#MercedesBenz #ClassicCars #Heritage

Mercedes-Benz Classic arranca la temporada 2023 en el Retro Classics

#MercedesBenz #ClassicCars #Heritage

En cuanto a los clásicos automovilísticos, ¡2023 vuelve a ver a la estrella de tres puntas a la cabeza!

Mercedes-Benz Classic tendrá presencia en numerosos eventos de alto perfil en los próximos meses. Comenzando con dos de las principales ferias alemanas de autos clásicos: Retro Classics (del 23 al 26 de febrero en Stuttgart) y Techno Classica (del 12 al 16 de abril en Essen).

Pero los fanáticos de los automóviles clásicos también pueden esperar que nuestra división de herencia participe en otros grandes eventos en todo el mundo a lo largo del año. Entre ellos se encuentran el ICE St. Moritz en Suiza, el 1000 Miglia en Italia, el Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​en el Reino Unido, el Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance en los EE. UU. y el London to Brighton Veteran Car Run en el Reino Unido.

#MercedesBenz #ClassicCars #Heritage

#MercedesBenz #ClassicCars #Heritage

Estamos ansiosos por reunirnos con los clubes de la marca Mercedes-Benz oficialmente reconocidos y sus miembros, así como con todos los amantes de los autos clásicos interesados. ¡Porque después de todo, su dedicación ayuda a mantener viva la historia de nuestra marca!

  • Feria de cultura de conducción, del 23 al 26 de febrero de 2023 en Stuttgart
  • Los clubes de marca juegan un papel integral en la preservación del patrimonio de Mercedes-Benz
  • Perspectivas sobre la temporada de clásicos multifacéticos 2023

En cuanto a los clásicos automovilísticos, 2023 vuelve a ver a la estrella de tres puntas a la cabeza:
Mercedes-Benz Classic estará presente en numerosos eventos de alto perfil durante los próximos meses. La división Heritage del fabricante de automóviles más antiguo del mundo inicia la nueva temporada participando en las dos principales ferias comerciales alemanas: Retro Classics (del 23 al 26 de febrero de 2023 en Stuttgart) y Techno Classica (del 12 al 16 de abril de 2023 en Essen).

“En Retro Classics, el enfoque para nosotros estará en nuestro diálogo con los clubes de la marca Mercedes-Benz reconocidos oficialmente. 80 clubes en todo el mundo, con alrededor de 100.000 miembros, están en el corazón de nuestra activa comunidad Classic. Su dedicación ayuda a mantener viva la historia de nuestra marca y a crear conciencia sobre ella ante el ojo público. La ubicación del stand de la feria comercial de este año, inmediatamente adyacente a los clubes de marcas alemanas, también fomenta esta interacción cercana y cooperativa”.
Marcus Breitschwerdt, Director de Mercedes-Benz Heritage

Una selección de otras fechas de Mercedes-Benz Classic 2023:

