En 2012 Al materializar las visiones del automóvil del futuro, BMW Group Design ha desarrollado un roadster biplaza con las exclusivas proporciones dinámicas características de la marca.
El BMW GINA Light Visionary Model lleva el diseño escultural, definido ya por una serie de coches de producción, hasta sus últimas y novedosas consecuencias. El frontal y los laterales del vehículo, incluidas las puertas, crean un todo único, uniforme y sin solución de continuidad que converge para formar una unidad tanto visual como estructural.
Para lograr este aspecto, fue necesario dejar atrás todos los conceptos preconcebidos sobre la configuración de la carrocería, el diseño y los materiales. Esto hace que el BMW GINA Light Visionary Model prescinda de los elementos habituales que se encuentran en los vehículos de producción, como el faldón delantero, el capó, los paneles laterales, las puertas, los pasos de rueda, la capota, el portón del maletero y la cubierta trasera. Su lugar lo ocupa una nueva estructura con el menor número de componentes posible. Un tejido especial de gran durabilidad y resistencia a las más extremas tensiones cubre la estructura metálica. Este nuevo material ofrece a los diseñadores un nivel de libertad de diseño y funcionalidad considerablemente más alto.
Sin embargo, a principios de la década de 1960 fue objeto de algunas críticas. En el Archivo de Porsche se conservan algunas propuestas que no lograron superar el corte en su momento.
Algo simple. La palabra “Porsche”, sin más. En 1948 esto era todo lo necesario, según la visión de los pragmáticos creadores de la marca, para definir lo que ahora vemos como un auténtico icono. Cuenta la leyenda que las letras originales de aluminio fueron hechas por un aprendiz con una sierra de calar y se diseñaron para figurar en el Porsche 356 “Nº 1” Roadster que compitió y venció en la carrera de Hofgarten, en Innsbruck, Austria. Pero hoy no reconocemos un Porsche por aquellas letras, sino por su famoso escudo.
Ya en 1951, el Doctor Ottomar Domnick, uno de los primeros apasionados confesos de Porsche, tomó la iniciativa. Lanzó “The Porsche Prize”, un concurso para definir el logotipo que debería representar a la nueva marca. Sin embargo, ninguna de las propuestas presentadas cumplía con los requisitos. Tiempo después, en una cena de negocios en Nueva York a finales de 1951, Max Hoffman habló con Ferry Porsche y rescató aquella idea de diseñar un emblema. Tras esta conversación, en el cuaderno de Ferry aparecía la siguiente nota con fecha 27 de diciembre: “Volante decorado con la palabra ‘Porsche’ y el escudo de Stuttgart o similar”. En 1952, el diseñador Franz Xaver Reimspieß, un talentoso dibujante, creó el diseño decisivo: un caballo encabritado, tomado del escudo de la ciudad de Stuttgart y representado dentro de los contornos de un escudo dorado. Estos elementos, unidos al nombre de Stuttgart en la parte superior, denotaban un claro compromiso con la producción de automóviles en Zuffenhausen. Los colores estatales rojo y negro que lo rodean, así como las astas, son herencia del emblema tradicional de Württemberg-Hohenzollern, con el logotipo Porsche formando un arco protector sobre todo lo demás.
Un escudo que causó sensación
El escudo es una obra de arte compleja, que unifica gran parte de lo que distingue a Porsche. También es una prueba clara de que los proyectos que se llevan a cabo con convicción y salen directamente del corazón pueden tener un gran impacto. A partir de aquel momento, Porsche tenía un logotipo capaz de impresionar no solo en sus vehículos, sino también en membretes, anuncios y publicaciones. No obstante, no estaría exento de controversia.
Para entender lo que significaba un escudo detallado con muchos colores, hay que retroceder en el tiempo. En la década de 1950, la impresión en color todavía era muy costosa y bastante complicada. No todos los impresores tenían máquinas adecuadas ni era fácil crear planchas o establecer marcas de registro con precisión para que todas las formas se colocaran exactamente una encima de la otra. Por lo tanto, crear una imagen o un gráfico claro y nítido sin que la pantalla de impresión se deslizara era complicado. Además, el escudo Porsche no se veía tan elegante como una versión en blanco y negro. Los Gerentes de Ventas de Porsche y la organización de concesionarios también vieron otro problema, que se abordó escribiendo a Porsche y a su Jefe de Publicidad, Hermann Lapper, en 1961: “Los diferentes colores y muchos detalles en su conjunto no proporcionan un efecto visual compacto y coherente en el tráfico rodado”.
a estrella de Mercedes-Benz y el logo de Volkswagen (también obra de Reimspieß) se presentaron como ejemplos de buen diseño. Así que, tras esta apreciación, se crearon nuevos bocetos en colaboración con Hanns Lohrer. Lohrer, artista de gran talento, fue responsable de muchos carteles y anuncios influyentes de Porsche en los años cincuenta y sesenta. Fue un profesional que, como Erich Strenger, otro importante diseñador gráfico de la época, dejó su huella en esta era de Porsche.
Un nuevo diseño
A Hanns Lohrer se le encomendó una tarea muy relevante: crear un nuevo escudo. En principio, se lanzaría con el sucesor del Porsche 356, cuyo proyecto respondía a la denominación interna “Programa T8”. Pero de aquella propuesta no salió nada.¡Totalmente diferentes! Estos fueron algunos de los diseños que se barajaron al principio. La letra “P” siempre estaba presente, a veces en un círculo, otras veces con tipografías cambiantes y dentro de figuras distintas. Desde la perspectiva actual, puede parecer extraño e incluso desconcertante.
Si hoy tenemos conocimiento de estos planes es gracias a la correspondencia del secretario y cronista de Porsche, Ghislain Kaes. Aparte de estos papeles, no se encuentra en el Archivo de Porsche ninguna evidencia de los esfuerzos realizados en ese momento.
Presumiblemente, se tomó la decisión de que el logotipo en uso desde 1952 ya estaba demasiado establecido como para considerar buena idea un cambio repentino de dirección en el diseño. Pero esto es solo una conjetura. Ferry Porsche planteó este argumento una vez cuando Ottomar Domnick le sugirió que, con su caballo, el escudo Porsche se parecía demasiado al logotipo de la empresa de carrocerías Reutter. Hoy, se puede decir que es sobre todo una cosa: inequívocamente Porsche. Incluso en su sexta evolución.
https://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/HAV2868_vergrossert.jpg812457Jackson Thompsonhttps://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/logo2v-1.pngJackson Thompson2023-07-24 12:09:372023-07-24 12:10:10El escudo Porsche es uno de los diseños más famosos de la historia del automóvil y en él cada detalle tiene un gran significado
Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept: el futuro electrificado del muscle car
El Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept se conduce como un Dodge, tiene la imagen de un Dodge y se siente como un Dodge; y en realidad es un vehículo 100% eléctrico (BEV)
Tres características que cambian el juego (con sus patentes en proceso de tramitación) conforman el corazón del Charger Daytona SRT Concept:
R-Wing: el frontal aerodinámico conserva el característico perfil de Dodge al tiempo que consigue una mayor eficiencia aerodinámica
Escape con cámara Fratzonic: el primer sistema de escape de la industria para un vehículo eléctrico ofrece un sonido de elevadas prestaciones que rivaliza con el del SRT Hellcat
eRupt: una transmisión de varias velocidades con la experiencia genuina de Dodge del cambio electromecánico
El Charger Daytona SRT Concept dispone del nuevo sistema de propulsión Banshee de 800V
El diseño de este prototipo revoluciona el aspecto de un coche 100% eléctrico al tiempo que presenta sutiles guiños al legado de los muscle cars de Dodge
Los logotipos Fratzog iluminados en la parrilla delantera y en la zona posterior simbolizan el futuro electrificado de Dodge, a la vez que representan el compromiso de la marca con su herencia de elevadas prestaciones
Los detalles verticales de la parrilla añaden textura y evocan al estilo del icónico Dodge Charger de 1968
El interior del Concept es moderno, liviano y ofrece un puesto de conducción característico de Dodge
La textura paramétrica del interior, también inspirada en los detalles de la parrilla del Charger de 1968, une los elementos del interior a la vez que proporciona una conexión con el exterior
La consola central incluye una tapa inspirada en los aviones de combate que se levanta para permitir activar el botón de arranque y un diseño de la palanca de cambios como el de la empuñadura de una pistola, inspirado en el pasado, pero con una ejecución moderna
El techo panorámico de cristal aporta una sensación de aire libre, lo que ayuda a incluir a los pasajeros traseros en la experiencia del vehículo
El portón trasero y los asientos traseros abatibles proporcionan una capacidad de carga inigualable para un muscle car
El puesto de conducción sumerge al conductor en una experiencia sensorial a través de los sonidos, la iluminación y las pantallas del vehículo
Con sólo pulsar un botón en el volante, el conductor puede activar los modos Auto, Sport, Track y Drag, cambiando al instante la dinámica de conducción, los gráficos de la pantalla, el sonido y la iluminación interior, lo que mejora la experiencia de conducción
Para obtener una información completa sobre Dodge y su plan Never Lift, que dirige la hoja de ruta a 24 meses para las futuras acciones de Dodge, se puede consultar Dodge.com y DodgeGarage.com
Dodge está dando un gran un paso adelante en el camino de la marca hacia un futuro electrificado, con la presentación del Dodge Charger Daytona SRT, un prototipo que rompe la percepción y que reinventa qué puede ser un vehículo 100% eléctrico (BEV). El Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept ofrece una visión del futuro eléctrico de la marca a través de un vehículo que se conduce como un Dodge, tiene la imagen de un Dodge y suena como un Dodge.
El Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept de dos puertas se ha presentado hoy en el M1 Concourse de Pontiac, Michigan, durante la tercera de las tres jornadas de la Dodge Speed Week en las que se han presentado y revelado los productos de altas prestaciones de Dodge.
El Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept deja a un lado el aburrido paradigma de los BEV reemplazándolo por un vehículo electrificado como ningún otro sobre la carretera. Con un nuevo sistema de propulsión que dota al Charger Daytona SRT Concept de unas prestaciones que superan las del famoso motor SRT Hellcat de la marca, acompañadas de un sonido de escape BEV pionero en la industria.
El moderno estilo exterior del prototipo incorpora sutiles rasgos de la herencia de Dodge al tiempo que supera los objetivos aerodinámicos. Los elementos de diseño del interior se conectan para crear una experiencia inmersiva centrada en el conductor a través de sonidos, pantallas y elementos de iluminación que cambian por dentro y por fuera con sólo pulsar un botón.
El alma del Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept está formada por tres características que cambian el juego, con sus patentes en proceso de tramitación, que reescribirán las reglas de los BEV:
R-Wing: una característica única de diseño aerodinámico que conecta al prototipo con el icónico Dodge Daytona
Escape con cámara Fratzonic: el primer tubo de escape de la industria para un BEV, que puede alcanzar los 126 dB, lo que lo equipara su rumorosidad por volumen a un Dodge con motor Hellcat
eRupt: una transmisión de varias velocidades con la experiencia genuina de Dodge del cambio electromecánico
“El Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept existe porque sus prestaciones nos obligaron a hacerlo”, expone Tim Kuniskis, director ejecutivo de la marca Dodge. “Dodge representa músculo, actitud y prestaciones, que están grabados en su ADN y lleva al segmento de los BEV a través de un prototipo repleto de innovaciones, nuevas patentes y prestaciones que encarnarán al muscle car electrificado del mañana. El Charger Daytona SRT Concept puede hacer algo más que pasearse por un circuito de exhibición; puede participar en una fulgurante prueba de aceleración. Y cuando se trata de ciclos de productos, supera a Darwin. El Charger Daytona hace algo más que definir hacia dónde se dirige Dodge, redefinirá también a los muscle americanos en el proceso.
“Ayer, se presentó el primer vehículo electrificado de la marca de elevado rendimiento, el nuevo Dodge Hornet 2023. Hoy, revelamos nuestra visión del futuro eMuscle con el Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept. Cuando dijimos que iba a ser un verano eléctrico para Dodge, lo decíamos en serio”, afirmó Tim Kuniskis el 17 de agosto de 2022.
Banshee se une a la fraternidad
Dodge se ha forjado una reputación única como la marca americana de muscle cars. En la carrera por ser más rápido, más veloz y más potente, Dodge abre la página a un nuevo capítulo. El primer coche 100% eléctrico de la marca no se llama Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept por casualidad: al igual que el famoso modelo Charger Daytona, que fue el primer vehículo en superar las 200 mph en un circuito de la NASCAR en 1970, el Charger Daytona SRT Concept golpea con sus grandes prestaciones.
Lo hace por cortesía de un nuevo sistema de propulsión que se une a los conocidos nombres de gran potencia, como: HEMI®, Hellcat y Redeye. Ahora hay un nuevo referente por rendimiento en esta fraternidad muscle: Banshee.
El sistema de propulsión Banshee de 800V impulsa al Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept y aúlla con grandes prestaciones, consiguiendo que el primer vehículo eléctrico de Dodge sea aún más rápido que un Hellcat en todas las mediciones clave de prestaciones. El sistema de tracción total de serie es fundamental para superar las prestaciones del Hellcat, así como para mejorar sus capacidades con todo tipo de condiciones meteorológicas.
Transmisión eRupt
A diferencia de los típicos BEV, la transmisión de Dodge eRupt de varias velocidades con cambio electromecánico ofrece distintivos cambios de marcha, pegando la espalda a los respaldos de los asientos al más puro estilo Dodge. El Charger Daytona SRT Concept también cuenta con la función PowerShot push-to-pass; que se activa mediante la pulsación de un botón en el volante para proporcionar un mayor nivel de potencia para una aceleración y descarga de adrenalina aún mayores.
Escape con cámara Fratzonic
Mientras que la mayoría de BEV se aferran a sus silenciosos motores eléctricos, esto no es suficiente para Dodge. El Charger Daytona SRT Concept emite un rugido de 126 dB que iguala al del SRT Hellcat, generado por un nuevo sistema de escape con cámara Fratzonic; pendiente de patente. Sí, Dodge ha añadido un tubo de escape a un vehículo 100% eléctrico.
El primer sistema de escape de la industria con cámara Fratzonic emite un sonido único en su categoría a través de un amplificador y una cámara de afinación ubicados en la parte trasera del vehículo. El escape con cámara Fratzonic representa la próxima generación tangible, radical y de la actitud de un muscle creando un sonido visceral de “materia oscura” que proporciona una experiencia en comunión con la transmisión eRupt.
El diseño de Dodge, lo primero y lo más destacado
El Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept presenta un diseño que asume el desafío de revolucionar el aspecto de un BEV al tiempo que ofrece sutiles guiños al pasado de los muscle cars de la marca.
Este principio de diseño comienza a desarrollarse en el frontal, donde el R-Wing (pendiente de patente), del Charger Daytona SRT Concept redefine el típico frontal de Dodge, manteniendo el característico contundente perfil de Dodge y desarrollando al mismo tiempo un vehículo más aerodinámico.
El R-Wing, un homenaje al diseño del Charger Daytona original y como clave en el desarrollo del vehículo, permite que el aire fluya a través de la entrada frontal mejorando la carga aerodinámica. Incorporado en este funcional capó de elevado rendimiento, el R-Wing delantero se mantiene fiel a los espectaculares ejes exteriores de la marca a la vez que ofrece un diseño mejorado aerodinámicamente para el paso del aire. Las air curtain de fibra de carbono situadas a ambos lados de los paragolpes delantero y trasero proporcionan un flujo de aire que contribuye a mejorar la aerodinámica.
El Charger Daytona SRT Concept combina un aspecto moderno con una presencia sobre la carretera alargada, ancha y segura. La parrilla delantera destaca con una iluminación transversal centrada por el logotipo Fratzog iluminado en blanco, un símbolo que la marca Dodge recuperó el año pasado. El logotipo Fratzog de tres puntas, que estaba presente en los muscle cars de Dodge de 1962 hasta 1976, se había utilizado anteriormente sin ningún significado ni contexto. El regreso del logotipo Fratzog representa al futuro electrificado de Dodge y significa el compromiso inquebrantable de la marca con su herencia de elevadas prestaciones, pero con una nueva tecnología capaz de superar los límites de los modelos actuales.
Los sencillos detalles verticales de la parrilla delantera añaden textura a la vez que rinden tributo al legado de la marca, concretamente al icónico Dodge Charger de 1968. El prototipo destila rendimiento en su forma más simple, realzado por un color exterior de Dodge típicamente juguetón: “Greys of Thunder”, un grafito de alto brillo con profundas texturas. La línea inferior del prototipo recorre los laterales y le aporta una gran presencia mientras enfatiza la parte superior, manteniendo el peso visual en lo alto. Las sutiles y musculosas formas de los pasos de ruedas acentúan el estilo de la carrocería.
