Maranello, 2021 – El Ferrari Testa Rossa J es un proyecto especial que brinda a los entusiastas de Ferrari de todas las edades la oportunidad de experimentar la emoción de conducir una leyenda del automóvil.

Una nueva edición limitada para nuestros coleccionistas más apasionados, el Ferrari Testa Rossa J es una réplica a escala del 75% de un clásico de renombre, impulsado por un motor eléctrico. El automóvil es una reproducción fiel del 250 Testa Rossa de 1957, uno de los automóviles más icónicos y exitosos de Ferrari y la historia del automovilismo

Se fabricará una tirada limitada de solo 299 vehículos.

Ferrari ha liderado todos los aspectos del proyecto, en colaboración con The Little Car Company, una empresa especializada en la producción de automóviles junior. El Centro de Estilismo de Ferrari en Maranello supervisó las proporciones y libreas, mientras que el chasis y otros componentes se crearon utilizando dibujos de diseño originales en poder del departamento Classiche de Ferrari.

Si bien el Ferrari Testa Rossa J está diseñado para ser conducido por cualquier persona mayor de 14 años, no está homologado para uso en carretera.

Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa

Protagonista clave de la pista en las décadas de 1950 y 1960, el 250 Testa Rossa es uno de los grandes Ferrari de todos los tiempos, que se distingue por su larga lista de honores y su longevidad. El coche consiguió unas 18 victorias en su historia y tres títulos de campeonato en 1958, 1960 y 1961. También es el único Ferrari que ha ganado las 24 Horas de Le Mans cuatro veces: en 1958, 1960, 1961 y 1962 (teniendo en cuenta la 330 TR – la última evolución).


El Ferrari Testa Rossa J reproduce meticulosamente las líneas del 250 Testa Rossa en la versión barchetta original diseñada por Scaglietti, apodada “guardabarros de pontón”. La atención al detalle es exquisita: la carrocería está construida con aluminio batido a mano, el mismo proceso que se empleó en los modelos históricos. La pintura es la misma que se aplica a la gama actual de automóviles de carretera de Ferrari, al igual que la insignia en la parte delantera.

Para recrear con precisión el intrincado chasis del 250 Testa Rossa, se escanearon y recrearon digitalmente los dibujos originales en papel del departamento de Ferrari Classiche. El automóvil junior conserva la misma geometría de dirección y suspensión, lo que le da un manejo auténtico para que coincida con su apariencia original.

El mismo detalle meticuloso se encuentra en el interior. El Centro de Estilismo de Ferrari ha diseñado un solo asiento que acomoda a un adulto y un adolescente, incorporando fielmente el motivo de ribetes del original y utilizando la misma tapicería de cuero de alta calidad que se encuentra en la gama Ferrari en la actualidad. El volante está fabricado por Nardi, la misma empresa especializada que suministró el modelo de 1957, y cuenta con el sistema de liberación rápida más pequeño de Ferrari para facilitar la entrada del conductor. Los diales clásicos se han remasterizado y reutilizado para su nuevo papel en un automóvil eléctrico, pero conservan el diseño y las fuentes originales. Los medidores de aceite y agua ahora monitorean la temperatura de la batería y del motor, mientras que el medidor de combustible ahora es el medidor de batería y el tacómetro se ha convertido en un velocímetro. Incluso hay un indicador de potencia que también muestra el nivel de frenado regenerativo que se está implementando.

Como un guiño a la generación actual de coches de carretera, los pedales son del F8 Tributo y los neumáticos son suministrados por Pirelli, el socio técnico oficial de Ferrari, instalados en las ruedas de alambre de 12 pulgadas hechas a mano. La suspensión se cuida con amortiguadores coilover Bilstein y resortes personalizados que fueron afinados y aprobados por los buzos de prueba de Ferrari en la pista de pruebas de Fiorano en Maranello.

Desempeño y seguridad

Las tres baterías que alimentan el motor eléctrico están ubicadas en la parte delantera del automóvil y brindan una autonomía de aproximadamente 90 km, según el estilo de conducción. Se accede a las baterías debajo del capó delantero, mientras que el automóvil también se puede cargar donde residía anteriormente la tapa de combustible.

El dial “Manettino” ofrece la posibilidad de elegir entre cuatro modos de conducción, lo que garantiza el placer de conducir con los más altos niveles de seguridad. El modo Novato (1 kW / 20 km / h) facilita a los conductores novatos la experiencia de conducir con aceleración controlada y la capacidad de desactivar el automóvil de forma remota desde la distancia con un llavero. El modo Confort (4 kW / 45 km / h), los modos Sport y Race se vuelven cada vez más deportivos, con una aceleración de respuesta instantánea y mayores velocidades máximas.

La seguridad ha sido una prioridad en todo el desarrollo del automóvil: los paneles laterales de metal se reforzaron y una barra antivuelco opcional se puede anclar al chasis. Los frenos de disco Brembo reemplazan el sistema de tambor original para maximizar el rendimiento de frenado, y estos se complementan con un freno de mano hidráulico.


El Ferrari Testa Rossa J ofrece una amplia gama de personalización y combinaciones de colores. El departamento de Ferrari Classiche llevó a cabo una extensa investigación sobre todas las libreas que han adornado el 250 Testa Rossa a lo largo de su carrera deportiva. Un configurador de automóviles en línea permite a los clientes elegir entre 14 libreas históricas, 53 colores de carrocería y libreas de carreras personalizadas adicionales, todo auténticamente en consonancia con el estilo de Ferrari.


PRODUCCIÓN 299 unidades

MEDIDAS 3,1 x 1,1 x 0,7 metros


Motor eléctrico.
Tres baterías con un alcance de aproximadamente 30 km cada una, para un alcance total máximo de 90 km.


Modo principiante 1 kW / 20 km / h
Modo confort 4 kW / 45 km / h
Modo deportivo a más de 60 km / h
Modo carrera a más de 60 km / h


Motor y batería administrados por software que gobierna el suministro de energía
Chasis lateralmente reforzado
Frenos de disco para mayor control
Barra antivuelco anclada al chasis (opcional)



Pirelli Cinturato.
Ruedas rediseñadas basadas en las llantas Borrani originales.
Las auténticas llantas Borrani están disponibles como opción.

PRECIOS DESDE 93.000 € (impuestos, envío y opciones opcionales excluidos)




  • El Pagani Hypercar más extremo fabricado exclusivamente para su uso en la pista.
  • El nuevo Pagani V12-R, el corazón palpitante exclusivo del Huayra R
  • Un V12 de aspiración natural que genera 850 CV de potencia y 750 Nm de par
  • Rendimiento máximo en pista hasta la línea roja de 9000 rpm
  • Un coche de laboratorio que incorpora la tecnología de los futuros modelos Pagani
  • Celebración del rendimiento, la tecnología y el arte aplicados a un auto de pista.
  • El pináculo del desarrollo tecnológico de Pagani Automobili, empaquetado en solo 1.050 kg
  • Seguridad al más alto nivel
  • Arte in Pista: un nuevo capítulo exclusivo de experiencias de cliente hechas a medida
  • Limitado a solo 30 ejemplos
  • Precio base: EUR 2,6 millones + IVA

San Cesario Sul Panaro, 18 de marzo de 2021 – Sobre las alas de un viento que sopla cada vez más fuerte, el Huayra R se lanza para expresar todo su carácter en total libertad. Puro, apasionado, poderoso y cautivador. No conoce límites.

El nuevo Hypercar centrado en la pista de Pagani combina el más alto nivel de ingeniería automotriz y conocimientos aerodinámicos con una sensibilidad estética sin precedentes en un ejercicio de estilo que representa la plena expresión del desarrollo tecnológico de Pagani Automobili.

La leyenda se encuentra con la pasión

¿Qué es la libertad, sino el coraje para soñar y optar por superarse a uno mismo y a los propios límites, la necesidad de expresar una emoción que se niega a ser constreñida? Un concepto que por su propia naturaleza escapa a definiciones y etiquetas, pero que siempre ha conmovido profundamente el espíritu humano y determinado sus necesidades e intuiciones.

La profunda necesidad de libertad creativa en el corazón del Huayra R se materializa en las líneas limpias y el atractivo atemporal de los autos de Le Mans y del Campeonato Mundial de Prototipos Deportivos de las décadas de 1960 y 1970. Símbolos de libertad por excelencia y protagonistas de una era del automovilismo que fue sinónimo de batallas y tensión, lágrimas y triunfos, éxtasis y sudor; carreras de resistencia que convirtieron a los conductores en héroes y a los coches sensacionales en leyendas eternas. Este concepto de libertad y pureza inspira las líneas atrevidas del Huayra R, una celebración por excelencia del rendimiento, la tecnología y el arte aplicados a un auto de pista.

“Los coches de carreras de hoy se centran exclusivamente en la aerodinámica y son en gran medida el producto del túnel de viento. En los años 60 y 70, sin embargo, los autos eran muy rápidos, ciertamente peligrosos, pero hermosos. Los prototipos de autos deportivos como el Ferrari P4 o el Ford GT40, o los autos de Le Mans, tenían líneas extremadamente atractivas, que siguen siendo una gran fuente de inspiración para nuestros autos en la actualidad. El Porsche 917 es mi favorito, con su forma romántica pero audaz, que da la impresión de un automóvil muy rápido. Es hermoso, elegante y atemporal. De este deseo de libertad, y de la experiencia del Zonda R y los coches del pasado, surgió la idea del Huayra R, como un soplo de aire fresco ”. Horacio Pagani

El Huayra R es una celebración de la pasión: un automóvil extremo e indómito, desarrollado sin reglas, excepto por la seguridad, con el único objetivo de ofrecer un rendimiento sin concesiones. Pero, ante todo, fue diseñado para emocionar.

De la tradición a la innovación

“La creatividad es el resultado de la curiosidad y la búsqueda de algo que no existe”.

