Blancpain colabora con Swatch para crear una versión divertida e inesperada de su icónico reloj de buceo Fifty Fathoms. Cinco modelos Bioceramic Scuba Fifty Fathoms celebran los océanos que Blancpain está tan profundamente comprometido con preservar y salvaguardar.

Blancpain y Swatch se unen para crear una colección ilimitada de cinco modelos llenos de alegría de vivir, color y tecnología. Juntas, las dos marcas del Grupo Swatch se sumergen en los cinco océanos del planeta azul, combinando lo mejor de ambas marcas con relojes innovadores, biocerámicos, resistentes al agua y un movimiento mecánico con una reserva de marcha de 90 horas.

Las dos marcas han unido fuerzas para crear una colección de cinco relojes llamada Bioceramic Scuba Fifty Fathoms Collection. Cada modelo celebra uno de los cinco océanos, cuya conservación es tan querida por Blancpain. La elección obvia para este proyecto fue el Blancpain Fifty Fathoms, un reloj nacido hace exactamente 70 años y que revolucionó la relojería al convertirse en el primer verdadero reloj de buceo.

Estos cinco modelos Blancpain X Swatch están fabricados con biocerámica, una mezcla única y patentada de dos tercios de cerámica y un tercio de biomateriales derivados del aceite de ricino. Si bien los colores elegidos para esta colaboración indican claramente que no se trata de un reloj Blancpain tradicional, todos los fanáticos y entusiastas reconocerán a primera vista muchas de las características del icónico Fifty Fathoms, así como guiños a la colección Swatch Scuba.

Las principales características del Fifty Fathoms están presentes en la versión Swatch: la típica caja, su bisel giratorio unidireccional para medir la duración de la inmersión y su movimiento automático protegido de los campos magnéticos (en este caso el SISTEM51 equipado con el resorte de espiral antimagnético Nivachron™.

Para Marc A. Hayek, presidente y director ejecutivo de Blancpain, esta colaboración es muy simbólica: “Sin Swatch, la industria relojera suiza simplemente no habría sobrevivido y disfrutado de un destino tan maravilloso. Esta colección es un motivo de orgullo para mí. Se lo debemos a “Nos proponemos trabajar con esta marca que es tan pionera como nosotros, una realidad que se demuestra vívidamente con esta colección. Swatch ha reinterpretado brillantemente nuestro modelo icónico, a su manera, con su propia visión. Como buen buceador, realmente Aprecie la atención al detalle en esta colección y las numerosas referencias a Fifty Fathoms.

El hecho de que sea resistente al agua hasta una profundidad de 91 metros (lo que corresponde exactamente a 50 brazas, una unidad náutica de profundidad) es un guiño fantástico”. Marc A. Hayek, presidente y director ejecutivo de Blancpain, quien relanzó el Fifty Fathoms en 2003 , también quedó cautivado por el homenaje rendido a los nudibranquios en el rotor del movimiento mecánico SISTEM51: “Estos animales marinos son puras maravillas de la naturaleza. Con sus formas inverosímiles y sus colores a menudo brillantes, es un inmenso placer observarlos en su elemento durante una inmersión.

Crean un efecto sereno y calmante. A través de su programa Blancpain Ocean Commitment, Blancpain ha cofinanciado hasta la fecha más de 20 importantes expediciones científicas y ha ayudado a duplicar la superficie de áreas marinas protegidas en todo el mundo”. La nueva colección de cinco relojes, con colores nunca antes vistos en el Fifty Fathoms original, aporta un fuerte toque divertido al icónico reloj de buceo de Blancpain. Cada modelo presenta los logotipos compartidos de Blancpain X Swatch en la esfera y la corona. Las correas están hechas de redes de pesca recicladas extraídas del fondo del océano. Para todos aquellos que quieran sumergirse en el descubrimiento de esta colección, bajo el agua o no, los relojes estarán disponibles a partir del 9 de septiembre y únicamente en tiendas Swatch seleccionadas de todo el mundo. Presentados en una caja especial para buceo, los relojes también estarán expuestos durante algunas semanas en una selección de boutiques Blancpain, pero no a la venta.

