World’s first crewed flying racing car ready for the Airspeeder Racing Series

El primer auto de carreras volador tripulado del mundo listo para la serie Airspeeder Racing

  • Alauda Aeronautics presenta el Airspeeder Mk4, la primera versión tripulada de su auto volador de carreras
  • Airspeeder Mk4 es el avión eléctrico de despegue y aterrizaje vertical (eVTOL) más rápido del mundo, con una velocidad máxima de 360 ​​kph (225 mph)
  • Impulsado por Thunderstrike Hydrogen Turbogenerator, que ofrece un alcance excepcional de 300 km (188 millas)
  • La tecnología Gimballed Thrust de inteligencia artificial produce cualidades de manejo de un automóvil de Fórmula 1 o un avión de combate
  • Pruebas de vuelo en curso en el sur de Australia; primeras carreras tripuladas programadas para 2024
  • El Airspeeder Mk4 se presentará públicamente en el festival de innovación Southstart el 7 de  marzo de 2023.
  • Las inscripciones de equipos ahora están abiertas para la serie de carreras tripuladas Airspeeder

“Nosotros y el mundo estamos listos para las carreras de autos voladores tripulados. Hemos construido los vehículos, desarrollado el deporte, asegurado las sedes, atraído a los patrocinadores y socios técnicos. Ha llegado el momento de que las marcas de automóviles, los fabricantes de equipos originales y los equipos de automovilismo más progresistas, innovadores y ambiciosos del mundo formen parte de un nuevo automovilismo verdaderamente revolucionario. Al presentar el Airspeeder Mk4 tripulado, mostramos los vehículos que lucharán en carreras de pala a pala tripulados por los pilotos más capacitados en sus campos”. –  Matt Pearson, director ejecutivo, Alauda Aeronáutica

Alauda Aeronautics está buscando socios OEM para unirse a esta revolución en el automovilismo, ya que presenta el Airspeeder Mk4, el primer automóvil volador tripulado del mundo y el más rápido.

Diseñado y construido en Adelaida, Australia Meridional, el Airspeeder Mk4 es el avión eléctrico de despegue y aterrizaje vertical (eVTOL) más rápido del mundo. Capaz de alcanzar una velocidad máxima de 360 ​​kph (225 mph) en solo 30 segundos desde parado, está diseñado para establecer el estándar de rendimiento y tecnología en el nuevo y radical deporte de las carreras de aerodeslizadores pilotados.

Con su sofisticado sistema de propulsión eléctrica, aerodinámica avanzada y un peso de despegue (MTOW) de solo 950 kg, el Airspeeder Mk4 también es extremadamente eficiente, con un alcance proyectado de 300 km (188 millas) mientras produce casi cero emisiones.

El nuevo avión es un desarrollo del Mk3 pilotado a distancia, que completó con éxito más de 350 vuelos de prueba y participó en dos carreras de demostración de Airspeeder en el sur de Australia en 2022.

Al igual que todos los Airspeeders, el Mk4 está destinado principalmente a las carreras, por lo que está diseñado para una máxima agilidad a altas velocidades y bajas altitudes. Dos tecnologías inspiradas en la industria espacial le dan al vehículo su velocidad, maniobrabilidad y alcance sin precedentes.

El Airspeeder Mk4 funciona con un turbogenerador de 1000 kW (1340 caballos de fuerza) que alimenta las baterías y los motores. Diseñada específicamente para su uso en eVTOL, esta tecnología revolucionaria permite utilizar hidrógeno verde como combustible, proporcionando energía segura, confiable y sostenible en largas distancias y tiempos de vuelo. El Mk4 tiene un alcance proyectado de más de 300 km (188 millas).

El motor de demostración ‘Thunderstrike’ de Alauda Aeronautics incorpora un combustor único fabricado con técnicas de impresión 3D desarrolladas en la industria espacial para motores de cohetes. El diseño de la cámara de combustión mantiene la temperatura de la llama de hidrógeno relativamente baja, lo que reduce en gran medida las emisiones de óxido nitroso (NOx).

El hidrógeno es un combustible ideal para la aviación del futuro y, específicamente, para los viajes aéreos urbanos personales. Tiene una alta densidad de energía y se puede almacenar en una forma compacta y liviana, lo que lo hace adecuado para aeronaves pequeñas; tampoco es tóxico y no produce emisiones excepto agua pura, por lo que no contamina el aire. Además de esto, debido a que el gas de hidrógeno es más liviano que el aire, simplemente se elevará y se dispersará en la atmósfera en caso de fuga, lo que reduce el riesgo de incendio o explosión.

Además de llevar la industria eVTOL existente a la era H2eVTOL de próxima generación , esta tecnología tiene el potencial de reducir significativamente las emisiones y crear un futuro sostenible para los viajes aéreos individuales.

La mayoría de los eVTOL se dirigen utilizando rotores basculantes, que simplemente se colocan verticalmente para despegar y aterrizar y horizontalmente durante el crucero. Por el contrario, el Mk4 maniobra utilizando un exclusivo sistema de empuje cardán, mediante el cual un controlador de vuelo de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ajusta individualmente cuatro pares de rotores montados en cardanes ligeros impresos en 3D. Esto hace que el Mk4 no solo sea rápido en línea recta, sino que también pueda maniobrar con la increíble precisión esencial en las carreras cuerpo a cuerpo. De hecho, se maneja menos como un multicóptero y más como un avión de combate o un auto de carreras de Fórmula 1.

Alauda Aerospace planea comenzar las pruebas de vuelo del chasis y el tren motriz Mk4, incluidos los primeros vuelos tripulados de la estructura del avión, en el primer trimestre de 2023. El avión estará listo para tomar la línea de salida en el Campeonato de carreras de aerodeslizadores en 2024.

La serie de carreras Airspeeder tiene una enorme base de fans internacionales y atrae a los mejores pilotos del mundo. Pero es más que un espectáculo espectacular de velocidad y habilidad. También es un campo de pruebas para sistemas de propulsión ecológicos sostenibles, con el potencial de cambiar la forma en que todos viajamos en el futuro.