  • “The ICE” St. Moritz (Suiza), 24 al 25 de febrero de 2023
    En el Concurso Internacional de Elegancia en el elegante complejo de deportes de invierno, los autos clásicos de Mercedes-Benz demostrarán su destreza en vueltas rápidas sobre el hielo y la nieve. Lago San Moritz.
  • 1000 Miglia (Italia), del 13 al 17 de junio de 2023
    Este año, la histórica carrera de regularidad en la estela de la legendaria carrera en ruta Mille Miglia discurrirá por Italia durante un período de cinco días. Mercedes-Benz Classic conmemora los momentos más destacados de la historia del automovilismo.
  • Goodwood Festival of Speed ​​(Reino Unido), del 13 al 16 de julio de 2023
    La “fiesta en el jardín del automóvil más grande del mundo” en la finca británica Goodwood House es un evento especial tanto para el público como para los participantes. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen carreras en la pista Hillclimb y el Rally Stage, así como presentaciones de vehículos.
  • Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance (EE. UU.), 20 de agosto de 2023
    (Clímax de la Monterey Car Week del 17 al 20 de agosto de 2023)
    Mercedes-Benz Classic presenta vehículos destacados de la historia de la marca en Pebble Beach. Las actividades incluirán la aparición espectacular de dos de los vehículos de aniversario de este año: el Mercedes-Benz 600 (W 100) y el “Pagoda” (W 113). Con una exhibición de los últimos modelos de gama alta, las marcas del Grupo Mercedes-Benz darán vida a las múltiples facetas de la elegancia automotriz en Pebble Beach.
    La Semana del Automóvil de Monterey será seguida por otro evento de clase alta: Mercedes-Benz Classic participará con dos vehículos en la reunión más grande de autos deportivos Mercedes-Benz de antes de la guerra en Sonoma, California.
  • London to Brighton Veteran Car Run (Reino Unido), 5 de noviembre de 2023
    Un evento de conducción que da vida a los emocionantes primeros días de la historia del automovilismo. La LBVCR conmemora la llamada “Carrera de Emancipación” de 1896. Los propietarios de automóviles británicos de la época celebraron la liberalización del límite de velocidad conduciendo desde Londres hasta el balneario de Brighton, a 60 millas (96 kilómetros) de distancia.

Aniversarios importantes en la historia de la marca Mercedes-Benz en 2023:

  • 60 años del Mercedes-Benz 600 (W 100)
    Este vehículo causó sensación en el Salón Internacional del Automóvil de 1963. La marca publicitaba el nuevo modelo superior como “El ‘Grand Mercedes’ 600 – El vehículo exclusivo de gran prestigio”. Con lujo, comodidad y seguridad en la conducción, el “600” tomó la delantera entre el pequeño grupo de autos exquisitos y de alto prestigio. El Mercedes-Benz 600 estaba disponible como Berlina, Pullman Berlina y Landaulet. Fue producido en Sindelfingen en un proceso de producción acabado a mano hasta 1981.
  • 60 años del Mercedes-Benz SL “Pagoda” (W 113)
    En marzo de 1963, el Mercedes-Benz 230 SL de la serie W 113 sustituyó tanto al 300 SL Roadster (W 198) como al 190 SL (W 121) en el Mismo tiempo. Fue el primer automóvil deportivo del mundo con carrocería de seguridad. Este fue un principio desarrollado por Béla Barényi, con un compartimento de pasajeros sólido y zonas deformables. La serie W 113 recibió el sobrenombre de “Pagoda” debido al techo rígido cóncavo: la silueta del techo recuerda a los templos asiáticos del mismo nombre. A lo largo de los años hasta 1971, la W 113 se ofreció sucesivamente como 230 SL, 250 SL y 280 SL.
  • 30 años del 500 GE V8 de la serie 463
    El primer modelo Clase G con motor V8 debutó en marzo de 1993 en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra. El 500 GE V8 fue el precursor de las potentes y lujosas versiones de la Clase G en los años siguientes. El motor M 117 V8 con tecnología de dos válvulas desarrollaba 177 kW (240 hp) y 375 Newton-metro de torque con una cilindrada de 4973 centímetros cúbicos. La velocidad máxima era de 180 km/h, mientras que la aceleración de 0 a 100 km/h se lograba en 11,4 segundos.
  • 30 años de la Clase C de la serie 202
    En mayo de 1993, Mercedes-Benz presentó la segunda generación de la clase compacta. El sucesor del exitoso “190” (serie 201) estableció una nueva nomenclatura en la gama de modelos de la marca: a partir de ese momento, la clase compacta se denominó “Clase C”, en consonancia con la denominación familiar “Clase S”. . En la década de 1990, esta lógica también se aplicó a la Clase E y la Clase G, así como a las nuevas series de modelos como la Clase A, B y M. Entre otras cosas, el primer Mercedes-Benz Clase C introdujo el concepto de diferentes líneas de diseño y equipamiento, así como sistemas adicionales de seguridad activa y pasiva para este segmento de vehículos.