Asumir desafíos cada vez más exigentes para definir nuevos objetivos y superar nuevos límites para poner a prueba la capacidad de uno ha estado en el ADN de Pagani Automobili desde el principio. Esto es lo que sucedió a fines de la década de 2000 cuando un nuevo y emocionante proyecto aterrizó en la puerta del Atelier y desencadenó un viaje de investigación sin precedentes para crear el primer automóvil de pista Pagani, un automóvil que Horacio Pagani pensó que debería incorporar la mejor tecnología de carreras de la época. , combinado con la belleza y la atención al detalle típicas de todas las creaciones de la marca.
El Zonda R, creado con materiales de vanguardia derivados de la industria aeroespacial y de la F1, se presentó en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra en 2009 donde, bajo su refinada pero desnuda superficie de fibra de carbono natural, encarnó el pináculo del desarrollo tecnológico de Pagani Automobili. , combinado con una atención sin precedentes a la estética de un coche de pista. Ofreciendo una experiencia de conducción y un rendimiento simplemente imposibles en la carretera, el Zonda R demostró todo su potencial, logrando importantes hitos en los circuitos más prestigiosos del mundo y fue celebrado en muchas portadas de las principales revistas de la época.

Profundamente inspirado en sus predecesores de carreras, después de más de diez años, el Huayra R está reintroduciendo esa misma esencia audaz y audaz, una vez más combinando el máximo refinamiento técnico y atención al detalle, en un automóvil de personalidad sobresaliente que incorpora la tecnología de los automóviles Pagani de el futuro. Y como todas las creaciones del Atelier, está hecho a medida.

“En 2008 estuvimos trabajando en el Huayra, un proyecto muy desafiante y exigente desde el punto de vista de la ingeniería y el estilo. Después de tantos años, sentí un deseo abrumador de libertad y así fue como surgió el Zonda R, un auto de pista libre de restricciones y regulaciones. Hermoso, de alto rendimiento y seguro. El Huayra R, al igual que el Zonda R, es el automóvil Pagani más libre, extremo y orientado al rendimiento de todos los tiempos “. Horacio Pagani

Motor: el Pagani V12-R

Mucho más que un ejercicio intelectual, el Huayra R es un automóvil repleto de soluciones innovadoras desarrolladas para lograr el máximo rendimiento y es el resultado de un conocimiento de ingeniería 100% dedicado. El proyecto no se basó en ningún modelo de producción, lo que permitió elevar significativamente los objetivos de desarrollo de cada componente individual, lo que obligó al equipo de San Cesario Sul Panaro a abordar una serie de desafíos técnicos. En primer lugar, el desarrollo del motor de combustión interna de aspiración natural más potente de la historia del Atelier.

El Pagani V12-R, el corazón palpitante del Huayra R, es un motor de carreras de 12 cilindros y 6 litros de aspiración natural, diseñado desde cero en asociación con HWA AG específicamente para satisfacer la necesidad del Atelier de equipar su nueva creación. con el V12 listo para pista más ligero, potente y eficiente jamás creado. Esta necesidad surgió para abordar el fuerte deseo de los clientes de Pagani, que soñaban con un motor V12 de aspiración natural de alto rendimiento increíblemente potente para sus nuevos proyectos.

“El nuevo motor tenía que tener el encanto, el romance, el sonido y la simplicidad de los motores de F1 de la década de 1980, al tiempo que incorporaba la tecnología más avanzada disponible en la actualidad”. Horacio Pagani

Equipado con la última tecnología derivada del mundo de las carreras, el nuevo tren motriz entrega 850 CV (625 kW) a 8250 rpm y un par máximo de 750 Nm, ya disponible de 5500 a 8300 rpm, mientras que el sistema de inyección directa de 200 bares optimiza el rendimiento mediante asegurando la máxima eficiencia en términos de termodinámica y autonomía.

El Huayra R fue creado para ofrecer la mejor experiencia para cualquiera que quiera disfrutar del máximo rendimiento en la pista hasta la línea roja de 9000 rpm. Para los ingenieros de HWA AG y Pagani, este objetivo significaba no solo centrarse en el aumento de potencia como elemento clave de la investigación, sino también priorizar la ligereza. Este desafío fue aceptado por los ingenieros de Affalterbach sin dudarlo y, después de más de dos años de diseño y desarrollo, el poderoso Pagani V12-R inclinó la balanza con un peso total de 198 kg (436 lbs), colocándolo en la cima de su categoría.

Unido al monocasco central, con el que forma un elemento estructural capaz de soportar el sistema de transmisión y los bastidores auxiliares de acero de aleación de cromo-molibdeno, el nuevo motor es excepcionalmente eficiente y fácil de operar, con ciclos de servicio solo cada 10.000 km.


Los componentes de vanguardia creados especialmente para el Huayra R incluyen la nueva caja de cambios secuencial de seis velocidades que ha sido diseñada, junto con el motor del Huayra R, en colaboración con HWA AG para completar un sistema de propulsión a medida.

Impulsada por un embrague de carreras de 3 discos de metal sinterizado, la nueva caja de engranajes de anillo de perro no sincronizada garantiza una eficiencia de fricción del 95%, ofrece la máxima precisión de cambio, tiempos de cambio extremadamente reducidos y un peso total de solo 80 kg (176 lb). Fijado de forma segura al monocasco y al motor, lo que contribuye a la rigidez general del chasis y soporta cargas dinámicas pesadas, el sistema de transmisión completo está diseñado para integrarse estructuralmente con toda la unidad de suspensión a través de puntos de conexión dedicados a fin de maximizar la eficiencia arquitectónica. del carro.

Sistema de escape

Fruto de una meticulosa planificación acústica y técnica y una extensa investigación de materiales, geometrías y diseño de sonido, el nuevo sistema de escape desarrollado específicamente para el Huayra R garantiza una evacuación rápida y eficaz de los gases de escape, permitiendo que el Pagani V12-R entregue todos sus increíbles potencia, garantizando al mismo tiempo una contrapresión mínima. Hecho de aleación Inconel 625/718, con tubos de un tercio del grosor de los que se usan normalmente en los equipos de automóviles de carretera, y recubierto de cerámica para proteger el compartimento del motor y garantizar una mejor disipación del calor directamente hacia el exterior, todo el sistema cuenta con un peso extremadamente ligero. construcción, desarrollada no solo para garantizar el máximo rendimiento aerodinámico, sino también para brindar a los ocupantes del Huayra R una experiencia acústica sin precedentes. La banda sonora de este pura sangre de carreras es de hecho pura emoción, gracias al diseño único de los colectores y tubos de escape, con tubos de escape de idéntica longitud para los doce cilindros que permiten al V12-R rugir como un coche de F1 del pasado. El automóvil también está equipado con silenciadores que se pueden instalar según sea necesario, lo que garantiza que las emisiones de ruido se reduzcan dentro del límite de la FIA de 110 decibelios para pistas con ruido restringido.

Chasis y materiales

El monocasco del Huayra R es el resultado de un desarrollo específicamente dedicado para garantizar a sus ocupantes la participación total y la experiencia de conducción de un auténtico automóvil de carreras.

La vasta experiencia de HWA en el ajuste fino y la producción de automóviles y componentes de carreras, junto con los 30 años de experiencia de Pagani Automobili en el desarrollo de materiales compuestos avanzados, hicieron posible la aplicación de principios estructurales y soluciones de ingeniería innovadoras del mundo del automovilismo a el chasis Huayra R para producir una estructura segura adecuada para uso en pista.

Fabricado con las últimas tecnologías compuestas desarrolladas por el Atelier, como Carbo-Titanium HP62-G2 y Carbo-Triax HP62, el nuevo monocasco incorpora los asientos por completo, garantizando la máxima protección junto con estructuras laterales específicas de absorción de impactos y la barra antivuelco. manteniendo un fácil acceso a la cabina. Los bastidores delanteros, fabricados con aleación de acero al cromo-molibdeno, se benefician de la experiencia de desarrollo y las pruebas de choque llevadas a cabo para afinar el proyecto Huayra, al tiempo que están diseñados específicamente para la pista. El bastidor trasero, junto con la unidad de tren motriz, forma una estructura integrada con el monocasco, lo que ayuda a maximizar las propiedades mecánicas del chasis, lo que resulta en un aumento del 51% en la rigidez a la flexión y un aumento del 16% en la rigidez torsional en comparación con la versión de carretera. .

La combinación de nuevos principios estructurales y materiales especialmente desarrollados para el diseño del Huayra R, junto con la mejora resultante de las propiedades mecánicas de la estructura, significa que el nuevo automóvil inclina la balanza a un peso seco de 1.050 kg.


La comodidad y el rendimiento de un automóvil deportivo solo adquieren valor cuando se combinan con un entorno que ofrece la máxima protección. Este es un aspecto en el que el equipo de San Cesario Sul Panaro no se compromete nunca y que es parte fundamental e indispensable de todo proyecto que emprende el Atelier. El diseño cuidadoso y la investigación meticulosa realizada sobre los materiales, la carrocería y la estructura de la barra antivuelco fueron fundamentales para el desarrollo del Huayra R con el fin de brindar a los clientes no solo la experiencia de conducción en pista más emocionante, sino, sobre todo, para brindar un automóvil seguro que cumpla con los requisitos. requisitos más estrictos de la FIA para vehículos GT.

La jaula de seguridad de alta resistencia integrada en el monocasco central incorpora estructuras especiales de absorción, hechas de materiales compuestos, en la parte delantera, los lados y la parte trasera del automóvil, que están específicamente diseñadas para absorber la energía cinética en caso de impacto o vuelco.
En el interior del habitáculo, el sistema de extinción se activa automáticamente en caso de incendio, mientras que los asientos, que están totalmente integrados en el monocasco de carbono, están equipados con cinturones de seguridad de seis puntos y cubiertos con material ignífugo Nomex. El acolchado especial de espuma Ener-Core EC 50, aprobado por la FIA, garantiza una posición de conducción óptima, adaptándose perfectamente a la forma del cuerpo de los ocupantes, mientras que los reposacabezas de fibra de carbono también están equipados con protección lateral dedicada.


Para Pagani Automobili, la construcción de automóviles complejos, ricos en soluciones tecnológicas e innovadoras, requiere no solo mentes brillantes, sino verdaderos artistas. Para los hábiles artesanos involucrados en el desarrollo del Huayra R, esta misión implicó un intenso estudio e investigación para combinar los aspectos más técnicos y de desempeño con la máxima elegancia formal.