Alauda Aeronautics ya está mirando más allá de las carreras hacia un mundo donde los autos voladores privados son una realidad diaria y un medio viable de transporte urbano. Su equipo de ingenieros y diseñadores, formado por empresas como Airbus, Boeing, Ferrari, MagniX y McLaren, confía en que sus tecnologías podrían hacer que los viajes aéreos sean más rápidos, más eficientes, más respetuosos con el medio ambiente y más accesibles que nunca.

Matt Pearson, director ejecutivo de Alauda Aeronautics  , dice: “Verá estas tecnologías en la pista de carreras. Sin embargo, los eVTOL ya son una industria de un billón de dólares y vemos un mercado muy importante para los autos voladores privados que emergen en un futuro cercano. En la industria aeroespacial convencional, hay tantos aviones privados como aviones comerciales en funcionamiento. Creemos que podría ser lo mismo con los autos voladores algún día, con una cantidad aproximadamente similar de taxis comerciales y autos privados inicialmente. Una vez que podamos venderle un automóvil volador por el mismo precio que un Tesla, verá rápidamente el cambio de equilibrio. Hoy en día, los automóviles privados superan en número a los taxis en aproximadamente 300 a uno, por lo que el potencial para que las personas posean y conduzcan su propio automóvil volador algún día es absolutamente enorme. Es un momento muy emocionante”.

Para obtener más información sobre el Alauda Airspeeder Mk4 y el próximo campeonato de carreras de Airspeeder, visite el sitio web de Airspeeder en .

Airspeeder se basa en la filosofía de que nada acelera el progreso técnico como la competencia deportiva. El deporte de próxima generación desempeña el mismo papel que los pioneros de la Fórmula Uno tuvieron hace casi un siglo al impulsar el desarrollo técnico y generar la aceptación pública de una nueva revolución de la movilidad. El sector eVTOL está preparado para transformar el transporte aéreo urbano, la logística global e incluso el transporte médico remoto con una solución de transporte aéreo de aire limpio y cero emisiones.

Matt Pearson es el fundador y visionario detrás de Alauda y Airspeeder. Junto con un equipo de ingenieros, diseñadores y mentes comerciales de Australia, Nueva York y Londres, está acelerando el desarrollo de vehículos voladores eléctricos a través del calor de la competencia deportiva.

Más allá de su papel como una voz definitoria en el futuro de la movilidad, Matt está impulsando el espacio del Internet industrial de las cosas en rápida expansión a través de su trabajo en Fleet. Desde su base en el sur de Australia, millones de dispositivos se alimentan a través de la órbita terrestre baja a través de una red creciente de nanosatélites.

Redes sociales:  @Airspeeder

Audi intensifies its software expertise with 400 new additions to IT roles

• From electronic sound to driver assistance systems: Audi Information Technology (IT) experts introduce CARIAD electronic architecture and software into the brand’s models and develop specific functions
Markus Duesmann, Audi CEO“Our strategy enables Audi to make key hires now in the crucial fields of the future; in this area, we are joining forces throughout the Volkswagen Group”
• Xavier Ros, Director of Human Resources and Organization at Audi: “We are looking for brilliant minds with a pioneering spirit; we offer them the freedom of a hybrid and independent work system in a very exciting technological environment”

Madrid, February 1, 2023 – Using mixed reality glasses in the car to see the real environment without losing sight of the vehicle’s virtual information: Audi is developing tomorrow’s mobility experiences today, drawing on synergies within of the Volkswagen Group. As the Group’s software company, CARIAD is working on a unified technology platform. In future, Audi will integrate CARIAD software into its models, while developing specific digital functions. To this end, the brand with the four rings will add more software experts, driving transformation in future-related fields and accelerating growth with some 400 new jobs in the Information Technology (IT) area. In total, up to 2,000 new hires are expected by 2025.

“Right from the start, Audi adopted a clear strategy towards electromobility and digitalisation. This allows us to make key hires now, especially in areas that will be crucial in the future. In this area, we are joining forces throughout the Volkswagen Group” , says Markus Duesmann, CEO of AUDI AG. The multifaceted task that Audi offers by merging the software and automotive worlds is especially exciting for IT specialists. “From automated driving to the digital ecosystem, additional software expertise will allow us to put our innovations on the road ,” adds Duesmann.

From the head-up display to electronic sound
Software can be found in all of today’s cars. An example is the augmented reality head-up display of the Audi Q4 e-tron and Q4 Sportback e-tron, which displays virtual and partly dynamic content in the driver’s field of vision directly on the windscreen, such as the turn signals for the navigation system. Especially in poor visibility conditions, this system guarantees greater comfort and safety on the road. The head-up display is possible, in part, thanks to innovative software development; the same goes for the brand’s driver assistance systems.

Last but not least, electromobility is also opening up new fields of activity for software developers. For example, these experts are in charge of designing the sound of electric cars, and they also program the control of the power electronics of the propulsion systems of electric vehicles, whose components significantly influence safety, efficiency, dynamic behavior and ecological balance.

Working on future visions
At the same time, Audi is already working on future software-driven concepts. A current example: in the Audi activesphere concept, the car’s occupants can view the real environment and the road using mixed reality glasses that simultaneously display 3D content and interactive elements in their field of vision, individually configurable for the driver and the passengers. This innovative operating concept, known as Audi dimensions, offers an exciting preview of the applications of the future that IT experts are already working on today.

Audi as a premium employer: freedom and flexibility for pioneering spirits
“Our aspiration is to be pioneers in sustainable premium mobility. That’s why we’re looking for brilliant minds with a pioneering spirit and the courage to explore new avenues to ensure the continued success of the brand with the four rings. At Audi, they will enjoy the freedom of a hybrid and independent work system in a highly exciting technological environment” , says Xavier Ros, Director of Human Resources and Organization at Audi.

