Six Senses Ibiza presenta una nueva dimensión de la hospitalidad en la isla balear las cuatro estaciones del año

Descubrir y enamorarse de Ibiza en invierno. El primer resort de Six Senses en España ocupa una posición privilegiada en el norte de Ibiza para conectar con uno mismo, los demás y el mundo alrededor. Situado en las montañas de Cala Xarraca, con impresionantes vistas al mar y el atardecer, Six Senses Ibiza es el nuevo refugio del Mediterráneo.

IBIZA, 22 noviembre 2021- Situado en el norte de Ibiza, Six Senses Ibiza invita a disfrutar de los placeres de la isla en la intimidad del invierno, un paraíso natural que deleitará con su agradable clima y una luz sorprendente.

Inaugurado en julio de 2021, Six Senses Ibiza es el nuevo refugio del Mediterráneo para ser disfrutado las cuatro estaciones del año; el paraíso escondido donde celebrar esta Navidad.

Concebido por el arquitecto y visionario Jonathan Leitersdorf con la misión de capturar la auténtica experiencia de Ibiza de comunidad, espiritualidad y celebración, Six Senses Ibiza ocupa una posición privilegiada en Cala Xarraca, una cala mágica con vistas despejadas al atardecer y una energía especial. El abanico de experiencias evolucionan al ritmo de las estaciones para celebrar el bienestar pionero, la música, el arte, la moda, la espiritualidad, la exploración culinaria y la cultura, todo sinónimo de Ibiza.

Diseño sostenible 

Impulsado por sus propias fuentes de energía renovables -hasta un 51 por ciento actualmente- y con cero uso de plásticos desechables, Six Senses Ibiza es la primera comunidad turística y residencial de las Islas Baleares en lograr la certificación sostenible BREEAM, la evaluación líder mundial de la sostenibilidad en el ámbito de la construcción y un nuevo punto de referencia para el sector inmobiliario sostenible en todo el mundo.

“Six Senses Ibiza es un reflejo de las vibraciones naturales y la vitalidad de las Baleares”, explica Jonathan Leitersdorf. “Al canalizar el sentido único de comunidad y celebración de Ibiza, hemos creado un entorno verdaderamente transformador en el que se invita a los huéspedes a conectarse de manera significativa con la naturaleza, entre ellos y con ellos mismos mientras descubren los elementos que hacen que Ibiza sea diferente a cualquier otro lugar del mundo”.

Integrado en los contornos del acantilado, el resort cuenta con 116 suites y cuevas frente al mar de diseño y acabados inmaculados, además de un conjunto de townhouses a pie de Mediterráneo de tres, cuatro y cinco habitaciones con piscina y terraza privadas ideales para grupos o largas estancias. La arquitectura utiliza materiales de origen local y maximiza el impacto de  la brisa y los aspectos naturales con un acabado natural y sofisticado. Los jardines del resort, construidos siguiendo el modelo de bancal ibicenco, albergan decenas de árboles  frutales y plantas que también abastecen a los restaurantes y bares del resort. Tecnológicamente, Six Senses Ibiza cuenta con sistemas de sonido McIntosh y Sonus Faber para una experiencia sonora de última generación.

Desde los tres restaurantes orgánicos, al Recording Studio y el sensacional Six Senses Spa Ibiza, una gran cantidad de servicios de hospitalidad, wellness, gastronomía, música, arte, moda sostenible y cultura satisfarán todos los caprichos.  Los huéspedes también disfrutan de un servicio personalizado a través de su propio Guest Experience Maker.

Bienestar pionero 

Desde tratamientos exclusivos inspirados localmente, hasta biohacking para optimizar los sistemas de recuperación natural del cuerpo, retiros, soluciones para el cuidado de la piel a medida y programas para mejorar el sueño o la inmunidad, las necesidades e intenciones individuales de los huéspedes estarán bien atendidas en Six Senses Spa Ibiza.

RoseBar ofrece un espacio único especializado en programas de longevidad que combinan diagnósticos con orientación nutricional y modernos métodos de curación para optimizar la salud y el rendimiento como el biohacking. El espacio de 1.200 metros cuadrados también alberga un área fitness con gimnasio 24/7, sala funcional (Black Room), una plataforma de yoga en la azotea con vistas panorámicas de la bahía, ring de boxeo al aire libre y zona húmeda con hammam, caldarium, sauna de infrarrojos, baño de vapor y área de relajación con sitar.

Para guiar a los huéspedes hacia una mayor conciencia y un nuevo sentido de sí mismos, Six Senses Ibiza ofrece dos veces al año un programa de retiros e inmersiones al más alto nivel -de tres, cinco o siete días- facilitados por Six Senses Friends, practicantes residentes e invitados.

Exploración culinaria 

Dirigido por el chef Eyal Shani, el destino gastronómico insignia del complejo, HaSalon Ibiza, y su oferta completa de bares y restaurantes, muestran los poderes de los ingredientes orgánicos, de temporada y de origen local, que se presentan en formas innovadoras. Shani tiene la intención de revitalizar la energía de Ibiza a través de cenas a base de plantas, aprovechando la abundancia natural de ingredientes de la isla. Desde coliflor asada, entrecot de tomate y nubes de ricotta hasta focaccia caliente gigante. El objetivo es que la comida sea la que hable, aderezada con un generoso suministro de aceite de oliva, un esencial absoluto para Shani. La cocina abierta permite a los invitados formar parte del proceso creativo mientras se reúnen en la ‘Mesa del Chef’, de 50 asientos, a la sombra de olivos centenarios y con el mar de fondo.

The Farmers’ Market ofrece una auténtica selección de especialidades vegetales y sostenibles, además de puestos  a modo de mercado con pizzas al horno de leña, charcutería y encurtidos, zumos naturales, café y pastelería, entre otras delicias. The Orchard es el restaurante más íntimo del resort, con una selección de platos realizados con ingredientes de la tierra y el mar producidos responsablemente y preparados al grill y cócteles mexicano-peruanos. Live Cave y Twin Bar son los destinos gastronómicos de Beach Caves, el espectacular edificio situado en el frontal marítimo, especializado en cocina española y mediterránea. A cargo del chef Mark Spitzer del célebre restaurante neoyorquino BONDST, los huéspedes también pueden disfrutar de un menú ecléctico de cocina japonesa especialmente diseñado para esta exclusiva residencia en Six Senses Ibiza.

Con una original selección de elixires botánicos, Pharmacy Bar ofrece experiencias nutritivas de mixología mientras que Secret Bar invita a prolongar la velada hasta la madrugada con una selección de cognacs, whiskies y puros cubanos. The Farm, la granja del resort, abastece de productos frescos orgánicos a diario para disfrutar de experiencias culinarias de la granja a la mesa.

