CreatingIconicLuxury: The Mercedes-Benz brand history is a source of inspiration for the future.
From the three-pointed star to gullwing doors and cab-forward design: over the decades, the Mercedes-Benz design teams have created and established iconic elements. These are unmistakably associated with the brand, shaping the Mercedes-Benz myth and creating desire. The Mercedes-Benz design team will continue to develop the brand’s iconic style to further strengthen this heritage and carry it into the future.
PinnacleOfExclusivity: Exceptional customisation options, one-offs from collaborations, limited collector’s
and special editions, pioneering show cars and research and concept vehicles are the epitome of exclusivity for Mercedes-Benz.
IDCCarlsbad: The Mercedes-Benz Design Centers provide important impetus for the continuous
development of the design philosophy of sensual purity and for setting trends with new design ideas. At the International Design Center Carlsbad, the Mercedes-Benz design Team creates show car exteriors, vehicle studies and mobility concepts for tomorrow and beyond. It does this by picking up on stylistic trends on site, then analysing and creatively implementing them.
The Californian lifestyle influences the site just as much as its proximity to Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America. A very special form of creativity flourishes in Carlsbad, leaving its mark on Mercedes-Benz design and opening up new perspectives.
VisionOneEleven: With the Mercedes-Benz Vision One-Eleven, the brand presents a concept sports car that
progressively reinterprets the C 111, a brand icon of the 1970s. Much like its historic predecessor, it combines stunning design with the most innovative drive technology. The Vision One-Eleven makes use of axial flux motors from YASA, which have an unmatched power density far beyond comparable radial motors, while being extremely lightweight.
ExclusiveCollection: Mercedes-Benz is launching the “LIMITED EDITION 1 OF 111” collection along with the
Mercedes-Benz Vision One-Eleven. This is the first time that an iconic design study has been accompanied by a lifestyle collection consisting of five exclusive pieces. In addition to the striking colour of the concept sports car, the individual accessories also reflect the vehicle’s characteristic design elements.
AugmentedReality: The Mercedes-Benz design team used augmented reality (AR) to create a visionary user
experience for the premiere of the Mercedes-Benz Vision One-Eleven and integrated it into a virtual test model of the Vision One-Eleven interior. The physical vehicle interior and the digital interface merge seamlessly, so that virtually the entire car becomes a user interface.
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Audi RS e-tron GT: Consumo combinado de energía eléctrica en kWh/100 km (62,1 mi): – (NEDC), 22,1 – 19,8 (WLTP); emisiones combinadas de CO2 en g/km (g/mi): 0 Solo los valores de consumo y emisiones solo están disponibles según WLTP y no según …
Foto estática, Color: Verde azulado ártico
Como cuarto modelo de la serie, el concepto Audi activesphere marca la culminación de los vehículos conceptuales esféricos presentados por la marca de los cuatro aros. Tras el Audi skysphere roadster en 2021, y tanto el Audi grandsphere sedán como el Audi urbansphere space concept en abril de 2022, ahora hace su debut un crossover coupé de cuatro puertas con un diseño de carrocería asombrosamente versátil. Con una longitud de 4,98 metros, el elegante automóvil es más que un mero automóvil deportivo de lujo, con una impresionante distancia al suelo y grandes ruedas de 22 pulgadas que anuncian su talento todoterreno. La parte trasera Sportback del activesphere puede convertirse en una plataforma de carga abierta (“espalda activa”) con solo tocar un botón, perfecta para transportar equipos recreativos como bicicletas eléctricas o equipos para deportes acuáticos e invernales.
Al combinar opuestos en una síntesis perfecta, el Audi activesphere demuestra ser un versátil transgresor de fronteras, con un sistema de propulsión y una suspensión que lo hacen igualmente hábil tanto dentro como fuera de la carretera. El volante y los pedales permiten al conductor controlar activamente el automóvil, al tiempo que ofrecen una conducción autónoma para un tiempo más relajado en la carretera. Como un coupé que es tan elegante como dinámico, presenta proporciones y líneas clásicas, pero en solo unos segundos, el automóvil se transforma en una camioneta para transportar equipos deportivos de primera clase: incluso hay espacio suficiente para dos bicicletas eléctricas. en la plataforma de carga.
El concept car fue concebido y diseñado en el Audi Design Studio en Malibu, a tiro de piedra de la Pacific Coast Highway, la legendaria carretera costera. El gerente del estudio Gael Buzyn y su equipo son las mentes creativas detrás del proyecto. Él describe la idea detrás del proyecto: “La esfera activa es única. Es un nuevo tipo de crossover que combina hábilmente la elegancia de un Audi Sportback, la practicidad de un SUV y verdaderas capacidades todoterreno”.
Con un accionamiento eléctrico y tecnología de carga rápida del sistema modular PPE de Audi, el Audi activesphere se une a la familia de vehículos de concepto de esfera. Sin emisiones locales, una autonomía de más de 600 km y tiempos de carga extremadamente rápidos gracias a la tecnología de 800 voltios, combina la sostenibilidad, el dinamismo y la capacidad de larga distancia de los vehículos eléctricos de última generación.
Oliver Hoffmann, miembro del Consejo de Administración de Desarrollo Técnico : “Los vehículos de concepto de esfera muestran nuestra visión de la movilidad premium del futuro. Estamos experimentando un cambio de paradigma, especialmente en el interior de nuestros futuros modelos Audi. El interior se convierte en un lugar donde los pasajeros se sienten como en casa y pueden conectarse con el mundo exterior al mismo tiempo. La innovación técnica más importante en Audi activesphere es nuestra adaptación de la realidad aumentada para la movilidad. Audi dimension crea la síntesis perfecta entre el entorno y la realidad digital”.
La capacidad de conducción autónoma en terreno adecuado brinda a los conductores y pasajeros un nuevo nivel de libertad que, gracias a la nueva pantalla y tecnología operativa, se puede utilizar en la esfera activa de varias maneras. El concepto operativo innovador, las dimensiones de Audi, combina los mundos físico y virtual (es decir, realidad mixta) al mostrar contenido digital en los campos de visión de los ocupantes en tiempo real.
Los auriculares de alta tecnología brindan una vista del entorno real y la ruta, al mismo tiempo que muestran contenido 3D y elementos interactivos, configurables individualmente para conductores y pasajeros.
Esto significa que se puede mostrar toda la información relevante para el conductor, como el estado de conducción y la navegación. Y en el interior, los usuarios de auriculares pueden ver los paneles de control y otras pantallas virtuales en un diseño ordenado y minimalista que permanece oculto a simple vista. La óptica de realidad mixta brinda a los usuarios la capacidad de interactuar con precisión con estas zonas sensibles al tacto reales, pero invisibles, ya que los auriculares muestran y realizan funciones al reaccionar en tiempo real cuando los usuarios los tocan.
Como todoterreno perfecto, el concepto Audi activesphere es ideal para las altas exigencias de una generación de clientes Audi orientada al futuro: personas para quienes la movilidad individual y la sostenibilidad no son mutuamente excluyentes. Además, los propietarios que esperan que su vehículo brinde la estética y el dinamismo típicos de la marca en el más alto grado, combinados con tecnología orientada al futuro. Para estos clientes, el concepto Audi activesphere actúa como una visión fascinante de cruzar los límites entre estas dimensiones.
Foto estática, Color: Verde azulado ártico
Elegancia robusta – diseño exterior
Sus dimensiones -4,98 metros de largo, 2,07 metros de ancho y 1,60 metros de alto- hacen del Audi activesphere concept un miembro del segmento premium. Típico de un coche eléctrico, la distancia entre ejes es de unos generosos 2,97 metros, lo que proporciona el máximo espacio para las piernas de los pasajeros. Los voladizos delantero y trasero son correspondientemente cortos para una impresión mucho más compacta de lo que indican los números. Desde todas las perspectivas, el concepto Audi activesphere parece monolítico, como si fuera de un solo molde.
Las grandes llantas de 22 pulgadas y la sorprendente distancia al suelo, la cabina plana tan típica de un Audi y un arco de techo dinámico le dan al automóvil proporciones que recuerdan claramente a un automóvil deportivo.
