Audi Sphere models

Audi grandsphere concept


For Audi, shaping the future is an expression of attitude. Nowhere is this attitude as palpable as in the brand’s concept cars. With the Audi skysphere, Audi grandsphere and Audi urbansphere concepts, Audi is illustrating its vision of progressive luxury.

The word “sphere” in the names emphasizes that the inner space – the interior – will be granted heightened importance in the mobility of the future. The interior will become the foundation for design and technology, turning the vehicle into a sphere where the passengers can enjoy life and experiences while on the go – a third living space.

For Audi, this includes a comprehensive ecosystem of automotive services: communications or relaxation, work or retreat in privacy – the car is transforming from a mere automobile into an experience device. With the sphere series, Audi is showing off its vision of the electric premium mobility of the future.

Audi activesphere concept (2022)

Audi activesphere concept – this is the name of the fourth model in the family of concept cars that Audi has been introducing since August 2021. Not only do they all have electric drives, but they’re also designed to be capable of automated driving. This technical layout gives rise to entirely new designs, especially of the interiors and the offerings for those on board to use their time productively or just relax. Audi’s sphere concept cars collectively showcase the vision of the premium mobility of tomorrow.

Audi urbansphere concept (2022)

Systematically designed from the inside out, Audi has unveiled plans for the Audi urbansphere concept car. Designers and engineers initially created the Audi urbansphere for use in traffic-dense Chinese megacities, although the concept is also suitable for any other metropolitan center in the world. In these urban areas, where personal space is in particularly short supply, the concept car offers the largest interior space of any Audi to date. It intelligently coordinates this with technologies and digital services that appeal to all the senses and offer a whole new level of experience.

Audi grandsphere concept (2021)

The private jet for the road – At the IAA 2021, Audi is presenting the Audi grandsphere concept study. Like a first class flight, the 5.35 m (17.6 ft.) long grandsphere sedan combines the luxury of private travel in the greatest of comfort with a comprehensive onboard experience offering. Level 4 automated driving makes new dimensions of freedom possible: in this mode, the interior turns into a spacious sphere of experience without a steering wheel, pedals, or displays. And the front seats become a first class lounge with maximum space, freer views, and access to all the functions of a holistic digital ecosystem that the Audi grandsphere is integrated into.

Audi skysphere concept (2021)

Audi has unveiled the first member of a new family of concept vehicles, a spectacular roadster. Audi skysphere concept is the name of the electric-powered, two-door convertible whose lines lead directly to the Audi design of tomorrow. With it, the brand is illustrating its vision for the progressive luxury segment of the future, in which the interior becomes an interactive space and the vehicle a platform for captivating experiences. This is being made possible thanks to autonomous driving, a revolutionary redesign of the interior, and a seamless digital ecosystem.

Audi Sphere models

Audi grandsphere concept


For Audi, shaping the future is an expression of attitude. Nowhere is this attitude as palpable as in the brand’s concept cars. With the Audi skysphere, Audi grandsphere and Audi urbansphere concepts, Audi is illustrating its vision of progressive luxury.

The word “sphere” in the names emphasizes that the inner space – the interior – will be granted heightened importance in the mobility of the future. The interior will become the foundation for design and technology, turning the vehicle into a sphere where the passengers can enjoy life and experiences while on the go – a third living space.

For Audi, this includes a comprehensive ecosystem of automotive services: communications or relaxation, work or retreat in privacy – the car is transforming from a mere automobile into an experience device. With the sphere series, Audi is showing off its vision of the electric premium mobility of the future.

Audi activesphere concept (2022)

Audi activesphere concept – this is the name of the fourth model in the family of concept cars that Audi has been introducing since August 2021. Not only do they all have electric drives, but they’re also designed to be capable of automated driving. This technical layout gives rise to entirely new designs, especially of the interiors and the offerings for those on board to use their time productively or just relax. Audi’s sphere concept cars collectively showcase the vision of the premium mobility of tomorrow.

Audi urbansphere concept (2022)

Systematically designed from the inside out, Audi has unveiled plans for the Audi urbansphere concept car. Designers and engineers initially created the Audi urbansphere for use in traffic-dense Chinese megacities, although the concept is also suitable for any other metropolitan center in the world. In these urban areas, where personal space is in particularly short supply, the concept car offers the largest interior space of any Audi to date. It intelligently coordinates this with technologies and digital services that appeal to all the senses and offer a whole new level of experience.

Audi grandsphere concept (2021)

The private jet for the road – At the IAA 2021, Audi is presenting the Audi grandsphere concept study. Like a first class flight, the 5.35 m (17.6 ft.) long grandsphere sedan combines the luxury of private travel in the greatest of comfort with a comprehensive onboard experience offering. Level 4 automated driving makes new dimensions of freedom possible: in this mode, the interior turns into a spacious sphere of experience without a steering wheel, pedals, or displays. And the front seats become a first class lounge with maximum space, freer views, and access to all the functions of a holistic digital ecosystem that the Audi grandsphere is integrated into.

Audi skysphere concept (2021)

Audi has unveiled the first member of a new family of concept vehicles, a spectacular roadster. Audi skysphere concept is the name of the electric-powered, two-door convertible whose lines lead directly to the Audi design of tomorrow. With it, the brand is illustrating its vision for the progressive luxury segment of the future, in which the interior becomes an interactive space and the vehicle a platform for captivating experiences. This is being made possible thanks to autonomous driving, a revolutionary redesign of the interior, and a seamless digital ecosystem.

El show car Vision AMG ofrece una visión del futuro totalmente eléctrico de Mercedes-AMG

La arquitectura AMG.EA dedicada para los modelos AMG totalmente eléctricos forma la base para un estudio extraordinario

Affalterbach/Niza. Proporciones espectaculares definidas por una distancia entre ejes larga y enfatizadas por voladizos cortos, hombros poderosos, ruedas grandes, un alerón trasero distintivo y la firma de los faros en forma de estrella: el Vision AMG hace una declaración emocional desde todas las perspectivas.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

Este extraordinario show car de Mercedes-AMG ofrece una visión del futuro totalmente eléctrico de AMG Driving Performance. Debajo del impresionante diseño exterior del coupé de cuatro puertas se encuentra la igualmente extraordinaria plataforma dedicada AMG.EA, que actualmente se está desarrollando en Affalterbach para modelos de alto rendimiento totalmente eléctricos.

