The tech world is constantly evolving, and innovation has always been a crucial part of our company. We want to offer quality technology to our customers and do it in a way that is transparent, comprehensible and with their total trust.

cdmon was founded in 2002 with the aim of creating an open and quality Internet where everyone can take part. In our more than 20 years, we have become a leading company on domain, hosting, VPS, and dedicated servers’ sales. We enjoy a challenge and our whole team loves technology, and therefore we work every day to bring value to our customers and make sure their projects become a success.

A certified domain registrar, we currently have more than 600 domain extensions in our products’ portfolio, in addition to being ISO and security certified, and we have been classified as an innovative company by the Spanish government.

cdmon has been and is a reference for your highly customizable service and our customer care team available 24 hours, 7 days a week.

But even if cdmon did not come to life until 2002, the idea started brewing in 1996, when Jaume R. Palau, cofounder, and current CEO of the company, remembers the emotion of adventure, of things to discover, being fascinated by the first years of Internet.

How did cdmon start?

When the company was founded, we had so many ideas on the table. By itself, starting the business was only just a way of redirecting the creative energy of the persons that created it. In 2002, a part of our activity created websites and was called 10dence (a play on words with the word tendency) and another for hardware news called Hispahard. We also hosted our own development in our servers, so we had prior experience. What we then discovered was that there were too many competitors creating websites, so we saw an opportunity of turning our competitors into our customers.

A few months later, we released, our bet to create a service to offer Internet presence. In the beginning, our mission was to make technology transparent for the user, so they could create content and develop their project. From there, we incorporated web hosting services and domain registration while we developed our own control pane

What is cdmon’s mission on the web hosting and domain industry?

Nowadays, our mission is to create an open and quality Internet where everyone can take part.

An open Internet means offering interoperability to our customers, avoid vendor lock-in or any other kind of practices that make our customers become prisoners to our service. It also means offering a flexible platform.

 A quality Internet means offering a service amongst the best in the market, which becomes a challenge due to the complexity of this sector and the job market.

Lastly, where everyone can take part, refers to our Corporate Social Responsibility, which is to help all entrepreneurs.

What values represent you that you have instilled in your company?

I think that one of these values has been honesty. The basis for starting a business that lasts over time is the ability to creating lasting relationships, and the foundation to creating a lasting relationship is trust. Without honesty, there’s no trust. And it shows, when a customer has been with an honest company and then changes to a dishonest one, the customers knows that something is missing and most of the time it ends up coming back.

Another value is thankfulness. Internet has given us a lot, and so has the Open Source community, since all our services are built upon open code. We have reflected this by knowing how to give back free services to society in the form of our Corporate Social Responsibility.

Nonetheless, I would like to add that the most important thing are not the values that represent myself but the values the company needs to execute its strategy and reach its goals. I think that this point is crucial to execute a strategy full force, become aware of which conducts strengthen the plan to follow, work them at an organizational level and develop them together with the other members.

What market expansion prevision do you have in mind?

The current economic situation is uncertain and complicated. The idea is to always go on and keep growing, we need to open to new markets. We have some products that are competitive at an international level, and it is only a matter of making our brand known. I think cdmon has a lot to say on the global market, always with the greatest humility, since we are aware that we are competing against true Internet giants. But this does not dishearten nor discourage us since ours is a healthy ambition, thinking of it more as a challenge than a necessity.

How did the customers’ demand change versus when you started the project?

The market has really evolved. In 2002 there were no smartphones, nor tablets nor the Cloud. Programming languages were simpler, very few were well-known and lots more were yet to be developed.

The need for security wasn’t the same: the Internet was a place for leisure, not business, so cybercriminals were not looking to make a profit and were simply Internet thugs.

Social media and website builders did not exist yet or offered substitutes. Competence wasn’t as high since this market was still at a very early stage. Technology’s evolution was changed the customer’s habits and how they consume this product.

Which are the main threats the company is facing?

Reading the previous answer, lots of threats start emerging. Our sector is affected by everything related to data security.

On the other hand, this sector is still largely unregulated and very atomized. It surprises me that the European legislation still hasn’t taken action and set the industry standards for those that want to offer hosting web services, since information is a key asset.

The electronic components and IT labor shortages are two of the main brakes for the growth of tech companies. For example, there are months long waitlist to buy certain material. And regarding the job market, salaries are increasing due to the talent shortage.

What makes us better and different to our competitors?

Lost of technological companies see themselves as the “engine” that help strengthen an activity. In our case, we see ourselves more as a heart than an engine. We are a technological company that has emotions, and we worry about customer’s satisfaction. For us, a customer is someone the company has a relationship with. Relationships are like trees, if you take care of them, they yield results. Others see the relationship with customers as a lemon to squeeze, and then it’s time to move on. This aspect, I think, makes us different because it brings warmth to our service, it gives it soul and its own identity, and when the customer tries other services, they think: looks the same, smells the same, but it definitely is not the same.

How do you remain at the forefront after 20 years?

There are two aspects I think important. The first is to chase a vision that inspires you and work on something that makes sense to oneself. If your work makes sense, you feel in balance. The second aspect that is important is to keep your word. I think integrity is one of the key elements for great leadership and to create an atmosphere of trust with your associates, workers, and collaborators. This does not mean that it is infallible, what I mean is that it is important to be aware of it and make every effort to follow it.

You have reached more than 20 years heading up a company leader in its sector, how far do you want to go? How do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?

As I said before, I think that to pursue a vision is very important to know where you want to go. Ambition is one thing, but you need to know the chances of achieving or reaching it. Lately I’ve been reflecting about the process we are currently living as a society, since the raw material shortage and the climate change will push us all to a very different scenario to the one we want to project. Let me be cautious and reserved about sharing my personal vision.

What qualities does a CEO need to have today?

We live turbulent and uncertain times. I think that people that can’t coexist with uncertainty will have it pretty rough as a CEO.

On the other hand, we find ourselves in a time when short-termism prevails over long-term vision. This is the way, at least from my point of view, a CEO should be a strategist and work long-term and be a good communicator to be able to explain to all interested parties why this long-term vision is important.

A CEO has to be able to trust and also be distrustful: to trust and delegate, to distrust and control.

A CEO must know how to listen, has to know how to create good relationships with its collaborators, needs to have a flexible mind, has to be neutral as to its personal, political, religious, and other interests, must know when to talk and when to stay silent.

A CEO also has to look out after the company and the return on investment: pamper the profit and loss account.

What do you do to inspire by example?

I try to do what I say and not be a hypocrite.

These last few months a lot has been said about security and cyberattacks, what advice can you give?

Cyberattacks have increased because it has become a very lucrative activity. Due to the increase of cryptocurrencies, new channels have been opened for cybercriminals to earn real money: ransomware, confidential data theft, etc.

A way of stopping these attacks would be for them to become so expensive that cybercriminals can’t make any money out of it.

How much did the information theft to a very important semiconductor manifacturing company cost them? The cybercriminals asked for hundreds of millions of dollars to not make the stolen data public. I think this may give a hint to how much a company must invest in securing their information. How much does your confidential data cost on the market? How much should a cybercriminal invest to get it?

Any last advice?

Only for them to enjoy life and live the moment. Today you’re at the top and tomorrow everything can take a turn for the worse. Or on the contrary, you can be at a bad point in time and tomorrow have the lucky break you needed. And in the end, whatever it is, good or bad, ends up happening. Because if there is something I have learned, is that everything happens


World’s first crewed flying racing car ready for the Airspeeder Racing Series

El primer auto de carreras volador tripulado del mundo listo para la serie Airspeeder Racing

  • Alauda Aeronautics presenta el Airspeeder Mk4, la primera versión tripulada de su auto volador de carreras
  • Airspeeder Mk4 es el avión eléctrico de despegue y aterrizaje vertical (eVTOL) más rápido del mundo, con una velocidad máxima de 360 ​​kph (225 mph)
  • Impulsado por Thunderstrike Hydrogen Turbogenerator, que ofrece un alcance excepcional de 300 km (188 millas)
  • La tecnología Gimballed Thrust de inteligencia artificial produce cualidades de manejo de un automóvil de Fórmula 1 o un avión de combate
  • Pruebas de vuelo en curso en el sur de Australia; primeras carreras tripuladas programadas para 2024
  • El Airspeeder Mk4 se presentará públicamente en el festival de innovación Southstart el 7 de  marzo de 2023.
  • Las inscripciones de equipos ahora están abiertas para la serie de carreras tripuladas Airspeeder

“Nosotros y el mundo estamos listos para las carreras de autos voladores tripulados. Hemos construido los vehículos, desarrollado el deporte, asegurado las sedes, atraído a los patrocinadores y socios técnicos. Ha llegado el momento de que las marcas de automóviles, los fabricantes de equipos originales y los equipos de automovilismo más progresistas, innovadores y ambiciosos del mundo formen parte de un nuevo automovilismo verdaderamente revolucionario. Al presentar el Airspeeder Mk4 tripulado, mostramos los vehículos que lucharán en carreras de pala a pala tripulados por los pilotos más capacitados en sus campos”. –  Matt Pearson, director ejecutivo, Alauda Aeronáutica

Alauda Aeronautics está buscando socios OEM para unirse a esta revolución en el automovilismo, ya que presenta el Airspeeder Mk4, el primer automóvil volador tripulado del mundo y el más rápido.