Donde florece la creatividad 

Con una programación dirigida por el compositor, productor y recording artist Tomer Biran, y con el apoyo del ejecutivo de la industria musical Shivas Howard-Brown, Beach Caves es el corazón del resort, agregando un nuevo y atractivo espectro a la escena musical de Ibiza. Beach Cave canaliza el paisaje de Ibiza y los ritmos naturales hipnóticos, utilizando la tecnología McIntosh y Sonus Faber para crear una experiencia sensorial inmersiva a través de eventos musicales en vivo y actuaciones que representan culturas del mundo. Incluso dispone de una exclusiva suite, Cave Royale, con una puerta secreta que conduce al Recording Studio para cuando la creatividad llega en medio de la noche.

Las artes visuales están representadas en las galerías de los pasillos y en los espacios públicos a través de una colección única de 400 imágenes que han sido seleccionadas especialmente por Magnum Photo para Six Senses Ibiza curada por Elaine Groenestein para reflejar los valores fundamentales de Ibiza e inspirar conciencia a través de una narración visual auténtica guiada por 18 conceptos distintos. Imágenes de Robert Capa, Martin Parr o Cristina García Rodero forman parte de la colección, también disponibles para coleccionistas privados.

En el apartado moda, Six Senses Ibiza presenta Agora, un concepto de moda sostenible que busca unir las ideas de lujo y sostenibilidad. Comisariada por las editoras de moda Daniela Agnelli y Tiffanie Darke, la idea detrás de Agora es redefinir el lujo actual. “Creemos que el verdadero significado moderno del lujo es moverse por el mundo de la manera más fluida posible”, dicen. La historia de Agora se desarrolla en cuatro capítulos: ‘Reducir’, ‘Reciclar’, ‘Restaurar’ y ‘Alquilar’.


Los huéspedes pueden obtener su adrenalina saltando desde acantilados o relajarse con una selección de actividades acuáticas de cortesía que incluyen snorkel, kayak, paddle surf o meditación guiada bajo el agua. Aquellos que quieran descubrir la magia de los alrededores pueden hacer una excursión a remo a las cabañas de pescadores de Cala Xuclar, comprar en el mercado de artesanía local los domingos en el bohemio pueblo de Sant Joan o hacer un viaje en barco a la mística isla de Es Vedrà. En el Alchemy Bar se practica el cultivo de la abundancia de la tierra de Ibiza, invitando a los huéspedes a preparar sus propios ungüentos naturales que podrán usar en el spa mientras que en Six Senses Earth Lab los huéspedes pueden familiarizarse con prácticas sostenibles desde una edad temprana descubriendo los poderes de las plantas locales.

Las tarifas de salida para Six Senses Ibiza comienzan en 750€ para la temporada de verano y 390€ para la temporada de invierno. Para obtener más información y hacer una reserva, visite

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Sobre Six Senses Ibiza
Six Senses Ibiza es el primer resort y comunidad residencial con certificación sostenible BREEAM en las Islas Baleares, si- tuado en una localización impresionante, en la bahía de cala Xarraca, en el extremo norte de la isla. Con vistas despejadas del atardecer y rodeado de arboledas fragantes, el complejo cuenta con 116 suites y cuevas frente al mar, además de con una colección de townhouses con vistas al Mediterráneo. Tres restaurantes y una selección de espacios gastronómicos in- formales y bares destacan los productos naturales, sostenibles y locales, muchos de los cuales provienen de la granja y los jardines del resort. La programación y experiencias que ofrece celebran la música, el arte, la moda, el bienestar pionero, la exploración culinaria y la cultura. Más información:

Sobre Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas
Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas gestiona 19 hoteles y resorts y 27 spas en 19 países bajo las marcas Six Senses, Evason y Six Senses Spas, y ha firmado 31 futuras propiedades dentro de su línea de desarrollo. Six Senses es parte de la familia IHG Hotels & Resorts.

Six Senses Hotels and Resorts: un compromiso de liderazgo con la comunidad, la sostenibilidad, la hospitalidad emocional, el bienestar y el diseño, con un toque de extravagancia. Ya sea un exquisito resort en una isla, un retiro en la montaña o un hotel urbano, la visión sigue siendo la misma: despertar los sentidos de las personas para que sientan el propósito detrás de sus viajes y, en última instancia, reconectarse con ellos mismos, los demás y el mundo que los rodea.

Six Senses Spas: una amplia gama de tratamientos holísticos de bienestar, rejuvenecimiento y belleza administrados bajo la guía de terapeutas expertos en todos los resorts, así como en 10 spas independientes adicionales. El enfoque de alta tecnología y alto contacto guía a los huéspedes en su camino personal hacia el bienestar, llevándolos tan profundo como deseen.

Six Senses Residences: una vida indulgente según lo previsto por la naturaleza, que ofrece todas las comodidades únicas de un resort, al tiempo que conserva la intimidad y los toques personales de una villa o apartamento privado hermosamente decorado. Cada uno es una valiosa inversión a largo plazo que será apreciada por las generaciones venideras con beneficios inmediatos que incluyen excelentes cenas, programas de bienestar pioneros y estatus exclusivo en otros resorts de todo el mundo.

Evason: un fuerte enfoque de valor con una amplia gama de experiencias personales de los huéspedes que encantará a toda la familia, al tiempo que comparte la filosofía Six Senses de responsabilidad social y ambiental sin concesiones.

Enjoy an idyllic Mediterranean escape at Jumeirah Port Soller Hotel & Spa

Mallorca, 2021: Jumeirah Group will open the doors to its exquisite Mallorcan clifftop retreat, Jumeirah Port Soller Hotel & Spa from 10 June 2021, inviting guests to make up for months of missed vacation opportunities with a sun-soaked Mediterranean summer to remember.

Set high above Port Soller overlooking the picturesque fishing village, on the edge of the Serra de Tramuntana in Mallorca, Jumeirah Port Soller Hotel & Spa is a breath-taking sanctuary in which to enjoy Jumeirah’s renowned hospitality and lose yourself in the land of romance and vitality. Offering panoramic views over the azure Mediterranean waters, its elegant rooms and suites, featuring works by revered local artist Toni Garau, offer the perfect setting in which to enjoy exceptional comfort and Jumeirah’s service beyond expectations. Guests can choose from a variety of sea and mountain facing options, from airy rooms for laid-back living to the split-level Lighthouse Suite with a private terrace and the Mar Blau Villa with its own pool and terraces. Stylish and tranquil, the hotel’s accommodation offers generous space and ample opportunity to enjoy an insta-worthy Mallorcan sunrise.

In line with Jumeirah’s commitment to offering extraordinary culinary experiences, Jumeirah Port Soller & Spa is home to a collection of exceptional restaurants and lounges. These include Cap Roig Brasserie, that has been transformed into a Marisqueria featuring locally inspired seafood dishes served on an open-air terrace overlooking the hotel’s show-stopping views, while the Sunset Lounge serves Asian inspired delicacies against the backdrop of the majestic Tramuntana mountains.

