Rodin Cars officially announce 1200hp sub-700kg track hypercar, the FZERO, is coming in 2023

  • Rodin Cars reveal track weapon as their second model since the manufacturer’s inception
  • Capable of speeds exceeding 360 kph
  • Built for those looking for the fastest experience available on track, without the limitations of road or racing regulations
  • 1176 horsepower from an all-new 4.0-litre V10 twin-turbo hybrid motor, built and designed from the ground up to Rodin Cars specifications
  • With a weight of just 698kg wet, the car is expected to have a power-to-weight ratio of 1.662 (PS/kg)
  • Exclusive ownership opportunity with only 27 units planned for sale

10 August 2022 – Donington Park Circuit, UK: This week, New Zealand performance car manufacturer Rodin Cars has announced that their new track hypercar, The Rodin FZERO, is officially entering production.

Three years after it was first revealed as Rodin’s next venture, the forward-thinking company has released more FZERO production details, including some impressive specs, a release date and the public unveiling of major completed vehicle components at their Donington Park showroom.

Rodin’s most ambitious and eagerly anticipated car yet, the FZERO continues where the previous model, the FZED, left off. Where the purpose of the FZED is to deliver a driver experience aligned with being behind the wheel of a modern Formula One car, the FZERO takes that a leap further, aiming to be the ultimate in track performance, far beyond that of anything seen before.

Building a car without restrictions of road laws or race series regulations, means it can be developed with no limits, allowing for performance that would otherwise be unobtainable. The singular goal of the Rodin FZERO is to be the fastest car around track, without exception.

“The Rodin FZERO is the physical representation of the ultimate heights in vehicle performance. Without the restrictions of building to a set of rules, we are able to make the car lighter, more powerful, and produce significantly more downforce. The only real restrictions we face are the laws of physics, and we have even pushed those to the absolute limit. We look forward to bringing the most intense driving experience conceivable to tracks around the world.”
David Dicker, Founder of Rodin Cars

The Rodin FZERO will be available to customers in a configuration of their choice, allowing them to customize specific aspects of the car based on their driving style and the track on which they will be using it. In addition, Rodin owners receive access to custom racewear services, vehicle storage and delivery, and full driver training at Rodin’s picturesque private race tracks.

Based in New Zealand, David Dicker has crafted Rodin Cars from the ground up, resulting in possibly the most unique and technically advanced vehicle manufacturing facility in the world. Located on a remote 550-hectare property in the South Island, in the shadow of a jagged mountain range, the impressive site, complete with a manufacturing plant, build facility, world-leading 3D printing resources and three test tracks, certainly has the credentials to achieve the company’s vision – to build the fastest car on earth.

27 Rodin FZEROs will be available to buyers, with the first coming off the assembly line in the summer of next year.


As the car is made to attack lap times, the emphasis of the FZERO is on weight and airflow aerodynamics. The chassis is constructed from nose to tail of carbon fibre composite, with all components manufactured on site at Rodin Cars.

  Length 5500 mm
  Width 2200 mm
  Height 1130mm
  Track, Front 1852 mm
  Track, Rear 1790 mm
  Wheelbase 3000 mm


Designed and developed from the ground up by Rodin Cars and in conjunction with famed engine manufacturer Neil Brown Engineering, the Rodin FZERO is powered by a revolutionary 4.0-litre V10 twin-turbo engine with the assistance of an electric power unit.

At just 132 kg, the engine named the RCTEN, is designed to be the lightest and most compact V10 ever built. A very impressive accomplishment given the engine hasn’t compromised on power, still producing a combined 1176 PS and 1026 Nm of torque. All whilst revving all the way up to 10,000 rpm.

DISPLACEMENT [cc] 4,000cc not created to be bored to 4.5L or 5.0L
MAX ENGINE POWER [PS]@ rpm 1000 @ 9000 rpm
MAX ENGINE TORQUE [Nm]@ rpm 910 @ 7250 rpm
MAX ENGINE SPEED [rpm] 10,000 rpm
BORE [mm] x STROKE [mm] 86 mm x 68.8 mm
FUEL INJECTION Direct Bosch running at 200 bar
THROTTLE Bosch drive-by-wire
OVERALL UNIT WEIGHT [kg] 132 kg not including intake and exhaust systems
Hybrid motor power 130kW


A bespoke gearbox unit manufactured in conjunction with Ricardo UK gives the FZERO 8 gears whilst only adding just under 66kg. The gearbox is encased in a titanium 3D printed case, printed on site in Rodin Cars’ state-of-the-art 3D printing facility.

The differential is hydraulic, and computer controlled.

Weighing just 698kg, the FZERO is ultra-responsive to minimal braking force. However, the car has been equipped with front and rear 380mm PFC Carbon-Carbon brakes, with Titanium callipers (6-piston front and 4-piston rear). The braking system has both ABS and traction control.

Not just used for stopping the car, the brakes also offer regenerative braking from the hybrid system.

The wheels are a bespoke set of 18-inch forged magnesium rims, manufactured in conjunction with OZ Racing and produced to F1 standards. The rims are 18 x 14-inch at the front and 18” x 16-inch at the rear.

The tyres are a race-spec full-slick compound developed by Avon and can be changed depending on weather.

The massive wings and floor of the FZERO are capable of producing up to 4000kg of downforce, which when compared to the cars weight of just 698kg is impressive.


Rodin Cars represents the life-long vision of founder, David Dicker.

After years of perfecting the design of a single-seat track car, the Rodin FZERO, the self-funded Rodin Cars project was officially established with a full-time engineering workforce in 2016 in the South Island of New Zealand.

The program expanded with the acquisition of the close-to-maturity Lotus T125 program by Dicker around the same time. For three years Rodin Cars has honed and perfected the open-wheeler concept. Today, that vehicle has been reimagined, redesigned and re-engineered into the Rodin FZED.

Its launch heralds the introduction of an all-new category in high-performance driving – a segment dedicated to high-performance open-wheel track cars.

Rodin Cars’ commitment to excellence, focus on high-precision engineering, and its hand-crafted, high-performance components have been developed with pure racing in mind.

Rodin Cars is an emerging high-technology, high-performance car constructor developing the ultimate track cars for the world’s most serious drivers and racers.

The yet-to-be officially released Rodin FZERO has been engineered to lap a circuit faster than a current Grand Prix Formula 1 racer. With industry-changing engineering being built into every component, the Rodin FZERO prototype is projected for completion later this year.