Diseñado y construido en Adelaida, Australia Meridional, el Airspeeder Mk4 es el avión eléctrico de despegue y aterrizaje vertical (eVTOL) más rápido del mundo. Capaz de alcanzar una velocidad máxima de 360 ​​kph (225 mph) en solo 30 segundos desde parado, está diseñado para establecer el estándar de rendimiento y tecnología en el nuevo y radical deporte de las carreras de aerodeslizadores pilotados.

Con su sofisticado sistema de propulsión eléctrica, aerodinámica avanzada y un peso de despegue (MTOW) de solo 950 kg, el Airspeeder Mk4 también es extremadamente eficiente, con un alcance proyectado de 300 km (188 millas) mientras produce casi cero emisiones.

El nuevo avión es un desarrollo del Mk3 pilotado a distancia, que completó con éxito más de 350 vuelos de prueba y participó en dos carreras de demostración de Airspeeder en el sur de Australia en 2022.

Al igual que todos los Airspeeders, el Mk4 está destinado principalmente a las carreras, por lo que está diseñado para una máxima agilidad a altas velocidades y bajas altitudes. Dos tecnologías inspiradas en la industria espacial le dan al vehículo su velocidad, maniobrabilidad y alcance sin precedentes.

El Airspeeder Mk4 funciona con un turbogenerador de 1000 kW (1340 caballos de fuerza) que alimenta las baterías y los motores. Diseñada específicamente para su uso en eVTOL, esta tecnología revolucionaria permite utilizar hidrógeno verde como combustible, proporcionando energía segura, confiable y sostenible en largas distancias y tiempos de vuelo. El Mk4 tiene un alcance proyectado de más de 300 km (188 millas).

El motor de demostración ‘Thunderstrike’ de Alauda Aeronautics incorpora un combustor único fabricado con técnicas de impresión 3D desarrolladas en la industria espacial para motores de cohetes. El diseño de la cámara de combustión mantiene la temperatura de la llama de hidrógeno relativamente baja, lo que reduce en gran medida las emisiones de óxido nitroso (NOx).

El hidrógeno es un combustible ideal para la aviación del futuro y, específicamente, para los viajes aéreos urbanos personales. Tiene una alta densidad de energía y se puede almacenar en una forma compacta y liviana, lo que lo hace adecuado para aeronaves pequeñas; tampoco es tóxico y no produce emisiones excepto agua pura, por lo que no contamina el aire. Además de esto, debido a que el gas de hidrógeno es más liviano que el aire, simplemente se elevará y se dispersará en la atmósfera en caso de fuga, lo que reduce el riesgo de incendio o explosión.

Además de llevar la industria eVTOL existente a la era H2eVTOL de próxima generación , esta tecnología tiene el potencial de reducir significativamente las emisiones y crear un futuro sostenible para los viajes aéreos individuales.

La mayoría de los eVTOL se dirigen utilizando rotores basculantes, que simplemente se colocan verticalmente para despegar y aterrizar y horizontalmente durante el crucero. Por el contrario, el Mk4 maniobra utilizando un exclusivo sistema de empuje cardán, mediante el cual un controlador de vuelo de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ajusta individualmente cuatro pares de rotores montados en cardanes ligeros impresos en 3D. Esto hace que el Mk4 no solo sea rápido en línea recta, sino que también pueda maniobrar con la increíble precisión esencial en las carreras cuerpo a cuerpo. De hecho, se maneja menos como un multicóptero y más como un avión de combate o un auto de carreras de Fórmula 1.

Alauda Aerospace planea comenzar las pruebas de vuelo del chasis y el tren motriz Mk4, incluidos los primeros vuelos tripulados de la estructura del avión, en el primer trimestre de 2023. El avión estará listo para tomar la línea de salida en el Campeonato de carreras de aerodeslizadores en 2024.

La serie de carreras Airspeeder tiene una enorme base de fans internacionales y atrae a los mejores pilotos del mundo. Pero es más que un espectáculo espectacular de velocidad y habilidad. También es un campo de pruebas para sistemas de propulsión ecológicos sostenibles, con el potencial de cambiar la forma en que todos viajamos en el futuro.

Alauda Aeronautics ya está mirando más allá de las carreras hacia un mundo donde los autos voladores privados son una realidad diaria y un medio viable de transporte urbano. Su equipo de ingenieros y diseñadores, formado por empresas como Airbus, Boeing, Ferrari, MagniX y McLaren, confía en que sus tecnologías podrían hacer que los viajes aéreos sean más rápidos, más eficientes, más respetuosos con el medio ambiente y más accesibles que nunca.

Matt Pearson, director ejecutivo de Alauda Aeronautics  , dice: “Verá estas tecnologías en la pista de carreras. Sin embargo, los eVTOL ya son una industria de un billón de dólares y vemos un mercado muy importante para los autos voladores privados que emergen en un futuro cercano. En la industria aeroespacial convencional, hay tantos aviones privados como aviones comerciales en funcionamiento. Creemos que podría ser lo mismo con los autos voladores algún día, con una cantidad aproximadamente similar de taxis comerciales y autos privados inicialmente. Una vez que podamos venderle un automóvil volador por el mismo precio que un Tesla, verá rápidamente el cambio de equilibrio. Hoy en día, los automóviles privados superan en número a los taxis en aproximadamente 300 a uno, por lo que el potencial para que las personas posean y conduzcan su propio automóvil volador algún día es absolutamente enorme. Es un momento muy emocionante”.

Para obtener más información sobre el Alauda Airspeeder Mk4 y el próximo campeonato de carreras de Airspeeder, visite el sitio web de Airspeeder en .

Airspeeder se basa en la filosofía de que nada acelera el progreso técnico como la competencia deportiva. El deporte de próxima generación desempeña el mismo papel que los pioneros de la Fórmula Uno tuvieron hace casi un siglo al impulsar el desarrollo técnico y generar la aceptación pública de una nueva revolución de la movilidad. El sector eVTOL está preparado para transformar el transporte aéreo urbano, la logística global e incluso el transporte médico remoto con una solución de transporte aéreo de aire limpio y cero emisiones.

Matt Pearson es el fundador y visionario detrás de Alauda y Airspeeder. Junto con un equipo de ingenieros, diseñadores y mentes comerciales de Australia, Nueva York y Londres, está acelerando el desarrollo de vehículos voladores eléctricos a través del calor de la competencia deportiva.

Más allá de su papel como una voz definitoria en el futuro de la movilidad, Matt está impulsando el espacio del Internet industrial de las cosas en rápida expansión a través de su trabajo en Fleet. Desde su base en el sur de Australia, millones de dispositivos se alimentan a través de la órbita terrestre baja a través de una red creciente de nanosatélites.

Redes sociales:  @Airspeeder

Audi intensifies its software expertise with 400 new additions to IT roles

• From electronic sound to driver assistance systems: Audi Information Technology (IT) experts introduce CARIAD electronic architecture and software into the brand’s models and develop specific functions
Markus Duesmann, Audi CEO“Our strategy enables Audi to make key hires now in the crucial fields of the future; in this area, we are joining forces throughout the Volkswagen Group”
• Xavier Ros, Director of Human Resources and Organization at Audi: “We are looking for brilliant minds with a pioneering spirit; we offer them the freedom of a hybrid and independent work system in a very exciting technological environment”

Madrid, February 1, 2023 – Using mixed reality glasses in the car to see the real environment without losing sight of the vehicle’s virtual information: Audi is developing tomorrow’s mobility experiences today, drawing on synergies within of the Volkswagen Group. As the Group’s software company, CARIAD is working on a unified technology platform. In future, Audi will integrate CARIAD software into its models, while developing specific digital functions. To this end, the brand with the four rings will add more software experts, driving transformation in future-related fields and accelerating growth with some 400 new jobs in the Information Technology (IT) area. In total, up to 2,000 new hires are expected by 2025.

