Para marcar la llegada del Año del Conejo, Hublot colaboró ​​con el artista chino Wen Na en la creación de una pintura única para la esfera del  Spirit of Big Bang Black Ceramic Rabbit.

A medida que se acerca el Año Nuevo Lunar, el relojero de lujo suizo Hublot invitó a Wen Na a crear una nueva pintura del Año del Conejo y presentar el Conejo de cerámica negra Spirit of Big Bang. La fusión de la cultura tradicional china con la Alta Relojería Contemporánea ha dado lugar a nuevas ideas: Wen visualizó 12 horas dobles de los Tallos Celestiales y las Ramas Terrestres y las combinó con elementos tradicionales del Año Nuevo Lunar. Por lo tanto, podemos encontrar linternas festivas, petardos y danza del león en la obra de arte, para crear un mundo intrigante para marcar el comienzo del nuevo año. El tiempo está rebosante de asombro y emoción en cada hora doble, expresando plenamente el espíritu del Arte de la Fusión de Hublot.

En la cultura tradicional china, el conejo se considera sagrado y auspicioso, por lo que el Año del Conejo 2023 se reconoce como “el año de la suerte”. Hublot ha querido dar luz verde a un artista para celebrar este Año Nuevo Lunar. Wen Na creó una pintura con el tema del Año Nuevo en su vibrante lenguaje artístico, usando una imaginación desenfrenada para visualizar 12 horas dobles de una manera única. Un grupo de conejos encantadoramente ingenuos, que se divierten con una danza del león, o sosteniendo petardos o complaciéndose en otras actividades tradicionales chinas, marcando los momentos maravillosos con el paso del tiempo. Esta escena representa un Año del Conejo vigoroso y próspero y también transmite la atmósfera del Año Nuevo Lunar, una ocasión para la reunión familiar.

Iluminado por el concepto de la marca Art of Fusion de Hublot, Wen se inspiró en el antiguo calendario de Heavenly Stems y Earthly Branches, un antiguo y misterioso tesoro cultural chino. Las 12 horas dobles se fusionan con las imágenes de los conejos para brindar una sensación de alegría y reunión. Mientras tanto, ella cree que las artes refinadas en nuestro mundo vienen en diversas formas, cuya esencia se encuentra en el ajetreo y el bullicio de la vida cotidiana. En su pintura, un grupo de ingeniosos conejos dan vida a las costumbres tradicionales asociadas con el Año Nuevo Lunar, que incluyen danzas de dragones y leones, colocación o cambio de dioses en las puertas, colgar faroles festivos y dar y recibir paquetes rojos ( un regalo del Año del Conejo con dinero metido en sobres rojos). Siempre hay algo para disfrutar en cada hora doble, desde la Hora Zi hasta la Hora Hai.

Además, en la mente de Wen, los conejos no son solo tiernos y lindos. Le dio a los conejos un aspecto más moderno al presentarlos en un estilo ligeramente juguetón. Manteniendo el tema del Año del Conejo y la quintaesencia de la cultura tradicional china, cambió la imagen habitual de los tiernos conejos y recreó divertidos conejos que son enérgicos en diferentes horas dobles de una manera artística, inyectando nueva vitalidad en el nuevo año e interpretando acertadamente el espíritu innovador y pionero de Hublot de “ser diferente”. Una reinterpretación contemporánea de los clásicos.

Todo el visual queda así capturado en su mente, que luego se plasma en el lienzo, con imágenes poderosas que interpretan el ritmo de los minutos y segundos, y transmiten emociones alegres en un nuevo año. La creación es el resultado de una fusión entre el saber hacer de la Alta Relojería y el arte y la cultura tradicionales, entre la esencia de las culturas oriental y occidental, y entre el pasado y el presente.

Viniendo de China, Wen Na es aclamada como una de las principales jóvenes artistas chinas contemporáneas por su estilo artístico distintivo. Se graduó con mención en grabado y desarrolló un vínculo indisoluble con la “fusión de artes” durante sus años universitarios. Desde la pintura mural hasta la escultura y desde el arte hasta la música, Wen ha experimentado constantemente con la fusión de varias formas de arte, aprovechando conceptos estéticos únicos para inspirar nuevas ideas sobre el arte moderno. La “fusión de las artes”, que Wen cree que es la fuerza impulsora detrás de la inspiración y la imaginación y también está en línea con el Arte de la Fusión de Hublot. concepto de marca Con su ingenio y artesanía, Hublot ha combinado materiales aparentemente diametralmente opuestos y se ha unido a los profesionales más talentosos en campos alternativos para traspasar los límites de lo que es técnica y estéticamente posible para establecer nuevas tendencias en la relojería.

Reloj de lujo – Roger Dubui Excalibur Blacklight Monobalancier “An era of Light Color Begins”

Hiperluminiscente. Hiper-colorido. Superrendimiento: comienza una nueva era de estética deslumbrante con la llegada de la próxima generación de Excalibur Blacklight Monobalancier (MB). Una de las expresiones más brillantes de la Maison hasta la fecha, el reloj es una obra de arte contemporánea que es tan vibrante durante el día como bajo la luz ultravioleta. Bienvenido al deslumbrante mundo de Roger Dubuis, donde los campos de posibilidades se reinventan para ofrecer la forma más emocionante de experimentar Hyper HorologyTM.


Siempre superando los límites, los relojeros altamente calificados de la Maison han estado desarrollando y dominando el intrincado arte de la luminiscencia durante años. Porque en Roger Dubuis, menos nunca es más.

Reflejando un nivel inigualable de artesanía, los micro-haces de metal del calibre son tridimensionales por primera vez, tomando la forma de la estrella característica de Roger Dubuis. De color amarillo brillante y naranja durante el día, revelan su luminiscencia oculta y brillan como neón bajo la luz ultravioleta.