“AMG se está reinventando. Como una vez fue el caso de nuestros padres fundadores, ha habido una sensación increíble de nuevos comienzos aquí en Affalterbach desde hace bastante tiempo. El curso ha sido bien y verdaderamente establecido para un futuro electrificado, y hemos puesto el listón muy alto. Eso es porque nuestros clientes esperan algo muy especial de los autos totalmente eléctricos. Ya hemos demostrado nuestra experiencia en este sentido con el SLS AMG Electric Drive, nuestra propia tecnología híbrida E PERFORMANCE y los primeros derivados de Mercedes-EQ. Con este estudio, ahora ofrecemos un primer vistazo de cómo estamos transfiriendo el ADN AMG al futuro completamente eléctrico, a partir de 2025. Gorden y su equipo están señalando el camino desde una perspectiva visual con este extraordinario diseño. En AMG, siempre hemos defendido ese toque extra de emoción, diversión al volante, manejo, características aerodinámicas ingeniosas y otras soluciones innovadoras. Y eso es lo que seguimos defendiendo con nuestro primer BEV desarrollado íntegramente en Affalterbach. Estamos desarrollando todo desde cero, desde la plataforma dedicada AMG.EA hasta la revolucionaria tecnología de transmisión con la que llevaremos la movilidad eléctrica de alto rendimiento a un nivel completamente nuevo”, dice Philipp Schiemer, CEO de Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

“El Vision AMG muestra con un estilo espectacular cómo podría ser la electrificación en Mercedes-AMG, sin dejar de ser fiel a la estética de la marca. Las proporciones extremas del estudio crean fascinación y pasión por el rendimiento: de eso se trata AMG. El Vision AMG es una encarnación impresionante de la doble polaridad de la marca: la interacción de la belleza y lo extraordinario.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Al mismo tiempo, los elementos del futuro, como las firmas luminosas con la parrilla iluminada de alta tecnología, subrayan la evolución progresiva de nuestro lenguaje de diseño de Sensual Purity”, dice Gorden Wagener, Director de Diseño de Mercedes-Benz Group AG. “Con su superficie moderna contrastante y sus proporciones radicales, este automóvil muestra el siguiente paso en el diseño, basándose en el VISION EQXX y avanzando hacia el lujo de alto rendimiento. El flujo continuo de superficies bellamente formadas y la escultura monolítica completan la poderosa estética del Vision AMG. El resultado es un superdeportivo eléctrico, un icono de estilo que estimula el deseo, y eso es exactamente lo que distingue a un deportivo de lujo”.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Escultura monolítica y proporciones radicales

El concept car se caracteriza por superficies fluidas y bellamente formadas. Las juntas y las líneas de cierre se reducen al mínimo, y las ventanas traseras y laterales están pintadas en el mismo color plateado Alubeam que el propio automóvil. El resultado es un aspecto general que refuerza la impresión de una escultura monolítica.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

Las proporciones deportivas son particularmente evidentes desde el lateral y están definidas por el diseño técnico: distancia entre ejes larga, pilar A muy inclinado colocado muy hacia adelante, voladizo delantero corto y voladizo trasero ligeramente más largo aerodinámicamente optimizado. Expresa claramente el lenguaje de diseño de Sensual Purity con señales distintivas de autos deportivos, como los arcos de las ruedas ampliamente ensanchados y hombros anchos y musculosos en la parte trasera.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

El elegante invernadero está integrado en la forma general fluida y se funde a la perfección con la silueta baja. El techo se estrecha a medida que su línea desciende elegantemente hacia la parte trasera, fluyendo directamente hacia el alerón trasero. El efecto general es una forma de lágrima visualmente fascinante y aerodinámicamente ventajosa, similar a la del VISION EQXX. La superficie sensual y la escultura poderosamente definida son representativas del lenguaje de diseño distintivo de Mercedes. Del mismo modo, la aspiración de la marca a lo extraordinario se realiza a través de las proporciones radicales y la nariz de tiburón bien cincelada. El Vision AMG es, por lo tanto, un ejemplo impresionante de la polaridad dual del enfoque de diseño de la marca que abarca “Belleza y lo extraordinario”.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

El borde de corte en ángulo pronunciado en la parte trasera incorpora un alerón activo, que alarga la vista lateral y al mismo tiempo mejora la aerodinámica. Está enmarcado por una banda de luz cortada con precisión que se adapta a una variedad de diferentes instalaciones de luces, proporcionando un contraste efectivo con el gran logotipo AMG negro en la parte trasera del automóvil.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Tecnología impresionante para un rendimiento distintivo

La tecnología del Vision AMG rinde homenaje al diseño espectacular de muchas maneras. Todos los componentes de su tren motriz se desarrollan completamente desde cero: no solo la plataforma AMG.EA en sí, sino también la batería de alto voltaje dedicada de alto rendimiento y la revolucionaria tecnología de propulsión. El poderoso corazón del Vision AMG es su innovador motor de flujo axial desarrollado por YASA, subsidiaria de propiedad total de Mercedes-Benz. Con su diseño compacto y liviano, ofrece mucha más potencia que los motores eléctricos convencionales.

Parrilla AMG cerrada con barras iluminadas

La parrilla específica de AMG con barras verticales se mantiene como una característica distintiva de la marca, a pesar de que un tren motriz totalmente eléctrico no requiere un radiador clásico en la parte delantera. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de alta tecnología de la parrilla está cerrado, pintado en el color de la carrocería y completamente integrado en la parte delantera. Como punto focal visual, la parrilla enfatiza el aspecto futurista del Vision AMG con sus barras iluminadas y su contorno exterior tridimensional. La estrella de tres puntas ocupa un lugar destacado en el capó, como en el Mercedes‑AMG Project ONE.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Extraordinaria firma luminosa en forma de estrella

La firma luminosa de los faros apunta directamente al futuro. Tres elementos LED forman una estrella Mercedes estilizada y tridimensional, lo que garantiza que las marcas Mercedes y AMG sean inmediatamente evidentes e inconfundibles de día y de noche. Los dos faros están conectados visualmente a través de la banda de luz horizontal sobre la parrilla. Esta banda de luz puede mostrar una variedad de animaciones, que van desde una firma de bienvenida hasta una luz constante.