Rodin Cars anuncia oficialmente que el hipercoche de pista de menos de 700 kg de 1200 hp, el FZERO, llegará en 2023

  • Rodin Cars revela Track Weapon como su segundo modelo desde la creación del fabricante
  • Capaz de velocidades superiores a 360 kph
  • Creado para aquellos que buscan la experiencia más rápida disponible en la pista, sin las limitaciones de las normas de carretera o de carreras.
  • 1176 caballos de fuerza de un nuevo motor híbrido biturbo V10 de 4.0 litros, construido y diseñado desde cero según las especificaciones de Rodin Cars
  • Con un peso de solo 698 kg en mojado, se espera que el automóvil tenga una relación potencia-peso de 1,662 (PS/kg)
  • Oportunidad de propiedad exclusiva con solo 27 unidades planeadas para la venta

10 de agosto de 2022 – Circuito de Donington Park, Reino Unido:  Esta semana, el fabricante neozelandés de automóviles de alto rendimiento Rodin Cars ha anunciado que su nuevo hipercoche de pista, el Rodin FZERO, está entrando oficialmente en producción.

Tres años después de que se revelara por primera vez como la próxima aventura de Rodin, la compañía con visión de futuro ha publicado más detalles de producción de FZERO, incluidas algunas especificaciones impresionantes, una fecha de lanzamiento y la presentación pública de los principales componentes completos del vehículo en su sala de exhibición de Donington Park.

El automóvil más ambicioso y esperado de Rodin hasta el momento, el FZERO continúa donde lo dejó el modelo anterior, el FZED. Donde el propósito del FZED es brindar una experiencia de conducción alineada con estar detrás del volante de un automóvil de Fórmula Uno moderno, el FZERO da un paso más allá, con el objetivo de ser lo último en rendimiento en la pista, mucho más allá de lo que se ha visto antes.

Construir un automóvil sin las restricciones de las leyes viales o las regulaciones de las series de carreras significa que puede desarrollarse sin límites, lo que permite un rendimiento que de otro modo sería inalcanzable. El único objetivo del Rodin FZERO es ser el coche más rápido en circuito, sin excepción.

“El Rodin FZERO es la representación física de las alturas máximas en rendimiento de vehículos. Sin las restricciones de construir según un conjunto de reglas, podemos hacer que el automóvil sea más liviano, más potente y produzca una carga aerodinámica significativamente mayor. Las únicas restricciones reales a las que nos enfrentamos son las leyes de la física, e incluso las hemos llevado al límite absoluto. Esperamos llevar la experiencia de conducción más intensa que se pueda concebir a las pistas de todo el mundo”.
David Dicker, fundador de Rodin Cars

El Rodin FZERO estará disponible para los clientes en una configuración de su elección, lo que les permitirá personalizar aspectos específicos del automóvil en función de su estilo de conducción y la pista en la que lo utilizarán. Además, los propietarios de Rodin reciben acceso a servicios personalizados de ropa de carreras, almacenamiento y entrega de vehículos, y capacitación completa para conductores en las pintorescas pistas de carreras privadas de Rodin.

Con sede en Nueva Zelanda, David Dicker ha creado Rodin Cars desde cero, lo que ha dado como resultado posiblemente la instalación de fabricación de vehículos más exclusiva y técnicamente avanzada del mundo. Ubicado en una propiedad remota de 550 hectáreas en la Isla Sur, a la sombra de una cadena montañosa irregular, el sitio impresionante, completo con una planta de fabricación, instalaciones de construcción, recursos de impresión 3D líderes en el mundo y tres pistas de prueba, ciertamente tiene las credenciales. para lograr la visión de la compañía: construir el automóvil más rápido del mundo.

27 Rodin FZERO estarán disponibles para los compradores, y el primero saldrá de la línea de montaje en el verano del próximo año.


Dado que el automóvil está hecho para atacar los tiempos de vuelta, el énfasis del FZERO está en el peso y la aerodinámica del flujo de aire. El chasis está construido desde el morro hasta la cola con compuesto de fibra de carbono, y todos los componentes se fabrican in situ en Rodin Cars.

Longitud 5500mm
Ancho 2200mm
Altura 1130 mm
Riel, Delantero 1852mm
Pista, Trasero 1790mm
distancia entre ejes 3000mm


Diseñado y desarrollado desde cero por Rodin Cars y en conjunto con el famoso fabricante de motores Neil Brown Engineering, el Rodin FZERO está propulsado por un revolucionario motor V10 biturbo de 4.0 litros con la ayuda de una unidad de energía eléctrica.

Con solo 132 kg, el motor llamado RCTEN está diseñado para ser el V10 más liviano y compacto jamás construido. Un logro muy impresionante dado que el motor no ha comprometido la potencia, aún produce un par combinado de 1176 PS y 1026 Nm. Todo mientras acelera hasta las 10.000 rpm.

DESPLAZAMIENTO [cc] 4.000 cc no creado para aburrirse a 4,5 l o 5,0 l
POTENCIA MÁXIMA DEL MOTOR [CV] a rpm 1000 a 9000 rpm
PAR MÁXIMO DEL MOTOR [Nm]@rpm 910 a 7250 rpm
DIÁMETRO [mm] x CARRERA [mm] 86 mm x 68,8 mm
INYECCIÓN DE COMBUSTIBLE Bosch directo funcionando a 200 bar
ACELERADOR Drive-by-wire de Bosch
PESO TOTAL DE LA UNIDAD [kg] 132 kg sin incluir los sistemas de admisión y escape
Potencia del motor híbrido 130kW


Una unidad de caja de cambios a medida fabricada en conjunto con Ricardo UK le da al FZERO 8 marchas y solo agrega poco menos de 66 kg. La caja de cambios está encerrada en una caja impresa en 3D de titanio, impresa in situ en las instalaciones de impresión 3D de última generación de Rodin Cars.

El diferencial es hidráulico y controlado por computadora.

Con un peso de solo 698 kg, el FZERO tiene una gran capacidad de respuesta con una fuerza de frenado mínima. Sin embargo, el coche ha sido equipado con frenos PFC Carbon-Carbon de 380 mm delanteros y traseros, con pinzas de titanio (delanteros de 6 pistones y traseros de 4 pistones). El sistema de frenos tiene ABS y control de tracción.

No solo se utilizan para detener el automóvil, los frenos también ofrecen frenado regenerativo del sistema híbrido.

Las ruedas son un conjunto personalizado de llantas de magnesio forjado de 18 pulgadas, fabricadas en conjunto con OZ Racing y producidas según los estándares de la F1. Las llantas son de 18 x 14 pulgadas en la parte delantera y de 18 x 16 pulgadas en la parte trasera.

Los neumáticos son un compuesto totalmente resbaladizo con especificaciones de carrera desarrollado por Avon y se pueden cambiar según el clima.