Pero el dominio de la luminiscencia por parte de los relojeros va más allá. Manteniendo el punto culminante en el brillo de los micro-rayos, se eligió un diamante hiperprecioso y vívidamente fluorescente para el corazón de la estrella de la firma, canalizando el ojo para admirar el trabajo abierto de la pieza bajo la luz ultravioleta. Para garantizar que el centro de atención permanezca en los microhaces, también se seleccionaron específicamente 60 diamantes no fluorescentes para adornar el bisel. Motivados por una pasión extrema, el look final demuestra su control absoluto sobre dónde aparece la fluorescencia.


La Maison presenta una colección cápsula icónica que brilla con colores de moda.

Encarnando un compromiso con la inconformidad y la voluntad de explorar nuevas posibilidades creativas, Roger Dubuis se inspiró para ir más allá de su obsesión por la luz e inyectar colores divertidos en esta próxima generación de Excalibur Blacklight MB.

Entre esta colección cápsula se encuentra un reloj vestido de amarillo brillante realzado con toques de naranja vibrante. Estos aportan un equilibrio armonioso al diseño, rompiendo el efecto de un solo tono y creando un camaieu. Estos tonos vivos también crean su estética distintiva, dejando que los detalles del calibre expresivo se revelen capa por capa, como una intrincada obra de arte que se aprecia cuanto más se mira. Atrevido, atrevido, icónico: este reloj de oro blanco de 42 mm realmente deslumbra, desde su correa de caucho amarillo brillante y piel de becerro hasta sus microrayos, marcadores de hora y minutos y su estrella característica. Si lo desean, los afortunados propietarios pueden incluso optar por cambiar la correa con solo unos pocos clics para expresar un nuevo estilo de su elección, ya que está equipada con un sistema de liberación rápida e hiperversátil. Hipercontemporáneo e hiperemocionante, la última edición del Excalibur Blacklight MB lleva a Hyper HorologyTM a nuevos y brillantes niveles de expresividad.


Definiendo el delicado equilibrio entre estética y rendimiento, el reloj está equipado con el calibre RD720SQ, que tiene una mayor reserva de marcha de 72 horas. El micro-rotor y el volante también están optimizados para minimizar las vibraciones, mejorar la estabilidad y hacerlo menos sensible a los golpes. Para lograr una eficiencia y transmisión de energía aún mejores, se mejora la forma de la rueda de escape, se combina con paletas de piedra de silicio recubiertas de diamante y se completa con un nuevo lubricante. La obra maestra está acabada a mano con meticuloso cuidado y recompensada con el Poinçon de Genève, una de las certificaciones más exigentes de la alta relojería.

Limitado a 28 piezas, el Excalibur Blacklight MB es la combinación perfecta de color, luminiscencia y mecánica avanzada, alcanzando nuevos niveles de expresividad. Al compartir su pasión por la luz y la luminiscencia, Roger Dubuis destaca una nueva faceta de Hyper Horology™, una que continúa dando forma al futuro de la alta relojería de la manera más colorida posible.

Hyper e Hyper Horology son marcas comerciales de Roger Dubuis presentadas y/o registradas en la clase 14

Just in time to herald the impending Year of the Rabbit, Franck Muller and Tokyo-based streetwear label #FR2 have jointly unveiled the #FR2NCK MULLER Vanguard. This marks the first collaboration between the two brands, and sees Franck Muller adopting the distinctive design language of #FR2 on its trademark Vanguard watch. The result is an edgy, fashion-forward timepiece with a dial anchored by #FR2’s iconoclastic rabbit motif, sitting a mid the signature numerals and tonneau case of Franck Muller.

The #FR2NCK MULLER Vanguard bridges Swiss luxury watchmaking and Japanese street fashion by melding the elements from each universe, complete with its creators’ signature touches. This is immediately apparent on the dial, where Franck Muller’s timeless yet avant-garde aesthetic has taken on street style sensibilities. A matte white dial base starts things off by establishing a high key aesthetic, upon which black hands, markings, and appliqué indices lie.

The high contrast, monochromatic look comes complete with a delightful quirk at seven o’clock. Here, Franck Muller has situated #FR2’s provocative Fxxking Rabbits motif in lieu of hour markers, with one rabbit’s red eye providing the sole spot of colour on the dial. In the dark, the #FR2NCKMULLER Vanguard also offers an idiosyncratic twist. Super-Luminova has been selectively applied such that the skeletonised obelisk hands, indices and graphical motif leap out from the dial in the absence of light.

The stark, bold design extends to the rest of the watch. This includes Franck Muller’s tonneau-shaped Vanguard case, which has been rendered in a new carbon and glass fibre composite – a first for the brand, and one that will be reserved for Southeast Asia – exclusive models only. To create the light yet strong material, carbon powder and glass fibres are combined, before the resulting mass is impregnated with a bonding resin. The mixture is then baked at 150 degrees Celsius for three hours under 200 tons of pressure, to finally yield a composite that can then be machined into the necessary components. Due to random variations in how the mix are compressed, every watch case will offer a unique pattern of striations. The final touch here is the white nylon strap, which has been emblazoned with black text in a typographic style that will be familiar to street fashion aficionados.

Franck Muller’s work with #FR2 is a rare example of the Swiss watchmaker’s collaboration with external brands, which has been limited to a small, select group of partners. “#FR2’s founder Ryo Ishikawa isn’t just an iconic figure in Tokyo’s streetwear scene,” shares Sharon Lim, CEO of Franck Muller SEA. “As the creative force behind Fxxking Rabbits, he has adopted a muti-disciplinary approach to his label’s creations while maintaining a fiercely independent spirit. These are values that we believe in and identify with at Franck Muller, which makes this Southeast Asia Exclusive a natural collaboration. Of course, the product that we have come up with speaks to that.”

The #FR2NCK MULLER Vanguard is a limited edition of 800 pieces, and is available across Southeast Asia and Australia since 6 January 2023.

About #FR2

#FR2, also known as Fxxking Rabbits, is the brain child of Ryo Ishikawa, an elder statesman in the world of Japanese street fashion who’s perhaps best known for founding fashion imprint Vanquish. Following its establishment in 2014, #FR2 quickly attracted a following with its signature rabbit and “Smoking Kills” motifs, as well as its products’ bold photographic prints. Along the way, Ishikawahas also set the brand apart with provocative campaign images – which he personally lensed – and tongue-in-cheek approach to fashion. From hoodies and candy-dispensing disposable cameras, the brand offers an eclectic range of apparel and objet d’art that’s arguably the most intimately Ishikawa’s yet.