The perfect setting to relax, rejuvenate and switch off from daily life, guests can discover the benefits of wellness with an array of yoga and exercise classes as well as treatments at the hotel’s award-winning Talise Spa using all-natural products from leading skincare brand Sodashi. These include the Crystalus Body Massage, the Samadara Age-defying and Brightening Marine Facial and Pure Radiance Facial. Led by new Spa Manager Joana Martins, who brings years of expertise from roles with renowned brands across the Seychelles, Sri Lanka and the Maldives, the clifftop spa offers guests a private consultation in which a bespoke and personalised experience is then curated, fusing ancient healing philosophies with the finest products and customised therapies. One such treatment is a five-day detox programme designed to break down accumulated toxins and aid the treatment of cellulite and fluid retention.

There is also the state-of-the-art Rafa Nadal Academy in Mallorca, where guests can channel their inner tennis champion and learn from the professionals. Tennis enthusiasts will also enjoy the Academy’s exhibition that charts the champion’s career and showcases his trophies, racquets and other memorabilia.

Gianluca Priori, General Manager of Jumeirah Port Soller Hotel & Spa, said: “We are delighted to welcome guests to Jumeirah Port Soller Hotel & Spa for the highly anticipated Summer season. Our breathtaking cliffside location offers an incredible setting for guests to switch off, reconnect with loved ones and have a truly enriching summer escape away from the stress of daily life. We have eagerly awaited this moment and look forward to enticing our guests with our unique dining offering and new local experiences.”

Jumeirah Port Soller & Spa was recently named The Best Resort in Spain from the internationally recognised Condé Nast Traveler Gold Awards for 2021, and won the Best Sustainability and Hotel Rehabilitation Projects Executed by Habitat Futura Group and TSMEDIA, recognising the hotel’s role in preserving the cultural heritage of the destination. As part of its array of enriching guest activities, the hotel will offer a series of engaging outdoor workshops in which local artisans will bring crafts such as ceramics, basketry, dance and art to life, sharing techniques that have been passed down through the generations.

Cementing Jumeirah Group’s position as a luxury hospitality leader in Spain, the hotel’s extensive offerings and experiences have earned it several prestigious awards over the past years, including the title of Europe’s Leading Hotel & Spa, Spain’s Leading Hotel and Spain’s Leading Hotel Suite: The Mar Blau Villa, at the World Travel Awards 2021. It was also recognised at the 2020 British Airways Holidays Awards, securing a rating of over nine points, and in 2019, was a Silver Badge winner, placing #24 in the Mallorca destination category at the U.S. News & World Report Best Hotel Rankings.

Beyond the walls of the hotel, guests can explore Serra de Tramuntana, the impressive mountain range that was awarded UNESCO World Heritage status in 2011, or take a day trip to Palma to discover the local history via its Roman ruins and sand-coloured churches. Alternatively, guests can take a stroll through the cobbled streets, stopping off at Palma’s upscale boutiques to check out the season’s must-have collections or pick up souvenirs from local markets for lasting memories of their trip.

To ensure a summer well spent, Jumeirah Port Soller Resort & Spa has curated a series of offers and experiences to help guests make the most of their stay:

  • Signature Suite Dining Experience: Enjoy a three-course menu prepared in your suite by our private resident chef, tailored to your tastes and complimented with bespoke beverage pairing.
  • Made to Fit: Top your stay off by adding a Reflexology treatment for two at the Talise Spa and receive two pairs of artisanal hand-crafted Mallorcan shoes by Carmina to take home, following an exclusive behind the scenes visit to their workshop. Available for Signature and Junior Suite guests only.
  • Your Journey to Wellbeing: Enjoy a curated wellness programme for the duration of your stay designed by our wellness therapists at Talise Spa using all-natural Sodashi products to match your needs.

Please contact for more information or reservations for the above offers.

There will also be five special promotions taking place at Talise Spa running throughout the first month of its re-opening, including:

  • Face: 50% discount on the 60-minute Pure Radiance Facial with a complimentary 30-minute head & shoulder massage for bookings from 11am to 3pm | 50% discount on the 60-minute Pure Radiance Facial for bookings from 3pm to 7pm
  • Body: Book any 60-minute massage and get 30 minutes additional time from 11am to 3pm | Get ready for the sun with a 30% saving on a body scrub
  • Wellness: Book a reflexology treatment and receive a complimentary Sodashi Express Facial | With any Spa booking, guests will get all day access to the Hydrothermal area on the same day as the appointment

All suite guests will receive tailored transfers, check-in /check-out and in-room breakfast.

Prices start from €650 per night for a Superior room, with suite guests receiving tailored transfers, check-in /check-out and in-room breakfast.

For details on the Jumeirah Summer Escapes package, available at Jumeirah Port Soller Resort & Spa, visit In the meantime, find out more about Jumeirah Port Soller Hotel & Spa at Be inspired and stay connected via our social media channels and don’t forget to tag us in your posts #TimeWellSpent.



After a six-month renovation, Four Seasons Hotel Milano has reopened in the heart of Milan’s fashion district, unveiling contemporary interiors conceived by designer and architect Patricia Urquiola.

Situated in a former 15th century convent, Four Seasons Hotel Milano first opened its doors in 1993. At the time it was the Canadian luxury hospitality brand’s first hotel in continental Europe, setting the standard for Milan and beyond.  Today the Hotel reveals the exciting renovation of its lobby area, restaurant, bar and beloved garden made possible by the owners Gruppo Statuto. The renewed spaces artfully balance a fresh new style while preserving the Hotel’s timeless allure and sophisticated beauty.

Four Seasons Hotel Milano, a destination synonymous with fashion and design, has chosen to partner with architect Patricia Urquiola. Originally from Spain, Urquiola lives and works in Milan, where she studied under the mentorship of the great design master Achille Castiglioni. Her transformation of the spaces provides an ideal backdrop for Four Seasons trademark personalised service and its new restaurant and bar offering.

In the lobby neutral and light colours interplay with the original frescoes and period features of the former convent, while the walls have been enriched with bronze inserts and mirrors.  A variety of hanging lamps, table lamps and floor lighting by Cassina, Aggiolight Custom Lamps and Flos tastefully punctuate the space. Fabrics and screens create an intimate and elegant atmosphere, while the unique ceiling with rectangular inserts creates a frame within a frame, instantly giving the space a timeless and recognisable look.  Furniture classics from Italian design brands Cassina, Poliform, Moroso, Poltrona Frau and Stepevi decorate the areas.

Through the lobby guests reach Zelo, Milan’s new restaurant helmed by Executive Chef Fabrizio Borraccino. During the day the restaurant changes its identity to Zelo Bistrot, and the expanded outdoor area allows for seating both inside and out.

Zelo Bistrot offers a menu of light and playful dishes, while in the evening Zelo proposes both an à la carte menu as well as a tasting menu of the Chef’s surprising creations. The menu has been completely reinvented to reflect the clientele’s evolving tastes and Chef Borraccino’s ever increasing focus on pure Italian cuisine and his scrupulous attention to selecting the best local producers. Seasonality and sustainability are at the core of Zelo’s new menu, which leads guests on a sensorial journey through Italy.