Recently, the global organization Top Employers Institute named AUDI AG “Top Employer Germany” for the third time in a row. Audi excelled in the fields of Corporate Responsibility, Diversity and Inclusion and Well-being. Projects like “better normal” and the company agreement for a hybrid working system from Audi promote flexible working models. At the same time, professional development programs and employee networks promote diversity in the company, whose workforce in the German sites alone consists of more than 100 nationalities. Finally, a job guarantee until 2029 provides all Audi employees with the security they need to develop new skills in future fields. This recognition ranks Audi among the most attractive employers in Germany.

Online IT job offers: teamwork
All IT job offers can be found both on the Audi job portal and on a new joint portal with Volkswagen and CARIAD. Like all Group brands, Volkswagen Passenger Cars integrates the CARIAD electronic architecture into its models, which mainly serve the volume market. Audi, for its part, focuses on individual premium mobility, as demonstrated by the Audi activesphere concept car with its new drive concept, among other innovations. Through these different development priorities, the Volkswagen Group aims to bring individual features and services to the market more quickly.

Consumption of the models mentioned:
The figures depend on the selected tire/rim combination and the engine and transmission variant

Audi Q4 e-tron
Combined electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: 17.5 – 21.1
Combined CO2 emissions in g/km: 0

Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron
Combined consumption in l/100 km: 17.0 – 20.7
Combined CO2 emissions in g/km: 0

Candela C-8 ‘powered by Polestar’ comparte batería y tecnología de carga con Polestar 2

GOTEMBURGO, SUECIA – 17 de enero de 2023. El nuevo Candela C-8 ‘con tecnología de Polestar’ es el primer producto de una asociación entre Polestar (Nasdaq: PSNY) y Candela. Las dos marcas suecas de movilidad premium llegaron a un acuerdo en agosto de 2022 para que Polestar suministre baterías y tecnología para impulsar los hidroalas eléctricas de Candela.

El Candela C-8 ‘con tecnología de Polestar’ está diseñado para utilizar el mismo paquete de baterías de 69 kWh y tecnología de carga de CC que el motor único de rango estándar de Polestar 2. Candela espera una autonomía de hasta 57 millas náuticas con una sola carga a una velocidad de crucero de 22 nudos, en comparación favorable con las lanchas a motor de combustión interna, y con una autonomía de alta velocidad de 2 a 3 veces más larga que las lanchas rápidas eléctricas convencionales.

“Con las baterías de Polestar, el Candela C-8 se convierte en el primer barco eléctrico que puede viajar a destinos a los que antes solo se podía llegar con barcos con motor de combustión. El Candela C-8 impulsado por Polestar marca un avance significativo para la electrificación en el mar”, dice Gustav Hasselskog, CEO y fundador de Candela.

Este alto rendimiento eléctrico en el mar es posible gracias a una combinación de tecnología innovadora de Candela y Polestar. El Candela C-8 utiliza un motor de vaina de transmisión directa eficiente, el Candela C-POD, y ‘vuela’ en hidroalas guiadas por computadora que elevan el casco por encima del agua a altas velocidades, lo que reduce el consumo de energía hasta en un 80 % en comparación con los tradicionales. lanchas a motor

Además del paquete de baterías de 69 kWh de Polestar 2,, Polestar también suministra tecnología de carga rápida de CC para el Candela C-8, además de compartir capacidades de investigación y desarrollo para integrar la tecnología y el software en una aplicación marina para transferirla desde tierra. al mar

“Compartir conocimientos sobre baterías e ingeniería de vehículos con Candela ayudará a alcanzar nuestro objetivo compartido de hacer la transición a un futuro en el que todas las formas de transporte sean sostenibles”, dice Thomas Ingenlath, director ejecutivo de Polestar.

El suministro de baterías y componentes de carga a un tercero de esta manera es una novedad para Polestar como fabricante de vehículos eléctricos y amplía los esfuerzos de Polestar para impulsar la movilidad eléctrica sostenible más allá de la industria automotriz.

Candela C-8 Polestar Power está disponible para pedidos en
A partir de hoy, todos los Candela C-8 pedidos estarán equipados con baterías Polestar.

Sobre Candela
Candela Technology es una empresa tecnológica sueca cuya misión es acelerar el cambio hacia lagos y océanos libres de combustibles fósiles. Usando hidroalas guiadas por computadora, alas submarinas que levantan el casco por encima de la superficie, superando así la fricción del agua, la embarcación de Candela usa hasta un 80% menos de energía a altas velocidades que las lanchas a motor tradicionales.

Además de un mayor alcance y un mejor rendimiento que otros barcos eléctricos, las embarcaciones de Candela tienen varios beneficios sobre los barcos ICE convencionales. Con un ruido mínimo, cero estelas y cero emisiones, la embarcación de Candela combina una huella ambiental liviana con una mejor comodidad para los pasajeros y una experiencia de manejo emocionante.

Candela fue fundada en 2014 por el ingeniero Gustav Hasselskog y presentó su primer modelo de producción, Candela C-7, en 2019. Con un alcance de 50 millas náuticas a 20 nudos, el C-7 estableció varios récords mundiales para barcos eléctricos. La producción limitada de 32 unidades finalizó en 2021.

En 2022, Candela Water lanzó el sucesor Candela C-8, más grande y de mayor volumen, que está diseñado para que los barcos eléctricos se generalicen. Con espacio para ocho pasajeros y equipado con la batería Polestar 2, tiene un alcance esperado de 57 millas náuticas a 22 nudos y una velocidad máxima de 30 nudos. Propulsado por el Candela C-POD, un motor pod eléctrico desarrollado internamente por el equipo de ingenieros de 50 personas de Candela, es un 400 % más eficiente que otras lanchas a motor del mercado. Con más de 150 unidades vendidas hasta la fecha, el C-8 es actualmente el barco premium eléctrico más vendido.

En 2023, Candela lanzará el barco taxi Candela P-8 Voyager y el ferry eléctrico P-12, que llevarán la revolucionaria tecnología de hidroplano eléctrico de la compañía a las embarcaciones comerciales.

Acerca de Polestar
Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC (Nasdaq: PSNY) (“Polestar”) es un fabricante sueco de vehículos eléctricos premium. Fundada por Volvo Car AB (publ.) (junto con sus subsidiarias, “Volvo Cars”) y Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd (“Geely”), en 2017, Polestar disfruta de sinergias tecnológicas y de ingeniería específicas con Volvo Cars y beneficios de importantes economías de escala como resultado.

