Jaeger-LeCoultre is delighted to name Anya Taylor-Joy as a new Ambassador for the Maison, marking her debut with a short video A Call of the Heart, based on a symbolic phone call welcoming her into La Grande Maison. During the call Anya wears the Reverso Duetto Small in pink gold, which features a silvery-white dial on the front and a black dial and diamond-set gadroons on the reverse side.

The video was inspired by an historic phone call that was to have a profound impact on the Manufacture LeCoultre. In 1903, Jacques-David LeCoultre made a call to the Parisian watchmaker Edmond Jaeger to accept the latter’s challenge of creating an ultra-thin watch movement – and so began a long and fruitful collaboration that led to the formation of the Jaeger-LeCoultre company.

“The encounter with Anya was meant to be. Her long family history with polo and interest in watchmaking led us to a natural partnership”, says Catherine Rénier, the CEO of Jaeger-LeCoultre. “With her ethereal beauty, her sensitivity, her talent and hardworking ethics, she embodies the values and style of our Maison.”

Recognised as one of the most exciting talents of her generation, Anya Taylor-Joy is the living embodiment of modern femininity. Her on-screen presence has a mercurial quality – otherworldly yet intensely present, fearless but vulnerable, innocent yet dangerous.

Born in Miami to British-Argentine parents, and raised in Buenos Aires and London, the 26-year-old actress won rave reviews for her breakout performance in Robert Egger’s The Witch in 2016. A series of critically-acclaimed roles followed and, in 2020, the Netflix hit The Queen’s Gambit shot her star into the stratosphere; her mesmerising portrayal of Beth Harmon won her a Golden Globe, a Screen Actors’ Guild award and a Critics’ Choice award.

This was followed by major roles in Edgar Wright’s Last Night in Soho and Robert Eggers’ The Northman, and she will next be seen in David O. Russell’s Amsterdam with Christian Bale and Margot Robbie, as well as Mark Mylod’s comedy-horror The Menu with Ralph Fiennes and Nicholas Hoult. Anya is currently filming Furiosa, the Mad Max prequel.

joyas de Carrera y Carrera


Durante años, las joyas de Carrera y Carrera han tenido el poder de pasar de generación en generación, son objetos de deseo en los que vale la pena invertir por su artesanía, la calidad de sus materiales y su indiscutible personalidad.

Cada una de las piezas de la firma española Carrera y Carrera se elabora artesanalmente en sus talleres de Madrid, utilizando las más exquisitas técnicas de orfebrería, prestando máxima atención a los detalles, como si de una obra de arte se tratase. Todos los diseños de la firma son la expresión de su estilo propio, original e identificable. La naturaleza, el carácter español, el arte, el detalle figurativo y el inconfundible acabado brillo-mate sirven como guía para detectar el saber hacer de Carrera y Carrera.

Sortija Aqua

Sortija en oro blanco, topacio azul y diamantes

Una de las colecciones más icónicas de Carrera y Carrera, da nombre a la espectacular Sortija Aqua. La inspiración de esta colección se plasma perfectamente en la pieza: un tributo a los mares, los ríos y las fuentes que recorren cada rincón de España. La imponente presencia de la sortija con su gran topacio azul es una clara representación de como Carrera y Carrea entiende la vida.

Colgante Shanghai

Colgante en oro amarillo y blanco con diamantes

La colección Circulos de Fuego contiene obras de arte únicas representadas por el dragón, símbolo de fuerza y poder. Gracias al minucioso trabajo de orfebrería de la firma, el icónico Colgante Shangai refleja con todo detalle el carisma de este animal mitológico.

Brazalete Zodaria

Brazalete en oro amarillo, diamantes y diopsitas

Este fascinante brazalete pertenece a la nueva colección Origen. Bajo el lema “Back to the origins” las nuevas creaciones combinan animales exóticos, interpretados con total realismo, con elementos ornamentales y arquitectónicos. El Brazalete Zodaria en concreto está inspirado en los motivos orgánicos de origen animal presentes en la arquitectura. El marcado carácter de la pantera contrasta con la elegante sensibilidad de los elementos ornamentales resaltados gracias al uso del bajo relieve y el acabado brillo/ mate.

joyas de Carrera y Carrera

joyas de Carrera y Carrera

Pendientes Gardenia

Pendientes en oro amarillo, cristal de roca y diamantes

Gardenia ha llegado a ser una de las colecciones insignia de Carrera y Carrera gracias a su look sofisticado y rebosante de glamour. Música, sensualidad y recuerdo. Los Pendientes Gardenia recuerdan a una Cuba soñada que trajo a España todo el mito de la isla.

