Once again, the 33rd edition of the WPHH was absolutely unforgettable. During one week, our partners entered the creative and fascinating world of Franck Muller. The WPHH has turned into a sensational gallery in the Domaine du Grand Malagny, where the guests were invited to discover the exclusive novelties of the group. The exhibition enhanced the beautiful creations of Franck Muller, Backes & Strauss and Cvstos.

Spectacular novelties unveiled during the exhibition

In a magical and majestic atmosphere, watch aficionados and professionals had the opportunity to discover the most iconic brand’s timepieces along with dazzling new timepieces. For instance, the Curvex CX Giga Tourbillon, the Curvex CX Grand Central Flash Tourbillon, the Vanguard™ Damas, the Vanguard™ New Tone Skeleton or even the Vanguard™ Slim Skeleton.  On the feminine side, many models were released: the Curvex CX Lady, the Curvex CX Piano as well as an amazing Cintrée Curvex™ Retrograde Hour, reaviling a Tourbillon or a Moonphase.

2023 celebrates the Crazy Hours’ 20th anniversary where a spectacular limited collection was created: the Vanguard™ Crazy Hours by Hom Nguyen. Designed in a Vanguard™ shape, this timepiece combing emblatic symbols of the brand such as the Crazy Hours complication and the iconic numerals hand-painted by the artist. This exclusive edition is flawlessly offering emotions to the owner though its clever and complex mechanism.

Blancpain colabora con Swatch para crear una versión divertida e inesperada de su icónico reloj de buceo Fifty Fathoms. Cinco modelos Bioceramic Scuba Fifty Fathoms celebran los océanos que Blancpain está tan profundamente comprometido con preservar y salvaguardar.

Blancpain y Swatch se unen para crear una colección ilimitada de cinco modelos llenos de alegría de vivir, color y tecnología. Juntas, las dos marcas del Grupo Swatch se sumergen en los cinco océanos del planeta azul, combinando lo mejor de ambas marcas con relojes innovadores, biocerámicos, resistentes al agua y un movimiento mecánico con una reserva de marcha de 90 horas.

Las dos marcas han unido fuerzas para crear una colección de cinco relojes llamada Bioceramic Scuba Fifty Fathoms Collection. Cada modelo celebra uno de los cinco océanos, cuya conservación es tan querida por Blancpain. La elección obvia para este proyecto fue el Blancpain Fifty Fathoms, un reloj nacido hace exactamente 70 años y que revolucionó la relojería al convertirse en el primer verdadero reloj de buceo.

Estos cinco modelos Blancpain X Swatch están fabricados con biocerámica, una mezcla única y patentada de dos tercios de cerámica y un tercio de biomateriales derivados del aceite de ricino. Si bien los colores elegidos para esta colaboración indican claramente que no se trata de un reloj Blancpain tradicional, todos los fanáticos y entusiastas reconocerán a primera vista muchas de las características del icónico Fifty Fathoms, así como guiños a la colección Swatch Scuba.

Las principales características del Fifty Fathoms están presentes en la versión Swatch: la típica caja, su bisel giratorio unidireccional para medir la duración de la inmersión y su movimiento automático protegido de los campos magnéticos (en este caso el SISTEM51 equipado con el resorte de espiral antimagnético Nivachron™.

Para Marc A. Hayek, presidente y director ejecutivo de Blancpain, esta colaboración es muy simbólica: “Sin Swatch, la industria relojera suiza simplemente no habría sobrevivido y disfrutado de un destino tan maravilloso. Esta colección es un motivo de orgullo para mí. Se lo debemos a “Nos proponemos trabajar con esta marca que es tan pionera como nosotros, una realidad que se demuestra vívidamente con esta colección. Swatch ha reinterpretado brillantemente nuestro modelo icónico, a su manera, con su propia visión. Como buen buceador, realmente Aprecie la atención al detalle en esta colección y las numerosas referencias a Fifty Fathoms.