“Right from the start, Audi adopted a clear strategy towards electromobility and digitalisation. This allows us to make key hires now, especially in areas that will be crucial in the future. In this area, we are joining forces throughout the Volkswagen Group” , says Markus Duesmann, CEO of AUDI AG. The multifaceted task that Audi offers by merging the software and automotive worlds is especially exciting for IT specialists. “From automated driving to the digital ecosystem, additional software expertise will allow us to put our innovations on the road ,” adds Duesmann.

From the head-up display to electronic sound
Software can be found in all of today’s cars. An example is the augmented reality head-up display of the Audi Q4 e-tron and Q4 Sportback e-tron, which displays virtual and partly dynamic content in the driver’s field of vision directly on the windscreen, such as the turn signals for the navigation system. Especially in poor visibility conditions, this system guarantees greater comfort and safety on the road. The head-up display is possible, in part, thanks to innovative software development; the same goes for the brand’s driver assistance systems.

Last but not least, electromobility is also opening up new fields of activity for software developers. For example, these experts are in charge of designing the sound of electric cars, and they also program the control of the power electronics of the propulsion systems of electric vehicles, whose components significantly influence safety, efficiency, dynamic behavior and ecological balance.

Working on future visions
At the same time, Audi is already working on future software-driven concepts. A current example: in the Audi activesphere concept, the car’s occupants can view the real environment and the road using mixed reality glasses that simultaneously display 3D content and interactive elements in their field of vision, individually configurable for the driver and the passengers. This innovative operating concept, known as Audi dimensions, offers an exciting preview of the applications of the future that IT experts are already working on today.

Audi as a premium employer: freedom and flexibility for pioneering spirits
“Our aspiration is to be pioneers in sustainable premium mobility. That’s why we’re looking for brilliant minds with a pioneering spirit and the courage to explore new avenues to ensure the continued success of the brand with the four rings. At Audi, they will enjoy the freedom of a hybrid and independent work system in a highly exciting technological environment” , says Xavier Ros, Director of Human Resources and Organization at Audi.

Recently, the global organization Top Employers Institute named AUDI AG “Top Employer Germany” for the third time in a row. Audi excelled in the fields of Corporate Responsibility, Diversity and Inclusion and Well-being. Projects like “better normal” and the company agreement for a hybrid working system from Audi promote flexible working models. At the same time, professional development programs and employee networks promote diversity in the company, whose workforce in the German sites alone consists of more than 100 nationalities. Finally, a job guarantee until 2029 provides all Audi employees with the security they need to develop new skills in future fields. This recognition ranks Audi among the most attractive employers in Germany.

Online IT job offers: teamwork
All IT job offers can be found both on the Audi job portal and on a new joint portal with Volkswagen and CARIAD. Like all Group brands, Volkswagen Passenger Cars integrates the CARIAD electronic architecture into its models, which mainly serve the volume market. Audi, for its part, focuses on individual premium mobility, as demonstrated by the Audi activesphere concept car with its new drive concept, among other innovations. Through these different development priorities, the Volkswagen Group aims to bring individual features and services to the market more quickly.

Consumption of the models mentioned:
The figures depend on the selected tire/rim combination and the engine and transmission variant

Audi Q4 e-tron
Combined electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: 17.5 – 21.1
Combined CO2 emissions in g/km: 0

Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron
Combined consumption in l/100 km: 17.0 – 20.7
Combined CO2 emissions in g/km: 0

Take Your Passions Further With the New Samsung Galaxy S23 Series: Designed for a Premium Experience Today and Beyond

Galaxy S23 Ultra’s most advanced camera, next-level gaming performance, and more eco-conscious design come together in Samsung’s most innovative Galaxy S series yet.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – February, 2023 – Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. today unveiled the Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23+, and Galaxy S23, marking a new era of Samsung Galaxy’s ultimate premium phone experience. Samsung Galaxy’s epic camera gives users more freedom to explore their creativity, like capturing truly cinematic Nightography videos with transformative AI. The Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy unleashes premium experiences, including groundbreaking AI, future-ready mobile gaming feature and powerfully sustained game play with the world’s fastest mobile graphics.1 On the Galaxy S23 Ultra, an embedded S Pen2 that many long-time Samsung Galaxy users know and love offers more possibilities for productivity, notetaking, hobbies and more. All the Galaxy S23 series’ new standard-setting innovations are housed within a striking design that advances the company’s sustainability commitment with more components made using recycled materials than any other Samsung Galaxy smartphone.3

“The value of impactful technology is measured, not just by what it enables for people today, but also how it contributes to a better future,” said TM Roh, President and Head of Mobile eXperience Business at Samsung Electronics. “The entire Galaxy S23 series is the new standard-bearer of trustworthy premium smartphone experiences. We’re on a mission to redefine peak performance by bringing together powerful, lasting innovations and sustainability.”

A Samsung Galaxy Camera with More Megapixels and Extensive Creative Controls, From Day to Night
Galaxy S23 Ultra makes it easier for any level of photographer to capture phenomenal content. It offers Samsung Galaxy’s most advanced camera system, tailored for nearly any lighting conditions and engineered to render incredible detail. Improved Nightography capabilities transform how the Galaxy S series optimizes photos and videos in a wide range of ambient conditions. Filming a favorite song at a concert, snapping a selfie at the aquarium, or grabbing a group shot of friends at dinner — users can get sharper images and videos.4 Visual noise that usually ruins low-light images is corrected by a new AI-powered image signal processing (ISP) algorithm that enhances object details and color tone.

In a Samsung Galaxy first, Galaxy S23 Ultra boasts a new 200MP Adaptive Pixel sensor that captures epic moments with incredible precision. It uses pixel binning to support multiple levels of high-resolution processing at once.5 And because selfie cameras are more important than ever to how we communicate today, the Galaxy S23 series introduces fast autofocus and our first Super HDR selfie camera, jumping from 30fps to 60fps, for noticeably better front-facing images and videos.

For users who want the ultimate creative control and customization, the Galaxy S23 series offers a suite of tools that differentiate any photography experience. The Expert RAW app,6 available exclusively on Samsung Galaxy, enables DSLR-style image shooting and editing in RAW and JPEG — no bulky camera equipment is required. Users can experiment with Multiple exposures photo art or capture a clear view of the Milky Way with Astrophoto settings, and now, after being downloaded on Galaxy S23, Expert RAW features can be accessed within Samsung’s native Camera app. Meanwhile, the new zoom capabilities on Galaxy Watch5 series’ Camera Controller app7 empower users to capture a perfectly framed shot right from their wrist.

Additional camera advancements include:

  • Low-light or in situations that would normally create a blur, videos are stable with doubled optical image stabilizer (OIS) angles in all directions on Galaxy S23 Ultra.
  • Recording videos feel more cinematic with enhanced 8K video8 at 30 frames per second with a wider angle.
  • Advanced, object-based AI analyzes each detail in the frame, even down to minute facial features, such as hair and eyes, to carefully reflect a person’s dynamic characteristics.
  • For an even more enhanced video experience, the new 360 Audio Recording feature9 on Galaxy Buds2 Pro creates multi-dimensional sound.

On Galaxy S23+ and Galaxy S23, the iconic Samsung Galaxy camera also gets an upgraded look. The contour housing has been removed, marking a new era of essential Galaxy design that makes the entire series stand out.

Premium Performance Makes Way for the Future of Mobile Gaming
For creators and gamers alike, the desire to push limits and constantly reimagine what’s possible requires technology that outpaces expectations. Together, Samsung and Qualcomm optimized the Samsung Galaxy experience with the brand-new Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy, the most powerful and efficient platform ever in a Samsung Galaxy smartphone and the fastest10 Snapdragon available today. Meanwhile, on the Galaxy S23 Ultra, a 5000mAh battery11 powers a larger camera than Galaxy S22 Ultra without increasing the device’s size.