Burgos presenta en Bilbao “Burgos te sienta bien” con su oferta turística para este otoño

·       Se trata del primero de una serie de eventos de promoción enfocados a profesionales que la ciudad va a realizar en País Vasco centrados en atraer el turismo de proximidad.

·       En este evento se dará a conocer “Burgos Cidiano”, el gran hito turístico para esta temporada que se celebrará del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2022.

·       Dos profesionales referentes de la gastronomía burgalesa realizarán elaboraciones con productos de proximidad de Burgos destacando su lugar como Ciudad Creativa de la UNESCO.

Burgos, 7 de septiembre – La ciudad de Burgos, a través de Promueve Burgos -la Sociedad para la Promoción y el Desarrollo de la Ciudad de Burgos- presentará mañana jueves 8 de septiembre en la Sala Yimby Ercilla de Bilbao su campaña “Burgos te sienta bien” con la que pretende atraer al turismo de proximidad para los fines de semana y puentes durante otoño que tendrán lugar los próximos meses del año.

El acto, que contará con la participación del vicealcalde de Burgos, Vicente Marañón y será el primero de una serie de presentaciones dirigidas a profesionales relevantes del sector turístico, asociaciones e influencers digitales, es parte de la promoción prevista en varias ciudades próximas, en los meses de septiembre, octubre y noviembre.

El encuentro servirá para presentar Burgos Cidiano, uno de los referentes turísticos de la ciudad que se celebrará en la capital burgalesa del 29 de septiembre al 2 de octubre y que pretende ser uno de los mejores atractivos para el turismo familiar y cultural. La ciudad se transformará durante estos días en un parque temático medieval para recordar y honrar a uno de sus burgaleses más legendarios, El Cid Campeador.

Desde Promueve Burgos, se propone la visita a diferentes espacios de la ciudad bajo el eslogan “Burgos te sienta bien” que pretende subrayar la oferta turística y cultural de la capital burgalesa en los meses de otoño idóneos para atraer a familias, parejas y turistas en general para disfrutar de la belleza de las calles y paseos de Burgos en esta época del año.

La gastronomía burgalesa.

La riqueza gastronómica burgalesa también tendrá su espacio en la presentación. Cocineros y reconocidos profesionales de la gastronomía de la ciudad darán a conocer algunas de sus mejores elaboraciones realizadas con productos de proximidad vinculados a la huerta burgalesa.

En la presentación en Bilbao, la gastronomía correrá a cargo de la mano del reconocido cocinero Saúl Gómez (Blue Gallery), con postre especial elaborado por la ganadora del premio de la mejor tapa en la I Edición de la Bienal del vino, Elena Torrón (Pastelería El Colofón). Los asistentes al evento podrán degustar sus creaciones en el transcurso del acto.

Además de D. Vicente Marañón, el acto contará con la participación de Dña. Pilar Carvallo, de Burgos Cidiano, y el grupo teatral Ronco teatro que realizará una breve representación del evento con temática cidiana.

BURGOS, ciudad creativa de la gastronomía de la UNESCO.

Como Ciudad Creativa de la Gastronomía, Burgos forma parte de la red UNESCO desde el año 2015. A partir de esta iniciativa la ciudad proyecta fuera de sus fronteras el valor su gastronomía, la evolución e innovación y la calidad de la elaboración de menús a base de sus productos autóctonos

El compromiso de la ciudad de Burgos a través de su participación en varias iniciativas junto con otras Ciudades de la Red Mundial que incluye a todos los continentes fomenta, entre otros objetivos, el compartir buenas prácticas que permiten el desarrollo urbano sostenible.



La Sociedad para la Promoción y Desarrollo de la Ciudad de Burgos, S.A. (PROMUEVE BURGOS), en su condición de medio propio y servicio técnico del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Burgos, tiene por objeto la promoción de la ciudad desde su vertiente turística, industrial, logística, cultural y congresual, mediante el establecimiento de canales de cooperación público-privada; la organización o colaboración con otras entidades en la realización de actividades económicas, culturales, deportivas y recreativas;  la captación, organización directa o colaboración con otras entidades de Congresos, Ferias y Exposiciones; la recepción y gestión de toda clase de iniciativas públicas o privadas, para la expansión y mejora de los servicios turísticos; y la planificación y elaboración de estudios, proyectos y programas de captación de inversiones y subvenciones público-privadas.