Los neumáticos 285/55 son lo suficientemente voluminosos para todo tipo de terreno, y su banda de rodadura contorneada destaca el talento del activesphere para el uso todoterreno. Las ruedas cuentan con segmentos móviles: cuando se usan fuera de la carretera, se abren para una ventilación óptima y se cierran en la carretera para una aerodinámica óptima. Los espejos de cámara elegantes y con estilo en las dos puertas delanteras también están diseñados específicamente para minimizar la resistencia.
La ausencia de bordes duros da como resultado transiciones suaves entre superficies convexas y cóncavas en todo el cuerpo, así como sombras suaves. Vistos desde el lateral y la parte trasera, los huecos de las ruedas traseras parecen marcadamente horizontales, visualizando el potencial dinámico del vehículo conceptual.
Las superficies de vidrio constituyen una parte importante de la carrocería del vehículo, y de ninguna manera solo a la altura de la cabeza. El extremo delantero del activesphere presenta la cara de la marca, el Singleframe, diseñado como un acristalamiento transparente para brindar a los pasajeros una vista sin obstrucciones a través del gran tramo de la carretera frente al vehículo.
También hay superficies de vidrio en el costado en el área inferior de la puerta, que parecen disolver el límite entre el mundo natural y el interior cuando la esfera activa está en modo todoterreno. El portón trasero ancho y curvo presenta un amplio acristalamiento para una iluminación óptima, mientras que incluso el techo es transparente, lo que deja entrar mucha luz natural en el interior.
El aspecto exterior señala específicamente la capacidad todoterreno del vehículo y, con sus voluminosos pasos de rueda, retrata la tracción total quattro variable y controlada electrónicamente. La distancia al suelo del Audi activesphere también es variable; ideal para uso todoterreno, puede aumentarse en 40 milímetros desde la altura básica de 208 milímetros, o reducirse en la misma cantidad cuando se conduce por carretera. Esto beneficia tanto al centro de gravedad como a la aerodinámica cuando se conduce rápido. El ángulo de aproximación del Audi activesphere, relevante para la conducción todoterreno, es de 18,9 grados, el ángulo de salida de 28,1 grados.
La distancia al suelo variable recuerda a una familia de modelos Audi que ha atraído a una base de seguidores leales y entusiastas en los segmentos C y B posteriores desde 2000: el Audi allroad. Desde la primera generación, esta familia también cuenta con suspensión neumática con distancia al suelo variable y un conjunto de piso visualmente desplazado con elementos de protección antiempotramiento como una característica de diseño importante. Igualmente importante para todos los modelos allroad es la opción del paquete Avant.
El activesphere marca la primera vez que un automóvil con un hatchback Sportback incorpora los elementos de diseño y el equipamiento técnico de un allroad. Por este motivo, Audi llama a la nueva variante de carrocería “sportback activo” en contraste con el allroad.
Otra nueva variación del tema allroad: el Audi activesphere concept cuenta con acabados de pintura oscuros de alto brillo en Arctic Teal en la parte delantera y trasera, así como debajo de las puertas en el área lateral, además de superficies mate que yuxtaponen visualmente el conjunto del piso y la cabina. . Aquí se integran listones de metal con montantes verticales ligeramente desplazados, dispuestos en paralelo entre sí. Estos elementos se despliegan cuando se aumenta la distancia al suelo, visualizando el modo todoterreno.
Al igual que con su pariente, el Audi grandsphere concept, las puertas del Audi activesphere, que están unidas a los pilares A y C en la parte delantera y trasera, se abren en direcciones opuestas; aquí tampoco hay un pilar B. Esta innovación significa que todo el espacio interior se abre a los pasajeros tan pronto como se suben al automóvil.
A derecha e izquierda sobre el Singleframe, las estrechas unidades de los faros parecen ojos enfocados. Las unidades de iluminación hacen eco del logotipo de la marca con los cuatro aros al agrandar y aislar la intersección de dos anillos para formar una pupila: una nueva e inconfundible firma de luz digital que Audi introdujo por primera vez en el Audi grandsphere: el Audi eye. En la esfera activa, esta firma ahora es variada: los modos de conducción en carretera y fuera de carretera tienen cada uno su propia variante. Las luces de circulación diurna y las luces traseras utilizan tecnología micro-LED ultrafina para una precisión y un contraste aún mayores.
Sportback y espalda activa: arquitectura trasera variable
El Audi activesphere concept es un transgresor de fronteras, lo que significa que es un maestro de la metamorfosis. Su sección trasera, en particular, refleja el estilo de vida activo de sus clientes y permite transportar incluso equipos deportivos voluminosos, sin sacrificar la elegancia y la deportividad de la silueta Sportback.
Si es necesario, las correderas transparentes de la luneta trasera quedan casi al mismo nivel que el techo del Audi activesphere. Al mismo tiempo, el segmento vertical inferior de la parte trasera se pliega horizontalmente, lo que abre una amplia plataforma de carga llamada respaldo activo que cuenta con soportes para bicicletas eléctricas, por ejemplo. Las superficies laterales de la parte trasera, los pilares C, permanecen en posición para mantener la silueta dinámica de la esfera activa, mientras que un mamparo motorizado se despliega desde detrás de los asientos traseros para aislar la cabina de los elementos.
Un portaesquís está integrado en el centro de la estructura del techo. Completamente enrasado en posición nominal y prácticamente invisible en el arco del techo, se extiende si es necesario, para que los esquís puedan sujetarse y transportarse con seguridad.
Interior priorizado: centrado en las personas
“Sphere” marca la pauta: el componente de nombre común del Audi skysphere, grandsphere, urbansphere, y ahora también activesphere, alude al interior. Los kilovatios y los km/h o la aceleración lateral ya no están en la parte superior de las especificaciones de diseño para esta nueva generación de automóviles. En cambio, el punto de partida es el interior, la esfera de vida y experiencia de los ocupantes mientras viajan. Sus necesidades y deseos dan forma al espacio, la arquitectura y las funciones.
Con esa reevaluación, el proceso de diseño en sí mismo cambia. Al comienzo de todas las discusiones, la atención se dirige hacia el interior y su diseño. Solo entonces se diseñan el paquete, las proporciones y las líneas del exterior.
Funcional y minimalista: el interior
El epítome de la claridad y el orden: esta es la primera impresión para los pasajeros cuando suben al interior del Audi activesphere a través de las puertas abiertas de par en par.
Las superficies verticales y horizontales, junto con los ángulos rectos, dominan la arquitectura del espacio. Las zonas interiores cuentan con colores contrastantes horizontales y la pieza central reinante son las superficies de los asientos, las puertas y los paneles frontales en cálido rojo lava, que contrastan con el exterior oscuro incluso cuando se mira a través de las ventanas laterales. Por encima y por debajo de esta zona central, también dominan los colores oscuros (negro, antracita y gris oscuro).
Los cuatro asientos individuales están suspendidos como extensiones de la consola central alta y de cuerpo entero. Descansando sobre la consola central, el extremo superior del lado interior de la carcasa del asiento tiene forma horizontal de reposabrazos. Los diseñadores imaginaron las superficies del asiento, el respaldo y los hombros como tres carcasas circunferenciales separadas; la apariencia visual por sí sola ya promete un buen soporte lateral. También parecen tan ligeros que flotan y, por lo tanto, mantienen el equilibrio entre la función automotriz y la elegancia de un sillón.
Cuando el Audi activesphere concept se conduce en modo autónomo, el salpicadero, el volante y los pedales desaparecen en una posición invisible. Especialmente en la primera fila de asientos, se abre un amplio espacio frente al conductor, que se extiende hasta el extremo delantero de la esfera activa y más allá. Para un campo de visión claro, el Singleframe completamente acristalado brinda a los pasajeros una vista sin obstáculos de la carretera.
El tablero en sí funciona como una barra de sonido extra grande (a través de las láminas de madera), así como una salida de aire inteligente de ancho completo, tanto en la posición desplegada como guardada.
Si el conductor quiere tomar el volante, el tablero de instrumentos, junto con el volante, gira desde su posición al ras debajo del parabrisas; cada conductor puede ajustar la posición ergonómica ideal individualmente. Los controles sin contacto MMI en las puertas siempre están accesibles a la vista y la mano, por ejemplo, para controlar las ventanas y los ajustes de los asientos.