Vehículos de Mercedes-Benz Classic en Retro Classics 2023

Automóvil de patente Benz, 1886.

El 29 de enero de 1886, el sueño de Carl Benz se hizo realidad: el diseñador de Mannheim solicitó una patente para su “vehículo con funcionamiento con motor de gas”. El número de patente DRP 37435 se considera el certificado de nacimiento del automóvil y le dio su nombre a Patent Motor Car. El primer automóvil del mundo fue un diseño completamente independiente, con una unidad orgánica compuesta por motor y chasis. Benz lo diseñó como un vehículo de tres ruedas, ya que no le convenció la dirección de la barra de tiro que se utiliza para los carruajes. El logro decisivo de Carl Benz fue la implementación sistemática de su visión del “carruaje sin caballos”: tuvo la idea de un automóvil, lo patentó, lo diseñó, lo construyó y lo probó. Lanzó el vehículo al mercado; lo produjo en masa, lo desarrolló aún más y así hizo que su invento fuera utilizable. El Benz Patent Motor Car marcó el comienzo de una nueva era de movilidad personal. Los visitantes de Retro Classics pueden embarcarse en un viaje en el tiempo y vivir de cerca este hito en la historia de la tecnología. En el stand de Mercedes-Benz Classic, hay una réplica fiel del vehículo como punto de fotografía. El Patent Motor Car va acompañado de una actriz vestida de Bertha Benz. La esposa de Carl Benz apoyó el desarrollo de su marido con gran vigor e influencia, y en agosto de 1888 incluso emprendió el primer viaje de larga distancia en automóvil, de Mannheim a Pforzheim y viceversa.

Datos técnicos del Automóvil Patentado Benz
Año de construcción: 1886 (fiel reconstrucción)
Cilindros: 1
Cilindrada: 954 cc
Potencia: 0,55 kW (0,75 hp) a 400 rpm
Velocidad máxima: 16 km/h

Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupé “Chasis rodante” (W 198), 1954

En febrero de 1954 se presentó en Nueva York el deportivo de serie 300 SL Coupé (W 198). Sus puertas de ala de gaviota no eran un fin estético en sí mismas, sino una necesidad técnica. Esto se debió a que el vehículo se basó en un marco tubular liviano y extremadamente resistente a la torsión. Fue construido tan alto en los lados que los diseños de puertas convencionales no se pudieron realizar. Incluso en 1954, año de su estreno, la marca utilizó un chasis con tecnología visible como fascinante exhibición en los principales salones del automóvil. El marco tubular, que pesaba alrededor de 75 kilogramos, se soldó a partir de tubos que se ensamblaron en triángulos y, por lo tanto, solo bajo cargas de tracción y compresión. La exposición muestra claramente la instalación en ángulo del motor de seis cilindros, así como todo el tren de transmisión con caja de cambios, ejes y eje de transmisión.

Datos técnicos Mercedes-Benz 300 SL “Rolling Chassis” (W 198)
Año de construcción: 1954
Cilindros: 6/en línea
Cilindrada: 2.996 cc
Potencia: 158 kW (215 CV) a 5.800 rpm
Velocidad máxima: hasta 260 km/h

Goodwood Announces 2022 Motorsport Event Dates

  • The 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport will be held on 9-10 April.
  • The Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard will be held on 23-26 June.
  • The Goodwood Revival will be held on 16-18 September.
  • Tickets go on sale to the general public on Monday 8 November at 9am.
  • Customers can get early access from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship.

Goodwood Revival 2021

Goodwood is pleased to announce the dates for its 2022 motorsport and automotive events. Kicking off the season will be the 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport on 9-10 April, followed by the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard on 23-26 June and finishing with Goodwood Revival on 16-18 September.

2021 saw Goodwood make an incredible return to the motorsport and motoring calendar, with all three events taking place over the summer and autumn, welcoming back our passionate fans after more than 18 months away. Looking ahead to next year, the events will not only revert to the usual order – starting with the Members’ Meeting in April – but they will run at full capacity and bring back many popular aspects as well as new celebrations, moments, car launches and interactive customer experiences.