Stilla, the new bar, is destined to become the beating heart of Milan social life.  Positioned to the left of the lobby, the circular bar is the protagonist of the indoor space, elegantly appointed with cognac leather armchairs and velvet seating and sofas in shades of red and dark green. Guests can also sit outside in the Hotel’s enchanting garden.  Stilla is a great spot to meet from morning until night, whether for a coffee, a quick bite or cocktails. The new menu created by bar manager Luca Angeli surprises with innovative new signature drinks and a focus on ice craftsmanship.  The eclectic menu features everything from Aeropress American coffee to a classic club sandwich to the town’s best Negroni Sbagliato.  Health conscious guests will be delighted to find light plates and salads, with a focus on sustainable and seasonal ingredients.

Camino, one of the Hotel’s most adored areas that takes its name from the Italian word camino for fireplace, has been transformed into an inviting lounge with a wine cellar/tasting room, a great setting to experience sommelier Lorenza Panzera’s interesting wine list while listening to the beats of a DJ seat.

“For Four Seasons Hotel Milano my goal was to renew the space while respecting the history of the Hotel and simultaneously entering into a dialogue with the urban context of Milan. Top of my mind was how fond regular clients are of the Hotel, so the challenge was to reinterpret the space, which is truly a statement destination in the city, in a contemporary lens with the accent on the heritage of the building that expresses itself in the frescos that still adorn the cloister today.  The common areas of the Hotel are the perfect expression of its personality.  Through the use of sober colours and pure shapes that recall the building’s 15th century past, my aim was to balance the relationship between light and space with an emphasis on the precious period features,” states Patricia Urquiola.

The Hotel’s cloister garden, which hosts seating areas for both the bar Stilla and restaurant Zelo, has been renewed by landscape architect and agronomist Flavio Pollano, an expert in vertical green, botanics and garden design. Pollano’s objective was to celebrate the history of the plants and trees that were already part of the garden and underline the storied image of this urban oasis. What has changed is the interpretation of the space, which now sees nature take over from geometry to become a “garden to be experienced and felt,” as Pollano says.  “The new garden breaks away from the structures of the past without touching its original soul. The concept is that of an evolving space designed to be enjoyed.” The garden will also host a new raw bar, where guests can enjoy delectable food and drinks on long summer evenings while listening to the tunes of a DJ.

The renovated areas also feature carefully curated contemporary artwork selected to interplay with the Hotel’s past. Among the artists chosen are Sophie Ko, Matthew Shlian, Vanessa Beecroft, Crow Studio, Joergen Craig Lello & Tobias Arnell, lrene Kung, Massimo Listri and Louise Mertens.

“This is a thrilling new chapter for Four Seasons Hotel Milano. We have worked hard these past months thinking about the city of Milan, and the fact that the world looks to us as a city where trends are set and new ideas are hatched. We are reopening the iconic Four Seasons Hotel Milano, excited to welcome back our local, national and international clients to a Hotel that is both transformed yet still very familiar,” states Andrea Obertello, General Manager.

With this first phase of renovation completed, Four Seasons Hotel Milano reopens its doors while embarking on the phased renovation of rooms, suites and meeting areas, always with the aim to deliver the incomparable Four Seasons service and experience.




The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands welcomes you to embrace island life.  A distinguished ‘Aris Meeha’ or butler refined by the Ritz-Carlton service tailors a journey of meaningful moments. Immerse into Maldivian stories as Sangu shells are blown, and Boduberu drums are crafted. Transition from a day full of discoveries in North Malé Atoll into an evening of indulgence in your overwater villa and the resort surroundings.


Set above azure waters or nestled along beach coves, the villas at The Ritz-Carlton Maldives, Fari Islands blend island living with modern design. Blurring the line between indoors and out, each villa offers water views, an infinity pool, a sundeck and the attention of an Aris Meeha personal butler.

FITUR abre sus puertas al público general durante el fin de semana

FITUR 2021 abre sus puertas al público general durante el fin de semana

Las personas interesadas en visitar la feria deberán adquirir su entrada a través de la web

FITUR abre sus puertas al público general durante el fin de semana

FITUR abre sus puertas al público general durante el fin de semana

la primera gran feria presencial del circuito internacional de eventos de turismo que desde el pasado miércoles celebra su edición “especial recuperación Turismo” en IFEMA MADRID, abre sus puertas al público general durante este fin de semana, que de esta manera tendrá la oportunidad de descubrir las propuestas que ofrecen los destinos y regiones de los cinco continentes, y disfrutar de múltiples  actividades de entretenimiento, sorteos y eventos lúdicos  que ofrecen las  distintas secciones y stands de esta edición, con las mejores garantías de seguridad.

Para ello IFEMA MADRID ha preparado todo un dispositivo de control de aforos, medidas y protocolos de seguridad que contemplan, entre otras. la distancia interpersonal, toma de temperatura, limpiezas especiales desinfectantes, mamparas en puestos de información, exigencia de mascarillas, amplias zonas de descanso y restauración al aire libre … y muy especialmente el sistema de ventilación de los pabellones de FITUR, con renovación total del aire cada 20 minutos.

El precio de las entradas es de 10 euros y se deberán adquirir de forma online a través de la web de FITUR Los menores de 10 años y personas con discapacidad tendrán acceso gratuito. El horario de visita será de 10. A 20 horas, el sábado 22 de mayo, y de 10.00 a 18.00 h. el domingo 23 de mayo.


El Hotel Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona será el primer Hispano Suiza Ambassador Hotel

El Hotel Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona será el primer Hispano Suiza Ambassador Hotel

Hispano Suiza fiel a su ciudad natal llega a un acuerdo con Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona como su primer Ambassador Hotel en Barcelona Ambas marcas comparten valores comunes como exclusividad, elegancia y excelencia.

Barcelona, 4 de mayo de 2021 – Hoy se ha llegado al acuerdo de colaboración entre Hispano Suiza y el Hotel Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona para convertirse en el primer Hispano Suiza Ambassador Hotel. Las dos empresas con valores de marca comunes como exclusividad, elegancia y excelencia han llegado al acuerdo de colaboración para potenciar sus marcas conjuntamente. El acuerdo incluirá diferentes acciones de difusión, así como, visitas y experiencias premium de Hispano Suiza para los clientes VIP de Hotel Mandarin Oriental en Barcelona.

Jean Philippe Moser, General Manager de Mandarin Oriental Barcelona, ha declarado que “A través de esta alianza queremos ofrecer a nuestros clientes una experiencia que va más allá de alojarse solo en nuestro hotel. De esta forma, y en consonancia con la línea general del grupo, buscamos la excelencia y el lujo en todo lo que nuestros huéspedes pueden encontrar en Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona.”

