World’s first crewed flying racing car ready for the Airspeeder Racing Series

El primer auto de carreras volador tripulado del mundo listo para la serie Airspeeder Racing

  • Alauda Aeronautics presenta el Airspeeder Mk4, la primera versión tripulada de su auto volador de carreras
  • Airspeeder Mk4 es el avión eléctrico de despegue y aterrizaje vertical (eVTOL) más rápido del mundo, con una velocidad máxima de 360 ​​kph (225 mph)
  • Impulsado por Thunderstrike Hydrogen Turbogenerator, que ofrece un alcance excepcional de 300 km (188 millas)
  • La tecnología Gimballed Thrust de inteligencia artificial produce cualidades de manejo de un automóvil de Fórmula 1 o un avión de combate
  • Pruebas de vuelo en curso en el sur de Australia; primeras carreras tripuladas programadas para 2024
  • El Airspeeder Mk4 se presentará públicamente en el festival de innovación Southstart el 7 de  marzo de 2023.
  • Las inscripciones de equipos ahora están abiertas para la serie de carreras tripuladas Airspeeder

“Nosotros y el mundo estamos listos para las carreras de autos voladores tripulados. Hemos construido los vehículos, desarrollado el deporte, asegurado las sedes, atraído a los patrocinadores y socios técnicos. Ha llegado el momento de que las marcas de automóviles, los fabricantes de equipos originales y los equipos de automovilismo más progresistas, innovadores y ambiciosos del mundo formen parte de un nuevo automovilismo verdaderamente revolucionario. Al presentar el Airspeeder Mk4 tripulado, mostramos los vehículos que lucharán en carreras de pala a pala tripulados por los pilotos más capacitados en sus campos”. –  Matt Pearson, director ejecutivo, Alauda Aeronáutica

Alauda Aeronautics está buscando socios OEM para unirse a esta revolución en el automovilismo, ya que presenta el Airspeeder Mk4, el primer automóvil volador tripulado del mundo y el más rápido.

Diseñado y construido en Adelaida, Australia Meridional, el Airspeeder Mk4 es el avión eléctrico de despegue y aterrizaje vertical (eVTOL) más rápido del mundo. Capaz de alcanzar una velocidad máxima de 360 ​​kph (225 mph) en solo 30 segundos desde parado, está diseñado para establecer el estándar de rendimiento y tecnología en el nuevo y radical deporte de las carreras de aerodeslizadores pilotados.

Con su sofisticado sistema de propulsión eléctrica, aerodinámica avanzada y un peso de despegue (MTOW) de solo 950 kg, el Airspeeder Mk4 también es extremadamente eficiente, con un alcance proyectado de 300 km (188 millas) mientras produce casi cero emisiones.

El nuevo avión es un desarrollo del Mk3 pilotado a distancia, que completó con éxito más de 350 vuelos de prueba y participó en dos carreras de demostración de Airspeeder en el sur de Australia en 2022.

Al igual que todos los Airspeeders, el Mk4 está destinado principalmente a las carreras, por lo que está diseñado para una máxima agilidad a altas velocidades y bajas altitudes. Dos tecnologías inspiradas en la industria espacial le dan al vehículo su velocidad, maniobrabilidad y alcance sin precedentes.

El Airspeeder Mk4 funciona con un turbogenerador de 1000 kW (1340 caballos de fuerza) que alimenta las baterías y los motores. Diseñada específicamente para su uso en eVTOL, esta tecnología revolucionaria permite utilizar hidrógeno verde como combustible, proporcionando energía segura, confiable y sostenible en largas distancias y tiempos de vuelo. El Mk4 tiene un alcance proyectado de más de 300 km (188 millas).

El motor de demostración ‘Thunderstrike’ de Alauda Aeronautics incorpora un combustor único fabricado con técnicas de impresión 3D desarrolladas en la industria espacial para motores de cohetes. El diseño de la cámara de combustión mantiene la temperatura de la llama de hidrógeno relativamente baja, lo que reduce en gran medida las emisiones de óxido nitroso (NOx).

El hidrógeno es un combustible ideal para la aviación del futuro y, específicamente, para los viajes aéreos urbanos personales. Tiene una alta densidad de energía y se puede almacenar en una forma compacta y liviana, lo que lo hace adecuado para aeronaves pequeñas; tampoco es tóxico y no produce emisiones excepto agua pura, por lo que no contamina el aire. Además de esto, debido a que el gas de hidrógeno es más liviano que el aire, simplemente se elevará y se dispersará en la atmósfera en caso de fuga, lo que reduce el riesgo de incendio o explosión.

Además de llevar la industria eVTOL existente a la era H2eVTOL de próxima generación , esta tecnología tiene el potencial de reducir significativamente las emisiones y crear un futuro sostenible para los viajes aéreos individuales.

La mayoría de los eVTOL se dirigen utilizando rotores basculantes, que simplemente se colocan verticalmente para despegar y aterrizar y horizontalmente durante el crucero. Por el contrario, el Mk4 maniobra utilizando un exclusivo sistema de empuje cardán, mediante el cual un controlador de vuelo de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ajusta individualmente cuatro pares de rotores montados en cardanes ligeros impresos en 3D. Esto hace que el Mk4 no solo sea rápido en línea recta, sino que también pueda maniobrar con la increíble precisión esencial en las carreras cuerpo a cuerpo. De hecho, se maneja menos como un multicóptero y más como un avión de combate o un auto de carreras de Fórmula 1.

Alauda Aerospace planea comenzar las pruebas de vuelo del chasis y el tren motriz Mk4, incluidos los primeros vuelos tripulados de la estructura del avión, en el primer trimestre de 2023. El avión estará listo para tomar la línea de salida en el Campeonato de carreras de aerodeslizadores en 2024.

La serie de carreras Airspeeder tiene una enorme base de fans internacionales y atrae a los mejores pilotos del mundo. Pero es más que un espectáculo espectacular de velocidad y habilidad. También es un campo de pruebas para sistemas de propulsión ecológicos sostenibles, con el potencial de cambiar la forma en que todos viajamos en el futuro.

Alauda Aeronautics ya está mirando más allá de las carreras hacia un mundo donde los autos voladores privados son una realidad diaria y un medio viable de transporte urbano. Su equipo de ingenieros y diseñadores, formado por empresas como Airbus, Boeing, Ferrari, MagniX y McLaren, confía en que sus tecnologías podrían hacer que los viajes aéreos sean más rápidos, más eficientes, más respetuosos con el medio ambiente y más accesibles que nunca.