Members’ Meeting will remain the playground for Members and Fellows of the Goodwood Road Racing Club (GRRC), with a weekend of exceptional racing, high-speed demonstrations, off-track festivities and fireworks, and of course the unique school ‘house’ rivalry.

Festival of Speed 2021

The Festival of Speed will return as the destination for innovation, technology and future mobility, as well as hosting perennial favourites including Formula 1, drift, contemporary teams, champion drivers and riders of past, present and future, and more than a century of motorsport history. The awe-inspiring Future Lab will wow event-goers, as will the latest supercars in action on the Hill, and the world’s leading manufacturers launching their latest cars. Electric Avenue – the ultimate place for consumers to immerse themselves in the world of electric mobility – will be back after its debut in 2021.

Revival will once again host the world’s greatest weekend of historic racing, accompanied by fabulous vintage fashion and glamour, set within the iconic Goodwood Motor Circuit. Popular new initiatives for 2021, including the Make Do & Mend corner and Revival Car Boot Sale, will make a welcome – and enhanced – return, as Goodwood continues to celebrate and showcase sustainability and second-hand lifestyle, encouraging attendees to embrace the event’s Revive and Thrive ethos.

Goodwood Revival 2021

Further details and announcements on what will feature at this year’s events will be announced in the months ahead.

Commenting on next year’s events, The Duke of Richmond said: “I am thrilled that our much-loved, sell-out motorsport events will be making a spectacular return in 2022. Thank you to everyone who attended and partnered with the Festival of Speed, Revival and Members’ Meeting this year. Your loyalty and support after a challenging 18 months made them more special than ever, and we can’t wait to see you back at Goodwood again next year. It really will be a season not to miss.”

When do tickets go on sale?

Tickets for the 79th Members’ Meeting, Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival will be on sale at goodwood.com on the following dates:

  • Saturday 30 October 2021 – GRRC Members
  • Monday 1 November 2021 – GRRC Fellowship
  • Monday 8 November 2021 – Public

As in previous years, children aged 12 and under go free and a Young Person ticket will also be available for those aged between 13 and 21 years of age.

Members of the public can get early access to tickets and buy from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship not only provides a special ticket window, but is the only entry route to join the GRRC, offering a range of benefits including access to the members-only Members’ Meeting, exclusive video content, competitions, offers and much more.

Goodwood’s unrivalled hospitality packages are available to book now for the 2022 Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival by emailing hospitality@goodwood.com or calling 01243 755054. Whether customers are looking for a great day out with friends, entertaining clients or celebrating something special, Goodwood’s hospitality provides the ultimate setting to enjoy the events.

Also launching at Goodwood in 2022, will be Goodwoof (28-29 May) and Eroica Britannia (6-7 August). The two new events will bring ‘all things dog’ and vintage cycling to the estate’s impressive and popular events portfolio. Tickets to Goodwoof are on sale now at goodwood.com, with Eroica Britannia to follow at the end of the year.

2022 Event Charities

The Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival will also partner with two new charities in 2022. Race Against Dementia, a charity set up by Sir Jackie Stewart OBE will be supported by the Festival of Speed and local charity Aldingbourne Trust will be supported by the Revival.

Race Against Dementia is a global charity established to fund pioneering research to find a prevention or treatment for dementia. The Race Against Dementia (RAD) Fellowship Programme draws from the most promising early career scientific talent around the world. Collaboration with forward-thinking teams in Formula One and other innovative organisations brings the dynamic attitude, dedication and agility of Grand Prix teamwork to drive results in dementia research. The programme not only accelerates the Fellows’ personal research agendas but also aspires to catalyse a change in dementia research culture globally.

The Aldingbourne Trust provides real skills, care and jobs in a 21st Century way. Through strong partnerships and social enterprise, they enable adults with learning disabilities to have real choices and to lead more independent lives. The trust provides much-valued support in all aspects of their lives including accommodation, training, employment, advice and having fun!