El vehículo evita todo exceso decorativo: los faros casi han desaparecido, ocultos bajo el R-Wing e integrados perfectamente en la superficie aerodinámica, proporcionando sólo los elementos funcionales necesarios para la iluminación delantera. Tanto la iluminación delantera como la trasera presentan un diseño de lado a lado centrado por el logotipo Fratzog iluminado en 3D. Los elementos de iluminación exterior son únicos; incluso en la oscuridad se reconoce la silueta del Charger Daytona SRT Concept. Los tiradores de las puertas enrasados continúan el diseño minimalista. Los distintivos Banshee de aluminio cepillado sobre los pasos de rueda anuncian el nuevo sistema de propulsión que impulsa a este prototipo.
Las llantas de 21 pulgadas diamantadas persiguen la eficiencia aerodinámica con un diseño similar al de una turbina, y un logotipo Fratzog rojo que embellece las tuercas centrales de las ruedas. Unas pinzas de freno en gris de seis pistones se encargan de proporcionar una buena frenada.
El nuevo diseño del portón trasero es muy funcional, lo que confiere al prototipo una doble personalidad: una bestia en circuito también capaz de satisfacer las necesidades cotidianas. El diseño, junto con los asientos traseros reclinables, ofrece unas posibilidades de utilización y una capacidad de carga inesperadas en un muscle car.
Interior conectado y centrado en el conductor
El interior del Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept es moderno, liviano y deportivo, proporcionando un puesto de conducción centrado en el conductor con todos los elementos esenciales dispuestos de forma coherente.
La pantalla central de 12,3 pulgadas, la más grande entre los modelos de Dodge, está inclinada casi diez grados hacia el conductor, y la pantalla de la instrumentación de 16 pulgadas es curva, lo que crea una sensación envolvente y centrada para el conductor. Un Head-up Display (HUD) de 8 x 3 pulgadas ofrece información adicional del vehículo donde el conductor la necesita. El delgado panel de instrumentación y el refuerzo central en color ultravioleta con costuras azules y plateadas presentan una “línea de flotación” que se extiende a lo largo del vehículo. El panel de instrumentación superior está un poco más arriba, un cambio de elevación que crea una superficie escultural que flota sobre la instrumentación. El color ultravioleta también se refleja en múltiples superficies interiores, como la consola, las puertas y los asientos, creando un halo que funciona con el Attitude Adjustment Lighting™ para realzar las sombras y los reflejos.
Una textura paramétrica une el interior y proporciona una conexión con el exterior al continuar la inspiración del detalle de la parrilla del Charger de 1968 en el interior. El patrón paramétrico añade fluidez y escultura, abarcando desde el panel de instrumentación hasta los apliques de las puertas, debajo de la consola y continuando hasta los reposabrazos y consola traseros. La textura dinámica del interior tiene una cualidad tridimensional que rebota la luz y es reactiva al entorno, con líneas que irradia a medida que se desplaza hacia atrás. La Ambient Attitude Adjustment Lighting™ ilumina la textura desde abajo, jugando con la profundidad y la dimensión.
Los gráficos en forma de circuito impreso se originan en el suelo de fibra de carbono y se colocan estratégicamente para rodear a los ocupantes, fluyendo bajo los asientos, pasando de la consola central al panel de instrumentación y regresando al conductor, un detalle sutil que actúa como en una placa de un circuito impreso, conectando unos con otros. Una forma única de un rayo sobre el pedal del acelerador alude a la propulsión 100% eléctrica del prototipo, al igual que la doble costura azul y plateada que rodea todo el interior. Los umbrales de las puertas de fibra de carbono exhiben la palabra Daytona iluminada en blanco, mientras en la parte superior derecha del bisel central también se encuentra la palabra Daytona iluminada.
Las puertas y la consola central siguen el mismo tema de diseño, incluyendo sólo los elementos necesarios. La zona de paso bajo la consola crea una sensación de mayor ligereza, y los toques inteligentes de la consola central incluyen una tapa inspirada en los aviones de combate que se levanta para accionar el botón de arranque. La exclusiva palanca de cambios como una empuñadura de una pistola está inspirada en el pasado pero con una ejecución moderna, que funciona como una pieza de precisión mecánica que ofrece una experiencia de cambio sin esfuerzo al apretar el gatillo de la empuñadura de pistola.
El nuevo diseño del volante ofrece un tacto más fino, con una zona superior e inferior achatadas. El radio central del volante no está unido al aro, lo que aporta al volante una sensación de flotabilidad. Las levas del cambio están montadas sobre el volante, con el botón PowerShot a la derecha y el de los modos de conducción a la izquierda. Al igual que en las puertas, el volante cuenta con controles táctiles. En el centro del volante se emplaza el logotipo SRT iluminado en rojo.
Los asientos del Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept son ligeros, están inspirados en la competición y tienen un diseño delgado con un patrón abstracto y perforado del logotipo Fratzog. El exclusivo patrón se desvanece a medida que desciende por el asiento y reaparece cuando fluye hacia el centro de los respaldos. La parte superior de los asientos dispone de unas aberturas y refuerzos que proporcionan una sensación de ligereza de corte de competición al tiempo que ofrecen una gran sujeción a los ocupantes.
El techo panorámico de cristal aporta una sensación de aire libre al Charger Daytona SRT Concept, lo que ayuda a incluir a los pasajeros traseros en la experiencia del vehículo. La textura paramétrica del interior se extiende al revestimiento del techo que rodea y acentúa la zona acristalada. El suelo y el portón de fibra de carbono son elementos ligeros inspirados en la competición, y el amplio espacio de carga junto con los asientos traseros abatibles proporcionan más espacio de carga que en cualquier otro muscle car anterior de Dodge.
Experiencia de usuario inmersiva y electrificada
El puesto de conducción del Charger Daytona SRT Concept sumerge al conductor en una experiencia sensorial a través de los sonidos, la iluminación y las pantallas del vehículo.
Con sólo pulsar un botón en el volante el conductor puede elegir entre los modos: Auto, Sport, Track y Drag, que cambian al instante la dinámica de conducción, la información de la instrumentación, la información del HUD, el sonido de rendimiento y las características de iluminación interior del vehículo.
Durante más de 100 años, Dodge ha mantenido el espíritu de los hermanos John y Horace Dodge. Su influencia continúa en la actualidad, cuando Dodge concibe muscle cars y SUVs capaces de ofrecer unas prestaciones inigualables en cada uno de los segmentos en los que está presente.
Dodge avanza como una marca de prestaciones puras, con versiones SRT en todos los modelos de la gama. Para las versiones 2022, Dodge ofrece el Dodge Challenger SRT Super Stock de 807 CV, el Dodge Charger SRT Redeye de 797 CV, la berlina de producción de serie más potente y rápida del mundo, y el el Dodge Durango SRT 392, el SUV con tres filas de asientos más rápido, potente y capaz de América. Combinados, estos tres muscle cars convierten a Dodge en la marca más potente de la industria, ofreciendo en toda su gama la cifra de caballos más alta de todas las marcas americanas.
En 2020, Dodge fue nombrada la “marca número 1 en calidad inicial”, convirtiéndose en la primera marca estadounidense en ocupar el primer puesto en el Estudio de Calidad Inicial (IQS) de J.D. Power. En 2021, Dodge ocupó el primer puesto en el Estudio APEAL de J.D. Power (mercado de masas), convirtiéndose en la única marca estadounidense en conseguirlo dos años consecutivos.
Dodge forma parte de la gama de marcas que ofrece el fabricante de automóviles y proveedor de movilidad líder en el mundo, Stellantis. Para obtener más información sobre Stellantis (NYSE: STLA), consulte www.stellantis.com.
https://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/888e51f8334327e87176890783777d6a66b6010c-e1688135767304.jpeg7401006Jackson Thompsonhttps://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/logo2v-1.pngJackson Thompson2023-06-30 16:36:382023-06-30 16:36:53Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Concept anticipa el futuro electrificado de la marca
● Ultra premium electric automotive brand AEHRA reveals design of its second model, a Sedan
● AEHRA uniquely unlocks complete freedom afforded by state-of-the-art EV technology to set ground-breaking standards for automotive design
● Project led by AEHRA Chief Design Officer, Filippo Perini, a symbol of Italian automotive design
● Customer deliveries of both AEHRA SUV and Sedan expected by 2026
Milan, 16 June 2023 – AEHRA, the new global ultra-premium electric automotive brand, has today revealed the exterior design of its second ground-breaking model, a sinuously styled Sedan. Presented to the international media at the Milano Monza Motor Show today, the AEHRA Sedan follows swiftly on from the brand’s first model, an SUV presented late last year.