Matt Pearson, director ejecutivo de Alauda Aeronautics  , dice: “Verá estas tecnologías en la pista de carreras. Sin embargo, los eVTOL ya son una industria de un billón de dólares y vemos un mercado muy importante para los autos voladores privados que emergen en un futuro cercano. En la industria aeroespacial convencional, hay tantos aviones privados como aviones comerciales en funcionamiento. Creemos que podría ser lo mismo con los autos voladores algún día, con una cantidad aproximadamente similar de taxis comerciales y autos privados inicialmente. Una vez que podamos venderle un automóvil volador por el mismo precio que un Tesla, verá rápidamente el cambio de equilibrio. Hoy en día, los automóviles privados superan en número a los taxis en aproximadamente 300 a uno, por lo que el potencial para que las personas posean y conduzcan su propio automóvil volador algún día es absolutamente enorme. Es un momento muy emocionante”.

Para obtener más información sobre el Alauda Airspeeder Mk4 y el próximo campeonato de carreras de Airspeeder, visite el sitio web de Airspeeder en .

Airspeeder se basa en la filosofía de que nada acelera el progreso técnico como la competencia deportiva. El deporte de próxima generación desempeña el mismo papel que los pioneros de la Fórmula Uno tuvieron hace casi un siglo al impulsar el desarrollo técnico y generar la aceptación pública de una nueva revolución de la movilidad. El sector eVTOL está preparado para transformar el transporte aéreo urbano, la logística global e incluso el transporte médico remoto con una solución de transporte aéreo de aire limpio y cero emisiones.

Matt Pearson es el fundador y visionario detrás de Alauda y Airspeeder. Junto con un equipo de ingenieros, diseñadores y mentes comerciales de Australia, Nueva York y Londres, está acelerando el desarrollo de vehículos voladores eléctricos a través del calor de la competencia deportiva.

Más allá de su papel como una voz definitoria en el futuro de la movilidad, Matt está impulsando el espacio del Internet industrial de las cosas en rápida expansión a través de su trabajo en Fleet. Desde su base en el sur de Australia, millones de dispositivos se alimentan a través de la órbita terrestre baja a través de una red creciente de nanosatélites.

Redes sociales:  @Airspeeder

Candela C-8 ‘powered by Polestar’ comparte batería y tecnología de carga con Polestar 2

GOTEMBURGO, SUECIA – 17 de enero de 2023. El nuevo Candela C-8 ‘con tecnología de Polestar’ es el primer producto de una asociación entre Polestar (Nasdaq: PSNY) y Candela. Las dos marcas suecas de movilidad premium llegaron a un acuerdo en agosto de 2022 para que Polestar suministre baterías y tecnología para impulsar los hidroalas eléctricas de Candela.

El Candela C-8 ‘con tecnología de Polestar’ está diseñado para utilizar el mismo paquete de baterías de 69 kWh y tecnología de carga de CC que el motor único de rango estándar de Polestar 2. Candela espera una autonomía de hasta 57 millas náuticas con una sola carga a una velocidad de crucero de 22 nudos, en comparación favorable con las lanchas a motor de combustión interna, y con una autonomía de alta velocidad de 2 a 3 veces más larga que las lanchas rápidas eléctricas convencionales.

“Con las baterías de Polestar, el Candela C-8 se convierte en el primer barco eléctrico que puede viajar a destinos a los que antes solo se podía llegar con barcos con motor de combustión. El Candela C-8 impulsado por Polestar marca un avance significativo para la electrificación en el mar”, dice Gustav Hasselskog, CEO y fundador de Candela.

Este alto rendimiento eléctrico en el mar es posible gracias a una combinación de tecnología innovadora de Candela y Polestar. El Candela C-8 utiliza un motor de vaina de transmisión directa eficiente, el Candela C-POD, y ‘vuela’ en hidroalas guiadas por computadora que elevan el casco por encima del agua a altas velocidades, lo que reduce el consumo de energía hasta en un 80 % en comparación con los tradicionales. lanchas a motor

Además del paquete de baterías de 69 kWh de Polestar 2,, Polestar también suministra tecnología de carga rápida de CC para el Candela C-8, además de compartir capacidades de investigación y desarrollo para integrar la tecnología y el software en una aplicación marina para transferirla desde tierra. al mar

“Compartir conocimientos sobre baterías e ingeniería de vehículos con Candela ayudará a alcanzar nuestro objetivo compartido de hacer la transición a un futuro en el que todas las formas de transporte sean sostenibles”, dice Thomas Ingenlath, director ejecutivo de Polestar.

El suministro de baterías y componentes de carga a un tercero de esta manera es una novedad para Polestar como fabricante de vehículos eléctricos y amplía los esfuerzos de Polestar para impulsar la movilidad eléctrica sostenible más allá de la industria automotriz.

Candela C-8 Polestar Power está disponible para pedidos en
A partir de hoy, todos los Candela C-8 pedidos estarán equipados con baterías Polestar.

Sobre Candela
Candela Technology es una empresa tecnológica sueca cuya misión es acelerar el cambio hacia lagos y océanos libres de combustibles fósiles. Usando hidroalas guiadas por computadora, alas submarinas que levantan el casco por encima de la superficie, superando así la fricción del agua, la embarcación de Candela usa hasta un 80% menos de energía a altas velocidades que las lanchas a motor tradicionales.

Además de un mayor alcance y un mejor rendimiento que otros barcos eléctricos, las embarcaciones de Candela tienen varios beneficios sobre los barcos ICE convencionales. Con un ruido mínimo, cero estelas y cero emisiones, la embarcación de Candela combina una huella ambiental liviana con una mejor comodidad para los pasajeros y una experiencia de manejo emocionante.

Candela fue fundada en 2014 por el ingeniero Gustav Hasselskog y presentó su primer modelo de producción, Candela C-7, en 2019. Con un alcance de 50 millas náuticas a 20 nudos, el C-7 estableció varios récords mundiales para barcos eléctricos. La producción limitada de 32 unidades finalizó en 2021.