Polestar tiene su sede en Gotemburgo, Suecia, y sus vehículos están actualmente disponibles y en circulación en los mercados de Europa, América del Norte, China y Asia Pacífico. Los automóviles Polestar se fabrican actualmente en dos instalaciones en China, con una fabricación futura adicional planificada en los EE. UU.

Polestar ha producido dos autos eléctricos de alto rendimiento. El Polestar 1 se fabricó entre 2019 y 2021 como un GT híbrido de rendimiento eléctrico de bajo volumen con carrocería de fibra de carbono, 609 CV, 1000 Nm y una autonomía eléctrica de 124 km (WLTP), la más larga de cualquier coche híbrido del mundo. mundo en ese momento.

El Fastback de rendimiento eléctrico Polestar 2 es el primer automóvil de alto volumen completamente eléctrico de la compañía. La gama de modelos Polestar 2 incluye tres variantes con una combinación de baterías estándar y de largo alcance de hasta 78 kWh, y sistemas de propulsión de motor único y doble con hasta 350 kW / 476 hp y 680 Nm.

Polestar planea lanzar un nuevo vehículo eléctrico por año, comenzando con Polestar 3, el primer SUV de rendimiento eléctrico de la compañía que debutó en octubre de 2022. Se espera el lanzamiento de Polestar 4, un SUV cupé de rendimiento eléctrico más pequeño, en 2023.

En 2024, se planea lanzar el Polestar 5 GT de 4 puertas con desempeño eléctrico como la evolución de producción de Polestar Precept, el auto conceptual manifiesto que Polestar lanzó en 2020 que muestra la visión futura de la marca en términos de diseño, tecnología y sustentabilidad. A medida que la compañía busca reducir su impacto climático con cada nuevo modelo, Polestar tiene como objetivo producir un automóvil verdaderamente neutral para el clima para 2030.

En marzo de 2022, Polestar presentó su segundo automóvil conceptual, un roadster de rendimiento eléctrico que se basa en las ambiciones de diseño, tecnología y sostenibilidad establecidas por Precept y muestra la visión de la marca para los automóviles deportivos del futuro. El convertible de techo rígido presenta una evolución del lenguaje de diseño único mostrado por primera vez por Precept y enfatiza una experiencia de conducción dinámica. El concepto desarrolla aún más el enfoque en la sostenibilidad y la tecnología, con el objetivo de lograr una mayor circularidad. Polestar confirmó en agosto de 2022 que se producirá una versión del concepto como el roadster de rendimiento eléctrico Polestar 6, con un lanzamiento previsto para 2026.

Lockheed Martin Skunk Works®  Top Gun – The Need for Speed

Top Gun – The Need for Speed

Lockheed Martin Skunk Works® thrives on tackling seemingly impossible work, developing technologies for tomorrow’s challenges before the need is even identified.

From creating radar evading stealth capabilities to X-planes that redefine the sonic boom to many revolutionary technologies in between, Skunk Works has a long tradition of quickly developing enduring innovation for when it’s needed most.

When the Top Gun: Maverick team was looking to push the envelope and stand true to Maverick’s Need for Speed, Skunk Works was their first call. With the Skunk Works expertise in developing the fastest known aircraft combined with a passion and energy for defining the future of aerospace, Darkstar’s capabilities could be more than mere fiction. They could be reality…



Vision AMG show car offers glimpse of all-electric future of Mercedes-AMG

Dedicated AMG.EA architecture for all-electric AMG models forms basis for extraordinary study

Affalterbach/Nice.  Spectacular proportions defined by a long wheelbase and emphasised by short overhangs, powerful shoulders, large wheels, a distinctive rear spoiler and star-shaped headlamp signature – the Vision AMG makes an emotional statement from every perspective.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

This extraordinary show car from Mercedes-AMG offers a glimpse of the all-electric future of AMG Driving Performance. Beneath the breath‑taking exterior design of the four-door coupé is the equally extraordinary dedicated AMG.EA platform, which is currently under development in Affalterbach for all-electric performance models.

“AMG is reinventing itself. As was once the case with our founding fathers, there has been an amazing feeling of new beginnings here in Affalterbach for quite some time now. The course has been well and truly set for an electrified future, and we’ve set the bar high. That’s because our customers expect something very special from all-electric cars. We have already well and truly proven our expertise in this regard with the SLS AMG Electric Drive, our own E PERFORMANCE hybrid technology and the first Mercedes-EQ derivatives. With this study, we are now offering a first glimpse of how we are transferring the AMG DNA into the all‑electric future, starting in 2025. Gorden and his team are pointing the way from a visual perspective with this extraordinary design. At AMG, we have always stood for that extra shot of emotion, driving fun, handling, ingenious aerodynamic features and other innovative solutions. And that’s what we continue to stand for with our first BEV developed entirely in Affalterbach. We’re developing everything from scratch, from the dedicated AMG.EA platform to the revolutionary drivetrain technology with which we will take performance electric mobility to a whole new level,” says Philipp Schiemer, CEO of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

“The Vision AMG shows in spectacular style what electrification could look like at Mercedes-AMG, while staying true to the brand aesthetic. The study’s extreme proportions create fascination and passion for performance – that’s what AMG is all about. The Vision AMG is an impressive embodiment of the brand’s dual polarity – the interplay of beauty and the extraordinary.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

At the same time, elements from the future, such as the light signatures with the illuminated high-tech grille, underscore the progressive evolution of our design language of Sensual Purity,” says Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer of Mercedes-Benz Group AG. “With its contrasting modern surfacing and radical proportions, this car showcases the next design step, building on the VISION EQXX and moving further towards performance luxury. The seamless flow of beautifully formed surfaces and the monolithic sculpture complete the powerful aesthetic of the Vision AMG. The result is an electric supercar, a style icon that stimulates desire – and that’s exactly what sets a luxury sports car apart.”