La arquitectura y la sensación de espacio en el Audi activesphere están determinadas en gran medida por la consola central alta y completa. Por supuesto, en los coches eléctricos ya no se necesita la consola para sostener un eje cardán, sino que ofrece espacio para almacenamiento y una barra a bordo, ya sea refrigerada o calentada. La tapa superior es transparente, lo que permite ver la botella y los vasos, pero también integra visualmente la voluminosa consola en el interior. Además, hay una consola en el techo, directamente encima de la consola central y que refleja sus dimensiones, donde los cuatro auriculares AR para el sistema de realidad mixta se mantienen al alcance de todos los pasajeros.
Dimensiones de Audi: atravesando mundos
Cruzar fronteras es la fuerza del concepto Audi activesphere, y esto también se aplica a la interfaz entre el automóvil, el usuario y el medio ambiente. Por primera vez, el nuevo sistema combina la realidad física y la esfera digital para crear un nuevo mundo: las dimensiones de Audi.
La pieza central del nuevo sistema son los innovadores auriculares de realidad mixta, disponibles individualmente para cada conductor y pasajero. Los usuarios también tienen acceso a un completo ecosistema digital mientras están en Audi activesphere.
En los primeros días, las gafas de realidad virtual se limitaban a representar una realidad virtual sin ningún elemento del mundo real. Sin embargo, la tecnología evolucionó hacia la realidad aumentada, en la que el mundo real se superpone al contenido virtual. La realidad mixta ahora puede representar contenido virtual con referencia espacial al mundo real en tres dimensiones. No hay duda al respecto: en el futuro, la realidad mixta llevará las posibilidades de las pantallas frontales AR a un nivel completamente nuevo en términos de flexibilidad, precisión y contenido visualizable.
El Audi activesphere concept es el primero en utilizar una generación pionera de esta tecnología, que a su vez añade la dimensión de la interacción a la dimensión de los mundos real y digital superpuestos. Con una precisión óptica sin precedentes, la más alta resolución y un excelente contraste, el sistema trae superficies de control y pantallas, invisibles a simple vista, al campo de visión del usuario mientras está detrás del volante.
En otras palabras, el usuario puede ver contenido virtual, que inicialmente es solo para información. Si el usuario enfoca con sus ojos la información, mostrando así interés, el sistema muestra información más detallada. El contenido se convierte en un elemento activo e interactivo tan pronto como el usuario se concentra y participa, es decir, con gestos.
Luego, la mano puede seguir intuitivamente la mirada del usuario para controlar las funciones del automóvil, mientras que la interfaz de usuario (la pantalla virtual en los auriculares) reacciona a los cambios en tiempo real como un instrumento convencional. Una característica particularmente fácil de usar, el control virtual se mueve hacia el usuario para que pueda interactuar cómodamente con la interfaz de usuario, independientemente de la posición en la que se siente.
El interior ordenado y espacioso del Audi activesphere ya no tiene que quedar relegado a la función de los teclados y las baterías de básculas, como siempre ocurría en los habitáculos de los coches clásicos. Solo cuando los usuarios necesitan un elemento, este aparece y se puede operar de manera tan intuitiva como lo haría en el mundo real. Importante: Las diversas funciones del automóvil ahora no están organizadas de la forma típica en que lo están hoy en día en un automóvil con pantallas y funciones físicas. Pero, en cambio, se ubican lógicamente directamente frente a los elementos con los que están relacionados. Solo dos ejemplos: las aspiradoras de control de CA frente a la salida de aire, las aspiradoras del panel interactivo de entretenimiento y sonido sobre el altavoz.
Sin embargo, las posibilidades de esta tecnología no están agotadas. En el modo todoterreno, por ejemplo, se pueden proyectar gráficos topográficos en 3D de alta resolución sobre el paisaje real y se puede mostrar información sobre la navegación y el destino. La información de seguridad del tráfico, es decir, alertas de atascos o carreteras resbaladizas, también se puede utilizar aquí.
Dependiendo de sus necesidades y tareas, los pasajeros y los conductores reciben contenido muy individual en sus respectivos auriculares de realidad mixta. Con el conductor concentrado en la dirección mientras está activo detrás del volante, los pasajeros pueden comenzar a investigar e incluso preparar actividades en el destino.
Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, también pueden controlar la temperatura y el suministro de aire para su área de asientos con el aire acondicionado, así como navegar por la selección de música del sistema de sonido, que cada ocupante puede usar individualmente. Debido a que los auriculares están diseñados con precisión para coincidir con la geometría del interior de la esfera activa, incluso pueden proyectar fichas virtuales en la consola central para visualizar el acceso al contenido web. Dado que los sensores de los cascos de realidad mixta miden el interior con precisión milimétrica, el contenido virtual puede superponerse según los requisitos personales e incluso utilizarse para la interacción individual.
La conexión entre los usuarios de los auriculares y el automóvil, junto con su ecosistema, ofrece innumerables posibilidades, incluso fuera del automóvil. Por ejemplo, mientras que las rutas de navegación o el mantenimiento del vehículo se pueden preparar hoy desde la sala de su casa en una computadora portátil o tableta, en el futuro la tecnología de realidad mixta y los auriculares serán el único hardware requerido.
Por el contrario, el pasajero de activesphere puede sacar sus auriculares del automóvil y llevarlos a la pista de esquí para ayudarlo a navegar por el sendero para bicicletas o para encontrar el descenso ideal cuando esquía alpino.
También se puede acceder a la información sobre el automóvil en sí, la autonomía de la batería y las estaciones de carga más cercanas dentro y fuera del vehículo. Y cuando sea necesario, también hay advertencias anticipadas, como la presión baja de los neumáticos, así como una función de pronóstico del tiempo como criterio para seleccionar una ruta.
PPE: tecnología de conducción personalizada
Debido a sus dimensiones y nivel de rendimiento, el concepto Audi activesphere se presta al uso del sistema de propulsión eléctrica más innovador de Audi: Premium Platform Electric, o PPE para abreviar.
Al igual que los prototipos relacionados Audi grandsphere y Audi urbansphere, el concepto activesphere se basa en este sistema modular para la producción en serie. Se está desarrollando bajo el liderazgo de Audi junto con Porsche AG: los primeros vehículos de producción de Audi basados en PPE se presentarán, uno tras otro, antes de finales de 2023.
El PPE está diseñado exclusivamente para sistemas de conducción eléctrica a batería y, por lo tanto, puede aprovechar al máximo todos los beneficios de esta tecnología, para mejorar las características de conducción, la economía y las opciones de paquete de los automóviles.
Como resultado, Audi puede expandir efectivamente la gama de vehículos eléctricos en su cartera a través de los segmentos B y C de alto volumen. Además, las economías de escala permitirán que la tecnología de clase de lujo y varias versiones de modelos diferentes se incorporen a una amplia gama de modelos sin rival en el mercado premium.
El PPE es la primera plataforma diseñada para adaptarse a una gama sin precedentes de automóviles de gran volumen, incluidos SUV y CUV con una gran distancia al suelo, así como automóviles con una silueta plana que forman parte de la gama de productos principales de Audi, como la serie Audi A6. cuyas dimensiones exteriores y distancia entre ejes son casi idénticas a las del Audi activesphere concept.
El elemento clave de la futura flota de EPI es un módulo de batería entre los ejes; en el Audi activesphere concept, contiene alrededor de 100 kWh de energía. El uso de todo el ancho del automóvil entre los ejes permite lograr un diseño relativamente plano para la batería.
Los motores eléctricos en los ejes delantero y trasero del Audi activesphere concept de tracción total ofrecen una potencia total de 325 kW y un par de sistema de 720 Newton metro. Las ruedas delanteras y traseras están conectadas a través de un eje de cinco brazos. El prototipo cuenta con suspensión neumática adaptativa de Audi con amortiguadores adaptativos.
Carga rápida con 800 voltios
El corazón de la tecnología de accionamiento en todos los futuros modelos de PPE será la tecnología de carga de 800 voltios. Esto garantiza que la batería, como la del Audi e-tron GT quattro1 anterior, se pueda cargar con hasta 270 kW en muy poco tiempo en las estaciones de carga rápida. Esta tecnología revolucionaria entrará por primera vez en los segmentos de gama media y lujo de alto volumen con el PPE.
La tecnología PPE permite tiempos de carga que se acercan a una parada de repostaje convencional para un automóvil con motor de combustión. Solo 10 minutos es tiempo suficiente para llevar suficiente energía a bordo para hacer funcionar el automóvil durante más de 300 kilómetros.