En 2022, Candela Water lanzó el sucesor Candela C-8, más grande y de mayor volumen, que está diseñado para que los barcos eléctricos se generalicen. Con espacio para ocho pasajeros y equipado con la batería Polestar 2, tiene un alcance esperado de 57 millas náuticas a 22 nudos y una velocidad máxima de 30 nudos. Propulsado por el Candela C-POD, un motor pod eléctrico desarrollado internamente por el equipo de ingenieros de 50 personas de Candela, es un 400 % más eficiente que otras lanchas a motor del mercado. Con más de 150 unidades vendidas hasta la fecha, el C-8 es actualmente el barco premium eléctrico más vendido.

En 2023, Candela lanzará el barco taxi Candela P-8 Voyager y el ferry eléctrico P-12, que llevarán la revolucionaria tecnología de hidroplano eléctrico de la compañía a las embarcaciones comerciales.

Acerca de Polestar
Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC (Nasdaq: PSNY) (“Polestar”) es un fabricante sueco de vehículos eléctricos premium. Fundada por Volvo Car AB (publ.) (junto con sus subsidiarias, “Volvo Cars”) y Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd (“Geely”), en 2017, Polestar disfruta de sinergias tecnológicas y de ingeniería específicas con Volvo Cars y beneficios de importantes economías de escala como resultado.

Polestar tiene su sede en Gotemburgo, Suecia, y sus vehículos están actualmente disponibles y en circulación en los mercados de Europa, América del Norte, China y Asia Pacífico. Los automóviles Polestar se fabrican actualmente en dos instalaciones en China, con una fabricación futura adicional planificada en los EE. UU.

Polestar ha producido dos autos eléctricos de alto rendimiento. El Polestar 1 se fabricó entre 2019 y 2021 como un GT híbrido de rendimiento eléctrico de bajo volumen con carrocería de fibra de carbono, 609 CV, 1000 Nm y una autonomía eléctrica de 124 km (WLTP), la más larga de cualquier coche híbrido del mundo. mundo en ese momento.

El Fastback de rendimiento eléctrico Polestar 2 es el primer automóvil de alto volumen completamente eléctrico de la compañía. La gama de modelos Polestar 2 incluye tres variantes con una combinación de baterías estándar y de largo alcance de hasta 78 kWh, y sistemas de propulsión de motor único y doble con hasta 350 kW / 476 hp y 680 Nm.

Polestar planea lanzar un nuevo vehículo eléctrico por año, comenzando con Polestar 3, el primer SUV de rendimiento eléctrico de la compañía que debutó en octubre de 2022. Se espera el lanzamiento de Polestar 4, un SUV cupé de rendimiento eléctrico más pequeño, en 2023.

En 2024, se planea lanzar el Polestar 5 GT de 4 puertas con desempeño eléctrico como la evolución de producción de Polestar Precept, el auto conceptual manifiesto que Polestar lanzó en 2020 que muestra la visión futura de la marca en términos de diseño, tecnología y sustentabilidad. A medida que la compañía busca reducir su impacto climático con cada nuevo modelo, Polestar tiene como objetivo producir un automóvil verdaderamente neutral para el clima para 2030.

En marzo de 2022, Polestar presentó su segundo automóvil conceptual, un roadster de rendimiento eléctrico que se basa en las ambiciones de diseño, tecnología y sostenibilidad establecidas por Precept y muestra la visión de la marca para los automóviles deportivos del futuro. El convertible de techo rígido presenta una evolución del lenguaje de diseño único mostrado por primera vez por Precept y enfatiza una experiencia de conducción dinámica. El concepto desarrolla aún más el enfoque en la sostenibilidad y la tecnología, con el objetivo de lograr una mayor circularidad. Polestar confirmó en agosto de 2022 que se producirá una versión del concepto como el roadster de rendimiento eléctrico Polestar 6, con un lanzamiento previsto para 2026.

GSMA’s GLOMO Awards 2022

GSMA Announces 2022 GLOMO Awards Winners


March 2022, Barcelona: The GSMA has announced the winners of the 2022 Global Mobile (GLOMO) Awards at MWC Barcelona. The Awards celebrate the companies, individuals and governments who have driven the most innovation in the mobile industry.

“Congratulations to all of our winners and the nominees of the GSMA’s GLOMO Awards 2022. You personify this year’s theme of Connectivity Unleashed,” said John Hoffman, CEO of GSMA Ltd. “This year’s event is more important than ever. Celebrating the innovation and brilliance shaping the mobile ecosystem is crucial. It’s incredible to see the meaningful impact the mobile ecosystem is having in this ever-changing digital world.”

Co-hosted by Justin Springham of Mobile World Live and Sasha Twining, the winners were announced virtually on Wednesday, 2 March, and streamed to audiences around the globe on LinkedIn.

The GLOMO Awards are the most prestigious accolade in the mobile industry. The awards are judged by more than 200 independent industry experts, analysts, journalists, academics, and mobile operator representatives.

This year’s Government Leadership Award was judged by Sigve Brekke, President and CEO of Telenor; Ambassador David Gross, Partner at Wiley; and John Giusti, Chief Regulatory Officer at the GSMA.

The winners of the 2022 GLOMO Awards are:

Mobile Technology category:

  • CTO’s Choice Award

Samsung Networks for fully virtualised 5G RAN solution

  • Best Mobile Network Infrastructure

Huawei for New FDD Gigaband MIMO Modules

  • Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough

Samsung Networks for fully virtualised 5G RAN solution

  • Best Network Software Breakthrough

Rakuten Mobile for 5G Open RAN

  • Best Digital Tech Breakthrough (Companies under $10M Annual Global Revenue)

AccelerComm for 5G physical layer IP for Open RAN that Maximises Spectral Efficiency

  • Best Mobile Authentication & Security Solution

AdaptiveMobile Security, an Enea Company, for the World’s First Unified 5G Network Security Solution

  • 5G Industry Partnership Award

China Unicom Beijing and Huawei for 5G Capital’s Meta Life on Gigabit Society

Industry X category:

  • Best Mobile Operator Service for Connected Consumers

Veon Group for MobileID

  • Best Mobile Innovation for the Connected Economy

Tianjin Port, Huawei and China Mobile for Port Renaissance, Intelligent Twin empowers a Smart, Green Tianjin Port

  • Best Mobile Innovation for the Connected Human

Huawei for 5G Smart Healthcare Lights up Hainan Healthy Island

  • Best Mobile Innovation for Connected Living

Safaricom for M-PESA App

Device category:

  • Best Smartphone

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max

  • Disruptive Device Innovation Award

Oppo for its Hinge & Display Integration on the FIND N

  • Best Connected Consumer Device

ZTE for Next-Gen Cloud AI Home Security Camera Pro

Tech 4 Good category:

  • Best Mobile Innovation for Emerging Markets

Starlogik IP LLC for StarZRO

  • Best Mobile Innovation supporting Emergency or Humanitarian Situations

Hormuud Telecoms for The WAAFI APP

  • Best Mobile Innovation for Accessibility & Inclusion

SK Telecom and Tuat for AI-based Visual Assistant Service ‘Sullivan Plus X NUGU’

  • Best Mobile Innovation for Climate Action

China Mobile and Huawei for Green 5G Project

  • Outstanding Mobile Contribution to the UN SDGs

Safaricom, Close the Gap and Huawei for DigiTruck Project

Government Leadership category:

  • Government leadership Award

Government of Spain

Outstanding Achievement category:

  • Outstanding Contribution to the Mobile Industry

Mr. Houlin Zhao, Secretary-General, ITU

  • Diversity in Tech Award:

Vodafone for #ChangeTheFace Leadership Alliance

  • Best Innovation for COVID-19 Response & Recovery:

Telit and Controlant for Cellular IoT rollout for COVID-19 vaccine distribution

4YFN category:

  • 4YFN Award:

HumanITcare, using Artificial Intelligence to improve access to healthcare

For further information on GLOMO Awards winners please visit

– ENDS –

About GSMA

The GSMA is a global organization unifying the mobile ecosystem to discover, develop and deliver innovation foundational to positive business environments and societal change. Our vision is to unlock the full power of connectivity so that people, industry, and society thrive. Representing mobile operators and organizations across the mobile ecosystem and adjacent industries, the GSMA delivers for its members across three broad pillars: Connectivity for Good, Industry Services and Solutions, and Outreach. This activity includes advancing policy, tackling today’s biggest societal challenges, underpinning the technology and interoperability that make mobile work, and providing the world’s largest platform to convene the mobile ecosystem at the MWC and M360 series of events.

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Coming soon, the Master & Dynamic headphones and earphones for Automobili Lamborghini in the Squadra Corse version 

Coming soon, the Master & Dynamic headphones and earphones for Automobili Lamborghini in the Squadra Corse version

The audio devices at the 2021 Super Trofeo World Finals

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 15 November 2021 – One year from the news of the partnership with Master & Dynamic, Automobili Lamborghini announces the Squadra Corse version of co-branded headphones. Master & Dynamic, a New York brand and a leading producer of premium audio devices, takes on the official colors of Automobili Lamborghini Squadra Corse, adding the new version of headphones and earphones to the three liveries already available.

The collection comprises two of Master & Dynamic’s most technologically advanced audio devices, with wireless connectivity range up to 30 m. The MW65 wireless headphones, equipped with Bluetooth 4.2 technology supporting AptX and SBC, feature two ANC (Active Noise-Cancelling) modes, so that each user can adjust the sound according to the listening environment, and battery life up to 24 hours.

The MW07 PLUS True Wireless earphones, equipped with Bluetooth 5.0 technology supporting AptX and SBC, boast 10 mm beryllium drivers for optimal sound quality and a stainless steel charging case that provides a full 40 hours of battery life.

The MW65 wireless headphones and MW07 PLUS True Wireless earphones are offered with a Y pattern and the Mantis Green color, the same color as the Lamborghini super sports cars. The headphones feature a black anodized aluminum frame covered with black Alcantara® and Mantis Green leather, and the exterior of the speakers is in sapphire glass that reveals the Automobili Lamborghini Squadra Corse logo and the pattern with the green Y. The MW07 PLUS acetate earphones are inspired by the striking finish of Lamborghini models, and the stainless steel charging case echoes the use of matte paint for the bodywork.

The world finals of the 2021 Lamborghini Super Trofeo at the Marco Simoncelli International Circuit in Misano Adriatico were the perfect setting to experience the new earphones and headphones, to be immersed in the silence and seek concentration before the race or to relax after the exertions of the race and the hours of adrenaline.

The entire Master & Dynamic for Automobili Lamborghini collection is available at and

Master & Dynamic

With an unrelenting attention to design and detail, Master & Dynamic has a deep passion for building beautifully crafted and technically sophisticated sound tools to help focus, inspire and transport your mind. Since its launch in 2014, New York City-based premium audio brand Master & Dynamic has released a variety of award-winning audio products ranging from wired and wireless headphones to a wireless speaker. Its first true wireless earphones, the MW07, were recognized for world class design as the winner of The Red Dot Award: Product Design 2019.

Designed to be modern yet timeless, Master & Dynamic products utilize only the finest materials and are engineered to last, creating the perfect balance of aesthetics, strength, comfort and exceptional sound. Master & Dynamic believes mastery is a never-ending exploration requiring a dynamic approach and has collaborated with leading luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton as well as world-renowned architect Sir David Adjaye. Our sound tools can be found in over 500 partner stores around the world. View the entire collection at and join the conversation at @masterdynamic.

Blockchain platform for trading cards

Forward31 launches start-up Fanzone

Berlin. Porsche drives its digitization strategy forward: through its company builder Forward31, the Stuttgart-based sports car manufacturer is launching the start-up Fanzone. The young company develops and operates a platform for digital trading cards. Thus, Porsche is opening a new business area in online gaming and digital entertainment.

The Berlin-based start-up offers an online marketplace for trading cards. Sports fans can collect and exchange digital player cards over Fanzone and use them in different game variants. The special feature of this interactive offering is that the company uses blockchain technology for the platform. This enables the creation of so-called non-fungible tokens (NFTs), i.e., digital objects that cannot be copied. NFTs guarantee the rarity and identity of collectables. Thanks to verifiable ownership, fans can benefit from value increases, for example, for limited editions. Fanzone’s first partner is the German Football Association (DFB).

New marketing channels for sports institutions and managers
“The demand for classic trading cards and albums has been unbroken for decades,” says Christian Knörle, Head of Company Building at Porsche Digital. “With Fanzone, we are now digitizing this promising market. We look forward to strategically supporting Fanzone and the team with Dirk Weyel, Björn Hesse, and Claudio Weck on this journey.” The founders bring along many years of experience in gaming, sports marketing, and blockchain technology.

