosen its space overlooking this year’s event to globally debut a new product from the brand which extends the company’s performance credentials a step further. The new product will be revealed Thursday, 12 August at a private VIP event and later available to view at Aston Martin Club 1913 from Friday, 13 August, by invitation.

Following its global reveal at the British Grand Prix in July, Aston Martin will bring its new Valhalla supercar to the Monterey Peninsula where enthusiasts, brand fans and prospective owners can see it first-hand. With development led by Aston Martin’s CEO, Tobias Moers, Valhalla is the latest and most significant product of the brand’s Project Horizon strategy to-date; a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and later, full-electric powertrains.

With worldwide production volume strictly limited to 999 examples over two years, Valhalla is a car which will broaden the model portfolio to reflect Aston Martin’s presence in Formula One®, set best-in-class standards for performance, dynamics and driving pleasure, and drive the transition from internal combustion to hybrid and full-electric powertrains.

Valhalla heralds a new definition of Aston Martin. With a mid-engined 950PS (937HP) plug-in hybrid (PHEV) powertrain, carbon fibre structure and aerodynamics shaped by the pioneering philosophy first seen in the revolutionary Aston Martin Valkyrie, Valhalla will bring the perfect balance of hypercar performance and advanced powertrain, driving dynamics and uniquely sophisticated design materials to truly redefine the supercar sector. Read more about Valhalla here.

Q By Aston Martin Specials – V12 Speedster
Aston Martin will bring its V12 Speedster to America for display in Monterey, this latest example finished in the iconic Aston Martin Racing Green.

Created by luxury British marque’s bespoke customisation service ‘Q by Aston Martin’, the Aston Martin V12 Speedster is a truly visceral driver’s car which celebrates open-air motoring and draws inspiration from both the brand’s rich racing history and aeronautical design. Demonstrating the skills and meticulous planning of Q by Aston Martin and Aston Martin Design, the V12 Speedster is a living show car, underlining the company’s commitment to deliver customers a stunning driver’s car, using the engineering ingenuity and advanced materials evident throughout the entire Aston Martin range. Just 88 examples of the Aston Martin are available to buyers worldwide. Read more about V12 Speedster here.

50 Years of James Bond
The relationship between the James Bond film franchise and Aston Martin is one with more than 50 years of history behind it such that the two are often synonymous with one another. Ahead of this Autumn’s premiere of the latest film within the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – Aston Martin will celebrate its relationship with the world’s most famous spy with a display that celebrates the first Aston Martin to feature in one of the films, the iconic, 1964 DB5.

Guests visiting Aston Martin Club 1913 will also be treated with the opportunity to see the £2.75 million + taxes DB5 Goldfinger Continuation car – one of just 25 customer cars – created in association with the producers of the James Bond films, EON Productions, and featuring a broad suite of working gadgets first seen on screen in the 1964 James Bond film, Goldfinger. Read more about the DB5 Goldfinger Continuation cars here.

The latest, and 25th, film in the Bond franchise – No Time to Die – premieres 8 October in the United States and features the most Aston Martins of any James Bond film yet, with four cars from the ultra-luxury brand; the 1964 DB5, a classic Aston Martin V8 first seen in 1987’s Living Daylights, the latest DBS Superleggera and the 2019 Valhalla concept. All told, Aston Martin vehicles have been featured in 12 of the franchise’s films, with No Time to Die Aston Martin’s 13th James Bond film.

“The past 16 months or so have been a time of unprecedented uncertainty for many around the world, including those of us at Aston Martin, but we’ve also taken this time to undertake a radical transformation, positioning ourselves for the future,” said Renato Bisignani, Head of Global Marketing and Communications for Aston Martin. “With a new leadership team in place, an exciting portfolio of new products to look forward to and new partnerships, the 2021 Monterey Car Week is very much the culmination of all this hard work; it’s only fitting this is our largest activation ever.”

Aston Martin Club 1913 is located at 1536 Cypress Drive in Pebble Beach, overlooking the 18th fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf Links. Access is by invitation only from Friday, 13 August through Sunday, 15 August. Guests interested in visiting the brand space may contact their local dealer for more information.

Goodwood Announces 2022 Motorsport Event Dates

  • The 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport will be held on 9-10 April.
  • The Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard will be held on 23-26 June.
  • The Goodwood Revival will be held on 16-18 September.
  • Tickets go on sale to the general public on Monday 8 November at 9am.
  • Customers can get early access from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship.