A newly designed CPU micro architecture boosts the processing abilities of the Galaxy S23 series by about 30 percent compared to the Galaxy S22 series.12 Capturing stunning photos in low light requires trillions of calculations per second, so Samsung Galaxy’s highly efficient NPU architecture has been optimized by 49 percent to balance performance and power while using an AI algorithm to help users take epic photos and videos.12 One of the most significant improvements to the Galaxy S23 series is the optimized GPU, which is approximately 41 percent faster compared to Galaxy 22 series and designed especially for power users.12

In anticipation of the future of ultimate digital realism, Galaxy S23 Ultra comes ready to support real-time ray tracing as it comes to the mobile gaming mainstream. Users will be able to see noticeably more lifelike renderings of scenes, thanks to technology that simulates and tracks every ray of light. Plus, Samsung Galaxy’s vapor chamber, now bigger13 and on every Galaxy S23 series model, keeps your gaming marathon going.

All this power underpins Galaxy S23 Ultra’s expansive 6.8-inch14 edge display with a reduced curvature to create a larger and flatter surface area15 for the best visual experience on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Samsung Galaxy’s unique Enhanced comfort feature allows users to adjust color tones and contrast levels, lessening eye strain from screen time at night. Vision booster now adjusts at three levels of lighting instead of two to combat brightness and glare in daylight.

Designed with the Planet in Mind
The Galaxy S23 series raises the bar for premium technology that can enrich people’s lives and help contribute to a healthier planet. Since the Galaxy S22 series, Samsung Galaxy increases its use of recycled materials from six internal components in Galaxy S22 Ultra to 12 internal and external components in Galaxy S23 Ultra. Galaxy S23 series also has a wider variety of recycled materials than any other Galaxy smartphone, including pre-consumer recycled aluminum and glass and post-consumer recycled plastics sourced from discarded fishing nets, PET bottles and water barrels.

The new S series is the first to feature Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus® 2, offering durability for long-term use and consisting of an average of 22 percent pre-consumer recycled content16. Plus, every Galaxy S23 smartphone comes in a redesigned packaging box which applied paper made with 100 percent recycled paper.

With the Galaxy S23 series, Samsung Galaxy is doing more to minimize its impact on the environment without compromising quality and aesthetic. The Galaxy S23 series is UL ECOLOGO® certified17, meaning that the product has been certified for reduced environmental impact.

For users who want to extend the life of their device, the Galaxy S23 series’ premium experience can be sustained through the years with four generations of OS upgrades and five years of security updates18. To enhance its longevity, users can also leverage programs such as Samsung Care+19, a support service for accidental damages, repairs and more.

User-Friendly Security and Privacy Enable a Transparent Experience without Compromise
Secure and private experiences are the foundation of the Galaxy S23 series. Every smartphone comes with Samsung’s end-to-end Samsung Knox protection, which has received more government and industry certifications than any other mobile device, platform or solution on the market. The Security and Privacy Dashboard on Samsung Galaxy gives users full visibility over who has access to their data and how it’s being used. With just a glance, it’s easy to see if personal data is at risk and receive simple prompts to change settings for a more secure experience. Users can also decide exactly which applications and programs get access to their data and how it can be used.

For an added layer of security, Knox Vault, which was first introduced on the Galaxy S21 series, protects critical information on the Galaxy S23 series by isolating it from the rest of the device, including the OS, for added protection against vulnerabilities.

More Freedom and Flexibility for Connected Lifestyles
At the core of the Samsung Galaxy S series’ premium experience is the uncompromising innovation of Samsung Galaxy Ultra. But the power and creative capabilities of Samsung Galaxy Ultra don’t stop at smartphones. With the brand new, first-ever Galaxy Book3 Ultra, and the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, users can now enjoy an ultimate Samsung Galaxy’s ecosystem.

Across every Galaxy S series model, connected experiences get added benefits. Samsung Multi Control,20 which connects mouse and keyboard functionality between a Samsung Galaxy PC and tablet, now extends to Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23+, and Galaxy S23 for the ultimate flexibility between devices. Plus, enhanced text usability makes it easy to copy and paste text, like URLs, from one device to another to pick up an activity on another device. On Galaxy S23 Ultra, Google Meet paired with Samsung Notes and the embedded S Pen now make video calls even more collaborative. With Google Meet live sharing, participants can simultaneously co-edit21 a document from each of their Android devices, rather than viewing a shared screen.22

The Galaxy S23 series comes in four nature-inspired matte hues: Phantom Black, Cream, Green and Lavender23.

Starting on February 17, 2023, Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23+ and Galaxy S23 will be widely available in carriers and retailers, and on

For more information about Galaxy S23 series, please visit: https://www.samsungmobilepress.com or

Galaxy S23 Ultra
Display 6.8-inch QHD+ Edge*
Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display
Super Smooth 120Hz refresh rate (1~120Hz)
240Hz Touch Sampling Rate in Game Mode
Vision booster
Enhanced comfort
*Measured diagonally, actual viewable area is less due to rounded corners and camera hole. 
Dimensions & Weight 78.1 X 163.4 X 8.9mm, 234g
Camera 12MP Ultra-Wide Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 120˚

200MP Wide Camera

  • F1.7, FOV 85˚

10MP Telephoto Camera

  • 3x Optical Zoom, F2.4, FOV 36˚

10MP Telephoto Camera

  • 10x Optical Zoom, F4.9, FOV 11˚

12MP Front Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 80˚
*100X Space Zoom includes 10x Optical Zoom and 10x digital zoom with AI Super Resolution technology.
Zooming in past 10x may cause some image deterioration.
AP Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy
Memory 12GB + 1TB
12 + 512GB
12 + 256GB
8 + 256GB
*Available storage capacity is subject to preloaded software.
*Memory option may vary by market.
Battery 5,000mAh
*Typical value tested under third-party laboratory condition. Typical value is the estimated average value considering the deviation in battery capacity among the battery samples tested under IEC 61960 standard. Rated (minimum) capacity is 4,855mAh. Actual battery life may vary depending on network environment, usage patterns and other factors.
Charging Wired charging*: Up to 65% charge in around 30 mins with 45W Adapter** and 5A USB-C cable***
Fast Wireless Charging 2.0****
Wireless PowerShare*****
*Wired charging compatible with QC2.0 and AFC.
**45W Power Adapter sold separately. Use only Samsung-approved chargers and cables.

***Results from internal Samsung lab tests, conducted with 45W Travel Adapter connected to newly pre-released version of Galaxy S23 Ultra while device had 0% of power remaining, with all services, features and screen turned off. Actual charging speed may vary depending on the actual usage, charging conditions and other factors.
****Wireless charging compatible with WPC.
*****Limited to Samsung or other brand smartphones with Qi wireless charging, such as Galaxy S23 Ultra, S23+, S23, Z Fold4, Z Flip4, S22 series, Z Fold3 5G, Z Flip3 5G, S21 FE 5G, S21 series, Z Fold2, Note20 series, S20 series, Z Flip, Note10, Note10+, S10e, S10, S10+, Fold, S9, S9+, S8, S8+, S8 Active, S7, S7 edge, S7 Active, S6, S6 edge, S6 Active, S6 edge+, Note9, Note8, Note FE and Note5. Only available with certain Samsung Galaxy wearables such as Galaxy Buds2 Pro, Buds2, Buds Pro, Buds Live, Watch5, Watch 5 Pro, Watch4, Watch4 Classic, Watch3, Watch Active2, Watch Active, Gear Sport, Gear S3, Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Buds. If battery power is lower than 30% Wireless PowerShare may not function. May not work with certain accessories, covers, other brand devices or some Samsung wearables. During PowerShare, it may affect call reception or data services, depending on your network environment.
OS Android 13
One UI 5.1
Network & Connectivity 5G*, LTE**, Wi-Fi 6E***, Wi-Fi Direct Bluetooth® v 5.3
*Requires optimal 5G network connection, available in select markets. Check with your carrier for availability and details. Download and streaming speeds may vary based on content provider, server connection and other factors.
**Availability of LTE model varies by market and carrier. Actual speed may vary depending on market, carrier, and user environment.
***Wi-Fi 6E network availability may vary by market, network provider and user environment. Requires optimal connection. Will require a Wi-Fi 6E router.
Security Samsung Knox, Samsung Knox Vault
Water Resistance IP68
*IP68 Rating: Conducted under lab test conditions. Water resistant in up to 1.5 meters of fresh water for up to 30 minutes and protected from dust, dirt, and sand. Rinse residue/dry after wet. Not advised for beach or pool use. Water and dust resistance of your device is not permanent and may diminish over time.
Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+
Display Galaxy S23 Galaxy S23+
6.1-inch FHD+*
Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display
Super Smooth 120Hz refresh rate (48~120Hz)
240Hz Touch Sampling Rate in Game Mode
Vision booster
Enhanced comfort
6.6-inch FHD+*
Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display
Super Smooth 120Hz refresh rate (48~120Hz)
240Hz Touch Sampling Rate in Game Mode
Vision booster
Enhanced comfort
*Measured diagonally, Galaxy S23’s screen size is 6.1-inch in the full rectangle and 5.9-inch with accounting for the rounded corners, Galaxy S23+’s screen size is 6.6-inch in the full rectangle and 6.4-inch with accounting for the rounded corners; actual viewable area is less due to the rounded corners and camera hole.
Dimensions & Weight 70.9 x 146.3 x 7.6mm, 168g 76.2 x 157.8 x 7.6mm, 196g
Camera 12MP Ultra-Wide Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 120˚