El hecho de que sea resistente al agua hasta una profundidad de 91 metros (lo que corresponde exactamente a 50 brazas, una unidad náutica de profundidad) es un guiño fantástico”. Marc A. Hayek, presidente y director ejecutivo de Blancpain, quien relanzó el Fifty Fathoms en 2003 , también quedó cautivado por el homenaje rendido a los nudibranquios en el rotor del movimiento mecánico SISTEM51: “Estos animales marinos son puras maravillas de la naturaleza. Con sus formas inverosímiles y sus colores a menudo brillantes, es un inmenso placer observarlos en su elemento durante una inmersión.

Crean un efecto sereno y calmante. A través de su programa Blancpain Ocean Commitment, Blancpain ha cofinanciado hasta la fecha más de 20 importantes expediciones científicas y ha ayudado a duplicar la superficie de áreas marinas protegidas en todo el mundo”. La nueva colección de cinco relojes, con colores nunca antes vistos en el Fifty Fathoms original, aporta un fuerte toque divertido al icónico reloj de buceo de Blancpain. Cada modelo presenta los logotipos compartidos de Blancpain X Swatch en la esfera y la corona. Las correas están hechas de redes de pesca recicladas extraídas del fondo del océano. Para todos aquellos que quieran sumergirse en el descubrimiento de esta colección, bajo el agua o no, los relojes estarán disponibles a partir del 9 de septiembre y únicamente en tiendas Swatch seleccionadas de todo el mundo. Presentados en una caja especial para buceo, los relojes también estarán expuestos durante algunas semanas en una selección de boutiques Blancpain, pero no a la venta.

Cincuenta brazas

Hace setenta años nació un icono: el Fifty Fathoms. El reloj que revolucionaría la relojería al convertirse en el primer verdadero reloj de buceo fue idea de un apasionado del submarinismo, Jean-Jacques Fiechter, entonces codirector ejecutivo de Blancpain. Pionero en una disciplina que aún estaba en pañales, comprendió la necesidad de medir el tiempo bajo el agua. La herramienta que diseñó para satisfacer sus propias necesidades obtuvo inmediatamente la aprobación unánime entre los buzos militares y civiles, hasta el punto de convertirse en su aliado infalible. Al mejorar la seguridad del buceo, el Fifty Fathoms contribuyó al desarrollo de este deporte y fomentó el descubrimiento del mundo de los océanos.

Permitió a Blancpain forjar estrechos vínculos con la comunidad oceánica (lazos que se han fortalecido durante los últimos 70 años) y se ha convertido en el catalizador del compromiso de la Manufactura con la conservación de los océanos. El año 2023, que marca el 70.º aniversario del Fifty Fathoms, también resuena como un reinicio de su nacimiento mediante la llegada de varios innovadores relojes de buceo de aniversario, lanzados a lo largo del año del aniversario. Como esta colaboración única con Swatch.

El mundo silencioso

Codirigida por Louis Malle, The Silent World ganó la Palma de Oro en Cannes en 1956. La película generó conciencia mundial sobre la riqueza de la flora y la fauna del mundo y la necesidad de protegerlas. Un aspecto particular que no pasó desapercibido fue que el equipo de buzos llevaba un determinado reloj, el Fifty Fathoms, cuyas cualidades permitían rodar largas secuencias en un entorno marino.

Compromiso Blancpain Océano

Blancpain desempeñó un papel clave en el desarrollo del buceo con el lanzamiento en 1953 del Fifty Fathoms, el primer reloj de buceo auténtico del mundo. Tanto los buceadores profesionales como los aficionados reconocieron inmediatamente la genialidad de su diseño, así como sus extraordinarias características y fiabilidad. De este modo, se forjaron naturalmente estrechos vínculos entre Blancpain y los entusiastas de los océanos que lo adoptaron: pioneros de las profundidades marinas, exploradores, oceanógrafos y fotógrafos submarinos. Estos vínculos han llevado a Blancpain a involucrarse en la exploración, preservación y protección de los océanos.