Goodwood Revival 2021

Goodwood is pleased to announce the dates for its 2022 motorsport and automotive events. Kicking off the season will be the 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport on 9-10 April, followed by the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard on 23-26 June and finishing with Goodwood Revival on 16-18 September.

2021 saw Goodwood make an incredible return to the motorsport and motoring calendar, with all three events taking place over the summer and autumn, welcoming back our passionate fans after more than 18 months away. Looking ahead to next year, the events will not only revert to the usual order – starting with the Members’ Meeting in April – but they will run at full capacity and bring back many popular aspects as well as new celebrations, moments, car launches and interactive customer experiences.

Members’ Meeting will remain the playground for Members and Fellows of the Goodwood Road Racing Club (GRRC), with a weekend of exceptional racing, high-speed demonstrations, off-track festivities and fireworks, and of course the unique school ‘house’ rivalry.

Festival of Speed 2021

The Festival of Speed will return as the destination for innovation, technology and future mobility, as well as hosting perennial favourites including Formula 1, drift, contemporary teams, champion drivers and riders of past, present and future, and more than a century of motorsport history. The awe-inspiring Future Lab will wow event-goers, as will the latest supercars in action on the Hill, and the world’s leading manufacturers launching their latest cars. Electric Avenue – the ultimate place for consumers to immerse themselves in the world of electric mobility – will be back after its debut in 2021.

Revival will once again host the world’s greatest weekend of historic racing, accompanied by fabulous vintage fashion and glamour, set within the iconic Goodwood Motor Circuit. Popular new initiatives for 2021, including the Make Do & Mend corner and Revival Car Boot Sale, will make a welcome – and enhanced – return, as Goodwood continues to celebrate and showcase sustainability and second-hand lifestyle, encouraging attendees to embrace the event’s Revive and Thrive ethos.

Goodwood Revival 2021

Further details and announcements on what will feature at this year’s events will be announced in the months ahead.

Commenting on next year’s events, The Duke of Richmond said: “I am thrilled that our much-loved, sell-out motorsport events will be making a spectacular return in 2022. Thank you to everyone who attended and partnered with the Festival of Speed, Revival and Members’ Meeting this year. Your loyalty and support after a challenging 18 months made them more special than ever, and we can’t wait to see you back at Goodwood again next year. It really will be a season not to miss.”

When do tickets go on sale?

Tickets for the 79th Members’ Meeting, Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival will be on sale at goodwood.com on the following dates:

  • Saturday 30 October 2021 – GRRC Members
  • Monday 1 November 2021 – GRRC Fellowship
  • Monday 8 November 2021 – Public

As in previous years, children aged 12 and under go free and a Young Person ticket will also be available for those aged between 13 and 21 years of age.

Members of the public can get early access to tickets and buy from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship not only provides a special ticket window, but is the only entry route to join the GRRC, offering a range of benefits including access to the members-only Members’ Meeting, exclusive video content, competitions, offers and much more.

Goodwood’s unrivalled hospitality packages are available to book now for the 2022 Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival by emailing hospitality@goodwood.com or calling 01243 755054. Whether customers are looking for a great day out with friends, entertaining clients or celebrating something special, Goodwood’s hospitality provides the ultimate setting to enjoy the events.

Also launching at Goodwood in 2022, will be Goodwoof (28-29 May) and Eroica Britannia (6-7 August). The two new events will bring ‘all things dog’ and vintage cycling to the estate’s impressive and popular events portfolio. Tickets to Goodwoof are on sale now at goodwood.com, with Eroica Britannia to follow at the end of the year.

2022 Event Charities

The Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival will also partner with two new charities in 2022. Race Against Dementia, a charity set up by Sir Jackie Stewart OBE will be supported by the Festival of Speed and local charity Aldingbourne Trust will be supported by the Revival.

Race Against Dementia is a global charity established to fund pioneering research to find a prevention or treatment for dementia. The Race Against Dementia (RAD) Fellowship Programme draws from the most promising early career scientific talent around the world. Collaboration with forward-thinking teams in Formula One and other innovative organisations brings the dynamic attitude, dedication and agility of Grand Prix teamwork to drive results in dementia research. The programme not only accelerates the Fellows’ personal research agendas but also aspires to catalyse a change in dementia research culture globally.