Cada línea y superficie del Huayra R está, de hecho, diseñada para generar la máxima carga aerodinámica, con un objetivo de desarrollo inicial de 1000 kg de carga aerodinámica a 320 km / h (2204 lb a 199 mph) y una distancia al suelo que permite la máxima aerodinámica. rendimiento a alcanzar, garantizando un comportamiento seguro y predecible en todas las condiciones. Un objetivo ambicioso, pero que se logró rápidamente con excelentes resultados desde las primeras pruebas aerodinámicas, durante las cuales el automóvil mostró una gran estabilidad y equilibrio en línea con el objetivo establecido de una distribución de la carga aerodinámica del 46% al 54% en toda la envolvente de velocidad, mientras que manteniendo una sensibilidad reducida a la distancia al suelo.

Un resultado ilusionante, aunque no suficiente para ganarse la total aprobación del equipo dirigido por Horacio Pagani, que buscaba un tratamiento estético más sinuoso y cautivador para el Huayra R; un diseño aún más centrado en la emoción. Por esta razón, se llevaron a cabo más investigaciones sobre el diseño y los elementos estilísticos del automóvil, lo que llevó al equipo de diseño a un descubrimiento curioso e inesperado: a medida que la estética del automóvil cambiaba, el rendimiento y la eficiencia aerodinámica mejoraron, lo que demuestra la importancia, en todos los aspectos. Aspecto del diseño, de la búsqueda de la belleza interpretada como la unión más perfecta de forma y función.

Contributing to reliable performance of the car, there are two new side air intakes at the front to ensure maximum cooling efficiency for the front wheel braking system, as well as channelling the outgoing airflow towards the side of the car, minimising turbulence and helping to generate maximum downforce.
Ensuring adequate cooling of the powerful engine required relentless work on the radiator and internal fluid dynamics, while new wing profiles were introduced on the front bonnet to improve air extraction speed and create greater stability at the front. New air vents above the wheel arch and the generous side outlet allow even more effective channelling of air to flow to the rear aerodynamic appendages.

La nueva toma de techo, con su aleta central integrada, garantiza la máxima eficiencia de admisión para el Pagani V12-R. El fondo plano, en combinación con el difusor trasero y el alerón distintivo, ayudan a generar la máxima carga aerodinámica.


La sofisticación del sistema de suspensión de los automóviles Pagani siempre ha sido un motivo de orgullo para el Atelier. Fruto de más de 30 años de investigación y desarrollo, esta proeza técnica y tecnológica, sujeta a una experimentación incesante, encontró un importante banco de pruebas con el Zonda R. Esto llevó a la definición de soluciones técnicas altamente innovadoras que poco después equiparían al Huayra. Coupé. Del mismo modo, la nueva cinemática y la geometría sofisticada de la unidad de suspensión desarrollada específicamente para el Huayra R son el resultado de una de las fases de diseño y experimentación más intensas jamás experimentadas por el Atelier, y representan el futuro de Pagani Automobili en la pista.

Con suspensión fabricada en aleación de aluminio forjado, doble horquilla independiente con resortes helicoidales y amortiguadores activos controlados electrónicamente, toda la configuración del nuevo sistema con puntos de montaje rígidos, no solo permite que toda la potencia y el extraordinario par del Pagani V12-R transferirse al suelo, pero también ofrece una precisión de conducción sin precedentes. De hecho, la elastocinemática avanzada y refinada del Huayra R permite una mayor recuperación de la curvatura y una corrección dinámica optimizada de la dirección del bache para garantizar un agarre ideal para los neumáticos lisos en cada situación y permitir al conductor atacar los altibajos de Eau Rouge sin perder un un milisegundo.

Interconectada con el sistema aerodinámico activo, la suspensión activa asegura que el Huayra R responda adecuadamente en todas las condiciones, permitiendo un equilibrio perfecto al entrar y salir de las curvas y máxima estabilidad al frenar, para un comportamiento preciso y siempre predecible.


Existe una relación de larga data entre Pagani Automobili y Brembo, que siempre se ha centrado en equipar a los Pagani Hypercars con sistemas de frenado de última generación para garantizar el máximo rendimiento, un diseño perfectamente integrado, seguridad y una ligereza sin precedentes.

El Huayra R cuenta con una potencia de frenado de clase mundial gracias a los nuevos discos de cerámica de carbono autoventilados CCM-R junto con pastillas de carreras. Especialmente desarrollados para permitir que el nuevo automóvil explote la mejor tecnología disponible, los nuevos CCM-R tienen importantes ventajas en términos de conductividad térmica y máxima potencia de frenado, típica del carbono utilizado en las competiciones. Características que permiten una mayor rigidez y temperaturas de funcionamiento más bajas en uso extremo de la vía y, al mismo tiempo, ayudan a extender el ciclo de vida del sistema.

Neumáticos y ruedas

Con su experiencia incomparable en los deportes de motor, los campeonatos internacionales GT3 y monomarca, y un glorioso pasado y presente de carreras arraigados en la famosa victoria en la primera carrera de F1 en Silverstone en mayo de 1950, Pirelli ha dedicado los últimos 110 años de su historia a desarrollando la mejor tecnología de neumáticos de carreras para mejorar el rendimiento de los mejores autos deportivos del mundo.

El largo proceso de investigación y desarrollo llevado a cabo en asociación con Pagani Automobili dio como resultado una versión elegante de los neumáticos P Zero que ofrece la máxima precisión y una sensación de control total incluso para el conductor no profesional, lo que garantiza un comportamiento de frenado excepcional y una tracción óptima.

Con tamaños estándar dictados por el mundo de las carreras, para garantizar la mayor ventaja en términos de costo y disponibilidad para los clientes, esta versión P Zero slick se beneficiará de todos los desarrollos futuros de Pirelli en neumáticos para deportes de motor que se pueden instalar en el automóvil sin ningún problema. Disponible en versiones Dry y Wet, especialmente diseñado para permitir que el Huayra R ataque el asfalto en todas las condiciones, el nuevo neumático de Pirelli está diseñado para proporcionar el agarre necesario para permitir una precisión milimétrica en cada curva.

Las llantas monolíticas, diseñadas a medida en conjunto con APP Tech y forjadas con aleación de aluminio, fueron diseñadas para lograr la máxima ligereza en 19 pulgadas.

El interior: uno con el conductor

Dentro del Huayra R, cada detalle está diseñado para una participación completa y la máxima adrenalina, para una experiencia de conducción cruda, emocionante y sin filtros.

Todos los controles esenciales, como el control de tracción, la selección de mapas ABS, la comunicación por radio y otras funciones importantes, están disponibles de inmediato en el volante de liberación rápida, ajustable en altura y longitud, que se puede sacar para acceder fácilmente a la cabina. Las levas de cambio de marchas están montadas en la parte trasera del volante.

Los controles secundarios como luces, mapas del motor, mapas de suspensión y selector de equilibrio de frenos están disponibles en la consola central. Una pantalla de tablero de deportes de motor de alta resolución y totalmente personalizable proporciona al conductor la información necesaria para monitorear el estado del vehículo. La telemetría a bordo registra todos los datos del vehículo, lo que permite al conductor y al equipo de boxes analizar el rendimiento, encontrar la configuración perfecta del vehículo para cualquier pista determinada y monitorear el vehículo.

Para adaptarse perfectamente a la ergonomía del conductor, el juego de pedales ajustables ha sido diseñado a medida en asociación con AP Racing exclusivamente para el Huayra R e incorpora los principios de ligereza y estilo que son la esencia de este automóvil. Diseñado con la calidad de acabado y la atención estética típicos de todas las creaciones del Atelier, la cabina del Huayra R no puede dejar de impresionar gracias al diseño meticuloso de cada tornillo, palanca y superficie, lo que hace que su extraordinaria concentración de tecnología centrada en la velocidad sea un entorno de conducción ideal. , hecho a medida para cada conductor.

Arte en Pista

Parte esencial de la experiencia Pagani son los encuentros y momentos compartidos dedicados a los miembros de la exclusiva familia de clientes, deseosos de participar en los diferentes eventos que organiza la marca cada año en cuatro continentes diferentes para ofrecer una experiencia de inmersión total. en el mundo Pagani. Estos comenzaron con el Pagani Raduno, un evento altamente personalizado y ahora una tradición establecida en la historia del Atelier. Durante más de 16 años, las distintas ediciones de este evento han combinado días de conducción por rutas icónicas y paisajes impresionantes, con experiencias de estilo de vida únicas, que a menudo terminan con un día completo dedicado al máximo rendimiento en los circuitos más prestigiosos del mundo.

Con Arte In Pista (“arte en la pista”), Pagani Atelier busca llevar la experiencia a un nuevo nivel, ofreciendo un calendario repleto de eventos personalizados que permitirán a los propietarios de Huayra R disfrutar de la emoción de conducir un Pagani Hypercar. llevándolo a su máximo rendimiento, con la asistencia dedicada del Pagani Team y el apoyo de conductores profesionales. Desde días de pista individuales en circuitos de renombre internacional hasta eventos grupales, hechos a medida para clientes en América del Norte, Europa, Asia y Medio Oriente: cada ocasión combina momentos de ocio en lugares hermosos con la emoción pura de conducir el propio Pagani en la pista. .
“Un coche esculpido en rendimiento. No solo un auto de pista, sino un club muy íntimo de verdaderos buscadores de adrenalina “. Horacio Pagani

MOTOR: Pagani V12-R – 6.0 litros – V de 12 cilindros con aspiración natural
POTENCIA: 850 HP (625 kW) a 8250 rpm
PAR: 750 Nm de 5500 a 8300 rpm
TRANSMISIÓN: Tracción trasera
CAJA DE CAMBIOS: Caja de cambios de anillo de perro secuencial, no sincronizada de 6 velocidades
FRENOS: Discos ventilados Brembo CCM-R: Delanteros 410 × 38 mm con monolíticos
Pinzas de 6 pistones; Trasera 390 × 34 mm con pinzas monolíticas de 6 pistones
RUEDAS: APP de aleación de aluminio monolítico forjado: Delantero 19 pulgadas;
Trasera 19 pulgadas
NEUMÁTICOS: Pirelli P Zero slick version – Dry and Wet: Delantero 275/675 R19; Trasera 325/705 R19
SUSPENSIÓN: Doble horquilla independiente de aleación de aluminio forjado con resortes helicoidales y
amortiguadores controlados electrónicamente
CHASIS: Monocasco en Pagani Carbo-Titanium HP62 G2 y Carbo-Triax HP62 con frente
y bastidores auxiliares tubulares traseros en acero aleado CrMo
PESO SECO: 1050 Kg (2314 lb)

Chaos - Automotive – by Spyros Panopoulos


¿Y si… alguien te dijera que hay un vehículo construido con tecnología del futuro, hecho con una impresora 3D, utilizando materiales de tecnología aeroespacial aplicados por primera vez en un automóvil?