Sergio Martinez Campos, CEO de Hispano Suiza, comenta, “Hispano Suiza nació en Barcelona en 1904 y convirtió la ciudad en el epicentro del lujo y la excelencia durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Estamos muy contentos qué el primer Hotel del programa sea el Hotel Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona. Este es el primer paso del Hispano Suiza Ambassadors Hotel Program para transmitir los valores de nuestra marca por todo el mundo y conseguir volver a ser referentes en el mundo de hyperlujo y elegancia en el sector de la automoción, con marcas afines con la nuestra.”

Sobre Hispano Suiza
Hispano Suiza es una histórica marca de automóviles española propiedad de cuatro generaciones de la familia Suqué Mateu. Hispano Suiza Fábrica de Automóviles S.A. fue fundada en Barcelona,
en 1904, por Damián Mateu, con la ayuda del director técnico e ingeniero Marc Birkigt, también socio de la empresa.

Entre 1904 y 1946, Hispano Suiza fabricó más de 12.000 vehículos de lujo de grandes prestaciones y 50.000 motores de avión. Actualmente, con sede principal, centro técnico y planta de fabricación en Barcelona, Hispano Suiza encarna un espíritu que combina el orgullo de ser una marca española con un sólido legado familiar.

Desde su fundación, cuatro generaciones de la familia Suqué Mateu han preservado la marca familiar, aportando ímpetu y dinamismo para mantener su significativa herencia. Al asumir el
control de la empresa Miguel Mateu, hijo del fundador, siguió produciendo vehículos de prestigio y alta gama.

Hispano Suiza forma parte del Grupo Peralada, que representa la cumbre del lujo en gastronomía y entretenimiento a través de su cartera global de casinos, restaurantes, hoteles, campos de golf,
viñedos, festivales de música y puertos deportivos.

Sobre Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona

Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona es un exclusivo hotel 5*GL situado en pleno Paseo de Gracia de la Ciudad Condal. El establecimiento, con 120 habitaciones y suites, se caracteriza por una cuidada propuesta gastronómica liderada por Carme Ruscalleda como asesora gastronómica, una de las cocineras más reconocidas a nivel mundial. Su oferta gastronómica se concreta en el restaurante
de autor Moments**, liderado por la galardonada Chef Carme Ruscalleda y su hijo Raül Balam; el restaurante Blanc; el jardín Mimosa y también la propuesta de Terrat dirigida por Gastón Acurio.
Un auténtico destino gastronómico que hace de Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona un lugar de encuentro tanto para huéspedes como para residentes de la ciudad, con escenarios sugerentes como el Banker’s Bar, con una espléndida carta de cócteles y un Spa de más de 1.000 metros cuadrados.

Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group es propietario y gestor de algunos de los hoteles, resorts y residencias más exclusivos del mundo. Partiendo de sus orígenes asiáticos hasta convertirse en una marca global, el Grupo actualmente opera 34 hoteles y siete residencias en 24 países y territorios. Cada propiedad combina la herencia oriental del Grupo con la esencia genuina del lugar en el que se ubica. Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group dispone de una importante cartera de hoteles y residencias en fase de desarrollo, y es miembro del Grupo Jardine Matheson.

HIP2021, la cita anual de innovación Horeca

HIP | Horeca Professional Expo es la cumbre anual de innovación para el canal HORECA. Una plataforma diferente e innovadora para impulsar el negocio con un enfoque disruptivo con tendencias, productos y soluciones específicas para cada segmento de la industria: bar, restaurante, hotel, colectividad, take away o servicios al viajero.

Tras su tercera edición ExpoHIP (Hospitality Innovation Planet) ha demostrado que es uno de los líderes europeos de los eventos HORECA (HOteles, REstaurantes y CAfés) trayendo consigo a un elenco de chefs y ponencias que han reinventado la forma en la que entendemos la hostelería para dar paso a un sin fin de nuevas posibilidades gastronómicas.

Su principal objetivo es la difusión de conocimiento e iniciativas que permitan generar negocios sostenibles. En este sentido, su principal baluarte ha sido la innovación en todos los aspectos. Así como el desarrollo de productos, soluciones y modelos de negocio acordes a cada segmento de la industria.

Tecnología en hoteles, restaurantes y bares

Tal como se viene señalando, la innovación en hoteles, restaurantes y bares es uno de los objetivos principales de este evento. En este sentido, la presencia cada vez más notoria de la tecnología, ha sido un punto clave dentro del discurso de los expositores.

Además cuenta con Hospitality 4.0, el mayor congreso internacional sobre innovación y transformación del sector. Con agenda propia y soluciones verticales para cada perfil profesional, así como contenido único y de altísimo valor estratégico.

Una única cita para fidelizar clientes y generar otros potenciales en un espacio donde impulsar tu estrategia de ventas.

Toda la innovación para todo el sector

Lujo modernista de mediados de siglo en este nuevo hotel de Ibiza

Con su próxima apertura la temporada de verano 2021, el Hotel Riomar Ibiza, miembro del grupo Marriott dentro de su colección de hoteles independientes Tribute Portfolio, se ha transformado en un destino de lifestyle centrado en el equilibrio entre bienestar, turismo eco-friendly, gastronomía y el ya conocido estilo de vida isleño.

El hotel, que pasa de 2 a 4 estrellas superior, dispone de 116 habitaciones incluyendo 4 suites completamente renovadas y de estética minimalista y contemporánea. Un esquema mono-tono se intercala con acentos de rojos tierra quemada, inspirados en la tierra rica en hierro de la isla de Ibiza. La mitad de dichas habitaciones tienen vistas a la bahía de Santa Eulalia, con vistas despejadas al mar Mediterráneo, mientras que las otras habitaciones ofrecen vistas al patrimonio rural de Ibiza, incluido el histórico Puig de Missa, que data del siglo XVI. En la zona de entrada, los huéspedes son recibidos en el Ocean Brasserie & Bar, que ocupa el salón principal del lobby.

Aquí, todo un ventanal de cristal se abre a una terraza cubierta para una cena informal con vistas a la playa. La terraza de la piscina cuenta con tumbonas y “cabañas” de diseño personalizado mirando a nuestro “Secret Garden”. Un refugio verde para siestas aisladas con un escenario central preparado para noches de música en acústico, nuestras “Sunset Sessions”. Tanto el jardín secreto como el restaurante contarán con grandes marcas tanto en su gestión como en su ejecución para ofrecer así tanto a huéspedes como a locales, el mejor equilibrio entre tradición gastronómica y vanguardia culinaria.

Con los orígenes del hotel en mente como uno de los primeros hoteles en Santa Eulalia, originalmente inaugurado en 1968 y sentando un precedente para el boom turístico de Ibiza, el nuevo diseño adopta las características inherentes del Modernismo de mediados del siglo XX. Líneas sencillas, balcones empotrados e interiores en capas.

