Blancpain colabora con Swatch para crear una versión divertida e inesperada de su icónico reloj de buceo Fifty Fathoms. Cinco modelos Bioceramic Scuba Fifty Fathoms celebran los océanos que Blancpain está tan profundamente comprometido con preservar y salvaguardar.

Blancpain y Swatch se unen para crear una colección ilimitada de cinco modelos llenos de alegría de vivir, color y tecnología. Juntas, las dos marcas del Grupo Swatch se sumergen en los cinco océanos del planeta azul, combinando lo mejor de ambas marcas con relojes innovadores, biocerámicos, resistentes al agua y un movimiento mecánico con una reserva de marcha de 90 horas.

Las dos marcas han unido fuerzas para crear una colección de cinco relojes llamada Bioceramic Scuba Fifty Fathoms Collection. Cada modelo celebra uno de los cinco océanos, cuya conservación es tan querida por Blancpain. La elección obvia para este proyecto fue el Blancpain Fifty Fathoms, un reloj nacido hace exactamente 70 años y que revolucionó la relojería al convertirse en el primer verdadero reloj de buceo.

Estos cinco modelos Blancpain X Swatch están fabricados con biocerámica, una mezcla única y patentada de dos tercios de cerámica y un tercio de biomateriales derivados del aceite de ricino. Si bien los colores elegidos para esta colaboración indican claramente que no se trata de un reloj Blancpain tradicional, todos los fanáticos y entusiastas reconocerán a primera vista muchas de las características del icónico Fifty Fathoms, así como guiños a la colección Swatch Scuba.

Las principales características del Fifty Fathoms están presentes en la versión Swatch: la típica caja, su bisel giratorio unidireccional para medir la duración de la inmersión y su movimiento automático protegido de los campos magnéticos (en este caso el SISTEM51 equipado con el resorte de espiral antimagnético Nivachron™.

Para Marc A. Hayek, presidente y director ejecutivo de Blancpain, esta colaboración es muy simbólica: “Sin Swatch, la industria relojera suiza simplemente no habría sobrevivido y disfrutado de un destino tan maravilloso. Esta colección es un motivo de orgullo para mí. Se lo debemos a “Nos proponemos trabajar con esta marca que es tan pionera como nosotros, una realidad que se demuestra vívidamente con esta colección. Swatch ha reinterpretado brillantemente nuestro modelo icónico, a su manera, con su propia visión. Como buen buceador, realmente Aprecie la atención al detalle en esta colección y las numerosas referencias a Fifty Fathoms.

El hecho de que sea resistente al agua hasta una profundidad de 91 metros (lo que corresponde exactamente a 50 brazas, una unidad náutica de profundidad) es un guiño fantástico”. Marc A. Hayek, presidente y director ejecutivo de Blancpain, quien relanzó el Fifty Fathoms en 2003 , también quedó cautivado por el homenaje rendido a los nudibranquios en el rotor del movimiento mecánico SISTEM51: “Estos animales marinos son puras maravillas de la naturaleza. Con sus formas inverosímiles y sus colores a menudo brillantes, es un inmenso placer observarlos en su elemento durante una inmersión.

Crean un efecto sereno y calmante. A través de su programa Blancpain Ocean Commitment, Blancpain ha cofinanciado hasta la fecha más de 20 importantes expediciones científicas y ha ayudado a duplicar la superficie de áreas marinas protegidas en todo el mundo”. La nueva colección de cinco relojes, con colores nunca antes vistos en el Fifty Fathoms original, aporta un fuerte toque divertido al icónico reloj de buceo de Blancpain. Cada modelo presenta los logotipos compartidos de Blancpain X Swatch en la esfera y la corona. Las correas están hechas de redes de pesca recicladas extraídas del fondo del océano. Para todos aquellos que quieran sumergirse en el descubrimiento de esta colección, bajo el agua o no, los relojes estarán disponibles a partir del 9 de septiembre y únicamente en tiendas Swatch seleccionadas de todo el mundo. Presentados en una caja especial para buceo, los relojes también estarán expuestos durante algunas semanas en una selección de boutiques Blancpain, pero no a la venta.

Cincuenta brazas

Hace setenta años nació un icono: el Fifty Fathoms. El reloj que revolucionaría la relojería al convertirse en el primer verdadero reloj de buceo fue idea de un apasionado del submarinismo, Jean-Jacques Fiechter, entonces codirector ejecutivo de Blancpain. Pionero en una disciplina que aún estaba en pañales, comprendió la necesidad de medir el tiempo bajo el agua. La herramienta que diseñó para satisfacer sus propias necesidades obtuvo inmediatamente la aprobación unánime entre los buzos militares y civiles, hasta el punto de convertirse en su aliado infalible. Al mejorar la seguridad del buceo, el Fifty Fathoms contribuyó al desarrollo de este deporte y fomentó el descubrimiento del mundo de los océanos.

Permitió a Blancpain forjar estrechos vínculos con la comunidad oceánica (lazos que se han fortalecido durante los últimos 70 años) y se ha convertido en el catalizador del compromiso de la Manufactura con la conservación de los océanos. El año 2023, que marca el 70.º aniversario del Fifty Fathoms, también resuena como un reinicio de su nacimiento mediante la llegada de varios innovadores relojes de buceo de aniversario, lanzados a lo largo del año del aniversario. Como esta colaboración única con Swatch.

El mundo silencioso

Codirigida por Louis Malle, The Silent World ganó la Palma de Oro en Cannes en 1956. La película generó conciencia mundial sobre la riqueza de la flora y la fauna del mundo y la necesidad de protegerlas. Un aspecto particular que no pasó desapercibido fue que el equipo de buzos llevaba un determinado reloj, el Fifty Fathoms, cuyas cualidades permitían rodar largas secuencias en un entorno marino.

Compromiso Blancpain Océano

Blancpain desempeñó un papel clave en el desarrollo del buceo con el lanzamiento en 1953 del Fifty Fathoms, el primer reloj de buceo auténtico del mundo. Tanto los buceadores profesionales como los aficionados reconocieron inmediatamente la genialidad de su diseño, así como sus extraordinarias características y fiabilidad. De este modo, se forjaron naturalmente estrechos vínculos entre Blancpain y los entusiastas de los océanos que lo adoptaron: pioneros de las profundidades marinas, exploradores, oceanógrafos y fotógrafos submarinos. Estos vínculos han llevado a Blancpain a involucrarse en la exploración, preservación y protección de los océanos.