Y en menos de 25 minutos, la batería de 100 kWh se carga del 5 al 80 por ciento. Junto con su autonomía de más de 600 kilómetros, el Audi activesphere se posiciona así como incondicionalmente adecuado para largas distancias, cuando sea necesario.
Drive2Extremes: the Taycan Turbo Cross Turismo between ice and desert
In the clip “Drive2Extremes. Taycan Cross Turismo x Johnny FPV”, the CUV demonstrates its typically Porsche sportiness on unpaved roads in the desert and on ice. The precision of the drone pilot Johnny FPV transports the viewer from one world to the other in seamless motion.
A hot-air balloon glides over seemingly endless forests of pine. A sports car is drifting in the snow. Between the two, a drone slices through the air, before it swoops down dramatically and captures the car at breakneck speed. A winter landscape? The eye can scarcely apprehend how the flight manuever suddenly transitions to a desert. The music underscores the dynamic acts of cinematography and driving like a symphony of contrasts. The locations provide the extremes in this action film: snow in Finland, desert sands in the United Arab Emirates. The protagonist is the Porsche Taycan Turbo Cross Turismo.
“It’s important to fly in a unique way, to establish a trademark style.”Johnny FPV
The second hero is somewhat in the background. Johnny FPV has both feet on the frozen ground, about 60 miles north of the Arctic Circle, as he works his magic from the bird’s-eye view above. One of the best drone pilots in the world, he is wearing black video glasses and holding a controller. Gloves protect his hands from the icy air – the filmmaker’s biggest challenge today, as he films against the stunning backdrop of the Porsche Driving Area – a closed course with prepared ice tracks.
Born Johnny Schaer, the three initials in his professional handle stand for “first-person view” – the camera perspective of the films that have turned his passion into a career. Thanks to instantaneous transmission speeds, the drone pilot sees the world through the eye of his camera. Later, the viewer experiences the spectacular flights with sensory directness. The 25-year-old from Chicago loves speed, cars and flying, and is known for exceptionally dexterous maneuvers. Few can match his skill in making the viewer a part of the action. He opens up new horizons, offering surprising dimensions in technical perfection. Watching him and his drone at work, one senses how the virtual and real worlds meld into one.
The film – Drive2Extremes. Taycan Cross Turismo x Johnny FPV – is set in the Lapland town of Levi and the Liwa Oasis on the northern edge of the Rub al Khali desert. More than 3,100 miles as the crow flies and roughly 1400 degrees Fahrenheit separate the two filming locations but in both places the Taycan Turbo Cross Turismo, the first all-electric Cross Utility Vehicle (CUV) from Porsche, conquers identically set courses. The aerial precision of the drone pilot is what allows the gripping splicing of the shots between ice and desert. The film was directed by Los Angeles-based Nicholas Schrunk, who won an Emmy for the documentary Blood Road. He’s a master of the craft of accentuating emotional stories with spectacular stunts.
Schaer bought his first drone at the age of 15, followed days later by a second, and shortly thereafter by a third. He practiced relentlessly. He got good. And then he became a pro. “Hand-eye coordination is crucial to being a good pilot. Otherwise it’s just a mix of hard work, good ideas and talent,” he says. In Drive2Extremes, the shots are dynamic in multiple ways. The car moves forward – the drone in all directions. Schaer has developed his own style and it is one that captivates the viewer. “It’s important to fly in a unique way, to establish a trademark style. My videos bear my signature. They’re not jerky, they’re precise and they’re very fluid.”
In just seven years, he’s ascended into the upper echelons of FPV pilots. “It’s indescribable to see and feel how strongly the Taycan Turbo Cross Turismo performs on different surfaces. I knew that electric cars accelerate very quickly, but the fact that the power can be called up like that on ice and sand is something I find incredible.” For him, electric cars are the future. “I’m quite sure I’ll own one too,” says Schaer. With his film, one ‘wow’ moment follows another, punctuated by breathtakingly beautiful slow-motion sequences. The Cross Turismo and its filmmaker – two masters in two different worlds. 11:55:182021-09-06 11:55:18Drive2Extremes: the Taycan Turbo Cross Turismo between ice and desert
Audi has unveiled the first member of a new family of concept vehicles, a spectacular roadster. Audi skysphere concept is the name of the electric-powered, two-door convertible whose lines lead directly to the Audi design of tomorrow. With it, the brand is illustrating its vision for the progressive luxury segment of the future, in which the interior becomes an interactive space and the vehicle a platform for captivating experiences. This is being made possible thanks to autonomous driving, a revolutionary redesign of the interior, and a seamless digital ecosystem.
The Audi skysphere concept shows how the brand is redefining luxury in the future – it’s no longer just about driving. The concept car was designed with the clear objective of offering its occupants captivating and world-class experiences.
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To give passengers the maximum amount of freedom, the Audi skysphere concept was designed for two different driving experiences: a grand touring experience and a sports experience. This makes use of a spectacular technical detail – the variable wheelbase. Electric motors and a sophisticated mechanism with body and frame components that slide into one another make it possible to vary the wheelbase itself and the exterior length of the car by 250 millimeters. At the same time, the vehicle’s ground clearance is adjusted by 10 millimeters to enhance comfort and driving dynamics.
With the touch of button, the driver can take advantage of their freedom and choose their own driving experience– either they pilot their 4.94-meter-long e-roadster themselves in “Sports” mode with a reduced wheelbase, while the rear-wheel steering ensures that the vehicle remains extremely agile despite its dimensions. Or they can choose to be chauffeured around in a 5.19-meter GT in the autonomous “Grand Touring” driving mode while enjoying the sky and the scenery, maximum legroom, and the services offered by a seamlessly integrated digital ecosystem.
In this mode, the steering wheel and pedals move into an invisible area; the feeling of space in the concept car opens up completely new realms of possibility for such a sporty convertible. Meanwhile, the Audi skysphere automatically keeps an eye on the road and traffic with its sensor system and drives the occupants safely to their destination.
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Similar to how the interior design offers a new, contemporary interpretation of luxury, digitization and the ecosystem open up unprecedented levels of freedom and worlds of experience for the vehicle’s passengers. Thanks to Audi’s own services and the ability to integrate digital services, the possibilities are nearly endless. In addition, the passengers can share their experience on the road with friends via social media, with images of the interior and the surrounding area. The vehicle also takes care of everyday tasks that go beyond the ride itself. For example, the autonomous Audi skysphere concept picks up its passengers with information about their current destination and independently handles parking and charging.
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Audi skysphere to be unveiled on its home turf in California
The Audi skysphere concept will make its public debut on August 13, 2021, as part of Monterey Car Week – on the legendary fairways of the Pebble Beach golf course. This means the vehicle’s unveiling in California is taking place more or less on its home turf. This is because the concept car was conceived and designed at the Audi Design Studio in Malibu, just a stone’s throw away from the Pacific Coast Highway, the legendary coastal road that connects the suburbs of Los Angeles with northern California. Studio manager Gael Buzyn and his team are the creative minds behind the project. A legendary classic model from the company’s own history – the Horch 853 roadster – served as the inspiration for the new groundbreaking model. The impressive convertible, which is also around 5.20 meters in length, was not only the definition of modern luxury in the 1930s, but also won the Concours d’Elegance in Pebble Beach in 2009.
But the visual inspiration from its predecessor is limited to the concept car’s dimensions and typical proportions with a rather compact cabin and long front end. A look under the hood of the Horch reveals an imposing straight-eight engine with a displacement of 5 liters. The Audi skysphere, on the other hand, mainly has electric drive components between the front axle and the windshield, such as the charger and the DC/DC converter, plus the actuators and electronic and mechanical components for the adaptive wheelbase. It also features a spacious trunk filled with two golf bags specially designed for the concept car.
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The drive system: 465 kW of power
“New technologies like electrification, digitalization, and autonomous driving gave us the opportunity to create an experience that goes way beyond the one that typical roadsters offer today,” said design project manager Gael Buzyn.
An electric motor positioned on the powered rear axle is responsible for delivering power to the wheels of the Audi skysphere. A total of 465 kilowatts of power and 750 Newton meters of torque have an easy time with the roadster, which only weighs around 1,800 kilograms. The weight distribution of around 60 percent on the powered rear axle results in ample traction and acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in just four seconds, if required.