Cincuenta brazas

Hace setenta años nació un icono: el Fifty Fathoms. El reloj que revolucionaría la relojería al convertirse en el primer verdadero reloj de buceo fue idea de un apasionado del submarinismo, Jean-Jacques Fiechter, entonces codirector ejecutivo de Blancpain. Pionero en una disciplina que aún estaba en pañales, comprendió la necesidad de medir el tiempo bajo el agua. La herramienta que diseñó para satisfacer sus propias necesidades obtuvo inmediatamente la aprobación unánime entre los buzos militares y civiles, hasta el punto de convertirse en su aliado infalible. Al mejorar la seguridad del buceo, el Fifty Fathoms contribuyó al desarrollo de este deporte y fomentó el descubrimiento del mundo de los océanos.

Permitió a Blancpain forjar estrechos vínculos con la comunidad oceánica (lazos que se han fortalecido durante los últimos 70 años) y se ha convertido en el catalizador del compromiso de la Manufactura con la conservación de los océanos. El año 2023, que marca el 70.º aniversario del Fifty Fathoms, también resuena como un reinicio de su nacimiento mediante la llegada de varios innovadores relojes de buceo de aniversario, lanzados a lo largo del año del aniversario. Como esta colaboración única con Swatch.

El mundo silencioso

Codirigida por Louis Malle, The Silent World ganó la Palma de Oro en Cannes en 1956. La película generó conciencia mundial sobre la riqueza de la flora y la fauna del mundo y la necesidad de protegerlas. Un aspecto particular que no pasó desapercibido fue que el equipo de buzos llevaba un determinado reloj, el Fifty Fathoms, cuyas cualidades permitían rodar largas secuencias en un entorno marino.

Compromiso Blancpain Océano

Blancpain desempeñó un papel clave en el desarrollo del buceo con el lanzamiento en 1953 del Fifty Fathoms, el primer reloj de buceo auténtico del mundo. Tanto los buceadores profesionales como los aficionados reconocieron inmediatamente la genialidad de su diseño, así como sus extraordinarias características y fiabilidad. De este modo, se forjaron naturalmente estrechos vínculos entre Blancpain y los entusiastas de los océanos que lo adoptaron: pioneros de las profundidades marinas, exploradores, oceanógrafos y fotógrafos submarinos. Estos vínculos han llevado a Blancpain a involucrarse en la exploración, preservación y protección de los océanos.

La Manufactura no sólo ha actuado junto a quienes comparten estas motivaciones, sino que también ha apoyado numerosas iniciativas medioambientales como socio fundador. Entre ellas se incluyen las expediciones Pristine Seas, que apoyó durante cinco años y que permitieron la creación de nuevas áreas marinas protegidas que cubren más de cuatro millones de kilómetros cuadrados en todo el mundo. Hasta la fecha, Blancpain, a través de su programa Blancpain Ocean Commitment, ha cofinanciado más de 20 importantes expediciones científicas, ha contribuido a duplicar la superficie de las zonas marinas protegidas en todo el mundo y ha presentado varios documentales premiados. La Manufactura también ha estado detrás de numerosas exposiciones de fotografía submarina y publicaciones. Estas contribuciones a la exploración y protección de los océanos se han complementado con la venta de varias series de relojes de edición limitada, cada uno de los cuales genera 1.000 euros adicionales a la importante financiación anual de Blancpain.

The Salon has revealed its dates, confirming that it will be opening to the general public with a two-part program.
The next edition of Watches and Wonders Geneva will be held from 9 to 15 April 2024 in Geneva’s Halles de Palexpo. New for next year, the general public will be able to attend the event over a long 3-day weekend, from Saturday to Monday inclusive. Press and trade visitors will have access to the Salon throughout the week.