Roger Dubuis - Excalibur Spider Huracán Monobalancier

Roger Dubuis – Excalibur Spider Huracán Monobalancier

Ready, set, go: Roger Dubuis roars across the starting line to reveal the Maison is now the official timing partner of the 2022 Goodwood Festival of Speed. The new collaboration is set to whip up pleasure-seeking visitors with a series of unforgettable thrills and emotions.

The hyper watchmaker already boasts two renowned partnerships within the motorsport’s universe, creating adrenaline-charged masterpieces with racing legend Lamborghini Squadra Corse and premium tyre expert Pirelli. Welcoming another partner to the fold with the Goodwood Festival of Speed is a natural next step. In honour of the new collaboration, Roger Dubuis is proud to unveil the Excalibur Spider Huracán Monobalancier (MB). Born to race, the new timepiece boasts an expressive blend of hyper materials and hyper mechanics.


The new Excalibur Spider Huracán MB reflects the DNA of Lamborghini Squadra Corse combined with the horological excellence of the Maison. Powered by an automatic RD630 calibre, the 45-mm diameter Excalibur Spider Huracán channels the same exhilarating performance as its motoring namesake. Strong visual cues are inspired from the Huracán GT3 EVO2, including the honeycomb motif made famous by the supercar, with its hexagonal dashboard paralleled in the shape of the calibre. Built like an engine, the calibre’s twin barrels and 12° tilted balance wheel also represent the movement signature associated with Lamborghini Squadra Corse. When viewed from the back, the skeletonised movement reveals the 360° oscillating rim weight. This reproduces the like-for-like speed effect of a Huracán wheel rim, as well as emulating its design. Finally, a crown inspired by the supercar’s racing nuts is paired with an upper calibre strut-bar bridge design reminiscent of those found on the V10 engine itself. When visionary engineers meet incredible watchmakers, iconic timepieces are born.


Both Roger Dubuis and Lamborghini Squadra Corse compulsively seek out hyper-tech materials to fulfil their obsession with shaping the future. Just as Lamborghini Squadra Corse chooses carbon fibre for its racing cars, Roger Dubuis crafts the new Excalibur Spider Huracán MB case, bezel, and crown from pure white Mineral Composite Fibre (MCF). Exclusively developed in-house, this hyper-tech material illustrates the Maison’s technical mastery. The 100% integrated Manufacture found that engineering silica via a Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) process could produce a material 13% lighter than SMC carbon. Not only does this lightness make it extremely comfortable to wear on the wrist, it also enables the creation of intricate designs thanks to a sturdy structure. Always seeking out the most expressive aesthetics, the pure white MCF is further elevated with embellishments in striking green, intense red and electrifying yellow to honour the design of the Huracán GT3 EVO. The same shades are also found on the white rubber strap, which features green calf leather perforated with tiny holes to reveal the red beneath. Intricate stitching in red adds to the audacious look, while a Quick Release System ensures ultimate versatility. As exclusive as the Festival of Speed Driver’s Club, the Excalibur Spider Huracán MB is reserved for a select tribe only and therefore limited to 88 pieces.

Join us to discover the Maison’s latest roaring creation and explore iconic timepieces at the Roger Dubuis booth at Goodwood Festival of Speed from June 23rd to June 26th. Adrenaline-seekers beware: This is going to be an epic weekend. – Big Bang Tourbillon Samuel Ross

A Hublot ambassador since 2020, creative director Samuel Ross brings his unique graphic language to watchmaking for the first time with the limited-edition Big Bang Tourbillon Samuel Ross.

A 40-year focus on the “Art of Fusion” has resulted in a meteoric rise for Hublot, seeing it catapulted to the pinnacle of innovative watchmaking. With the brand’s ability to combine seemingly diametrically opposed materials, plus an enduring drive to push the boundaries of what is technically and aesthetically possible, it has rewritten the rules of horology, leaving a new design language in its wake.

Fostering a desire to work with the most talented practitioners in alternate fields, the brand introduced its “Hublot Loves Art” initiative more than a decade ago. Hublot has since collaborated with some of the most talented artists and designers of a generation. Ground-breaking in outlook and highly collectable, the resulting watches offer new interpretations of time and timekeeping. The most recent creator to take up the mantle is Samuel Ross.

Mirroring Hublot’s trajectory, renaissance man Ross has experienced an equally breakneck rise to prominence. Describing himself as a creative director, the 30-year-old multi-disciplinary artist, filmmaker, and fashion designer graduated from Leicester De Montfort University in 2012 with a first-class honours’ degree in graphic design and illustration. Since then, he has collaborated with many brands and creative outlets – from Oakley and Nike to Dr. Martens and Mackintosh – launching his men’s Luxury Sportswear label A-Cold-Wall* in late 2015, and his design studio SR_A in 2019.

In 2019, Ross was awarded the prestigious Hublot Design Prize, and a year later he was announced as an official brand ambassador, an occasion marked by the unveiling of REFORM, a sculpture designed to encapsulate 40 years of Hublot. Combining an ancient, organic material (granite) with a modern, manmade one (steel), Ross created his own ‘Fusion’, uniting past and present in a production process that involved both traditional hand-finishing and cutting-edge machining.

The deceptively simple, industrial form of the 40cm high artwork has now been reinterpreted in the 44mm Big Bang Tourbillon Samuel Ross – Ross’s first wristwatch collaboration with Hublot. Ross’s signature use of colour and love of stark geometry and urban design, come together with the innovation and precision that prevail in the work of both Ross and Hublot.

The distinctive, stylised hexagon of the Big Bang case is reflected in the titanium honeycomb mesh used on the sapphire dial, case, case back and strap. A basic building block of nature (seen in environments from beehives and snake’s scales to pineapple skin and snowflakes) the robust and efficient shape, that can be repeated without gaps or overlapping, has been appropriated as a standard for modern-day construction and design thanks to the seamless fit of each unit.