La Manufactura no sólo ha actuado junto a quienes comparten estas motivaciones, sino que también ha apoyado numerosas iniciativas medioambientales como socio fundador. Entre ellas se incluyen las expediciones Pristine Seas, que apoyó durante cinco años y que permitieron la creación de nuevas áreas marinas protegidas que cubren más de cuatro millones de kilómetros cuadrados en todo el mundo. Hasta la fecha, Blancpain, a través de su programa Blancpain Ocean Commitment, ha cofinanciado más de 20 importantes expediciones científicas, ha contribuido a duplicar la superficie de las zonas marinas protegidas en todo el mundo y ha presentado varios documentales premiados. La Manufactura también ha estado detrás de numerosas exposiciones de fotografía submarina y publicaciones. Estas contribuciones a la exploración y protección de los océanos se han complementado con la venta de varias series de relojes de edición limitada, cada uno de los cuales genera 1.000 euros adicionales a la importante financiación anual de Blancpain.

Five Swiss Friends of the Brand & Ambassadors: Mujinga Kambundji, Corinne Suter, Andreas Caminada, Dario Cologna & Alan Roura are united for the  first time to celebrate summer in Zurich.

For many years, Hublot has been celebrating summer at the most exclusive waterfront locations of the Mediterranean.  This year, Lake Zurich will set the stage for an Hublot Loves Summer party bringing cocktails imagined by the Bar am Wasser mixologists, a private performance by Dora Live Band and an electrifying set by DJ Ilona. A perfect summer setting to celebrate the Big Bang Unico Sky Blue inspired by cloudless summer days, and endless nights.

What could unite Mujinga Kambundji, Corinne Suter, Andreas Caminada, Dario Cologna and Alan Roura?

Their passion for the Hublot brand, of course, but what else? This is the first time that the fiveFriendsof the Brandand Ambassadors o are brought together. While they quickly bonded around the table football tournament, demonstrating their competitive natures, determination and team spirit, the evening continued to highlight their common ground and shared values. When given the floor, they found they had a lot more in common than they could have ever imagined.

Moreover, we could not have imagined a Hublot event without some football, albeit on a table. A nod to the FIFA Women’s World CupTM, for which Hublot is Official Timekeeper, about to kick off on the 20th of July in Australia and New Zealand. At the end of the matches between clients, the three finalists competed against thethree ambassador teams (Corinne Suter & Ricardo Guadalupe / Alan Roura & Dario Cologna / Mujinga Kambundji & Andreas Caminada) to win the Hublot Loves Summer Party 2023 Cup.

What makes them unique?

Alan Roura loves tacking on water and the open sea,

For Corinne Suter, it’s the high-performance slaloms she carves on the dizzyingly steep ski slopes,

Mujinga Kambundji is after the best line to shave off hundredths of seconds on the track,

While for Dario Cologna, it is finding balance and rhythm even after his retirement from the sport

For Andreas Caminada,   it is accuracy, concentration and timing that he masters from his high gastronomy to his golf swing.

All five of them exude a quiet strength with a tinge of Swiss humility that takes nothing away from all the determination in their eyes and the dreams we share and experience as we watch their adventures, in their efforts to win stars, miles or medals.  

All five work with time, for its speed, precision, performance and optimisation. Time permeates their training, their movements, their gestures. Their time is measured in hundredths of a second, and tonight our five champions will have shared 3,240,0000 (9 hours) of them with us.

While time sets the tempo for their lives, they also need to stop the clock ticking. Taking a rest is essential if they are to be on top form on the big day, to keep pace with the competitions, from race to race, dish to dish, from stars to globes, from medals to podiums. 

Breaks are rare, and the one they have granted themselves today, with Hublot in Zurich, is devoted to a special celebration with their second family. It’s a unique opportunity to get to know each other better, share what inspires and motivates them, and swap experiences.