50MP Wide Camera

  • F1.8, FOV 85˚

10MP Telephoto Camera

  • 3x Optical Zoom, F2.4, FOV 36˚

12MP Front Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 80˚
AP Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy
Memory 8 + 512GB
8 + 256GB
8 + 128GB
8 + 512GB
8 + 256GB
*Available storage capacity is subject to preloaded software.
*Memory option may vary by market.
Battery 3,900mAh 4,700mAh
*Typical value tested under third-party laboratory condition. Typical value is the estimated average value considering the deviation in battery capacity among the battery samples tested under IEC 61960 standard. Rated (minimum) capacity is 3,785mAh for Galaxy S23 and 4,563mAh for Galaxy S23+. Actual battery life may vary depending on network environment, usage patterns and other factors.
Charging Wired Charging*: Up to 50% charge in around 30 mins with 25W Adapter** and 3A USB-C cable***
Fast Wireless Charging 2.0****
Wireless PowerShare*****
Wired charging*: Up to 65% charge in around 30 mins with 45W Adapter** and 5A USB-C cable***
Fast Wireless Charging 2.0****
Wireless PowerShare*****
*Wired charging compatible with QC2.0 and AFC.
**Power Adapter and data cable sold separately. Using the original Samsung 45W Power Adapter and data cable is recommended for Galaxy S23+ and the original Samsung 25W Power Adapter and data cable recommended for Galaxy S23.
***Results from internal Samsung lab tests, conducted with 25W Travel Adapter connected to newly pre-released version of Galaxy S23 and 45W Travel Adapter connected to newly pre-released version of Galaxy S23+ while a device had 0% of power remaining, with all services, features and screen turned off. Actual charging speed may vary depending on the actual usage, charging conditions and other factors.
****Wireless charging compatible with WPC.

*****Limited to Samsung or other brand smartphones with Qi wireless charging, such as Galaxy S23 Ultra, S23+, S23, Z Fold4, Z Flip4, S22 series, Z Fold3 5G, Z Flip3 5G, S21 FE 5G, S21 series, Z Fold2, Note20 series, S20 series, Z Flip, Note10, Note10+, S10e, S10, S10+, Fold, S9, S9+, S8, S8+, S8 Active, S7, S7 edge, S7 Active, S6, S6 edge, S6 Active, S6 edge+, Note9, Note8, Note FE and Note5. Only available with certain Samsung Galaxy wearables such as Galaxy Buds2 Pro, Buds2, Buds Pro, Buds Live, Watch5, Watch 5 Pro, Watch4, Watch4 Classic, Watch3, Watch Active2, Watch Active, Gear Sport, Gear S3, Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Buds. If battery power is lower than 30% Wireless PowerShare may not function. May not work with certain accessories, covers, other brand devices or some Samsung wearables. During PowerShare, it may affect call reception or data services, depending on your network environment.
OS Android 13
One UI 5.1
Network & Connectivity
5G*, LTE**, Wi-Fi 6E***, Wi-Fi Direct Bluetooth® v 5.3
*5G services are only supported in 5G network enabled locations. Requires optimal 5G connection. Actual speed may vary depending on market, carrier, and user environment.
**Availability of LTE model varies by market and carrier.
***Wi-Fi 6E network availability may vary by market, network provider and user environment. Requires optimal connection. Will require a Wi-Fi 6E router.
Security Samsung Knox, Samsung Knox Vault
Water Resistance IP68
*IP68 Rating: Conducted under lab test conditions. Water resistant in up to 1.5 meters of fresh water for up to 30 minutes and protected from dust, dirt, and sand. Rinse residue/dry after wet. Not advised for beach or pool use. Water and dust resistance of your device is not permanent and may diminish over time.

About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Samsung inspires the world and shapes the future with transformative ideas and technologies. The company is redefining the worlds of TVs, smartphones, wearable devices, tablets, digital appliances, network systems, and memory, system LSI, foundry and LED solutions. For the latest news, please visit the Samsung Newsroom at

1 Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy is optimized for Samsung and exclusive at the time of Galaxy S23 series’ launch. World’s fastest Snapdragon claim true as of February 1, 2023.
2 S pen support is only available on Galaxy S23 Ultra. Not available on Galaxy S23+ or Galaxy S23.
3 Galaxy S23 Ultra uses recycled materials in 12 internal and external components (Galaxy S23+ and S23: 11 internal and external components), compared to six internal components in the Galaxy S22 Ultra.
4 Compared to Galaxy S22 Ultra.
5 Samsung’s updated pixel binning technology for Galaxy S23 Ultra provides 200MP, 50MP, and 12MP output options.
6 Expert RAW must be downloaded separately from the Galaxy Store, for free, before use. Expert RAW app is available on Galaxy S23 series (S23 Ultra, S23+, S23), Z Fold4, Galaxy S22 Series (S22 Ultra/S22+/S22), Z Fold3, S21 Ultra, S20 Ultra, Z Fold2, and Note 20 Ultra.
7 Camera Controller app is preloaded on Galaxy Watch5 series.
8 8K video playback is available only on devices supporting 8K resolution.
9 The feature will be available on Galaxy Buds2 Pro paired with a Samsung Galaxy smartphone running One UI 5.0 or above with LE Audio support, including Galaxy S23 series. Installation of the latest software versions of Samsung Galaxy smartphone and Galaxy Buds devices is required. To activate the feature, go to Samsung Camera app > tap Camera settings after selecting Video mode > tap Advanced video options > turn on 360 Audio Recording.
10 World’s fastest Snapdragon claim true as of February 1, 2023.
11 Typical value tested under third-party laboratory condition. Typical value is the estimated average value considering the deviation in battery capacity among the battery samples tested under IEC 61960 standard. Rated capacity is 4855mAh for Galaxy S23 Ultra. Actual battery life may vary depending on network environment, usage patterns and other factors.
12 AP performance improvements shown compared to prior generation chipset. Actual performance will depend on user environment, conditions, and pre-installed software and applications.
13 Compared to Galaxy S22 Ultra.
14 Display measurements are diagonal. Actual viewable area is less due to rounded corners and camera hole.
15 Compared to the Galaxy S22 Ultra.
16 Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus® 2 is incorporated into front screen and back cover of Galaxy S23 series.
17 UL ECOLOGO® Certified products and services are verified for reduced environmental impact based on environmental performance criteria throughout its life cycle, including energy reduction, materials, health, environment, manufacturing and operations. Galaxy S23 series met the UL 110.
18 Availability and timing of Android OS upgrades and security updates may vary by device model and market. Devices eligible for four generations of Android OS upgrades and five years of security updates currently include Galaxy S23 series (S23 Ultra/S23+/S23), Galaxy S22 series (S22/S22+/S22 Ultra), S21 series (S21/S21+/S21 Ultra/S21 FE), Z Fold4, Z Flip4, Z Fold3, Z Flip3, and Tab S8 series (Tab S8/Tab S8+/Tab S8 Ultra).
19 Terms and conditions apply. Samsung Care+ coverage, service type and redemption may vary by market and deductibles (additional service fee) may apply. For detailed Samsung Care+ information, please visit
20 Samsung Multi Control works on Galaxy tablets with One UI 4.1 or above, Galaxy phones with One UI 5.1 or above and Galaxy Book series devices launched in 2021 or later with either Samsung Settings v1.5 (Intel) or Samsung Settings v3.3 (ARM). Some models may have limited feature support and both phone and PC must be signed into same Samsung account.
21 Co-edit is currently available on Galaxy S23 Ultra.
22 Users are required to log in both their Samsung and Google account to their device.
23 Availability may vary by market.