The 2024 edition intends to build on the success of 2023, further raising Geneva’s profile as an international watchmaking destination. The program will again unfold in two parts – at Palexpo and In the City – with an evening event on Thursday 11 April in the heart of town. The aim is to get the people of Geneva and local players even more involved in this major watchmaking event.

All the brands taking part in Watches and Wonders Geneva 2024 will be announced at a later date, along with the full program.

Vacheron Constantin – Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers: a new window on the world and on history, opened by talented Master artisans

  • A series of three ten-piece limited editions, paying homage to the Portuguese sailors Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama and Pedro Álvares Cabral.
  • Miniature masterpieces, with Grand Feu enamel dials inspired by a map from the 1519 Miller Atlas, of which a reproduction is kept in the Portuguese Maritime Museum (Museu de Marinha – Lisbon).
  • The Manufacture 1120 AT movement powering an off-centre display of the hours and minutes, leaving ample space to express the Maison’s artistic crafts.

Geneva, 2021 – They evoke a time when the world had yet to be discovered. They retrace the famous epic journeys of the great 15th century explorers who braved the seas and oceans to discover distant horizons. Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama, Pedro Álvares Cabral: Vacheron Constantin celebrates their spirit of adventure through a new series of three ten-piece limited editions, the Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers. Crafted in Grand Feu enamel, each dial depicts selected portions of a 1519 map from the Miller Atlas. These three masterpieces of miniaturisation and expertise are driven by the Manufacture 1120 AT movement. These new models, presented at Watches & Wonders 2021, are part of the theme of the Maison for 2021 : entitled Classic with a Twist, it highlights Vacheron Constantin’s creative energy, guided by an identity that celebrates a heritage and dares to deliver the unexpected.

The spirit of travel, exploration and discovery of arts and cultures is an integral part of Vacheron Constantin’s history. A history rooted in the origins of the Manufacture, in an age when François Constantin did not hesitate to travel the world to open new markets and to fly the banner of the Maison high and wide, wherever possible. This openness to the world still pervades the philosophy of the Manufacture, which symbolically celebrates the spirit of adventure through a new journey – on this occasion a voyage through time – in memory of the great 15th century Portuguese explorers.

With this third opus in the Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers collection, which completes two series presented in 2004 and 2008, Vacheron Constantin ventures into one of history’s most exhilarating chapters. In the wake of models dedicated to Magellan, Zheng Hé, Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo, which proved a great success with collectors, comes the turn of Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama and Pedro Álvares Cabral to be honoured through extraordinary miniature compositions enhanced by talented master artisans. They bear witness to the noble touch and impressive creativity of the enamellers whose mastery of Grand Feu enamel once again broadens the horizons of the Métiers d’Art collection. A rare skill extending an invitation to travel while firing the imagination.

Masterful miniature Grand Feu enamel expressions of patience and meticulous care
Inspired by a map from the 1519 Miller Atlas, of which a painted reproduction is kept in the Portuguese Maritime Museum (Museu de Marinha – Lisbon), each dial shows a part of the world and the maritime routes respectively taken by the three explorers. In order to replicate the finely nuanced colours and the extreme delicacy of the motifs, the Maison opted for the art of enamelling. The result is three dials in Grand Feu enamel, masterpieces of patience and precision that require a full month’s work and 11 firings in the kiln at a temperature of between 800 and 900°C. These are all stages in which mastering fire proves crucial, since a few seconds too many can jeopardise several weeks of work.

The art of enamelling is a rare skill, a subtle blend of experience and sensitivity demonstrated in each move made by the artisan. Composed of crystal and metal oxides, enamels come in the form of small blocks of colour that the enameller first crushes into an extremely fine powder. The latter is then worked to create a substance similar to paint, which is applied in successive touches, enabling the enameller to represent motifs with incredible finesse and nuance. After coating the dial with the background colour, the enameller tackles the dial motifs, starting with the outlines of the continents, which are here enhanced with gold-coloured enamel powder. The decorative elements of this elegant composition – including the ships, fauna, flora and wind rose – are also produced using the delicate technique of miniature painting, thus serving to reproduce a host of details and subtly graded shades, obtained after numerous tests by the enameller. Each addition of colour requires another firing, since enamel is a mineral material that must be melted down in order to display its famous brilliance and intense depth.