La Manufactura no sólo ha actuado junto a quienes comparten estas motivaciones, sino que también ha apoyado numerosas iniciativas medioambientales como socio fundador. Entre ellas se incluyen las expediciones Pristine Seas, que apoyó durante cinco años y que permitieron la creación de nuevas áreas marinas protegidas que cubren más de cuatro millones de kilómetros cuadrados en todo el mundo. Hasta la fecha, Blancpain, a través de su programa Blancpain Ocean Commitment, ha cofinanciado más de 20 importantes expediciones científicas, ha contribuido a duplicar la superficie de las zonas marinas protegidas en todo el mundo y ha presentado varios documentales premiados. La Manufactura también ha estado detrás de numerosas exposiciones de fotografía submarina y publicaciones. Estas contribuciones a la exploración y protección de los océanos se han complementado con la venta de varias series de relojes de edición limitada, cada uno de los cuales genera 1.000 euros adicionales a la importante financiación anual de Blancpain.

Five Swiss Friends of the Brand & Ambassadors: Mujinga Kambundji, Corinne Suter, Andreas Caminada, Dario Cologna & Alan Roura are united for the  first time to celebrate summer in Zurich.

For many years, Hublot has been celebrating summer at the most exclusive waterfront locations of the Mediterranean.  This year, Lake Zurich will set the stage for an Hublot Loves Summer party bringing cocktails imagined by the Bar am Wasser mixologists, a private performance by Dora Live Band and an electrifying set by DJ Ilona. A perfect summer setting to celebrate the Big Bang Unico Sky Blue inspired by cloudless summer days, and endless nights.

What could unite Mujinga Kambundji, Corinne Suter, Andreas Caminada, Dario Cologna and Alan Roura?

Their passion for the Hublot brand, of course, but what else? This is the first time that the fiveFriendsof the Brandand Ambassadors o are brought together. While they quickly bonded around the table football tournament, demonstrating their competitive natures, determination and team spirit, the evening continued to highlight their common ground and shared values. When given the floor, they found they had a lot more in common than they could have ever imagined.

Moreover, we could not have imagined a Hublot event without some football, albeit on a table. A nod to the FIFA Women’s World CupTM, for which Hublot is Official Timekeeper, about to kick off on the 20th of July in Australia and New Zealand. At the end of the matches between clients, the three finalists competed against thethree ambassador teams (Corinne Suter & Ricardo Guadalupe / Alan Roura & Dario Cologna / Mujinga Kambundji & Andreas Caminada) to win the Hublot Loves Summer Party 2023 Cup.

What makes them unique?

Alan Roura loves tacking on water and the open sea,

For Corinne Suter, it’s the high-performance slaloms she carves on the dizzyingly steep ski slopes,

Mujinga Kambundji is after the best line to shave off hundredths of seconds on the track,

While for Dario Cologna, it is finding balance and rhythm even after his retirement from the sport

For Andreas Caminada,   it is accuracy, concentration and timing that he masters from his high gastronomy to his golf swing.

All five of them exude a quiet strength with a tinge of Swiss humility that takes nothing away from all the determination in their eyes and the dreams we share and experience as we watch their adventures, in their efforts to win stars, miles or medals.  

All five work with time, for its speed, precision, performance and optimisation. Time permeates their training, their movements, their gestures. Their time is measured in hundredths of a second, and tonight our five champions will have shared 3,240,0000 (9 hours) of them with us.

While time sets the tempo for their lives, they also need to stop the clock ticking. Taking a rest is essential if they are to be on top form on the big day, to keep pace with the competitions, from race to race, dish to dish, from stars to globes, from medals to podiums. 

Breaks are rare, and the one they have granted themselves today, with Hublot in Zurich, is devoted to a special celebration with their second family. It’s a unique opportunity to get to know each other better, share what inspires and motivates them, and swap experiences.

All 5 work alone, even though their job, their sport or their passion cannot be done without the support of a coach. Their principles and values that govern their jobs are very similar. What is certain, is that all five are driven by passion and determination.

Pursuing its quest for original creations, Franck Muller is offering a world premiere to collectors with a new emblematic timepiece:

the “Master Jumper”, housing a 100% manufacture movement. An exceptional timepiece with an incredible jumping hours, minutes and date complication, featuring three apertures for a new reading of time, on an exceptional dial.

Faithful to its origins in the design of avant-garde timepieces, Franck Muller is once again asserting with this exceptional collection its desire to create a watchmaking style that respects its past, while offering a new way of reading time.

Since its creation in 1992, Franck Muller has combined boldness and creativity with exceptional expertise in fine watchmaking. The Master of Complications cares to introduce new functions and unconventional time readings, which each year gives rise to world premieres and the registration of new patents.

Today, Franck Muller is proud to present its new Master Jumper collection, in which the hands have been replaced by five discs featuring hour, minute and date numerals. At each hour change, the gear train leads the disc to jump one step, changing the time in the first aperture at the top of the dial. The minutes, placed at the centre of the dial, have two discs for the units and tens, giving this mechanical watch a numeric reading of time.

A world premiere, the jumping hours and minutes are complemented by a third aperture featuring a jumping Grande Date. Two discs enable the date to be changed by jumping, a technical difficulty that requires extreme precision. This timepiece offers an incredible spectacle with the hours, minutes and date changing in a hypnotic jump. This work without hands is a genuine horological feat, requiring perfect indexing of all the displays and exceptional watchmaking expertise.
©2023 Franck Muller Genève

The three apertures have been placed vertically and equidistantly on the dial to highlight the perfect success of the symmetrical and minimalist positioning of the triptych.

Combining the three jumping functions of hour, minute and date on a single dial, this exceptional timepiece once again demonstrates Franck Muller’s great mastery of complications, earning him the title of “Master of Complications”.

Franck Muller presents this new complication in the latest interpretation of its unique tonneau shape: the Cuvex CX. Created to celebrate the brand’s 30th anniversary, this redesigned case features a sapphire crystal that extends from noon to 6 o’clock, right down to the bracelet, offering a magnificent view of the dial. A bold design that fully highlights the watch’s curves with a full perspective on the dial and its new guilloché inspired by a twisted “Clous de Paris” to an impression of movement on the dial and rich reflections thanks to the different facets. It has been worked here in two distinct circles to highlight the complications. This finishing touch gives the timepiece a unique style that combines tradition and modernity. This collection offers classic and elegant finish with a thin bezel beneath the sapphire crystal that highlights the triple jumping complication.