¿Qué pasa si … Qué pasa si …… Qué pasa si … ..

Chaos - Automotive – by Spyros Panopoulos

Chaos – Automotive – by Spyros Panopoulos

Las palabras no pueden describir las emociones y la adrenalina que esta obra maestra de la tecnología provoca en su conductor. No es solo un automóvil, es el epítome del futuro, el siguiente paso en la evolución automotriz, una obra de arte, una obra maestra.

It is the first Ultra car proudly made in Greece, the country where culture originated, and the future is born.


2 incorporados en los asientos monocasco de fibra de carbono y Zylon con Alcantara, para un centro de gravedad más bajo y una configuración perfecta de balanceo y cabeceo (balanceo = el ángulo entre la carrocería del automóvil y un eje longitudinal. El balanceo es causado por fuerzas centrífugas y una pista “irregular” superficies.) – (Inclinación – El ángulo entre la carrocería del automóvil y un eje transversal. La inclinación es causada por la aceleración o desaceleración del automóvil. Se nota más cuando se frena con fuerza, con el automóvil tendiendo a inclinarse hacia adelante.

Volante de titanio Anadiaplasi impreso en 3D, pedales de titanio Anadiaplasi impresos en 3D, espejo retrovisor de titanio Anadiaplasi impreso en 3D con 2 cámaras integradas, caja de columna de volante de magnesio impresa en 3D

Paneles de zylon boor, salpicadero de coche Zylon con Alcantara

Palanquilla con diseño en X fresado con punta de 7 ejes Palanquilla Tennalumsuper alloy Ultrarresistencia: aleación máxima (límite elástico de 683Mpa), tiene la resistencia mecánica más alta de todas las aleaciones de aluminio disponibles comercialmente (2.5 veces más fuerte que 6061 y 35% más fuerte que 7075) y excede eso de muchos aceros. De hecho, su límite elástico se aproxima al de los aceros inoxidables preendurecidos (HRC 26-32) de las series 41XX y 400, pero a un tercio del peso. En relación fuerza-peso, Tennalum supera a casi todas las demás aleaciones de ingeniería existentes (33% mejor desempeño fuerza-peso que 7075 y 28% mejor desempeño que 6Al-4V Grado 5 Titanio)

Super aleación Tennalum, Sinker EDM
La técnica de electroerosión por inmersión utiliza un electrodo de forma energizado en un baño sumergido de fluido dieléctrico para mecanizar metales conductores y ofrece un método de fabricación eficiente para producir detalles de piezas complejas que son difíciles de mecanizar con otros métodos, como máquinas de 5 ejes, etc. equipado con un generador de energía de velocidad inteligente (ISPG) que, utilizando tecnologías patentadas, establece nuevos estándares en la calidad de la superficie, la eliminación de material y la precisión de la forma. El desgaste de los electrodos se reduce en todas las operaciones de mecanizado, desde el desbaste hasta el acabado, con electrodos de cobre o grafito. La productividad muestra un aumento promedio del 30 por ciento e incluso puede alcanzar el 100 por ciento para las formas pre-molidas. Incluso en presencia de cavidades profundas y estrechas, con malas condiciones de lavado, se puede obtener un aumento del 50 por ciento en la velocidad de erosión sin un aumento en el desgaste del electrodo. Parece que cuanto más complejo es el diseño del pistón, mayor es la calidad de la superficie.

Titanio impreso en 3D Anadiaplasi Stainless Tool Steel H13 impreso en 3D Anadiaplasi (no recomendado para esta configuración


Se ha hecho especial hincapié en el estudio y diseño de la aerodinámica, ya que son dos factores en los que nos hemos apoyado para la construcción de todo el coche, lo que lo convierte en la actualidad en el mejor vehículo después de la F1.

A velocidades de más de 500 km en condiciones de pista, para lograr el tiempo de giro máximo, todo debe estar perfectamente diseñado y debemos agotar todo el margen de mejora.

El spoiler delantero proporciona una carga aerodinámica total de 2.780 N y una resistencia total de 408 N y una eficiencia aerodinámica: Ci / Cd = 6.813, números y proporciones que solo se pueden encontrar en los autos de F1.

El piso también está diseñado de manera innovadora, con el fin de aprovechar el efecto Venturi, es decir, la diferencia de presión y velocidad de la parte superior del automóvil con la inferior y minimizar la elevación del automóvil y empujarlo al suelo con mayor fuerza en combinación con el gran difusor.

Las aletas verticales debajo del piso ayudan a mantener el flujo de aire laminar (aire que fluye en un camino suave) fuera de la parte trasera del vehículo; sin estas aletas verticales, el aire puede volverse turbulento (direcciones de cruce del flujo de aire). El flujo de aire laminar aumenta la eficiencia a medida que el aire turbulento disminuye la eficiencia al crear resistencia.

En cuanto a la superficie frontal y la forma en que se transfiere el aire de la parte delantera a la trasera, el diseño ayuda a que el aire abrace al vehículo y pase casi todo por la parte delantera de las alas, alrededor del monocasco y salga por las vías respiratorias traseras. con tendencia a empujar el coche al suelo. Los conductos de aire traseros tienen un volumen de flujo de aire / 16.990m3 / HR y son capaces de suministrar caballos de fuerza superiores a los 3.000 caballos de fuerza.

This is Ken Block’s Audi S1 Hoonitron

Este es el Audi S1 Hoonitron de Ken Block

Instantáneamente trae recuerdos del legendario Audi Sport quattro S1 con el que los cuatro anillos solían cargar hasta la cima en el famoso evento Pikes Peak Hill Climb, también conocido como “Race To The Clouds”: Audi presenta el Audi S1 e-tron quattro Hoonitron que ha sido desarrollado exclusiva y exclusivamente para el artista de drift estadounidense Ken Block. El automóvil totalmente eléctrico, único en su tipo, será el protagonista de un nuevo video que Block está produciendo junto con su equipo para su lanzamiento en los próximos meses.

This is Ken Block’s Audi S1 Hoonitron

This is Ken Block’s Audi S1 Hoonitron

Hennessey Announces Venom F5 Hypercar is Sold Out

Monterey Car Week buyers snap-up remaining Venom F5 models

  • Two production vehicles on display at The Quail and Pebble Beach Concours help secure final sales of the 300+ mph hypercar
  • “Selling out is just the beginning of the F5 journey,” says Founder and CEO John Hennessey
  • Sales allocation for each of the 24 bespoke $2.1M hypercars from Hennessey Performance is now complete
Sealy, Texas – High-performance vehicle specialist Hennessey Special Vehicles has announced it has sold all its Venom F5 hypercars. The Texas-based company showed a pair of Venom F5 customer cars at Monterey Car week where orders were confirmed for the remaining models of the 24-vehicle run.

The F5 pair were shown at The Quail – A Motorsports Gathering, the Pebble Beach Concours and McCall’s Motorworks Revival at the week-long celebration of all things automotive in California. Tens of thousands of fans joined Hennessey customers in admiring the ‘performance follows function’ form of the F5 along with its luxurious, driver-focused interior.

John Hennessey, company founder and CEO: “Showing two of the latest F5 models at The Quail and Pebble Beach alongside the likes of Bugatti, Lamborghini and Koenigsegg was an honor for the whole Hennessey team. The fact that we secured orders from customers who saw the cars at the events is testament to the quality our team has achieved… and we’re yet to reach the vehicle’s full potential!”

Hennessey’s $2.1M twin-turbocharged, 6.6-liter V8 hypercar boasts 1,817 hp and 1,193 lb-ft of torque making it the most powerful hypercar ever made. Hennessey’s team focused on quality of workmanship, and simplicity of design and engineering to deliver a hypercar without peers.

With the show season drawing to a close, the engineering team may return to final validation testing on roads and racing circuits. The final phase of testing will see the team refine the car’s full-power acceleration, high-speed stability and braking. Once the engineering team signs-off this final development phase, Hennessey has its sights set on a top speed surpassing 311 mph (500 kph).

John Hennessey: “Selling out is just the beginning of the F5 journey for us, our customers and our fans. Production has already begun, with customer deliveries starting this year and continuing through 2023. That’s not all, as we’ve saved a few more surprises for the F5, including the Track Pack enhancements, plus something else that’s literally out of this world!”

America’s Hypercar

Hennessey Venom F5

The Venom F5 is an all-new hypercar designed and built from the ground up with one goal in mind: To be the absolute fastest road car on earth.

Hennessey and team have developed a completely new design, chassis and carbon fiber body focused on aerodynamics to achieve the lowest possible drag. The exterior of the F5 is shaped by aerodynamics and inspired by the pursuit of speed. The entire car exudes determination, purpose and drama from every direction with sculpted aerodynamic ducting and sharp, powerful lines to give the car a real sense of speed and intent, even while stationary.

“Our customers love speed, so we’re fired-up to push the boundaries of what’s possible to attempt the world’s fastest production car record, but the Venom F5 is about more than just speed and power. This car will handle superbly, quality is exceptional, there are more than 3,000 bespoke parts, materials are exquisite, everything is a fitting tribute to 30 years of the Hennessey brand.”