The Aldingbourne Trust provides real skills, care and jobs in a 21st Century way. Through strong partnerships and social enterprise, they enable adults with learning disabilities to have real choices and to lead more independent lives. The trust provides much-valued support in all aspects of their lives including accommodation, training, employment, advice and having fun!

Image credit: 1. Jayson Fong | 2. Dominic James | 3. Jayson Fong | 4. Dominic James | 5. Jayson Fong

Goodwood Revival 2021

Tickets for the Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival go on sale to the public on Monday 8 November at 9am at goodwood.com, with priority booking available for GRRC Members and Fellows. Customers can join the Fellowship at any time to receive priority booking for the 2022 events.

2022 Event Dates:

  • 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport, Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 April 2022
  • Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, Thursday 23 – Sunday 26 June 2022
  • Goodwood Revival, Friday 16 – Sunday 18 September 2022


Tickets can be purchased via goodwood.com or by calling the Ticket Office on 01243 755055.

Members of the public can get early access to tickets and buy from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship not only provides a special ticket window, but is the only entry route to join the GRRC, offering a range of benefits including access to the members-only Members’ Meeting, access to video archives, competitions, offers and much more.

For an extra special day out, hospitality is also available across the event and can be organised by emailing hospitality@goodwood.com or calling 01243 755054.

Goodwood wants customers to be able to book with confidence and if it is deemed that Goodwood events cannot take place on advice from the UK Government due to the ever-changing pandemic, the ‘Ticket Guarantee’ means customers can transfer their ticket to the following year or receive a full refund.

Goodwood’s number one priority is the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved, whether working behind-the-scenes, at the wheel, or attending the spectacle. Goodwood continues to work closely with Public Health England and UK Government advisory groups and all events will be run strictly in accordance with the Government’s Covid-19 guidelines

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About the Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport
The Goodwood Members’ Meeting is an epic weekend of motor racing founded by the Duke of Richmond, which aims to recreate the atmosphere and camaraderie of the original BARC Members’ Meetings held at Goodwood throughout the 1950s and 1960s.

As well as a full programme of racing, the Members’ Meeting features all kinds of cars from classic tin-tops and GTs, to motorcycles and open wheeled Formula 3 and F1 machines, offering visitors a friendly and intimate atmosphere with no crowds, thanks to being exclusively available to GRRC Members and Fellowship. A winning formula of spectacular cars, high-speed track demonstrations, fun-packed festivities and great entertainment; along with the very best food and drink. Joining the GRRC Fellowship is the only way to become a full GRRC Member.

About Audrain Motorsport
Audrain Motorsport is all about the chance to share extraordinary experiences centred around the way you want to engage with cars and motorcycles. No matter where your passion connects, on a tour, rally or back country drive; exploring the limits of your car and your talent against the clock on a track; as an insider at the world’s leading Concours d’Elegance and historic races; or sharing conversation with the movers, shakers and legends of the motoring world in an intimate setting, we are here to make it possible.

Audrain Motorsport promises “curated immersive automotive experiences” for all its members who are looking to take their passion to the next level, and to operate at the top of the automotive lifestyle chain. For more information please visit, www.AudrainMotorsport.com and stay up-to-date with all news and information by following us on our YouTube Channel and social media platforms.

About the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard
First staged in 1993, the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard is the world’s largest automotive garden party; set against the spectacular backdrop of Goodwood House in West Sussex, UK. Over 600 cars and motorcycles spanning the phenomenal history of motoring and motorsport take part along with legendary figures from the automotive world. Highlights include Future Lab presented by bp, Electric Avenue, Forest Rally Stage, Michelin Supercar Paddock, Michelin Supercar Run, F1 paddock, Drivers’ Club, GAS Arena, Cartier Style et Luxe Concours d’Elegance, Aviation Exhibition and Bonhams Auction.

About the Goodwood Revival
The Goodwood Revival is the world’s greatest historic motor race meeting, and the only sporting event of its kind to be staged entirely in a period theme. More than just an unrivalled weekend of historic racing, it is a whimsical step back in time; an immersive celebration of a less disposable world, where “make do and mend” was a way of life rather than a casual slogan.

The Revival is, at its heart, a celebration of craftsmanship and sustainability, from an age when possessions were made to last and be cherished. It promotes a thoroughly modern ethos – to “reduce, reuse, repair, restore and recycle” – in the most authentic way possible. All the cars are original, having been lovingly maintained since new, many of the outfits have been handed down through generations, and even the retailers specialise in pre-owned artefacts – everything from clothes and accessories to automobilia and books.

