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Cuatro damas líderes se unen a OMEGA en Shanghai para el lanzamiento de la nueva Constelación “Manhattan”

Cuatro damas líderes se unen a OMEGA en Shanghai para el lanzamiento de la nueva Constelación “Manhattan”

Una noche inolvidable con Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio y Liu Shishi.

Fue una noche de verdadera calidad de estrella, ya que OMEGA lanzó su nueva colección Constellation “Manhattan” en un evento especial en Shanghai. Alojado en el deslumbrante Expo I – Pabellón de la ciudad, las celebraciones introdujeron un cambio de imagen completo para los icónicos relojes Constellation y también llevaron al escenario a cuatro de las mujeres más inspiradoras de OMEGA.

Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio y Liu Shishi llegaron como las glamorosas invitadas de honor de la noche, cada una representando la belleza, la sofisticación y la excelencia por las que la colección Constellation es conocida.

Junto a los cuatro embajadores de OMEGA estaba Raynald Aeschlimann, President and CEO of OMEGA quien dijo: “La Constelación siempre ha sido admirada por las mujeres de todo el mundo. No importa el país, ha atraído a mujeres de todos los orígenes y estilos. Para celebrar ese espíritu, hemos tenido la suerte de no tener uno, sino cuatro de nuestros amigos más cercanos aquí juntos. Tener a Nicole, Cindy, Shishi y Alessandra en un solo evento muestra cuánto amor hay por la Constelación ”.

La colección Constellation ha sido durante mucho tiempo el símbolo de OMEGA de precisión y elegancia inigualables en la relojería. Fue el diseño “Manhattan” en 1982 que introdujo el aspecto moderno y la nueva colección de hoy ha mejorado muchas de las características más famosas. Se pondrán a disposición de los clientes más de 100 modelos nuevos, cada uno de ellos con actualizaciones sutiles que incluyen bordes biselados para un aspecto femenino refinado, biseles delgados y las icónicas “garras”, que ahora se ajustan más cómodamente al estuche. También se han creado más colores de esfera y tamaños de caja, incluidos relojes en 25 mm, 28 mm y 29 mm.

Al entrar en el lugar, fue claro para los invitados ver la inspiración de la noche, con un exquisito telón de fondo blanco y dorado que reflejaba el horizonte de “Manhattan”. Entre las muchas formas y texturas, los nuevos relojes estaban en exhibición y listos para un primer plano.

Cindy Crawford tiene una conexión muy singular con la Constelación, ya que fue parte del rediseño de la colección en 1995. Hablando en Shanghai, dijo: “Ahora he visto esta colección evolucionar en las últimas décadas y siempre estoy impresionado por Nuevos diseños de OMEGA. Es un reloj tan clásico, pero estos nuevos modelos demuestran cuán relevante sigue siendo hoy en día “.

Alessandra Ambrosio, una de las supermodelos más reconocidas del mundo, dijo: “Me encanta la moda que es atemporal. La constelación es el ejemplo perfecto. Tiene historia y estilo, y es un reloj que nunca pierde su encanto. Esa es la señal de un diseño realmente grandioso “.

Nicole Kidman es otra fan de los relojes que conoce muy bien OMEGA y Constellation. En declaraciones a los invitados, dijo: “Conozco a OMEGA desde hace mucho tiempo y son una marca que se preocupa por la calidad y el avance de sus productos. Podemos ver eso claramente en la Constelación. Estos relojes están hechos especialmente para mujeres y han sido capaces de adaptarse y cambiar de la manera más sutil y elegante “.

La actriz china, Liu Shishi, una de las embajadoras más nuevas de OMEGA, dijo: “Es un honor dar la bienvenida a todos aquí en mi país de origen. Es un privilegio estar en Shanghai y compartir el escenario con mujeres tan grandiosas “.

La velada especial concluyó con una actuación musical del pianista Stephen Ridley y la revelación de la nueva campaña publicitaria Constellation de OMEGA. Las imágenes, tomadas por el reconocido fotógrafo Damon Baker, presentan a Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra y Liu Shishi, todas juntas en un poderoso y hermoso retrato.

Para la noche, Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra y Shishi usaron un modelo de la nueva Colección de Joyas Constellation “Manhattan”. Estos relojes de 28 mm se distinguen por sus diales hechos de ópalo blanco australiano. Las horas están marcadas por 12 índices de rubí con corte baguette, que combinan maravillosamente con los vestidos rojos que usan los embajadores de OMEGA.

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Four leading ladies join OMEGA in Shanghai for the launch of the new Constellation “Manhattan”

Four leading ladies join OMEGA in Shanghai for the launch of the new Constellation “Manhattan”

An unforgettable night with Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio and Liu Shishi.