In addition to the offering for fans, the platform also provides new marketing channels for sports institutions and officials – as the digital collectables are to depict various sports and leagues in the future. Currently, football player cars for the German women’s and men’s national teams, the U21 youth team, and players from the German third league can be collected. Further partnerships are being planned.

“We are convinced that innovative, digital interaction platforms between sports fans and their favourite teams offer huge growth potential,” says Dirk Weyel, Chief Executive Officer of Fanzone. “That’s why we’re excited to be able to build such a platform sustainably with a strong partner like Forward31.”

Porsche’s start-up ecosystem
Porsche is consistently driving the expansion of its start-up ecosystem forward to strategically increase its innovative strength. In addition to creating start-ups through the company builder Forward31, the sports car manufacturer uses various other instruments: the company invests directly in promising young businesses through its investment unit, Porsche Ventures. With the APX accelerator programme, a joint venture between Porsche and the media company Axel Springer, Porsche focuses on further developing companies that are in an earlier start-up phase. Porsche is also a partner of the open innovation platform “Startup Autobahn”.

About Forward31
The company builder Forward31 is a business unit of Porsche Digital. The focus is on building a portfolio of promising start-ups that tap into new target groups and value chains beyond the core automotive business. Jointly with entrepreneurs, these are founded and further developed as independent companies. Further information can be found at:


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Serengeti® is a pioneer in the development of photochromic technology. Darkening in bright sunlight and lightening in overcast conditions, Photochromic technology allows your eyes to adapt to any light, anywhere. The result is a view of the world so crystal clear, you’ll notice natural beauty you’ve never seen before. This technology is molecularly infused into every Serengeti lens.
Serengeti’s Polarizing technology suppresses glare, allowing you to enjoy all the depth and beauty the world has to offer. When glare reflects off the road, water, snow or flat areas, parallel light rays can pass through unhindered, while distracting perpendicular light is reflected. This allows you to discover more clarity, while living free from glare and eye fatigue.
Some of our products feature non-polarized lens options, ideal for pilots or professionals with digital instrument panels.

Lockheed Martin, General Motors Team to Further Lunar Exploration with Autonomous Moon Rover

Lockheed Martin, General Motors Team to Further Lunar Exploration with Autonomous Moon Rover

Only 5% of the Moon’s surface has been explored by the human race, and to reach the other 95%, NASA astronauts on the Artemis program are going to need some serious wheels.

That’s why Lockheed Martin and General Motors have teamed up to design the next generation of lunar rovers, capable of transporting astronauts across farther distances on the lunar surface. Unlike the Apollo days when the rovers only traveled four miles from the landing site, Artemis astronauts will go farther and explore more of the Moon’s surface than ever before to conduct critical scientific research.

This type of mobility is a huge step – or a giant leap – toward enabling and sustaining long-term exploration of the lunar surface. The science that Artemis astronauts will conduct will help NASA better understand the fundamental planetary processes underlying our solar system, and will help us better understand and protect Earth.

Not only will these vehicles be well-equipped to go the distance, they will also be driver optional. Autonomous, self-driving systems would enable the vehicle to operate with or without humans onboard, and pave the way for future human missions, commercial payload services and enhanced scientific utility.

“These next-generation rover concepts will dramatically extend the exploration range of astronauts as they perform high-priority science investigation on the Moon that will ultimately impact humanity’s understanding of our place in the solar system,” said Rick Ambrose, executive vice president, Lockheed Martin Space.

A Lockheed Martin-GM rover would be able to preposition itself autonomously near a landing site prior to the astronauts’ arrival, and astronauts would have the ability to task the rover from the Human Landing System or the orbiting lunar Gateway to conduct science operations without a driver. This enables NASA to fit more science into a smaller amount of time, and allows us to uncover the critical information that the other 95% of the lunar surface may hold.

Zooming on the Moon

Driving on the Moon is not your average off-roading experience. The new lunar rover concept would be expertly outfitted to drive over rugged terrain in the dark and cold.

Unlike Earth and even Mars, days and nights on the Moon are just under 14 days long. The Lockheed Martin-GM rovers would be designed to survive and even operate in the two-week long night that sees temperatures of down to -280 degrees Fahrenheit, and day-time temperatures of 260 Fahrenheit.

“The biggest difference is, when you design for the Moon and for space applications, the force of gravity is different and has to be taken into account,” said Madhu Raghavan, Global Research & Development Group Manager at GM. “There are extreme temperature swings, and the radiation in space becomes a challenge in terms of systems design. You’re also operating in a vacuum and designing your systems to withstand the shock of the actual launch.”

The vehicles’ design would expertly mitigate these challenges. Lockheed Martin has built multiple deep space robotic spacecraft that have gone to the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, asteroids, comets and other destinations throughout the solar system.

“We’ve led missions to other planetary bodies for decades, building spacecraft that can survive the high radiation environment, cold temperatures, and yet be very light and very reliable,” said Kirk Shireman, vice president, Lunar Exploration Campaigns at Lockheed Martin. “This is what we specialize in, and we are more than capable of meeting and exceeding this challenge for NASA.”

A Dynamic Duo

With both brains and brawn, the Lockheed Martin-GM alliance brings together innovations from both companies to make transformative vehicles, drawing on strong legacies of engineering and performance from both companies.

“GM is a world leader in automobile manufacturing and technology, and Lockheed Martin is a world leader in spacecraft. The two companies joining forces to build a mobility system on the Moon just makes perfect sense.”

 Kirk Shireman, vice president, Lunar Exploration Campaigns at Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin will lead the team by leveraging its legacy and history working with NASA.

“Our goal is to build a vehicle that is affordable, that exceeds our customer requirements, and to do it rapidly. Digital tools are how we achieve that,” Shireman said. “We’ve demonstrated already across programs and proposals the speed, affordability and reliability that digital tools enable, and we fully expect to leverage and expand on that experience with this program.”

GM brings to the table decades of experience designing for on and off-road environments, a strong focus on quality and human safety, and a shared mission.

“There’s a lot of synergy between our two companies – we complement each other well,” said Jeff Ryder, vice president, Growth & Strategy at GM Defense. “The lunar rover designs for extreme off-road environments have a lot of similarities with our tactical military vehicles on the GM Defense side. It’s great to work with a company like Lockheed Martin who has a shared mission of supporting the warfighter.”

GM brings to the table state-of-the-art battery-electric technologies and propulsion systems that are central to the company’s extensive electric vehicle strategy. Research from the development of battery and power systems for the lunar rover may ultimately spur advances on electric vehicles back on Earth, too.