Las enormes alas y el piso del FZERO son capaces de producir hasta 4000 kg de carga aerodinámica, lo que, en comparación con el peso del auto de solo 698 kg, es impresionante.


Rodin Cars representa la visión de toda la vida del fundador, David Dicker.

Después de años de perfeccionar el diseño de un automóvil de pista de un solo asiento, el Rodin FZERO, el proyecto Rodin Cars autofinanciado se estableció oficialmente con una fuerza laboral de ingeniería de tiempo completo en 2016 en la Isla Sur de Nueva Zelanda.

El programa se expandió con la adquisición del programa Lotus T125 cercano a la madurez por parte de Dicker casi al mismo tiempo. Durante tres años, Rodin Cars ha perfeccionado el concepto de vehículos abiertos. Hoy, ese vehículo ha sido reinventado, rediseñado y rediseñado en el Rodin FZED.

Su lanzamiento anuncia la introducción de una categoría completamente nueva en la conducción de alto rendimiento: un segmento dedicado a los autos de pista de ruedas abiertas de alto rendimiento.

El compromiso de Rodin Cars con la excelencia, el enfoque en la ingeniería de alta precisión y sus componentes de alto rendimiento hechos a mano se han desarrollado teniendo en cuenta las carreras puras.

Rodin Cars es un constructor de automóviles emergente de alta tecnología y alto rendimiento que desarrolla los mejores autos de pista para los pilotos y corredores más serios del mundo.

El Rodin FZERO , que aún no se ha lanzado oficialmente, ha sido diseñado para dar vueltas en un circuito más rápido que un corredor de Gran Premio de Fórmula 1 actual. Con la ingeniería que cambia la industria incorporada en cada componente, se proyecta que el prototipo Rodin FZERO se complete a finales de este año.

Maserati Project24: radically unique on the track

Maserati Project24: radically unique on the track

Modena, 22 July 2022 – Maserati presents Project24. A project (referred to by a codename) of a limited series of super sports car – only 62 units – to raise the brand’s unlimited performance to a new level of adrenaline on the track.

The truly extreme track-only car inherits the specifications of the Maserati MC20, enhancing it with technical specifications that have advanced even further: the state-of-the-art V6 Nettuno engine adds new turbochargers to raise its power to 740 hp, innovative suspension, carbon-ceramic braking system and tyres tuned up for racing, as well as FIA-approved safety features.

Based on the brand’s obsession with lightness, the target weight of the new Maserati vehicle will be below 1,250 kg. The perfect combination of output and lightness result in an astonishing vehicle with a power-to-weight ratio of approximately 1.69 kg/hp.

Designed by Centro Stile Maserati, the Project24 has a completely new look. This time, Maserati design pushes the boundaries to the limits, free of the constraints usually seen in a racing car*. The result is something never seen before, combining beauty with genuine sporty capabilities to become an instant classic collector’s item.

Maserati Project24 is the emblem of exclusivity and will offer a unique range of services, including track-specific experiences and state-of-the-art support, exclusively for the owners of Project24.

* Non-road-homologated car. Specifically prepared for use on the track only.

Maserati Project24 – Specs and Technical Features


  • Two-seater non-road-homologated car
  • Maserati Centro Stile design
  • Width/Height (mm) 2020* x 1220*
  • Dry weight: less than 1250 Kg

Complies with FIA race safety requirements

  • FIA-homologated FT3 120 L fuel tank
  • FIA-spec fire extinguisher
  • FIA-homologated safety roll cage


  • Maserati Nettuno engine
  • V6 90° twin turbo
  • 3000 cc
  • 740 hp
  • Maserati Twin Combustion (MTC) Twin Spark with TJI double combustion control
  • Dry sump

Drive train/transmission

  • 2WD 6-speed sequential racing gearbox with paddle shifters
  • Racing clutch and limited-slip self-locking mechanical differential


  • All-new carbon-fibre bodywork with specific components in natural fibres
  • High-performance aerodynamics
  • Multi-adjustable front & rear wing
  • High downforce
  • Front LED lights
  • FIA-approved rain light
  • Lexan front and side windows


  • Ultra-light carbon fibre central monocoque
  • 3/4 on-board air jacks


  • Racing callipers
  • Brembo CCMR ventilated racing brakes
  • Bespoke brake cooling


  • Bespoke forged 18” aluminium rims
  • Centre lock system fittings
  • Slick tyres


  • Double-wishbone with semi-virtual steering axis
  • Adjustable racing dampers
  • Adjustable front and rear anti-roll bars


  • Racing seats (passenger seat optional)
  • Adjustable racing pedal box
  • Adjustable steering column
  • 6-point racing safety belt
  • Multi-functional carbon-fibre steering wheel
  • Steering wheel with built-in display
  • Rear-view camera display (optional)
  • Telemetry recording (optional)
  • In-car camera for video recording (optional)
  • Dash and data acquisition system
  • Driving performance optimisation display (optional)
  • Air conditioning
  • Tyre pressure monitoring system (optional)
  • Adjustable racing ABS and traction control

* Subject to change during vehicle development.


Maserati S.p.A
Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars, immediately recognisable for their extraordinary personality. Thanks to their style, technology and innately exclusive character, they delight the most discerning, demanding tastes and have always been a benchmark for the global automotive industry. A tradition of successful cars, each of them redefining what makes an Italian sports car in terms of design, performance, comfort, elegance and safety, currently available in more than seventy markets internationally. The ambassadors of this heritage are the Quattroporte flagship, the Ghibli sports sedan, the Levante – the first SUV made by Maserati, and the Grecale, the all-new “everyday exceptional” SUV, all models characterised by the use of the highest quality materials and excellent technical solutions. Ghibli, Levante and Grecale are also available in hybrid versions. A complete range, equipped with 4-cylinder hybrid powertrains, V6 petrol and V8 petrol engines with rear-wheel and four-wheel drive, embodying the performance DNA of the Trident Brand. The top of the range is made up of the MC20 super sports car and the MC20 Cielo spyder, powered by the ground-breaking Nettuno V6 engine, incorporating F1-derived technologies available in the power unit of a standard production car for the first time.


Maserati Project24: radically unique on the track

Maserati Project24: radicalmente único en la pista

Módena, 22 de julio de 2022  – Maserati presenta  Project24 . Un proyecto (al que se hace referencia con un nombre en clave) de una serie limitada de superdeportivos, solo 62 unidades, para elevar el rendimiento ilimitado de la marca a un nuevo nivel de adrenalina en la pista.

