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Convocatoria final de inscripciones en los Royal Automobile Club Historic Awards 2022

Convocatoria final de inscripciones en los Royal Automobile Club Historic Awards 2022

Las nominaciones para los Premios Históricos del Royal Automobile Club 2022 cierran a las 5 p. m. del sábado 8 de octubre, por lo que tiene poco más de una semana para enviar sus sugerencias sobre lo mejor de lo mejor en el mundo del automovilismo histórico y los deportes de motor británicos.

1979 Aston Martin Bulldog

La gama de categorías refleja la amplitud del movimiento automovilístico histórico, y el Club busca celebrar las industrias artesanales, los eventos de base y los esfuerzos individuales, así como los “grandes nombres” en este sector.

Cualquiera puede nominar: las empresas pueden nominarse a sí mismas, a sus productos o a sus empleados, las organizaciones pueden nominar a sus eventos o personal, los entusiastas pueden nominar eventos maravillosos en los que han participado o visto, las personas pueden sugerir revistas o artículos en línea, programas de televisión o podcasts que han amado – o que han creado. Las candidaturas son gratuitas y se realizan a través de un sencillo formulario en on www.royalautomobileclubhistoricawards.co.uk.

El período de elegibilidad es del 1 de octubre de 2021 al 30 de septiembre de 2022 y los ganadores se anunciarán en una noche de gala de entrega de premios en la sede del club Pall Mall del Royal Automobile Club el 24 de noviembre.

Las nominaciones están invitadas en los siguientes categories:

  • Colección: reconocimiento de los logros dentro del período de elegibilidad de museos grandes y pequeños o de colecciones de propiedad privada.
  • Evento competitivo: tiene un amplio mandato que cubre todo, desde reuniones de carreras y rallies por etapas hasta subidas de colinas, pruebas de regularidad, series de carreras e incluso carreras individuales.
  • Innovación: creada para premiar la iniciativa y la creatividad en el desarrollo de nuevos productos y servicios.
  • Espectáculo de automovilismo: para eventos automovilísticos clásicos de todos los tamaños, sin elementos de competencia cronometrada. Los eventos elegibles incluyen concursos de elegancia, recorridos, reuniones de clubes y espectáculos de vehículos clásicos.
  • Periodismo excepcional: para la mejor función impresa, digital o de transmisión.
  • Esfuerzo personal: celebración de los logros individuales dentro del mundo histórico del automovilismo o del automovilismo.
  • Restauración: reconocer la habilidad superlativa, la investigación y la sensibilidad a la historia de un vehículo que hace una restauración de clase mundial.
  • Young Achiever: para esas estrellas en ascenso, de 18 a 30 años, que son el futuro de la industria automovilística histórica de Gran Bretaña.

Un elemento clave de los premios es el proceso de evaluación independiente, riguroso y experto. Cada categoría es evaluada por su propio jurado especializado cuidadosamente seleccionado con altos niveles de experiencia relevante.

En la noche de entrega de premios del jueves 24 de noviembre, el Club también entregará el Premio a la Trayectoria del Royal Automobile Club, en reconocimiento a una persona que ha realizado una contribución notable al legado del automovilismo y/o el automovilismo británico durante muchas décadas. El ganador del año pasado fue John Grant, presidente del British Racing Drivers Club.

Los premios son una continuación del pedigrí de 125 años del Club en el reconocimiento de los logros automovilísticos. Hoy, el Club presenta una serie de galardones reconocidos internacionalmente, incluidos el Trofeo Segrave, el Trofeo Torrens, la Medalla Simms, el Trofeo Dewar y el trofeo más antiguo del automovilismo: el Tourist Trophy.

Para más información de prensa, póngase en contacto con:

Karen Coe Karen.Coe@royalautomobileclub.co.uk Tel: 07540 725821

Jeremy Vaughan jeremy.vaughan@royalautomobileclub.co.uk Tel: 01372 229 604

Sobre el Real Automóvil Club
El Real Automóvil Club fue fundado en 1897 y su distinguida historia refleja la del automovilismo mismo. En 1907, el Rey Eduardo VII otorgó al Club su título Real, lo que selló el estatus del Club como la organización automovilística más antigua e influyente de Gran Bretaña.

Los primeros años del Club se centraron en promover el automóvil y su lugar en la sociedad, lo que se convirtió en eventos automovilísticos como el 1000 Mile Trial, que se celebró por primera vez en 1900. En 1905, el Club celebró el primer Tourist Trophy, que sigue siendo el más antiguo continuamente Compitió para el evento de deportes de motor. El Club promovió los primeros Grandes Premios de antes y después de la guerra en Brooklands en 1926 y Silverstone en 1948 respectivamente, mientras continuaba con la campaña por los derechos de los automovilistas, incluida la introducción de las primeras licencias de conducir.