All 5 work alone, even though their job, their sport or their passion cannot be done without the support of a coach. Their principles and values that govern their jobs are very similar. What is certain, is that all five are driven by passion and determination.

Pursuing its quest for original creations, Franck Muller is offering a world premiere to collectors with a new emblematic timepiece:

the “Master Jumper”, housing a 100% manufacture movement. An exceptional timepiece with an incredible jumping hours, minutes and date complication, featuring three apertures for a new reading of time, on an exceptional dial.

Faithful to its origins in the design of avant-garde timepieces, Franck Muller is once again asserting with this exceptional collection its desire to create a watchmaking style that respects its past, while offering a new way of reading time.

Since its creation in 1992, Franck Muller has combined boldness and creativity with exceptional expertise in fine watchmaking. The Master of Complications cares to introduce new functions and unconventional time readings, which each year gives rise to world premieres and the registration of new patents.

Today, Franck Muller is proud to present its new Master Jumper collection, in which the hands have been replaced by five discs featuring hour, minute and date numerals. At each hour change, the gear train leads the disc to jump one step, changing the time in the first aperture at the top of the dial. The minutes, placed at the centre of the dial, have two discs for the units and tens, giving this mechanical watch a numeric reading of time.

A world premiere, the jumping hours and minutes are complemented by a third aperture featuring a jumping Grande Date. Two discs enable the date to be changed by jumping, a technical difficulty that requires extreme precision. This timepiece offers an incredible spectacle with the hours, minutes and date changing in a hypnotic jump. This work without hands is a genuine horological feat, requiring perfect indexing of all the displays and exceptional watchmaking expertise.
©2023 Franck Muller Genève

The three apertures have been placed vertically and equidistantly on the dial to highlight the perfect success of the symmetrical and minimalist positioning of the triptych.

Combining the three jumping functions of hour, minute and date on a single dial, this exceptional timepiece once again demonstrates Franck Muller’s great mastery of complications, earning him the title of “Master of Complications”.

Franck Muller presents this new complication in the latest interpretation of its unique tonneau shape: the Cuvex CX. Created to celebrate the brand’s 30th anniversary, this redesigned case features a sapphire crystal that extends from noon to 6 o’clock, right down to the bracelet, offering a magnificent view of the dial. A bold design that fully highlights the watch’s curves with a full perspective on the dial and its new guilloché inspired by a twisted “Clous de Paris” to an impression of movement on the dial and rich reflections thanks to the different facets. It has been worked here in two distinct circles to highlight the complications. This finishing touch gives the timepiece a unique style that combines tradition and modernity. This collection offers classic and elegant finish with a thin bezel beneath the sapphire crystal that highlights the triple jumping complication.

With this new collection, Franck Muller continues its great lineage of Master Square, Master Banker and Master Calendar.

Backed by a solid partnership spanning more than twenty years and a genuine friendship, Franck Muller has decided to launch its new Master Jumper with Dubail Paris, through a special series that is presented as a world preview in the Dubail boutiques in Paris, on Place Vendôme and the Champs Elysées. The Dubail family’s boutiques in Paris are the perfect setting for the launch of this new collection.

Through this exceptional work, which offers a new interpretation of the passage of time that is both technical and aesthetic, Franck Muller and Dubail Paris are together writing the next chapter in the history of Haute Horlogerie.

Allrights reserved GFM Watchland SA www.franckmuller.com

The Salon has revealed its dates, confirming that it will be opening to the general public with a two-part program.
The next edition of Watches and Wonders Geneva will be held from 9 to 15 April 2024 in Geneva’s Halles de Palexpo. New for next year, the general public will be able to attend the event over a long 3-day weekend, from Saturday to Monday inclusive. Press and trade visitors will have access to the Salon throughout the week.