El coche de pista verdaderamente extremo hereda las especificaciones del Maserati MC20 , mejorándolo con especificaciones técnicas que han avanzado aún más: el motor V6 Nettuno de última generación agrega nuevos turbocompresores para elevar su potencia a 740 hp, suspensión innovadora , sistema de frenos de cerámica de carbono y neumáticos ajustados para carreras, así como características de seguridad aprobadas por la FIA.

Basado en la obsesión de la marca por la ligereza, el peso objetivo del nuevo vehículo Maserati estará por debajo de los 1.250 kg. La combinación perfecta de rendimiento y ligereza dan como resultado un vehículo sorprendente con una relación potencia-peso de aproximadamente 1,69 kg/hp.

Diseñado por Centro Stile Maserati, el Project24 tiene un aspecto completamente nuevo. Esta vez, el diseño de Maserati va más allá de los límites, libre de las limitaciones que normalmente se ven en un auto de carreras*. El resultado es algo nunca antes visto, que combina la belleza con capacidades genuinamente deportivas para convertirse en un artículo de colección clásico instantáneo.

Maserati Project24 es el emblema de la exclusividad y ofrecerá una gama única de servicios, incluidas experiencias específicas en la pista y soporte de última generación, exclusivamente para los propietarios de Project24.

* Coche homologado no de carretera. Preparado específicamente para su uso en la pista solamente.

Maserati Project24 – Especificaciones y características técnicas


  • Coche biplaza homologado no de carretera
  • Diseño estilo Maserati Centro
  • Ancho/Alto (mm) 2020* x 1220*
  • Peso seco: menos de 1250 Kg

Cumple con los requisitos de seguridad de carrera de la FIA

  • Depósito de combustible FT3 de 120 L homologado por la FIA
  • Extintor de incendios con especificaciones FIA
  • Jaula antivuelco de seguridad homologada por la FIA


  • Motor Maserati Nettuno
  • V6 90° biturbo
  • 3000cc
  • 740 caballos de fuerza
  • Maserati Twin Combustion (MTC) Twin Spark con control de doble combustión TJI
  • Sumidero seco

Tren de accionamiento/transmisión

  • Caja de cambios de carreras secuencial de 6 velocidades 2WD con paletas de cambio
  • Embrague de carreras y diferencial mecánico autoblocante de deslizamiento limitado


  • Carrocería de fibra de carbono completamente nueva con componentes específicos en fibras naturales
  • Aerodinámica de alto rendimiento
  • Alerón delantero y trasero multiajustable
  • Alta carga aerodinámica
  • Luces LED delanteras
  • Luz de lluvia aprobada por la FIA
  • Ventanas delanteras y laterales Lexan


  • Monocasco central de fibra de carbono ultraligero
  • 3/4 tomas de aire a bordo


  • Calibradores de carrera
  • Frenos de carreras ventilados Brembo CCMR
  • Refrigeración de frenos a medida


  • Llantas de aluminio de 18” forjadas a medida
  • Accesorios del sistema de bloqueo central
  • neumáticos lisos


  • Doble horquilla con eje de dirección semivirtual
  • Amortiguadores de carreras ajustables
  • Barras estabilizadoras delanteras y traseras regulables


  • Asientos de carreras (asiento del pasajero opcional)
  • Caja de pedales de carrera ajustable
  • Columna de dirección ajustable
  • Cinturón de seguridad de carreras de 6 puntos
  • Volante multifuncional de fibra de carbono
  • Volante con pantalla integrada
  • Pantalla de la cámara de visión trasera (opcional)
  • Grabación de telemetría (opcional)
  • Cámara en el automóvil para grabación de video (opcional)
  • Sistema de adquisición de datos y tablero
  • Pantalla de optimización del rendimiento de conducción (opcional)
  • Aire acondicionado
  • Sistema de control de presión de neumáticos (opcional)
  • ABS de carrera ajustable y control de tracción

* Sujeto a cambios durante el desarrollo del vehículo.


Maserati S.p.A.
Maserati produce una gama completa de automóviles únicos, inmediatamente reconocibles por su extraordinaria personalidad. Gracias a su estilo, tecnología y carácter innatamente exclusivo, hacen las delicias de los gustos más exigentes y exigentes y siempre han sido un referente para la industria automotriz mundial. Una tradición de autos exitosos, cada uno de los cuales redefine lo que hace un auto deportivo italiano en términos de diseño, rendimiento, comodidad, elegancia y seguridad, actualmente disponible en más de setenta mercados a nivel internacional. Los embajadores de esta herencia son el buque insignia Quattroporte, el sedán deportivo Ghibli, el Levante, el primer SUV fabricado por Maserati, y el Grecale, el nuevo SUV “todos los días excepcional”, todos modelos caracterizados por el uso de materiales de la más alta calidad. y excelentes soluciones técnicas. ghibli, Levante y Grecale también están disponibles en versiones híbridas. Una gama completa, equipada con sistemas de propulsión híbridos de 4 cilindros, motores V6 de gasolina y V8 de gasolina con tracción trasera y en las cuatro ruedas, que encarnan el ADN de rendimiento de la marca Trident. La parte superior de la gama está compuesta por el superdeportivo MC20 y el MC20 Cielo spyder, impulsados ​​por el innovador motor Nettuno V6, que incorpora por primera vez tecnologías derivadas de la F1 disponibles en la unidad de potencia de un automóvil de producción estándar.


Maserati Project24: radically unique on the track

Maserati Project24: radically unique on the track

Modena, 22 July 2022 – Maserati presents Project24. A project (referred to by a codename) of a limited series of super sports car – only 62 units – to raise the brand’s unlimited performance to a new level of adrenaline on the track.

The truly extreme track-only car inherits the specifications of the Maserati MC20, enhancing it with technical specifications that have advanced even further: the state-of-the-art V6 Nettuno engine adds new turbochargers to raise its power to 740 hp, innovative suspension, carbon-ceramic braking system and tyres tuned up for racing, as well as FIA-approved safety features.

Based on the brand’s obsession with lightness, the target weight of the new Maserati vehicle will be below 1,250 kg. The perfect combination of output and lightness result in an astonishing vehicle with a power-to-weight ratio of approximately 1.69 kg/hp.

Designed by Centro Stile Maserati, the Project24 has a completely new look. This time, Maserati design pushes the boundaries to the limits, free of the constraints usually seen in a racing car*. The result is something never seen before, combining beauty with genuine sporty capabilities to become an instant classic collector’s item.

Maserati Project24 is the emblem of exclusivity and will offer a unique range of services, including track-specific experiences and state-of-the-art support, exclusively for the owners of Project24.

* Non-road-homologated car. Specifically prepared for use on the track only.