It was an evening of true star quality, as OMEGA launched its new Constellation “Manhattan” collection at a special event in Shanghai. Hosted at the city’s dazzling Expo I–Pavilion, the celebrations introduced a full makeover for the iconic Constellation timepieces and also brought four of OMEGA’s most inspirational women to the stage.

Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio and Liu Shishi arrived as the glamorous guests of honour for the evening – each representing the beauty, sophistication and excellence that the Constellation collection is known for.

Standing alongside the four OMEGA ambassadors was Raynald Aeschlimann, President and CEO of OMEGA, who said, “The Constellation has always been admired by women all around the world. No matter the country, it has appealed to ladies of all backgrounds and styles. To celebrate that spirit, we’ve been lucky to have not one, but four of our closest friends here together. Having Nicole, Cindy, Shishi and Alessandra at one single event shows how much love there is for the Constellation.”

The Constellation collection has long been OMEGA’s symbol of unrivalled precision and elegance in watchmaking. It was the “Manhattan” design in 1982 that introduced the modern look and today’s new collection has enhanced many of the most famous features. More than 100 new models will be made available to customers, each of them with subtle updates including bevelled edges for a refined feminine look, slender bezels and the iconic “claws”, which now fit more snugly to the case. More dial colours and case sizes have also been created, including watches in 25 mm, 28 mm and 29 mm.

Stepping inside the venue, it was clear for guests to see the evening’s inspiration, with an exquisite backdrop of white and gold that mirrored the “Manhattan” skyline. Amongst the many shapes and textures, the new timepieces were on display and ready for a close-up look.

Cindy Crawford has a very unique connection to the Constellation, as she was part of the collection’s redesign in 1995. Speaking in Shanghai, she said, “I’ve now seen this collection evolve over the past several decades and I’m always impressed by OMEGA’s new designs. It’s such a classic watch, yet these new models prove just how relevant it remains today.”

Alessandra Ambrosio, one of the world’s most recognised super-models, said, “I love fashion that is timeless. The Constellation is the perfect example. It has history and style, and it’s a watch that never loses its charm. That’s the sign of a truly great design.”

Nicole Kidman is another watch fan who knows OMEGA and the Constellation very well. Speaking to guests, she said, “I’ve known OMEGA a long time and they’re a brand that cares about quality and advancing their products. We can clearly see that in the Constellation. These watches are made especially for women and they have been able to adapt and change in the most subtle and elegant way.”

The Chinese actress, Liu Shishi, one of OMEGA’s newest ambassadors, said, “It’s my honour to welcome everyone here in my home country. It’s a privilege to be in Shanghai and to share the stage with such great women.”

The special evening concluded with a musical performance by the pianist Stephen Ridley as well as the revelation of OMEGA’s new Constellation advertising campaign. The imagery, shot by renowned photographer Damon Baker, features Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra and Liu Shishi, all together in one powerful and beautiful portrait.

For the evening, Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra and Shishi each wore a model from the new Constellation “Manhattan” Jewellery Collection. These 28 mm timepieces are distinguished by their dials made from Australian white opal. The hours are marked by 12 baguette-cut ruby indexes – beautifully matching the red dresses worn by the OMEGA ambassadors.

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Four leading ladies join OMEGA in Shanghai for the launch of the new Constellation “Manhattan”

Four leading ladies join OMEGA in Shanghai for the launch of the new Constellation “Manhattan”

An unforgettable night with Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio and Liu Shishi.

It was an evening of true star quality, as OMEGA launched its new Constellation “Manhattan” collection at a special event in Shanghai. Hosted at the city’s dazzling Expo I–Pavilion, the celebrations introduced a full makeover for the iconic Constellation timepieces and also brought four of OMEGA’s most inspirational women to the stage.

Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio and Liu Shishi arrived as the glamorous guests of honour for the evening – each representing the beauty, sophistication and excellence that the Constellation collection is known for.

Standing alongside the four OMEGA ambassadors was Raynald Aeschlimann, President and CEO of OMEGA, who said, “The Constellation has always been admired by women all around the world. No matter the country, it has appealed to ladies of all backgrounds and styles. To celebrate that spirit, we’ve been lucky to have not one, but four of our closest friends here together. Having Nicole, Cindy, Shishi and Alessandra at one single event shows how much love there is for the Constellation.”

The Constellation collection has long been OMEGA’s symbol of unrivalled precision and elegance in watchmaking. It was the “Manhattan” design in 1982 that introduced the modern look and today’s new collection has enhanced many of the most famous features. More than 100 new models will be made available to customers, each of them with subtle updates including bevelled edges for a refined feminine look, slender bezels and the iconic “claws”, which now fit more snugly to the case. More dial colours and case sizes have also been created, including watches in 25 mm, 28 mm and 29 mm.

Stepping inside the venue, it was clear for guests to see the evening’s inspiration, with an exquisite backdrop of white and gold that mirrored the “Manhattan” skyline. Amongst the many shapes and textures, the new timepieces were on display and ready for a close-up look.