It is, proudly, the world’s biggest and most glamorous second-hand event, encouraging attendees to embrace its Revive and Thrive ethos.


Rolls-Royce Boat Tail is a pure expression of its owners’ interests, influences and passions, with every detail minutely considered. We have enjoyed working with BOVET 1822 to create a pair of exquisite timepieces that also serve as Boat Tail’s dashboard clocks. In doing so we have together created historically significant items of detail, precision, and beauty.

  • Rolls-Royce collaborates with Swiss master horologists BOVET 1822 to create unique timepieces for first Boat Tail coachbuilt commission
  • Pair of reversible tourbillon timepieces, each designed to be worn on the wrist, used as a table clock, pendant or pocket timepiece, or placed within the fascia as Boat Tail’s Timepiece
  • Timepieces and dashboard holder took 3,000 hours to develop and manufacture
  • Five-day power reserve and tourbillon mechanism ensure the timepieces keep perfect time when used as dashboard clocks

“Rolls-Royce Boat Tail is a pure expression of its owners’ interests, influences and passions, with every detail minutely considered. We have enjoyed working with BOVET 1822 to create a pair of exquisite timepieces that also serve as Boat Tail’s dashboard clocks. In doing so we have together created historically significant items of detail, precision, and beauty. These remarkable objets d’art, unique to the first iteration of Boat Tail, represent the finest examples of the skills and values shared by our two great luxury Houses.”
Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“I am so proud of the BOVET 1822 team, who worked in tandem with their counterparts at Rolls-Royce to produce something truly spectacular. The owners of the coachbuilt car, and these bespoke timepieces, are personal friends, as well as valued collectors of BOVET 1822. It was important to do the very best for them – two completely unique pieces that are unlike anything we have ever done before.”
Pascal Raffy, Owner, BOVET 1822


The clock in a Rolls-Royce motor car frequently assumes a jewel-like status, often becoming a canvas for the client to tell the story of their commission in miniature. For Rolls-Royce Boat Tail, the recently unveiled, first of three, coachbuilt creations, in which every element has been created to the owners’ exact specifications, this iconic centrepiece has been elevated to new technical and aesthetic heights.

In a spirit of warm collaboration, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars and Swiss master watchmakers, BOVET 1822, have created a pair of unique timepieces for Boat Tail and its owners. This ambitious undertaking brought together designers, engineers and craftspeople from both luxury Houses, in a magnificent demonstration of their shared values of excellence, precision, heritage, artistry, innovation and attention to detail.

The timepieces are unique to both the horological and automotive worlds. Made as a pair – in lady’s and gentleman’s versions – they are reversible, and housed in BOVET 1822’s patented Amadeo case, which allows them to be worn on the wrist, or used as a table clock, pendant or pocket-watch, as well as being placed front and centre in Boat Tail’s fascia as the motor car’s own timepiece. Both are fitted with tourbillon mechanisms to ensure perfect accuracy.


BOVET 1822 initially earned its reputation making luxury pocket-watches for wealthy patrons in China; today, it is renowned worldwide for its exquisite timepieces featuring hand-painted dials, detailed engraving and finely finished visible mechanisms.

The timepieces, created for this first iteration of Boat Tail, have specially designed 18K white gold cases and feature matching front dials with the same Caleidolegno veneer found on the aft deck of Boat Tail itself, and are finished with the owner-couples’ names. The gentleman’s timepiece is highly polished; the lady’s is ornately engraved then filled with blue lacquer.

On the reverse side, the dials are more individual. The gentleman’s features an aventurine dial with the celestial arrangement of the night sky over the place of his birth on his birth date; the lady’s is decorated with an ornate miniature painting of a flower bouquet on a mother-of-pearl dial. This design is a traditional BOVET 1822 motif, chosen by and personalised for the owner.

Both reverse dials have hand-engraved Bespoke sculptures of Boat Tail, complete with wheels, door handle, mirrors and other fine details. By working closely together, the teams at Rolls-Royce and BOVET 1822 were able to achieve a precise colour match between the lacquer on this tiny work of art and the full-size motor car.

Further close cooperation was required to ensure the timepieces conformed to the demands of their unique role as motor car clocks. In watchmaking, weight is rarely an issue for a complex timepiece, but in this instance, there was a limit on the combined permissible weight of the timepieces and their holders. BOVET 1822 met this requirement by creating an entirely new 44mm white gold case. In addition, the timepieces and holders also had to be tested to automotive-industry standards for vibration and crash safety – something never previously undertaken on mechanisms of this kind.