Maserati Project24 – Specs and Technical Features


  • Two-seater non-road-homologated car
  • Maserati Centro Stile design
  • Width/Height (mm) 2020* x 1220*
  • Dry weight: less than 1250 Kg

Complies with FIA race safety requirements

  • FIA-homologated FT3 120 L fuel tank
  • FIA-spec fire extinguisher
  • FIA-homologated safety roll cage


  • Maserati Nettuno engine
  • V6 90° twin turbo
  • 3000 cc
  • 740 hp
  • Maserati Twin Combustion (MTC) Twin Spark with TJI double combustion control
  • Dry sump

Drive train/transmission

  • 2WD 6-speed sequential racing gearbox with paddle shifters
  • Racing clutch and limited-slip self-locking mechanical differential


  • All-new carbon-fibre bodywork with specific components in natural fibres
  • High-performance aerodynamics
  • Multi-adjustable front & rear wing
  • High downforce
  • Front LED lights
  • FIA-approved rain light
  • Lexan front and side windows


  • Ultra-light carbon fibre central monocoque
  • 3/4 on-board air jacks


  • Racing callipers
  • Brembo CCMR ventilated racing brakes
  • Bespoke brake cooling


  • Bespoke forged 18” aluminium rims
  • Centre lock system fittings
  • Slick tyres


  • Double-wishbone with semi-virtual steering axis
  • Adjustable racing dampers
  • Adjustable front and rear anti-roll bars


  • Racing seats (passenger seat optional)
  • Adjustable racing pedal box
  • Adjustable steering column
  • 6-point racing safety belt
  • Multi-functional carbon-fibre steering wheel
  • Steering wheel with built-in display
  • Rear-view camera display (optional)
  • Telemetry recording (optional)
  • In-car camera for video recording (optional)
  • Dash and data acquisition system
  • Driving performance optimisation display (optional)
  • Air conditioning
  • Tyre pressure monitoring system (optional)
  • Adjustable racing ABS and traction control

* Subject to change during vehicle development.


Maserati S.p.A
Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars, immediately recognisable for their extraordinary personality. Thanks to their style, technology and innately exclusive character, they delight the most discerning, demanding tastes and have always been a benchmark for the global automotive industry. A tradition of successful cars, each of them redefining what makes an Italian sports car in terms of design, performance, comfort, elegance and safety, currently available in more than seventy markets internationally. The ambassadors of this heritage are the Quattroporte flagship, the Ghibli sports sedan, the Levante – the first SUV made by Maserati, and the Grecale, the all-new “everyday exceptional” SUV, all models characterised by the use of the highest quality materials and excellent technical solutions. Ghibli, Levante and Grecale are also available in hybrid versions. A complete range, equipped with 4-cylinder hybrid powertrains, V6 petrol and V8 petrol engines with rear-wheel and four-wheel drive, embodying the performance DNA of the Trident Brand. The top of the range is made up of the MC20 super sports car and the MC20 Cielo spyder, powered by the ground-breaking Nettuno V6 engine, incorporating F1-derived technologies available in the power unit of a standard production car for the first time.




July 2022 – Banbury, United Kingdom. Prodrive has revealed the Racing Simulator due for first delivery to customers later this year.

Created to be a statement sculptural piece, design and engineering house CALLUM has blended traditional and modern materials together to design a piece of furniture that would take pride of place in any home or venue.

The sculpted carbon monocoque housing the driver’s seat, the screen, steering wheel, and pedal box appear to float beneath a striking canopy of 16 layers of birch, encased in an elegant, lacquered gloss black finish. Not only is this beautiful to look at from the outside but wraps around the driver to give such an immersive experience that it feels like being in the cockpit of a race car.

As well as its beautiful form, the Prodrive Racing Simulator has the performance to match offering the driver a first-class simulator experience. Featuring a purpose built system with a 12GB GeForce RTX graphics card and 16GB of memory at its heart, smooth graphics are rendered across the sweeping curved 49” high refresh rate display. The Precision SIM steering wheel coupled with a Simcube steering motor allows for precise driving inputs, and the mechanical pedal box has been purposely selected to complete the realistic experience.

Once they have registered their interest, customers will be invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters, where  alongside touring the company’s world-class motorsport and technology operations they will get to try the simulator first hand in its own showroom. Then, as part of the purchase, Prodrive will deliver and install the simulator with customers in their own homes.

As more and more digital devices find places in our homes Prodrive chairman, David Richards had the idea to create the striking piece of home sculpture. He said:

“The last few years have seen an explosion in people taking up gaming and e-sports. But I wanted something that married technology with contemporary furniture, something you would be proud to have on display in your home like a grand piano, rather than tucked out of the way. I’m proud of the result, it’s something that would not look out of place in a gallery of contemporary art.”

The project began last year, when Richards approached CALLUM, which was closely involved with Prodrive, having helped design the company’s recent Hunter Dakar and Hypercar projects, to create some concepts.

Ian Callum said:

“There was a very clear vision for this project – to create something technically stimulating and visually striking. Rather than taking the functional and well-trodden route of a car-like structure, we opted for something more abstract, contemporary and elegant. This design intrigues. You know it’s a simulator, but then you have to look again. The sweeping form and ‘piano black’ gloss finish take the Racing Simulator to a whole new place – it’s a piece of furniture that can elegantly sit in a living space.”

The Prodrive Racing Simulator is now available direct from Prodrive, priced at £39,000 ex VAT, duties and shipping. To register interest potential purchasers should visit before being invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters to try the simulator first hand.



​Bespoke simulator computer with a 12GB

GeForce RTX graphics card & 16GB memory

Pre-Installed Software

Race trim


AOC 49” Dual-QHD 5k resolution curved

monitor with 165Hz refresh rate

Steering Wheel

Precision SIM LM Pro with 5 rotary dials,

12 push buttons & carbon fibre paddles

Steering Motor

Simucube 2 PRO steering motor

Pedal Box

​Mechanical pedal box, electrically adjustable


Cobra Nogaro Street

Dimensions (L x H x W)

Length 3.3m

Height 1.35m

Width 0.8m (1.25m incl. screen)


Bowers & Wilkins PX7 headphones


£39,000 excluding VAT, duties and shipping

About Prodrive

Prodrive is one of the world’s largest and most successful motorsport and technology businesses. Over 500 staff are employed across its Banbury headquarters and composites manufacturing facility in Milton Keynes. While the company is perhaps best known for motorsport, today it is just one part of an organisation that in the last decade has diversified to become a technology business working in a range of sectors and providing a range of services.