“Because the operating conditions are so extreme in space, our work on this project will help us make safer and better batteries back on Earth,” Raghavan said. “The Moon and Mars are, of course, totally unstructured, unlined roads. Designing for that environment will ultimately just make our EV capabilities on Earth that much stronger.”

Enabling a Celestial Human Future

As it was during the Apollo era, every minute of the Artemis astronauts’ time on the lunar surface will be carefully planned in order to maximize the science value of having humans back on the lunar surface for the first time since 1972.

So, what is NASA hoping to uncover on the uncharted territory that remains of the Moon? The Moon is often referred to as the cornerstone of the solar system. Scientific investigations on the Artemis program will help NASA understand the risks and potential resources of the Moon’s South Pole, where they hope to establish the Artemis Base Camp concept by the end of the decade.

“The technology has evolved so much in the last 50 years, to the point where we can now use autonomy for these vehicles to aid in the astronauts’ missions,” Shireman said. “Autonomy will enable these rovers to carry tools and samples, and allows the crews to do more in the time they have there on the surface.”

To achieve our ultimate goal of utilizing the resources on the Moon to sustain a human presence, Shireman says we’ll need to have a reliable way of transporting those resources. This is the first major step in that direction.

“I’ve worked on many space programs in the past, but this isn’t just another space mission,” said Ryder. “It’s the return to, and permanent habitation of the Moon. It’s not just cool or interesting –it’s historical. It’s a major milestone in human activity in space.”

According to Raghavan, he’s seen a major influx of job applicants for open positions on his project team. “This is the stuff you dream about as a kid in science class,” he said. “People want to be part of this.”

Illustration of NASA astronauts on the lunar South Pole. Credit: NASA

Other scientific activities that surface mobility could enable include field geology, sample collection and return, and deployed experiments. These investigations are conducted in the hopes that they may increase our understanding of how the Moon formed and evolved, how it interacts with the Sun, and how water and other resources arrived at the Moon, and how they are transported and preserved.

These are all questions that, once answered, will help us sustain life on the Moon. The Lockheed Martin-GM team stands re

ady to autonomously chauffeur the astronauts to the dark regions of the Moon to advance our human future in space.

“I always think about alliances, and how you have to start with something real,” Ryder said. “As we go do this, it’ll likely lead to  additional opportunities. It’s a great pathway going forward, and I’m sure there will be more opportunities for our two companies to come together to further human spaceflight.”

Watch Replay: Lunar Mobility Announcement



Jetoptera was recently awarded two 2021 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contracts from the USAF to further characterize the noise of its patented Fluidic Propulsive System (FPS™) in an anechoic chamber wind tunnel and to prove that the FPS™ used with an Upper Surface Blown Wing (USB) configuration will produce specific lift force levels similar to those of a rotor-wing aircraft, yet without moving parts.

For the first contract, Jetoptera has partnered with the University of Notre Dame (Professor Scott Morris) to employ the anechoic wind tunnel in their Turbomachinery Labs and characterize the aero performance and acoustics signature of the FPS™ and compare it to similar thrust propulsors currently employed in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) concepts.

“We will compare the FPS™ and three other propulsion technologies that are the legacy propulsors for Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) UAVs and UAM vehicles using a similar power supply for each. Having already established our FPS™ lower noise emissions potential versus a propeller under another program, this time we will be using an anechoic chamber and a different measurement system, with the goal of confirming the advantages of the propulsion technology we have invented” said Dr. Andrei Evulet, CEO of Jetoptera, Inc.

Jetoptera has also partnered with the University of Washington (Professor Alberto Aliseda) to employ the Kirsten Wind Tunnel to demonstrate feasibility of lift and thrust augmentation by a wing-integrated Fluidic Propulsion System via the Boundary Layer Ingestion and Upper Blown Surface Jet Mechanisms. Our goal is to find the maximum vertical lift produced with this combination and demonstrate that by distributing the FPS™ along a wing we can produce a specific lift force (lbf/hp) similar to a low disk load rotor employed by rotary wing aircraft. “We will investigate and find the optimal architecture for the use of the wing for VTOL in conjunction with the FPS™ and how it could match the performance of a rotor, by using the same power, but without the large, noisy, moving parts,” said Dr. Evulet.

“We are on the technological design path to demonstrate that an aircraft using the FPS™ is quieter, faster, simpler, more compact and less expensive than a rotor or propeller driven aircraft. Combined with FPS™’ agnosticism to energy sources – it can be powered by jet fuels, Diesel, SAF, hydrogen or electric – we are confident about the superiority of our propulsion solution as noise, safety and performance continue to be major challenges in unmanned and manned aviation,” added Dr. Evulet.

The period of performance is six months for each contract.

In July 2018, Jetoptera finished propulsion tests, triggering an issuing of $1.5 million in equity. In September 2018, Jetoptera and GE Aviation announced that they were cooperating “to jointly demonstrate a 500-pound-force (lbf) class Fluidic Propulsion System leveraging a gas generator based on GE Aviation’s H-Series turboprop engine. This is the first step towards a fully customized gas generator which will lead to a Jetoptera 500 VTOL full flight demonstrator.”

A 50 kg (110 lbs) subscale propulsion system test rig completed a tethered flight in October of 2018, and the company states that the fluid propulsion system met their standards in the “production of stable, repeatable and reliable thrust”. The company reported that it was awarded a patent for their fluid propulsion system in April 2019, and announced in December that additional patents for “Fluidic Propulsion System“, “Configuration for Vertical Takeoff and Landing System for Aerial Vehicles“, and “Flying Car” had also been issued. In this announcement the company made the updated claim that their fluid propulsion System would allow their high-speed configuration of the aircraft to reach speeds between 200 and 400 mph, a revision to the earlier claim that the craft was only capable of speeds up to 200 mph.

A quarter scale model of the J2000 was reported to have flown in May 2019, and during the initial flight the demonstrator reached a top speed of 90mph. In July 2019, this demonstrator completed a successful cargo-delivery demonstration, and in August Jetoptera claimed that the flight testing campaign that utilized the model had successfully demonstrated several key characteristics of the aircraft, including:

  • Fully autonomous VTOL to wingborne missions; the missions were fully preprogramed to execute VTOL and high speed flight and they can be customized using simple interfaces such as a tablet.
  • Hovering and maneuverability in flight, per mission input or manually.
  • Transitions from and to hovering from speeds exceeding 100 mph.
  • Dynamic characteristics of aircraft in hover and wingborne modes for further analyses.