Apple unveils MacBook Pro featuring M2 Pro and M2 Max, with more game-changing performance and the longest battery life ever in a Mac

New MacBook Pro features up to 6x faster performance than fastest Intel-based MacBook Pro and support for up to 96GB of unified memory for demanding pro workflows
Two MacBook Pro devices are shown back to back.
Today Apple introduced the new MacBook Pro with M2 Pro and M2 Max.
CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today announced the new 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pro featuring M2 Pro and M2 Max, Apple’s next-generation pro silicon that brings even more power-efficient performance and battery life to pro users. With M2 Pro and M2 Max — the world’s most powerful and efficient chip for a pro laptop — MacBook Pro tackles demanding tasks, like effects rendering, which is up to 6x faster than the fastest Intel-based MacBook Pro, and color grading, which is up to 2x faster.1 Building on the unprecedented power efficiency of Apple silicon, battery life on MacBook Pro is now up to 22 hours — the longest battery life ever in a Mac.2 For enhanced connectivity, the new MacBook Pro supports Wi-Fi 6E,3 which is up to twice as fast as the previous generation, as well as advanced HDMI, which supports 8K displays for the first time. With up to 96GB of unified memory in the M2 Max model, creators can work on scenes so large that PC laptops can’t even run them.4 Rounding out the unrivaled features of MacBook Pro are its renowned Liquid Retina XDR display, extensive array of connectivity, 1080p FaceTime HD camera, six-speaker sound system, and studio-quality mics. When combined with macOS Ventura, the MacBook Pro user experience is unrivaled. Customers can order the new 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pro today, with availability beginning Tuesday, January 24.
“MacBook Pro with Apple silicon has been a game changer, empowering pros to push the limits of their workflows while on the go and do things they never thought possible on a laptop,” said Greg Joswiak, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “Today the MacBook Pro gets even better. With faster performance, enhanced connectivity, and the longest battery life ever in a Mac, along with the best display in a laptop, there’s simply nothing else like it.”
Available in 16- and 14-inch models, MacBook Pro delivers more performance, advanced connectivity, and the longest battery life ever in a Mac.

Unrivaled Power-Efficient Performance with M2 Pro and M2 Max

With M2 Pro and M2 Max, MacBook Pro is capable of transforming pro workflows across a wide range of disciplines, from art to science to app development. Users looking to upgrade from Intel-based Mac models will experience even more dramatic improvements in performance, battery life, connectivity, and overall productivity. MacBook Pro also maintains performance whether users are plugged in or on battery.
MacBook Pro with M2 Pro and M2 Max transforms pro workflows, empowering users to push their creativity even further.
MacBook Pro with M2 Pro features a 10- or 12-core CPU with up to eight high-performance and four high-efficiency cores for up to 20 percent greater performance over M1 Pro. With 200GB/s of unified memory bandwidth — double the amount in M2 — and up to 32GB of unified memory, users can tackle large projects and run multiple pro apps with blazing speed. A next-generation GPU with up to 19 cores delivers up to 30 percent more graphics performance, and the Neural Engine is 40 percent faster, speeding up machine learning tasks like video analysis and image processing. The powerful media engine in M2 Pro also tears through the most popular video codecs, dramatically accelerating video playback and encoding while using very little power.
With M2 Pro on MacBook Pro:
  • Rendering titles and animations in Motion is up to 80 percent faster1 than the fastest Intel-based MacBook Pro and up to 20 percent faster5 than the previous generation.
  • Compiling in Xcode is up to 2.5x faster1 than the fastest Intel-based MacBook Pro and nearly 25 percent faster5 than the previous generation.
  • Image processing in Adobe Photoshop is up to 80 percent faster1 than the fastest Intel-based MacBook Pro and up to 40 percent faster5 than the previous generation.
MacBook Pro with M2 Max pushes workflows to the extreme with a much larger GPU featuring up to 38 cores and delivering up to 30 percent greater graphics performance over M1 Max, and also includes 400GB/s of unified memory bandwidth — twice that of M2 Pro. With up to 96GB of unified memory, MacBook Pro once again pushes the limits of graphics memory in a laptop to enable intensive graphics workloads, such as creating scenes with extreme 3D geometry and textures, or merging massive photographic panoramas. M2 Max has a next-gen 12-core CPU with up to eight high-performance and four high-efficiency cores that delivers up to 20 percent greater performance over M1 Max, and a more powerful media engine than M2 Pro, with twice the ProRes acceleration to dramatically speed up media playback and transcoding.
With M2 Max on MacBook Pro:
  • Effects rendering in Cinema 4D is up to 6x faster1 than the fastest Intel-based MacBook Pro and up to 30 percent faster6 than the previous generation.
  • Color grading in DaVinci Resolve is up to 2x faster1 than the fastest Intel-based MacBook Pro and up to 30 percent faster6 than the previous generation.

Enhanced Connectivity

MacBook Pro now features Wi-Fi 6E3 for faster wireless connectivity, as well as more advanced HDMI, to support 8K displays up to 60Hz and 4K displays up to 240Hz. These new capabilities build on the versatile connectivity options already in MacBook Pro, including three Thunderbolt 4 ports for high-speed connection to peripherals, an SDXC card slot, and MagSafe 3 charging.

macOS Ventura

With macOS Ventura, MacBook Pro delivers even more performance and productivity. Powerful updates like Continuity Camera bring videoconferencing features to any Mac, including Desk View, Center Stage, Studio Light, and more. Handoff in FaceTime allows users to start a FaceTime call on their iPhone or iPad and fluidly pass it over to their Mac, or vice versa. And tools like Stage Manager automatically organize apps and windows, so users can concentrate on the task at hand and still see everything in a single glance.
Messages and Mail are better than ever, while Safari — the world’s fastest browser on Mac — ushers in a passwordless future with passkeys. With iCloud Shared Photo Library, users can now create and share a separate photo library among up to six family members, and the new Freeform app provides a flexible canvas that helps users be more productive and expressive, whether they are planning or brainstorming on their own, or together with others. With the power and popularity of Apple silicon, and new developer tools in Metal 3, gaming on Mac has never been better.

MacBook Pro and the Environment

MacBook Pro is designed to minimize its impact on the environment, including 100 percent of the following recycled materials: aluminum in the enclosure, rare earth elements in all magnets, tin in the solder of the main logic board, and gold in the plating of multiple printed circuit boards. It also features 35 percent or more recycled plastic in multiple components, and meets Apple’s high standards for energy efficiency. MacBook Pro is free of numerous harmful substances, and 97 percent of the packaging is fiber based, bringing Apple closer to its goal of completely removing plastic from its packaging by 2025.
Today, Apple is carbon neutral for global corporate operations, and by 2030, plans to be 100 percent carbon neutral across the entire manufacturing supply chain and all product life cycles. This means that every Apple device sold, from component manufacturing, assembly, transport, customer use, charging, all the way to recycling and material recovery, will have net-zero climate impact.
Pricing and Availability
  • The new MacBook Pro models with M2 Pro and M2 Max are available to order today, January 17, on and in the Apple Store app in 27 countries and regions, including the US. They will begin arriving to customers and will be in Apple Store locations and Apple Authorized Resellers starting Tuesday, January 24.
  • MacBook Pro with M2 Pro and M2 Max will be available in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, New Zealand, and Singapore beginning Friday, February 3.
  • The new 14-inch MacBook Pro with M2 Pro starts at $1,999 (US), and $1,849 (US) for education; and the 16-inch MacBook Pro with M2 Pro starts at $2,499 (US), and $2,299 (US) for education. Additional technical specifications, configure-to-order options, and accessories are available at
  • Every customer who buys a Mac from Apple can enjoy a free Online Personal Session with an Apple Specialist, get their product set up in select stores including help with data transfer, and receive guidance on how to make their new Mac work the way they want.
  • With Apple Trade In, customers can trade in their current computer and get credit toward a new Mac. Customers can visit to see what their device is worth.
  • AppleCare+ for Mac provides expert technical support and additional hardware coverage from Apple, including unlimited incidents of accidental damage coverage, each subject to a fee.
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Sony Electronics announces two new 4K PTZ cameras with built-in AI-based analytics

The SRG-A40 and SRG-A12 cameras also offer excellent image quality and allow remote control for perfect shooting in a wide variety of applications.