El gusto por la nostalgia y las cualidades de la atemporalidad fueron los principios fundamentales del equipo de diseño. Los colgantes Louis Poulsen PH5 cuelgan sobre las cabinas de recepción de diseño personalizado, el Togo de Michel Ducaroy para Ligne Roset se ubica junto a asientos de diseño personalizado acompañados de mesas auxiliares Woud, alfombras de yute a medida de Naturtex, trabajos de arcilla hechos a mano por Atelier Vierkant y un mural de azulejo pintado a mano de 6 metros de ancho corona la pared del lobby

“La importancia del Hotel Riomar es que es anterior a la mayor parte de la ciudad que lo rodea. Santa Eulalia es muy consciente del desarrollo, por lo que a la hora de comenzar el proyecto había que tener en cuenta lo que teníamos y lo que podíamos hacer con la propiedad. Nuestra ambición es fasear el proyecto durante varias temporadas, revelando lentamente nuestra visión general de la experiencia que el hotel debe ofrecer”. – Sichi Bon, director creativo del proyecto.

El rebranding del hotel evoca también su pasado cercano al minimalismo. El hotel pondrá en marcha un canal de comunicación, titulado The Modernist, una guía de la isla con una perspectiva global, donde trataremos de compartir y esporar todo el contenido de lo que pase en el hotel y sus alrededores.

“Queremos crear un espacio con espíritu y de conexión con la gente, el Hotel Riomar Ibiza está pensado para compartir, disfrutar y conectar a los clientes con la comunidad de la isla” – Alejandro Cainzos, director de Marketing.

“El hotel será un espacio para socilizar, conocerse y disfrutar. Es un hotel que tiene como referente la naturalidad y elegancia de los veranos en las costas mediterráneas de los 50 y 60’s. – Marco Schiralli, director del Hotel Riomar Ibiza.

Los detalles son clave en la marca, Tribute Portfolio. Cada punto de contacto con el hotel se ha tenido en cuenta, desde los amenities personalizados a los materiales corporativos. Esta búsqueda de la calidad también es evidente gracias a un servicio honesto y sincero y detalles que incluyen una cuidada selección de lecturas, una biblioteca de vinilos. Incluso la posibilidad de reservar un tocadiscos portátil para que los huéspedes disfruten de la música en sus habitaciones.

El Hotel Riomar Ibiza abre sus puertas a partir del verano de 2021 como miembro del grupo Marriott dentro de su colección de Tribute Portfolio Hotels. Los beneficios para miembros de Marriott Bonvoy incluyen contactless check-in, mobile key y puntos de fidelización en F&B.

El hotel forma parte del desarrollo de la bahía de Santa Eulalia, que incluye W Ibiza y su Chiringuito Blue, la cocina sana del Ve Café y el elegante restaurante La Llama. Dentro de este desarrollo en la bahía incluyen Apartamentos Marsol con 16 apartamentos de lujo relajado y el restaurante Pecador del chef catalán Nandu Jubany, galardonado con una estrella Michelin.

Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok at Chao Phraya River.


Four Seasons returns to Thailand’s capital with an all-new riverside sanctuary designed by Jean-Michel Gathy, featuring a collection of signature dining and bar experiences, an urban wellness centre, light-filled event spaces and expansive outdoor courtyards and terraces

Rising above the majestic Chao Phraya River in the heart of Bangkok’s Creative District is an enclave of tiered buildings, connected at ground level by a series of indoor and outdoor spaces, quiet courtyards and lively restaurants. Art-filled spaces, sophisticated lounges and lush tropical greenery are surrounded by the gentle sounds of water features and inviting open-air terraces.  Welcome to the all-new Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok at Chao Phraya River.

“The much-anticipated return of Four Seasons to Thailand’s capital is nothing short of spectacular,” says Christian Clerc, Four Seasons President, Global Operations. “Guests will be in awe of the exquisite design, the world-class restaurant and bar options, and a state-of-the-art wellness centre. As always, the unparalleled, intuitive service from Four Seasons people will be at the centre of it all. Thanks to our visionary owner-partners at Country Holdings Group Public Company Limited, this magnificent Hotel combines everything that one has come to expect of Four Seasons in Thailand and around the world.”

Located along 200 metres (650 feet) of open riverfront just 40 minutes from Suvarnabhumi International Airport along the famed Charoenkrung Road, the fourth location in the Four Seasons Thailand Collection offers myriad opportunities for locals and international travellers to make connections with each other and the exciting city that surrounds it.  Features include a 299-room hotel, destination restaurants and lounges, stunning event spaces, and an urban wellness centre like no other.  The complex also includes 366 Four Seasons Private Residences, opening in 2021.

General Manager Lubosh Barta, who began his Four Seasons career in Bangkok 16 years ago and was most recently opening General Manager of Four Seasons Hotel Seoul, sums up the experience: “Like the city of Bangkok, our new Four Seasons is full of surprises, whether it’s the breath-taking river views, the rich design details, the perfect cocktail or a striking piece of art.  We look forward to offering personalised experiences in an environment of safety and trust as we embrace Four Seasons enhanced global healthy and safety program, Lead With Care, with uncompromising Four Seasons service in a truly spectacular setting.”

Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok is located within buildings design consulted by Hamiltons International architects.  In describing his vision for the interiors of Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok, lead designer Jean-Michel Gathy of DENNISTON said: “Sometimes dramatic. Sometimes intimate. But always charismatic.” High ceilings and glass walls provide breathing space, while pools and flowing water echo the constant movement of the Chao Phraya River.  Thailand’s natural beauty and the city’s urbane charms come together in every aspect of the interiors, punctuated by an art collection amassed by Gathy himself.  Celebrating the country’s legendary craftsmanship and artistry, a dedicated ART Space in partnership with MOCA Bangkok running from lobby through to the river itself showcases contemporary Thai artists in changing exhibitions.

Destination Dining, World Class Mixology

In developing the food and beverage program at Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok, a dream team of experts in cuisines, room design and hospitality innovation came together to create a collection of original dining and drinking concepts, with a star-studded team of chefs, mixologists and sommeliers in the kitchens and behind the bars.  Led by Executive Chef Andrea Accordi – previously of the eight Michelin-starred Four Seasons Hong Kong – along with French Executive Pastry Chef Bruce Trouyet, the team includes specialist culinarians in each restaurant. Philip Bischoff, who was previously lead bartender at the landmark Manhattan Bar in Singapore, now presides over the Hotel’s beverage program.