Calibre 1120 AT with satellite hours
So as to give free rein to the enameller’s expertise, the three Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers models are powered by in-house Calibre 1120 AT. This movement is distinguished first and foremost by its 5.45 mm thinness enabling the 41 mm-diameter 4N pink gold case to maintain a trim 11.68 mm overall thickness guaranteeing an elegant appearance on the wrist.

The mechanism is also distinguished by its singular construction and its original time display mode enabling the wearer to travel visually through the dial as the hours pass by. Concealed beneath the upper part of the dial, the hours wheel is equipped with three arms each bearing four hours numerals, driven in turn by a cam shaped like the Manufacture’s Maltese cross inspired emblem. This ingenious satellite module enables the hours to sweep across the dial from top to bottom, traversing the fixed minutes circle positioned along a 120° arc. The hours numerals thus travel through the dial and their position gives an indication of the minutes replacing a traditional hand-type display.

Revealed through the transparent caseback, the movement decorations – notably including the 22-carat pink gold oscillating weight adorned with a wind rose – are entirely worthy of its technical nature.

Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers –Bartolomeu Dias
If his crews had not convinced him to give up on continuing the journey beyond the southern tip of Africa, perhaps Bartolomeu Dias (1450 – 1500) would have been the first to reach the Indies. The illustrious Portuguese explorer made history in a different way, by discovering the Cape of Good Hope in 1488, paving the way for future expeditions. Bartolomeu Dias was also a member of the crew of Vasco da Gama, who led his fleet to Indies between 1497 and 1498.

The route taken by Bartolomeu Dias’ ships in 1488 is represented by a red line on the Grand Feu enamel dial, enhanced by numerous incredibly refined details. With the help of a magnifying glass, a close look will reveal the silhouette of the men composing the explorer’s crew on board the two ships sailing west of Africa; or the palette of shades used by the enameller to precisely reproduce the landscapes, fauna and flora as they are represented on the map of the Miller Atlas.

Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers – Vasco da Gama
The long journey that took him from Portugal to the coasts of India was one of the most important 15th century discoveries. The Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama (1469 –1524), who left his native country in 1497, was the first to travel from Europe and Asia by sea, following an epic and often hellish journey across the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. After circumnavigating the southern tip of Africa, his fleet of four ships sailed along the coast as far as Kenya before embarking on a crossing towards the Indies, which he reached in 1498.

The sea route taken by its crew is finely traced in red enamel on the dial, each detail of which is a very faithful reproduction of the map appearing in the Miller Atlas. The gaze will naturally be drawn to a ship from Vasco da Gama’s fleet in the dial centre, sails billowing on a stormy sea; or to the circumference of the wind rose and the continents enhanced with gold-coloured enamel powder.

Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers – Pedro Álvares Cabral
It is to this Portuguese aristocrat and explorer that we owe the discovery of Brazil in 1500. Pedro Álvares Cabral (1467 – 1520) was commissioned by King Manuel I of Portugal to travel to the Indies to continue the work of Vasco da Gama, but he took a very different route from his contemporary. Rather than sailing along the African coast to the southern tip of Africa, the fleet led by Pedro Álvares Cabral headed west, until they discovered a new world, Brazil.

This route is depicted by a red enamel line standing out against a beige enamel background punctuated by extremely faithful representations of the elements present on the map of the Miller Atlas. In the centre of the dial, a ship from Pedro Álvares Cabral’s fleet, sails buffeted by the wind, proudly cleaves the sea in an extraordinarily lifelike manner. The accuracy of the craftsmanship is also expressed in the shimmering feathers of the birds as well as in the depiction of human figures on the South American continent.