January 30, 2023, Weybridge, UK — Sony is expanding its range of PTZ cameras with the addition of two 4K models with built-in AI-based analytics. The SRG-A40 and SRG-A12 camerasThey automatically and consistently track and naturally frame presenters, regardless of their movement or posture, to create and control flawless content—all without the need for a PC. New PTZ auto framing technology enables fast tracking and framing of objects with a multitude of options. Highlights of the cameras include image quality with automation, IP flexibility, powerful zoom, remote control, and ease of setup and use. They are ideal for use in educational, corporate, medical, government, broadcast, and religious applications, as well as live events.

“Our latest PTZ cameras certainly represent a new generation,” says Claire Lam, Director of Network Camera Solutions at Sony Professional Europe. “As well as delivering the image quality that is Sony’s trademark, these powerful new models are made even smarter with the addition of built-in AI-based analytics that enable PTZ auto framing, along with all the possibilities that remote control offers. remote. Our customers have told us that the way they capture content (and even where they capture it from) has changed dramatically in recent years. We’ve listened to your feedback and have created a new easy-to-use series that allows freedom of assembly,

Intelligent automation: automatic PTZ framing

New to this series of advanced cameras is Sony’s integrated PTZ auto-framing technology with AI-based analytics, which improves ease of use and productivity. Multiple auto framing angles allow you to perfectly capture close-ups, waist-up or full-length images, offering greater creative freedom and customization options. With automatic operation, the cameras start up as soon as they are turned on, searching for an object to track and focus on. A combination of advanced and consistent recognition technologies is employed, including facial recognition that can even detect faces wearing masks. A new user-friendly tally indicator allows users to easily identify which camera is active by tracking movements.

Excellent image quality

Both the SRG-A40 and SRG-A12 cameras feature a high-sensitivity Exmor R™ CMOS sensor for high-quality, vivid yet natural images and reduced noise with 4K 30p and Full HD 60p support. The SRG-A40 offers Clear Image Zoom technology that doubles optical zoom from 20x to 30x in 4K or 40x in Full HD, while the SRG-A12 offers up to 12x zoom. With teleconversion mode, the SRG-A40 can zoom up to 80x, while the SRG-A12you can zoom up to 24x, all while delivering fast, fluid PTZ movement between cameras. Day and night modes help optimize capture in terms of brightness and shadows.

Flexible and stable production

The new models offer 3G-SDI, HDMI and IP connectivity (NDI®|HX available via optional license)[1] and can be remotely controlled via VISCA/VISCA over IP with a single network cable for power, output and control. They also include PoE++, allowing for simplified integration into new or existing environments without separate power cabling. With robust connection and integration options, the new series leverages the distinctive ability of PTZ cameras to provide capture and control even in hard-to-reach places, while offering new angles and viewpoints. Support for RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) enables remote viewing, while SRT (Security Reliable Transport) provides secure, smooth and stable video transmission.

Simple setup and operation

In addition to their easy integration and installation, the cameras are easy to set up and use for operators with different levels of experience. With the Image Settings Store feature, users can quickly configure and duplicate menu settings from one camera to another, providing consistency and greater familiarity of use. The PTZ motion synchronization function of the new models enables smooth and fast PTZ movement to a target position with a maximum range of pan/tilt angles of ±170°. Preset recall enables quick transitions from one camera to other preset angles to capture important moments. An image freeze preset can also be used to fix the last image captured while moving the camera, allowing you to eliminate blurry transactions and minimize distractions. In addition, the virtual webcam driver software can turn up to five connected cameras into collaborative conferencing and presentation tools via a PC to deliver professional image quality during Internet meetings.

The SRG-A40 and SRG-A12 cameras are expected to be available in summer 2023 at a price of €4,300 for the SRG-A40 camera and €3,600 for the SRG-A12 . The new models will be unveiled at ISE, at Sony’s stand 3E400 in hall 3. For more information, visit

*Sony’s Edge Analytics Appliance, REA-C1000, will support the PTZ auto framing feature via a firmware update in 2023. An auto tracking license, REA-L0200, is required.

[1] NDI® is a registered trademark of Vizrt Group.

Candela C-8 ‘powered by Polestar’ comparte batería y tecnología de carga con Polestar 2

GOTEMBURGO, SUECIA – 17 de enero de 2023. El nuevo Candela C-8 ‘con tecnología de Polestar’ es el primer producto de una asociación entre Polestar (Nasdaq: PSNY) y Candela. Las dos marcas suecas de movilidad premium llegaron a un acuerdo en agosto de 2022 para que Polestar suministre baterías y tecnología para impulsar los hidroalas eléctricas de Candela.

El Candela C-8 ‘con tecnología de Polestar’ está diseñado para utilizar el mismo paquete de baterías de 69 kWh y tecnología de carga de CC que el motor único de rango estándar de Polestar 2. Candela espera una autonomía de hasta 57 millas náuticas con una sola carga a una velocidad de crucero de 22 nudos, en comparación favorable con las lanchas a motor de combustión interna, y con una autonomía de alta velocidad de 2 a 3 veces más larga que las lanchas rápidas eléctricas convencionales.

“Con las baterías de Polestar, el Candela C-8 se convierte en el primer barco eléctrico que puede viajar a destinos a los que antes solo se podía llegar con barcos con motor de combustión. El Candela C-8 impulsado por Polestar marca un avance significativo para la electrificación en el mar”, dice Gustav Hasselskog, CEO y fundador de Candela.

Este alto rendimiento eléctrico en el mar es posible gracias a una combinación de tecnología innovadora de Candela y Polestar. El Candela C-8 utiliza un motor de vaina de transmisión directa eficiente, el Candela C-POD, y ‘vuela’ en hidroalas guiadas por computadora que elevan el casco por encima del agua a altas velocidades, lo que reduce el consumo de energía hasta en un 80 % en comparación con los tradicionales. lanchas a motor

Además del paquete de baterías de 69 kWh de Polestar 2,, Polestar también suministra tecnología de carga rápida de CC para el Candela C-8, además de compartir capacidades de investigación y desarrollo para integrar la tecnología y el software en una aplicación marina para transferirla desde tierra. al mar

“Compartir conocimientos sobre baterías e ingeniería de vehículos con Candela ayudará a alcanzar nuestro objetivo compartido de hacer la transición a un futuro en el que todas las formas de transporte sean sostenibles”, dice Thomas Ingenlath, director ejecutivo de Polestar.

El suministro de baterías y componentes de carga a un tercero de esta manera es una novedad para Polestar como fabricante de vehículos eléctricos y amplía los esfuerzos de Polestar para impulsar la movilidad eléctrica sostenible más allá de la industria automotriz.

Candela C-8 Polestar Power está disponible para pedidos en
A partir de hoy, todos los Candela C-8 pedidos estarán equipados con baterías Polestar.

Sobre Candela
Candela Technology es una empresa tecnológica sueca cuya misión es acelerar el cambio hacia lagos y océanos libres de combustibles fósiles. Usando hidroalas guiadas por computadora, alas submarinas que levantan el casco por encima de la superficie, superando así la fricción del agua, la embarcación de Candela usa hasta un 80% menos de energía a altas velocidades que las lanchas a motor tradicionales.

Además de un mayor alcance y un mejor rendimiento que otros barcos eléctricos, las embarcaciones de Candela tienen varios beneficios sobre los barcos ICE convencionales. Con un ruido mínimo, cero estelas y cero emisiones, la embarcación de Candela combina una huella ambiental liviana con una mejor comodidad para los pasajeros y una experiencia de manejo emocionante.

Candela fue fundada en 2014 por el ingeniero Gustav Hasselskog y presentó su primer modelo de producción, Candela C-7, en 2019. Con un alcance de 50 millas náuticas a 20 nudos, el C-7 estableció varios récords mundiales para barcos eléctricos. La producción limitada de 32 unidades finalizó en 2021.