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Monolithic sculpture and radical proportions

The concept car is characterised by flowing, beautifully formed surfaces. Joints and shut lines are reduced to a minimum, and the rear and side windows are painted in the same Alubeam silver as the car itself. The result is an overall look that reinforces the impression of a monolithic sculpture.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The sporty proportions are particularly evident from the side, and are defined by the technical layout – long wheelbase, sharply raked A-pillar positioned far forward, short front overhang and slightly longer, aerodynamically optimised rear overhang. It clearly expresses the design language of Sensual Purity with distinctive sports car cues such as the widely flared wheel arches and broad, muscular shoulders at the rear.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The graceful greenhouse is integrated into the flowing overall form and blends seamlessly into the low-lying silhouette. The roof tapers as its line drops elegantly towards the rear, flowing directly into the rear spoiler. The overall effect is a visually fascinating and aerodynamically advantageous teardrop form, not unlike that of the VISION EQXX. The sensual surfacing and the powerfully defined sculpture are representative of the hallmark Mercedes design language. Similarly, the brand’s aspiration to the extraordinary is realised through the radical proportions and sharply chiselled shark nose. The Vision AMG is thus an impressive example of the dual polarity of the brand’s design approach embracing “Beauty & the Extraordinary”.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

The sharply angled tear-off edge at the rear incorporates an active spoiler, elongating the side view while at the same time improving the aerodynamics. It is framed by a precisely cut band of light that accommodates a variety of different light installations, providing an effective contrast with the large black AMG logo on the rear of the car.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG
Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nice: Vision AMG

Breathtaking technology for hallmark performance

The technology of the Vision AMG tributes the spectacular design in many ways. All of its drivetrain components are developed entirely from scratch: not only the AMG.EA platform itself, but also the dedicated high-performance high-voltage battery and the revolutionary drive technology. The powerful heart of the Vision AMG is its innovative Axial Flux Motor developed by Mercedes-Benz’ wholly owned subsidiary YASA. With its compact and lightweight design it delivers substantially more power than conventional electric motors.

Closed-off AMG grille with illuminated bars

The AMG-specific grille with vertical bars is retained as a distinctive brand feature – despite the fact that an all-electric drivetrain does not require a classic radiator at the front. The high-tech development of the grille is therefore closed off, painted in body colour and fully integrated into the front end. As the visual focal point, the grille emphasises the futuristic look of the Vision AMG with its illuminated bars and three-dimensional exterior contour. The three-pointed star is positioned prominently on the bonnet – as on the Mercedes‑AMG Project ONE.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Extraordinary star-shaped light signature

The headlamp light signature points directly into the future. Three LED elements form a stylised, three‑dimensional Mercedes star, ensuring the Mercedes and AMG branding is immediately apparent and unmistakable by night and day. The two headlamps are visually connected via the horizontal band of light above the grille. This light band can display a variety of animations – ranging from a welcome signature to constant light.

The round lights at the rear have a light design that is new yet familiar. On each side, three LED rings are positioned in cylindrical tubes. Here, too, small stars offer a nod to the Mercedes brand. By way of contrast, the expressive rear diffuser is painted deep black.

Design Essentials IV – The Art of Creating Desire, 2022, Nizza: Vision AMG

Connection to Formula 1 through form and colour cues

The direct connection to the successful Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 team is evident in further visual details. These include the silver paintwork with a large-format star pattern across the shoulders and rear wings, functional elements in exposed carbon-fibre, the aerodynamic design of the 22-inch wheels with aero claddings, the AMG logo and elements on the sills and diffuser in the Petronas colours.

The sporty high-tech seamless design and the breath-taking proportions give the Vision AMG a futuristic character. The four-door configuration also makes clear that the show car offers a taste of a functional all‑electric sports car of the future. Despite the battery pack in the floor of the car between the axles, the study sits considerably lower than the EQS and, thanks to its intelligently designed interior floor, offers plenty of space for four.


Taking a quantum leap

More and more vehicle functions are based on artificial intelligence. However, conventional processors and even graphics chips are increasingly reaching their limits when it comes to calculations required for neural networks.  Porsche Engineering reports on new technologies that will speed up AI calculations in the future.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key technology for the automotive industry—and fast hardware is correspondingly important for the complex back-end calculations involved. After all, it will only be possible to bring new functions into series production in the future with high-performance computers. “Autonomous driving is one of the most demanding AI applications of all,” explains Dr. Joachim Schaper, Senior Manager AI and Big Data at Porsche Engineering. “The algorithms learn from a multitude of examples collected by test vehicles using cameras, radar, or other sensors in real traffic.”

Dr. Joachim Schaper, Senior Manager AI and Big Data at Porsche Engineering

Dr. Joachim Schaper, Senior Manager AI and Big Data at Porsche Engineerin

Conventional data centers are increasingly unable to cope with the growing demands. “It now takes days to train a single variant of a neural network,” explains Schaper. So in his view, one thing is clear: Car manufacturers need new technologies for AI calculations that can help the algorithms learn much faster. To achieve this, as many vector-matrix multiplications as possible must be executed in parallel in the complex deep neural networks (DNNs)—a task in which graphics processing units (GPUs) specialize. Without them, the amazing advances in AI in recent years would not have been possible.

50 times the size of a GPU

Graphics cards were not originally designed for AI use, however, but to process image data as efficiently as possible. They are increasingly stretched to the limit when it comes to training algorithms for autonomous driving. Hardware specialized in AI is therefore required for even faster calculations. The Californian company Cerebras has presented a possible solution. Their Wafer Scale Engine (WSE) is optimally tailored to the requirements of neural networks by combining as much computing power as possible on one giant computer chip. It is more than 50 times the size of a normal graphics processor and offers space for 850,000 computing cores—over 100 times as many as on a current top GPU.

In addition, Cerebras engineers have networked the computational cores together with high-bandwidth data lines. According to the manufacturer, the network on the Wafer Scale Engine transports 220 petabits per second. Cerebras has also widened the bottleneck within the GPUs: Data travels between memory and computing unit nearly 10,000 times faster than in high-performance GPUs—at 20 petabytes per second.