The rear-wheel drive F5 produces 1,817 hp and weighs a mere 1,360 kg (2,998 lb). These facts combine to deliver a power-to-weight ratio of 1.34 hp-per-kg (1,298 hp-per-ton) – well in excess of any road car on sale today. As a key strength of the F5, its tremendous power and lightweight construction help to shape the extreme, visceral and untameable nature of the F5 as an unstoppable force in the hypercar world.

The F5 is powered by a rear-mid-mounted 6.6-liter twin-turbocharged V8 engine that generates 1,817 hp at 8,000 rpm. This power, 277 hp/liter, in a car that weighs just 1,360 kg (2,998 lb) generates a power-to-weight ratio of 1.34 hp/kg (1,298 hp/ton) – the highest of any road car.

Tickets for Goodwood’s 2022 motorsport events now on sale

08 November 2021

Tickets for Goodwood’s 2022 motorsport events now on sale

  • Tickets for Goodwood’s three headline motorsport events are now on sale.
  • The 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport will be held on 9-10 April and is exclusive to GRRC Members and Fellows.
  • The Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard will be held on 23-26 June.
  • The Goodwood Revival will be held on 16-18 September.

Goodwood is delighted to announce that tickets for its 2022 motorsport events – the 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport, the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, and the Revival – are now on sale at

Whether you join us for the food, fun and festivities on offer at the Members’ Meeting, the fascinating future tech on display at the Festival of Speed, or to discover fabulous second-hand treasures at the Revival – in addition to the unrivalled and up-close access to cars and bikes from across the automotive annals as well as rip-roaring racing, demonstrations and hillclimb action – Goodwood’s motorsport events have it all.

Festival of Speed 2021

This year saw Goodwood make an incredible return to the motorsport and motoring calendar, and we are delighted to have welcomed back our passionate fans after more than 18 months away. We are already looking forward to next year when the events will not only revert to the usual order, but will run at full capacity. We are also pleased to share that Festival of Speed customers who purchase their tickets before 31 March 2022 will be able to benefit from the UK Government’s ‘creative industry tax relief’ with a reduced VAT rate of 12.5%.

We have a range of ticket options on offer, with children under 12 going free at all our motorsport events, and a Young Person ticket available for those aged between 13 and 21 years of age. Event-goers can make use of our plentiful parking, or travel by train to Chichester and hop on one of the regular shuttle buses that run between the station and the events.

Those wishing to attend the Goodwood Road Racing Club-only 79th Members’ Meeting in April, can join the GRRC Fellowship to purchase tickets. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship offers a range of benefits in addition to Members’ Meeting access, including exclusive video archives, competitions, offers and much more. You could even make a start on your Christmas shopping and give the gift of Goodwood motorsport, by purchasing the Fellowship as a gift subscription, complete with a certificate that can be downloaded and printed, or emailed.

In addition to tickets, Goodwood’s unrivalled hospitality packages are also now available to book for the 2022 Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival. Whether customers are looking for a great day out with friends, entertaining clients or celebrating something special, Goodwood’s hospitality provides the ultimate setting to enjoy the events. Email or call 01243 755054.

Also launching at Goodwood in 2022, will be Goodwoof (28-29 May) and Eroica Britannia (6-7 August). The two new events will bring ‘all things dog’ and vintage cycling to the estate’s impressive and popular events portfolio. Tickets to Goodwoof are on sale now at, with Eroica Britannia to follow at the end of the year.

Image credit: Jayson Fong

2022 Event Dates:

  • Goodwoof, Saturday 28 – Sunday 29 May 2022
  • 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport, Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 April 2022
  • Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, Thursday 23 – Sunday 26 June 2022
  • Eroica Britannia, Saturday 6 – Sunday 7 August 2022
  • Goodwood Revival, Friday 16 – Sunday 18 September 2022

Tickets can be purchased via or by calling the Ticket Office on 01243 755055.

For an extra special day out, hospitality is also available across the event and can be organised by emailing or calling 01243 755054.

Goodwood wants customers to be able to book with confidence and if it is deemed that Goodwood events cannot take place on advice from the UK Government due to the ever-changing pandemic, the ‘Ticket Guarantee’ means customers can transfer their ticket to the following year or receive a full refund.

Goodwood’s number one priority is the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved, whether working behind-the-scenes, at the wheel, or attending the spectacle. Goodwood continues to work closely with Public Health England and UK Government advisory groups and all events will be run strictly in accordance with the Government’s Covid-19 guidelines.

About the Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport
The Goodwood Members’ Meeting is an epic weekend of motor racing founded by the Duke of Richmond, which aims to recreate the atmosphere and camaraderie of the original BARC Members’ Meetings held at Goodwood throughout the 1950s and 1960s.

As well as a full programme of racing, the Members’ Meeting features all kinds of cars from classic tin-tops and GTs, to motorcycles and open wheeled Formula 3 and F1 machines, offering visitors a friendly and intimate atmosphere with no crowds, thanks to being exclusively available to GRRC Members and Fellowship. A winning formula of spectacular cars, high-speed track demonstrations, fun-packed festivities and great entertainment; along with the very best food and drink. Joining the GRRC Fellowship is the only way to become a full GRRC Member.

About the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard
First staged in 1993, the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard is the world’s largest automotive garden party; set against the spectacular backdrop of Goodwood House in West Sussex, UK. Over 600 cars and motorcycles spanning the phenomenal history of motoring and motorsport take part along with legendary figures from the automotive world. Highlights include Future Lab presented by bp, Electric Avenue, Forest Rally Stage, Michelin Supercar Paddock, Michelin Supercar Run, F1 paddock, Drivers’ Club, GAS Arena, Cartier Style et Luxe Concours d’Elegance, Aviation Exhibition and Bonhams Auction.

About the Goodwood Revival
The Goodwood Revival is the world’s greatest historic motor race meeting, and the only sporting event of its kind to be staged entirely in a period theme. More than just an unrivalled weekend of historic racing, it is a whimsical step back in time; an immersive celebration of a less disposable world, where “make do and mend” was a way of life rather than a casual slogan.

The Revival is, at its heart, a celebration of craftsmanship and sustainability, from an age when possessions were made to last and be cherished. It promotes a thoroughly modern ethos – to “reduce, reuse, repair, restore and recycle” – in the most authentic way possible. All the cars are original, having been lovingly maintained since new, many of the outfits have been handed down through generations, and even the retailers specialise in pre-owned artefacts – everything from clothes and accessories to automobilia and books.

It is, proudly, the world’s biggest and most glamorous second-hand event, encouraging attendees to embrace its Revive and Thrive ethos.

Goodwood Announces 2022 Motorsport Event Dates

  • The 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport will be held on 9-10 April.
  • The Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard will be held on 23-26 June.
  • The Goodwood Revival will be held on 16-18 September.
  • Tickets go on sale to the general public on Monday 8 November at 9am.
  • Customers can get early access from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship.

Goodwood Revival 2021

Goodwood is pleased to announce the dates for its 2022 motorsport and automotive events. Kicking off the season will be the 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport on 9-10 April, followed by the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard on 23-26 June and finishing with Goodwood Revival on 16-18 September.

2021 saw Goodwood make an incredible return to the motorsport and motoring calendar, with all three events taking place over the summer and autumn, welcoming back our passionate fans after more than 18 months away. Looking ahead to next year, the events will not only revert to the usual order – starting with the Members’ Meeting in April – but they will run at full capacity and bring back many popular aspects as well as new celebrations, moments, car launches and interactive customer experiences.

Members’ Meeting will remain the playground for Members and Fellows of the Goodwood Road Racing Club (GRRC), with a weekend of exceptional racing, high-speed demonstrations, off-track festivities and fireworks, and of course the unique school ‘house’ rivalry.

Festival of Speed 2021

The Festival of Speed will return as the destination for innovation, technology and future mobility, as well as hosting perennial favourites including Formula 1, drift, contemporary teams, champion drivers and riders of past, present and future, and more than a century of motorsport history. The awe-inspiring Future Lab will wow event-goers, as will the latest supercars in action on the Hill, and the world’s leading manufacturers launching their latest cars. Electric Avenue – the ultimate place for consumers to immerse themselves in the world of electric mobility – will be back after its debut in 2021.

Revival will once again host the world’s greatest weekend of historic racing, accompanied by fabulous vintage fashion and glamour, set within the iconic Goodwood Motor Circuit. Popular new initiatives for 2021, including the Make Do & Mend corner and Revival Car Boot Sale, will make a welcome – and enhanced – return, as Goodwood continues to celebrate and showcase sustainability and second-hand lifestyle, encouraging attendees to embrace the event’s Revive and Thrive ethos.

Goodwood Revival 2021

Further details and announcements on what will feature at this year’s events will be announced in the months ahead.

Commenting on next year’s events, The Duke of Richmond said: “I am thrilled that our much-loved, sell-out motorsport events will be making a spectacular return in 2022. Thank you to everyone who attended and partnered with the Festival of Speed, Revival and Members’ Meeting this year. Your loyalty and support after a challenging 18 months made them more special than ever, and we can’t wait to see you back at Goodwood again next year. It really will be a season not to miss.”

When do tickets go on sale?

Tickets for the 79th Members’ Meeting, Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival will be on sale at on the following dates:

  • Saturday 30 October 2021 – GRRC Members
  • Monday 1 November 2021 – GRRC Fellowship
  • Monday 8 November 2021 – Public

As in previous years, children aged 12 and under go free and a Young Person ticket will also be available for those aged between 13 and 21 years of age.

Members of the public can get early access to tickets and buy from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship not only provides a special ticket window, but is the only entry route to join the GRRC, offering a range of benefits including access to the members-only Members’ Meeting, exclusive video content, competitions, offers and much more.

Goodwood’s unrivalled hospitality packages are available to book now for the 2022 Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival by emailing or calling 01243 755054. Whether customers are looking for a great day out with friends, entertaining clients or celebrating something special, Goodwood’s hospitality provides the ultimate setting to enjoy the events.

Also launching at Goodwood in 2022, will be Goodwoof (28-29 May) and Eroica Britannia (6-7 August). The two new events will bring ‘all things dog’ and vintage cycling to the estate’s impressive and popular events portfolio. Tickets to Goodwoof are on sale now at, with Eroica Britannia to follow at the end of the year.