Las luces redondas en la parte trasera tienen un diseño ligero que es nuevo pero familiar. En cada lado, tres anillos de LED se colocan en tubos cilíndricos. Aquí, también, las pequeñas estrellas ofrecen un guiño a la marca Mercedes. A modo de contraste, el expresivo difusor trasero está pintado de negro intenso.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Conexión con la Fórmula 1 a través de claves de forma y color

La conexión directa con el exitoso equipo Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 es evidente en otros detalles visuales. Estos incluyen la pintura plateada con un patrón de estrella de gran formato en los hombros y las aletas traseras, elementos funcionales en fibra de carbono expuesta, el diseño aerodinámico de las llantas de 22 pulgadas con revestimientos aerodinámicos, el logotipo AMG y elementos en los umbrales y el difusor. en los colores de Petronas.

El diseño deportivo de alta tecnología sin costuras y las impresionantes proporciones dan al Vision AMG un carácter futurista. La configuración de cuatro puertas también deja en claro que el show car ofrece una muestra de un deportivo funcional totalmente eléctrico del futuro. A pesar del paquete de baterías en el piso del automóvil entre los ejes, el estudio se encuentra considerablemente más bajo que el EQS y, gracias a su piso interior de diseño inteligente, ofrece mucho espacio para cuatro.

Presentamos nuestro Nuro de próxima generación

Siempre hemos sabido que resolver la entrega de última milla a través de la robótica mejoraría la vida cotidiana de millones de personas. Diseñar el vehículo autónomo adecuado para hacer eso, y adoptar un enfoque de cero ocupantes para ese diseño, ha sido una tarea monumental que involucró años de trabajo e iteraciones basadas en el aprendizaje del mundo real.

Queríamos hacerlo bien. Necesitábamos hacerlo seguro, completamente eléctrico y fácil de operar. Y necesitábamos escalar rápidamente para que pudiera ponerse a trabajar. Encontrar el equilibrio adecuado entre algo que queríamos en nuestros propios vecindarios y algo que pudiera producirse a escala no fue tarea fácil. Pero valió la pena.

Ahora, nos complace anunciar el vehículo de reparto autónomo de tercera generación de Nuro. Este nuevo vehículo mejora nuestro diseño anterior y está listo para ser producido a escala. Cada detalle es intencional y ahora estamos listos para compartir algunas de las innovaciones más impactantes de nuestro nuevo modelo.



Nuestro nuevo vehículo es aproximadamente un 20 % más pequeño en ancho que los automóviles de pasajeros promedio. Esa huella significativamente más pequeña les da a los ciclistas y peatones más espacio para maniobrar junto al bot.


Una bolsa de aire para peatones externa personalizada en la parte delantera del bot está optimizada para reducir la fuerza del impacto y la cantidad de lesiones en caso de colisión.


Nuestro vehículo de próxima generación está diseñado para operar de manera segura en el mismo entorno que todos los vehículos motorizados. Eso nos permite atender una amplia variedad de geografías que experimentan diversas condiciones climáticas durante todo el año.



Sacar a la gente de nuestros vehículos significa que tenemos más espacio para las cosas buenas. Nuestros compartimentos de 27 ft3 combinados pueden acomodar alrededor de 24 bolsas de comestibles y manejar casi 500 lbs. Las inserciones modulares que encajan dentro de los compartimentos permiten calentar y enfriar, con un rango de temperatura de 22 ºF o caliente a 116 ºF, lo que significa que la pizza se mantiene caliente y la gaseosa se mantiene fría.


Nuestro nuevo modelo podrá alcanzar una velocidad operativa máxima de 45 mph, lo que permitirá que el vehículo llegue a más clientes y sirva a más empresas en una variedad más amplia de caminos.


Nuestros vehículos ya son completamente eléctricos a batería y libres de emisiones, pero hemos decidido llevar nuestro compromiso con la sustentabilidad aún más lejos: en este nuevo vehículo, estamos usando electricidad 100% renovable de parques eólicos en Texas para impulsar nuestra flota y para reducir nuestra huella de carbono general. Y todos los materiales se adhieren a estrictos estándares de abastecimiento y cadena de suministro destinados a proteger el medio ambiente natural.


Además de poder sentir todo, desde la diferencia entre un montón de hojas y una mascota hasta cuántos peatones hay parados en un cruce de peatones en medio de una densa niebla, el nuevo modelo también tiene la capacidad de limpiar sus propios sensores. Esta autolimpieza es importante para mantener las operaciones y conservar la sensibilidad durante todo el día.


Ese compromiso con la seguridad se extiende a los datos de nuestros clientes, a los que damos prioridad incluso por encima de nuestras propias protecciones de datos intelectuales. Nuestra política de privacidad dicta todo, desde cómo recopilamos datos hasta cómo los salvaguardamos, para que nuestros clientes tengan total transparencia en el manejo de sus datos privados.



BYD podrá aprovechar la capacidad de fabricación de su planta de Lancaster para apoyar a Nuro y generar más empleos en California. Y traeremos más empleos al sur de Nevada. De hecho, se espera que nuestras instalaciones del sur de Nevada creen 250 oportunidades profesionales iniciales altamente calificadas con potencial de crecimiento a largo plazo en la industria de vehículos autónomos.

por qué importa

Nuestro vehículo de tercera generación fue diseñado a propósito para convertirse en un querido miembro de la comunidad, de todas las comunidades. Cuando nos propusimos transformar la vida cotidiana a través de la robótica, pusimos un gran énfasis en la equidad: no queríamos atender solo a vecindarios específicos o a ciertos grupos demográficos. Queríamos desbloquear el acceso a bienes y servicios para millones de personas en todo el mundo. Es una visión en la que creemos.