Giant chip: Cerebras’ Wafer Scale Engine combines enormous computing power on a single integrated circuit with a side length of more than 20 centimeters.

Giant chip: Cerebras’ Wafer Scale Engine combines enormous computing power on a single integrated circuit with a side length of more than 20 centimeters.

To save even more time, Cerebras mimics a trick of the brain. There, neurons work only when they get signals from other neurons. The many connections that are currently inactive do not need any resources. In DNNs, on the other hand, vector-matrix multiplication often involves multiplying by the number zero. This costs time unnecessarily. The Wafer Scale Engine therefore refrains from doing so. “All zeros are filtered out,” Cerebras writes in its white paper on the WSE. So the chip only performs operations that produce a non-zero result.

One drawback of the chip is its high electrical power requirement of 23 kW and requires water cooling. Cerebras has therefore developed its own server housing for use in data centers. The Wafer Scale Engine is already being tested in the data centers of some research institutes. AI expert Joachim Schaper believes the giant chip from California could also accelerate automotive development. “By using this chip, a week’s training could theoretically be reduced to just a few hours,” he estimates. “However, the technology has yet to prove that in practical tests.”

Light instead of electrons

As unusual as the new chip is, like its conventional predecessors it also works with conventional transistors. Companies like Boston-based Lightelligence and Lightmatter want to use the much faster medium of light for AI calculations instead of comparatively slow electronics, and are building optical chips to do so. DNNs could thus work “at least several hundred times faster than electronic ones,” write developers at Lightelligence.

“With the Wafer Scale Engine, a week of training could theoretically be reduced to just a few hours.”Dr. Joachim Schaper, Senior Manager AI and Big Data at Porsche Engineering

To do this, Lightelligence and Lightmatter use the phenomenon of interference. When light waves amplify or cancel each other, they form a light-dark pattern. If you direct the interference in a certain way, the new pattern corresponds to the vector-matrix multiplication of the old pattern. So the light waves can “do math.” To make this practical, the Boston developers etched tiny light guides into a silicon chip. Like in a textile fabric, they cross each other several times. Interference takes place at the crossings. In between, tiny heating elements regulate the refractive index of the light guide, allowing the light waves to be shifted against each other. This makes it possible to control their interference and perform vector-matrix multiplications.

However, the Boston companies do not dispense with electronics altogether. They combine their light computers with conventional electronic components that store data and perform all calculations except vector-matrix multiplications. These include, for example, the nonlinear activation functions that modify the output values of each neuron before they move on to the next layer.

Computing with light: Lightmatter’s Envise chip uses photons instead of electrons to calculate neural networks. The input and output data is supplied and received by conventional electronics.

Computing with light: Lightmatter’s Envise chip uses photons instead of electrons to calculate neural networks. The input and output data is supplied and received by conventional electronics.

With the combination of optical and digital computing, DNNs can be computed extremely quickly. “Their main advantage is low latency,” explains Lindsey Hunt, a spokesperson for Lightelligence. For example, this allows the DNN to detect objects in images faster, such as pedestrians and e-scooter riders. In autonomous driving, this could lead to faster reactions in critical situations. “In addition, the optical system makes more decisions per watt of electrical energy,” Hunt said. That’s especially important as increasing computing power in vehicles increasingly comes at the expense of fuel economy and range.

The solutions from Lightmatter and Lightelligence can be inserted as modules into conventional computers to speed up AI computations—much like graphics cards. In principle, they could also be integrated into  vehicles, for example to implement autonomous driving functions. “Our technology is very well suited to serve as an inference engine for an autonomous car,” explains Lindsey Hunt. AI expert Schaper has a similar view: “If Lightelligence succeeds in building components suitable for automobiles, this could greatly accelerate the introduction of complex AI functions in vehicles.” The technology is now ready for the market: The company is planning its first pilot tests with customers in the year 2022.

The quantum computer as an AI turbo

Quantum computers are somewhat further away from practical application. They, too, will accelerate AI calculations because they can process vast amounts of data in parallel. To do this, they work with so-called “qubits.” Unlike the classical unit of information, the bit, a qubit can represent the two binary values 0 and 1 simultaneously. The two numbers coexist in a superposition state that is only possible in quantum mechanics.

“The more complicated the patterns, the more difficulty conventional computers have distinguishing classes.”Heike Riel, Lead IBM Research Quantum Europe/Africa

Quantum computers could turbocharge artificial intelligence when if comes to classifying things, for example in traffic. There are many different categories of objects there, including bicycles, cars, pedestrians, signs, wet and dry roads. They differ in terms of many properties, which is why experts talk about “pattern recognition in higher-dimensional spaces.”

“The more complicated the patterns, the harder it is for conventional computers to distinguish classes,” explains Heike Riel, who heads IBM’s quantum research in Europe and Africa. That’s because with each dimension, it becomes more costly to calculate the similarity of two objects: How similar are an e-scooter rider and a rollator user trying to cross the street? Quantum computers can work efficiently in high-dimensional spaces compared to conventional computers. For certain problems, this property could be useful and result in some problems being solved faster with the help of quantum computers than with conventional high-performance computers.

Heike Riel, Lead IBM Research Quantum Europe/Africa

Heike Riel, Lead IBM Research Quantum Europe/Africa

IBM researchers have analyzed statistical models that can be trained for data classification. Initial results suggest that cleverly chosen quantum models work better than conventional methods for certain datasets. The quantum models are easier to train and appear to have greater capacity—allowing them to learn more complicated relationships.

Riel admits that while today’s quantum computers can be used to test these algorithms, they do not yet have an advantage over conventional computers. However, the development of quantum computers is progressing rapidly. Both the number of qubits and their quality are steadily increasing. Another important factor is speed, measured in Circuit Layer Operations per Second (CLOPS). This number denotes how many quantum circuits can run on the quantum computer per time. It is one of the three important performance criteria of a quantum computer: scalability, quality, and speed.