The 2024 edition intends to build on the success of 2023, further raising Geneva’s profile as an international watchmaking destination. The program will again unfold in two parts – at Palexpo and In the City – with an evening event on Thursday 11 April in the heart of town. The aim is to get the people of Geneva and local players even more involved in this major watchmaking event.

All the brands taking part in Watches and Wonders Geneva 2024 will be announced at a later date, along with the full program.

4997/200R - CALATRAVA

Patek Philippe presents luxury timepieces in Watches and Wonders Geneva 2023


Patek Philippe presents 17 new watch models with innovative technical and aesthetic features, enriching its vast range of collections

On the occasion of Watches and Wonders 2023, the Geneva-based manufacture is unveiling a wide selection of new models, ranging from a Calatrava with an original 24-hour display and a Travel Time function for the display of a second time zone, to a new haute joaillerie version of the Grandmaster Chime, and the first Annual Calendar to enter the ladies’ Aquanaut Luce collection, renowned for its modern casual chic. A new vintage celebrating technical mastery and creativity.

“Why does Patek Philippe offer so many different collections? Because each of them has its own character and its own way of enabling us to innovate and express ourselves.” That was the message from Thierry Stern, president of the family-owned manufacture, in a recent communications campaign centering on the company’s brand philosophy. From the Grand Complications to the elegant sports models and others that have become icons of horological design, Patek Philippe maintains a vast choice of watches for men and women in every market segment. As time passes, the manufacture takes great care to ensure a balanced evolution of the approximately 150 references, which are crafted in small series, ranging from about ten pieces to a few hundred. The 17 new introductions presented at the Watches and Wonders 2023 salon are the perfect illustration.

Five refined new looks for the striking watches –Grand Complications emblematic of Patek Philippe

Since the manufacture’s foundation in 1839, Patek Philippe has made its mark as one of the greatest specialists in striking watches. Its supreme mastery was confirmed in 2014 by the launch, as a limited edition, of the Patek Philippe Grandmaster Chime – the most complicated Patek Philippe wristwatch, with 20 complications. This timepiece, which joined the current collection in 2016, is particularly notable for its five chiming modes, including an alarm striking the pre-selected time, and a date repeater striking the date on demand.

The manufacture is reinterpreting the design of the double-face reversible case, endowed with a patented rotation mechanism, by presenting it for the first time in a bicolor version combining white gold and rose gold. This new Patek Philippe Grandmaster Chime Reference 6300GR-001 also stands out by its two brown opaline dials, with a hand-guilloched Clous de Paris or hobnail pattern on the side displaying the time of day, and its two-tone chestnut brown patinated alligator strap and bicolor folding buckle.

In 2022, Patek Philippe highlighted the mechanical perfection of the Grandmaster Chime with two gem- set versions, one with baguette-cut diamonds (Reference 6300/400G-001) the other with baguette-cut diamonds and baguette-cut blue sapphires (Reference 6300/401G-001). Now, the manufacture is presenting a new alliance between haute horlogerie and haute joaillerie with the Patek Philippe Grandmaster Chime Haute Joaillerie Reference 6300/403G-001 shimmering with 118 baguette-cut emeralds (7.87 ct) and 291 baguette-cut diamonds (20.54 ct) in a superb example of the “baguette” and “invisible” setting techniques. This timepiece is endowed with two dials in ebony-black opaline, with a hand-guilloched Clous de Paris or hobnail pattern on the time side and a shiny black alligator leather strap with emerald-green hand stitching.

Another outstanding piece among the striking watches, Reference 5316, launched in 2017, unites a minute repeater, a tourbillon, a perpetual calendar with retrograde date hand and a moon-phase indicator. In the Grand Complication Reference 5316/50P-001, Patek Philippe gives this timepiece a unique new modern allure –with a platinum case and a sapphire-crystal dial with blue metallization and black-gradient rim, affording a veiled glimpse of the mechanical heart of the watch.