Este es el vehículo que produciremos a escala para mejorar la vida cotidiana de millones, y no podemos esperar a que esté en la carretera justo frente a su puerta. Porque, además de entregar casi cualquier cosa de las tiendas locales, también brinda mayor equidad, comunidades más seguras, menos contaminación.

Nuro coches autonomos

Bellwether Industries – The Private Urban Aircraft for Intracity Travel

Everyone has the right to fly

What is a volar?

   “Volar” is what we define as a new category of transportation, a UAM aircraft for private use. Our volar will explore all options of intracity travel and the future life style.

To live in harmony with human and the city, we believe that a volar must fullfill the following requirements. 

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Vertical take-off & landing

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Compact Profile

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City Compatibility

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Hidden Propulsion System

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Environmentally Friendly

The revolution is inevitable

    The revolution of transportation is inevitable.

Only by breaking through the existing transportation system can we maximise the efficiency of
our living environment and enter into a new 3-dimensional lifestyle.

Born for the city with

 City compatibility to realise intracity travel

– User-centric design to provide an invaluable user experience

Private use to address the public’s true needs

A volar will redefine the way you think about time

    Our volar solution is designed for
Anyone to fly from Anywhere to Any point at Any time, breaking the limit to provide one-call-away transportation and to realise the true meaning of urban air mobility

Pininfarina – Teorema Virtual Concept Car

Enjoy the Journey

Pininfarina paves the way to the future through a futuristic and daring Virtual Concept Car, TEOREMA, completely developed by using VR technologies. An all-new interpretation of fully electric, autonomous mobility in the name of user experience and technology, studied to create a sense of community and foster interactions amongst passengers and the outdoor environment.

Pininfarina has always looked to the future using concept cars as an innovation tool to chart the direction and introduce new visions in terms of usability and technology in the automotive industry. TEOREMA, in particular, wants to give people back the pleasure of living the car, driving and travelling, without the frustrations of increased congestion and other compromises, all while integrating AI, 5G and the latest technology to drive passengers towards new incredible experiences along the journey.

Kevin Rice
Chief Creative Officer

Shaping Design with the Language of Experience
Entering the TEOREMA is not much different than entering a living room. As the passenger walks in, the rear opens, the roof extends upwards and forward, and the floor lights up guiding passengers to their seats. The car interiors provide different experiences and moments including areas of privacy where passengers can isolate themselves to sleep or rest.

Autonomous Drive to Reinvent the Car Experience

TEOREMA can easily switch across different driving modes according to passengers’ preferences and different driving situations:

AUTONOMY MODE: the vehicle is completely autonomous so actually needs no driver. In this mode the driver faces the other four passengers, leaving enough distance between each other to give everyone the feeling of having their own private cocoon.


DRIVE MODE: in this mode there is a community feeling and everything that happens in the motion of the vehicle is shared. The different areas of the interiors become of the same color, providing a subconscious connection holding all the occupants to a shared experience.

REST MODE: when the car is in rest mode, the whole interior becomes a social space where people can move to any position they want. The internal environment and the smart seats automatically changes to allow people to socialize or lounge back.


A New Paradigm in User Experience Enabled by Innovative Technologies WayRay for True Augmented Reality

Crisp and vivid virtual images with unprecedented color depth are aligned with the real world and allow passengers to be informed about the relevant traffic information, the places of interest and curiosities. They appear behind the car’s windshield and side glasses. Passengers also have a possibility to interact with the information displayed in order to learn more or share it with other people onboard.

Continental Engineering Services for Smart Surfaces and Intelligent Glass

Continental’s competences on Smart Surfaces and Intelligent Glass provides TEOREMA with important features in terms of both user experience and safety. Pop-up buttons are hidden under the car’s interior surfaces and only emerge when the driver passes his hand over them. Each button has a slightly different shape, allowing the driver to easily recognize them without taking the eyes off the road. The use of Smart Glass in the rear part of the car allows passengers to enjoy their privacy and to regulate the light that enters from the outside, giving then the possibility, also thanks to the foldable flat seats, to create a comfortable cocoon in which to rest.

Poltrona Frau for Seats

The seats were designed together with Poltrona Frau to ensure maximum relaxation and to allow passengers to stretch out and dose off. The seats of TEOREMA are able to fold down flat, turning into a bench or a cot providing for the possibility either to face each other, in a moment of conviviality, or to lie down, during a more intimate time.

BENTELER for the Rolling Chassis

TEOREMA is based on a platform solution built on the BENTELER Electric Drive System (BEDS). This is a very efficient solution and an enabler for setting up new electric vehicles very fast, with reduced complexity and high quality, thanks to its scalable and modular design. With its low construction the Rolling Chassis allows the car to have space on its inside and still keep a relatively low height.

Audi grandsphere concept

First class toward the future

The private jet for the road – At the IAA 2021, Audi is presenting the Audi grandsphere concept study. Like a first class flight, the 5.35 m (17.6 ft.) long grandsphere sedan combines the luxury of private travel in the greatest of comfort with a comprehensive onboard experience offering.

Level 4 automated driving makes new dimensions of freedom possible: in this mode, the interior turns into a spacious sphere of experience without a steering wheel, pedals, or displays. And the front seats become a first class lounge with maximum space, freer views, and access to all the functions of a holistic digital ecosystem that the Audi grandsphere is integrated into.

robots TESLA AI

TESLA – Artificial Intelligence & Autopilot – Tesla Bot

We develop and deploy autonomy at scale in vehicles, robots and more. We believe that an approach based on advanced AI for vision and planning, supported by efficient use of inference hardware, is the only way to achieve a general solution for full self-driving and beyond.


Build silicon chips that power our full self-driving software from the ground up, taking every small architectural and micro-architectural improvement into account while pushing hard to squeeze maximum silicon performance-per-watt. Perform floor-planning, timing and power analyses on the design. Write robust, randomized tests and scoreboards to verify functionality and performance. Implement compilers and drivers to program and communicate with the chip, with a strong focus on performance optimization and power savings. Finally, validate the silicon chip and bring it to mass production.