All outlets are designed by the renowned team at AvroKo, with the exception of the signature Chinese restaurant, designed by Jean-Michel Gathy.  Experiences include:

  • Yu Ting Yuan (御庭院) – Presenting authentic Cantonese cuisine in a high style setting amid lush gardens and a shimmering reflection pond.  To learn more about Yu Ting Yuan and Head Chef Qiu Xiaogui and his highly experienced team, click here.
  • Riva del Fiume Ristorante – Head Chef Enrico Maritan and his culinary team welcome guests with the aromas and flavours of locally and seasonally-inspired Italian dishes served along riverside terraces reminiscent of Italy’s Lake Como.  To learn more about Riva del Fiume Ristorante, click here.
  • Brasserie Palmier – Also on the riverfront, the relaxed vibe of this French Tropics-inspired café sets the tone for enjoying brasserie classics with an emphasis on fish and seafood, including a wine and oyster bar.  To learn more about Brasserie Palmier and Head Chef Nicolas Raynal, click here.
  • BKK Social Club – Evoking the legendary glamour of Buenos Aires with a menu of bespoke cocktails, craft spirits, rare Champagnes and the finest cigars, this newcomer to Asia’s remarkable bar scene is set to make its mark.  To learn more about BKK Social Club and award-winning head bartender Philip Bischoff, click here.
  • The Lounge – Where international visitors mix with local patrons, The Lounge is the setting for impromptu get-togethers and a cosy afternoon tea.
  • Cafe Madeleine – A showcase for Executive Chef Bruce Trouyet and his pastry team, Cafe Madeleine is a neighbourhood pastry shop and café offering both indoor-outdoor seating and takeaway options.

Designer Rooms and Suites

Modern rooms and suites have a warm, residential character with Thai touches, balancing contemporary aesthetics with high tech function and signature Four Seasons comfort.  Each accommodation boasts high ceilings, floor-to-ceiling windows with river or garden views, and spa-like bathrooms.

Among the accommodations, the Terrace Suites offer the ultimate in spacious luxury with landscaped and furnished terraces large enough to host a private dinner party.  The 450 square metre (4,800 square foot) Presidential Suite may be Bangkok’s finest address, with two-storey windows framing 10th-floor views of the Chao Phraya River, a large open living area with its own bar as well as a catering kitchen, up to three bedrooms and an oversized terrace with private plunge pool.

Let’s Meet at Four Seasons

From intimate gatherings to larger events, Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok offers a host of options for meeting planners, event hosts and wedding parties across more than 3,800 square metres (41,000 square feet), all designed by Jean-Michel Gathy.  Spacious, divisible rooms include adjacent outdoor terraces and gardens with panoramic river views, while the team of expert Four Seasons caterers and event planners are ready to bring each host’s vision to life in a safe setting, with every detail anticipated and executed to perfection.

The signature space is the Four Seasons Grand Ballroom at 800 square metres (8,600 square feet) featuring a private entrance, pre-function foyer, soaring ceilings within, and a dedicated outside Ballroom Terrace.  The Ballroom can also be divided in two.

In the residential-style Conservatory, a smaller divisible ballroom offers 425 square metres (4,575 square feet) of space plus a garden terrace.  The unique Conservatory Kitchen hosts up to 200 guests for creative events, or change-of-scenery meeting breaks.  Four additional studios complete the suite of meeting rooms.

Meeting planners and wedding couples may contact to begin planning.

Coming Soon:  The Urban Wellness Centre at Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok

Across more than 2,500 square metres (26,900 square feet) of dedicated space, the Urban Wellness Centre is conceived along three streams of wellness, two floors of innovation and one holistic haven.

“Every aspect of the spa places equal emphasis on the ideas of Mind (spirituality), Body (spa), and Work (fitness),” says Senior Director of Spa Sandie Johannessen.  “With the Palm Courtyard at its centre, it’s a true oasis of wellbeing in the heart of one of the world’s busiest cities, where each guest will find peace, relaxation, renewal and even a bit of indulgence with the skilled guidance of our caring therapists and wellness experts.”

Highlighted by a lavish spa suite with its own private bath and indoor garden, plus eight additional treatment rooms, the spa also includes a spacious consultation area with retail shop, and relaxation lounges.  Additional services are provided at the in-house hair salon, barber shop and nail salon.  The fitness offering encompasses a naturally-lit state-of-the-art gym, a dedicated mind and body studio with regular open and private classes, and a 30 metre (98 foot) lap pool.

Bangkok’s Creative District

Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok is in the heart of the city’s most remarkable community.  Along the historic Charoenkrung Road and in myriad small streets and alleyways, the area is undergoing a renaissance as street food vendors are joined by food-forward restaurants, traditional crafts are side by side with bold contemporary art, and tiny stalls selling handcrafted wares sit next to eclectic shops filled with designer goods.

Along Chao Phraya River, Four Seasons guests can head to ICONSIAM, the city’s newest premium shopping mall, with direct access from the Hotel’s river dock.  Or, take a water taxi to wander the river’s canals, floating kitchens, ancient temples and charming fishing piers.

Not sure where to start?  The concierge team at Four Seasons can arrange guided tours on land and water, tailored to each guest’s particular interests.

Be Among the First to Experience the Newest Four Seasons

In celebration of its grand opening, Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok is extending the Staycation at Four Seasons offer through February 15, 2021, including daily breakfast for two, Hotel credit toward food and beverages, and guaranteed early check in and late check out.

Additional packages can also be booked online, or by calling +66 (0)2-032-0888.

About Four Seasons in Thailand

Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok at Chao Phraya River joins the brand’s renowned Four Seasons Thailand Collection, including: the coconut palm-fringed beachfront Four Seasons Resort Koh Samui in the south; Four Seasons Resort Chiang Mai set amid working rice paddies just outside the northern capital; and Four Seasons Tented Camp Golden Triangle, an elephant camp set in the jungle along the Mekong River.

Pair two nights in Bangkok with two additional nights at one of hotel’s sister properties with the Thailand by Four Seasons offer, including credits toward food, beverage and spa.

Living at Four Seasons: The new property is also home to 366 Four Seasons Private Residences in a 73-storey tower, opening in 2021.  For inquiries, click here.

, Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Madrid


After eight years of anticipation, Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Madrid is now open.

“Four Seasons Hotel Madrid began with a visionary plan by our owner partner OHL to unite and breathe new life into a collection of historic buildings in the heart of Madrid. Together with recent partners Mohari Hospitality, the result is a modern luxury experience in a magnificently restored property –

the perfect debut for Four Seasons in Spain,” notes Christian Clerc, President, Global Operations, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts.

, Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Madrid

, Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Madrid

José Antonio Fernández Gallar, OHL’s Second Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, comments, “OHL is proud to have such a prestigious partner as Four Seasons for our project. We are convinced that its presence will be key in the positioning of Centro Canalejas Madrid as the new icon of luxury in our country, and in the consolidation of Madrid as a reference destination for international shopping tourism, at the same level as large European capitals.”

Mark Scheinberg, Founder of Mohari Hospitality, which is half owner of the property with OHL since 2017, added, “We’re really proud to have partnered with Four Seasons and OHL to develop and open this flagship luxury destination in Madrid, and the first Four Seasons in Spain. Despite the challenging circumstances, we’re sure that Centro Canalejas, and its seven beautifully reconceptualised historic buildings, will swiftly become a new social centre for the City of Madrid and a second home for local and global visitors alike.”