The Audi skysphere’s battery modules are primarily positioned behind the cabin – an ideal configuration for the vehicle’s center of gravity and agility. Further modules can be found between the seats in the center tunnel of the skysphere interior – another position chosen in favor of vehicle dynamics. The battery’s capacity is expected to be more than 80 kWh, giving the car a range of more than 500 kilometers according to the WLTP standard, at least in the economical GT mode.
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The chassis: rear-wheel steering and adaptive air suspension
The vehicle features double wishbone axles in the front and the rear. The upper and lower wishbones are forged or cast from aluminum. Steering takes place via a steer-by-wire system that controls both the front and the rear wheels. Because the system is not mechanically connected to the front axle, the driver can select different steering ratios and steering settings – all at the touch of a button. This allows the steering to be adjusted from extremely direct to comfortable, but also from high self-aligning forces to minimal self-aligning forces, for example when parking. The rear-axle steering and adaptive wheelbase also contribute to the car’s small turning radius.
A long-established Audi chassis technology ensures that the suspension delivers the necessary level of versatility – the latest evolutionary stage of Audi’s adaptive air suspension has been implemented in the concept car and features three independent air chambers to provide a comfortable base suspension. Individual chambers can be deactivated for a more sporty ride with fast acceleration. The result is that the characteristic curve of the spring becomes more progressive, reducing roll and pitch to a minimum. Lowering the body by 10 mm reduces aerodynamic drag – particularly relevant when driving long distances.
The Audi skysphere’s active suspension plays a key role in the versatility of the car’s handling characteristics. When simply coasting along, the individual wheels are selectively raised or lowered to compensate for unevenness and undulations in the road surface – the result of a symbiosis between the navigation system’s digital predictions and the active chassis’ sophisticated control and actuation systems. Mounted on aerodynamically styled 23-inch alloy rims, the 285/30 tires strike a perfect balance between suitability for long-distance trips thanks to minimal rolling resistance and a sporty, active driving style with high longitudinal and lateral acceleration.
Design Sketch
The exterior: reverence without retro
When it comes to their footprint – 5.23 meters in length versus 5.19; a width of 1.85 versus 2.00 meters – it is easy to see the similarity between the legendary Horch 853 convertible and the Audi skysphere. A striking difference, on the other hand, can be found in their height – the legendary Horch, with its iconic design, towered up to 1.77 meters depending on the body shape, while its autonomous descendant, the Audi skysphere, ducks down to the road in Sport mode at 1.23 meters flat, with an optimized center of gravity and aerodynamics. The concept car pays its respects to the classic model without merely remaining a retro imitation.
After all, apart from its dimensions, it’s the lines that make a real difference. With its wide curved and flared wheel arches typical of the brand, the skysphere emphasizes the wide track – a visible indication of its dynamic talents. Viewed from the side, the proportions are impressive with a long hood and – especially at the front – a short overhang. The surfaces of the wheel arches and front hood are organically curved. The rear end was developed in a wind tunnel and combines elements of a speedster and a shooting brake with large glass surfaces in a traditional streamlined design. Two overnight bags designed specifically for the Audi skysphere find space under the glass, and are held in place with straps that are stretched in a crosswise pattern.
The front end – although no longer serving as a radiator grill – clearly features the brand’s typical Singleframe and the three-dimensionally designed, illuminated emblem with the four rings. The entire Singleframe and also the adjacent surfaces on the sides are designed with white LED elements to literally act as a stage for visual effects – both functional effects as well as moving welcome sequences when the vehicle is opened and closed.
Gentle dimming and a structured, rhythmically pulsating light produce an elegant effect. The daytime running lights in the side front sections, in turn, give the lighting units a resolute, focused “gaze.” If the wheelbase is changed, the LEDs in the front and rear display a specially composed dynamic sequence.
The rear end is also dominated by a digitally controlled LED surface that extends across the entire width of the vehicle. Countless red LEDs are scattered like rubies across the vertical rear surface. Reflections create dynamic lighting and shadow effects when the lighting units are switched on and off.
Upon changing the wheelbase and thus the operating mode from GT to Sport, the light signature also changes and sends a clear indication of the changed character of the Audi skysphere concept, particularly in the area around the Singleframe.
A characteristic feature of the side view are the rocker panels, which seem to protrude into the rear wheel arch – a necessary feature when varying the wheelbase actually pushes it backwards. The rocker panel is attached to the front end of the car, and as it moves, the panel also slides to the rear under the fixed door. In the process, the wheelbase is reduced from the standard size of an A8 L to the significantly more compact size of the curve-compatible Audi RS 5 – 25 centimeters make all the difference. And not just technically, but also visually and, above all, in terms of the driving experience.
There’s no doubt that the Audi skysphere concept has two personalities – a GT and a luxury sports car. The key differences, however, can only be enjoyed in the interior, because here, behind the rear-hinged and wide-opening doors, the Audi skysphere offers highly contrasting experiences.
The interior: two spheres of experience in one
When it comes to the three upcoming concept cars Audi skysphere, Audi grandsphere, and Audi urbansphere, the brand is placing the space that surrounds the passengers (“sphere”) and which becomes an experience for them – the interior – at the center of its designs. This is because all three vehicles are designed for level 4 autonomous driving – meaning that in certain defined road and traffic situations, the driver can delegate complete responsibility to the car and no longer has to intervene.
As a result, control elements such as the steering wheel and pedals can be swiveled into an invisible position and thereby completely removed from the interior. And passengers, including the one in the front left seat, can enjoy a new form of freedom – the freedom to relax in the open air, enjoy the scenery and the wind, or interact with the Internet and the world thanks to the connection with the digital ecosystem in the Audi skysphere.
Free of controls, the interior appears as a light, spacious environment, inspired in many areas by the Art Deco universe. The comfortable seats boast the visual elegance of designer furnishings, yet they fulfill the functions of an car seat in driving mode without any compromises – side support and safety features are part of the package. They are upholstered in sustainably produced microfiber fabric and, thanks to their variable position in the interior, offer the kind of freedom to move and legroom that can otherwise only be experienced when flying first class on an airplane. Environmentally certified eucalyptus wood and synthetically produced imitation leather are other sustainably manufactured materials that contribute to creating an unparalleled experience in the vehicle’s interior.
Should the Audi skysphere concept be used in driver-operated mode, then the interior transforms into an ergonomically perfect driving machine cockpit. Together with the chassis and body, the instrument panel and the monitor panel on the center console also move to the rear. The driver finds all the controls, including the steering wheel and pedals, in the position that best suits them.
Large touch monitor surfaces – 1415 mm wide, 180 mm high – on the dashboard and in the upper area of the center console are used to operate the vehicle and infotainment systems. In Grand Touring mode, this can be used to display content from the Internet, video conferences, or streamed movies. Small touch panels in the doors are used to operate the air conditioning.
A high-quality sound system – befitting of this luxury convertible – delivers concert hall audio quality even when the vehicle is in motion. The speakers are hidden behind the door panels; a few more in the rear interior wall even produce surround sound. The shape of the headrests prevents turbulence and also annoying wind noise.
The vehicle experience: luxury without limits
Audi skysphere, Audi grandsphere, and, coming in 2022, Audi urbansphere are the three concept cars that the brand with the four rings is using to showcase its vision of progressive luxury. In the process, Audi is creating a vehicle experience that goes far beyond the purpose of merely spending time in a car to get from point A to point B, and even far beyond the driving experience itself.
These concept cars feature a new design that ultimately reimagines the interior, the passenger compartment, as the center of the vehicle and no longer subordinates the passenger experience to the requirements of the technology. This is reflected in the variable layout of the interior, the disappearance of the controls, and the sheer expanse of the cabin. In Grand Touring mode, this not only allows both passengers to enjoy a smooth and pleasant journey, but also combines it with new service offerings. These can be used to access a variety of service options related to the current trip – such as designing a spectacular scenic route, as well as restaurant or hotel options.