At a conservative estimate, the timepieces’ design, engineering, sculptures, miniature painting, marquetry, bespoke movements and cases took a total of 3,000 hours to complete.


When a pocket-watch is left static in one position for any length of time, the effect of gravity on key moving parts can impair its accuracy. At the end of the 18th Century, watchmakers solved this problem by developing the tourbillon, where the escapement and balance wheel are mounted in a cage that slowly revolves, cancelling out the gravitational effect. In a wristwatch, the wearer’s natural physical movements diminish the need for the tourbillon. However, when that same timepiece is mounted vertically in a car dashboard for many hours at a time, the tourbillon truly comes into its own.

BOVET 1822 is a specialist in tourbillion timepieces, for which it holds a number of patents and has received many awards including the Aiguille d’Or, watchmaking’s highest honour. It is also one of the only companies in the watch industry to manufacture its own spirals and regulating organs. To reduce potential impact from the vibration from the car, the tourbillon has pivots rather than the traditional ball bearings; a heavier balance wheel and an increased oscillation rate to aid precision. Finally, the tourbillon bridge is finished with a miniaturised Spirit of Ecstasy handcrafted in gold.

The timepieces have an astonishing five-day power reserve, rather than the 42-48 hours of a ‘standard’ watch, to allow for their role as motor car clocks.


The holder mechanism is unique to Rolls-Royce Boat Tail and was designed by BOVET 1822 engineers and the Rolls-Royce Coachbuild design team from a blank sheet of paper. Although in a Rolls-Royce vibration is naturally reduced to an absolute minimum – undetectable vibrations are inevitably still present. This highly complex mounting assembly serves to isolate the timepieces from these micro-vibrations. It also ensures they operate silently, are easy to mount and remove from the dashboard and, above all, remain safe and secure.

These challenges were unlike any normally encountered in watchmaking and car manufacture. From the start, BOVET 1822 was determined to follow a purely mechanical approach in keeping with its tradition of Swiss handcrafted production. The engineers’ innovative solution was to keep all the system’s moving parts external, with the dashboard providing a solid setting for the holder. Finally, Rolls-Royce ensured that when the holder is not housing one of the time pieces, it can be covered with a beautiful engraved and lacquered display plaque.  Below the clock, the dashboard is fitted with a special drawer, lined with the same leather as Boat Tail’s seats, which serves as a safekeeping receptacle to house the timepieces, straps, chain and pendant when not in use.


Case Size: Bespoke; diameter – 44mm; thickness – 14mm

Case Type: 18K white gold Fleurier case; BOVET 1822 bow at 12 o’clock; 49 components

Case Function: Amadeo Convertible System; reversible; pocket watch on chain; pendant watch on necklace; table clock; dashboard clock

Case Finishing: Men’s timepiece is high polish finish; Women’s timepiece is hand-engraved then filled with blue lacquer

Movement: Bespoke 60-second tourbillon; manual-wind; 284 components (without dial and hands); 21,600 v/h

Functions: Hours and minutes on both sides (reverse hand-fitting); power reserve indicator on front

Power Reserve: 5 days

Men’s Front Dial: Hand-made wood marquetry dial; hand-engraved Spirit of Ecstasy sculpture fixed to the tourbillon bridge; “A Special Timepiece Commission” on the dial

Women’s Front Dial: Hand-made wood marquetry dial; hand-engraved 18K white gold Spirit of Ecstasy sculpture; “A Special Timepiece Commission” on the dial

Men’s Reverse Dial: Blue aventurine glass with sky chart of owner’s birth day and birth place; hand-engraved bespoke Boat Tail sculpture, lacquered to match the colour of the car then miniature painted by hand to add the details; lady’s name engraved on the mirror-polished (by hand by the watchmaker) tourbillon bridge

Women’s Reverse Dial: Miniature hand-painting of flower bouquet on mother-of-pearl dial (based on historical BOVET 1822 timepiece, customised); hand-engraved bespoke Boat Tail sculpture, lacquered to match the colour of the car then miniature painted by hand to add the details; gentleman’s name (engraved on the mirror-polished (by hand by the watchmaker) tourbillon bridge

Dashboard Holder: Aluminium and Titanium; 51 components; Engraving of two Rolls-Royce Boat Tails in a white gold case, to match that of the timepieces, to place inside when the timepiece is not present (100% engineered, designed, and produced in-house by BOVET)

In-car Drawer: to hold timepieces, straps, chain, necklace

Independent laboratory certification: shock, temperature, humidity, vibration


Rolls-Royce’s coachbuilt masterpiece Boat Tail makes its global public debut at the prestigious Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este on 2 October 2021. The car will be unveiled at 11.30 local time on the Mosaic Lawn by Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.