With this new collection, Franck Muller continues its great lineage of Master Square, Master Banker and Master Calendar.

Backed by a solid partnership spanning more than twenty years and a genuine friendship, Franck Muller has decided to launch its new Master Jumper with Dubail Paris, through a special series that is presented as a world preview in the Dubail boutiques in Paris, on Place Vendôme and the Champs Elysées. The Dubail family’s boutiques in Paris are the perfect setting for the launch of this new collection.

Through this exceptional work, which offers a new interpretation of the passage of time that is both technical and aesthetic, Franck Muller and Dubail Paris are together writing the next chapter in the history of Haute Horlogerie.

Allrights reserved GFM Watchland SA

The Salon has revealed its dates, confirming that it will be opening to the general public with a two-part program.
The next edition of Watches and Wonders Geneva will be held from 9 to 15 April 2024 in Geneva’s Halles de Palexpo. New for next year, the general public will be able to attend the event over a long 3-day weekend, from Saturday to Monday inclusive. Press and trade visitors will have access to the Salon throughout the week.

The 2024 edition intends to build on the success of 2023, further raising Geneva’s profile as an international watchmaking destination. The program will again unfold in two parts – at Palexpo and In the City – with an evening event on Thursday 11 April in the heart of town. The aim is to get the people of Geneva and local players even more involved in this major watchmaking event.

All the brands taking part in Watches and Wonders Geneva 2024 will be announced at a later date, along with the full program.

Excalibur Gully Monotourbillon


Searching for inspiration in the most unexpected places is in Roger Dubuis’ DNA. This includes uniting with world-famous urban culture artists who share its common values to break the rules, showcase radical expertise and obsess daily over the design of the future. Continuing on a journey to create boundary-breaking masterpieces in the world of Hyper Horology, Roger Dubuis is proud to introduce the second of its URBAN ART TRIBE timepieces with the Excalibur Gully Monotourbillon.

Gully, the French graffiti-turned-studio artist, follows the path started by Dr. Woo after being granted access to Roger Dubuis’ most important room: the manufacture itself. Taking on the same creative challenge to reinterpret the astral signature of the iconic Excalibur Monotourbillon, he presents his vision of the star by uniting it with his colourful world of graffiti.


Extravagant, determined and disruptive, Gully is as bold and bright in his ideas as Roger Dubuis. Having created a name for himself graffitiing throughout France in the nineties and noughties, he left the streets behind to maintain his anonymity. Now he works in a studio and exhibits his work at respected galleries. Master of appropriations, Gully’s art combines all movements, from hyperrealism to pop art, as well as surrealism and cubism, to create facetious and narrative masterworks that travel the history of art as if seen through a child’s eyes. Talking about his craft, Gully says: “Bringing different worlds together is my trademark. This project has that ethos at its core, making it an obvious collaboration for us both.”

Never one to shy away from a challenge, Roger Dubuis made the decision to recraft and reshape its own work of art – the Excalibur Monotourbillon – earlier this year. Through the exceptional skill and ingenuity of its watchmakers, the perfect conditions were created for the URBAN ART TRIBE collaboration. The use of clean cut lines on both case and movement as well as modern and technical materials not only raises the timepiece to an even higher standard, but also makes it an exciting canvas for creativity. In providing this pure, versatile space, it becomes the playground on which Gully expresses himself.


Gully unites two worlds into a new singular masterpiece by combining the Maison’s high watchmaking expertise with his fun artistic flair. Consciously appropriating the astral signature and merging it with his graffiti, the star is lifted to new heights by his style. As a nod to his very first street works, Gully’s lettered tag uses the famous single-line technique. Starting from the centre of the timepiece, his hand moves straight towards 11 o’clock, drawing the preliminary draft of a G. The line then heads towards 3 o’clock, but changes direction half-way to partially design a Y. Finally, the line reaches 9, then 12, 6 and 3, before it moves to the centre of the tourbillon and across to 4 o’clock. Returning the line to the centre, it becomes clear that two L’s have been drawn. He finishes the run by drawing a U partially around the tourbillon. Look carefully at the letters born out of this continuous movement as the artist not only reinterprets the Roger Dubuis star but also signs the dial. Look closer still and it becomes apparent that two new stars have been created, levitating in parallel harmony on the top left and bottom right of the dial. From a single line to a singular masterpiece.

Inspired by the spray paint used in urban art, the Maison’s watchmakers filled the letters with luminescent coloured lacquer while the hour markers and the hands are filled withSuper-Luminova™*.The bright modern shades recall the artist’s universe, while creating aesthetic harmony and a one-of-a-kind finish.Imbued with a further technical feat, the Excalibur Gully Monotourbillon glows under UV light as the Maison’s obsession withluminescence shines through.

Gully adds: To collaborate with expert craftsmen in industries that I am unfamiliar with helps me grow in my understanding of the world – and of art itself. Together we have created something singular, entirely new, and inimitable.”

The watchmakers’ technical talent is further evident in the RD512SQ calibre itself. By reducing the tourbillon weight, the power reserve is radically optimised to 72 hours, providing the option of leaving the watch unworn over weekends. What’s more, to be sealed with a highly demanding signature in fine watchmaking – the Poinçon de Genève – requires the manual decoration of every component, as well as unexpected and antinomic decorations, such as sandblasted top surfaces and polished angles. Underscored by rarity and limited to just eight pieces, the Excalibur Gully Monotourbillon is housed in a 42 mm Dark Grey DLC Titanium case and mounted on a black calf leather strap, interchangeable with a Quick Release System for ultimate comfort and flexibility.

Together with its friends, the Maison shows what happens when rules are rejected and creativity is unleashed. In bringing a visionary artist together with incredible watchmakers, Roger Dubuis proves once again it is unquestionably the most exciting way to experience Hyper Horology.


*Roger Dubuis is not owner of the trademark Super Luminova™


Rolls-Royce Boat Tail is a pure expression of its owners’ interests, influences and passions, with every detail minutely considered. We have enjoyed working with BOVET 1822 to create a pair of exquisite timepieces that also serve as Boat Tail’s dashboard clocks. In doing so we have together created historically significant items of detail, precision, and beauty.