Image credit: 1. Jayson Fong | 2. Dominic James | 3. Jayson Fong | 4. Dominic James | 5. Jayson Fong

Goodwood Revival 2021

Tickets for the Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival go on sale to the public on Monday 8 November at 9am at goodwood.com, with priority booking available for GRRC Members and Fellows. Customers can join the Fellowship at any time to receive priority booking for the 2022 events.

2022 Event Dates:

  • 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport, Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 April 2022
  • Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, Thursday 23 – Sunday 26 June 2022
  • Goodwood Revival, Friday 16 – Sunday 18 September 2022


Tickets can be purchased via goodwood.com or by calling the Ticket Office on 01243 755055.

Members of the public can get early access to tickets and buy from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship not only provides a special ticket window, but is the only entry route to join the GRRC, offering a range of benefits including access to the members-only Members’ Meeting, access to video archives, competitions, offers and much more.

For an extra special day out, hospitality is also available across the event and can be organised by emailing hospitality@goodwood.com or calling 01243 755054.

Goodwood wants customers to be able to book with confidence and if it is deemed that Goodwood events cannot take place on advice from the UK Government due to the ever-changing pandemic, the ‘Ticket Guarantee’ means customers can transfer their ticket to the following year or receive a full refund.

Goodwood’s number one priority is the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved, whether working behind-the-scenes, at the wheel, or attending the spectacle. Goodwood continues to work closely with Public Health England and UK Government advisory groups and all events will be run strictly in accordance with the Government’s Covid-19 guidelines

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About the Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport
The Goodwood Members’ Meeting is an epic weekend of motor racing founded by the Duke of Richmond, which aims to recreate the atmosphere and camaraderie of the original BARC Members’ Meetings held at Goodwood throughout the 1950s and 1960s.

As well as a full programme of racing, the Members’ Meeting features all kinds of cars from classic tin-tops and GTs, to motorcycles and open wheeled Formula 3 and F1 machines, offering visitors a friendly and intimate atmosphere with no crowds, thanks to being exclusively available to GRRC Members and Fellowship. A winning formula of spectacular cars, high-speed track demonstrations, fun-packed festivities and great entertainment; along with the very best food and drink. Joining the GRRC Fellowship is the only way to become a full GRRC Member.

About Audrain Motorsport
Audrain Motorsport is all about the chance to share extraordinary experiences centred around the way you want to engage with cars and motorcycles. No matter where your passion connects, on a tour, rally or back country drive; exploring the limits of your car and your talent against the clock on a track; as an insider at the world’s leading Concours d’Elegance and historic races; or sharing conversation with the movers, shakers and legends of the motoring world in an intimate setting, we are here to make it possible.

Audrain Motorsport promises “curated immersive automotive experiences” for all its members who are looking to take their passion to the next level, and to operate at the top of the automotive lifestyle chain. For more information please visit, www.AudrainMotorsport.com and stay up-to-date with all news and information by following us on our YouTube Channel and social media platforms.

About the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard
First staged in 1993, the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard is the world’s largest automotive garden party; set against the spectacular backdrop of Goodwood House in West Sussex, UK. Over 600 cars and motorcycles spanning the phenomenal history of motoring and motorsport take part along with legendary figures from the automotive world. Highlights include Future Lab presented by bp, Electric Avenue, Forest Rally Stage, Michelin Supercar Paddock, Michelin Supercar Run, F1 paddock, Drivers’ Club, GAS Arena, Cartier Style et Luxe Concours d’Elegance, Aviation Exhibition and Bonhams Auction.

About the Goodwood Revival
The Goodwood Revival is the world’s greatest historic motor race meeting, and the only sporting event of its kind to be staged entirely in a period theme. More than just an unrivalled weekend of historic racing, it is a whimsical step back in time; an immersive celebration of a less disposable world, where “make do and mend” was a way of life rather than a casual slogan.