  • Unique coachbuilt ‘Boat Tail’ makes its first-ever public appearance at the prestigious Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este on 2 & 3 October 2021
  • Boat Tail on view to guests and media for two days only on the Mosaic Lawn within the grounds of the Grand Hotel Villa d’Este, on the shores of Lake Como, Italy
  • Exhibited four years after the first coachbuilt Rolls-Royce of the modern era, Sweptail, was launched at the same event in 2017

“It is a wonderful privilege to reveal this unique Rolls-Royce to the world for the very first time. Although images have been widely shared, the car itself has not been displayed in public before. The Villa d’Este Concorso d’Eleganza is the perfect occasion, bringing together leading international media alongside knowledgeable motoring experts and discerning luxury aficionados, on the glamorous shores of Lake Como. There is also a pleasing symmetry in that we launched the first coachbuilt Rolls-Royce of the modern era, Sweptail, at the 2017 event.

“It is a truly historic moment for the marque. We are leading a modern coachbuilding movement that takes the wider luxury industry into an entirely different space, where hyper-personalisation and contemporary patronage provide essentially limitless possibilities.”Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Rolls-Royce’s coachbuilt masterpiece Boat Tail makes its global public debut at the prestigious Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este on 2 October 2021. The car will be unveiled at 11.30 local time on the Mosaic Lawn by Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. It will then be available for guests and journalists to view for two days only, before returning to the privacy and seclusion that have surrounded it since it was formally revealed in May 2021.

Images of the car have been shared and admired around the world; however, this is the first time Boat Tail itself has been displayed in public. It is a unique opportunity for guests and journalists to examine the car’s remarkable coachbuilt construction and extraordinary Bespoke detailing, which were designed and hand-built at the Home of Rolls-Royce in a highly demanding technical and creative project lasting almost four years.

Boat Tail marks a seminal moment in the annals of Rolls-Royce, demonstrating the marque’s commitment to coachbuilding as a central part of its future direction and portfolio. It continues and accelerates a contemporary coachbuilding movement that began with Sweptail, the first coachbuilt Rolls-Royce of the modern era, which also made its first public appearance at Villa d’Este back in 2017.

Boat Tail represents a pivotal moment for the wider luxury goods sector.  As a truly hand-built, one-of-a-kind creation, in which both the bodywork and interior are designed and produced to the client’s specification, Rolls-Royce Coachbuild redraws the boundaries of luxury and opens vast new possibilities for patrons of contemporary design and fine craftsmanship.

First staged in 1929 on the shores of Lake Como in northern Italy, the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este is one of the most important and glamorous occasions on the international lifestyle calendar. Normally held in May, the 2021 event takes place from 1-3 October 2021, with Boat Tail presented to the world, for the first time, on 2 & 3 October only

Bugatti Presents the Centodieci at Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este 2021 and celebrates 30 years of the legendary Bugatti EB110

With its timeless beauty, Villa d’Este on the shores of Lake Como has provided a residency for the aristocracy, princesses, marquises, sultans and tsars for centuries. Considered one of the most breath-taking architectural works of the sixteenth century, every year, this elegant five-star resort welcomes automotive enthusiasts from all over the globe to the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este. Here, they can appreciate the spectacle of some of the finest automobiles and motorcycles, in both production and prototype form, ever created. This year, visitors could also enjoy Bugatti’s stunning Centodieci, which the French luxury brand was presenting in the ‘Concept Cars & Prototypes’ category over the previous weekend from Saturday 2nd to Sunday 3rd October 2021.

With its timeless beauty, Villa d’Este on the shores of Lake Como has provided a residency for the aristocracy, princesses, marquises, sultans and tsars for centuries. Considered one of the most breath-taking architectural works of the sixteenth century, every year, this elegant five-star resort welcomes automotive enthusiasts from all over the globe to the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este. Here, they can appreciate the spectacle of some of the finest automobiles and motorcycles, in both production and prototype form, ever created. This year, visitors could also enjoy Bugatti’s stunning Centodieci, which the French luxury brand was presenting in the ‘Concept Cars & Prototypes’ category over the previous weekend from Saturday 2nd to Sunday 3rd October 2021.