Neural Networks

Apply cutting-edge research to train deep neural networks on problems ranging from perception to control. Our per-camera networks analyze raw images to perform semantic segmentation, object detection and monocular depth estimation. Our birds-eye-view networks take video from all cameras to output the road layout, static infrastructure and 3D objects directly in the top-down view. Our networks learn from the most complicated and diverse scenarios in the world, iteratively sourced from our fleet of nearly 1M vehicles in real time. A full build of Autopilot neural networks involves 48 networks that take 70,000 GPU hours to train . Together, they output 1,000 distinct tensors (predictions) at each timestep.

Autonomy Algorithms

Develop the core algorithms that drive the car by creating a high-fidelity representation of the world and planning trajectories in that space. In order to train the neural networks to predict such representations, algorithmically create accurate and large-scale ground truth data by combining information from the car’s sensors across space and time. Use state-of-the-art techniques to build a robust planning and decision-making system that operates in complicated real-world situations under uncertainty. Evaluate your algorithms at the scale of the entire Tesla fleet.

Code Foundations

Throughput, latency, correctness and determinism are the main metrics we optimize our code for. Build the Autopilot software foundations up from the lowest levels of the stack, tightly integrating with our custom hardware. Implement super-reliable bootloaders with support for over-the-air updates and bring up customized Linux kernels. Write fast, memory-efficient low-level code to capture high-frequency, high-volume data from our sensors, and to share it with multiple consumer processes— without impacting central memory access latency or starving critical functional code from CPU cycles. Squeeze and pipeline compute across a variety of hardware processing units, distributed across multiple system-on-chips.

Evaluation Infrastructure

Build open- and closed-loop, hardware-in-the-loop evaluation tools and infrastructure at scale, to accelerate the pace of innovation, track performance improvements and prevent regressions. Leverage anonymized characteristic clips from our fleet and integrate them into large suites of test cases. Write code simulating our real-world environment, producing highly realistic graphics and other sensor data that feed our Autopilot software for live debugging or automated testing.

Tesla Bot

Develop the next generation of automation, including a general purpose, bi-pedal, humanoid robot capable of performing tasks that are unsafe, repetitive or boring. We’re seeking mechanical, electrical, controls and software engineers to help us leverage our AI expertise beyond our vehicle fleet.

Audi skysphere concept (2021)

Audi has unveiled the first member of a new family of concept vehicles, a spectacular roadster. Audi skysphere concept is the name of the electric-powered, two-door convertible whose lines lead directly to the Audi design of tomorrow. With it, the brand is illustrating its vision for the progressive luxury segment of the future, in which the interior becomes an interactive space and the vehicle a platform for captivating experiences. This is being made possible thanks to autonomous driving, a revolutionary redesign of the interior, and a seamless digital ecosystem.


Today marks a seminal moment for the House of Rolls-Royce. We are proud to unveil Rolls-Royce Boat Tail to the world, and with it, the confirmation of coachbuilding as a permanent fixture within our future portfolio.

  • Rolls-Royce introduces utterly unique coachbuilt ‘Boat Tail’ commission
  • Rolls-Royce Coachbuild to become a permanent fixture in future portfolio
  • Based on a true commission model, ‘Boat Tail’ represents a collaborative exploration of luxury, design and culture between the marque and commissioning clients
  • Coachbuild empowers clients to create potent evocative expressions of personal taste
  • Rolls-Royce Coachbuild is contemporary patronage in its truest form
  • Rolls-Royce prompted the contemporary coachbuilding movement in 2017 with the introduction of ‘Sweptail’

“Today marks a seminal moment for the House of Rolls-Royce. We are proud to unveil Rolls-Royce Boat Tail to the world, and with it, the confirmation of coachbuilding as a permanent fixture within our future portfolio.

“Historically, coachbuilding had been an integral part of the Rolls-Royce story.  In the contemporary Rolls-Royce narrative, it has informed our guiding philosophy of Bespoke. But it is so much more. Rolls-Royce Coachbuild is a return to the very roots of our brand. It represents an opportunity for the select few to participate in the creation of utterly unique and truly personal commissions of future historical significance.

“Rolls-Royce has carefully listened to its closest clients, each of whom has expressed a desire to deepen their relationship with the brand by creating ambitious, personal statements of true luxury. Rolls-Royce Boat Tail is not a concept created to be retrospectively sold.

“Quite the contrary. Rolls-Royce believes in complete authenticity and Boat Tail is the culmination of a four-year collaboration with three of our most special clients.

“Rolls-Royce Coachbuild clients are intimately and personally involved at each step of the creative and engineering process. We work in harmony with the client to gain complete fluency in the nuances of their character and personality. We carefully translate these qualities into the elements with which they wish to imbue their commission.

“Only the House of Rolls-Royce can offer its Coachbuild clients the inimitable opportunity to commission a product of future historical significance, that is as fundamentally unique as they are – and then participate in every detail of its creation.

“This is authentic luxury. This is contemporary patronage in its truest form. This is Rolls-Royce Coachbuild.”


Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive, Rolls-Royce 

“Rolls-Royce Boat Tail challenges the notion of what a motor car is and creates a new definition of what a motor car means. Boat Tail exists far beyond a mere means of transport. It is not just the method to reach a destination, but the destination itself. It is an ambition realised with a remarkable cohort of women and men who empowered the marque to create a concept of extraordinary scope.

“Coachbuild provides freedom to move beyond the usual constraints. Normally, there is a natural ceiling to Rolls-Royce Bespoke by way of the canvas. At Rolls-Royce Coachbuild we break through that ceiling, embracing the freedom of expression afforded by coachbuilding to shape a concept directly with our commissioning patrons.

“With Boat Tail we have achieved this. We have created a trio of exceptional cars which, although they share a common body style, are each imbued with the unique, highly personal imprint of the commissioning patron, thereby telling differing stories. Boat Tail is unprecedented. Boat Tail is a distinct counterpoint to industrialised luxury.” 