  • Rolls-Royce collaborates with Swiss master horologists BOVET 1822 to create unique timepieces for first Boat Tail coachbuilt commission
  • Pair of reversible tourbillon timepieces, each designed to be worn on the wrist, used as a table clock, pendant or pocket timepiece, or placed within the fascia as Boat Tail’s Timepiece
  • Timepieces and dashboard holder took 3,000 hours to develop and manufacture
  • Five-day power reserve and tourbillon mechanism ensure the timepieces keep perfect time when used as dashboard clocks

“Rolls-Royce Boat Tail is a pure expression of its owners’ interests, influences and passions, with every detail minutely considered. We have enjoyed working with BOVET 1822 to create a pair of exquisite timepieces that also serve as Boat Tail’s dashboard clocks. In doing so we have together created historically significant items of detail, precision, and beauty. These remarkable objets d’art, unique to the first iteration of Boat Tail, represent the finest examples of the skills and values shared by our two great luxury Houses.”
Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“I am so proud of the BOVET 1822 team, who worked in tandem with their counterparts at Rolls-Royce to produce something truly spectacular. The owners of the coachbuilt car, and these bespoke timepieces, are personal friends, as well as valued collectors of BOVET 1822. It was important to do the very best for them – two completely unique pieces that are unlike anything we have ever done before.”
Pascal Raffy, Owner, BOVET 1822


The clock in a Rolls-Royce motor car frequently assumes a jewel-like status, often becoming a canvas for the client to tell the story of their commission in miniature. For Rolls-Royce Boat Tail, the recently unveiled, first of three, coachbuilt creations, in which every element has been created to the owners’ exact specifications, this iconic centrepiece has been elevated to new technical and aesthetic heights.

In a spirit of warm collaboration, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars and Swiss master watchmakers, BOVET 1822, have created a pair of unique timepieces for Boat Tail and its owners. This ambitious undertaking brought together designers, engineers and craftspeople from both luxury Houses, in a magnificent demonstration of their shared values of excellence, precision, heritage, artistry, innovation and attention to detail.

The timepieces are unique to both the horological and automotive worlds. Made as a pair – in lady’s and gentleman’s versions – they are reversible, and housed in BOVET 1822’s patented Amadeo case, which allows them to be worn on the wrist, or used as a table clock, pendant or pocket-watch, as well as being placed front and centre in Boat Tail’s fascia as the motor car’s own timepiece. Both are fitted with tourbillon mechanisms to ensure perfect accuracy.


BOVET 1822 initially earned its reputation making luxury pocket-watches for wealthy patrons in China; today, it is renowned worldwide for its exquisite timepieces featuring hand-painted dials, detailed engraving and finely finished visible mechanisms.

The timepieces, created for this first iteration of Boat Tail, have specially designed 18K white gold cases and feature matching front dials with the same Caleidolegno veneer found on the aft deck of Boat Tail itself, and are finished with the owner-couples’ names. The gentleman’s timepiece is highly polished; the lady’s is ornately engraved then filled with blue lacquer.

On the reverse side, the dials are more individual. The gentleman’s features an aventurine dial with the celestial arrangement of the night sky over the place of his birth on his birth date; the lady’s is decorated with an ornate miniature painting of a flower bouquet on a mother-of-pearl dial. This design is a traditional BOVET 1822 motif, chosen by and personalised for the owner.

Both reverse dials have hand-engraved Bespoke sculptures of Boat Tail, complete with wheels, door handle, mirrors and other fine details. By working closely together, the teams at Rolls-Royce and BOVET 1822 were able to achieve a precise colour match between the lacquer on this tiny work of art and the full-size motor car.

Further close cooperation was required to ensure the timepieces conformed to the demands of their unique role as motor car clocks. In watchmaking, weight is rarely an issue for a complex timepiece, but in this instance, there was a limit on the combined permissible weight of the timepieces and their holders. BOVET 1822 met this requirement by creating an entirely new 44mm white gold case. In addition, the timepieces and holders also had to be tested to automotive-industry standards for vibration and crash safety – something never previously undertaken on mechanisms of this kind.

At a conservative estimate, the timepieces’ design, engineering, sculptures, miniature painting, marquetry, bespoke movements and cases took a total of 3,000 hours to complete.


When a pocket-watch is left static in one position for any length of time, the effect of gravity on key moving parts can impair its accuracy. At the end of the 18th Century, watchmakers solved this problem by developing the tourbillon, where the escapement and balance wheel are mounted in a cage that slowly revolves, cancelling out the gravitational effect. In a wristwatch, the wearer’s natural physical movements diminish the need for the tourbillon. However, when that same timepiece is mounted vertically in a car dashboard for many hours at a time, the tourbillon truly comes into its own.

BOVET 1822 is a specialist in tourbillion timepieces, for which it holds a number of patents and has received many awards including the Aiguille d’Or, watchmaking’s highest honour. It is also one of the only companies in the watch industry to manufacture its own spirals and regulating organs. To reduce potential impact from the vibration from the car, the tourbillon has pivots rather than the traditional ball bearings; a heavier balance wheel and an increased oscillation rate to aid precision. Finally, the tourbillon bridge is finished with a miniaturised Spirit of Ecstasy handcrafted in gold.

The timepieces have an astonishing five-day power reserve, rather than the 42-48 hours of a ‘standard’ watch, to allow for their role as motor car clocks.


The holder mechanism is unique to Rolls-Royce Boat Tail and was designed by BOVET 1822 engineers and the Rolls-Royce Coachbuild design team from a blank sheet of paper. Although in a Rolls-Royce vibration is naturally reduced to an absolute minimum – undetectable vibrations are inevitably still present. This highly complex mounting assembly serves to isolate the timepieces from these micro-vibrations. It also ensures they operate silently, are easy to mount and remove from the dashboard and, above all, remain safe and secure.

These challenges were unlike any normally encountered in watchmaking and car manufacture. From the start, BOVET 1822 was determined to follow a purely mechanical approach in keeping with its tradition of Swiss handcrafted production. The engineers’ innovative solution was to keep all the system’s moving parts external, with the dashboard providing a solid setting for the holder. Finally, Rolls-Royce ensured that when the holder is not housing one of the time pieces, it can be covered with a beautiful engraved and lacquered display plaque.  Below the clock, the dashboard is fitted with a special drawer, lined with the same leather as Boat Tail’s seats, which serves as a safekeeping receptacle to house the timepieces, straps, chain and pendant when not in use.