Customized infotainment options are also available, such as linking the on-board streaming service to music and video providers used at home. And in a further step, Audi also aims to provide personalized and exclusive options for users of its luxury cars in the future – such as concerts, cultural events, or even sporting events that are only available upon special invitation. In this way, a vehicle like the Audi skysphere concept will become a platform for experiences that expand horizons beyond the mere ride in just a few years. 19:14:172021-08-11 19:14:17Audi skysphere concept – The future is wide open 2021
E1 Series and PIF announce partnership to create world’s first electric powerboat championship
Electric Sea Racing Limited (‘E1 Series’) and Public Investment Fund (PIF) have entered into a partnership that will see PIF support in creating the world’s first electric powerboat racing championship.
The news was revealed today during a virtual launch event, where E1 Series organisers also unveiled the new design of the electric RaceBird powerboat ahead of World Oceans Day on June 8.
The partnership represents a significant step forward in the long-term development of the championship, providing a strong foundation on which to build from and enabling the series to further accelerate preparations for the inaugural season, scheduled to take place in early 2023 – with Saudi Arabia to be one of the considered race locations.
As a major contributor to the global economy and partner of choice for innovative companies and investors, PIF’s investment in E1 is in line with its 2021-2025 strategy announced earlier this year, which focuses on 13 key strategic sectors, including sports and entertainment, and renewable energy. This includes major investments in renewable energy companies, such as ACWA Power and the Sudair Solar Energy project, as well as in the development of electric vehicles through its investment in Lucid Motors.
Series creators Alejandro Agag, Chairman of E1, and Rodi Basso, CEO of E1, were both joined live in the studio by the President of the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) Raffaele Chiulli, as well as SeaBird Technologies Founder Sophi Horne, and Founder & CEO of Victory Marine Brunello Acampora to present the RaceBird powerboat.
The vessel is a completely new design and was co-created by Horne and Acampora following an extensive validation process. The RaceBird is inspired by nature and birds flying low over the water and features an outboard motor, enclosed safety canopy and hydrofoil technology.
Using innovative hydrofoil technology, the electric RaceBird powerboats will rise high above the water’s surface, allowing for minimum drag and maximum energy efficiency. Being lifted above the waves will not only improve performance, but it will also promote close and competitive racing with a reduced wake when following an opponent.
The RaceBird is specially designed for foil-to-foil racing and is capable of reaching speeds up to 50 knots (93 km/h or 58 mph), with pilots showcasing their skills using tight and technical circuits located close to shore in the heart of urban areas.
With the design now validated, the RaceBird has entered into the production phase with the expert engineers at Victory Marine concentrating their efforts and resource over the coming months on manufacturing a full fleet of race-ready electric powerboats.
Alejandro Agag, Co-Founder & Chairman of E1, said:“It gives me great pleasure to welcome on board PIF as a new partner in this exciting venture. To get the backing of PIF at this early stage of development emphasises the importance of our mission to electrify marine mobility. With the new design of the RaceBird boat you see today, we hope to accelerate change in the marine industry and provide sustainable solutions for future leisure craft. The new powerboat that Sophi and Brunello designed looks like a spaceship. I’ve compared electric racing cars to podracers from Star Wars in the past, but the RaceBird looks even more futuristic. Working together with PIF, I look forward to ushering in a new era of electric powerboat racing.”
Rodi Basso, Co-Founder & CEO of E1, said:“We’re thrilled to be working together with PIF to jointly shape the future direction of powerboating. Forming a strong partnership with a global investment powerhouse such as PIF provides a solid foundation on which to build a new sport. The RaceBird presents a unique challenge and one that the teams at SeaBird Technologies and Victory Marine have delivered on. They’ve managed to develop an innovative powerboat with an eye-catching design and factored in practical solutions ready to go racing. Shortly we’ll also be announcing our powertrain and electronics partners; we’re on schedule to hit the water soon.”
Commenting on the announcement, HE Yasir Al-Rumayyan, Governor of the Public Investment Fund, said:“This exciting investment in a new premier sport format aligns with our strategy to enable innovation globally and unlock new industries, as well as build strategic partnerships with real value add to Saudi Arabia. We believe our support for future sports will also contribute to the growth of various sectors globally.
“Our partnership with E1 will help drive the development of innovative sustainable technology, which in turn positions Saudi as an enabler in the industries of the future and the creation of new opportunities.”
Sophi Horne, Founder of SeaBird Technologies, said:“It’s amazing to finally be able to share the new RaceBird design with the world. Obviously, I’ve seen it on a screen quite a lot in the past few months! But it’s great to show the new look of the boat that the pilots will race with. The bodywork and shape of the vessel is inspired by nature and birds flying above the water’s surface. What has been interesting is trying to find a balance between how you envisage the design and combining that with optimising both performance and efficiency. The solution we settled on fortunately doesn’t compromise on either the looks or performance capabilities.”
Brunello Acampora, Founder & CEO of Victory Marine, said:“Today’s announcement is the result of many months of hard work, creating a completely new design and simulating it in a competitive racing environment. I’ve really enjoyed working together with Sophi to produce the vessel that will compete in the world’s first electric powerboat championship. Now that the design has been fully validated, we’ll begin engineering and manufacturing the boats in preparation for prototype testing and ready for the teams to receive their first delivery. For us at Victory Marine, the E1 Series is the greatest test bench for cutting-edge solutions that will change the future of navigation forever.”
Dr. Raffaele Chiulli, President of the UIM, said:“At the International Powerboat Federation, we’re delighted to be part of this groundbreaking development in the powerboating sport. The futuristic RaceBird design combined with the use of hydrofoil technology in the E1 Series reflects the pioneering spirit of this initiative and are an inspiring answer to today’s challenges facing marine mobility. It’s an exciting moment for our sport and I cannot wait to see the RaceBird on the water.”
Released ahead of World Oceans Day, the RaceBird acts as a symbol of the future ambitions of the E1 Series, to revolutionise marine mobility and reduce the pressures being placed on fragile underwater ecosystems across the world.
The next major milestone in the RaceBird development is in September when the covers come off the first full-scale model at the Monaco Yacht Show, before the start of prototype testing which is set to get underway later this year.
E1 were advised by Shoosmiths law firm and financial advisers PJT Partners. 13:01:032021-06-13 13:01:03E1 Series and PIF announce partnership to create world’s first electric powerboat championship
June 2021 – ZAGREB, CROATIA –Today, hypercar manufacturer and electric technology specialist, Rimac Automobili, unveiled the production version of the C_Two, now becoming the Nevera, an all-electric, 1914hp, 258mph, €2m hypercar designed and engineered to unleash an unprecedented level of performance.
The Nevera is the production-ready iteration of the Rimac C_Two concept car, which was revealed at the International Geneva Motor Show in 2018. Since then, Rimac’s engineers have refined their new flagship on every level during an extensive development program, in the pursuit of the ultimate electric hypercar driving experience. With the majority of key components of the Nevera developed in-house at Rimac’s HQ in Croatia, all systems have been improved and enhanced since the initial prototypes to deliver on the ambitious performance targets set for at the beginning of the project in 2018.
“This is it. This is the car I had in mind when I embarked on the ‘impossible’ journey ten years ago. All our hard work has resulted in the Nevera – our record-breaking hypercar. This car was born to outperform, and to raise the bar, redefining the norm for performance cars. And not only in performance – but as an all-around package.
When we first revealed the C_Two, we set our targets extremely high. There was nothing else that could even come close to matching the car’s cutting-edge electric powertrain and extreme performance. But for us, that was only the starting point,” explains Mate Rimac, Founder and CEO of Rimac Automobili.
“Everyone at Rimac is driven by curiosity and a desire to push things to the absolute limit. With its combination of everyday use and 1914hp performance, the Nevera proves what is possible when there are no restraints placed on technology, development, or ambition. We have now unveiled a car that pushes the hypercar market to a higher level, we have utilized the full potential of the electric powertrain today, proving what we’ve always been saying – that electric hypercar, in the form of the Nevera, is beyond exciting, and that is as thrilling on the track, as it is cosseting crossing continents.”
“We will be making just 150 examples of the Nevera, every single unit crafted in Croatia from passion and admiration for cars.”
Underlining his own commitment to the project, Mate Rimac will personally test and sign off each of the Neveras, before they are delivered to customers from the company’s current production site on the outskirts of Zagreb, Croatia.
Fittingly, the Nevera bears a proud Croatian name and one that truly reflects the prodigious performance the car can unleash in the blink of an eye. The name given by the locals to a quick, unexpected and mighty Mediterranean storm, that races across the open sea off Croatia, a nevera is extremely powerful and charged by lightning.