Alex Innes, Head of Rolls-Royce Coachbuild Design, Rolls-Royce

As a House of Luxury, Rolls-Royce imbues its products with meaning. A Rolls-Royce serves as a canvas onto which clients reflect their personal tastes, express ambitions and often, define legacies. The Bespoke treatment of a Rolls-Royce elegantly reflects its status as ‘the best car in the world’ while stylishly expressing the personality of its commissioning client.

Ever increasingly, clients appreciate and enjoy the marque’s Bespoke capabilities and Rolls-Royce is called upon, by its clients, to integrate itself into their lives in meaningful ways. The brand and its clients have become progressively closer and the designers, engineers and craftspeople at the Home of Rolls-Royce, a Global Centre of Luxury Manufacturing Excellence, have developed a unique fluency in interpreting the lifestyles of these remarkable women and men. This evolution of mutual confidence has resulted in ever more ambitious commissions, reaching well beyond the scope of Bespoke competencies and capacity, into the rarefied realm of coachbuilding. To fulfil these extraordinary client commissions Rolls-Royce has reached a decision to return to one of the historical roots of the marque and to initiate a distinct department within the company, Rolls-Royce Coachbuild.

Coachbuilding is a highly distilled expression of Rolls-Royce Bespoke and is reserved for those who look to move beyond existing constraints. It is based on a true commission model and represents a collaborative exploration of meaningful luxury, design and culture between the marque and its commissioning client. The results become pivotal moments in time that create a future historical legacy, advancing designs which in turn define an era, extending influence far beyond the original intended purpose of a mere means of transportation.

Rolls-Royce Coachbuild is contemporary patronage in its truest form.

The discipline inherent in Rolls-Royce’s approach to coachbuilding requires elite artistic skills that do not exist elsewhere in the automotive industry. Commissioning clients demand an object that is truly transformative; an object that makes a permanent statement and sets itself apart from anything that has gone before.

In response, the marque must interrogate and deeply understand two worlds. The first is the intimately personal context of the client – their individual life-space, how they celebrate, what and who they surround themselves with, and the experiences that have defined the very best moments in these exceptional people’s lives. The second is the broader cultural context in which a Coachbuild car will exist. Here the marque explores the cultural nuances of the client, movements in architecture, couture, colour palettes, artistic tastes – even hospitality.


In 2017, the celebrated Rolls-Royce Sweptail defined the dawn of the contemporary coachbuilding movement. It created a definitive moment that raised the awareness of a new watermark in luxury and automotive possibility, illustrating a new realm of exploitation owing to its hand-built nature. This remarkable product, which was instantly proclaimed as one of the finest intercontinental tourers in history, represented a major recalibration of possibility, and confirmed that the legacy of Rolls-Royce will be defined in collaboration with its clients.

Sweptail set a new waterline of potential and ignited a fascination among a rarefied cohort: collectors, patrons of the arts and commissioning clients of now-iconic architecture. A number of these women and men approached Rolls-Royce to discover if they too could collaborate on a unique commission, one that was even more profound – one that provided an elevated sense of curation. The marque agreed, signalling the genesis of a permanent contemporary Coachbuild department at the Home of Rolls-Royce.

Within this group, it emerged that three potential patrons shared a deep appreciation of contemporary nautical design. J-Class yachts were often referenced as points of inspiration, both for their purity of form and their requirement for hand craftsmanship at the highest level to will them into existence.

This client-led creative expression coincided with a long-held ambition of the design team at Rolls-Royce to create a contemporary expression of the Boat Tail typology, where coachbuilders would graft the hull forms of sailing boats onto the rolling chassis of a Rolls-Royce. When the idea of this design direction was proposed, the three patrons were unequivocal in their approval. And all three shared a single demand: “Show me something that I have never seen before.”

In consultation with the clients concerned, an agreement was reached whereby three cars would share a common body, but each would then be individually, highly personalised, reflecting the confluence between vision, capability and ambition of the marque and each of the individual commissioning patrons.

Rolls-Royce Boat Tail was conceived.


The manual techniques of coachbuilding offer new realms of design opportunity. Once the preliminary design proposal is penned by hand, the discovery of the form is enabled with a full-sized sculpture in clay, allowing hand-crafted manipulation of the expansive surfaces to perfect its shape. Throughout this process, the clients were invited to envisage the scope of the collaboration and influence its direction. Cutting-edge engineering technologies within Rolls-Royce are fused with the artistic practice of coachbuilding to exploit new possibilities. The clay sculpture is digitally remastered, from which the buck, is created on to which aluminium sheets are hammer-formed by hand.

Employing age-old individual hand skills and craft, a living canvas is created from metal –honing and optimising the aluminium body, creating a clarity of surface and continuation of line that is unable to be achieved by machine alone.

The process is akin to yacht building, easing the transference of soul into the creation. A process of hand refinement is repeated almost endlessly, without the pressure of time. Slowly, vast sheets of metal transform into the sculptural representation of Boat Tail. A truly pure form is created: uninterrupted by panel breaks, dramatic in its curvature, monolithic in scale and formed from one seemingly endless surface.


The first Rolls-Royce Boat Tail, unveiled today, is a curation of exceptional thoughts, concepts and items, which culminate to form the clients’ perfect experience. The commissioning patrons, a globally successful couple who are highly proficient in the appointment of Rolls-Royces, truly personify connoisseurship; their luxury curation is an artform in itself. Their proposition was purposefully self-indulgent. Their desire was to create a response to a life of hard work, success achieved, and celebration required. Their Rolls-Royce Boat Tail should be joyful, a celebratory car to enjoy with their family.

Together, with the marque’s designers, they embarked on an intellectual journey, founded on a long-standing and creative relationship with the brand.  Indeed, the clients’ fascination of the Boat Tail form was furthered by a motor car in their private collection; a 1932 Rolls-Royce Boat Tail, lovingly restored, by them, in time for their modern Boat Tail’s completion.