Classic with a Twist

Vacheron Constantin’s creativity has always remained closely attuned to its time while evoking its memories. This byword for elegance, adopted by each watchmaker, artisan and designer throughout the years and centuries, celebrates heritage and dares to explore the unexpected. Poised at the intersection between technical virtuosity and aesthetic refinement, the enduring allure of Vacheron Constantin timepieces makes its way unscathed through passing eras. Because timelessness cannot be achieved merely by complying with the canons of traditional watchmaking, each creation is tinged with a touch of boldness revealed in the smallest details. Special displays, offset indications, specific chamfering of all components, hand-crafted finishing and the complexity of a mechanism are just a few examples of this expertise. The result is a very personal field of expression where technique and style converge in a subtle harmony between the conventional and the atypical.



Vacheron Constantin explores an exhilarating page of history with the Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers’ collection, available in a series of three ten-piece limited editions. In the wake of Magellan, Zheng Hé, Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo, to whom the Manufacture had already paid tribute in 2004 and 2008, comes the turn of Bartolomeu Dias, Vasco da Gama and Pedro Álvares Cabral to be honoured through extraordinary compositions enhanced by talented master artisans. To celebrate the discoveries made by these three 15th century Portuguese navigators, the Maison has opted for Grand Feu enamel and the technique of miniature painting. Masterpieces of patience and meticulous care, each of the three dials represents part of a map from the 1519 Miller Atlas, of which a reproduction is kept in Portuguese Maritime Museum (Museu de Marinha – Lisbon). These extraordinarily precise compositions are framed by a slim 18K 4N pink gold case measuring 41 mm in diameter. In order to provide abundant expressive scope for the enameller, these models beat to the rhythm of the 1120 AT self-winding movement, driving an off-centre time display thanks to a satellite hours module.



Métiers d’Art Tribute to great explorers

7500U/000R-B687: Bartolomeu Dias
7500U/000R-B688: Vasco da Gama
7500U/000R-B689: Pedro Álvares Cabral

1120 AT
Developed and crafted by Vacheron Constantin
Mechanical, self-winding
22K gold oscillating weight with tapisserie decor
32.80 mm (12 ½ ‘’’ diameter), 5.45 mm thick
Approximately 40 hours of power reserve
2.75 Hz (19,800 vibrations per hour)
205 components
36 jewels
Hallmark of Geneva certified timepiece

Dragging hours, minutes

18K 4N pink gold
41mm diameter, 11.68 mm thick
Transparent sapphire crystal caseback
Water-resistance tested at a pressure of 3 bar (approx. 30 meters)

18K gold, two-level dial, Grand Feu enamel
Enamelled hour-markers

Blue Mississippiensis alligator leather with alligator leather inner shell, hand-stitched, saddle-finish, large square scales

18K 4N pink gold folding clasp
Polished half Maltese cross-shaped
Limited series of ten timepieces per reference.
Models available exclusively through the Vacheron Constantin Boutiques.

Watches and Wonders opens tomorrow for the biggest watch event ever to take place online!

Geneva, April 6, 2021  Close to 500 press conferences, over 40 keynotes, a daily live “Morning Show”, six expert-led panels… and a wealth of exceptional creations revealed by the 38 prestigious participating Maisons: Watches and Wonders 2021 opens tomorrow a for a particularly intense edition that will put watchmaking in the spotlight for over ten days. Online and
offline, from Geneva to Shanghai, follow this unmissable event live from anywhere in the world. Connect from tomorrow 7:00 CET to the digital platform.

Only hours to go before the curtain comes up on Watches and Wonders with a 2021 edition in two parts, starting with a digital format in Geneva, then over to Shanghai for an in-person Salon. For more than ten days, the eyes of the world will be on the creativity and expertise of the most prestigious names in watchmaking.