Hoy, el Club continúa desarrollando y apoyando el automovilismo a través de la representación en la Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) y la Fundación RAC mientras promueve sus propios eventos automovilísticos, incluida la London Motor Week del Club y el RM Sotheby’s London to Brighton Veteran Car Run.

El Club también otorga una serie de trofeos y medallas reconocidos internacionalmente que celebran los logros automovilísticos. Estos incluyen el Trofeo Segrave, el Trofeo Torrens, la Medalla Simms, el Trofeo Dewar y el trofeo más antiguo en el automovilismo por el que aún se compite en la actualidad, el Tourist Trophy.


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Final call for entries in the 2022 Royal Automobile Club Historic Awards

Final call for entries in the 2022 Royal Automobile Club Historic Awards

Nominations for the 2022 Royal Automobile Club Historic Awards close at 5pm on Saturday, 8 October – so you have just over a week to submit your suggestions for the best of the best in the British historic motoring and motorsport world.

1979 Aston Martin Bulldog

The range of categories reflects the breadth of the historic motoring movement, and the Club is looking to celebrate cottage industries, grassroots events and individual endeavours as well as the ‘big names’ in this sector.

Anyone can nominate – companies can nominate themselves, their products or their employees, organisations can nominate their events or personnel, enthusiasts can nominate wonderful events they’ve taken part in or watched, individuals can suggest magazine or online articles, TV programmes or podcasts that they’ve loved – or that they’ve created. Nominations are free of charge and are made via a simple form on www.royalautomobileclubhistoricawards.co.uk.

The eligibility period is 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022 and the winners will be announced at a gala awards’ evening at the Royal Automobile Club’s Pall Mall clubhouse on 24 November.

Nominations are invited in the following categories:

  • Collection – recognising achievements within the eligibility period by museums large and small or by privately-owned collections.
  • Competitive Event – this has a wide remit covering everything from race meetings and stage rallies to hill climbs, regularity trials, race series and even individual races.
  • Innovation – created to reward initiative and creativity in the development of new products and services.
  • Motoring Spectacle – for classic motoring events of all sizes, with no element of timed competition. Eligible events include concours d’elegance, tours, club gatherings and classic vehicle shows.
  • Outstanding Journalism – for the very best print, digital or broadcast feature.
  • Personal Endeavour – celebrating individual achievement within the historic motoring or motorsport world.
  • Restoration – recognising the superlative skill, research and sensitivity to a vehicle’s history that makes a world-class restoration.
  • Young Achiever – for those rising stars, aged 18-30, who are the future of Britain’s historic motoring industry.

One key element of the Awards is the independent, rigorous, expert judging process. Each category is assessed by its own handpicked, specialist judging panel with high levels of relevant expertise.

At the Awards’ evening on Thursday, 24 November, the Club will also present the Royal Automobile Club Lifetime Achievement Award, in recognition of an individual who has made a remarkable contribution to British motoring and/or motorsport heritage over many decades. Last year’s recipient was John Grant, Chairman of the British Racing Drivers Club.

The Awards are a continuation of the Club’s 125-year pedigree in recognising motoring accomplishments. Today, the Club presents a series of internationally recognised accolades, including the Segrave Trophy, the Torrens Trophy, the Simms Medal, the Dewar Trophy and the oldest trophy in motorsport – the Tourist Trophy.

For further press information please contact:
Karen Coe Karen.Coe@royalautomobileclub.co.uk Tel: 07540 725821
Jeremy Vaughan jeremy.vaughan@royalautomobileclub.co.uk Tel: 01372 229 604

About the Royal Automobile Club
The Royal Automobile Club was founded in 1897 and its distinguished history mirrors that of motoring itself. In 1907, the Club was awarded its Royal title by King Edward VII, sealing the Club’s status as Britain’s oldest and most influential motoring organisation.

The Club’s early years were focused on promoting the motor car and its place in society, which developed into motoring events such as the 1000 Mile Trial, first held in 1900. In 1905, the Club held the first Tourist Trophy, which remains the oldest continuously competed for motor sports event. The Club promoted the first pre-war and post-war Grands Prix at Brooklands in 1926 and Silverstone in 1948 respectively, whilst continuing to campaign for the rights of the motorist, including introducing the first driving licences.