Here the hexagon is a visual symbol of the functionality of the watch – a key strand running through all of Ross’s design. Although it may be a wearable sculpture, Ross never loses sight of the need for it to be durable and ergonomic, the lightweight, openworked titanium structure and malleable rubber strap ensuring its comfort on the wrist. A proponent of colour theory, Ross has chosen orange – representing energy and optimism – for the strap and accents on the crown and tourbillon bridge and lateral bumpers that protect the case, a glowing contrast to the sober grey of the satin-finished case and bezel.

The 282-component, manufacture HUB6035 calibre within beats at 3 Hz and gives 72 hours of power reserve. Just 50 pieces will be produced, each one a piece of art that brings a new perspective and a new visual language

to watchmaking. To celebrate the launch, Ross’s signature colours will envelop Hublot’s 5th Ave boutique in New York City. The takeover will be repeated in Hublot stores across the globe, bringing the Samuel Ross universe to the world of horology.


Big Bang Unico Summer Purple

It’s fashion, baby! Hublot stays on-trend this summer with the launch of a Big Bang Unico in a brand-new shade – purple! A purple splash for a refreshing dive into the bold, bright colours of Spring-Summer 2022.



Fashionistas around the world agree: bold, bright colours are back this season! Colour blocking is a trend gracing catwalks at the most recent Fashion Week events in the biggest capitals. This fresh, colourful approach has inspired Hublot’s new “Summer in the City” campaign as well as a new Summer edition of the iconic Big Bang Unico, which now has an all-purple look! Its 42-mm case is cut from aluminium, a modern, lightweight material.



This anodised, satin-finished and polished case is purple all over. This colour has been made possible using a process which guarantees impeccable durability and offers remarkable protection from scratches and impacts. A technical feat on the part of Hublot’s engineers!

Beating at the heart of the Big Bang Unico Summer is the HUB1280 manufacture calibre, a chronograph movement whose column wheel is visible through the dial. It has a power reserve of 72 hours. The hands and indices are in the same shade of purple, enhanced here and there with touches of luminescent white.



To match its all-purple look, the Big Bang Unico Summer comes with two straps in the same colour. The first takes the form of a Velcro strap with matching stitching which is closed with a sports clasp. The second adopts the brand’s signature natural rubber and both bracelets feature the One-Click system, an interchangeable clasp system patented by

Designed for everyone, the watch will be available in a limited edition of 200 pieces. 



Looks Magical.
Works Beautifully.

OMEGA celebrates its legendary history and the magical qualities of its precise and delicate watch mechanisms, with a stunning new campaign, that turns watch calibres into dream-like worlds.

The inner workings of Co-Axial movements provide the perfect stage settings for a dynamic and playful celebration of the Swiss brand’s extraordinary achievements.

OMEGA latest campaign tells the story of its technical prowess and pioneering spirit with scaled down figures and iconic objects, set against the backdrop of enchanting, futuristic “watch-scapes”.

The centrepiece of the campaign is a visually compelling movie, created by the same studio that produced the 3D Co-Axial video, now showing at the OMEGA Museum. It is from here that OMEGA has drawn its eye-catching pictures and designs for print media and window displays.

Themes explored include moon landings, deep-sea adventures, sports timekeeping and of course precision watchmaking. Even Snoopy makes an appearance, as the famous cartoon beagle has links to OMEGA’s role in the safe return of Apollo 13.

With its magical/sci-fi aesthetic, OMEGA’s new campaign is sure to catch the eyes of watch fans around the world. The settings are otherworldly and the models charming, witty – and collectable.

Making a return appearance in the campaign is OMEGA’s Co-Axial Escapement, launched in 1999.  Its smaller contact surfaces mean less friction, less lubrication and greater reliability. It also works its magic as a sculptural feature in a cinematic landscape.



Hublot unveils its own interpretation of the square watch, a totally new geometry for the watchmaker. Inspired by the Maison’s iconic Big Bang, this Square Bang Unico adds a new pillar, ‘The Shaped Collection’ to sit alongside the Spirit of Big Bang.

Is there anything that has not been explored in watchmaking? This is the question that Hublot’s R&D department asks itself every day. When you have created the most resistant materials, set up the craziest of partnerships and developed extraordinary complications, the answer is often very simply… In the shape. Hublot currently masters three: a round watch, a barrel-shaped watch, and the MPs, those ‘Master Pieces’ have that have broken free from all conventions.

Today, a fourth shape has been created: the square. Its geometry bewitched Hublot because of the challenges it sets. First, the movement. Since every calibre has the wheel as its basic component, it therefore needs a round movement. If you are to place a round movement harmoniously in a square case, this requires a very specific style. This is why most watchmakers hide their movement, to give the illusion of using a shaped movement or because they have failed to find a consistent aesthetic style.

Hublot decided to take a radically different direction: the watchmaker hides nothing of its own, in-house Unico movement, the pride of the Nyon watchmakers and the beating heart of most of its designs for over 10 years. The chronograph has a column wheel visible at 6 o’ clock, while its bicompax display dispenses with a dial, to reveal its secret inner workings.

The second challenge was the modular construction of the case, designed in line with Hublot’s DNA, with a central housing dressed with an upper and lower plate to enable a myriad of combinations and transformations. But this time, it is square in shape, and therefore much more difficult to make water resistant – Hublot pulls off the challenge with a guaranteed water resistance to 100 metres. The size of the case is also an important factor to ensure this model is perfectly ergonomic, providing comfort on the wrist very similar to that of the 42 mm Big Bang. Its pedigree from the brand’s icon can be seen in countless details.

First of all, there is the sandwich construction of its dial, which gives it different levels of depth and a highly architectural feel. As with the Big Bang, the Square Bang Unico’s dial makes extensive use of sapphire to give a clear view of the Unico movement, and also reuses the same hands.

Next, we find the six (functional) screws on the bezel, placed at exactly the same places as on the Big Bang. On either side of the Square Bang, you find the ‘ears’ from the Big Bang’s case, giving balance to the design while protecting the case. For the strap, in addition to the much appreciated One Click system of the Big Bang and its textured rubber, the two screws are fixed in the middle as an attachment. Finally, the Square Bang uses the same materials as its predecessor, including titanium, ceramic and King Gold, not to mention the famous ‘All Black’ finish.