Appearing with exceptional speed and potency, Rimac’s next-generation hypercar shares the Nevera’s name and looks set to leave a similarly disruptive effect on the global hypercar market. And, like the force of nature it is named after, it is just as adept at transforming its character in an instant – from assured and comfortable grand tourer to ultra-focused performance machine.
Rimac favors lean and effective engineering at every stage, and that philosophy is exemplified in the form-follows-function nature of the Nevera’s timeless, elegant design. It is applied to every single detail, including Rimac’s signature ‘cravat’ feature, which is incorporated into its flanks.
“Since the 17th Century, the necktie has provided a symbol of Croatian strength and identity, and we first paid tribute to it on our Concept_One hypercar in 2011,” reveals Rimac Director of Design, Adriano Mudri ‘And, like every element of the car’s design, it is there to provide a key function of the Nevera’s performance, serving as an air intake for the rear cooling systems.”
A comprehensive raft of changes to the Nevera’s bodywork, air diffusers and intakes has delivered a 34 per cent improvement in aerodynamic efficiency over the early prototypes. The profile of the bonnet, the shape of the pillars and the design of the diffusers, splitters and radiators have all been intensively analysed and refined to improve airflow and downforce. Inlets and cooling channels have been painstakingly developed to increase the cooling efficiency of both the brake and powertrain systems, resulting in a 30 per cent improvement at low speeds and a seven per cent enhancement at high speeds.
Rimac has also created numerous new innovative active aerodynamic elements to elevate the Nevera’s cooling, performance, stability, and efficiency abilities. The front bonnet profile, underbody flap, rear diffuser and rear wing can each move independently, driven by complex algorithms that provided the optimum aerodynamic configuration for every driving situation. Switching from ‘high downforce’ to ‘low drag’ mode reduces aerodynamic drag by 17.5 per cent to create a 0.3 coefficient of drag. Changing back into ‘high downforce’ mode increases downforce by 326 per cent.
Despite incorporating a wealth of active aerodynamic elements, as well as many cameras and sensors that enable the Driver Coach feature, the Nevera’s body design remains a coherent graphic. It combines both the drama and beauty of a hypercar and appears simultaneously shaped by the air and forged with technology. The stunning butterfly doors elegantly carve away from the car’s wide sill as they open, creating a generous space for ease of entry and egress.
Lightweight, forged alloy wheels feature a unique aerodynamic design that channels cooling air to the Brembo carbon-ceramic braking system and ensures smooth airflow down the car’s flanks.
World’s most advanced monocoque construction
Nevera’s groundbreaking monocoque, developed by the former C_Two Chief Engineer Daniele Giachi, includes a bonded carbon roof, integrated structural battery pack and rear carbon subframe, is forming the largest single carbon fibre piece in the entire automotive industry. Weighing less than 200kg and utilising 2200 carbon fibre plys and 222 aluminium inserts, the monocoque encases the car’s battery to form a compact yet incredibly strong structure with a torsional stiffness of 70.000 Nm/degree. The level of unmatched strength and safety this provides has contributed to the Nevera meeting strict global homologation standards, and delivering the most rigid structure of any car ever made.
Driving the future
The key to the Nevera’s exceptional performance is Rimac’s pioneering electric powertrain. Every component of the Nevera’s electric powertrain has been exhaustively reworked since its inception to deliver more torque, greater performance and enhanced efficiency.
The unique H-shaped, liquid-cooled, 120kWh, 6960-cell battery was designed from scratch by Rimac and sits at the very heart of the Nevera. Capable of producing 1.4MW of power, the Lithium/Manganese/Nickel battery also forms an integral part of the car’s core, adding 37 per cent structural stiffness to the carbon fibre monocoque. The battery’s optimum positioning low and central within the car’s floor contributes to an ultra-low centre of gravity. This helps create an excellent 48/52 front/rear weight distribution and the best possible handling balance.
Developments of the advanced battery cooling system have made it even more efficient since the introduction of the C_Two, enabling more power to be delivered for greater periods. Four bespoke surface-mounted permanent magnet motors drive the Nevera’s four wheels individually. Together, they enable 1914hp and 2360Nm of torque, which is triple the output of a ‘conventional–engined’ supercar. The front and rear wheels are each connected to a pair of single-speed gearboxes.
Capable of instantly summoning maximum torque from the first moment, the Nevera’s electric motors are 97 per cent efficient – compared with 40 per cent for the most effective internal combustion engines – and completely maintenance-free throughout their operating life.
Out of this world acceleration – beating the ambitious targets
With the ability to sprint to 60mph in 1.85 seconds and continue the acceleration all the way to a 412 km/h (258mph) top speed, the Nevera opens up a new dimension in hypercar performance. Accelerating from rest to 161 km/h (100 mph) requires just 4.3 seconds and it maintains its eye-widening acceleration throughout a full-throttle cycle, achieving 186mph (300 km/h) from rest in 9,3 seconds, shredding a whole 2,5 seconds from the initial targets. Finally, it achieves a record-breaking 8,6 seconds quarter-mile time.
Perfect power delivery, impeccable stopping power
Rimac’s All-Wheel Torque Vectoring 2 (R-AWTV 2) system replaces traditional Electronic Stability Program and Traction Control systems to further bolster grip and traction. Meanwhile, the Nevera’s R-AWTV 2 system enables infinitely variable dynamic responses to road and track conditions by calibrating the amount of torque supplied to each wheel. R-AWTV 2 calculates the precise level of torque to channel through each wheel for ultimate stability and exceptional agility. Both predictive and responsive, R-AWTV reads the road and makes over 100 calculations per second to tailor the level of torque to achieve the desired driving style.
“Our torque-vectoring enables new level of drivetrain calibration,” explains Miroslav Zrnčević, Rimac Test and Development Driver, and depending on the driving mode selected, the R-AWTV 2 technology can enable the Nevera to be drifted sideways or provide optimum levels of all-wheel-drive grip, traction and safety – no matter how challenging the road and weather conditions.Thanks to a four-individual-motor drivetrain, the driver can also change the torque distribution, and personalize the performance delivery even further, for a completely bespoke drive – ranging from front to rear wheel drive biased car. ”
The Nevera is also equipped with cutting-edge braking technology. A complex electro-hyrdaulic brake booster with brake pedal feel simulator distributes the braking force between the friction brakes and electric powertrain, depending on the battery, powertrain and brake state. For instance – it dissipates kinetic energy through the friction brakes if the battery is close to its thermal limits, or activates more regenerative braking in case the friction brakes are hot. All those transitions should remain in the background, not noticeable to the driver. This enables the Nevera to make the highest use of regenerative braking of any other car on the market now. In addition to a maximum range-enhancing regenerative braking of 300 kW provided by the electric motors, substantial stopping power comes from 390 mm Brembo CCMR carbon-ceramic brake discs and six-piston callipers. Combined they provide consistent, fade-free and exceptionally powerful braking, even when the car is subjected to extreme forces on the track.
Double wishbone suspension with electronically controlled dampers and active ride height adjustment provides a combination of a smooth and comfortable ride, exemplary body control and ultra-agile handling.
Further emphasising Rimac’s technology-first approach, the Nevera utilises the very latest electric power steering with steer-by-wire function, enabling adaptive driver-feedback, depending on the drive mode. Additionally, it works as a drive-by-wire system when in Driver Coach mode to demonstrate optimum racing lines and vehicle control to the driver.
Rimac’s versatile and responsive R-AWTV 2 system enables drivetrain calibration for the Nevera to facilitate any driving style through seven different driving modes.
For a truly engaging drive on the road, SPORT mode sharpens the response of the throttle, brakes, suspension and steering, while DRIFT mode supplies more torque to the rear wheels to accentuate oversteer and help hold the car in a controlled power slide on the track. COMFORT mode strikes a perfect balance between a relaxing ride, efficiency and driving pleasure, while RANGE mode enables the Nevera to achieve maximum mileage from each battery charge. In expert hands, TRACK mode sets the Nevera to full, unrestrained configuration to help drivers exploit the car’s full potential. Finally, two CUSTOM modes enable drivers to access their personal, pre-selected performance characteristics.