2022 Event Charities

The Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival will also partner with two new charities in 2022. Race Against Dementia, a charity set up by Sir Jackie Stewart OBE will be supported by the Festival of Speed and local charity Aldingbourne Trust will be supported by the Revival.

Race Against Dementia is a global charity established to fund pioneering research to find a prevention or treatment for dementia. The Race Against Dementia (RAD) Fellowship Programme draws from the most promising early career scientific talent around the world. Collaboration with forward-thinking teams in Formula One and other innovative organisations brings the dynamic attitude, dedication and agility of Grand Prix teamwork to drive results in dementia research. The programme not only accelerates the Fellows’ personal research agendas but also aspires to catalyse a change in dementia research culture globally.

The Aldingbourne Trust provides real skills, care and jobs in a 21st Century way. Through strong partnerships and social enterprise, they enable adults with learning disabilities to have real choices and to lead more independent lives. The trust provides much-valued support in all aspects of their lives including accommodation, training, employment, advice and having fun!

Image credit: 1. Jayson Fong | 2. Dominic James | 3. Jayson Fong | 4. Dominic James | 5. Jayson Fong

Goodwood Revival 2021

Tickets for the Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival go on sale to the public on Monday 8 November at 9am at, with priority booking available for GRRC Members and Fellows. Customers can join the Fellowship at any time to receive priority booking for the 2022 events.

2022 Event Dates:

  • 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport, Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 April 2022
  • Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, Thursday 23 – Sunday 26 June 2022
  • Goodwood Revival, Friday 16 – Sunday 18 September 2022


Tickets can be purchased via or by calling the Ticket Office on 01243 755055.

Members of the public can get early access to tickets and buy from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship not only provides a special ticket window, but is the only entry route to join the GRRC, offering a range of benefits including access to the members-only Members’ Meeting, access to video archives, competitions, offers and much more.

For an extra special day out, hospitality is also available across the event and can be organised by emailing or calling 01243 755054.

Goodwood wants customers to be able to book with confidence and if it is deemed that Goodwood events cannot take place on advice from the UK Government due to the ever-changing pandemic, the ‘Ticket Guarantee’ means customers can transfer their ticket to the following year or receive a full refund.

Goodwood’s number one priority is the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved, whether working behind-the-scenes, at the wheel, or attending the spectacle. Goodwood continues to work closely with Public Health England and UK Government advisory groups and all events will be run strictly in accordance with the Government’s Covid-19 guidelines

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About the Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport
The Goodwood Members’ Meeting is an epic weekend of motor racing founded by the Duke of Richmond, which aims to recreate the atmosphere and camaraderie of the original BARC Members’ Meetings held at Goodwood throughout the 1950s and 1960s.

As well as a full programme of racing, the Members’ Meeting features all kinds of cars from classic tin-tops and GTs, to motorcycles and open wheeled Formula 3 and F1 machines, offering visitors a friendly and intimate atmosphere with no crowds, thanks to being exclusively available to GRRC Members and Fellowship. A winning formula of spectacular cars, high-speed track demonstrations, fun-packed festivities and great entertainment; along with the very best food and drink. Joining the GRRC Fellowship is the only way to become a full GRRC Member.

About Audrain Motorsport
Audrain Motorsport is all about the chance to share extraordinary experiences centred around the way you want to engage with cars and motorcycles. No matter where your passion connects, on a tour, rally or back country drive; exploring the limits of your car and your talent against the clock on a track; as an insider at the world’s leading Concours d’Elegance and historic races; or sharing conversation with the movers, shakers and legends of the motoring world in an intimate setting, we are here to make it possible.

Audrain Motorsport promises “curated immersive automotive experiences” for all its members who are looking to take their passion to the next level, and to operate at the top of the automotive lifestyle chain. For more information please visit, and stay up-to-date with all news and information by following us on our YouTube Channel and social media platforms.

About the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard
First staged in 1993, the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard is the world’s largest automotive garden party; set against the spectacular backdrop of Goodwood House in West Sussex, UK. Over 600 cars and motorcycles spanning the phenomenal history of motoring and motorsport take part along with legendary figures from the automotive world. Highlights include Future Lab presented by bp, Electric Avenue, Forest Rally Stage, Michelin Supercar Paddock, Michelin Supercar Run, F1 paddock, Drivers’ Club, GAS Arena, Cartier Style et Luxe Concours d’Elegance, Aviation Exhibition and Bonhams Auction.

About the Goodwood Revival
The Goodwood Revival is the world’s greatest historic motor race meeting, and the only sporting event of its kind to be staged entirely in a period theme. More than just an unrivalled weekend of historic racing, it is a whimsical step back in time; an immersive celebration of a less disposable world, where “make do and mend” was a way of life rather than a casual slogan.

The Revival is, at its heart, a celebration of craftsmanship and sustainability, from an age when possessions were made to last and be cherished. It promotes a thoroughly modern ethos – to “reduce, reuse, repair, restore and recycle” – in the most authentic way possible. All the cars are original, having been lovingly maintained since new, many of the outfits have been handed down through generations, and even the retailers specialise in pre-owned artefacts – everything from clothes and accessories to automobilia and books.

It is, proudly, the world’s biggest and most glamorous second-hand event, encouraging attendees to embrace its Revive and Thrive ethos.


the track electric revolution.

BALTASAR has presented an innovative concept with outstanding performance. An electric supercar for the track and road legal, specifically focused on the driving experience and pleasure: the Baltasar REVOLT. Being the first of its kind, as a fully electric road legal track day car with FIA compliance and designed from scratch without compromises and not taking any existing platform as a reference, the Baltasar REVOLT is the track electric revolution. A revolution because not only it is the most radical electric car but it has unique specs that beats any combustion engined super car in terms of pure driving pleasure with its 500bhp, 1000Nm torque and only 770kg.

The company states that this car does not come to compete against any other existing car. Baltasar offers a new and exciting concept for those car lovers who look for new experiences without forgetting the finest and purest driving sensations.

The project has been developed in secret during years because the company did not want to make a public presentation of just a project of a future new brand but to present a reality surprising everybody with a completely developed and ready to market full electric super sports car.

All the technology implemented in the Baltasar Revolt, whose, even its name has been kept in secret up to the exact moment of the World Premiere, is 100% developed in house, including the sophisticated battery pack, that is one of the key systems and has been engineered in combination with the Spanish high performance battery manufacturer MILLOR BATTERY.

The company is accepting orders through its webpage and all the Baltasar Revolt units will be manufactured by hand according to customer’s configurations that will ensure the exclusivity of each peace.

The founder of the company is the automotive engineer and tech entrepreneur Baltasar López.

World Premier transcription:

Hello. Thank you all for being here and welcome to the Baltasar world premiere. Today after years of secret development not only are we presenting a new car brand but we are presenting a sports car that is the first of its kind and that will represent the track electric revolution.

Since I was a child, my dream has always been developing cars, so being here today sharing with you this project is like a dream come true.

But first of all, I would like to thank all the people that made this possible, especially the team, the family, the friends, the bosses, the partners, and especially the teachers that had me thinking that impossible was possible. Thank you all.

Baltasar cars are the first track day electric supercars. cars especially conceived for having fun in the circuit, the track, but while still being road legal Cars for just having fun, having pleasure. Cars for Carpe Diem. That’s the philosophy of the company and that’s why we can find a C and D in the logo. When we started the project many years ago, in fact maybe too many years ago, the design started from scratch not using any previous platform and with new and specific technologies in mind All we had was a clean blank sheet of paper for writing down the concept requirements. For example.

With all these requirements translated into numbers, we designed this amazing car Every single component of the car that we are going to unveil in a few minutes has been specifically designed and engineered for this supersport car Looking for perfection in terms of lightness and performance. Here we are going to show you an example that we are very proud of And it’s very important in an electric vehicle. It’s the battery pack.

Design and manufactured in combination with Millor Battery It’s a 700V system. Twice the typical voltage in nowadays electric vehicles and it gives us more than 600km range and 40min in racing conditions. It only weighs 250kg and integrates Millor Battery hybrid cooling And one of the best things, it allows you to charge 100km range in only 5min. That’s quite cool and its something we are proud of. In order to fulfill the lightness requirement nearly everything in the Baltasar super sports cars is made of carbon fiber The whole bodywork, interiors, the driving seat, the steering wheel, the dash, the diffuser. But remember that Baltasar cars are not only road legal Remember that Baltasar sports cars are not only road-legal but track-focused, that’s why we also fulfilled the safety requirements stated by FIA. Integrated into the frame we can see the main roll hoop, the front roll hoop, and the side impact structures integrated into the same frame.

The driver seats here, very low, in a Formula 1 style position, and with all the safety given by the external and internal carbon fiber panels and the mandatory FIA structure. I could be hours explaining to you hundreds of details about this amazing car. For example that all the suspension components are made of aeronautical aluminium, Kevlar, and carbon fiber Or that everything is made by hand in-house. You would prefer to see the car, don’t you? Do you like the Revolt? well, wait for a second because you are going to love it. Rear-wheel drive with two independent electric motors, one for each wheel with torque vectoring. And about numbers: 500bhp, nice. 1000 Nm torque About the acceleration 0 to 100 km/h in only 2.5s That figures are very important when accelerating but what about the mass, that is the key factor when braking or cornering Take note, 770kg. Only 770kg That’s not only the best for an electric car but long better than any other combustion sports car. High power, even more torque, instantaneous acceleration, and minimum mass. That’s why this is the electric revolution.

Everything is made of carbon fiber and from here you can appreciate the clean shapes, the clean aerodynamics of the whole design In the front axle, we have this innovative system that integrates the cooling of the front brakes with this air intake and at the same time we have downforce through this Surface Also, through the interior of the lateral panels, this cold air is running to the battery pack. We also have these lateral intakes where we have the cold air up to the rest of the powertrain.

And finally, in the rear, the hot air is flowing out through these open blades, freely Also, we do have this massive and fully functional, fully carbon fiber rear diffuser for extra downforce without adding drag As you can see, all the lines, all the design is very fluid and very simple and fully functional. You like it, you love it but you want to drive it. Here you have the cockpit with all the controls, driver-orientated. First of all, to get into the car you remove the steering wheel.