Rolls-Royce Boat Tail presents a wonderful new aesthetic for the marque, balancing previously unseen levels of sculpture with discrete, sometimes playful functionality. The creation tells the romantic tale of Rolls-Royce’s history, echoing a Boat Tail design but not explicitly mimicking it, fusing an historical body type with a thoroughly contemporary design.

At nearly 5.8m long, its generosity of proportion and clarity of surface present a graceful and relaxed stance. The front profile is centred on a new treatment of Rolls-Royce’s iconic pantheon grille and lights. The grille becomes an integral part of the front end, not an applique; a freedom of design bestowed only upon models within the Coachbuild portfolio. This progressive treatment softens Rolls-Royce’s familiar formality while retaining the marque’s undeniable presence. A strong horizontal graphic with deep-set daytime running lights forms Boat Tail’s intense brow line and frames classical round headlamps, a design feature recalled from the design archives of Rolls-Royce.

In profile, nautical references are very suggestive. The wrap-around windscreen recalls the visor on motor launches, while the gentle rearward lean of the A-pillar, the large, crisp volumes at the front and the tapered rear create a gesture that recalls a motor launch rising out of water under power. A progressive negative sculpture in the lower bodyside creates a lithe impression, while making an historical reference to the running boards of prominent heritage Rolls-Royce designs.

Viewed from dead rear, the body resolves in a gentle sharpening of the form. As with the front, a horizontal emphasis is established at the rear with wide, deep-set lamps – a break from the expected vertical Rolls-Royce lamp iconography.

Indeed, it is at the rear where the nautical references become more apparent. The aft deck, a modern interpretation of the wooden rear decks of historical Boat Tails, incorporates large swathes of wood.  Caleidolegno veneer is applied in a feat of Rolls-Royce engineering; the grey and black material which is typically housed in the interior, has been specially adapted to be used on the exterior, with no compromise to the aesthetic.

The open pore material features a linear wood grain which is visually elongated by brushed stainless steel pinstripe inlays, serving as an optical nod to the typical wooden construction of yachts – both old and new. The honed skills of Rolls-Royce’s wood specialists have manipulated and book-matched the grain so as to contract with the geometry of the car. The veneer treatment extends to the lower transom area resolving the taper and overall volume astern. This bold truncation is a subtle reference to the hull lines of classic Boat Tail bodies.

From the rear, one perceives a strong graphical composition marked by further horizontal emphasis, accentuating Boat Tail’s great width.  Deep-set lamps establish a dramatically low reference point, evoking the dipped stern and proud bow of a motor launch under power and on plane.

An explicit architectural influence is discovered in Boat Tail’s unconventional fixed-canopy roof. Adding to the sculptural form, the sweeping roofline concludes in delicate structural elements that touch down on the rear, redolent of flying buttresses. Of course, if inclement weather is encountered while the roof is removed, a temporary tonneau is stowed for static transitory shelter.


The exterior of Rolls-Royce Boat Tail is swathed in a rich and complex tone of the client’s favourite colour – blue. The hue, with an overt nautical connotation, is subtle when in shadows but in sunlight, embedded metallic and crystal flakes bring a vibrant and energetic aura to the finish. To ensure the smoothest possible application when rendering the exterior, a finger was run over the definitive body line before the paint had fully dried to soften its edges. The wheels are finished in bright blue, highly polished and clear coated to add to Boat Tail’s celebratory character.

A hand-painted, gradated bonnet, a first for Rolls-Royce, rises from a comparatively subdued deeper blue which cascades onto the grille, providing a progressive but informal aesthetic and a solidity of overall volume when viewed from the front.

The interior leather reflects the bonnet’s colour tone transition with the front seats swathed in the darker blue hue, recognising Boat Tail’s driver focused intent, while the rear seats are finished in the lighter tone. A soft metallic sheen is applied to the leather to accentuate its pairing with the painted exterior while detailed stitching and piping is applied in a more intense blue inspired by the hands of the car’s timepieces. A brilliant blue is also found woven at a 55 degree angle into the technical fibre elements to be seen on the lower bodywork, precisely orientated to emulate the spill of a water’s wake.

The fascia is distilled in its appearance, purposefully reduced to provide a modern aesthetic. This minimalist canvas accentuates the jewel like features of the completely unique BOVET 1822 timepieces specifically commissioned by the client for Boat Tail (see below). Collecting pens is another of the clients’ great passions. A particularly cherished Montblanc pen will reside in a discretely placed, hand-crafted, case of aluminium and leather, in Boat Tail’s glove box.

The instrument panel dials are adorned with a decorative technique named Guilloché, more commonly perfected in the workshops of fine jewellers and watchmakers. An elegant, thin rimmed two-tone steering wheel then bears the colours of the commission.

The tactility of the open pore Caleidolegno is brought into the cabin. Anthracite in colour, the veneer brings modern strength and depth to offset the softness of the light blue and metallic sheen. The wood is applied to the lower cabin and floor area, reminiscent of wooden hull forms, again, at 55 degrees, perfectly book matched on centre line providing a uniform appearance when viewed from either side.


This car should mark a sense of occasion and serve that occasion like nothing else”.

Such was the brief of Rolls-Royce Boat Tail’s commissioning patrons. In response and in reflection of their character, the rear deck inconspicuously houses a highly ambitious concept never seen before in the automotive world. At the press of a button, the deck opens in a sweeping butterfly gesture, to reveal an intricate and generous hosting suite. Its complex movement was inspired by cantilever concepts explored by renowned architect Santiago Calatrava.
The hosting suite creates a celebratory focal point for a shared occasion and affords ample opportunity to reveal the individuality of the clients’ tastes and desires. It harbours an abundance of surprises executed to the highest quality. Expressed in a celebratory fashion, subverting the very notion of the motor car, the hosting suite surprises and delights all who come to experience it.

Hinged towards the centre line, the synchronised balletic opening movement reveals a treasure chest of moving parts that offer themselves to the host at a precise angle of 15 degrees. This subtle gesture of presentation reflects a genteel and quintessentially British expression of service.