In the foreseeable future, it should be possible to demonstrate the superiority of quantum computers for certain applications—that is, that they solve problems faster, more efficiently, and more precisely than a conventional computer. But building a powerful, error-corrected, general-purpose quantum computer will still take some time. Experts estimate that it will take at least another ten years. But the wait could be worth it. Like optical chips or new architectures for electronic computers, quantum computers could be the key to the mobility of the future.

In brief

When it comes to AI calculations, not only conventional microprocessors, but also graphics chips, are now reaching their limits. Companies and researchers worldwide are therefore working on new solutions. Chips in wafer format and light computers are close to becoming reality. In a few years, these could be supplemented by quantum computers for particularly demanding calculations.


Focal & Naim celebrate 10 years together!


United under the umbrella of the VerVent Audio Group since 2011, Focal and Naim are celebrating 10 years together. To commemorate their “tin anniversary”, the brands are releasing a “vintage”, limited edition, high-fidelity system.


To celebrate their “tin” anniversary, Focal and Naim have developed a “vintage” high-fidelity system: Focal Naim 10th Anniversary Edition.


Popular for its compact yet high-performance design, the Sopra N°2 loudspeaker was chosen to don a unique finish, with concrete on the side panels and “tin” colour on the front, inspired by the finest architecture. These sculpted finishes, giving a metallic effect previously unseen in the audio sector, embody all the artisanal and industrial know-how Focal has accumulated over more than 40 years.

A range of Naim Audio electronics powers the loudspeakers: the NDX 2 music streaming device, combined with the NAC 282 and NAP 250 DR pre-amplifiers, all complemented by HiCap DR and NAPSC power supplies. These high-end products are also finished with a “tin” colour for a perfect harmony. Finally, the system includes all the connectivity you’ll need, including a pair of Super Lumina cables.


Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

From February 28th to March 3rd, the Mobile World Congress 2022 (MWC) hosted The European Quantum Space, a zone dedicated to showcasing the innovation and development in Quantum Technologies that Europe is driving forward. The 70m2 space exhibited the latest achievements and advances in the field of quantum technologies for three main areas: The Quantum FlagshipRegional Initiatives and Start-ups/Companies, all mainly focusing on quantum communication and computing, two of the areas of major interest within the field.

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Throughout four intense days and with an overall estimated attendance of almost 70.000 people to the entire event, the stand received, in addition to the general audience, a variety of institutional visits: representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Finland, representatives of the Delegation of Alberta, Canada, representatives of the American Consulate in Barcelona, as well as Commercial Advisors of the Denmark Delegation of the European Commission, among others.

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Quantum Technologies resonate at MWC2022

Surprisingly enough, many attendees were aware of the emergence of quantum techs and how they are driving a new wave of technologies that are going to shape, somehow, the future of our society, by changing the way we see things, interact and communicate. Some were really interested in learning about the flagship and the underlying projects’ achievements, the emergence of European regional initiatives, such the Quantum Valley Lower Saxony, from Germany, and QuantumCAT, from Catalonia, and others were interested in real gadgets and tangible products and thus wanting to see what the five quantum communication and computing companies, IQM, LuxQuanta, Qblox, Qilimanjaro, Quside, were bringing to the event, of interest to the telecommunication audience, core to the mobile ecosystem that the MWC brings together.

In addition to those with more know-how, those that came to the stand to hear for the first time about quantum technologies were eager and enthusiastic to understand what these actually were, how they could help further develop the mobile ecosystem and technologies in general, what was being exhibited in the stand by the companies, and how the technologies they were developing could be found already on the market to improve existing ones.

For the mobile industry, the greatest impact
will be related to a new secure foundational
internet connectivity that will be brought to us
by quantum communications technologies.


All in all, over 200 professionals stopped by and engaged in insightful conversations with the flagship representatives present at the event. On behalf of the Quantum Flagship, Jaya Baloo, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Avast Software and Vice-Chair of the Quantum Flagship Strategic Advisory Board, participated in the MWC discussion panel “5G Security: A New Threat Landscape”, and emphasized during her visit to the stand that “quantum technologies will have a deep and profound impact on the way that we conduct our daily lives, both in the digital and physical realm. For the mobile industry, the greatest impact will be related to a new secure foundational internet connectivity that will be brought to us by quantum communications technologies. This aspect, which is a dream for any security professional as myself, will allow us to accomplish what is called defense in-depth, a hybrid network where we will be able to fuse quantum communications, quantum key distribution and even post quantum cryptographic techniques to give a much more solid layer defense against any potential attack.

Quantum technologies are slowly unfolding and showing the potential to become a game-changer in the future of our society. With the results seen this year, the flagship aims to be present next year, at MWC23, and broaden the frontiers of quantum techs by aiming to showcase a larger variety of technologies already on the market and that can benefit the telecom arena, as well as other trailblazing technological companies that seem very eager to become end-users of this technology.

source: Quantum Technology | The future is Quantum

GSMA Celebrates a Vibrant MWC22 Barcelona

GSMA Celebrates a Vibrant MWC22 Barcelona


More than 61,000 attendees convened in-person from around the world to discuss the convergence of mobile, the potential of the metaverse and transforming vertical industries

3 March 2022, Barcelona: The GSMA is celebrating a vibrant and dynamic edition of MWC Barcelona and there was no doubt it was the place to do business. The world’s largest and most influential connectivity event hosted over 61,000 attendees from almost 200 countries. It was the centre of discussion and debate, the place where leaders in the mobile ecosystem continued charting the future to achieve the full potential of technology.

GSMA Celebrates a Vibrant MWC22 Barcelona

GSMA Celebrates a Vibrant MWC22 Barcelona

“Nothing beats MWC in person, and it was exciting to bring our community – which is so passionate about connectivity – back together to discuss the opportunities that lie ahead.” John Hoffman, CEO GSMA Ltd. said. “On behalf of the GSMA, I would like to thank all of our attendees, exhibitors, sponsors, and partners who came together to make MWC22 so productive, safe, and successful. I also want to thank Barcelona City Council, Generalitat de Catalunya, the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transformation, Fira de Barcelona, Tourism de Barcelona (the Host City Parties), the L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Mobile World Capital, and the people of Catalonia and Spain. Your support is unwavering, and your creativity, hospitality, and perseverance continually inspire us.”