Based on the same highly flexible ultra-advanced EV platform as the AEHRA SUV, the AEHRA Sedan was conceived in tandem with its sibling without compromise. And while the new model shares the same design language and body surface treatment as the SUV, it is quite different in character thanks to unique graphic signatures at the front and the rear of the car.
A shape inspired by centuries of Italian design and purity of expression
AEHRA’s soft, simple, uncomplicated design language is expressed in the new Sedan to stunning effect. From the side, the car features just one uninterrupted fluid line. The brand’s design team resolutely shunned the need to create numerous edges within the body and, instead, amplified the new model’s character through the use of reflection, with the body divided by light and shadow.
The brand has used a similar ‘division’ approach to express other elements of the Sedan’s character, and this approach is particularly evident at the front of the vehicle. Here, technical elements, such as the active aerodynamic and cooling elements, are amalgamated in the lower section of the car. Combined with a bespoke battery solution developed in partnership with Miba Battery Systems, the AEHRA Sedan and SUV are designed and engineered to deliver optimum efficiency and target an 800km driving range.
By contrast to the more technical lower section, the top portion of the car represents a much cleaner, purer shape, and one that flows elegantly all the way from the hood to the windscreen and up and over the roofline. The crafting of this very fluid shape drew inspiration in part from the aeronautic sector, and it exudes a sheer sense of the AEHRA Sedan gliding effortlessly through the air with great efficiency, even when it is parked and not moving.
“With the AEHRA Sedan, we have had the boldness to go even further and fully exploit the exceptional design freedom born out of our founder Hazim Nada’s philosophy and vision, and AEHRA’s ground-breaking use of only the most advanced technologies that the global automotive and aeronautic industries have to offer,” explains Filippo Perini, AEHRA Head of Design.
“The design of the AEHRA Sedan is inspired by numerous sources. In Italy, it is often said we exist in a living museum. The influence of art and architecture is all around us, and beauty is all around us. A beauty that stems from purity of expression and aesthetic functionality.”
“For centuries, Italian architects, artists and designers have been inspired by the pursuit of the perfection of proportion. That passion and discipline are evident in every line and detail of the AEHRA Sedan. Adhering to AEHRA’s doctrine that form must always follow function; the Sedan is the anthesis to baroque design culture. Devoid of unnecessary adornments, yet alive with emotion, the AEHRA Sedan represents a new standard of natural beauty for zero-emission ultra-premium mobility.”
Balance and proportion for a new era of ultra-premium, zero-emission mobility
While the car expresses copious beauty, elegance, and agility, it also conveys an inescapable essence of power, dynamism, and energy, achieved by AEHRA’s unrelenting pursuit of balance and proportion. The AEHRA Sedan’s sense of superior strength comes predominantly from the rippling muscular effect of the front and rear fenders. These almost animal-like features convey that while the AEHRA Sedan is a car designed and engineered for a new era of ultra-premium, zero-emission mobility, pure passion, and sheer driving pleasure reside firmly at its core.
In the Sedan, like in the SUV, AEHRA’s unflinching determination to deliver a seismic shift across the automotive customer experience, and transform the EV mobility ecosystem, encompasses the use of ultra-advanced, exceptionally light, highly sustainable composite materials, including forged carbon fiber technologies.
Typically the exclusive preserve of the supercar and hypercar sector, these materials enable AEHRA to push the boundaries of technical design far beyond anything yet seen in the passenger car sector. They empower the brand to encompass ground-breaking features such as the double-falcon doors, which feature on both the SUV and the Sedan. Opening upwards, they blend a stunning visual statement with exceptional practicality to provide effortless ingress and egress.
“The debut of the AEHRA Sedan, just eight months after we revealed our first SUV model and the recent announcement of our partnership with Miba Battery Systems, confirms that AEHRA remains firmly on track in its strategic mission to deliver a step-change in the design, customer, and ownership experience of ultra-premium electric vehicles,” commented AEHRA Co-Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hazim Nada.
“The first customer deliveries of the AEHRA Sedan and AEHRA SUV will commence by 2026. And when the final production variants take to the road, they will look virtually identical to the models we have revealed, ensuring no compromise on our promise to combine an extraordinary driving and ownership experience with exceptional design and technology.”
With substantial private funding in place, AEHRA has established a clear roadmap to deliver its unique, transformative business model. A strategic model roll out is planned for key markets in 2026, including North America and Europe, with China and the Gulf States to follow.
For more information on AEHRA and to register interest in one of their forthcoming models, see www.AEHRA.com.
AEHRA has been created to deliver a step-change in the design, customer, and ownership experience of ultra-premium electric vehicles (EVs). Headquartered in Milan, AEHRA is a privately funded global company that disrupts the existing automotive ecosystem by distilling the values of Italian design, world-class engineering, and American customer service to leverage the advantages of next-generation EV powertrain packaging and technology.
https://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/AehraSedan8.jpg8001200Jackson Thompsonhttps://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/logo2v-1.pngJackson Thompson2023-06-17 15:09:492023-06-17 15:10:23ALL-NEW AEHRATM SEDAN BRINGS SUPERCAR LEVELS OF DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY TO THE PASSENGER CAR SECTOR
As a small SUV that does big Volvo things, our new fully electric Volvo EX30 is designed to be as safe as you’d expect from us. It is designed to have the smallest CO2 footprint of any Volvo car to date, and to make people’s lives safer, more convenient and more enjoyable through cutting-edge technology and Scandinavian design.
Revealed to the world today in Milan, Italy and available to order now in selected markets*, the EX30 is our first small premium SUV and expands our constantly growing, all-electric offering to four models. As the market is rapidly moving towards full electrification, the EX30 will help us capture growing demand for fully electric cars in a fast-growing segment.
What’s more, the attractive pricing of the EX30 – which starts at around EUR 36,000 – means our customers get a premium all-electric SUV for a similar price as an internal combustion engine-powered equivalent . The EX30 will also be available with our Care by Volvo subscription package, with its set pricing and transparent ordering process, making ordering one a breeze.
“The fully electric EX30 might be our smallest ever SUV, but it’s a big deal for our customers and a big deal for us as a company,” said Jim Rowan, our chief executive. “We like to say the EX30 is small yet mighty, because it delivers on everything you’d want from a Volvo but in a smaller package. Like any Volvo, it’s an outstanding product which is safe and designed around people and their needs.”
The EX30 embodies all of our design values in a smaller format. A long wheelbase, large wheels and equal overhangs bring balance and refinement to the exterior. It’s distinctly electric, with a confident face, closed shield and a digital rendition of the Thor’s Hammer headlights. Five vibrant exterior colours, from stylish Cloud Blue to bright and expressive Moss Yellow – the latter inspired by lichen growing on rocks along the Swedish west coast – give it character and personality.
Battery tech that suits your needs
So let’s talk about our battery technology. First of all, there’s no such thing as simply ‘a battery’ when we discuss powertrains. Instead, we’re giving you the freedom to choose the battery technology that best suits your needs, offering the EX30 with three powertrain options and two different battery types, which also allows us to offer an attractive entry price point for the EX30.
If you spend most of your time in the city or tend to travel shorter distances between charges, we’re offering a single-motor option with an LFP battery. The LFP standard-range battery, which uses lithium iron phosphate chemistry, is more cost-effective and less resource-intensive to produce, meaning it is the best option if you don’t need maximum range.
If you prefer to maximise range, the Single Motor Extended Range variant with an NMC extended-range battery is your EX30 of choice. The NMC battery features lithium, nickel, manganese and cobalt, and produces its energy more efficiently than the LFP variant. This single-motor, extended range option gives you a range of up to 480km between charges.
Finally, if performance is your priority, pick the Twin Motor Performance variant in which we pair the NMC battery with an additional second e-motor. This all-wheel drive variant of the EX30 provides 315kW (428hp) and takes you from 0-100 km/h in 3.6 seconds – it’s officially our fastest-accelerating car ever!
Another thing the EX30 does fast is charging. The extended-range Twin Motor variant has a charging capacity of up to 153kW, while the standard-range car has a capacity of 134kW. That means you can charge your battery from 10 to 80 per cent in a little over 25 minutes. Through the car’s centre display and app, you can set the amperage, maximum charging level and when you want to start charging.
To support the best possible driving experience, we’ve tuned the chassis of the EX30 to make the most of the car’s compact dimensions. Its low centre of gravity, as well as its relatively low and evenly distributed weight are complemented by ease of driving and nimbleness in the city and beyond.
A smaller carbon footprint, yet a big safety impact
As we wrote in earlier blogposts, the EX30 is designed to have the lowest carbon footprint of any Volvo car to date and represents an important step forward for our sustainability ambitions. By tackling emissions across the entire production and lifecycle, as well as a considerate use of materials inside and out, we managed to reduce its total carbon footprint over 200,000 kms of driving to below 30 tonnes*.