Lastly, a new strap decorated with ‘chocolate squares’ further emphasises the Square Bang’s identity. Thanks to its interchangeable (One Click) system you can change the look of your watch in one click with an impressive range of Rubber, Alligator and soon soft-touch leather straps.

Five 42 mm models are already available. The first three are in solid titanium, black ceramic or King Gold. The last two blend titanium or King Gold with a black ceramic bezel. Each model comes with a black rubber strap and a folding clasp in the same material as the case. These original designs beat to the rhythm of the HUB1280 Unico Manufacture movement, a 354-component automatic chronograph, set at 4 Hz (28,800 vib/h).

As is customary at Hublot, the finishing is uncompromising and has a very modern feel: polished and sandblasted screws, over-moulded rubber crown, push-pieces decorated with rubber ‘chocolate squares’, polished satin bottom and rhodium-plated or 5N gold-plated hands, depending on the model. The crown comes in over-moulded rubber. The textured pattern of the strap was created especially for the Square Bang. It includes four rows (like the four sides of the case) of raised squares (like the bezel on the case).

Traditionnelle perpetual calendar ultra-thin and Patrimony self-winding: Feminine timepieces

  • Vacheron Constantin has added new models to its Traditionnelle and Patrimony collections, aimed at women.
  • The Traditionnelle perpetual calendar ultra-thin watch, equipped with in-house Calibre 
    1120 QP,  is offered in two gemset 36.5 mm versions in white gold and pink gold respectively.
  • The Patrimony self-winding watch, powered by in-house Calibre 2450 Q6/3, is interpreted through four references in white and pink gold featuring gemsetting on the bezel or dial, and with new gradient-effect dials
  • These six new references are fitted with straps that are interchangeable at the touch of a push-button.

Geneva, 30 March 2022 – The attention that Vacheron Constantin has devoted to women’s timepieces for more than two centuries is freshly interpreted through the models presented at Watches and Wonders 2022. A response to women’s growing desire for complex mechanical timepieces, the Traditionnelle perpetual calendar ultra-thin watch displays its technical nature in an eminently feminine manner; while the Patrimony self-winding watch flaunts a minimalist silhouette exuding a timeless elegance symbolising a distinctive kind of watchmaking classicism.

Vacheron Constantin and women: a story woven through time

Women took a very early interest in watchmaking, often to adorn their garments with objects that were sometimes unusual yet generally designed as real jewellery. This was however not to the detriment of their practical aspects, as confirmed by the numerous striking or calendar watches made with women in mind. Women also played a role as early adopters of wristwatches.

Vacheron Constantin has left its mark on each era, from the first ladies’ pocket watches made at the turn of the 18th century through to elegant contemporary creations. Whether functional or ceremonial objects, jewellery or sports watches, Vacheron Constantin’s women’s creations have consistently reflected the evolution of artistic sensibilities as well as of fashion trends. They bear witness to perpetually renewed aesthetic and technical creativity aimed at women, within which attention to detail shapes an anatomy of watchmaking beauty that is unique to the Maison.

Vacheron Constantin’s archives make it possible to trace the origins of ladies’ watches commissioned very early in the history of the Manufacture, including a sculpted yellow gold watch with quarter repeater and off-centre small seconds dating from 1838. The ensuring decades witnessed a succession of creations – sometimes housing horological complications and often precious with their hunter-type cases – leading up the appearance of the first wristwatches, a feminine accessory of which the first example in the Vacheron Constantin collection dates from 1889.

With the advent of the 20th century, the Maison’s feminine creations admirably embodied the spirit of the times, initially inspired by Art Nouveau, then Art Deco, with a clear penchant for jewellery watches. Cooperating with Vacheron Constantin’s French agent Verger lasted until 1938 and also brought its share of new models dedicated to women – some of which featured cameos inspired by Asian art or Ancient Greece. From the 1940s onwards, women began wearing watches almost exclusively on the wrist. The geometrical lines of the Art Deco period gradually gave way to more voluptuous shapes. Designed as jewels that tell the time, ‘secret’ watches with covers concealing the display of time were particularly popular at the time, and Vacheron Constantin displayed impressive stylistic inventiveness through its designs vividly reflecting the modern era.

In the wake of the 1970s, Vacheron Constantin dared to experiment with new, uninhibited shapes for ladies’ watches, before adopting the sportier lines of the Overseas range dedicated to the contemporary woman. In addition, the Traditionnelle and Patrimony collections were designed to convey the technical sophistication and aesthetic refinement of time measurement for women. This approach was further accentuated by the recent launch of the Égérie watches: inspired by Haute Couture, they embody watchmaking expertise and a sensitivity to feminine codes that has been constantly reaffirmed over the centuries. Drawing on this heritage, Maison is now adding new models to its two Patrimony and Traditionnelle collections.

Traditionnelle perpetual calendar ultra-thin

The brand is unveiling a new feminine timepiece in its Traditionnelle collection, a line imbued with the grand Geneva watchmaking heritage and whose design was intended to adapt to all types of watches, whether simple or equipped with sophisticated complications. The Traditionnelle perpetual calendar ultra-thin watch corresponds to women’s desire for mechanical complication timepieces.

This timepiece equipped with in-house Calibre 1120 QP elegantly plays on the distinctive aspects of the Gregorian calendar. It displays the days, dates, months and years on a four-year cycle, including a leap-year indication, without any need for correction before 2100. This calendar display is complemented by a moon-phase indication at 6 o’clock. Another distinctive feature of this movement is its thinness: measuring only 4.05 mm thick, it is housed in a 8.43 mm-thick case with a 36.5 mm diameter, ensuring perfect visual harmony.