Información de Contacto para el evento y ampliar información (Promoción Turística): Raquel Puente 699 153 980

Alojamientos de lujo, una experiencia única para explorar Japón

Alojamientos de lujo, una experiencia única para explorar Japón

Explorar Japón y su cultura desde una óptica de lujo es posible a través de la oferta de restaurantes, alojamientos, transportes y experiencias premium.  En concreto, el objetivo de los resorts de lujo es brindar al visitante una experiencia de viaje plenamente satisfactoria e inolvidable y es por ello que cada vez hay más por todo el país. Uno de ellos es el hotel VMG Resort de Kioto, que ofrece estancias en edificios históricos como ryokan -posadas de estilo japonés tradicional- con un nivel moderno de confort, pero siempre manteniendo un entorno inalterable al paso del tiempo. A unos 150 km de Tokio se encuentra Nikko, una ciudad que posee múltiples atractivos para quienes la visitan como el santuario Nikko Toshogu, el Parque Nacional de Nikko o las cataratas de Urami, entre otros. Y es precisamente en esta localidad donde se encuentra el hotel FUFU, un elegante refugio rodeado de un frondoso bosque verde. Cada una de sus 24 suites cuenta con su propio baño termal, interior o exterior. Por último, destaca el hotel Azumi Setoda, de gran legado histórico. Este complejo que se ubica en la isla Ikuchi en el mar de Seto está situado en una finca que pertenecía a una influyente familia de comerciantes de sal del siglo XVIII y donde cada habitación dispone de su propia zona exterior, además de una lujosa bañera de ciprés.

©FUFU Nikko Japan

©FUFU Nikko Japan

©FUFU Nikko Japan

Para conocer más sobre este tipo de alojamientos visita https://www.japan.travel/es/es/luxury/luxury-accommodation/

Sobre JNTO

La Oficina Nacional de Turismo de Japón (JNTO) es un organismo administrativo independiente del gobierno japonés cuya función es la promoción de Japón como destino turístico. En 2019 viajaron a Japón un total de 130.243 turistas españoles, (+9,5% con respecto al año anterior). Tras la apertura de la primera delegación en España en marzo de 2017, la JNTO dispone de 24 oficinas en todo el mundo y está vinculada además a la Agencia de Turismo de Japón del Ministerio de Territorio, Infraestructuras, Transporte y Turismo. La oficina de Madrid tiene competencias para la promoción turística de Japón en España y Portugal, y entre sus funciones se encuentra la asistencia a los profesionales del sector turístico en la promoción y el desarrollo de nuevos destinos e itinerarios o la participación en ferias y encuentros turísticos profesionales. Aparte, se encarga de ofrecer información y material a los turistas que deseen o vayan a viajar al país, colaborar y proporcionar información sobre Japón a los medios de comunicación y periodistas, promocionar el país como destino MICE y la realización de estudios del turismo emisor español hacia Japón.

Imprescindibles del verano en Japón

Festival Aomori Nebuta

© Japan National Tourism Organization

La región japonesa de Tohoku alberga uno de los eventos culturales más importantes del país: el Festival Aomori Nebuta, que se celebra todos los veranos del 2 al 7 de agosto. Durante estas fechas la ciudad de Aomori se inunda de gigantescas carrozas nebuta creadas y diseñadas por las agrupaciones vecinales durante todo el año. Estas figuras, que representan desde dioses y espíritus hasta personalidades locales y del mundo de la televisión, alcanzan los 9 metros de ancho y 5 de largo. Perfectamente iluminadas, las enormes nebuta desfilan por las calles de la localidad cuando llega la noche (a excepción del último día) acompañadas por una multitud de personas disfrazadas tocando instrumentos, como la flauta o los platillos. El colofón llega con dos horas de pirotecnia y fuegos artificiales. Además de este de gran evento, en Japón se pueden encontrar otros festivales muy llamativos como el de Gujo Odori, que tiene lugar en Gujo-Hachiman, el de Kawagoe, que se celebra en el mismo pueblo, o el de Shanshan, en la ciudad de Tottori.

Festival Awa Odori de Tokushima

Festival Awa Odori © Tokushima Prefecture  

Con más de 400 años de antigüedad, el Festival Awa Odori es uno de los eventos culturales más importantes de todo el país nipón. Aunque se celebra en varias ciudades, el más popular y el que recibe más visitantes es el que se organiza cada verano en Tokushima, en la isla de Shikoku. Entre el 12 y 15 de agosto, las calles del casco histórico de esta localidad reciben a más de un millón de personas, entre bailarines y curiosos que se acercan a contemplar las danzas de los ren o grupos de baile. Ataviados con coloridas vestimentas, los participantes recorren las calles y compiten en distintos concursos. Además, los visitantes que quieran unirse a esta festividad podrán hacerlo inscribiéndose en el Niwaka Ren, donde recibirán clases de la mano de un grupo de danza profesional antes de salir a escena.