The EX30 is also designed to be as safe as you’d expect from a Volvo and aims to look after both you and others in hectic urban environments. For example, it includes as standard a special safety feature for bikes that helps to prevent so-called ‘dooring’ accidents, by alerting you when you are about to open your door in front of a cyclist, scooter or runner.
Our protective safety technology further illustrates how we’ve applied our high safety standards to our new small SUV. It contains state-of-the-art restraint technology, as well as top-notch structural design that fulfills our ambitious in-house safety requirements – designed to prepare our cars for various real-world scenarios.
The EX30 also aims to make your life more convenient, more relaxing and more enjoyable inside the car through cutting-edge tech and considerate Scandinavian interior design. You can choose from four distinct interior rooms, each with their own expression, while there are smart storage options throughout the cabin.
Together with a contextual single-screen UX, with Google built-in and running the latest version of our infotainment system, these features all reflect the hallmarks of true Volvo design.
Speaking of cutting-edge tech: the Volvo EX30 is our first car to include a new generation of our popular Park Pilot Assist feature. It can handle all types of parking spaces, including parallel, curved, perpendicular and diagonal fishbone-style, making parking in tight spaces a breeze.
The new Park Pilot Assist will identify any available parking spots around you. Then, once you’ve tapped the one you want in the new 3D user interface, the feature will operate the throttle and brake as well as the steering. While you supervise the parking process, the screen shows the distance to objects such as cars, walls and bollards in metric or imperial figures.
As with any Volvo car, for the EX30 we’ve worked closely with tech partners such as Google, Apple and Qualcomm to deliver the best possible user experience. We’ve also worked closely with ECARX through our jointly owned HaleyTek software joint venture to deliver the best possible infotainment platform for our customers.
A sense of calm
Of course, the EX30 will also come with a digital key functionality which is both convenient for you and makes it easy to share the car with others. Built on the advanced UWB and CCC industry standards, our technology will be compatible with a wide range of phone brands and models.
The car’s dedicated app contains all relevant services related to the car, from charging to finding your car on a busy parking lot, locking it and heating it on a cold winter day. The EX30 is also prepared to receive software updates over the air that will make it better over time.
As if that wasn’t enough, the Volvo EX30 also comes with a choice of five different ambient lighting themes. Each is inspired by a different Scandinavian landscape and subtly shifting in colour, adding a sense of calm to the interior.
Whether you prefer the warm sunlight falling through the leaves of a Scandinavian forest, a sunset on the Swedish west coast, the world famous northern lights, the golden summer skies of Swedish midsummer or the bright mood of an urban sunset, your EX30 will be filled with the colours of your choice. For extra immersion, you can pair each lighting theme with an ambient soundscape.
Zooming across the country in style
Finally, we’ve got a surprise for you. Starting next year, our EX30 will also become available as a Cross Country variant. Order books for this special version of our small electric SUV will open in 2024, with production expected to start later that year.
The Volvo EX30 Cross Country will build on our long Cross Country heritage, our celebrated line-up of models for customers who want a bit more adventure from their car. It’ll come with a range of bespoke features, such as more ground clearance, 19-inch black wheels and the option of 18-inch wheels with bespoke tyres.
When you take your EX30 Cross Country off the beaten path, it will be recognisable by its skidplates on the front, rear and side, special black panels on the front bumper and bootlid, and stylish Cross Country branding – the small, hood-mounted Swedish flag is the cherry on top.
The Volvo EX30 is available for order as of today across Europe and other selected markets. In the United States, customers can place pre-orders, while orderbooks will open in other markets at a later stage that will be communicated in due course.
The carbon footprint calculation of below 30 tonnes over 200,000 kms of driving is based on usage of charging electricity from the EU27 electricity mix. The lowest carbon footprint of any Volvo car to date statement relates to globally available products over 200,000 kms of driving.
Charging times are dependent on factors such as outdoor temperature, current battery temperature, charging equipment, battery condition and car condition.
Range according to the realistic WLTP driving cycle under controlled conditions for a new car. Real-world range may vary. Figures are based on preliminary target.
Digital key functionality subject to phone compatibility. UWB-based technology is scheduled to be rolled out next year via an over-the-air software update.
Features and services may not be available in all markets and will not be standard in all markets or for all models.
Volvo Cars in 2022 For the full year 2022, Volvo Car Group recorded an operating profit of SEK 22.3 billion. Revenue in 2022 amounted to SEK 330.1 billion, while global sales reached 615,121 cars.
About Volvo Car Group Volvo Cars was founded in 1927. Today, it is one of the most well-known and respected car brands in the world with sales to customers in more than 100 countries. Volvo Cars is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange, where it is traded under the ticker “VOLCAR B”.
Volvo Cars aims to provide customers with the Freedom to Move in a personal, sustainable and safe way. This is reflected in its ambition to become a fully electric car maker by 2030 and in its commitment to an ongoing reduction of its carbon footprint, with the ambition to be a climate-neutral company by 2040.
As of December 2022, Volvo Cars employed approximately 43,200 full-time employees. Volvo Cars’ head office, product development, marketing and administration functions are mainly located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo Cars’ production plants are located in Gothenburg, Ghent (Belgium), South Carolina (US), Chengdu, Daqing and Taizhou (China). The company also has R&D and design centres in Gothenburg, Camarillo (US) and Shanghai (China).
https://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/313302_Volvo-EX30_exterior.jpg516760Jackson Thompsonhttps://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/logo2v-1.pngJackson Thompson2023-06-17 13:18:322023-06-17 13:19:00Small yet mighty: say hello to the fully electric Volvo EX30 small SUV!
Creado por Michelin en 2017, Movin’On, el ecosistema líder mundial para la anticipación estratégica y la innovación colaborativa en aras de la movilidad sostenible, desvela los ganadores del Movin’On Challenge Design, cuya temática para esta edición de 2023 se centró en los tres pilares del desarrollo sostenible: Personas, Planeta y Resultados Económicos (People, Planet, Profit).
Artistas, diseñadores, ingenieros, arquitectos, urbanistas y creativos de todo el mundo fueron invitados a participar en este certamen único, desarrollado entre el 1 de septiembre de 2022 y el 1 de marzo de 2023, que ha contado con un prestigioso jurado internacional. Puesto en marcha en 2001, el Michelin Challenge Design, que se convirtió en el Movin’On Challenge Design en 2020, fomenta y premia el diseño creativo en todo el mundo. Desde su creación ha recibido más de 16.000 candidaturas de 134 países.
La presidenta del Movin’On Design Challenge, Kimbrelly Kegler, declaró: “El diseño es un elemento clave en la transformación de la movilidad. El ecosistema Movin’On se centra en desarrollar soluciones a los retos de la movilidad que sean seguras, eficientes, accesibles y respetuosas con el medio ambiente. Diseñando soluciones que mejoren la experiencia del usuario final, podemos mejorar la vida de los ciudadanos del mundo a través de la movilidad”.
Proyecto ganador – LINK, de Luis Muñoz – Valencia (España)
¿Y si la movilidad individual del mañana fuera plural, no sólo singular?
Imagine un vehículo individual, esférico, 100% eléctrico, capaz de emparejarse con sus clones para remolcar a una, dos o tres otras “células de movilidad” idénticas. El resultado es LINK, una solución de coche compartido accesible para todos (sillas de ruedas incluidas) y capaz de transformarse para su utilización como transporte público en una fracción de segundo. ¿El reto? Debido a su pequeño tamaño, LINK reduce la congestión de vehículos individuales en el centro de las ciudades, así como su consumo de energía. ¿La ambición? Ofrecer movilidad urbana para todos, creando vínculos entre las personas.
2º Premio – BIO CORREDORES, de Shaurya Singh – Ahmedabad (India)
Cuando las zonas habitables resilientes nos reconectan con el centro de las ciudades y la naturaleza
El segundo premio fue para Shaurya Singh por su concepto BIO CORREDORES. Este proyecto propone reestructurar los centros de las ciudades y sus zonas habitables en torno a la noción de “respeto por los seres vivos”.
En concreto, esto significa más espacio para la movilidad de peatones y bicicletas, además de para las plantas y los animales. Es un proyecto ambicioso que aprovecha las mejores bazas de la naturaleza y cuyo mayor reto es hacer que los centros de nuestras ciudades sean más respirables, más armoniosos y, sobre todo, más verdes. Biodiversidad y personas conviviendo en un entorno preservado.
de David Stingl y Filip Sobol – Praga (República Checa)
En la ciudad, el abastecimiento se realiza ahora en metro.