The Revival is, at its heart, a celebration of craftsmanship and sustainability, from an age when possessions were made to last and be cherished. It promotes a thoroughly modern ethos – to “reduce, reuse, repair, restore and recycle” – in the most authentic way possible. All the cars are original, having been lovingly maintained since new, many of the outfits have been handed down through generations, and even the retailers specialise in pre-owned artefacts – everything from clothes and accessories to automobilia and books.

It is, proudly, the world’s biggest and most glamorous second-hand event, encouraging attendees to embrace its Revive and Thrive ethos.

Automobili Lamborghini and Yohji Yamamoto celebrate the grand opening of the Lamborghini Lounge Tokyo and the Ad Personam Studio

Sant’Agata Bolognese/Tokyo, October 2020 – Automobili Lamborghini opens THE LOUNGE TOKYO in the exclusive residential area of Roppongi, and the second venue of its kind after New York in the United States. Featuring a permanent Ad Personam studio where clients ordering cars can fully personalize every aspect of their new Lamborghini’s exterior and interior color and trim, THE LOUNGE TOKYO provides not only a gateway into the world of Lamborghini for owners and VIPs, but provides a meeting and venue space for events and exhibitions.

The inaugural exhibition sees a collaboration between Lamborghini and the eponymous brand of the world-renowned fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto: the lounge offers the perfect setting to present an Aventador S “dressed” by Yohji Yamamoto, alongside a co-branded capsule collection comprised of three unique pieces: mod coat, bomber jacket and hoodie sweatshirt.

When Mitja Borkert, Head of Design for Automobili Lamborghini, met Yohji Yamamoto at Paris Fashion Week in January 2020, he was impressed by the style resulting from the contrasting red and black in the collection presented, as well as by the outstanding craftsmanship embodied in each item of clothing. The correlation in brand values between Lamborghini and Yohji Yamamoto was clear and the collaboration was born. Taking inspiration from the Paris collection, the Lamborghini Centro Stile imagined the iconic Aventador S as a canvas to paint. The distinctive Gandini line characterizing each Lamborghini is still clearly visible in the Aventador, but dressed with selected patterns from the clothing collection: the same designs enhance the Aventador S’s interior.

Mitja Borkert comments: “It has been exciting to have the chance to work with Yohji Yamamoto, the world-renowned fashion icon, who innately understood our significant Lamborghini design DNA. Our collaboration inspired this outstanding artwork and design for the Aventador S, which was unveiled today, and celebrates Italian craftsmanship connecting with Japanese culture.”

Yohji Yamamoto says: “With their inimitable design, Lamborghini super sports cars are more instantly recognizable than any other car manufacturer – just one glance is enough. I am delighted to see the realization of this collaboration, highlighting the uniqueness, the timelessness, and the abundant passion, which are characteristic of both our brands.”

THE LOUNGE TOKYO’s ground floor provides the first entrée into Lamborghini lifestyle, as well as being the venue for personalized handovers to owners of their new Lamborghini. The second and third floors offer exceptional event and meeting locations for both business and private occasions: assuring a unique experience for all attending and embodying the unique style and design characteristics of the legendary Lamborghini brand, the venue will also open to the public for special activities such as exhibitions or art shows.

Katia Bassi, Chief Marketing & Communication Officer of Automobili Lamborghini says: “We created this lounge because we are designers of experience, and we want guests to enjoy the real Italian Lamborghini feeling in this space: a little of Sant’Agata Bolognese soul in the heart of Tokyo. It reflects our attitude to innovating, while maintaining our brand DNA and our Italian cultural identity; the Lounge’s core concept of informal luxury expresses the Lamborghini worldview while welcoming guests to this intimate and exclusive environment that evokes the Lamborghini brand at every turn.

Lamborghini always strives to break new ground, both within the automotive sector in terms of design, technology and performance, but within the greater realm around us. We are proud to present two important projects at the same time: together with the Lounge’s opening, a second project comes alive today, and we are honored to present Lamborghini’s collaboration with Yohji Yamamoto.”  