The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals. Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists. Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud. In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud. Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are: Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

La Policía alerta de la estafa del verano en España y Marbella: estafas en alquileres vacacionales

La estafa veraniega se ha disparado este año y ya supera las cifras de 2019. Ante tal tendencia, la Policía Nacional, junto a empresas de venta y alquiler de villas, viviendas de lujo en Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, han lanzado la alerta para que los usuarios tengan más cuidado con posibles estafas en los alquileres vacacionales.

Recuerda que solo durante este 2022, más de 6.000 españoles caerán en la trampa de estafadores como los que han protagonizado el programa. Entonces, antes de hacer un pago inicial por lo que parece una ganga, asegúrese de que el apartamento exista.

Ante esta situación, la Dirección General de la Policía ha lanzado este jueves una serie de recomendaciones para evitar ser víctima de fraude. De esta forma, advierten que los ciudadanos que no están acostumbrados a reservar un apartamento o casa online o que no saben cómo funcionan plataformas como Airbnb pueden ser un blanco fácil para las organizaciones dedicadas a este tipo de fraudes.

Para que los usuarios puedan reservar con tranquilidad y encontrar un anfitrión de confianza este verano, Policía Nacional, Airbnb y Confianza Online han trabajado de forma conjunta para que los huéspedes puedan estar alerta para detectar y evitar fraudes.

Algunas de las señales y consejos para evitar estafas a la hora de reservar vacaciones de verano son:

  1. Cuidado con los mensajes con enlaces sospechosos. No hagas clic en enlaces de correos electrónicos en los que no confíes. Pueden contener enlaces a páginas web falsas que imitan el diseño de Airbnb en un intento de robar información personal o infectar dispositivos. En esta situación, vuelve a la página de inicio
  2. escribiendo en su navegador y continúe navegando desde allí. Descubre aquí cómo detectar si un correo electrónico o sitio web realmente pertenece a Airbnb.
    Tenga cuidado con las ofertas que son demasiado buenas para ser verdad. Cuidado con las ofertas que combinan precios excesivamente bajos con imágenes o alojamientos muy atractivos. Si un propietario quiere hacer demasiados cambios durante el proceso de reserva (le ofrece pagar de manera diferente, le envía direcciones de contacto que no coinciden con la lista, le ofrece una lista diferente que no estaba en la página, etc.) podría ser algo detrás de un criminal que quiere evitar su ubicación. Para evitar esto, busque anuncios que tengan muchas críticas positivas y léalos con atención. Esto te permitirá detectar si hay algún aspecto negativo que varios huéspedes señalen y que pueda empañar tus vacaciones. También puede verificar que la identidad del anfitrión y otros detalles de la cuenta hayan sido verificados o confirmados.
  3. Comunicación y pago, siempre en la plataforma. Si te piden que hagas un depósito o una transferencia bancaria, si te dan una factura en PDF o en papel o te ofrecen un descuento por pagar fuera de la plataforma, desconfía. Presta especial atención si esa persona te propone utilizar para el pago empresas que normalmente se dedican al envío de dinero, cheques bancarios, giros postales. Si sugieren métodos de pago fuera de la plataforma, lo más probable es que pretendan realizar algún tipo de fraude. Por lo tanto, siempre debe realizar los pagos y comunicarse a través del sitio web o la aplicación de Airbnb. Siempre que te comuniques, reserves y pagues a través de Airbnb tendrás la seguridad que te garantiza el sistema de protección múltiple. Si el anfitrión nunca te pide que hables por otros medios o te envía correos electrónicos, es una buena señal.
  4. Sospechas de un tono de urgencia o de incoherencias por parte del anfitrión. Los estafadores suelen tratar de apurar o presionar a los huéspedes para que reserven, mostrar incoherencias en el idioma en el que se expresan y en sus nacionalidades, zonas de residencia o prefijos telefónicos, así como en el texto del anuncio del alojamiento. No te sientas presionado, antes de decidirte por un alojamiento, lee atentamente el perfil del anfitrión, los comentarios de anteriores huéspedes y, por ejemplo, utiliza el comparador de imágenes disponible en los principales buscadores de Internet, y comprueba si las imágenes corresponden a diferentes alquileres ubicados en diferentes áreas geográficas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.