Case Size: Bespoke; diameter – 44mm; thickness – 14mm

Case Type: 18K white gold Fleurier case; BOVET 1822 bow at 12 o’clock; 49 components

Case Function: Amadeo Convertible System; reversible; pocket watch on chain; pendant watch on necklace; table clock; dashboard clock

Case Finishing: Men’s timepiece is high polish finish; Women’s timepiece is hand-engraved then filled with blue lacquer

Movement: Bespoke 60-second tourbillon; manual-wind; 284 components (without dial and hands); 21,600 v/h

Functions: Hours and minutes on both sides (reverse hand-fitting); power reserve indicator on front

Power Reserve: 5 days

Men’s Front Dial: Hand-made wood marquetry dial; hand-engraved Spirit of Ecstasy sculpture fixed to the tourbillon bridge; “A Special Timepiece Commission” on the dial

Women’s Front Dial: Hand-made wood marquetry dial; hand-engraved 18K white gold Spirit of Ecstasy sculpture; “A Special Timepiece Commission” on the dial

Men’s Reverse Dial: Blue aventurine glass with sky chart of owner’s birth day and birth place; hand-engraved bespoke Boat Tail sculpture, lacquered to match the colour of the car then miniature painted by hand to add the details; lady’s name engraved on the mirror-polished (by hand by the watchmaker) tourbillon bridge

Women’s Reverse Dial: Miniature hand-painting of flower bouquet on mother-of-pearl dial (based on historical BOVET 1822 timepiece, customised); hand-engraved bespoke Boat Tail sculpture, lacquered to match the colour of the car then miniature painted by hand to add the details; gentleman’s name (engraved on the mirror-polished (by hand by the watchmaker) tourbillon bridge

Dashboard Holder: Aluminium and Titanium; 51 components; Engraving of two Rolls-Royce Boat Tails in a white gold case, to match that of the timepieces, to place inside when the timepiece is not present (100% engineered, designed, and produced in-house by BOVET)

In-car Drawer: to hold timepieces, straps, chain, necklace

Independent laboratory certification: shock, temperature, humidity, vibration


Fusion under the influence – With Chiara, everything is possible

Chiara Ferragni has joined the Hublot family in the company of many legendary personalities such as football legend Pelé, tennis world No. 1 Novak Djokovic, track and field champions Dina Asher-Smith and Usain Bolt and three Michelin star chef Clare Smyth. She lights up everything she touches and creates, she is a natural-born winner and shines her aura over everything she loves and chooses.

Today, she has chosen Hublot. So why Chiara Ferragni and why Hublot?

Everything I do, I do to share. The things I love, the people I love, the things I experience, my daily life, my children, my work: I put my heart into everything to inspire others, to believe in themselves and their dreams. I found my ikigai in 2009. I managed to combine my passion with my talent in response to a need and now it has become my business. By opening the door to who I am and what I experience, I am also hoping to inspire the women of today not to choose between being a wife, a mother or an entrepreneur. All these roles complete me, just as they complete each other. Beauty drives everything I do. Not only inner beauty, but everything I see around me. That is reflected in my collaborations, my words, my charity work and my daily life. Why Hublot? Because Hublot is not like any other watch brand, it follows its own distinctive path, with determination: It follows its dreams of innovation, while respecting traditions; it seeks beauty both inside and out, by showcasing much more than athletic performance or the success of a family member, it celebrates the reasons for this performance and success, in other words, the ability to be first, different and unique. Hublot’s messages and values speak to me, that’s why I have chosen to join this family today. A fusion of passion and determination has shaped who I am, across all my roles, and forged the businesswoman I have become. This same fusion has also made Hublot the company it is today.

Chiara Ferragni
Hublot Brand Ambassador

Who does not know Chiara Ferragni? Her extraordinary destiny is not down to luck, this visionary and determined woman is someone who learnt how to grow and evolve with her time. By portraying and sharing who she is and what she loves, she has realised her dream, inspiring the men and women of her generation to believe that anything is possible. As someone who is both authentic and spontaneous, she has turned her happy, positive and generous nature into her trademark. As a visionary and pioneer, she has been able to move with the times by dominating the digital platforms and turning her passion into a real business. Her passion became her job, and her natural talent transformed into a success that is seemingly within everyone’s reach. Her inspiring journey proves that anything is possible; it’s the stuff of dreams, while being very real. Who wouldn’t want to live and realise their dreams like Chiara Ferragni? At Hublot, we love inspiring women and men who believe in their dreams and move heaven and earth to fulfil them, who assert their distinctive personality, are willing to go out on a limb, who are not afraid of what people will say and who follow their path with authenticity and passion.
That’s why Chiara fits so well into our family.

Ricardo Guadalupe HUBLOT CEO

Surely, one no longer needs to present Chiara Ferragni?

Well yes, if only to highlight the very nature of this woman, a so-called influencer, a term too small to encompass all her talents. As a business woman, entrepreneur, influencer, wife and mother of two, she embodies that ‘can do’ attitude that everyone finds so inspiring.Twelve years after launching, Chiara Ferragni has achieved a success story. When she started out, Instagram did not exist and blogging was in its infancy. It took Chiara only a few months to turn a hobby into a business, attracting the attention of the media and the fashion world, and placing her name alongside the biggest luxury brands.

First, Unique, Different. Just like Hublot! She single-handedly created a job for herself, followed her instincts, asserted her choice to share and talk about her life. Honoured several times by Forbes, her career path has even inspired a study by the prestigious Harvard University to understand her success.

In tune with her times, Chiara is leaving her mark on the world. She resolutely believes in her dreams. A dreamer she may be, but she is firmly rooted in her land and her roots. Chiara Ferragni draws her strength from the stability of her family, her parents and two sisters; she has gone on to recreate this strength through her own family, which she has built with Fedez.