Getting this horological marathon under way, Watches and Wonders Geneva promises to be particularly intense with 38 participating brands – double last year – 500 press conferences, 400 presentations to retailers, over 40 keynotes, a daily live “Morning Show”, six panel discussions, also live each day, one-toone appointments, virtual tours and more. All part of the exciting program for the 23,000 visitors – media, retailers and end customers – who have been invited to Watches and Wonders Geneva by the brands for a fully digital Salon

Watchmaking puts on a “Morning Show” Going out live every morning from April 8 to 13 at 8:00 CET, the 2021 edition launches with the first “Morning Show” at 7:00 CET on April 7th. Presented by Belle Donati, a primetime news anchor for major European networks, this is where industry experts and other prestigious guests will be giving their informed insight. Analyses, summaries, product presentations, trend focuses, CEO interviews, expert views, panel discussions, highlights of the day and everything you need to know about watchmaking will be shared, live, each morning… not forgetting the “Minute LAB”, spotlight on the latest technology and innovations from the participating brands. No stone will be left unturned during these seven 40-minute shows, presented in English and simultaneously translated into simplified Chinese. The public will be able to watch the “Morning Show” live on the platform or
catch up on the Watches and Wonders YouTube channel and social media.

Another highlight of the event will be the 42 launches and other “breaking news” from the 38 participating brands. Expect some major announcements, new watch presentations and exclusive product reveals, all on the new platform.

A platform for debate and discussion And there is more: is also a place for ideas and debate. Every day, from April 8 to 13 at 12:15 CET, influencers, brand leaders
and watchmaking experts will discuss the perspectives and challenges that lie ahead for the industry.: How can watchmaking contribute to overcome
resources scarcity and generate a positive impact? What will be the lasting consequences of the global pandemic? What role should technology and new
materials play? What impact can blockchain have on watchmaking? All these subjects will be covered in six 40-minute discussions, streamed live on the
platform, then available on replay for the public.

A gathering of the leading players in watchmaking worldwide, Watches and Wonders is set to become the standout event for 2021. Join watch enthusiasts around the world on from 7:00 CET tomorrow and be part of this digital experience, before moving on to China, starting April 14!




The watch that inspired a clock: working together with the Jura-based L’Epée manufacture, Hublot has produced an oversized version of its famous MECA-10 manufacture movement for use in a table clock.

Hublot’s unveiling of its MECA-10 movement in January 2016 left watch enthusiasts stunned. The manufacture had reinvented the manual movement, offering peerless performance as well as a unique style inspired by the Meccano construction system. The unusual skeleton architecture gives the movement an arresting three-dimensional depth, which is clearly visible through the bridges and case back. Its exceptional 10-day power reserve – now an imperative for any decent manual calibre – is displayed on a disc that can be read on the dial.

In 2020, Hublot has introduced a unique product in an oversized version. The MECA-10 has been made four times larger for use in a table clock, while fully preserving its original specifications, including its 10-day power reserve.

“We have managed to reproduce the unique features of our MECA-10 movement on a larger scale. This feat of engineering was achieved thanks to the concerted effort of the teams from both Hublot and L’Epée. In this way, we are charting a new course for the hallowed tradition of clockmaking. ”

Ricardo Guadalupe


In order to enlarge its MECA-10 movement, Hublot enlisted the services of the L’Epée manufacture. The world-renowned clockmaking expertise of this Jura-based company made it a natural choice for the collaboration, and because designing a wristwatch is very different to creating a clock, it also gave Hublot an opportunity to showcase its famous “Art of Fusion” approach in a new branch of horology. This particularly impressive result was achieved by combining the expertise of the designers, constructors and master horologists at Hublot and Epée.

Strikingly similar to the original, the Hublot MECA-10 Clock is, in essence, an oversized version of its predecessor. Its spacious 19.60 by 18.10 cm case houses the precious movement, which comes in two versions. The first features Meccano-inspired angles and a ring in polished satin-finished steel and transparent composite. The second is covered with black PVD and the bridges supporting the gear trains are also coated in black. The notched crown at 3 o’clock is rubber-coated for a better grip when manually winding the movement.