World’s first AI Driving Coach
To enable drivers of all abilities to extract maximum performance from the Nevera and help them further develop their track driving skills, Rimac has developed the world’s first AI (Artificial Intelligence) Driver Coach. Adding a new, immersive dimension to the driving experience, Nevera’s Driver Coach evaluates performance and provides guidance to optimize and enhance the driver’s on-track performance.
By accessing 12 ultrasonic sensors, 13 cameras, 6 radars, and the very latest NVIDIA Pegasus operating system, the Rimac Driving Coach adds an additional, immersive experience behind the wheel. The system overlays selected race circuits in real-time, offering clear and precise audio and visual guidance, to enable drivers to perfect their racing lines, braking and acceleration points and steering inputs.
The Driver Coach feature will become available in 2022 and launched via over-the-air upgrades to already delivered Nevera cars whose hardware is ready for this unique feature.
Minimalist design cabin, maximum comfort and control
With space for two occupants in full race regalia and their luggage, Nevera is as much a capable grand tourer as it is a performance hypercar. Digital screens soak up needless toggles and switches, leaving only essential tactile controls, giving more space to enjoy Nevera’s carefully designed interior.
The cockpit features a trio of high-definition TFT screens, which present as much, or as little, information as the user requires. Configured for both track driving and comfort, the layout of the cockpit is divided into two zones. The focus of the top segment is entirely placed on driving pleasure and performance, while the lower part houses the infotainment system, comfort controls and driving data.
Tactile billet aluminium rotary controls and switches – including three displays with rotating control – provide a resolutely analogue feel, tailored to enable the driver to utilise the cutting-edge digital technology in an even more engaging manner. From the cockpit, the driver can monitor every aspect of the car’s performance with real-time telemetry – downloadable to a laptop or smartphone for later review.
Connectivity and Mobile App
Rimac M2M system delivers a wealth of real-time data to the manufacturer as well as the owner. While the user is connected to the vehicle through our intuitive mobile app, the manufacturer receives anonymised performance data.
Using intuitive mobile applications developed in-house at Rimac, Nevera owners can track live data, such as GPS location, charging speed and battery status while also using it to analyse driving performance, metrics and map previews on Android & iOS.
Near-unlimited personalisation programme
No two Neveras will leave the Rimac factory looking the same or bearing the same specification, thanks to customers’ ability to choose from a comprehensive range of bespoke trims and material options. In addition to the company’s premium individual personalization program, Rimac will offer its flagship in various editions: GT, Signature, Timeless or the customers can choose to go Bespoke.
Ultimate customer experience
As part of the customer journey, each Nevera owner will be invited to Croatia to design his or her car to their exacting requirements. The Nevera itself will be exclusively available through Rimac’s global dealer partners network, taking in 19 sites and many of the world’s major cities across Europe, North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Asia. 17:12:012022-07-24 12:59:50Rimac Nevera Takes the Hypercar Market by Storm
Progressive and sporty into the new model year: The Audi e-tron S line black edition
A progressive, profoundly sporty exterior look with a black Singleframe and black side mirror caps, an interior with orange accents – Audi presents its fully electric SUV models e-tron2 and e-tron Sportback3 in the S line black edition. Presales just started in Germany and other European markets.
The S line black edition highlights the sporty nature of the fully electric Audi e-tron models. It builds on the S line exterior, which already features striking accents in the front, sides and rear. For the edition model, the Singleframe, as well as the four rings, the side mirror casings and the e-tron badges, are all in black. Audi Sport supplies the 21” wheels, also in black, contrasted by the orange brake calipers. The back seat has dark tinted windows, and the new, exclusive metallic finish color options Chronos gray, Glacier white and Mythos black are available. LED lights on the underside of the doors project the words “e-tron black edition” onto the street when the door is opened.
The package expands on the S line interior. The contrast stitching of the black sport seats (standard) and the armrests and seat belts stand out in orange. The center section of the seats and inlays of the doors are of the new Dinamica material – a breathable microfiber that is made of 45 percent recycled polyester such as PET bottles. For the truly discerning, fine Valcona leather is also available. The instrument panel is upholstered in leatherette with decorative carbon inlays.
The new S line black edition is available for the Audi e-tron2 and the Audi e-tron Sportback3 in both motorization levels. The Audi e-tron S line black edition 50 quattro4, whose two e-machines have an output of 230 kW (313 PS), is listed at 79,350 euros. The Audi e-tron S line black edition 55 quattro5 with 300 kW (408 PS) starts at 91,750 euros. The two corresponding sportback versions are each an additional 2,250 euros. With all edition models, customers receive a premium of 7,500 euros after taxes.
Audi e-tron and e-tron Sportback: New details for this popular model
Audi had a very successful start into the era of sustainable mobility with the e-tron2. In 2020, the e-SUV, together with the e-tron Sportback3, was the most widely sold electric model by a German premium manufacturer, with demand growing by almost 80 percent over the previous year. The Audi e-tron2 was the most widely sold car in the Norwegian market across all fuel types. The 100,000th e-tron was assembled in April.
The e-tron series will be even more attractive in the 2022 model year. The second integrated charger will be available for all versions and models, increasing performance for alternating current (AC) charging from 11 to 22 kW and significantly reducing charging times. For the exterior, the appearance package black plus is available with black rings and e-tronbadges; for the interior, Dinamica upholstery is now available across the board. The streaming service Apple Music is now available optionally as a new Audi connect service. G G2021-05-28 13:24:102021-05-29 12:05:29The Audi e-tron S line black edition
Car manufacturing and engineering – Aspark Company
The first Japanese full-electric hypercar
Body, chassis and much of the components entirely made by top-level carbon fiber materials, extremely powerful four electric motors, a unique torque vectoring system, an exclusive battery system, and handmade premium interior. The full-electric hypercar Owl is a compendium of state-of-the-art technology, design and functionality, mixed with a genuine passion for beauty.
The production version of the Owl, after its world premiere in Dubai last November, was scheduled to be exhibited at the Geneva International Motor Show.
“After unveiling the Owl at Dubai International Motor Show the company has achieved many progresses on development and production, as well on future strategy as a car manufacturer”, Head Of Sales and Communication Agshin Badalbayli points out.
All major tests related to performance, safety and durability were completed successfully and now the Owl can be seen running on the road.
Meanwhile, the production has been accelerated to deliver the orders on time and the sales and after-sales networks around the world are growing fast.
A second project is coming up
Aspark kicked off a new era in full-electric hypercars with the Owl: but the first project of the Japanese car manufacturer won’t remain alone, as a the development of a second project has already started. Details will be given in the next weeks.
The Power is in our Nature
“The Power is in our Nature” – the official claim of the Owl – perfectly catches the essence of this incredible full-electric hypercar.
Body, chassis and much of the components entirely made by top-level carbon fiber materials, extremely powerful four electric motors, a unique torque vectoring system, an exclusive battery system, and handmade premium interior: the Owl is a compendium of state-of-the-art technology, design and functionality, mixed with a genuine passion for beauty.
The fastest accelerating car in the world: 0-60 mph in 1.69 seconds
The most astonishing performance of the Owl is the acceleration: from 0 to 60 mph in 1.69 seconds*.
The Owl has a unique battery pack for a range of up to 450 km. Top speed is 400 km/h. Furthermore, the Owl has a height of 99 cm: it is probably the lowest road legal electric hypercar in the world.
The world most powerful electric hypercar
The Owl has the most powerful 4 electric motors ever made. They produce a total power of 1480 kW with 2012 horsepower. Overall torque is around 2000 Newton meters.
The Owl has almost three times more power than Formula-E cars and two times more than Formula 1 cars.
The rotation of the motor should be the fastest in the world with 15000 rpm.
Delivered in the second quarter of the year
The production version of the Owl is limited to only 50 cars worldwide. Each one will be fully customizable, each one will be different from the other: exclusivity now has a real meaning.
Production is taking place in Turin, Italy in collaboration with Manifattura Automobili Torino, with the full support of Aspark engineering centres in the world. The first set of the Owl will be delivered by the second quarter of 2020.
Price of the base version is Euro 2,900,000. The Owl can be reserved with a reduced deposit of Euro 50,000.
*One Foot Roll-Out
Running on the road.
All major tests related to performance, safety and durability were completed successfully and now the Owl can be seen running on the road. 14:20:132021-02-06 15:48:21Aspark Company | The first Japanese full-electric hypercar