So, is it natural talent, intuition or destiny? What if was a bit of all three? Whatever the case, what is certain is that she achieves firsts with her writing, she asserts her uniqueness, and her difference while retaining that very inclusive feeling of being the ‘girl next door…’

She is an entrepreneur who embodies the digital revolution and the arrival of social media. Chiara is a pioneer, she is constantly achieving firsts. With her fashion blog, launched 12 years ago, she was immediately considered the most influential and most famous blogger in the world. She created her own brand of shoes, then clothing in 2015— Chiara Ferragni Brand, —she was also the first to be listed as the world’s most powerful influencer. Indeed, there is no shortage of superlatives to describe her career and she is not afraid to use them. Both her real life and her digital world are filled with sharing, joy, values and optimism. She is unique, that’s for sure! She is proud of her uniqueness, after transforming her name into a brand, a trademark, a style and an inspiration. She also uses her platforms and visibility to help the causes that are close to her heart. Ultimately, what makes her different is that she has managed to turn her passion, her daily routine and her life into a true success story. She is also different for resembling a generation of women who live with the times and manage to combine several roles, without placing any filters between the different parts of their lives. With an Instagram community of 24.7 million followers, she shares her daily life as a wife, mother and entrepreneur openly and frankly. Chiara is an inspirational figure.
Chiara and Hublot, how it began

You may remember the pictures of Chiara Ferragni wearing the Big Bang Millenial Pink. A unisex watch with an inclusive message, produced as a limited edition of 200 pieces in a shade chosen by Lapo Elkann and designed in collaboration with Garage Italia. Since this project, Chiara and Hublot have simply understood that there were many similarities between their worlds.
So, get ready, because what Chiara & Hublot are preparing for you is likely to make a big impression, once again… First, Unique, Different!
To stay up-to-date, follow: @Hublot #Hublot

Founded in Switzerland in 1980, HUBLOT is defined by its innovation, which began with the highly original combination of gold and rubber. This “Art of Fusion” stems from the imagination of its visionary Chairman, Jean-Claude Biver, and has been driven forward by CEO Ricardo Guadalupe since 2012.

The release of the iconic, multi-award-winning Big Bang in 2005 paved the way for new flagship collections (Classic Fusion, Spirit of Big Bang), with complications ranging from the simple to the highly sophisticated, establishing the extraordinary DNA of the Swiss watchmaking house and ensuring its impressive growth.
Keen to preserve its traditional and cutting-edge expertise, and guided by its philosophy to “Be First, Different and Unique”, the Swiss watchmaker is consistently ahead of the curve, through its innovations in materials (scratch-resistant Magic Gold, ceramics in vibrant colours, sapphire), and the creation of Manufacture movements (Unico, Meca-10, Tourbillon).
HUBLOT is fully committed to creating a Haute Horlogerie brand with a visionary future: a future which is fused with the key events of our times (FIFA World CupTM, UEFA Champions LeagueTM, UEFA EUROTM) and the finest ambassadors our era has to offer (Kylian Mbappé, Usain Bolt, Pelé, Novak Djokovic).
Discover the HUBLOT universe at our network of boutiques located in key cities across the globe: Geneva, Paris, London, New York, Hong Kong, Dubai, Tokyo, Singapore, Zurich and at

Jaeger Lecoultre presents the Reverso tribute minute repeater

Ninety years after the birth of the Reverso, and 150 years after creating its first minute repeater, Jaeger-LeCoultre presents the Reverso Tribute Minute Repeater. Offered in a limited edition of 10 pieces, this exquisite new timepiece unites two of the key themes that have defined La Grande Maison for much of its history: an exceptional expertise in chiming watches and the timeless story of the Reverso.

With its distinctive Art Deco lines and swivelling case, the Reverso is one of the world’s most recognisable wristwatches. Its story embodies Jaeger-LeCoultre’s eternal pursuit of beauty and aesthetic refinement, expanding the Reverso’s stylistic realm by harnessing the full potential of its unique design. Allied to this is the Manufacture’s endlessly inventive quest for technical advancement – from the revolutionary idea of a case that could be flipped over, and the ingenious mechanism that made it possible, to the development of complications specific to the Reverso.


A distinguished legacy in chiming watches

In the 1990s, amid the rebirth of mechanical watchmaking that followed the quartz crisis, the Reverso – with its distinctive rectangular case – became the vehicle through which the Manufacture would redevelop its expertise in high complications. Having mastered the added challenge that rectangular movements dictate an entirely different architecture from that of traditional round movements – a particularly demanding challenge for chiming mechanisms – Jaeger-LeCoultre presented the Reverso Répétition Minutes in 1994. It was the first time the Maison had miniaturised a minute repeater for a wristwatch and was the world’s first rectangular minute repeater movement.

In fact, Jaeger-LeCoultre’s mastery of chiming mechanisms dates back to the very foundation of the Manufacture in 1833, and its deep expertise is today confirmed by an archive of more than 200 chiming calibres. Since that first Reverso minute repeater of the 1990s, Jaeger-LeCoultre’s engineers and designers have redefined the benchmark for acoustic quality, harnessing new technology in service of this noble tradition.

A new expression for the Minute Repeater

Embodying technical advances such as Jaeger-LeCoultre’s patented trebuchet hammers, silent regulator and a new generation of gongs, the Reverso Tribute Minute Repeater is powered by a revised version of Calibre 944 – a movement entirely conceived, designed and produced within the Manufacture. The new timepiece is distinguished by dials on both the front and reverse sides, bringing a fresh visual expression to the timeless Reverso design, as well as to the minute repeater mechanism itself. While the dials both display the same time, they are very different in character – one exuberant, the other more sober. Both are a testament to the beauty of fine movement decoration and the exceptional level of craftsmanship that resides within the Manufacture.

The front dial is entirely skeletonised, revealing the full complexity of the minute repeater mechanism and presenting a mesmerising display of moving parts when the minute repeater is activated. Beneath a large bow-shaped bridge that sweeps from 11 o’clock to 7 o’clock, the components appear almost to be floating in three dimensions, the sense of visual depth and transparency enhanced by faceted indexes that are cantilevered from the chemin de fer minutes track. With a gleaming golden finish, the bridge, hour markers, gongs and several other components perfectly match the colour of the rose-gold watch case.

While the exuberance of the front dial contrasts with the rectilinear geometry of the Reverso case, the relative sobriety of the reverse dial echoes and amplifies those straight lines. Vertical Côtes de Genève stripes extend over the entire height of the main plate, which also serves as the dial. Showcasing the timekeeping mechanism, with subtle colour accents provided by blued screws and golden hands and hour markers, the cool silver tone of the metal provides an elegant counterpoint to the warm rose gold of the case.