Leading a team of 254 staff is Regional Vice President and General Manager Adrian Messerli, a Swiss born and educated Four Seasons veteran whose most recent assignment was in Shanghai.

“We are excited to welcome our first guests to the first Four Seasons in Spain,” says Messerli. “In addition to our dedication to providing guests with a memorable experience, our staff are all fully trained and implementing Lead With Care, Four Seasons enhanced global health and safety program. Grounded in healthcare expertise, the program provides the latest information and best practices that will help us keep our guests, residents and employees safe and well.”

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve globally, Lead With Care provides hotel teams with access to leading medical experts, technology and tools, instilling the same trust and confidence that Four Seasons is known for around the globe.

Unmatched Location

Located in the very heart of the capital between Puerta del Sol and Barrio de las Letras – and just steps from Kilómetro Cero, the central point of the entire country – Four Seasons Hotel Madrid is within easy walking distance to most of the city’s key attractions.  Beginning with the chic shopping and dining accessed directly from the Hotel at the soon-to-be-opened La Galería de Canalejas, from there it’s just a short stroll to the 125 hectare (300 acre) Retiro Park and three of the world’s most important museums, the Prado, the Thyssen-Bornemisza and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.  Chef Concierge Raul Bermejo and the Hotel’s expert concierge team can recommend tailored itineraries to suit all interests.

Four Seasons Hotel Madrid is also just 25 minutes by car from Madrid-Barajas International Airport.

Introducing Dani by Dani Garcia

One of Spain’s most celebrated chefs and a champion of the country’s culinary heritage, Michelin-starred Dani Garcia introduces a new dining concept so close to his heart that it bears his name. Dani is at once a temple of gastronomic exploration and an easy, informal setting for memorable meals with friends, family and colleagues. Located atop the Hotel, the restaurant and bar offer panoramic views across the city and beyond to its surrounding hills, with both indoor and outdoor seating year round. Open for breakfast, lunch, dinner and extending to leisurely evenings over tasty tapas and Spain’s incredible wines, it’s the newest must-visit destination in a city known for its culinary leadership.

Executive Chef Omar Mallen leads an international team offering traditional local fare and exquisite cakes and pastries for immediate enjoyment in the convivial El Patio or to takeaway.

The Hotel also offers the option of 24/7 in-room dining for those guests who prefer to dine privately.  For a contactless experience while staying at any Four Seasons, guests are encouraged to use the Four Seasons App and Chat, available in 100+ languages, to arrange for in-room dining, restaurant and hotel reservations, luggage pickup and much more.

Adding to the restaurant and bar offerings at the Hotel will soon be Isa, a beautifully appointed gastrobar featuring Asian-inspired tapas paired with creative cocktail concoctions crafted by Bar Manager Sophie Larrouture. Joining the team from Four Seasons Hotel Des Bergues, Geneva, Larrouture brings cosmopolitan flair to the bar as she draws upon her experience at leading establishments in Europe and South America.

Coming Soon: Wellness at Four Seasons Hotel Madrid

Four Seasons Hotel Madrid will soon unveil the city’s biggest spa, a 1,400 square metre (15,000 square foot) true urban oasis of wellbeing, The Spa at Four Seasons.  The 24-hour, fully-equipped fitness centre is now open, providing a hint of the experience to come.

Reached via a soaring, skylit reception area with adjacent spa boutique, guests will escape into a calming sanctuary of wellness and relaxation.  Features will include eight spa treatment rooms, including one reserved exclusively for couples; steam room, sauna and lounge; and a salon.

Guests can also ascend to the 14-metre (46 foot) indoor pool with its glass walls and oversized skylight bathing the space in sunshine.  An adjacent sun terrace on the eighth floor offers views across the city’s rooftops as one sips on refreshments from the pool bar.

Visual Wonders at Every Turn

Throughout the Hotel’s public spaces, lively restaurants and bars, expansive spa and show-stopping event spaces, guests will spot more than 3,700 meticulous restored historic artefacts juxtaposed with contemporary Spanish artworks and comfortable furnishings.  Many of the Hotel’s 200 rooms and suites feature unique configurations and architectural details, while all offer views of the surrounding city.

Be Among the First to Experience Madrid’s Most Exciting New Destination

Four Seasons Hotel Madrid is currently extending an Introductory Offer, featuring 20 percent off the room rate through March 31, 2021 with minimum two-night stay.  Travellers and locals seeking a getaway in the city can also take advantage of the Advance Purchase Offer, which extends 20 percent savings on the room rate for up to 30 days when booking at least seven days in advance.

Plan an extended adventure through Europe’s capitals this fall with The Scenic Route by Four Seasons, featuring concierge-curated recommendations in Madrid, Lisbon, Budapest and Prague.

Living at Four Seasons

The new Four Seasons in Madrid also includes 22 luxury Private Residences with one to three bedrooms, designed by Luis Bustamante. For more information on Four Seasons Private Residences Madrid, visit here.

Lead With Care

Four Seasons Hotel Madrid opens with full compliance to local health and safety guidance, with the added benefits of the enhanced Four Seasons global health and safety program, Lead With Care. Combining public health expertise with access to leading technologies and tools, Lead With Care establishes clear procedures that educate and empower employees to take care of guests and each other in the COVID-19 environment. Through the company’s work with leading experts, Four Seasons is leveraging world-class medical expertise to focus on enhancing cleanliness, guest comfort and safety and employee training in real time as the current situation evolves.  For more information about Four Seasons Lead With Care program, click here.

About OHL

Obrascón Huarte Lain, S.A. (OHL), as a global infrastructure group, focuses its activity on the construction and development of infrastructures. Founded in 1911, the company has a relevant market share in its key markets in Europe, Latin America and the United States. Precisely in the US, the renowned American publication Engineering News-Record (ENR) 2019 acknowledged OHL as Contractor of the Year and featured it, on 47th position, of this magazine’s ranking of the largest international contractors. OHL Desarrollos is subsidiary of OHL, founded in 2001, specialised in developing high end, singular and luxury tourism developments. OHL Desarrollos projects are noted for their distinctive architecture and unique locations, surrounded by nature. Quality in design, engineering and sustainability are essential elements of all the projects developed by this company.

About Mohari Hospitality

Mohari Hospitality, founded in 2017 by businessman and Bitcoin Up investor Mark Scheinberg, is a global investment company that engages in a broad range of real estate investment activities, with emphasis on luxury hospitality in prime urban and resort markets. Mohari’s existing investments include Peninsula Papagayo, an 890 hectare (2,200 acre) sustainable master development, located in Costa Rica’s Guanacaste province and anchored by a Four Seasons luxury resort; The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, a new ultra-luxury cruise line launching in 2020, and the 1 Hotel Toronto, currently under redevelopment as a luxury lifestyle hotel and the brand’s first hotel in Canada. Mohari seeks to protect the cultural heritage and natural environments of all areas related to its projects and is committed to identifying and contributing to philanthropic projects in each location where it does business.