El tercer proyecto en el podio es una solución para descongestionar las carreteras y liberar a las ciudades de los camiones y su contaminación. ¿La idea? Utilizar el metro para desarrollar una plataforma de distribución autónoma de suministros en la ciudad a través de un contenedor modular inteligente.
3er premio (ex aequo) – MOBILITY SERVICE NT, de Heinrich Gade – Weimar (Alemania)
Mañana, la movilidad no sólo será multimodal, sino también autónoma.
Empatado en la tercera posición, una proyecto de cabina de transporte multimodal que promete transportar mercancías y personas tanto por tierra como por aire o en el mar. ¿El reto? Aliviar los problemas de infraestructura en las zonas rurales y ofrecer una movilidad autónoma para mercancías y personas, utilizando una plataforma de servicios inteligentes.
Las candidaturas para la esta edición del Movin’On Design Challenge se presentaron ante un prestigioso jurado internacional, que incluía a los mejores diseñadores que trabajan para algunos de los principales actores del sector de la movilidad:
Kimbrelly Kegler, presidenta del Movin’On Challenge Design
Craig Metros, Profesor en el College for Creative Studies, y antiguo director de Diseño en Ford
Chris Chapman, consultor de diseño y ex director de Hyundai Design North America
Ruki Neuhold-Ravikumar, presidente de Nerman Family, Instituto de Arte de Kansas City
Dustin Hostetler, design catalyst lead en Ford
Louise Pelletier, directora del Centro de Diseño de la UQAM, Montreal
Stefan Perriard, Diseñador industrial y de transporte, SAGA Space Architects y segundo clasificado en el Movin’On Challenge 2021
Freeman Thomas, director general de Meyers Manx y ex director de Diseño Avanzado en Ford
Damien Michelin, miembro honorario del jurado
Acerca de Movin’On
Movin’On el principal ecosistema mundial de anticipación estratégica y co-innovación a favor de la movilidad sostenible. Creado e inspirado por Michelin, reúne a más de 300 actores públicos, privados, colectivos e individuales: empresas, ciudades, países, académicos, organizaciones internacionales e individuos de la sociedad civil. Movin’On aporta soluciones concretas e innovaciones, en particular a través de su Think and Do Tank “Movin’On LAB” y sus Comunidades de Interés. Cada año, el ecosistema Movin’On organiza eventos físicos y digitales para hacer avanzar los proyectos de forma tangible.
Acerca del Movin’On Challenge Design
El Movin’On Challenge Design está reconocido como uno de los concursos de diseño más importantes del mundo en el ámbito de la movilidad. Creado en 2001, el Michelin Challenge Design se convirtió en el Movin’On Challenge Design en 2020. Fomenta y premia el diseño creativo en todo el mundo y desde su creación ha recibido más de 16.000 candidaturas de 134 países. El Movin’On Challenge Design es ahora un elemento central de la Cumbre Mundial sobre Movilidad Sostenible que se celebra anualmente, lo que refuerza la importancia del diseño en la transformación de la movilidad.
Acerca de Michelin
Michelin tiene la ambición de mejorar de manera sostenible la movilidad de sus clientes. Líder del sector del neumático, Michelin diseña, fabrica y distribuye los neumáticos más adaptados a las necesidades y a los diferentes usos de sus clientes, así como servicios y soluciones para mejorar la eficacia del transporte. Michelin ofrece igualmente a sus clientes experiencias únicas en sus viajes y desplazamientos. Michelin desarrolla también materiales de alta tecnología para diversas utilizaciones. Con sede en Clermont-Ferrand (Francia), Michelin está presente en 175 países, emplea a 132.000 personas y dispone de 67 centros de producción que en 2022 han fabricado alrededor de 200 millones de neumáticos (www.michelin.es).
https://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/LINK_1.jpg12001200Carloshttps://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/logo2v-1.pngCarlos2023-06-13 18:50:092023-06-13 18:51:14EL PROYECTO LINK, DEL ESPAÑOL LUIS MUÑOZ, GANADOR DEL MOVIN’ON CHALLENGE DESIGN 2023
To create the fastest road-legal car on the Nürburgring Nordschleife
Power-to-weight ratio of roughly one hp per 2.2 lbs. (1 PS per kilogram)
Significantly more downforce than the current 911 GT3 RS
Charges roughly twice as quickly as the Taycan Turbo S
At Porsche, innovative concept cars have always laid the groundwork for the future. The sports car manufacturer is continuing this tradition with this latest concept study. Mission X is a spectacular, conceptual reinterpretation of a hypercar, with Le Mans-style doors that open upwards to the front and an ultra high-performance, efficient electric powertrain.Atlanta. Celebrating 75 years of Porsche sports cars, the storied marque today revealed its newest concept car: the Mission X. As a design study, not offered for sale, with production to be decided in due time, the Mission X is a glimpse into what the sports car of the future could look like.
“The Porsche Mission X is a technology beacon for the sports car of the future. It picks up the torch of iconic sports cars of decades past: like the 959, the Carrera GT and the 918 Spyder before it, the Mission X provides critical impetus for the evolutionary development of future vehicle concepts,” says Oliver Blume, Chairman of the Executive Board of Porsche AG. “Daring to dream and dream cars are two sides of the same coin for us: Porsche has only remained Porsche by constantly changing.”
Michael Mauer, Head of Style Porsche, says:“The Mission X is a clear commitment to the core of the brand. The continuing, enhanced expression of our brand and product identity is an important compass for us to navigate the development of our series-production models. The concept study symbolizes a symbiosis of unmistakable motorsport DNA with a luxurious overall impression.”
Measuring approximately 177 inches long and 78.7 inches wide, the Mission X concept study is a relatively compact hypercar. With a wheelbase of 107.4 inches, it has the dimensions of the Carrera GT and 918 Spyder. For aerodynamic purposes, the concept car has staggered tires, with 20-inch wheels at the front and 21-inch wheels at the rear.
Design: classic brand elements reinterpreted The Mission X represents the pinnacle of performance and modern luxury. At the same time, its sculpted form and muscular lines demonstrate that hypercars do not have to look aggressive. The low-slung body, which is less than 47.2 inches tall, is finished in Rocket Metallic – an elegant paint color specially designed for the concept study. Design elements in a carbon fiber are found below the beltline. These components have a satin finish and are therefore slightly colored, but their material structure remains recognizable.
The wheels of the concept study feature elaborate details: the rear axle is fitted with almost transparent aero blades, which are designed like turbines for better cooling of the brakes.
A lightweight glass dome with an exoskeleton made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) extends over both occupants. Le Mans-style doors are attached to the A-pillar and the roof; they open forwards and upwards. This type of door was previously used on the legendary Porsche 917 racing car. Another eye-catcher is the light signature: for the Mission X, the designers have reinterpreted the characteristic Porsche four-point graphic. The vertical base form of the headlights was inspired by historic racing cars such as the Porsche 906 and 908 and drawn well down towards the road. A high-tech support structure frames the LED light modules and presents the exposed narrow elements of daytime running lights and indicators. When activated, the light opens up like an eye blinking open. Fully illuminated, the headlights make a confident statement.
A full-length light unit that appears to float characterizes the rear of the Mission X. Transparent, illuminated Porsche lettering is a standout feature. The sculptural rear light emerges, as if suspended in the air, from a support structure and extends across the entire width of the vehicle in four segments. While charging, the ‘E’ of the Porsche lettering pulses.
One special detail is the modernized Porsche crest, which makes its debut on the Mission X. Brushed precious metal, a three-dimensional honeycomb structure, a refreshed heraldic beast and more subtle gold color – on close inspection, these are the differences between the modernized Porsche crest and its immediate forerunner. With its cleaner and more state-of-the-art execution, the refined crest communicates the character of Porsche. On the Mission X, it is found on the hood and steering wheel as well as in monochrome form on the wheel centers.
The driver focus can be seen in the asymmetry of the interior and its color concept. The two seats are colored differently. Apart from the leather pads in Andalusia Brown, the driver’s seat is Kalahari Grey and forms a single unit of color with the center console and the dashboard. The passenger seat is in the contrasting Andalusia Brown shade. Beyond the CFRP seat shells, and their six-point seatbelts integrated into the monocoque, further motorsport parallels include the open-top steering wheel, which has mode switches and shift paddles. There are multiple cameras on board. Recording starts as soon as the driver presses the Record button (REC) on the multi-purpose controller.
Another highlight is found on the passenger side, where there is a bayonet system embedded in the instrument panel to which a stopwatch module can be attached. For the Mission X, Porsche Design has created a special stopwatch module with an analogue and digital display. The clocks are designed for both racetrack and rally use and can display the lap times or vital data of the driver, among other information.