Within the Prodrive Group, there are four distinct but interconnected business areas: Motorsport, operating race and rally programmes for vehicle manufacturers and global brands; Advanced Technology, providing innovative technology for the automotive, aerospace, defence and marine sectors; Composites, developing lightweight composite components for the automotive, aerospace and marine sectors; and Brand& developing bespoke clothing and accessories for leading brands.

About Callum

CALLUM is a design and engineering business creating bespoke and limited-edition products.

CALLUM is focused on design, lifestyle and travel, taking on projects that intrigue, excite and tell a story. It is a collaboration of talented individuals with experience across art, audio, automotive, fashion and motorsport brands.

Nimble and agile, CALLUM produces exquisite design supported by quality execution, with its 30,000 sq. ft Warwick facility housing the latest technology to deliver design, prototyping, machining and trim services.

Amongst its founding members is British designer Ian Callum CBE, admired for his prolific automotive work, which includes the Aston Martin Vanquish, Vantage and DB9, Jaguar F-Type, F-PACE, XJ and, most recently, the World Car of the Year Award-winning I-PACE, amongst others.



July 2022 – Banbury, United Kingdom. Prodrive has revealed the Racing Simulator due for first delivery to customers later this year.

Created to be a statement sculptural piece, design and engineering house CALLUM has blended traditional and modern materials together to design a piece of furniture that would take pride of place in any home or venue.

The sculpted carbon monocoque housing the driver’s seat, the screen, steering wheel, and pedal box appear to float beneath a striking canopy of 16 layers of birch, encased in an elegant, lacquered gloss black finish. Not only is this beautiful to look at from the outside but wraps around the driver to give such an immersive experience that it feels like being in the cockpit of a race car.

As well as its beautiful form, the Prodrive Racing Simulator has the performance to match offering the driver a first-class simulator experience. Featuring a purpose built system with a 12GB GeForce RTX graphics card and 16GB of memory at its heart, smooth graphics are rendered across the sweeping curved 49” high refresh rate display. The Precision SIM steering wheel coupled with a Simcube steering motor allows for precise driving inputs, and the mechanical pedal box has been purposely selected to complete the realistic experience.

Once they have registered their interest, customers will be invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters, where  alongside touring the company’s world-class motorsport and technology operations they will get to try the simulator first hand in its own showroom. Then, as part of the purchase, Prodrive will deliver and install the simulator with customers in their own homes.

As more and more digital devices find places in our homes Prodrive chairman, David Richards had the idea to create the striking piece of home sculpture. He said:

“The last few years have seen an explosion in people taking up gaming and e-sports. But I wanted something that married technology with contemporary furniture, something you would be proud to have on display in your home like a grand piano, rather than tucked out of the way. I’m proud of the result, it’s something that would not look out of place in a gallery of contemporary art.”

The project began last year, when Richards approached CALLUM, which was closely involved with Prodrive, having helped design the company’s recent Hunter Dakar and Hypercar projects, to create some concepts.

Ian Callum said:

“There was a very clear vision for this project – to create something technically stimulating and visually striking. Rather than taking the functional and well-trodden route of a car-like structure, we opted for something more abstract, contemporary and elegant. This design intrigues. You know it’s a simulator, but then you have to look again. The sweeping form and ‘piano black’ gloss finish take the Racing Simulator to a whole new place – it’s a piece of furniture that can elegantly sit in a living space.”

The Prodrive Racing Simulator is now available direct from Prodrive, priced at £39,000 ex VAT, duties and shipping. To register interest potential purchasers should visit before being invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters to try the simulator first hand.



​Bespoke simulator computer with a 12GB

GeForce RTX graphics card & 16GB memory

Pre-Installed Software

Race trim


AOC 49” Dual-QHD 5k resolution curved

monitor with 165Hz refresh rate

Steering Wheel

Precision SIM LM Pro with 5 rotary dials,

12 push buttons & carbon fibre paddles

Steering Motor

Simucube 2 PRO steering motor

Pedal Box

​Mechanical pedal box, electrically adjustable


Cobra Nogaro Street

Dimensions (L x H x W)

Length 3.3m

Height 1.35m

Width 0.8m (1.25m incl. screen)


Bowers & Wilkins PX7 headphones


£39,000 excluding VAT, duties and shipping

About Prodrive

Prodrive is one of the world’s largest and most successful motorsport and technology businesses. Over 500 staff are employed across its Banbury headquarters and composites manufacturing facility in Milton Keynes. While the company is perhaps best known for motorsport, today it is just one part of an organisation that in the last decade has diversified to become a technology business working in a range of sectors and providing a range of services.

Within the Prodrive Group, there are four distinct but interconnected business areas: Motorsport, operating race and rally programmes for vehicle manufacturers and global brands; Advanced Technology, providing innovative technology for the automotive, aerospace, defence and marine sectors; Composites, developing lightweight composite components for the automotive, aerospace and marine sectors; and Brand& developing bespoke clothing and accessories for leading brands.

About Callum

CALLUM is a design and engineering business creating bespoke and limited-edition products.

CALLUM is focused on design, lifestyle and travel, taking on projects that intrigue, excite and tell a story. It is a collaboration of talented individuals with experience across art, audio, automotive, fashion and motorsport brands.

Nimble and agile, CALLUM produces exquisite design supported by quality execution, with its 30,000 sq. ft Warwick facility housing the latest technology to deliver design, prototyping, machining and trim services.

Amongst its founding members is British designer Ian Callum CBE, admired for his prolific automotive work, which includes the Aston Martin Vanquish, Vantage and DB9, Jaguar F-Type, F-PACE, XJ and, most recently, the World Car of the Year Award-winning I-PACE, amongst others.

El éxito de la feria Top Marques 2022 supera todas las expectativas

El éxito de la feria Top Marques 2022 supera todas las expectativas

Miles de entusiastas de los autos celebraron el regreso del espectáculo Top Marques Monaco, con un éxito particular para el nuevo salón de autos clásicos.

Se realizaron muchas ventas en todas las categorías de la feria, incluso en el espacio dedicado a los autos deportivos icónicos de los años 50 a los 90, donde varios expositores confirmaron haber realizado ventas durante los cuatro días del evento.

Las primeras cifras revelaron que asistieron a la feria más de 22.000 visitantes, procedentes de toda Europa, así como de Japón, Brasil, México y Estados Unidos.

“Después de dos años de Covid, fue un verdadero desafío organizar este Top Marques 2022 y movilizar a los expositores, fabricantes y público para que esta edición sea un éxito. ¡La apuesta es exitosa!”, declaró ayer por la noche Salim Zeghdar, CEO de Top Marqués.

“Hemos superado nuestras expectativas tanto en términos de ventas realizadas por nuestros expositores como en número de visitantes. Todas las luces están en verde y esto me anima a preparar, con mis equipos, una próxima edición brillante con más lanzamientos globales y vehículos excepcionales”.