The chest is appointed with the perfect accoutrements for a true Rolls-Royce al fresco dining experience; one side dedicated to aperitifs, the other, cuisine, complete with cutlery engraved with the name ‘Boat Tail’, made by Christofle in Paris.

A double refrigerator has been developed to house the clients’ favourite vintages of Armand de Brignac champagne. Elegant cradles were created to stow the specific bottle size within the refrigerator, the surrounds are highly polished and colour matched to the bottle.

While champagne is a familiar trope in the luxury world, Boat Tail’s client had a particular affinity with fine wine. The husband of this couple recalled a story from his humble beginnings. A great friend of his was a sommelier in his hometown and educated him in the taste profiles of various Grandes Marques de Champagne. This became a life-long education that turned into one of the most informed collections of rare Grand Cru champagnes in the world. The requirement for this knowledge and passion to be shared through the client’s Boat Tail was paramount – as was the need for this champagne to be rapid-cooled to precisely six degrees – the optimum serving temperature of the preferred vintage.

A classic design element of contemporary Rolls-Royce motor cars is the stowage of Rolls-Royce umbrellas in the doors, in anticipation of possible poor weather. In a delightful twist and to heighten the languid experience of Boat Tail, a unique parasol is housed beneath the rear centre line in anticipation of fine weather. A telescopic movement opens this beautiful and whimsical canopy inversely, ensuring effortless deployment.

Cocktail tables, which elegantly rotate to mimic the offering of an attendant, open on either side of the hosting suite providing access to two highly contemporary minimalist stools, which are discretely stowed below. Designed by Rolls-Royce and created by Italian furniture maker Promemoria, the slim-line interlocking stools are formed from the same technical fibre found on the exterior of the car. The interior blue Rolls-Royce leather provides the stools’ suitably comfortable seating materials.


In a move that further demonstrates the clients’ visionary approach to contemporary patronage, two great luxury Houses with a common pursuit of perfection have been brought together at the clients’ behest. World-class craftspeople from the House of BOVET 1822, which was founded on the philosophy of ingenuity and engineering, were called upon to work hand-in-hand with Rolls-Royce’s own masters in their field.

The mechanically minded clients sought to break new ground in horology. As esteemed and passionate collectors of both the Swiss-based House of BOVET and Rolls-Royce, their vision was to create exquisite, ground-breaking timepieces for their Boat Tail. In an act of tireless endeavour and genuine collaboration, the Houses have come together to re-imagine Rolls-Royce’s iconic centrepiece, the dashboard clock.

The result is an accomplishment never before realised in either industry. Two fine reversable timepieces, one for the lady and one for the gentleman, have been designed to be worn on the wrist, or, placed front and centre within Boat Tail’s fascia as the motor car’s clock.

The two-sided timepieces required Rolls-Royce and BOVET 1822 to work side by side over the course of three years to develop a ground-up remastering of the Amadeo convertible system, the most complex undertaken to date. The result is a true reflection of BOVET’s mastery, allowing for the bespoke tourbillon timepieces’ inclusion in the motor car.

Pascal Raffy, owner, BOVET 1822, commented, “I am so proud of the BOVET 1822 team, who worked in tandem with the elite design team at Rolls-Royce to produce something spectacular. These two pieces, and the mounting system, are completely unique and unlike anything we have ever done before.”

The story behind the creation of these remarkable works of art, and a detailed exploration of their mechanisms, together with information on the precious materials, unique micro-sculptures and the vast complexity of the watch carrier will be shared via a press release on 8 June, 2021 at 1pm BST.


To fulfil the clients’ extraordinary ambitions, significant engineering challenges were overcome in the development of Rolls-Royce Boat Tail. Indeed, 1813 completely new parts were created specifically for the cars. Time, patience, dedication and passion were the project’s hallmarks. To complete the preliminary engineering phase, prior to the commencement of production, a total of over 20 collective years were expended.

While designs were being finalised with the clients, the marque’s body-in-white, with its scalable aluminium spaceframe architecture, was completely reconfigured to support Boat Tail’s generous proportions, a process that took eight months in itself. As ever, the 15-speaker Bespoke Rolls-Royce Audio System was intended from the motor car’s inception, but the spaceframe architecture was exploited differently. Rolls-Royce’s existing product portfolio use a specially designed sill section of the architecture as the resonance chambers for the sound system’s bass speakers. In Boat Tail, the entire floor structure is utilised, creating an exceptional audio experience for the client.

To support the complex requirements of the hosting suite to the rear of Boat Tail, a unique electronic treatment was required. Five electronic control units (ECUs) were created for the rear of the car alone – a process that required a completely redesigned, dedicated wiring harness, which was the product of nine months of intensive research and development. Only then was it possible for the aft deck lids to open to an appropriate 67-degree angle, incorporate a highly secure locking mechanism and integrate a total climate control system to the rear hosting suite to preserve any cuisine stowed on board.

Indeed, the inside temperature of the hosting suite was a specific consideration. Boat Tail was created in anticipation of fair weather, so measures needed to be taken to ensure that heat absorption did not adversely affect the contents of the suite, which could include food, liquids and of course champagne. To that end, two fans are mounted in the lower section of the hosting suite to dissipate heat.  To confirm this and to ensure that Boat Tail’s hosting suite will acquit itself in all climates, it has been rigorously and successfully tested to 80 degrees Celsius and -20 degrees Celsius.

As Boat Tail is a fully homologated, road-legal motor car that was created to be driven, it was only fully released by the marque once it had undergone the same rigorous dynamic testing as all other Rolls-Royces, including high speed analysis to ensure the contents of the rear hosting suite are sufficiently fastened and therefore silent under power. Indeed, each client has stipulated that they wish to drive their Boat Tail immediately upon receipt.

Torsten Müller-Ötvös, concluded, “Boat Tail is the culmination of collaboration, ambition, endeavour, and time. It was born from a desire to celebrate success and create a lasting legacy. In its remarkable realisation, Rolls-Royce Boat Tail forges a pivotal moment in our marque’s history and in the contemporary luxury landscape.”