Technical vision: top marks in power-to-weight ratio, downforce and charging performance Porsche exemplifies e-performance yet is also a pioneer in sustainable mobility. The concept study meets both objectives in full measure. If the Mission X goes into series production, then it should: • be the fastest road-legal vehicle around the Nürburgring Nordschleife • have a power-to-weight ratio of roughly one hp per 2.2 lbs. • achieve downforce values that are well in excess of those delivered by the current 911 GT3 RS • offer significantly improved charging performance with its 900-volt system architecture and charge roughly twice as quickly as the current Porsche frontrunner, the Taycan Turbo S
The battery is installed centrally behind the vehicle’s seats. This ‘e-core layout’ centers the mass in the car. As with a conventionally powered mid-engine car, this provides the basis for excellent agility.
Predecessors: innovative super sports cars from Porsche The fastest series-production car of its time; first series-production Porsche to be made of carbon fiber, and the first road-legal vehicle to beat the seven-minute mark on the Nürburgring Nordschleife – the Porsche 959 (1985), Carrera GT (2003) and 918 Spyder (2013) were milestone models in the world of super sports cars. And that makes them the conceptual forerunners of the Mission X.
In 1985, the Porsche 959 made its debut as a technology platform. Its 443 hp six-cylinder twin-turbo boxer engine, combined with an aerodynamically optimized body, propelled the super sports car to a top speed of 197 mph – then the world record for a series-production sports car. With its V10 engine and 605 hp, fierce design and, not least, its incomparable driving experience, the Porsche Carrera GT remains an icon among super sports cars to this day.
Porsche hybrid technology reached a spectacular zenith with the 918 Spyder. In September 2013, the 887 hp two-seater was the first road-approved vehicle to crack the seven-minute barrier on the 12.8-mile Nürburgring Nordschleife, completing the lap in 6:57 minutes. Porsche aims to stay true to this standard of the highest e-performance: our vision, should the Mission X go into series production, is for it to be the fastest road-legal vehicle on the Nürburgring Nordschleife. On our press microsite for the Porsche Mission X you will find both the detailed press kit and a generous selection of additional photos and video
About Porsche Cars North America, Inc. | One Porsche Drive, Atlanta, GA 30354 USA Established in 1984, Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (PCNA) is the exclusive U.S. importer of the Porsche 911, 718 Boxster, 718 Cayman, Macan, Cayenne, Panamera and Taycan. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, since 1998, PCNA is home to the first Porsche Experience Center in North America, which features two module-based 1.6 mile driver development tracks, a business center and Restaurant 356. The campus is also home to the U.S. headquarters of Porsche Classic. The company operates a second Porsche Experience Center near Los Angeles. That complex features a driver development track with eight educational modules totaling 4.1 miles, a business center, Restaurant 917 and the headquarters of Porsche Motorsport North America. PCNA supports 197 independently owned and operated Porsche Centers in the U.S., including supplying parts, service, marketing, and training. They, in turn, work to provide Porsche customers with a best-in-class experience that is in keeping with the Porsche brand’s 75-year history of leadership in the advancement of vehicle performance, safety, and efficiency. PCNA is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Porsche AG, which is headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany.
GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – 23 May 2023. Polestar (Nasdaq: PSNY) and Candela reveal the next phase of their partnership – the Candela C-8 Polestar edition. Combining Polestar’s Scandinavian take on luxury EV design with Candela’s innovative electric hydrofoil boat, the new Candela C-8 Polestar edition unites the two companies’ efforts to accelerate the shift to more sustainable electric mobility.
The bespoke design cues include a new solid light grey color, specially designed seat upholstery and hydrofoils painted in iconic Swedish gold.
“Candela’s hydrofoil technology is a paradigm shift for sustainable performance in the marine industry. Like the first time driving an electric car, you instantly feel that this is the future when the boat ‘takes off’ – and now with the special gold details that we so proudly exhibit on our cars,” says Maximilian Missoni, Head of Design at Polestar.
Previously, the two Swedish premium mobility brands reached an agreement for Polestar to supply batteries and charging technology to power Candela’s electric hydrofoil boats*.
The Candela C-8 Polestar edition brings Polestar’s expression of Scandinavian luxury to the marine industry. A new solid grey exterior colour complimented by a lighter grey tone for interior areas gives the boat a sleek and uniform look which is strengthened by the use of the same marine-certified textile everywhere, from seats, cushions and sunbeds to wall and roof panels.
Design upgrades also bring expertise from the automotive industry with a specially designed seat upholstery that offers outstanding comfort and enhances the experience of a smooth and silent ride in an electric hydrofoil boat. To emphasise the innovative technology and performance from Candela, the hydrofoils are painted in the iconic Swedish gold colour that characterises the performance details of Polestar’s cars.
“Aesthetic excellence is an intrinsic value, but it can also serve as a powerful driving force towards a sustainable future. At Candela, our primary focus is to create vessels that are more compelling in every respect. I am therefore very happy about the C-8 Polestar edition and our collaboration with the brilliant team at Polestar,” says Gustav Hasselskog, CEO & founder Candela.
*Starting from 2023, all Candela C-8 boats are powered by the 69-kWh battery and charging hardware from the standard-range Polestar 2 to realise a range of up to 57 nautical miles on one charge at a cruising speed of 22 knots. This compares favourably with traditional powerboats and comes with a high-speed range 2-3 times longer than conventional electric speedboats.
The Candela C-8 uses an efficient 75 kW electric direct drive pod motor– the Candela C-POD – and ‘flies’ on computer-guided hydrofoils that lift the hull above the water at high speeds, reducing energy consumption by up to 80% compared to traditional motorboats. When foiling, the ride is silent and smooth, without damaging wakes, thanks to Candela’s computer-stabilized foil technology.
The Candela C-8 Polestar edition is available online in the Polestar Additionals webshop or at Candela.com and is sold and delivered by Candela. Pricing starts from EUR 400,000/ USD 450,000. Production takes place at Candela’s factory in Stockholm, Sweden, and deliveries are expected from June 2024.
The new design collaboration is part of a growing list of partnerships where Polestar explores more sustainable mobility beyond just electric cars. This includes previous Polestar editions of the CAKE Makka electric commuter moped, the high-end Allebike mountain bike as well as the multi-functional electric transporter concept Re:Move.
Short film brimming with thrills, spills and a star-studded cast set to premiere at the 76th Cannes Film Festival
Joseph Kosinski is executive producer, with Sam Hargrave directing; music score is from award-winning composer Hans Zimmer
Most powerful fully electric BMW model is the location for spectacular Hollywood action
Munich/Cannes. The latest BMW Films production will celebrate its world premiere at the 76th Cannes Film Festival in France. The short film “The Calm” will offer audiences an enthralling dose of Hollywood action on board the new BMW i7 M70 xDrive (electric power consumption combined: 23.8 – 20.8 kWh/100 km in the WLTP cycle). The fully electric range-topping model from the Bavarian premium carmaker will host the most spectacular scenes in the film, which has Pom Klementieff (Guardians of the Galaxy series) and Uma Thurman (Kill Bill series) in the leading roles.
The premiere of “The Calm” sees BMW writing the next chapter in the history of BMW Films productions. With Joseph Kosinski (Top Gun: Maverick) taking executive producer credits and Sam Hargrave (Marvel Cinematic Universe) in the director’s chair, the seven-minute-long film also boasts the behind-the-camera star quality with which fans of BMW Films will be familiar. But that’s not all: the soundtrack for “The Calm” is the work of film score composer Hans Zimmer, whose trophy cabinet includes two Academy Awards.
“To be able to be a part of BMW Films’ legacy of creative filmmaking was an incredible opportunity,” said “The Calm’s” executive producer, Joseph Kosinski. “What Sam Hargrave has put together with Pom, Uma and the rest of the cast and crew is a perfect evolution of what BMW Films has always strived to deliver to fans. We are honoured to work with BMW for the return of this celebrated franchise.”
Spy thriller brings breathtaking action scenes to the rear of the BMW i7 M70 xDrive. In “The Calm”, Pom Klementieff and Uma Thurman play a pair of secret agents who have been summoned separately to a meet point in Cannes. But first, the duo have to fight off some mysterious adversaries. Klementieff narrowly escapes a hijacking after an action-packed tussle in the rear of the BMW i7 M70 xDrive. And later she discovers that Thurman has had a similar altercation (off-screen) in her hotel room, getting the better of two villains. The two protagonists duly come together in the Hotel Martinez to piece together the story behind their secret mission, which also has the audience gripped by suspense.