“Los visitantes que no pudieron venir a nuestro evento, o que quieren volver para ver algunos de los increíbles vehículos, e incluso comprarlos, pueden visitar nuestra exhibición virtual. Creo que esta es la primera vez que se realiza una exhibición de automóviles y Estoy muy orgulloso de esta nueva dimensión de Top Marques”.

La exhibición anual de superdeportivos Top Marques, que se lleva a cabo cada junio bajo el Alto Patrocinio de Su Alteza Real el Príncipe Alberto II de Mónaco, volvió con fuerza la semana pasada con casi 100 expositores que presentaron más de 115 vehículos.

También se exhibieron varios súper barcos en la Explanada fuera del Foro Grimaldi, así como relojes y joyería fina en el Espace Diaghilev, todos los cuales lograron ventas.

El evento comenzó con una vernissage VIP exclusiva con Preview para más de 2.500 invitados, donde se realizaron varias compras antes de la apertura al público el 9 de junio.

Los aspectos más destacados del evento incluyen un número récord de lanzamientos globales presentados por HSH Prince Albert en el primer día del espectáculo. Entre ellos, el proyecto italiano PJ-01 de Pambuffetti, el 660 LMS del fabricante suizo Picasso Automobile, el Dallara D50, el Mini E-Electric de Aznom Automotive, la motocicleta Magnifica de Radikal Design y tres increíbles vehículos aéreos: una motocicleta voladora de Xturismo, el Jetson One y un coche volador de Mc-Clic, el MC-One.

Los lanzamientos europeos incluyeron Battista de Pininfarina, Aspark Owl de Japón y el superdeportivo eléctrico Deus Vayanne, además de cinco avances: Artura de McLaren, Valhalla y DBX 707 de Aston Martin, y dos autos de Maserati, el MC20 y el SUV Grecale.

Pero para muchos, los mejores vehículos estaban en la sala de autos clásicos, con modelos icónicos en exhibición de los principales concesionarios de autos clásicos como Monaco Luxury, Boutsen Classic Cars, British & Sportscars, DPM Motors, Dream Car Performance, así como una colección privada de Clásicos 4 Usted.

Le point culminant pour les autres fans de supercars a été l’apparition de l’ambassadeur de Top Marques, l’influenceur automobile GMK, qui a passé plus de cinq heures durant le week-end à saluer les fans et à les inviter à signer su auto.

Top Marques Monaco tendrá lugar el próximo año del 7 al 11 de junio de 2023 en el Foro Grimaldi.

Bajo el sol del Mediterráneo, SAS el Príncipe Alberto de Mónaco inauguró oficialmente la 17ª edición frente a la prensa internacional.

Para celebrar el regreso de esta cita ineludible en el ámbito de la automoción, los organizadores han creado un espacio dedicado a los coches icónicos de los años 50 y 90.

Primera parada de la visita del SAS Prince Albert II a esta nueva zona de coches de época: el magnífico stand de Boutsen Classic Cars, colaborador en esta nueva aventura.

Una vez dentro del vestíbulo del superdeportivo, el Sovereign dio a conocer lanzamientos globales: el Proyecto PJ-01 de Italia; el superdeportivo Picasso Automobile; la Dallara D50; Mini E-Electric de Aznom Automotive; la Magnifica de Radical Design y los tres vehículos aéreos: la moto voladora de Xturismo; el Jetson One y el auto volador de Mc-Clic, el MC-One.

Para los lanzamientos europeos, podemos señalar el Battista de Pininfarina, el Aspark Owl y el Deus Vayanne, así como avances en Mónaco: el Artura de McLaren, el Valhalla de Aston Martin, el DBX 707 de Aston Martin y dos autos de Maserati, el MC2 y el Grecale.

“Estoy muy contento con este primer día inaugurado por SAS el Príncipe Alberto II. Los visitantes estuvieron ahí y sabemos que los expositores ya vendieron durante este 1er día. ¡Un buen augurio para el resto del espectáculo! », subraya Salim Zeghdar, director de Top Marques.


El éxito de la feria Top Marques 2022 supera todas las expectativas

The success of the Top Marques 2022 fair exceeds all expectations

Thousands of car enthusiasts celebrated the return of the Top Marques Monaco show this weekend, with a particular hit for the new classic car show.

Many sales were made in all categories of the show, including in the space dedicated to iconic sports cars from the 50s to the 90s, where several exhibitors confirmed to have made sales during the four days of the event.

The first figures revealed that more than 22,000 visitors attended the fair, from all over Europe, as well as from Japan, Brazil, Mexico and the United States.

“After two years of Covid, it was a real challenge to organize this Top Marques 2022 and mobilize exhibitors, manufacturers and the public to make this edition a success. The bet is successful!” Salim Zeghdar declared last night, CEO of Top Marques.

“We have exceeded our expectations both in terms of sales made by our exhibitors and in number of visitors. All the lights are green and this encourages me to prepare, with my teams, a brilliant next edition with more global launches and exceptional vehicles.”

Starting today, visitors from all over the world can virtually access the event thanks to the first digital hall. Access is free by clicking here.

“Visitors who couldn’t make it to our show, or who want to come back to see some of the amazing vehicles, and even buy them, can visit our virtual show. I think this is the first time a car show has been held and I’m very excited.” proud of this new dimension of Top Marques”.

The annual Top Marques supercar show, held each June under the High Patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco, returned with a bang last week with nearly 100 exhibitors featuring more than 115 vehicles.

Several super ships were also displayed on the Esplanade outside the Grimaldi Forum, as well as watches and fine jewelry at the Espace Diaghilev, all of which achieved sales.

The event began with an exclusive VIP vernissage with Preview for more than 2,500 guests, where several purchases were made before the opening to the public on June 9.

Highlights of the event include a record number of global releases presented by HSH Prince Albert on the first day of the show. Among them, the Italian project PJ-01 by Pambuffetti, the 660 LMS by the Swiss manufacturer Picasso Automobile, the Dallara D50, the Mini E-Electric by Aznom Automotive, the Magnifica motorcycle by Radikal Design and three incredible aerial vehicles: a flying motorcycle by Xturismo, the Jetson One and a Mc-Clic flying car, the MC-One.

European launches included Pininfarina’s Battista, Japan’s Aspark Owl and the Deus Vayanne electric supercar, plus five trailers: McLaren’s Artura, Valhalla and Aston Martin’s DBX 707, and two Maserati cars, the MC20 and the Grecale SUV.