Giovanni Perosino, Chief Commercial Officer of Automobili Lamborghini concludes: “More than half of the cars delivered globally by Lamborghini have one or more details customized via our Ad Personam program, either through visiting our headquarters’ studio or accessing the customization opportunities through our dealer network. Our Japanese clients embrace the almost limitless opportunities presented by Ad Personam: I was excited to see over 200 Lamborghinis, customized through the program, join us last year for our Lamborghini Day in Osaka. It is our pleasure to announce the opening of the Ad Personam Studio right here at the LAMBORGHINI LOUNGE TOKYO, facilitating our Japanese owners in personalizing their vehicles without going overseas. It is our honor to have so many customers and fans in Japan, and our privilege to open the doors to the world of Lamborghini through this Lamborghini Lounge.”

Venue: 7-5-5 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
Business hours: Monday to Friday (10 a.m. – 6 p.m.)
Email: concierge.tokyolounge@lamborghini.com


For more than 110 years, bugatti has stood for exceptional vehicles, technology and design in the automobile and luxury categories. now we can add the trade fairs to this list. its stand at the 2019 international motor show in geneva has won three prestigious design awards for the french luxury car manufacturer. the stand was designed in a deliberately minimalist architectural style so as to provide sufficient space for the innovations. in the automotive brand contest – an international design competition for automobile brands – the german design council honoured bugatti’s trade fair presentation as the winner in the “architecture and events” category.

The Iconic Awards, also presented by the German Design Council, rewards the combination of different disciplines such as outstanding construction projects, innovative interior and product design and impressive communication achievements in connection with architecture. Here the jury awarded Bugatti the winning accolade in the “Event/Exhibition” category.

Another award for the unique design style of the trade fair presence in Geneva went to Bugatti as part of the German Design Award, where it was won in the category “Excellent Architecture – Fair and Exhibition”. Jury rationale: “The neutral colour scheme of the minimalist architectural style with its elegant proportions, emphasised only by luminous, clear lines, perfectly captures the design of the exclusive vehicles and exhibits.”

La Voiture Noire1 perfectly integrated into trade fair presentation

“The highlight of the Geneva Motor Show was certainly Bugatti’s “La Voiture Noire” – the most elegant and most valuable new Gran Turismo in the world. We adapted our newly designed exhibition stand to this car. On the 532 square metre stand we were able to present three vehicles for the first time, including two world firsts. We are therefore extremely pleased that these renowned juries have recognised our efforts and our concept,” says Stephan Winkelmann, President of Bugatti. “My thanks go to the entire Bugatti team for their ideas and implementation at this year’s Geneva show.”

With the “La Voiture Noire”, the Bugatti brand has once again demonstrated that it builds the world’s finest and most exclusive hyper sports cars. This two-door Gran Turismo with its sculptural design is particularly elegant thanks to the use of exposed carbon in jet black. In addition to the “La Voiture Noire” – a unique item for Bugatti enthusiasts – the Alsace-based company also presented the Chiron Sport “110 ans Bugatti2”. Bugatti celebrated its 110th anniversary with this limited edition of the hyper sports car. The anniversary model bears one of France’s best-known symbols: the tricolour “Le Bleu Blanc Rouge” – with the colours blue, white and red – adorns the bodywork and interior in several places. The third vehicle presented at the exhibition stand was the Bugatti Divo1, a hyper sports car limited to 40 units which has altered aerodynamics designed for lateral acceleration and offers extreme driving pleasure.

“We celebrated a special anniversary in 2019. With these two models we pay tribute to our long tradition and our French homeland,” explains Bugatti President Stephan Winkelmann. Next year, the trade fair presentation will be modified. But one thing will remain the same as the previous year: Bugatti enthusiasts can look forward to innovation – in an award-winning setting.

Fuel consumption, l/100km: not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC as overall type approval is currently not yet available

2 Fuel consumption, l/100km: urban 35.2 / extra-urban 15.2 / combined 22.5; combined CO2 emissions, g/km: 516; efficiency class: G