This model was fully electric, employing batteries as a source of power and electric fans as the means of propulsion. The company reports plans to use thrusters and a turbo-compressor for later models, but has taken meaningful strides in demonstrating their claim that the J200 is capable of fully electric flight.

In January 2020, Jetoptera reported a partnership with Honeywell aimed at the adoption of fluid propulsion systems in the defense market, and in March of 2021 the company was awarded contracts from the U.S. Air Force to test the noise characteristics of the aircraft and prove that their fluid propulsion system was capable of producing “specific lift force levels similar to those of a rotor-wing aircraft, yet without moving parts”.

About Jetoptera

Jetoptera’s vision is to create a world where aerial mobility is commonplace for both cargo and people. We have developed a unique propulsion system integrated with a novel airframe. This allows us to create lighter, more efficient, and less complex aircraft. Our technology enables vertical and short takeoff and landing (V/STOL), high speeds, sizable payloads and range, and maneuverability.

InsideTracker Mobile App

Introducing the New InsideTracker Mobile App — Pioneering the Next Generation of Personalized Human Performance

It’s here. It’s arrived—the new InsideTracker mobile app.

After years of spirited debates, thousands of hours of scientific research, and countless iterations of designs, we are very proud to announce the achievement of a significant milestone for InsideTracker – the launch of our new iOS mobile app.

Now, InsideTracker customers can experience a new pinnacle of potential, personalization, and performance from your ultra-personalized nutrition system.

With this first of its kind, customer-exclusive app, you can now integrate real-time physiomarker data from your fitness tracker with your existing blood and DNA biomarker data. This unprecedented combination of Blood + DNA + Fitness Tracking data adds an exponential level of precision and customization to your InsideTracker Action Plan.

Fundamentally, it’s a simple equation with profound results. The more data you put into it, the more impact you get out of it.

Finally, a real-time and complete picture of your health and wellness

When we set about to design this new app from the ground up, we knew we had an ambitious task ahead of us, but one that would successfully realize our company vision. Integrate more and more scientifically proven biometric data inputs to deliver real-time, holistic health & wellness insights.

As a super performer, conscious achiever, and longevity seeker, you are actively looking to not only add more fidelity and deeper insights to your plans but also centralize all the growing and disparate sources of quantified data about your bodies. You wanted to measure more precisely, see more clearly, and act more confidently. In the end, understand the relationship, causation, and correlation between these different data points. You spoke, we listened, and it is here!

Additionally, as we dug deeper, our team of InsideTracker behavioral scientists unearthed more insights to inspire and inform our approach.

Building new habits that stick is a tall order for anyone. You must understand conceptually and intellectually “how” to get it done and be inspired, maintain & sustain, and have a systematic routine if you want to make progress in your health journey. The seeming complexity of orchestrating all these elements to drive desired behavior change can be overwhelming all on your own. And while you may have the goal in mind (e.g., strength, endurance, healthy aging), it can seem out of reach to visualize and realize the steps needed to reach that goal.

But with any challenges or speed bumps that come our way, we see opportunity. So we set about to create an elegant, mobile-first solution that addresses these problems head-on and puts the inherent power of InsideTracker right at your fingertips.

The app was created around a simple idea – provide limitless access to your health and wellness data, helping to keep you on track and build the sound habits you need to reach your health & wellness goals.

A host of brand new features were purpose-designed to provide a clearer & comprehensive picture of your health profile, real-time & immediate feedback, and put more customization & control in your hands.

Fitness tracking integration = more precision and personalization

We know that you, our insatiably curious InsideTracker customers, are measuring more and more data from a growing set of sources such as blood, DNA, and physiological biomarkers.

While all of these tell valuable, in-depth, and nuanced stories about what’s going on inside your body, the truth is they come at different times and frequencies.

Blood reflects what’s going on right now, but it’s just not practical or realistic to test daily. DNA can reveal your body’s potential for certain wellness traits, but your genetic blueprint is stable, unchanging and testing is genuinely only a once in a lifetime occasion. Physiological data, such as resting heart rate and sleep, provide motivating reminders of your daily activity and help monitor regular progress, but don’t effectively translate that data to simple, tangible, and effective “So now what?” actions.

The InsideTracker mobile app’s inherent power is its capability to make the whole truly greater than the sum of these individual parts. The simple act of adding fitness tracking data to your blood and genetic biomarkers unlocks never-before-seen dimensions of your InsideTracker Action Plan. Blood biomarkers now come with genetic and physiological insights. Our trusted, science-backed recommendations to improve your blood biomarkers now show how they will help you physiological markers and how your genetics impact both of them.

Sync your Fitbit to InsideTracker to automatically update your latest data, and you are on your way to seeing inside yourself from an entirely new perspective. A note to “other” fitness tracker fans. Yes, we are launching with Fitbit; however, Garmin and Apple Health integrations are next in line coming in early 2021, and more devices in the queue.

Daily and continuous optimization

At the heart of the new InsideTracker iOS app is the PULSE. This dynamic dashboard home base of the app integrates your daily Action Plan with your existing habits. It helps you visualize and plot your InsideTracker recommendations with easy guidance on how and when to incorporate them throughout your day.

These daily readings also feed into your WELLNESS SCORE, a newly calculated metric exclusive to our app that provides a daily snapshot of your progress towards optimizing your body. As you log actions according to your plan and change key physiological markers, you can track and monitor these changes reflected in your Wellness Score. InsideTracker’s data science team designed this proprietary algorithm to apply relative weight to critical changes and actions. Optimizations in your blood biomarkers will have a relatively more substantial effect on your Wellness Score. In contrast, improvements in physiological markers or daily check-ins on your Action Plan will have a somewhat smaller effect. Be sure to monitor your improvements because even those little changes in your Wellness Score will fuel feelings of reward and positively motivate you towards your goals.

And finally, you’ll get hyper-targeted PROTIPS to keep you on track towards your goals. Delivered daily, these nuggets of wisdom are a single, easy to follow, laser-focused recommendation that will have the most significant impact on improving your performance. Currently, PROTIPS are based on simple physiological recommendations, but soon we will be expanding PROTIPS to include nutrition and blood biomarker-based guidance.