Rare Handcrafts World Time Minute Repeater Reference 5531G-001

Rare Handcrafts World Time Minute Repeater Reference 5531G-001

The manufacture is also enriching its selection of minute-repeating wristwatches –the largest such range in a current collection –with two reinterpretations under the heading of Rare Handcrafts. Rare Handcrafts World Time Minute Repeater Reference 5531G-001 – the first minute repeater model that always strikes the local time –is also the first World Time Minute Repeater in white gold. Its dial center is adorned with a new Grand Feu cloisonné enamel scene depicting one of the famous steamboats still plying the waters of Lake Geneva. Another new model, Rare Handcrafts Minute Repeater Reference 5178G-012, is endowed with a self-winding movement and “cathedral” gongs whose sound is particularly deep and rich. It features a new dial in blue Grand Feu flinqué enamel over a distinctive hand-guilloched swirling pattern.

Calatrava Reference 5224R-001

Calatrava Reference 5224R-001 

A new complicated model and refreshed designs in the Calatrava collection

With its sleek round case and air of understatement, the Calatrava collection (launched in 1932) has made its mark as the archetype of timeless elegance. Over the years, Patek Philippe has added to this vast family a variety of complications used in everyday life, such as the Travel Time dual time zone function and the weekly calendar. The manufacture is now expanding its range of travel watches with the new Calatrava Reference 5224R-001 featuring the Travel Time dual time zone and an original 24- hour display. The new caliber 31-260 PS FUS 24H self-winding movement is further distinguished by its patented system for correcting local time by the crown. It is housed in a rose-gold case harmonizing with a blue dial embellished by complex finishing touches, adorned with numerals, hour markers and five-minute cabochons all in rose gold, individually applied by hand.

Since 2015, the models in the Pilot style – inspired by the Patek Philippe watches created for aviators in the 1930s – have featured prominently in the manufacture’s collections, with several versions of the Calatrava Pilot Travel Time with the dual time-zone mechanism, as well as a Grand Complication equipped with a 24-hour alarm. Patek Philippe is now endowing this distinctive line, known for its original, highly recognizable aesthetic, with its first two chronograph models: Calatrava Pilot Travel Time Chronograph Reference 5924G-001, with a blue-gray sunburst dial and a navy-blue grained calfskin strap; and the Calatrava Pilot Travel Time Chronograph Reference 5924G-010, with a lacquered dial in khaki green and an olive-green calfskin strap with a vintage finish. These two watches house the caliber CH 28-520 C FUS self-winding movement uniting three practical and user-friendly complications:   a fly-back chronograph, a Travel Time dual time zone function and the date indicated by a hand, coupled with local time.

Other new models in the Patek Philippe current collection include the Calatrava references 6007G- 001, 6007G-010 and 6007G-011 featuring a graphic modern style. The ebony black dials, enriched with three types of finish, center an embossed “carbon” pattern. The dynamism of the design is heightened by touches of color on the dials and straps: yellow (6007G-001), red (6007G-010) or sky blue (6007G-011). The white-gold cases house the caliber 26-330 S C self-winding movement with date and stop-seconds function.

4997/200R - CALATRAVA

4997/200R – CALATRAVA

Patek Philippe is also expanding its range of elegant watches for women with the new Calatrava self- winding Reference 4997/200R-001, a reinterpretation of a great classic that catches the eye with a rose-gold case and a dial and strap decked out in purple. The dial, embossed with a pattern of concentric waves, is coated with more than fifty layers of translucent lacquer, creating a mesmerizing sense of depth. The case is adorned with a diamond-set bezel and houses the caliber 240 ultra-thin self-winding movement.

New functions and new faces for the Aquanaut and Aquanaut Luce

Patek Philippe made its mark in the domain of sporty elegance by designing two models that have acquired cult status: the Nautilus (1976) and the Aquanaut (1997), the latter strengthening its offer in 2004 with the launch of the ladies’ Aquanaut Luce line. Following the introduction of a Travel Time dual time-zone model in 2021 and a self-winding chronograph version in 2022, the Aquanaut Luce is now treating itself to a new practical and easy-to-use complication: the patented Annual Calendar. Graced with a blue-gray dial and strap, this Aquanaut Luce Annual Calendar Reference 5261R-001 in rose gold enhances the choice of complicated watches for women with a non-gemset model.