Bugatti unveiled the Centodieci – which translates as 110 in Italian – during Monterey Car Week in California at the Quail in 2019 to celebrate the company’s 110th anniversary. Inspired by the legendary Bugatti EB110 of 1991 and powered by the 8.0-liter W16 engine producing 1,600PS, just 10 Centodieci units will be hand-built at Bugatti’s Molsheim Atelier and be delivered to customers next year. All ten Centodieci models had already been accounted for by customers prior to the car’s unveiling.

A Concours d’Élégance for automobiles was first held at Villa d’Este back in 1929, and Bugatti has enjoyed a long and successful relationship with the event. Recent highlights have included the Bugatti La Voiture Noire taking the premiere prize in the ‘Concept Cars & Prototypes’ category the last time the event was held in 2019. Models from Bugatti’s illustrious past, such as the 1937 Type 57S four-seater sports tourer, the 1934 Type 59 Grand Prix car and the 1938 Type 57SC Atlantic, have all been awarded significant accolades in recent years.

This year also marks the 30th anniversary of the Bugatti EB110. The groundbreaking and first supercar of its time represents the mid-period of Bugatti’s history, when Bugatti Automobili S.p.A. was based in the famous ‘Blue Factory’ in Campogalliano in Italy under the stewardship of Romano Artioli. Introduced in 1991 to mark 110 years since the birth of Ettore Bugatti in 1881, the EB110 elevated the supercar genre to a new level. It featured a revolutionary engineering package that included a carbon fiber chassis and a 3.5-litre 12-cylinder engine with five valves per cylinder and quadruple turbochargers. The transmission was also incorporated within the engine block to create more space for cabin occupants. Exemplary grip, traction and safety were delivered by four-wheel-drive, another key D.N.A. strand that remains pivotal to today’s production Bugatti models.

The historic supercar model – a blue (originally silver painted in “Grigio Chiaro metallizzato”) EB110 SuperSport – presented at Villa d’Este in the class “The Next Generation: Hypercars of the 90s” was formerly owned by Romano Artioli. The Italian entrepreneur, who relaunched Bugatti as Bugatti Automobili S.p.A. in 1987, prior to the company’s closure in 1995, has fond memories of the development of this revolutionary supercar. “While we were at the premiere of the EB110 in Paris in 1991, the engineers back at Campogalliano were urging us to return swiftly to the Blue Factory, as they were eager to begin work on the EB110 Supersport version. Everyone was focused on reducing weight and boosting power, while keeping in mind that I was ferocious that the safety characteristics of the car be upheld.”

The final result was a quite remarkable weight reduction of nearly 150kg from the original configuration, and an increase in performance from 560PS to 612PS, with the engine developed entirely in-house at Campogalliano. Immediately after the EB110 SuperSport was presented to the world’s press at Salon de l’Automobile in Geneva, the team took the car to the Nardò circuit in the South of Italy, to carry out the homologation tests.

“After a warm-up lap we set the world record with a speed of 351 km/h and an acceleration of 3.2 seconds from 0 to 100 km,” recalls Artioli proudly. And it didn’t stop there. The car also set a speed record on snow and ice at 296km/h, while a Bugatti EB110 GT powered by natural gas achieved at top speed of 344.7 km/h.

“I left my heart in my Supersport. No other car gives the same sensation of power, control and safety in every road condition as the EB110 – and with such beautiful style. I could not be more proud for “her” to be at the Concours d’Elegance in Villa D’Este.

“The Centodieci Concorso d’Eleganza at Villa d’Este is one of the jewels in the crown of the automotive season,” explains Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. President Stephan Winkelmann. “After the event was lost to the pandemic in 2020, it is even more special for Bugatti to return to the wonderful location of Villa d’Este and present our Centodieci to customers and friends of the brand from all around the globe. And of course, the event is even more exciting with the presence of the personal Bugatti EB110 Supersport “America” owned once by Romano Artioli himself. This seminal supercar represents the second period of Bugatti’s history, and gave our designers and engineers the inspiration for the Centodieci.”

The Bugatti Centodieci was presented as a static display within the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este ‘Concept Cars & Prototypes’ area on Saturday 2nd October and again on Sunday 3rd October, the car also participated in the dynamic presentation parade.