Set into the side of the watch case, the slider that activates the chimes has been specially designed for the new Reverso Tribute Minute Repeater to be as slim as possible, without sacrificing ergonomics. Visually complementing the Art Deco lines of the case, the effect is one of great refinement.

In showcasing both technical complexity and the aesthetic crafts, the Reverso Tribute Minute Repeater underlines the eternal modernity of the Reverso design, marrying the technical prowess of the Manufacture Jaeger-LeCoultre to its eternal quest for new forms of visual expression.




Case material: Pink Gold

Case dimensions: 51.1 x 31 mm

Case thickness: 11.41 mm

Movement: Jaeger-LeCoultre Calibre 944, manually wound

Functions: Hours and Minutes on two dials, minute repeater

Power reserve: 35 hours

Water resistance: 30 m

Strap: Brown alligator

Limited edition of 10 pieces

Alpine Eagle XL Chrono Only Watch

A high-precision chronograph  embellished with a unique natural Swiss stone dial  in support of the Monegasque Association Against Muscular Dystrophy

Chopard has once again committed itself to the Only Watch sale by offering a one-of-a-kind timepiece inspired by nature: the Alpine Eagle XL Chrono Only Watch chronograph, specially created in support of the Monegasque Association against Muscular Dystrophy. Since 2005, this charity project has brought together more than 50 watch manufacturers in a formidable creative drive.

Bearing ultimate testimony to the expertise and inventiveness of Chopard’s watchmakers, the Alpine Eagle XL Chrono Only Watch is distinguished by its dial in Swiss granite from the Graubünden region, speckled with blue and green inclusions recalling the colours of the Alpine massif seen from the sky. It brings two novel touches to the Alpine Eagle collection: for the first time, a case made of beadblasted Lucent Steel A223 and a calf leather strap. Three patents have been filed for the chronometer-certified Chopard 03.05-C flyback chronograph movement that powers it.

An original design inspired by the beauty of the Alps

Above and beyond its technical prowess, the Alpine Eagle collection has been a guarantee of aesthetic finesse ever since its launch, entirely aligned with Louis Sullivan’s “form follows function” doctrine. The new Alpine Eagle XL Chrono Only Watch fully reflects this principle. On the right-hand side, the chronograph pushers are subtly and discreetly integrated on either side of the protective crown guards so as to preserve the Alpine Eagle’s characteristic harmony of form and symmetry.

With the Alpine Eagle XL Chrono Only Watch, harmony also reigns supreme on the dial, which is adorned with a carefully selected natural Swiss stone: an exceptional granite quarried in the canton of Graubünden. Its blue and green inclusions have been chosen to evoke the beauty of the Alpine forests and lakes as seen from the sky by an eagle.

One of these breathtaking landscapes is the Lauenensee. This lake in the canton of Bern is a place dear to Only Watch founder and organiser Luc Pettavino, who liked to go there with his son Paul, whose illness gave rise to this charity project. It is also an iconic landmark for Chopard Co-President Karl-Friedrich Scheufele, who presented the Alpine Eagle collection there for the first time in 2019, along with his father and son. Their shared admiration for this place of refuge justifies the rich decorative work gracing the dial, and exuding a sophistication that contributes to the aesthetic originality and symbolic value of the watch.

The addition of the black counters for the 30-minute, small seconds and 12-hour indications – respectively placed at 3, 6 and 9 o’clock – is carefully designed to highlight the natural hue of the granite. To enhance the legibility of measurements, the dial transfers and the three hands linked to the chronograph function match these precious inclusions, as well as the tachymeter scale, also discreetly punctuated by blue-green transfers at the 100, 160 and 240 graduations. Divided into four steps, the scale features intervals varying from 5, 10, 20 or 40km/h per line. This arrangement facilitates the reading of average speed measurements.

The Alpine Eagle XL Chrono Only Watch is the first timepiece in the collection to be fitted with a black calf leather strap.

A cutting-edge chronograph movement

The extra-wide 44 mm-diameter case of the Alpine Eagle XL Chrono Only Watch is sculpted in Lucent Steel A223, an innovative steel alloy made from 70 percent recycled material and developed by Chopard for its anti-allergenic properties and its robustness, as well as its incomparable brilliance achieved through a meticulous resmelting process. In another first, this material has been beadblasted, thereby creating an even nobler texture and accentuating the avant-garde spirit of Lucent Steel A223.

At the heart of the case beats a sophisticated chronograph movement manufactured by Chopard’s Artisan Watchmakers and endowed with a precision chronometer, certified by the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC). Chopard Calibre 03.05-C has a 60-hour power reserve and also features an elaborate design guaranteeing accurate adjustments and optimal use of the timekeeping functions. Equipped with a column wheel, it represents the culmination of several technical innovations for which Chopard has filed three patents resulting from the daring approach of its research and development teams.

Firstly, it is equipped with a unidirectional gearing system that avoids energy losses while ensuring fast winding, a function particularly appreciated for chronographs which are known to be consistently energy-hungry. In addition, its vertical clutch mode guarantees an accurate start for time measurements. This chronograph calibre is also of the flyback variety, enabling smooth and seamless short-time measurements thanks to three elastic-armed pivoting hammers that facilitate zero-resetting the counters.

Chopard and Only Watch, a heart-felt partnership

The ninth edition of Only Watch – considered the world’s most important charity watchauction – will be held on 6 November in Geneva. More than 50 watch manufacturers have each donated a unique timepiece, specially created for the occasion. The profits from this sale will be entirely donated to the Monegasque Association against Muscular Dystrophy to help fund research into Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a genetic neuromuscular disease affecting 250,000 children, adolescents and young adults worldwide. Since its creation in 2005, Only Watch has already raised over 70 million Swiss francs.

“We are delighted to support the cause of major scientific research into a disease that affects so many children and adults”, says Karl-Friedrich Scheufele. “Ever since our first participation in 2005, this longstanding commitment has enabled us to develop unique and daring models stemming from lengthy aesthetic and technical research, endowed with powerful distinctive features that our collectors have not necessarily expected.”

The Alpine Eagle collection: reinterpreting an icon

Devised by three generations of gentlemen in the Scheufele family, the Alpine Eagle collection is a modern reinterpretation of the St. Moritz, the first horological creation by Karl-Friedrich Scheufele in the late 1970s. With its pure and assertive design, Alpine Eagle enriches this heritage with powerful inspiration drawn from Nature. Featuring a round case with stylised flanks; a material exclusive to Chopard (Lucent Steel A223); a crown engraved with a compass rose; a bezel with eight functional indexed screws; a textured dial with deep colours and luminescent indications; and a seconds hand shaped like an eagle’s feather, Alpine Eagle radiates a resolutely contemporary look of refined elegance.