More customization and control

InsideTracker’s behavioral science team was hard at work once again, reimagining the levels of flexibility, customization, and control you have over your InsideTracker Action Plan.

Go ahead and start by picking your goal. With thirteen (13) different goals to choose from, you can select the one you want to focus on, and we’ll help guide you to success. Because your body is dynamic, feel free to change your goal at any time.

New to the mobile app, you can now pick an Action Plan approach that fits your style. Do you want to build healthy habits one small step at a time? Choose the “Focused” approach to steadily zone in on your single highest-impact area. Or do you want to maximize your potential with a multi-step plan and make significant progress ASAP? Then choose “Strive” to fast track your plan by hyper-focusing on the top five highest-impact recommendations.

If it feels like there are too many recommendations, then go ahead and remove some. If you feel the spark to take on a few more, go ahead and add some. We put the power in your hands to design your own personal Action Plan’s pace, style, and robustness.

All of this customization culminates in another new key metric, the IMPACT SCORE. Your Impact Score shows you the strength and effectiveness of each recommendation specifically for you, guiding you to select the best habits to follow. The higher the score, the more influential the recommendation. The Impact Score is based on the number of biomarkers impacted by this recommendation, the strength of the science behind it, and the biomarkers’ importance to your goals.

Note that once you have successfully created your Action Plan on the new InsideTracker mobile app, we encourage you to look forward, not backward, because your Action Plan will now only live in your pocket where it rightfully belongs. Additionally, the new data provided by the app’s exclusive WELLNESS SCORE and IMPACT SCORE has created a dramatically improved Action Plan experience with deeper insights and more accountability.

Buy Ultimate + DNA Kit at 25% off— receive a free Fitbit!

he journey is just the beginning

Like your own exploration of personal performance and health & wellness, our commitment to being a beacon of truth in a murky world of misinformation is continuous.

A massive thank you goes out to all the designers, developers, creatives, and scientists whose hard work and dedication developed this novel experience specifically for you.

But more importantly, a huge thank you goes out to you, our intrepid truth-seekers, who inspired us to push the boundaries of possibilities and create something truly novel that has never been seen before.

With open arms, we invite you to join us in the next phase of this revolution and realize your body’s true potential for longer, healthier life.

  • The InsideTracker mobile app integrates data from blood, DNA, and fitness trackers to give you a real-time, holistic snapshot of your health & wellness.
  • New daily, actionable ProTips using your body’s real-time data will be delivered via the InsideTracker mobile app to help you stay on track every day of the week.
  • New Wellness Score provides an instant, digestible view of your progress towards your health and wellness goals.
  • New Impact Scores quantify each recommendation’s effectiveness on improving your biomarkers—specific to your body and goals.
  • The InsideTracker Action Plan that’s always been your guide has been redesigned. Fully customize it, create an approach and style that meets your needs—and have it with you in your pocket at every turn.
  • Currently, the InsideTracker mobile app is available on any iOS device. We are actively developing the Android version for launch in 2021.



Le compresseur à onduleur augmente les performances de chauffage et réduit la consommation d’énergie tandis que les fonctionnalités intelligentes offrent une commodité accrue

SEOUL, déc., 2020 –  LG Electronics (LG) présentera son chauffe-eau à pompe à chaleur Inverter avancé et économe en énergie au CES® 2021. Récipiendaire du CES Innovation Award, le nouveau modèle est alimenté par le célèbre compresseur DUAL Inverter de LG, qui favorise un chauffage de l’eau rapide et efficace, tout en réduisant la consommation d’électricité et les coûts de fonctionnement. De plus, cet appareil intelligent hautement efficace et durable est compatible avec l’application LG ThinQ ™ pour un contrôle pratique depuis l’intérieur ou l’extérieur de la maison.

Le compresseur Dual Inverter de LG chauffe l’eau en utilisant la chaleur de condensation lors du processus de compression et de circulation du réfrigérant. Le résultat est un chauffe-eau qui utilise jusqu’à 74% d’énergie en moins pour fonctionner chaque année qu’un chauffe-eau électrique conventionnel.1 Le nouveau produit sera disponible en versions de 200 litres et 270 litres, avec des cotes efficacité impressionnantes de A + et A ++, respectivement.2 De plus, le compresseur et le réservoir d’eau très durables sont couverts par une garantie de 10 ans. Le système efficace de LG utilise la chaleur de l’air pour réduire davantage la consommation d’électricité, tandis que ses deux sources de chaleur internes – la pompe à chaleur et le chauffage – garantissent que les utilisateurs n’auront jamais à se passer d ‘eau chaude, même en période de forte utilisation.

Le chauffe-eau à pompe à chaleur intelligent Inverter est compatible Wi-Fi, ce qui lui permet de fonctionner de manière transparente avec l’application mobile ThinQ de LG, disponible sur les appareils Android et iOS.3 Avec l’application, la maison

les propriétaires peuvent gérer et surveiller le système à distance, recevoir des rappels de maintenance réguliers et diagnostiquer certains problèmes sans avoir à appeler le service client. Les utilisateurs peuvent également vérifier la température de l’eau en temps réel et utiliser la fonction de programmation pour régler l’heure et la durée de fonctionnement.

«Le nouveau chauffe-eau à pompe à chaleur à onduleur LG reflète notre engagement à offrir des produits hautes performances qui ont moins d’impact sur les dépenses énergétiques des ménages et sur la planète», a déclaré Lyu Jae-cheol, président de LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company. «LG continuera à développer des solutions respectueuses de l’environnement qui rendent la vie quotidienne plus confortable pour les consommateurs du monde entier.»

Gagnant de tous les principaux prix de conception de produits – iF Design, Red Dot, IDEA – ce produit a un style élégant et moderne en ligne avec les derniers appareils électroménagers haut de gamme de LG et est également facile à installer. Le chauffe-eau à pompe à chaleur à onduleur LG sera disponible sur les marchés de toute l’Europe et de l’Amérique du Nord à partir du premier trimestre de 2021 et sera exposé sur le stand virtuel CES 2021 de LG à partir du 11 janvier.

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1 Based on internal simulation data of daily electricity consumption under EU-average climate conditions, annual electricity consumption was 74 percent lower with the 270-liter LG Inverter Heat Pump Water Heater when compared to a C-class general electric water heater.

2 Energy efficiency was tested in a non-heated space at 15 degrees Celsius according to EN16147 with load profile L.

3 LG ThinQ app compatibility not available in all markets.