Like the wristwatch version from which it takes its inspiration, the MECA-10 clock movement features a 10-day power reserve which is displayed on an indicator at 6 o’clock.

These two precious editions of the MECA-10 Clock, the fruit of a close collaboration between Hublot and L’Epée, are exclusive limited edition pieces reserved for true aficionados.






Satin-finished and Polished Black PVD Steel

Satin-finished and Polished Steel

Diameter: 134.6 mm

Thickness: 69.8 mm


Satin-finished and Polished Black PVD Steel

Satin-finished and Polished Steel


Satin-finished and Polished Black PVD Steel

Satin-finished and Polished Steel


Mat black skeleton

Satin-finished and Sandblasted Steel Hands with White Luminescent


Manual-winding Skeleton Power Reserve Movement with 2 Barrels

Black Plated Bridges

Rhodium Plated Escapement

Power Reserve display at 6.00

Frequency: 2.5Hz

Power reserve: 10 days

No. of Components:432

Jewels: 52


Le Brassus, – Swiss Haute Horlogerie Manufacturer Audemars Piguet presents its Only Watch unique piece 2019: the two-tone Code 11.59 by Audemars Piguet Tourbillon Openworked.


The unique model’s two-tone case emphasizes the architectural complexity of Code 11.59 by Audemars Piguet. Its 18-carat pink gold octagonal middle case subtly contrasts with the 18-carat white gold extra-thin bezel, lugs and caseback. Satin-brushed, bevelled and polished, the bezel, lugs and case present refined finishing techniques usually found on calibres. The caseback is engraved with “Unique Piece.”



This watch houses a hand-wound tourbillon openworked movement, calibre 2948. Its rhodium-toned openworked plate, finished with vertical traits-tirés, is enhanced by pink gold-toned titanium tourbillon and barrel bridges with polished rhodium-toned angles. Echoing the two-tone colour of the case, the decoration of this movement amplifies the watch’s multi-tiered construction. With 70 hand-polished angles, the hand finishing on this movement pushes the openworking art to new heights.

The opaline silver-toned white gold inner bezel nicely frames the openworked movement and accentuates the extra-thinness of the watch’s bezel, barely visible around the dial. The long 18-carat pink gold hands add yet another subtle touch of colour.



This unique model comes with a black alligator strap, which further highlights the refinement and artistry of the watch’s case and movement.
François-Henry Bennahmias, Audemars Piguet Chief Executive Officer, rejoices over Audemars Piguet’s participation in this event: “We are proud to contribute to this charity auction once more and help advance scientific and medical research.”

Code 11.59 by Audemars Piguet Tourbillon Openworked // 41mm
Tourbillon, hours and minute.
18-carat pink gold case, 18-carat white gold bezel, lugs and caseback, glareproofed sapphire crystal and caseback, water-resistant to 30m.
Opaline silver-toned 18-carat white gold inner bezel, openworked, 18-carat pink gold hands.
Hand-stitched “large square scale” black alligator strap with 18-carat white gold folding clasp.
Hand-wound Manufacture calibre 2948
Total diameter: 31.65 mm (14 lignes)
Total thickness: 4.97 mm
Number of parts: 196
Number of jewels: 19
Minimal guaranteed power reserve: 80 h
Frequency of balance wheel: 3 Hz (21,600 vibrations/hour)
Join the #AudemarsPiguet & discussions @AudemarsPiguet

About Audemars Piguet

Audemars Piguet is the oldest fine watchmaking manufacturer still in the hands of its founding families (Audemars and Piguet). Since 1875, the company has written some of the finest chapters in the history of Haute Horlogerie, including a number of world firsts. In the Vallée de Joux, at the heart of the Swiss Jura, numerous masterpieces are created in limited series embodying a remarkable degree of horological perfection, including daring sporty models, classic and traditional timepieces, splendid ladies’ jewellery-watches, as well as one-of-a-kind creations.
©Audemars Piguet 2019