Depending on your physiognomy you don’t need to remove the steering wheel but it’s always easier to get inside without it. This quick release helps a lot to do it in a fast way. We connect the 6 point racing harness and once you have everything connected. Wow! That’s amazing. Once you are here you really feel like a Formula one driver

It doesn’t mind you don’t even need to switch on anything. Just because of the driving position you know you are going to have real fun with this thing Here you have the power selector mode, from eco, practice, race, and qualifying the hardest one. On the left side, we have the selector for the regenerative braking level, from the maximum to the minimum That’s really really comfortable for having some track days.

Ok, it’s time to finish but I know you still have at least two questions. One is how much does it cost and the other one is when can you have yours The price tag is 230.000€ before taxes and you can buy it now from our website

First deliveries will be during the second half of next year, That’s the Baltasar Revolt, that’s the track electric revolution. Thank you very much.

First road legal track day electric supercar

Not based in any existing platform or powertrain

Length:                      3.950 mm

Width:                        1.850 mm

Height:                       880 mm (1.110 mm considering FIA main roll hoop)

Wheelbase:               2.420 mm

Front track:               1.546 mm

Rear track:                1.603 mm

Weight:                      770 kg

Fully electric Rear wheel drive

Motors:                      Mid mounted 2 independent motors with torque vectoring

Voltage:                     700 V

Power:                       500 bhp

Torque:                     1.000 Nm

Range:                       >600 km WLTP / 40 min @ track conditions

Charging:                  100 km range in 5 minutes

Full carbon fiber prepreg body and interiors FIA compliant tubular safety cell

Aeronautical aluminum Double wishbone with adjustable anti roll bars Inboard racing dampers with 4 vias regulation Carbon fiber and Kevlar push rods Fully configurable with open set-up Advanced multifunctional aerodynamics with front integrated spoilers and rear diffuser Removable carbon fiber steering wheel with integrated controls (Driving modes: eco/Practice/Race/Qualy. Regeneration levels: 4 modes) Fully carbon fiber racing seats with F1 style driving position 6 points racing harness

Bugatti Presents the Centodieci at Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este 2021 and celebrates 30 years of the legendary Bugatti EB110

With its timeless beauty, Villa d’Este on the shores of Lake Como has provided a residency for the aristocracy, princesses, marquises, sultans and tsars for centuries. Considered one of the most breath-taking architectural works of the sixteenth century, every year, this elegant five-star resort welcomes automotive enthusiasts from all over the globe to the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este. Here, they can appreciate the spectacle of some of the finest automobiles and motorcycles, in both production and prototype form, ever created. This year, visitors could also enjoy Bugatti’s stunning Centodieci, which the French luxury brand was presenting in the ‘Concept Cars & Prototypes’ category over the previous weekend from Saturday 2nd to Sunday 3rd October 2021.

With its timeless beauty, Villa d’Este on the shores of Lake Como has provided a residency for the aristocracy, princesses, marquises, sultans and tsars for centuries. Considered one of the most breath-taking architectural works of the sixteenth century, every year, this elegant five-star resort welcomes automotive enthusiasts from all over the globe to the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este. Here, they can appreciate the spectacle of some of the finest automobiles and motorcycles, in both production and prototype form, ever created. This year, visitors could also enjoy Bugatti’s stunning Centodieci, which the French luxury brand was presenting in the ‘Concept Cars & Prototypes’ category over the previous weekend from Saturday 2nd to Sunday 3rd October 2021.

Bugatti unveiled the Centodieci – which translates as 110 in Italian – during Monterey Car Week in California at the Quail in 2019 to celebrate the company’s 110th anniversary. Inspired by the legendary Bugatti EB110 of 1991 and powered by the 8.0-liter W16 engine producing 1,600PS, just 10 Centodieci units will be hand-built at Bugatti’s Molsheim Atelier and be delivered to customers next year. All ten Centodieci models had already been accounted for by customers prior to the car’s unveiling.

A Concours d’Élégance for automobiles was first held at Villa d’Este back in 1929, and Bugatti has enjoyed a long and successful relationship with the event. Recent highlights have included the Bugatti La Voiture Noire taking the premiere prize in the ‘Concept Cars & Prototypes’ category the last time the event was held in 2019. Models from Bugatti’s illustrious past, such as the 1937 Type 57S four-seater sports tourer, the 1934 Type 59 Grand Prix car and the 1938 Type 57SC Atlantic, have all been awarded significant accolades in recent years.

This year also marks the 30th anniversary of the Bugatti EB110. The groundbreaking and first supercar of its time represents the mid-period of Bugatti’s history, when Bugatti Automobili S.p.A. was based in the famous ‘Blue Factory’ in Campogalliano in Italy under the stewardship of Romano Artioli. Introduced in 1991 to mark 110 years since the birth of Ettore Bugatti in 1881, the EB110 elevated the supercar genre to a new level. It featured a revolutionary engineering package that included a carbon fiber chassis and a 3.5-litre 12-cylinder engine with five valves per cylinder and quadruple turbochargers. The transmission was also incorporated within the engine block to create more space for cabin occupants. Exemplary grip, traction and safety were delivered by four-wheel-drive, another key D.N.A. strand that remains pivotal to today’s production Bugatti models.

The historic supercar model – a blue (originally silver painted in “Grigio Chiaro metallizzato”) EB110 SuperSport – presented at Villa d’Este in the class “The Next Generation: Hypercars of the 90s” was formerly owned by Romano Artioli. The Italian entrepreneur, who relaunched Bugatti as Bugatti Automobili S.p.A. in 1987, prior to the company’s closure in 1995, has fond memories of the development of this revolutionary supercar. “While we were at the premiere of the EB110 in Paris in 1991, the engineers back at Campogalliano were urging us to return swiftly to the Blue Factory, as they were eager to begin work on the EB110 Supersport version. Everyone was focused on reducing weight and boosting power, while keeping in mind that I was ferocious that the safety characteristics of the car be upheld.”

The final result was a quite remarkable weight reduction of nearly 150kg from the original configuration, and an increase in performance from 560PS to 612PS, with the engine developed entirely in-house at Campogalliano. Immediately after the EB110 SuperSport was presented to the world’s press at Salon de l’Automobile in Geneva, the team took the car to the Nardò circuit in the South of Italy, to carry out the homologation tests.

“After a warm-up lap we set the world record with a speed of 351 km/h and an acceleration of 3.2 seconds from 0 to 100 km,” recalls Artioli proudly. And it didn’t stop there. The car also set a speed record on snow and ice at 296km/h, while a Bugatti EB110 GT powered by natural gas achieved at top speed of 344.7 km/h.

“I left my heart in my Supersport. No other car gives the same sensation of power, control and safety in every road condition as the EB110 – and with such beautiful style. I could not be more proud for “her” to be at the Concours d’Elegance in Villa D’Este.

“The Centodieci Concorso d’Eleganza at Villa d’Este is one of the jewels in the crown of the automotive season,” explains Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. President Stephan Winkelmann. “After the event was lost to the pandemic in 2020, it is even more special for Bugatti to return to the wonderful location of Villa d’Este and present our Centodieci to customers and friends of the brand from all around the globe. And of course, the event is even more exciting with the presence of the personal Bugatti EB110 Supersport “America” owned once by Romano Artioli himself. This seminal supercar represents the second period of Bugatti’s history, and gave our designers and engineers the inspiration for the Centodieci.”

The Bugatti Centodieci was presented as a static display within the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este ‘Concept Cars & Prototypes’ area on Saturday 2nd October and again on Sunday 3rd October, the car also participated in the dynamic presentation parade.



The Porsche 356 on the road to Rome

The past and present of Porsche customer racing come together at a rendezvous in Rome. Marc Lieb drives one of the most important racing versions of the Porsche 356 and Herbert Linge revisits the birth of a legend.

Piazzale Giuseppe Garibaldi. Marc Lieb raises a piping-hot espresso to his lips, savours it, and revels in the moment. Before him, the Eternal City bathes in the glowing dawn. It’s his first time in Rome, and he’s not alone. He leans against the beauty at his side: a Porsche 356 A 1600 GS Carrera GT with more than half a million kilometres on the odometer. Its official licence plate reads WN-V2 – and in the world of motor racing, this car is a legend. In its day, it started in all the important European road races and rallies, including classics such as the Mille Miglia in Italy, the 1,000 Kilometres of Nürburgring, and the Targa Florio in Sicily.

Long-awaited arrival: Marc Lieb finally brings the Porsche 356 A 1600 GS Carrera GT to Rome—sixty-two years after the city closed its doors to the Liège–Rome–Liège rally.

The car can reach speeds of more than 200 km/h. Lieb is an overall winner at Le Mans and a former WEC champion. The two make a fast couple, that’s for sure. But this story begins with a significant delay: 62 years, to be precise.

Let’s turn back the clock. In 1959, the Liège–Rome–Liège rally was one of the most formidable road races in the world. More than 5,000 km nonstop. The speed restrictions set forth by the event holder, Royal Motor Union in Belgium, were impossible to meet even on the liaison stages. Of 104 starters, only 14 reached the finish, and none did so without incurring penalty points.

The overall victors that year were Paul Ernst Strähle and Robert Buchet. They did alternating stints behind the wheel for a staggering 86 hours. It was the greatest triumph for Strähle, then one of the most prominent German private racers in a Porsche. And it was the greatest victory for this illustrious 356. The name of the rally, incidentally, was a misnomer in the 1959 running. Roman authorities no longer wanted racing cars in the city during holidays; as a result, the route was changed several times and the turnaround point was situated in what was then Yugoslavia.

Role model: born in 1928, Herbert Linge shaped customer racing at Porsche unlike anyone since.

But now the 356 A has reached the Italian capital. Lieb is in love. With the city, with the sound of the Carrera engine, and with the unpretentious handling of this gem of a car. He is well aware of the its significance. After crowning his 14-year Porsche factory driving career with an overall victory at Le Mans and the WEC title in 2016, he shifted gears and got into customer racing management. His great role model: Herbert Linge. “Undoubtedly the coolest man I ever met,” says 40-year-old Lieb with unabashed admiration. Linge was born in 1928. He dedicated his entire working life to Porsche. After starting out as an apprentice in 1943, he became a race mechanic, a racing driver, established the customer service organisation in the US, and was ultimately a guiding light in development.