The new self-winding ladies’ Aquanaut Luce Reference 5268/200R-010 coordinates a rose-gold case with a dial and integrated strap in taupe –a warm hue between brown and gray in perfect harmony with this model’s “modern casual chic” style. Its characteristic rounded octagonal bezel is lit by the fire of 48 diamonds. The case is water resistant to 120 m and houses the caliber 26-330 S C self-winding movement with stop seconds.

The self-winding Aquanaut chronograph for men, already available in steel and in white gold, also sports a rose-gold case for the new Aquanaut Chronograph Reference 5968R-001, endowed with a sunburst dial in a gradient of brown to black, and a matching composite strap.

From technical models to jewelry pieces

In the segment of complicated watches for men, Self-winding Flyback Chronograph with Annual Calendar Reference 5905R-010 endowed with a rose-gold case and a blue sunburst dial lends a new face to this alliance between two sought-after Patek Philippe complications.

Gondolo Serata Reference 4962/200R-001

Gondolo Serata Reference 4962/200R-001

The Gondolo collection, comprising the Patek Philippe “form watches” of Art Deco inspiration, announces the return of a jewelry watch with unique style and timeless elegance. The Gondolo Serata Reference 4962/200R-001, in rose gold, is set with spessartites arranged in a double color gradient, highlighting the case’s refined curves. The brown-lacquered dial presents a floral decoration with contrasting finishes.

A rich collection of rare handcrafts

 Once again, as in previous years, Patek Philippe is also unveiling a splendid collection of one-of-a-kind or limited-edition pieces (dome table clocks, table clocks, pocket watches and wristwatches) showcasing the rarest and most refined of the artistic crafts, such as miniature painting on enamel, Grand Feu cloisonné enameling, hand engraving and wood marquetry. The “Rare Handcrafts 2023” exhibition, bringing together these 67 creations, will be open to the public from April 1 to 15 2023 in the Patek Philippe Salons in Geneva.



Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar Chronograph


Patek Philippe Grand Complication Perpetual Calendar Chronograph

Paying tribute to an iconic Grande Complication, Patek Philippe has created a jewelry version of its chronograph with perpetual calendar Reference 5271, enhanced by 80 blue baguette-cut sapphires (5.16 cts). The aesthetic harmony is complemented by the lacquered blue dial with black-gradient rim and the shiny black alligator strap with contrasting blue stitching.

Patek Philippe Perpetual Calendar Chronograph

The CH 29-535 PS Q caliber is distinguished by its traditional architecture (manually wound, column wheel, toothed-wheel horizontal clutch), combined with six patented innovations in the chronograph, as well as its exceptionally slim calendar mechanism.

Manually wound mechanical movement. Caliber CH 29‑535 PS Q. Chronograph. Central chronograph hand. Instantaneous 30-minute counter. Perpetual Calendar. Day, month, leap year and day/night indication in apertures. Date by hand. Moon phases. Small seconds.
Lacquered blue with black-gradient rim, gold applied hour markers.
Platinum. Interchangeable solid and sapphire crystal case backs. Water-resistant to 30 m. Diameter: 41 mm. Height: 12.7 mm.
58 baguette-cut sapphires: 4.11 cts. (bezel and lugs). 22 baguette-cut sapphires: 1.05 ct. (clasp). Total of 80 baguette-cut sapphires (5.16 cts).
Alligator leather with square scales, hand-stitched, shiny black. Fold-over clasp set with sapphires.

Price : 348’870 EUR*

*Suggested retail price taxes included. Prices may be subject to alteration at any time and do not constitute a contract.
Alpine Eagle Pine Green

The Alpine Eagle Pine Green, a pure and assertive design inspired by the majesty of the Alps.