Today, the Club continues to develop and support automobilism through representation on the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and the RAC Foundation while promoting its own motoring events including the Club’s London Motor Week and the RM Sotheby’s London to Brighton Veteran Car Run.

The Club also awards a series of internationally recognised trophies and medals celebrating motoring achievements. These include the Segrave Trophy, the Torrens Trophy, the Simms Medal, the Dewar Trophy and the oldest trophy in motorsport still being competed for today, the Tourist Trophy.


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Final call for entries in the 2022 Royal Automobile Club Historic Awards

Final call for entries in the 2022 Royal Automobile Club Historic Awards

Nominations for the 2022 Royal Automobile Club Historic Awards close at 5pm on Saturday, 8 October – so you have just over a week to submit your suggestions for the best of the best in the British historic motoring and motorsport world.

1979 Aston Martin Bulldog

The range of categories reflects the breadth of the historic motoring movement, and the Club is looking to celebrate cottage industries, grassroots events and individual endeavours as well as the ‘big names’ in this sector.

Anyone can nominate – companies can nominate themselves, their products or their employees, organisations can nominate their events or personnel, enthusiasts can nominate wonderful events they’ve taken part in or watched, individuals can suggest magazine or online articles, TV programmes or podcasts that they’ve loved – or that they’ve created. Nominations are free of charge and are made via a simple form on www.royalautomobileclubhistoricawards.co.uk.

The eligibility period is 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022 and the winners will be announced at a gala awards’ evening at the Royal Automobile Club’s Pall Mall clubhouse on 24 November.

Nominations are invited in the following categories:

  • Collection – recognising achievements within the eligibility period by museums large and small or by privately-owned collections.
  • Competitive Event – this has a wide remit covering everything from race meetings and stage rallies to hill climbs, regularity trials, race series and even individual races.
  • Innovation – created to reward initiative and creativity in the development of new products and services.
  • Motoring Spectacle – for classic motoring events of all sizes, with no element of timed competition. Eligible events include concours d’elegance, tours, club gatherings and classic vehicle shows.
  • Outstanding Journalism – for the very best print, digital or broadcast feature.
  • Personal Endeavour – celebrating individual achievement within the historic motoring or motorsport world.
  • Restoration – recognising the superlative skill, research and sensitivity to a vehicle’s history that makes a world-class restoration.
  • Young Achiever – for those rising stars, aged 18-30, who are the future of Britain’s historic motoring industry.

One key element of the Awards is the independent, rigorous, expert judging process. Each category is assessed by its own handpicked, specialist judging panel with high levels of relevant expertise.

At the Awards’ evening on Thursday, 24 November, the Club will also present the Royal Automobile Club Lifetime Achievement Award, in recognition of an individual who has made a remarkable contribution to British motoring and/or motorsport heritage over many decades. Last year’s recipient was John Grant, Chairman of the British Racing Drivers Club.

The Awards are a continuation of the Club’s 125-year pedigree in recognising motoring accomplishments. Today, the Club presents a series of internationally recognised accolades, including the Segrave Trophy, the Torrens Trophy, the Simms Medal, the Dewar Trophy and the oldest trophy in motorsport – the Tourist Trophy.

For further press information please contact:
Karen Coe Karen.Coe@royalautomobileclub.co.uk Tel: 07540 725821
Jeremy Vaughan jeremy.vaughan@royalautomobileclub.co.uk Tel: 01372 229 604

About the Royal Automobile Club
The Royal Automobile Club was founded in 1897 and its distinguished history mirrors that of motoring itself. In 1907, the Club was awarded its Royal title by King Edward VII, sealing the Club’s status as Britain’s oldest and most influential motoring organisation.

The Club’s early years were focused on promoting the motor car and its place in society, which developed into motoring events such as the 1000 Mile Trial, first held in 1900. In 1905, the Club held the first Tourist Trophy, which remains the oldest continuously competed for motor sports event. The Club promoted the first pre-war and post-war Grands Prix at Brooklands in 1926 and Silverstone in 1948 respectively, whilst continuing to campaign for the rights of the motorist, including introducing the first driving licences.

Today, the Club continues to develop and support automobilism through representation on the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and the RAC Foundation while promoting its own motoring events including the Club’s London Motor Week and the RM Sotheby’s London to Brighton Veteran Car Run.

The Club also awards a series of internationally recognised trophies and medals celebrating motoring achievements. These include the Segrave Trophy, the Torrens Trophy, the Simms Medal, the Dewar Trophy and the oldest trophy in motorsport still being competed for today, the Tourist Trophy.


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