Calibre 1120 QP reflects the Maison’s expertise in ultra-thin movements that has enabled it to set several records in terms of slimness since the 1950s. With its 276 components perfectly visible through the sapphire caseback, it also reflects noble watchmaking traditions through its extremely meticulous finishing: a circular-grained plate on the dial side, mainplate and bridges adorned with a Côtes de Genève motif on the back, hand-bevelling, circular satin-finished holes and a going train with polished teeth. The oscillating weight featuring a 22K gold segment is also adorned with a Côtes de Genève motif and openworked in the shape of the Maison’s Maltese cross emblem.

This watch whose aesthetic refinement echoes its technical sophistication pays tribute to the identity codes of Vacheron Constantin, whereby the quest for excellence is expressed through the smallest, even invisible details. Available in 18K white gold and 18K 5N pink gold versions, it is inspired by Vacheron Constantin models from the first half of the last century. It features the strong sense of understatement characterising the collection, embellished with a few special features such as the stepped lugs and case, fluted caseback, as well as Dauphine-type hands flying over a railway minutes track punctuated by baton-type hour-markers. In keeping with the methodical spirit of the time, which held that function should dictate form, this perpetual calendar has been specially designed to make it easy to read the calendar indications thanks to a slimmed-down bezel offering a larger dial opening.

The dial is adorned with blue-grey tinted mother-of-pearl for the white gold model and white mother-of-pearl for the pink gold model. The moon-phase disc bears the same colours as the dial, while the depiction of the moon and the stars adopts the same shade of gold as the case, complete with an opaline finish. In a final touch of elegance, the bezel and top of the lugs are delicately set with 76 round-cut diamonds, while the crown is adorned with a round-cut diamond.

For the first time in the collection, this Traditionnelle perpetual calendar ultra-thin watch is equipped with an interchangeable strap that can be fitted at the touch of a push-button and without any need for tools. Each model comes with an alligator leather strap – grey blue or rosy beige – secured by a white or pink gold pin buckle set with 17 round-cut diamonds.


Patrimony self-winding

The Patrimony self-winding watch symbolises minimalist art expressed through horological refinement. Inspired by a historical 1957 Vacheron Constantin with a classic round, ultra-thin style and timeless elegance, the Patrimony collection has been distinguished since its launch in 2004 by a restrained and refined watchmaking aesthetic. In keeping with the line’s signature spirit of purity, the proportions of the new Patrimony models have been revisited. The curve of the 36.5 mm-diameter case in 18K white gold or 18K 5N pink gold has been redesigned, while the crown has been subtly rounded.

The slightly convex dial swept over by leaf-shaped hands following its curves features subtle shades of deep blue for the white gold version and blush pink for the pink gold version. These colours appear in a gradient-effect composition that is lighter in the centre and progressively darker towards the edge of the dial, thereby bringing light and depth to the display of the hours, minutes and seconds. The care lavished on each detail is reflected in the date disc at 6 o’clock, which has the same colour as the dial, and in the subtle play of gemsetting on the models. Each of the two versions features either a bezel set with 72 round-cut diamonds lighting up the circular-grained minutes track, or a minutes track itself composed of 48 round-cut diamonds positioned between the applied gold hour-markers. The gemsetting of the minutes track, a complex operation performed on an underlying domed surface, reflects an approach to watchmaking in which every detail is essential to the anatomy of Vacheron Constantin watches.

These four new references are powered by in-house 2450 Q6/3 movement driving displays of the hours and minutes along with central seconds and an aperture-type date. Beating at a rate of 28,800 vibrations per hour – an excellent compromise between precision and reliability – it is endowed with a 40-hour power reserve. This 196-component self-winding movement is barely 3.6 mm thick. Its finishing, like that of the case, complies with Hallmark of Geneva criteria such as a circular-grained mainplate, hand-bevelled bridges adorned with a Côtes de Genève motif, straight-grained finishing springs, a going train with polished sinks and burnished pinions. The transparent caseback also reveals an 22K gold openworked oscillating weight inspired by the Maltese cross.

These new Patrimony watches feature interchangeable straps in night blue or rosy beige alligator leather with an iridescent satin finish. They can be removed and replaced at the touch of a push-button, without any need for tools.

The Anatomy of Beauty®

These new Traditionnelle and Patrimony models perfectly illustrate the Maison’s 2022 “The Anatomy of Beauty®” theme, celebrating the attentiveness to detail. This extraordinarily painstaking care is expressed through the designers’ aesthetic choices and preferences as well as in the meticulous finishing work performed by the artisans. All the components of a Vacheron Constantin watch benefit from this scrupulous attention, even those that remain invisible once the movement has been assembled. A keen eye will note the fine guilloché work on a dial or the gem-set minutes track; it will make out the contours of the Maison’s Maltese cross emblem on the links of a bracelet; it will notice the small flame-blued screw serving as a seconds indicator on a tourbillon carriage and the mirror polish of a minute-repeater hammer; it will appreciate the artisans’ delicate touch when chamfering a plate or rounding off a bridge; and finally, it will admire the miniature enamel painting depicting a ship tossed around by a stormy sea streaked with lightning. At Vacheron Constantin, concern for detail delicately shapes an anatomy of beauty in which nothing is left to chance.



From the first pocket watches at the turn of the 18th century to contemporary wristwatches, Vacheron Constantin has always been able to capture the spirit of the times and meet women’s expectations.

Greatly appreciated by connoisseurs, the 4.05 mm in-house Calibre 1120 QP gives life to a new Traditionnelle perpetual calendar ultra-thin designed for women’s wrists. This 36.5 mm-diameter model reflects Vacheron Constantin’s grand tradition of horological complications, notably interpreted through ultra-thin versions. Its 18K white or 18K 5N pink gold case bears the identity codes of the Traditionnelle collection featuring meticulous handcrafted finishing. Its gem-set bezel and its dial graced with delicately shimmering mother-of-pearl have been meticulously designed to ensure optimum legibility of the calendar indications.

True to its restrained and timeless elegance inherited from the 1950s, the new Patrimony self-winding watch reveals a slimmer feminine anatomy graced with redesigned curves and a slightly domed dial with a deep, luminous gradient. This 36.5 mm-diameter model is available in white gold with a deep blue dial or in pink gold with a blush pink dial, complete with either a bezel set with 72 diamonds and a “pearl” minute track, or with a gold bezel and a minute track set with 48 diamonds. The apparent simplicity of the Patrimony self-winding watch stems from meticulous attention to detail, as evidenced by the finishing of its self-winding in-house Calibre 2450 Q6/3 driving displays of the hours, minutes, seconds and date.