As stunning as the alpine environment Chopard seeks to protect, the Alpine Eagle Pine Green is a symphony of exquisite details, from the sunburst dial reminiscent of the eagle’s iris to the in-house chronometer-certified movement nestled in the timepiece’s case and matching bracelet made of ultra-resistant Lucent Steel A223 made from 70% recycled material.

Alpine Eagle Pine Green

Alpine Eagle Pine Green

In keeping with the Maison’s support to the Alpine Eagle Foundation, part of the sale proceeds will go to preserving the alpine biotope and the reintroduction of the white-tailed eagle in its former natural habitats.

Alpine Eagle Pine Green

Alpine Eagle Pine Green

➡ Discover the Alpine Eagle Foundation:  

#Chopard #AlpineEagle #AlpineEagleFoundation #LuxuryWatch #SwissMade #Luxury #timepiece #foundation #myluxepoint

The new anthracite dial Historiador Asturias

Cuervo y Sobrinos just released a new edition of the Historiador Asturias, featuring an anthracite dial. In addition, the Asturias collection is now equipped with the CYS 5124 movement, produced on a La Joux-Perret G100 base which has an impressive 68-hour power reserve.
Historiador Asturias – Soldier

Cuervo y Sobrinos was founded in 1882 by Cuervo and his nephews. This group of remarkable entrepreneurs and highly skilled goldsmiths originated from Asturias, a region in northwest Spain.
Historiador Asturias – Event Historiador Asturias – Event

The Historiador Asturias honours those courageous emigrants who, in the 19th century, sailed to the Americas in the pursuit of fortune. Cuba proved a popular choice for the intrepid Asturians, eager to discover a new world and make a better life.

Historiador Asturias – Event Asturias is a principality located in northwest Spain. The industrial revolution reached this region at some point around 1830. The area was heavily dependent on coal mining and iron production. However, many citizens dreamed of a new life and chose to emigrate to the Americas, including Argentina, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Mexico and, most pertinently, Cuba.
Ramón Fernández Cuervo an immigrant from Pravia, a town in Asturias, established a jewellery store in Havana in 1862. Many of the Asturians were entrepreneurial and some returned to their home in northwest Spain as wealthy individuals, however, Ramon remained in Cuba and when his business was on a sound footing, he invited many of his family members to join him in Havana.

The Cuervo y Sobrinos Historiador Asturias celebrates the birthplace of Don Ramon Cuervo, the founder of the company, his nephews and the many citizens from Asturias who chose to make Cuba their home. Collectively, these individuals have enriched Cuban society and helped make it what it is today.

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In 2023, Blancpain celebrates the 70th anniversary of the first modern diving watch.

Launched in 1953, the Fifty Fathoms is the first modern diver’s watch. Created by a diver to meet the needs of underwater exploration, it was chosen by diving pioneers and elite marine corps around the world as a professional timekeeping instrument. With its water resistance, robust doubled-sealed crown, self-winding movement, contrasting dark dial with luminescent indications, unidirectional rotating bezel and anti-magnetic protection, the Fifty Fathoms has become an indispensable instrument for divers on their underwater missions.

These key signature elements that established the Fifty Fathoms as the archetypal diver’s watch continue to define the identity of such timepieces for the entire watch industry. Bearing witness to the past while simultaneously looking firmly to the future, contemporary Fifty Fathoms models incorporate modern movements renowned for their robustness and reliability. They feature numerous technical innovations derived from Blancpain’s longstanding experience in the field of diving, its risks and its imperious necessities.

The Fifty Fathoms has played an essential role in the development of scuba diving and the discovery of the ocean world. It has enabled Blancpain to forge close links with the ocean community that have been consistently strengthened over the past 70 years. The Fifty Fathoms is the catalyst for Blancpain’s commitment to the preservation of the ocean.