But for many, the best vehicles were in the classic car room, with iconic models on display from leading classic car dealers such as Monaco Luxury, Boutsen Classic Cars, British & Sportscars, DPM Motors, Dream Car Performance, as well as a collection Private Classics 4 You.

Lo más destacado para los fanáticos de los superdeportivos fue la aparición del embajador de Top Marques, el influencer automotriz GMK, quien pasó más de cinco horas durante el fin de semana saludando a los fanáticos e invitándolos a firmar su auto.

Top Marques Monaco will tend to read the next year of June 7 to 11 of 2023 in the Foro Grimaldi.

Bajo el sol del Mediterráneo, SAS el Príncipe Alberto de Mónaco inauguró oficialmente la 17ª edición frente a la prensa internacional.

Para celebrar el regreso de esta cita ineludible en el ámbito de la automoción, los organizadores han creado un espacio dedicado a los coches icónicos de los años 50 y 90.

Primera parada de la visita del SAS Prince Albert II a esta nueva zona de coches de época: el magnífico stand de Boutsen Classic Cars, colaborador en esta nueva aventura.

Una vez dentro del vestíbulo del superdeportivo, el Sovereign dio a conocer lanzamientos globales: el Proyecto PJ-01 de Italia; el superdeportivo Picasso Automobile; la Dallara D50; Mini E-Electric de Aznom Automotive; la Magnifica de Radical Design y los tres vehículos aéreos: la moto voladora de Xturismo; el Jetson One y el auto volador de Mc-Clic, el MC-One.

Para los lanzamientos europeos, podemos señalar el Battista de Pininfarina, el Aspark Owl y el Deus Vayanne, así como avances en Mónaco: el Artura de McLaren, el Valhalla de Aston Martin, el DBX 707 de Aston Martin y dos autos de Maserati, el MC2 y el Grecale.

“Estoy muy contento con este primer día inaugurado por SAS el Príncipe Alberto II. Los visitantes estuvieron ahí y sabemos que los expositores ya vendieron durante este 1er día. ¡Un buen augurio para el resto del espectáculo! », subraya Salim Zeghdar, director de Top Marques.

El éxito de la feria Top Marques 2022 supera todas las expectativas

The success of the Top Marques 2022 fair exceeds all expectations

Thousands of car enthusiasts celebrated the return of the Top Marques Monaco show this weekend, with a particular hit for the new classic car show.

Many sales were made in all categories of the show, including in the space dedicated to iconic sports cars from the 50s to the 90s, where several exhibitors confirmed to have made sales during the four days of the event.

The first figures revealed that more than 22,000 visitors attended the fair, from all over Europe, as well as from Japan, Brazil, Mexico and the United States.

“After two years of Covid, it was a real challenge to organize this Top Marques 2022 and mobilize exhibitors, manufacturers and the public to make this edition a success. The bet is successful!” Salim Zeghdar declared last night, CEO of Top Marques.

“We have exceeded our expectations both in terms of sales made by our exhibitors and in number of visitors. All the lights are green and this encourages me to prepare, with my teams, a brilliant next edition with more global launches and exceptional vehicles.”

Starting today, visitors from all over the world can virtually access the event thanks to the first digital hall. Access is free by clicking here.

“Visitors who couldn’t make it to our show, or who want to come back to see some of the amazing vehicles, and even buy them, can visit our virtual show. I think this is the first time a car show has been held and I’m very excited.” proud of this new dimension of Top Marques”.

The annual Top Marques supercar show, held each June under the High Patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco, returned with a bang last week with nearly 100 exhibitors featuring more than 115 vehicles.

Several super ships were also displayed on the Esplanade outside the Grimaldi Forum, as well as watches and fine jewelry at the Espace Diaghilev, all of which achieved sales.

The event began with an exclusive VIP vernissage with Preview for more than 2,500 guests, where several purchases were made before the opening to the public on June 9.

Highlights of the event include a record number of global releases presented by HSH Prince Albert on the first day of the show. Among them, the Italian project PJ-01 by Pambuffetti, the 660 LMS by the Swiss manufacturer Picasso Automobile, the Dallara D50, the Mini E-Electric by Aznom Automotive, the Magnifica motorcycle by Radikal Design and three incredible aerial vehicles: a flying motorcycle by Xturismo, the Jetson One and a Mc-Clic flying car, the MC-One.

European launches included Pininfarina’s Battista, Japan’s Aspark Owl and the Deus Vayanne electric supercar, plus five trailers: McLaren’s Artura, Valhalla and Aston Martin’s DBX 707, and two Maserati cars, the MC20 and the Grecale SUV.

But for many, the best vehicles were in the classic car room, with iconic models on display from leading classic car dealers such as Monaco Luxury, Boutsen Classic Cars, British & Sportscars, DPM Motors, Dream Car Performance, as well as a collection Private Classics 4 You.

Lo más destacado para los fanáticos de los superdeportivos fue la aparición del embajador de Top Marques, el influencer automotriz GMK, quien pasó más de cinco horas durante el fin de semana saludando a los fanáticos e invitándolos a firmar su auto.

Top Marques Monaco will tend to read the next year of June 7 to 11 of 2023 in the Foro Grimaldi.

Bajo el sol del Mediterráneo, SAS el Príncipe Alberto de Mónaco inauguró oficialmente la 17ª edición frente a la prensa internacional.

Para celebrar el regreso de esta cita ineludible en el ámbito de la automoción, los organizadores han creado un espacio dedicado a los coches icónicos de los años 50 y 90.

Primera parada de la visita del SAS Prince Albert II a esta nueva zona de coches de época: el magnífico stand de Boutsen Classic Cars, colaborador en esta nueva aventura.

Una vez dentro del vestíbulo del superdeportivo, el Sovereign dio a conocer lanzamientos globales: el Proyecto PJ-01 de Italia; el superdeportivo Picasso Automobile; la Dallara D50; Mini E-Electric de Aznom Automotive; la Magnifica de Radical Design y los tres vehículos aéreos: la moto voladora de Xturismo; el Jetson One y el auto volador de Mc-Clic, el MC-One.

Para los lanzamientos europeos, podemos señalar el Battista de Pininfarina, el Aspark Owl y el Deus Vayanne, así como avances en Mónaco: el Artura de McLaren, el Valhalla de Aston Martin, el DBX 707 de Aston Martin y dos autos de Maserati, el MC2 y el Grecale.

“Estoy muy contento con este primer día inaugurado por SAS el Príncipe Alberto II. Los visitantes estuvieron ahí y sabemos que los expositores ya vendieron durante este 1er día. ¡Un buen augurio para el resto del espectáculo! », subraya Salim Zeghdar, director de Top Marques.