These new models in the Traditionnelle and Patrimony collections feature interchangeable straps that can be released at the touch of a single button and without the need for tools.


Traditionnelle perpetual calendar ultra-thin


1120 QP
Developed and manufactured by Vacheron Constantin
Mechanical, self-winding
29.6 mm (12½’’’) diameter, 4.05 mm thick
Approximately 40 hours of power reserve
2.75 Hz (19,800 vibrations per hour)
276 components
36 jewels
Hallmark of Geneva certified timepiece

Hours, minutes
Perpetual calendar (day of the week, date, 48-month display with leap year indication)
Moon phases                                                          

18K white gold/18K 5N pink gold
36.5 mm diameter, 8.43 mm thick
Bezel and lugs set with 76 round-cut diamonds
Crown set with 1 round-cut diamond
Transparent sapphire crystal caseback
Water-resistance tested at a pressure of 3 bar (approx. 30 metres)

Blue grey/White mother-of-pearl
18K white gold/18K 5N pink gold hour-markers and hands

Blue grey (4305T/000G-B948) / Rosy beige (4305T/000R-B947) Mississippiensis alligator leather with calfskin leather inner shell, stitched tip, square scales          
 With integrated self-interchangeable system

18K white gold/18K 5N pink gold pin buckle set with 17 round-cut diamonds

Total diamond-setting                           
94 round-cut diamonds, for a total weight of approx.
1.20 carats (guaranteed minimum carats)


Patrimony self-winding


2450 Q6/3
Developed and manufactured by Vacheron Constantin
Mechanical, self-winding
26.20 mm diameter (11¼’’’), 3.60 mm thick
Approximately 40 hours of power reserve
4 Hz (28,800 vibrations/hour)
196 components
27 jewels
Hallmark of Geneva certified timepiece

Heures, minutes, central seconds

18K white gold/18K 5N pink gold
Bezel set with 72 round-cut diamonds
36.5 mm diameter, 8.45 mm thick
Transparent sapphire crystal caseback
Water-resistance tested at a pressure of 3 bar (approx. 30 metres)

Deep blue / blush pink, gradient effect
Convex external zone with circular “pearl” minute-track composed by 48 polished 18K gold pearls
18K white gold/18K 5N pink gold applied hour-markers and hour/minutes hands

Night blue/Rosy beige Mississippiensis alligator leather with satin-effect, calf inner shell, stitched tip, square scales
With integrated self-interchangeable system

18K white gold/18K 5N pink gold pin buckle
Polished half Maltese cross-shaped

Total diamond-setting
72 round-cut diamonds, for a total weight of approx.
0.74 carats (guaranteed minimum carats)

Patrimony self-winding


2450 Q6/3
Developed and manufactured by Vacheron Constantin
Mechanical, self-winding
26.20 mm diameter (11¼’’’), 3.60 mm thick
Approximately 40 hours of power reserve
4 Hz (28,800 vibrations/hour)
196 components
27 jewels
Hallmark of Geneva certified timepiece

Heures, minutes, central seconds

18K white gold/18K 5N pink gold
36.5 mm diameter, 8.45 mm thick
Transparent sapphire crystal caseback
Water-resistance tested at a pressure of 3 bar (approx. 30 metres)
Deep blue / blush pink, gradient effect
Convex external zone with circular “pearl” minute-track composed by 48 round-cut diamonds
18K white gold/18K 5N pink gold applied hour-markers and hour/minutes hands

Night blue/Rosy beige Mississippiensis alligator leather with satin-effect, calf inner shell, stitched tip, square scales
With self-interchangeable system integrated

18K white gold/18K 5N pink gold pin buckle
Polished half Maltese cross-shaped

Overseas tourbillon skeleton: A breath of fresh air for an emblematic complication

  • First tourbillon skeleton watch in the Overseas collection
  • Two versions in 18K 5N pink gold and Grade 5 titanium respectively 
  • First Vacheron Constantin all-titanium model with integrated bracelet
  • Manufacture Calibre 2160 SQ, redesigned and skeletonised with a new balance-spring featuring a Breguet overcoil

Geneva, 30 March 2022 – The tourbillon, one of the most emblematic Haute Horlogerie complications, joins the Overseas collection in a skeletonised version. Manufacture Calibre 2160 has been redesigned for the occasion in a contemporary, entirely openworked spirit. Available in 18K 5N pink gold and Grade 5 titanium – first Vacheron Constantin model made entirely of this metal- versions complete with integrated bracelets, this watch is accompanied by meticulous attention to the finishing of the movement and case.

Vacheron Constantin continues the travel spirit of the Overseas watches with this new tourbillon skeleton model, a first in this collection launched in 1996. Beautifully streamlined with its entirely openworked movement; sophisticated with its robust case; rigorously disciplined with its tourbillon-driven movement ensuring a comfortable over three-day power reserve, this timepiece is designed for the finest journeys – exactly as François Constantin, the tireless traveller who signed an enduring alliance with Jacques-Barthélémi Vacheron in 1819, would doubtless have presented it.

The watch comes in two versions, one in 18K 5N pink gold and the other in Grade 5 titanium. The titanium model is the first by the Maison to be entirely made of this same metal – from crown to bezel and from bracelet to case. The self-winding Manufacture Calibre 2160 powering these timepieces has been entirely skeletonised in a contemporary spirit with a degree of attention to detail stemming from an authentic aesthetic quest celebrated through Vacheron Constantin’s “Anatomy of Beauty ®” 2022 theme.