Herbert Linge as Steve McQueen’s double

He was also Steve McQueen’s double in the driving scenes in the film Le Mans, found the land for the Weissach testing grounds, and received the German Federal Cross of Merit as the founder of the ONS Staffel (Oberste Nationale Sportbehörde crew) – an organisation dedicated to safety in motor racing and a part of Germany’s motorsport governing body ONS, as it was known at the time.

Linge knew all too well the importance of such efforts for greater safety in racing. “We drove Liège–Rome–Liège full bore, day and night, nothing was closed off – completely mad, and completely unimaginable today,” he says of the legendary rally. In 1954, he won it with Helmut Polensky. Later he contested this and many other road races together with his friend Paul Ernst Strähle. “You could only finish Liège–Rome–Liège as a good team,” says Linge. “We alternated about every three hours. You had to be able to sleep in the passenger seat. Strähle could do it. At control points I would sometimes put on his hat and sign for him – he never knew a thing. I, on the other hand, barely got a wink of sleep.

A historic car on an even more historic roadway: in ancient times the Via Appia was known as the Queen of the Roads. The 356 departs Rome along the former trade route, which is more than 2,000 years old.
In 1959, Paul Ernst Strähle and Robert Buchet won the Liège-Rome-Liège rally in the Porsche 356 A 1600 GS Carrera GT—without actually being allowed to enter the Italian capital. Sixty-two years later, Marc Lieb brings the V2 to the Eternal City.
After breakfast at sunrise, the journey begins at Piazzale Guiseppe Garibaldi.
Loyal companion: the decals on the side window bear witness to the racing history of the 356.
Lieb’s happy place: overall Le Mans winner and former WEC champion Marc Lieb sets a course for the Colosseum.
The 1.6-litre Carrera engine produces up to 125 PS. The famous racing car has more than half a million kilometres on the odometer.
Travelling through time across the Tiber: the Porsche 356 A 1600 GS Carrera GT explores the ancient city.

Rest eluded Linge not only because of the breakneck speed over narrow streets and gravel mountain passes. He was also tapped into the technical state of the 356 with every one of his senses. He knew every last screw. Linge had been a test-driver for all of the early 356 cars. “They knew that I had some previous knowledge from motorcycle races as well, which is why they entrusted me with it. In the early days, we built three or four cars a day. After the test-drive, I had to report to Ferry Porsche that evening which of them were okay and which ones had to go back into the shop.” The factory racing and rally drivers caught wind of Linge’s skills as a mechanic, and by 1954 he was a sought-after second man in long-distance races. “They said to Herr Porsche: ‘When Linge’s on board, he takes care of everything.’”

The fact that the Weissach native was himself a top driver would soon be common knowledge as well. Plus, he was known for a driving style that was easy on the material. Even from the passenger seat, he called for gentle gear changes. “The synchroniser rings were tricky!” As a matter of course, Linge changed the brake pads four to five times over more than 5,000 km. “Before the mountain trials I would change the front ones at least. The car would pull when they were half-worn. We didn’t have disc brakes back then, but drums.” The venerable 125 PS, 1.6-litre engine with four overhead, vertical shaft-driven camshafts burned though spark plugs at a rapid clip. “Before each liaison stage, if we had a few minutes’ head start, I swapped out a plug. It wasn’t possible to do more at one time or we would have lost our lead.”

Racing legend: The Porsche 356 V2 has finally reached its destination. The 1959 rally winner on the trail of its triumphal drive in Rome.

It’s instructive to consider the conditions in place back then: some road races were championship races, and the squads drove the 356 from Stuttgart to far-flung regions of Europe themselves entirely under their own steam. And then they drove back home. Those miles added up too. And the network of filling stations was by no means ubiquitous. Linge thought ahead: “On the special stages we always wanted to have as little fuel weight as possible in the car. Mechanics drove ahead in a VW bus and deposited 20-litre gas canisters on the side of the road at agreed locations. Just like that – no one stole them. We all supported each other. When others were having trouble, I helped them out.” That he himself needed help at some point was the foundation of his friendship with Paul Ernst Strähle.

Linge’s friendship with Paul Ernst Straehle

Linge always had the backing of his bosses. So it came to pass that he was able to borrow a company VW bus over a weekend in 1952. When the bus broke down, he was pointed to the shop of the Strähle family in Schorndorf, and it was a lucky stroke: the junior boss Paul Ernst helped him get the vehicle back on the road. A few weeks later came the next chance encounter. On this occasion, using his VW Beetle, Strähle pulled Linge’s and his friends’ motorcycles out of a mud pit in which the squad had gotten stuck during a rally. It goes without saying that Linge told Strähle to get in touch if he could ever be of service in Porsche matters.

Timeless: the racing car with the Carrera engine represents the early years of customer racing at Porsche. Today, Lieb takes on some of that role, embodying the Porsche philosophy of those who have gone before him.

In 1956, Paul Ernst Strähle, by then a seasoned driver behind the wheel, procured a used 356 – but was still not competitive. With his 1.3-litre engine, he didn’t stand a chance against the 356 cars that were already sporting the Carrera engine out of the Porsche 550 Spyder. The new benchmark was set by the Porsche 356 A 1500 GS Carrera with 100 PS, a total weight of 850 kilograms, a top speed of 200 km/h, and a 0 to 100 km/h time of around 12 seconds. Strähle also knew that Porsche had a GS Carrera GT in the works. The GS stood for Gran Sport, GT for Gran Turismo. The planned GT version included numerous lightweight parts, a racing exhaust and, on request, a larger tank for long-distance races.

Pre-series variant of the GS Carrera GT

Strähle was not in a position to afford any of the letters. But he knew Linge and found out that a rescue vehicle with the desired engine was for sale. The suspension and transmission were also still in working order, though the chassis had suffered irreparable fire damage. The vehicle was actually slated to be stripped for parts. But then Strähle asked Porsche for a replacement chassis, which was then ordered from Reutter with Ferry Porsche’s blessing. Thanks to the assent from the top, Strähle received a pre-series variant of the GS Carrera GT in his desired colour of Adriatic Blue. “The gestation period of the 356,” as Paul Ernst Strähle, who died at the age of 83 in 2010, once called it.

Permanence: work on Rome’s Via Appia Antica – the first and most famous of Rome’s roads – began in 312 BC. A great accelerator of trade, it brought with it success. Something the 356 is familiar with.

What was ultimately born was a race car that contained only the good stuff, and even that was relentlessly improved over the years by the two friends. After finishing work, Herbert Linge would head over to the Strähle workshop to tinker away. In 1957, the new 1.6-litre Carrera engine was installed in the car with his assistance. Linge still exudes childlike glee when he says: “We always had the best material! Sometimes we were able to install parts that the factory hadn’t even finished testing. Shock absorbers and stuff like that.” As a test-driver, he was well aware of the advantages of certain components. In 1957, the two scored the victory for the 356 with the class win and a 14th-place overall finish in the Mille Miglia. Many more would follow before Strähle stopped racing in 1964.

“Customer racing was always a priority”

Although Linge was not as well acquainted with every Porsche race car as with the 356 at that time, one thing is a point of emphasis: “Customer racing was always a priority. Every racing car type had to be available for sale. We immediately built 20 or 30 units – even the Porsche 917 was a customer car. That was very important to Ferry Porsche. Advertising was forbidden. He always told us: ‘Our calling card is racing’.” And racing is every bit as important for the brand today.

Rooflines: the 356 briefly passes beneath the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Even in retirement, Linge followed Lieb’s career, from a standout driver in the Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland – which Linge had once headed – and then from customer racing to the factory team and, later, as he scored wins and titles all around the world. Lieb says, “I’ve learned things from Herbert every time we’ve met – his knowledge is an endless treasure trove.”

The qualified vehicle technology engineer looks in the rear-view mirror and indicates for the Colosseum. The large steering wheel in the 356 is surrounded by special instruments installed by Linge and Strähle. The marking at 3,500 rpm is still on the tachometer. The Carrera engine doesn’t like anything less, as Lieb has already discovered. “Porsche now builds between 250 and 300 customer racing vehicles a year, but the philosophy is the same as it was then,” he says. “It’s not just about selling cars; it’s about strategic project planning. Those who take an interest in a model – from the Porsche 718 Cayman GT4 Clubsport to the Porsche 911 RSR, as is used by the factory team – have more than just technical questions. They want recommendations for where to use it, they want to know which factory driver is available, and they want to know what technical support exists.”

Development, motorsport and sales

The German acronym for the department, EMV, stands for development, motorsport and sales – and it is responsible for the intersection of precisely these three areas. Its reach extends into the market organisations and regional managers worldwide. It was with EMV that Lieb started his second Porsche career in 2017. “Just as it was for Herbert, it’s about a shared goal with the customers, and that is to win races.” The private racing drivers of today are, like Strähle was in his day, valuable ambassadors for the brand and have a direct line of communication with the company. Key account managers now maintain the contact, just as Linge did more than 60 years ago. And like satellites launched into the racing cosmos, Porsche engineers transmit the unfiltered customer feedback directly to Weissach. Now, as then, both sides benefit from the arrangement.

Lieb points the 356 swiftly in the direction of the southern outskirts of the city. He swims through traffic in the priceless gem, shifting gently but rapidly; and always double-clutching on the downshift. Unlike in 1959, there are few tourists in the city. Passers-by wave; two police officers give a thumbs-up as the bella macchina hums past with its inimitable sound. The buildings of the Via Appia Antica function as a sound box. Lieb inhales deeply, as if he wanted to breathe in the more than 2,000-year history of the road. “Everything we are is an evolution of the past.” The 356 has arrived in Rome, and he has arrived in it. “500,000 km under the hood, the old seats, the cockpit – everything is different and yet so familiar. You drive off and feel immediately: this is a Porsche!”


Text first published in the Porsche magazine Christophorus, No. 399.

Author: Heike Hientzsch

Photographer: Markus Bolsinger