Chopard’s independence and integrated skills enables the Maison to perform the entire range of the collection’s production and assembly stages in its own workshops, from movement to bracelet as well as components and case.

Technical details

Alpine Eagle XL Chrono Only Watch

in beadblasted Lucent Steel A223

One-of-a-kind model




Beadblasted Lucent Steel A223

Total diameter                                                                                 44.00 mm

Thickness                                                                                        13.15 mm

Water resistance                                                                            100 metres

Crown in beadblasted Lucent Steel A223

with compass rose                                                                         8 mm

Crown guards and pushers in beadblasted Lucent Steel A223

Caseband in beadblasted Lucent Steel A223

Bezel in beadblasted Lucent Steel A223 with eight screws set at a tangent

Glare-proofed sapphire crystal

Exhibition case-back with glare-proofed sapphire crystal and Only Watch logo



Mechanical movement with automatic winding                        Chopard 03.05-C

Column-wheel chronograph with integrated construction

Number of components                                                                310

Diameter                                                                                          28.80 mm

Thickness                                                                                        7.60 mm

Number of jewels                                                                           45

Frequency                                                                                       28,800 vph (4 Hz)

Power reserve                                                                                60 hours

Annual balance with balance-spring featuring a flat terminal curve

Patented chronograph zero-resetting system with pivoting hammers and elastic arm

Patented seconds hand zero-resetting system

Patented vertical coupling clutch

Openworked tungsten alloy central rotor

Chromometer-certified (COSC)


Dial and hands

Dial made of granite from Switzerland’s Graubünden region

Black counters with white transfers

Applied rhodium-plated numerals and hour-markers enhanced with Grade X1 Super-LumiNova®

Black inner bezel ring and chronograph counters

Rhodium-plated baton-type hours and minutes hands enhanced with Grade X1 Super-LumiNova®

Rhodium-plated, turquoise-tipped arrow-type seconds hand with eagle feather counterweight

Rhodium-plated, turquoise-tipped chronograph counter hands



Central hours, minutes and chronograph seconds

Semi-instantaneous date display between 4 and 5 o’clock

Chronograph with flyback function

30-minute counter at 3 o’clock

12-hour counter at 9 o’clock

Small seconds at 6 o’clock

Stop-seconds function

Strap and clasp

Black calfskin strap with black bridle stitching and beadblasted titanium inlay

Triple folding clasp in beadblasted Lucent Steel A223

Ref. 298609-3005 – in beadblasted Lucent Steel A223

One-of-a-kind model created for Only Watch

Richard Mille RM 60-01 Flyback Chronograph Les Voiles de St Barth

Richard Mille RM 60-01 Flyback Chronograph Les Voiles de St Barth


Pasando bruscamente de la serenidad al extremo, Les Voiles de St Barth Richard Mille siempre se ha distinguido como una cita vanguardista en la que la competitividad y la tecnología más rompedora se dan encuentro. Richard Mille ha participado desde sus inicios en 2010.
Edición limitada de 50 unidades.

Richard Mille RM 60-01 Flyback Chronograph Les Voiles de St Barth

Richard Mille RM 60-01 Flyback Chronograph Les Voiles de St Barth

A lo largo de su primera década, la competición ha recibido a decenas de miles de regatistas y cerca de 500 embarcaciones llegadas de todos los rincones del mundo. Con un promedio de 80 tripulaciones compitiendo en 7 clases en cada edición, se ha impuesto rápidamente como uno de los platos fuertes de la temporada caribeña. La emocionante mezcla de condiciones extremas lo convierte en un evento auténticamente único.

RM 60-01 Cronógrafo automático Les Voiles de Saint Barth


Movimiento de cuerda automática con horas y minutos, contador de segundos situado a las 3, fecha de gran tamaño, mes, calendario anual, cronógrafo flyback con segundero central y temporizador de cuenta atrás de 60 minutos situado a las 9, totalizador de 24 horas situado a las 6, función UTC y rotor de geometría variable.


Aproximadamente 50 horas (±10 %).
45 horas con el cronógrafo en funcionamiento. La duración real de la reserva de marcha dependerá del tiempo de utilización del cronógrafo.


Estos componentes, de titanio grado 5 con tratamiento PVD negro, otorgan gran solidez al conjunto y un acabado perfectamente plano a las superficies, cualidades esenciales para el perfecto funcionamiento del tren de engranajes.

La platina esqueletizada y los puentes han sido sometidos a largas y exigentes pruebas para comprobar su perfecta capacidad de resistencia.


Gracias al pulsador situado entre las 4 y las 5 horas, es posible poner el cronógrafo a cero sin tener que detener el mecanismo. En un principio, esta función se desarrolló para pilotos, para que no perdieran tiempo (ni exactitud) al parar, poner a cero y volver a iniciar el cronógrafo al pasar por un punto de navegación.


Semi instantáneo con ajuste automático de los meses de 30 o 31 días, la fecha de gran tamaño está situada en una hendidura horizontal perfilada a las 12 y el mes se sitúa entre las 4 y las 5 horas.


El RM 60-01 incluye una aguja UTC que puede emplearse como indicador de una segunda zona horaria o, en combinación con el sol y el bisel giratorio, para situar los puntos cardinales.


El RM 60-01 emplea un sistema de geometría variable para optimizar el movimiento de armado del rotor.

Especificaciones del rotor
• Brazo de titanio grado 5
• Segmento de masa oscilante de oro blanco de 18 k
• Segmento de masa oscilante con 6 posibles posiciones ajustables mediante tornillos de titanio grado 5
• Alas de oro blanco de 18 k con alto contenido en paladio
• Rodamientos de bolas de cerámica
• Unidireccional: armado en sentido antihorario

Este diseño exclusivo Richard Mille permite adaptar de forma eficaz el armado del muelle real al nivel de actividad del usuario, en ambientes deportivos o no deportivos. Mediante el ajuste de la nervadura de seis posiciones es posible modificar la inercia del rotor para que el proceso de armado se acelere en caso de que la persona que lleve el reloj mueva el brazo con calma o se desacelere si realiza actividades deportivas.