A finely crafted movement, Manufacture Calibre 2160 SQ

The skeletonisation work carried out on self-winding Calibre 2160 has enabled not only a 20% reduction in the movement’s weight but also a complete rethink of its architecture. Its curvature is thus very slender, at barely 5.65 mm thick – a real technical feat considering the requirements linked to the integration of a tourbillon carriage. This thinness is notably due to the choice of a peripheral gold oscillating weight, which also enables a completely clear view of the rear of the movement. The work done on the baseplate and the four bridges can be clearly admired, with the NAC (N-acetylcysteine) surface treatment applied by electrolysis conferring an anthracite grey tint. This contemporary touch given to the movement blends perfectly with the classic haute horlogerie finishes in the form of hand-drawn flanks and hand-chamfering with polished bevels to accentuate the light playing across the components. The mainplate and bridges are also delicately decorated to create a finish of very fine, perfectly horizontal grooves. Such concern for details is a credo which holds that even the smallest part deserves the same meticulous attention as those that are perfectly visible.

The same NAC surface treatment can be found on the barrel, of which the drum and cover have been entirely openworked, creating a compass rose shape on the dial side – another original feature of Calibre 2160 SQ. To complete the openworking of this 186-component movement, the wheels have also been made lighter, while the tourbillon is held by a rounded-off upper bridge. The tourbillon regulator rotating once per minute operates at a rate of 18,000 vibrations per hour (2.5 Hz) and serves as a small seconds indicator by means of one of the four screws used to secure the carriage and which is grey on the pink gold version and flame-blued on the titanium version.

For this new calibre, Vacheron Constantin’s watchmakers have also redesigned the regulating organ housed in the tourbillon carriage coupled with the escapement. A new balance-spring was designed in-house, equipped with a Breguet overcoil (terminal curve). By folding the outer spring coil towards the centre, outside its horizontal plane, this arrangement forces a flat development of the spring, thus ensuring enhanced isochronism.

The art of details

The sapphire crystal serving as the dial reveals all the details of the calibre, like a horological anatomy taking shape with each component. The hour-markers secured to this crystal are in rhodium-plated 18K 5N pink gold or 18K white gold, depending on the model. The same noble metals are used for the hands which, like the hour-markers, are coated with Super-LumiNova® ensuring perfect night-time visibility. The dial ring is available in black lacquered 18K 5N pink gold or in blue PVD-treated 18K white gold.

Particular care has been devoted to the finishing of the case and bracelet. The bezel ring is circular satin-brushed on the 18K 5N pink gold version and sandblasted on the Grade 5 titanium iteration. The case and bracelet of both models are vertically satin-brushed with polished angles on the bracelet links, whose shape is inspired by Vacheron Constantin’s Maltese Cross emblem.

Both watches feature the Overseas collection specific interchangeable strap system. They come with two straps in calfskin and rubber: black with two 18K 5N pink gold pin buckles for the gold model; and blue with an interchangeable titanium folding clasp for the titanium model.

The Anatomy of Beauty ®

The Overseas tourbillon skeleton watch features architecture and finishes that are meticulous in every detail, reflecting the quest for excellence cherished by the Maison, whose 2022 “Anatomy of Beauty®” theme pays tribute to the extraordinary work of its artisans. This extraordinarily painstaking care is expressed through the designers’ aesthetic choices and preferences as well as in the meticulous finishing work performed by the artisans. All the components of a Vacheron Constantin watch benefit from this scrupulous attention, even those that remain invisible once the movement has been assembled. A keen eye will note the fine guilloché work on a dial or the gem-set minutes track; it will make out the contours of the Maison’s Maltese cross emblem on the links of a bracelet; it will notice the small flame-blued screw serving as a seconds indicator on a tourbillon carriage and the mirror polish of a minute-repeater hammer; it will appreciate the artisans’ delicate touch when chamfering a plate or rounding off a bridge; and finally, it will admire the miniature enamel painting depicting a ship tossed around by a stormy sea streaked with lightning. At Vacheron Constantin, concern for detail delicately shapes an anatomy of beauty in which nothing is left to chance.**********************


Several “firsts” characterize the new Overseas tourbillon skeleton model. It is the first timepiece in the collection equipped with a tourbillon movement in a skeletonised version. The new Manufacture Calibre 2160 SQ, featuring hand-crafted finishes characteristic of haute horlogerie yet in a contemporary spirit, is equipped with an original regulating organ featuring a balance-spring with a Breguet overcoil. The openworking of the barrel reveals a cover shaped like compass rose, a novel design for Vacheron Constantin. Available in 18K 5N pink gold and Grade 5 titanium, this latest version is the first Vacheron Constantin watch made entirely of this metal, including the bezel and crown. This breath of fresh air, which is entirely in keeping with the travel spirit of the Overseas collection, is accompanied by meticulous attention to the finishing of the movement and case. Each component is reworked and finished by hand, perfectly illustrating the Maison’s Anatomy of Beauty theme for 2022, which highlights all the richness and subtlety of the details featured in a Vacheron Constantin timepiece. Both versions come with two interchangeable leather and rubber straps.



2160 SQ
Developed and manufactured by Vacheron Constantin
Mechanical, self-winding, peripheral rotor
31 mm (13½’’’) diameter, 5.65 mm thick
Approximately 80 hours of power reserve
2.5 Hz (18,000 vibrations per hour)
186 components
30 jewels
Hallmark of Geneva certified timepiece

Hours, minutes, small seconds on tourbillon carriage (coloured screw)

18K 5N pink gold / Grade 5 Titanium
42.5 mm diameter, 10.39 mm thick
Soft iron casing ring ensuring anti-magnetic protection
Transparent sapphire crystal caseback
Water-resistant tested at a pressure of 5 bar (approx. 50 metres)


18K 5N pink gold / 18K white gold hour-markers and hours & minutes hands highlighted with Super-LumiNova®

18K 5N pink gold bracelet / Grade 5 Titanium (half Maltese cross-shaped polished and satin-brushed links), secured by a 18K 5N pink gold / Grade 5 Titanium triple-blade folding clasp with push-pieces and comfort-adjustment system

Additional straps
Black / blue calfskin leather with white stitches
Black / blue rubber

6000V/110R-B934: Each additional strap comes with a 18K 5N pink gold
6000V/110T-B935: Titanium Grade 5 interchangeable folding-clasp

Ref. 6000V/110T-B935 (titanium version) only available through the Vacheron Constantin Boutiques.