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Engel & Volkers | Francia: El histórico Château du Marais en Francia tiene un nuevo dueño

Engel & Volkers | Francia: El histórico Château du Marais en Francia tiene un nuevo dueño

  • Engel & Völkers negocia la venta de una finca histórica por un precio inicial de 52 millones de euros

Hamburgo / París, 13 de octubre de 2022. A unos 36 kilómetros al oeste de París, el Château du Marais se encuentra en el municipio francés de Le Val-Saint-Germain, en la región de Essonne. El castillo fue construido en el siglo XVIII por el arquitecto Jean Benoît Vincent Barré y es conocido como “Petit Versailles”.

Durante muchos años la finca fue propiedad de las familias Pourtalès y Frotier de Bagneux, quienes encargaron la venta a Engel & Völkers. “Cada castillo es testimonio de una larga tradición en la que la historia se transmite a un nuevo custodio. La intermediación de tales propiedades requiere experiencia comprobada, particularmente cuando se trata de posibles conceptos de uso, trabajos de renovación y trato con las autoridades del patrimonio”, dice Alexis Caquet, gerente. Director del Market Center de Engel & Völkers en París.

Los especialistas inmobiliarios de la capital francesa gestionaron cada etapa y detalle del proceso de venta, encontrando un nuevo comprador a través de la red internacional de Engel & Völkers. Château du Marais cambió de manos en junio de 2022. El nuevo propietario es el empresario checo Daniel Křetínský.

Magnífico castillo lleno de historia

El Château du Marais está considerado como uno de los edificios más notables del período de regencia de Luis XVI y está catalogado como monumento histórico. Los interiores no pueden dejar de impresionar con sus detalles de época originales, incluidos muebles, pinturas, esculturas y objetos hechos a mano. La propiedad incluye un parque paisajístico de 35 hectáreas con magníficos jardines y un lago espejo de 550 metros de largo que se extiende hacia la fachada oeste del castillo principal.

Las familias aristocráticas que han sido propietarios y han residido en el castillo incluyen las dinastías Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord y, más recientemente, las familias Pourtalès y Frotier de Bagneux. “Adquirir y mantener propiedades con un patrimonio tan inmenso implica asumir enormes responsabilidades y va de la mano de una verdadera pasión, experiencia y atención al detalle”, dice Alexis Caquet, y agrega: “Los castillos son verdaderas joyas que rara vez salen al mercado. Por lo tanto, la necesidad de asesoramiento experto tanto del lado del comprador como del vendedor es muy alta”.

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Engel & Völkers | France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”

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Engel & Völkers | France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”

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Engel & Völkers | France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”

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Engel & Völkers | France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”

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Engel & Völkers | France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”

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Engel & Völkers | France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”

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Engel & Völkers | France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”

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Engel & Volkers | Francia: El histórico Château du Marais en Francia tiene un nuevo dueño

Engel & Volkers | Francia: El histórico Château du Marais en Francia tiene un nuevo dueño

  • Engel & Völkers negocia la venta de una finca histórica por un precio inicial de 52 millones de euros

Hamburgo / París, 13 de octubre de 2022. A unos 36 kilómetros al oeste de París, el Château du Marais se encuentra en el municipio francés de Le Val-Saint-Germain, en la región de Essonne. El castillo fue construido en el siglo XVIII por el arquitecto Jean Benoît Vincent Barré y es conocido como “Petit Versailles”.

Durante muchos años la finca fue propiedad de las familias Pourtalès y Frotier de Bagneux, quienes encargaron la venta a Engel & Völkers. “Cada castillo es testimonio de una larga tradición en la que la historia se transmite a un nuevo custodio. La intermediación de tales propiedades requiere experiencia comprobada, particularmente cuando se trata de posibles conceptos de uso, trabajos de renovación y trato con las autoridades del patrimonio”, dice Alexis Caquet, gerente. Director del Market Center de Engel & Völkers en París.

Los especialistas inmobiliarios de la capital francesa gestionaron cada etapa y detalle del proceso de venta, encontrando un nuevo comprador a través de la red internacional de Engel & Völkers. Château du Marais cambió de manos en junio de 2022. El nuevo propietario es el empresario checo Daniel Křetínský.

Magnífico castillo lleno de historia

El Château du Marais está considerado como uno de los edificios más notables del período de regencia de Luis XVI y está catalogado como monumento histórico. Los interiores no pueden dejar de impresionar con sus detalles de época originales, incluidos muebles, pinturas, esculturas y objetos hechos a mano. La propiedad incluye un parque paisajístico de 35 hectáreas con magníficos jardines y un lago espejo de 550 metros de largo que se extiende hacia la fachada oeste del castillo principal.

Las familias aristocráticas que han sido propietarios y han residido en el castillo incluyen las dinastías Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord y, más recientemente, las familias Pourtalès y Frotier de Bagneux. “Adquirir y mantener propiedades con un patrimonio tan inmenso implica asumir enormes responsabilidades y va de la mano de una verdadera pasión, experiencia y atención al detalle”, dice Alexis Caquet, y agrega: “Los castillos son verdaderas joyas que rara vez salen al mercado. Por lo tanto, la necesidad de asesoramiento experto tanto del lado del comprador como del vendedor es muy alta”.

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