Connectivity Unleashed

Over four days, more than 1,900 companies joined MWC22 Barcelona to showcase the role of mobile technology in unleashing connectivity, exploring sponsored by Salesforce, https://www.mwcbarcelona.com, CloudNet by Kyndryl, FinTech, and the Tech Horizon.

Thought leadership from entrepreneurs, government ministers, and extraordinary people pushing the boundaries of our imaginations spoke from stages across the event. From traditional industries to award-winning filmmakers speakers challenged and inspired attendees to think about new ways of leveraging technology.

Vertical collaboration, startup innovation, and much more at MWC22

Again this year, the Ministerial Programme at MWC was the centre of global digital policy debate. With more than 160 delegations from countries and international institutions around the world, policymakers, regulators, industry leaders, and the international development community exchanged experiences and views on how to build policies for a digital world, maximise the potential of 5G, close the digital gap, and meet global climate targets. As the world becomes increasingly digital, there was broad agreement that we need more collaboration and cooperation amongst all stakeholders to expand digital inclusion for all. This year, leaders like Jessica Rosenworcel, Chairwoman of the U.S. FCC, and Minister Paula Ingabire of Rwanda not only contributed to the conversation in the Ministerial Programme, but brought their policy priorities to the MWC keynote stage.

All-new for this year’s edition, Industry City, co-delivered with Knowledge Partner Accenture showcased demos from the FinTech, Manufacturing, and Automotive sectors. With a buzz of activity, Industry City was a must-see space at the event. Visitors had the opportunity to experience a range of Summits covering robotics and smart mobility topics through interactive metaverse tours and demonstrations from partners and the GSMA Foundry programme.

Focus on the local entrepreneurial startup community returned with the 4YFN (Four Years from Now) programme – supported by platinum sponsor BStartup Banco Sabadell – as it welcomed over 500 international startups and over 300 speakers to share insights on how to drive the ecosystem forward. Competing for more than €24 billion of investment, 200 startups pitched to leading funds, VCs, and CVCs during the event.

MWC22 by the numbers

  • Over 61,000 unique people attended in person
  • Around 500,000 unique virtual and daily viewers on MWC22 and partner platforms
  • Representation from almost 200 countries and territories
  • Over 1,900 exhibitors, sponsors, and partners
  • Over 1,000 speakers, 97% in person and 36% women
  • More than 50% of attendees were Directors and C-Suite executives, 20% were CEOs and founders, 25% were women
  • Millions tuned into MWC22 Barcelona content via Mobile World Live global syndication and official national and international broadcasters.
  • More than 1,600 international journalists were onsite

Our gratitude

“The momentum leading into MWC22 was palpable, and it delivered,” said Mats Granryd, Director General, GSMA. “In the spirit of our theme ‘Connectivity Unleashed’, we saw how industries were going beyond simple connectivity to deliver meaningful connectivity, deploying technology in ground-breaking ways that will shape industry and society. I thank every person who helped make MWC Barcelona 2022 an unmissable event – and as we move to a ‘digital everything’ world, I look forward to seeing what we achieve next year!”

MWC22 was covered by Mobile World Live, CNBC, Euronews, Financial Times, TIME, The Wall Street Journal Barron’s Group, and more than 1,600 international journalists. Featured Media Partners include C114, Insider Intelligence, Radio + Television Business Report, Technology Record, and TeleSemana. A huge thank you to all our MWC22 partners and sponsors. Your collaboration and support contributed significantly to the buzz and excitement of being together at this time.

Local initiatives like, Meet and Eat and Beat Barcelona showcased the best of the city. A preliminary economic analysis indicated that MWC will have contributed more than €240 million to Barcelona’s economy and created more than 6,700 part-time jobs in 2022. And once again, MWC was a carbon-neutral event.

Looking to the future

Following a successful MWC22 Barcelona, the GSMA is working hard to deliver the full MWC series in 2022. The next event, MWC Shanghai, will take place from 29th June – 1st July, followed by the inaugural MWC Las Vegas from 28th-30th September and rounded off by MWC Africa from 25-27th October – which will return in person to Kigali for the first time since 2019.

As the mobile industry gathered this week at MWC22, our thoughts have been with those suffering hardship and loss. Businesses, governments, and individuals alike are wrestling with meaningful ways to help, even as the conflict continues to escalate. Many of our members are responding by facilitating communication with loved ones and by addressing humanitarian needs.

Find out more about MWC Barcelona:

About GSMA

The GSMA is a global organisation unifying the mobile ecosystem to discover, develop and deliver innovation foundational to positive business environments and societal change. Our vision is to unlock the full power of connectivity so that people, industry, and society thrive. Representing mobile operators and organisations across the mobile ecosystem and adjacent industries, the GSMA delivers for its members across three broad pillars: Connectivity for Good, Industry Services and Solutions, and Outreach. This activity includes advancing policy, tackling today’s biggest societal challenges, underpinning the technology and interoperability that make mobile work, and providing the world’s largest platform to convene the mobile ecosystem at the MWC and M360 series of events.

We invite you to find out more at


The new BAC Mono sports the stunning new generation of the single-seater’s design DNA

first seen on the ground-breaking BAC Mono R. A comprehensive redesign of every single panel successfully reduces visual mass across the body and achieves a more organic, lighter aesthetic.

“Following the well-worn recipe of more power, less weight and more extreme design and technology in the pursuit of ultimate thrills, the new BAC Mono is a slice of single-seater mayhem.”


“The new Mono is powered by a 2.3-litre 332bhp turbocharged engine, meeting EU6 emissions regulations but maintaining Mono’s phenomenal performance DNA.”

“BAC is forever innovating and pushing automotive boundaries with a perpetual focus on lightweight technology. The new Mono features a number of technological feats that keep its weight at just 570kg and subsequently enhance performance.”

“Lighter weight, more power and more efficient aerodynamics provide a driving experience in the new Mono that pushes the boundaries ever closer to perfection.”