En 2022, Candela Water lanzó el sucesor Candela C-8, más grande y de mayor volumen, que está diseñado para que los barcos eléctricos se generalicen. Con espacio para ocho pasajeros y equipado con la batería Polestar 2, tiene un alcance esperado de 57 millas náuticas a 22 nudos y una velocidad máxima de 30 nudos. Propulsado por el Candela C-POD, un motor pod eléctrico desarrollado internamente por el equipo de ingenieros de 50 personas de Candela, es un 400 % más eficiente que otras lanchas a motor del mercado. Con más de 150 unidades vendidas hasta la fecha, el C-8 es actualmente el barco premium eléctrico más vendido.

En 2023, Candela lanzará el barco taxi Candela P-8 Voyager y el ferry eléctrico P-12, que llevarán la revolucionaria tecnología de hidroplano eléctrico de la compañía a las embarcaciones comerciales.

Acerca de Polestar
Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC (Nasdaq: PSNY) (“Polestar”) es un fabricante sueco de vehículos eléctricos premium. Fundada por Volvo Car AB (publ.) (junto con sus subsidiarias, “Volvo Cars”) y Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd (“Geely”), en 2017, Polestar disfruta de sinergias tecnológicas y de ingeniería específicas con Volvo Cars y beneficios de importantes economías de escala como resultado.

Polestar tiene su sede en Gotemburgo, Suecia, y sus vehículos están actualmente disponibles y en circulación en los mercados de Europa, América del Norte, China y Asia Pacífico. Los automóviles Polestar se fabrican actualmente en dos instalaciones en China, con una fabricación futura adicional planificada en los EE. UU.

Polestar ha producido dos autos eléctricos de alto rendimiento. El Polestar 1 se fabricó entre 2019 y 2021 como un GT híbrido de rendimiento eléctrico de bajo volumen con carrocería de fibra de carbono, 609 CV, 1000 Nm y una autonomía eléctrica de 124 km (WLTP), la más larga de cualquier coche híbrido del mundo. mundo en ese momento.

El Fastback de rendimiento eléctrico Polestar 2 es el primer automóvil de alto volumen completamente eléctrico de la compañía. La gama de modelos Polestar 2 incluye tres variantes con una combinación de baterías estándar y de largo alcance de hasta 78 kWh, y sistemas de propulsión de motor único y doble con hasta 350 kW / 476 hp y 680 Nm.

Polestar planea lanzar un nuevo vehículo eléctrico por año, comenzando con Polestar 3, el primer SUV de rendimiento eléctrico de la compañía que debutó en octubre de 2022. Se espera el lanzamiento de Polestar 4, un SUV cupé de rendimiento eléctrico más pequeño, en 2023.

En 2024, se planea lanzar el Polestar 5 GT de 4 puertas con desempeño eléctrico como la evolución de producción de Polestar Precept, el auto conceptual manifiesto que Polestar lanzó en 2020 que muestra la visión futura de la marca en términos de diseño, tecnología y sustentabilidad. A medida que la compañía busca reducir su impacto climático con cada nuevo modelo, Polestar tiene como objetivo producir un automóvil verdaderamente neutral para el clima para 2030.

En marzo de 2022, Polestar presentó su segundo automóvil conceptual, un roadster de rendimiento eléctrico que se basa en las ambiciones de diseño, tecnología y sostenibilidad establecidas por Precept y muestra la visión de la marca para los automóviles deportivos del futuro. El convertible de techo rígido presenta una evolución del lenguaje de diseño único mostrado por primera vez por Precept y enfatiza una experiencia de conducción dinámica. El concepto desarrolla aún más el enfoque en la sostenibilidad y la tecnología, con el objetivo de lograr una mayor circularidad. Polestar confirmó en agosto de 2022 que se producirá una versión del concepto como el roadster de rendimiento eléctrico Polestar 6, con un lanzamiento previsto para 2026.

Paradox DB7  – FHD Video Doorbell

Loud and crisp audio. Finally, talking and understanding.

Paradox DB7 Video Doorbell adds surveillance protection to home or business security. It integrates security with style into your daily life. With the DB7, you will get verification of every visitor to your property entrance. The DB7 allows you to see and clearly hear who is at your entrance 24/7, and Paradox servers will keep your visitors’ events up to 60 days (a monthly charge applies).

The DB7 provides FHD video (1920×1080) and two-way communication speakerphone supported with 2.5W rms power and high quality speaker, delivering crisp conversations. The DB7 captures 5-second pre-event recordings, with exceptional video in dark conditions, complimented by night IR illumination. Push events can alert if anyone approaches even if they don’t ring the doorbell, with PIR and/or video detection.

Integrated with Paradox systems, a door opening can be easily configured with a panel PGM or with Paradox access control. Video and audio data is encrypted with AES. The DB7 uses video H.264 data compression to save bandwidth.

Adding internal wireless chime anywhere on the site is easy with the optional DBC5 wireless chime.

BlueEye Application

The newly designed Paradox BlueEye mobile app in conjunction with the Swan server, manages the alarm system, access, lights and garage doors, and also answer calls or connect anytime to the DB7 to view, listen, and talk when desired. Swan service keeps the history of recordings for 60 days when subscribed to recording services. History files can be viewed, downloaded, and protected from editing while in Paradox video format. The BlueEye application is used to configure easily and customize the DB7.

Video Encryption

DB7 videos are encrypted with 256 byte TLS encryption. Paradox can not decrypt the videos stored on our recording servers, only permitted users can choose to decrypt and share video files from the application. Safe, secure and private.

The installation works with existing doorbell wires, but does NOT support bell in series, wide supply range of 12-24 Vac or DC and 500 mA / 7.5W minimum. Connects via WiFi. Internal wireless chime can be added easily with the DBC5 accessory.

The DB7 is an outdoor device; in case of theft, or if vandalized, Paradox offers an insurance program. When enrolled, the DB7 is replaced once a year, no questions asked, and two times more per year at $50 cost. All stolen/ damaged DB7’s will be blacklisted and can’t be used anymore.


  • Answer audio/video calls with speakerphone
  • View and listen at any time
  • Optional internal wireless chime module (DBC5)
  • Record events for up to 60 days on the cloud
    (with paid subscription) with 5 seconds pre-event
  • FHD video (1080×1920) resolution
  • HiFi audio with crisp and clear two-way communication
  • Day/Night mode with IR night illumination
  • Event trigger with PIR and/or video processing
  • Push notifications
  • WiFi connection
  • IP65 dust/water resistance
  • DB7 angle mount bracket (optional)
  • Theft protection plan

One Application
Security, Video Doorbell,
Access, Outputs, and more.

DB7 angle mount bracket

Technical Specifications

Resolution 1920 x 1080 Inverted Full HD, H.264, 15 FPS

DB7 view cam

Night Vision Infrared, 10 FPS, IR Filter when active, Anti-Glare detection
Audio HD, Class D amplifier 2.5W RMS
Power Connection 12-24 AC, DC 500mA / 7.5W minimum (Supply connection
is NOT supporting bells in series)
Detection Type Image recognition and/or PIR detection
Pre-event Recording 5 seconds before event
Field of View 155° Vertical, 94° Horizontal
WiFi 2.4 GHz, supports 802.11b/g/n
Battery Rechargeable Lithium-ion up to 10 hours in normal use
Tamper Wall
Operating Temperature -20 to 45 °C (-4 to 113 °F)
Operating Humidity 80%
Dimensions (H x W x D) 16 x 6.5 x 3.5 cm (6.3 x 2.5 x 1.5 in.)
Weight 180g (6.3 oz)
Color Options Black and white
Certifications CE, FCC, IP65
Installation Requirements Paradox panel produced on or after 2017 with IP150,
IP150+, or PCS265LTE.
All latest FW. Power (two wires), WiFi 2.4 GHz
Internal Chime (optional) DBC5, 433 MHz, 1 per doorbell, up to 100 ft, 8 chime
Cloud Recording
Unlimited event recordings/storage for 60 days, for all calls
(2.5 minutes file length), movement detection up to 30 sec.
and Cooldown 30 sec. All videos include 5 sec. pre-event.
Subscription activation needed via application.
Theft/vandalize Insurance
Insurance purchase available upon registration via BlueEye
mobile application.
Conditions apply.
Warranty 2 years, see full warranty conditions on


The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.