“BMW Films is an integral part of BMW’s rich history within the world of cinema,” said Jens Thiemer, Senior Vice President Customer & Brand BMW. “With the debut of ‘The Calm’ at the 76th Cannes Film Festival, we welcome back an important part of our legacy. The creative and innovative nature of this short film showcases the cutting-edge approach this series has taken since the beginning. Bringing the franchise back in 2023 with two powerful female leads feels especially poignant. And the fact that our fully electric vehicles are at the sharp end of the world’s first ever completely silent car chase sequence gives “The Calm” an additional relevance.”
“We’re thrilled for all film fans to experience ‘The Calm’”, said Stefan Ponikva, Vice President Brand Communication and Brand Experience BMW. “When we started out with this project, we knew we were working within a set of high standards, and we’re proud to be building on that tradition with this new and compelling storyline. This is a comeback that will give us all a lot of pleasure, I am convinced of that!”
Premiere of The Calm on the BMW Theatre Screen in the BMW i7. This is a world premiere with a twist: Not only was “The Calm” filmed in a BMW i7 (among other locations), it will also be shown for the first time exclusively in the rear of the all-electric luxury sedan on 17 May 2023. Providing the requisite cinematic experience is the BMW Theatre Screen. This 31.3.inch panoramic display, which extends down from the headliner and spreads out horizontally across virtually the full width of the interior, teams up with the integrated Bowers & Wilkins Diamond Surround Sound System with 36 speakers to bring an unparalleled entertainment offering to the second row of seats. The Bavarian premium carmaker – which, as an Official Partner of the film festival, is also laying on a shuttle service of more than 200 electrified vehicles for the event – will transform the luxury sedans into exclusive private cinema lounges in Cannes, delivering a very special premiere experience.
“The Calm” is the latest instalment in the long history of BMW Films productions. For example, “The Hire” – a series of short films acclaimed by fans and critics alike – marked its place as a maverick in the digital film space before social media platforms existed. It was released exclusively online at BMWfilms.com and generated over 100 million views in the days before the proliferation of high-speed internet and YouTube. Most recently, “The Escape” captivated audiences with a suspenseful storyline around themes such as love, war, fear and death. And “The Calm” continues very much in the tradition of the original BMW Films productions, which have been directed by some of Hollywood’s best and brightest talents.
Movie fans will be able to enjoy the full-length version of “The Calm” on the BMW YouTube channel from 17 May 2023. Before then, a teaser for the film will be released on BMW’s social media channels, offering a tantalising preview of what’s to come.
CO2 EMISSIONS & CONSUMPTION. BMW i7 M70 xDrive: Electric power consumption in kWh/100 km combined: 23.8 – 20.8, WLTP.
https://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/P90504722_highRes_the-new-bmw-films-pr1er.jpg6671000Jackson Thompsonhttps://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/logo2v-1.pngJackson Thompson2023-05-12 18:28:542023-05-12 18:28:57World premiere in Cannes: the new BMW Films production “The Calm”, starring Pom Klementieff, Uma Thurman and the BMW i7 M70 xDrive
AC Cars fully reveals stunning new AC Cobra GT Roadster to clients
Private preview at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium a roaring success
Orders for the new AC Cobra GT Roadster now open at accars.eu
The stunning new AC Cobra GT Roadster has made its global premiere in London, with confirmed buyers and customers invited to the exclusive reveal, as the legendary sports car makes its sensational return.
Hosted at the world-famous Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, just 25 miles from where the company was first established, the state-of-the- art roadster wowed customers and assembled VIPs as the all-new design was unveiled for the first time.
Available in both left and right-hand drive and powered by a thunderous 5.0-litre V8, delivering up to 663PS, the unique car features a novel extruded aluminum spaceframe chassis and carbon-composite bodywork to deliver a remarkable driving experience in a highly limited-production vehicle.
Showing everything from the iconic and evocative bodywork through to the bespoke interior, the new AC Cobra GT Roadster’s premiere allowed customers to experience the new car’s styling, revel in the cabin’s design and meet the team responsible for ensuring the new sports car upholds the famous name’s legacy.
Speaking at the premiere, David Conza, Chief Executive Officer of AC Cars, said: “Our goal was to surpass the expectations of our esteemed clientele, who have grown accustomed to the finest in automotive luxury. The overwhelmingly positive feedback we received from the attendees confirms that we have well and truly exceeded those expectations. The AC Cobra GT Roadster is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence. We are delighted that customers could join us from around the world, and thank them for placing the upmost faith in us.”
The brand new AC Cobra GT Roadster Starting with a clean-sheet design, the AC Cobra GT Roadster is a cutting-edge modern sports car, produced using the latest technology and engineering processes, yet it remains faithful to the spirit of the AC Cobra of the 1960s.
The new roadster is the result of a multi-million Euro investment sustained over nearly four years. Intended to be both beautiful and usable as a sports car, it remains in a class of its own. Just 250 examples of the GT Roadster are expected to be built for worldwide markets every year, with the first year of production already allocated.
Designed to be fully road legal, available in left and right-hand drive, and incorporate modern safety features, every aspect, from the styling through to ergonomics, has been considered.
Significantly larger than the original AC Cobra, the new GT Roadster catches up on 50 years of design evolution. Thoroughly modern ergonomics means the car’s cabin accommodates drivers well over six-feet tall, while the car utilises modern drivetrain and control technologies to validate its grand tourer credentials.
The new chassis has a wheelbase of 2570mm, 284 mm longer than the AC Cobra Mk. VI, yet the car’s overall length has grown only 110mm, up to 4225mm. The car’s track has also been optimised to give a wider stance, which, along with the car’s weight distribution and centre of gravity, drastically benefits handling and agility.
Extremely light and with exceptional tortional rigidity, the highly advanced extruded aluminium spaceframe chassis was designed for an open-top car yet. Clothed in a flowing carbon-composite body, which itself weighs under 50kg, the new AC Cobra’s kerb weight remains under 1450kg.
Once again, the AC Cobra draws on a formidable V8 engine for the firepower needed to deliver the speed and soundtrack respected by fans around the world. Available in two distinct configurations, the new GT Roadster comes with either a naturally aspirated 5.0-litre V8 or a supercharged version using the same modular engine.
Developing up to 654bhp (663PS) and 575lb ft (780Nm) – or 454bhp (460PS) and 420lb ft (570Nm) in standard configuration – the supercharged GT Roadster is capable of sprinting from 0-60mph in just 3.4sec. Perfectly complementing the engines, two gearboxes are available: a 6-speed manual gearbox for purists or an advanced 10-speed automatic gearbox with steering-wheel mounted shift paddles.
Befitting such an advanced and highly exclusive car, the AC Cobra GT Roadster’s cabin has received as much care and devotion as the rest of the design. Featuring bespoke details and unique hand finished elements unseen in the automotive world before, it underlines AC Cars’ commitment to its vehicles going forward.
The design and detailing of the GT Roadster’s leatherwork and upholstery carefully blends advanced and highly resilient fabrics with traditional materials, yet once again respects the car’s heritage.
The car is now available to order for clients worldwide, and customers can schedule a personal consultation with a member of the team, as well as reserve their new AC Cobra GT Roadster, at accars.eu or via email info@accars.eu.
About AC Cars The Weller Brothers established what is now Britain’s oldest vehicle manufacturer in 1901, producing cars and motorbikes from their workshop in West Norwood, London. The nascent company produced its first vehicle in 1903, but the Autocarrier was introduced a year later (from which the name AC was later derived). The first three-wheel commercial delivery vehicle, it proved an instant success.
However, the AC Ace cemented the company’s status following its launch in 1953. With an aluminium body designed and built by Eric George Gray, it gained the respect of racing enthusiasts for its everyday practicality and racing pace. This was the car which would evolve to incorporate the Ford V8 and become the AC Cobra of legend.
Over the years, the AC Cobra has endured, with its unmistakable shape and unique design. With production limited and every car built to an exacting standard, it remains reserved for an exclusive clientele.
With its own facilities in the UK and Germany, AC Cars is working with leading industry suppliers for the AC Cobra GT Roadster’s design and development, and construction of the new car heralds the return of European production for the company’s vehicles. In addition to its new Donington HQ, AC Cars will continue to expand its development and production capabilities in the UK.
https://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/ACCobraGTRoadster.jpg5631000Jackson Thompsonhttps://www.myluxepoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/logo2v-1.pngJackson Thompson2023-05-12 18:21:572023-05-12 18:22:00New AC Cobra GT Roadster makes sensational global premiere in London