Cindy Crawford has a very unique connection to the Constellation, as she was part of the collection’s redesign in 1995. Speaking in Shanghai, she said, “I’ve now seen this collection evolve over the past several decades and I’m always impressed by OMEGA’s new designs. It’s such a classic watch, yet these new models prove just how relevant it remains today.”

Alessandra Ambrosio, one of the world’s most recognised super-models, said, “I love fashion that is timeless. The Constellation is the perfect example. It has history and style, and it’s a watch that never loses its charm. That’s the sign of a truly great design.”

Nicole Kidman is another watch fan who knows OMEGA and the Constellation very well. Speaking to guests, she said, “I’ve known OMEGA a long time and they’re a brand that cares about quality and advancing their products. We can clearly see that in the Constellation. These watches are made especially for women and they have been able to adapt and change in the most subtle and elegant way.”

The Chinese actress, Liu Shishi, one of OMEGA’s newest ambassadors, said, “It’s my honour to welcome everyone here in my home country. It’s a privilege to be in Shanghai and to share the stage with such great women.”

The special evening concluded with a musical performance by the pianist Stephen Ridley as well as the revelation of OMEGA’s new Constellation advertising campaign. The imagery, shot by renowned photographer Damon Baker, features Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra and Liu Shishi, all together in one powerful and beautiful portrait.

For the evening, Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra and Shishi each wore a model from the new Constellation “Manhattan” Jewellery Collection. These 28 mm timepieces are distinguished by their dials made from Australian white opal. The hours are marked by 12 baguette-cut ruby indexes – beautifully matching the red dresses worn by the OMEGA ambassadors.

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Four leading ladies join OMEGA in Shanghai for the launch of the new Constellation “Manhattan”

Four leading ladies join OMEGA in Shanghai for the launch of the new Constellation “Manhattan”

An unforgettable night with Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio and Liu Shishi.

It was an evening of true star quality, as OMEGA launched its new Constellation “Manhattan” collection at a special event in Shanghai. Hosted at the city’s dazzling Expo I–Pavilion, the celebrations introduced a full makeover for the iconic Constellation timepieces and also brought four of OMEGA’s most inspirational women to the stage.

Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio and Liu Shishi arrived as the glamorous guests of honour for the evening – each representing the beauty, sophistication and excellence that the Constellation collection is known for.

Standing alongside the four OMEGA ambassadors was Raynald Aeschlimann, President and CEO of OMEGA, who said, “The Constellation has always been admired by women all around the world. No matter the country, it has appealed to ladies of all backgrounds and styles. To celebrate that spirit, we’ve been lucky to have not one, but four of our closest friends here together. Having Nicole, Cindy, Shishi and Alessandra at one single event shows how much love there is for the Constellation.”

The Constellation collection has long been OMEGA’s symbol of unrivalled precision and elegance in watchmaking. It was the “Manhattan” design in 1982 that introduced the modern look and today’s new collection has enhanced many of the most famous features. More than 100 new models will be made available to customers, each of them with subtle updates including bevelled edges for a refined feminine look, slender bezels and the iconic “claws”, which now fit more snugly to the case. More dial colours and case sizes have also been created, including watches in 25 mm, 28 mm and 29 mm.

Stepping inside the venue, it was clear for guests to see the evening’s inspiration, with an exquisite backdrop of white and gold that mirrored the “Manhattan” skyline. Amongst the many shapes and textures, the new timepieces were on display and ready for a close-up look.

Cindy Crawford has a very unique connection to the Constellation, as she was part of the collection’s redesign in 1995. Speaking in Shanghai, she said, “I’ve now seen this collection evolve over the past several decades and I’m always impressed by OMEGA’s new designs. It’s such a classic watch, yet these new models prove just how relevant it remains today.”

Alessandra Ambrosio, one of the world’s most recognised super-models, said, “I love fashion that is timeless. The Constellation is the perfect example. It has history and style, and it’s a watch that never loses its charm. That’s the sign of a truly great design.”Nicole Kidman is another watch fan who knows OMEGA and the Constellation very well. Speaking to guests, she said, “I’ve known OMEGA a long time and they’re a brand that cares about quality and advancing their products. We can clearly see that in the Constellation. These watches are made especially for women and they have been able to adapt and change in the most subtle and elegant way.”

The Chinese actress, Liu Shishi, one of OMEGA’s newest ambassadors, said, “It’s my honour to welcome everyone here in my home country. It’s a privilege to be in Shanghai and to share the stage with such great women.”The special evening concluded with a musical performance by the pianist Stephen Ridley as well as the revelation of OMEGA’s new Constellation advertising campaign. The imagery, shot by renowned photographer Damon Baker, features Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra and Liu Shishi, all together in one powerful and beautiful portrait.

For the evening, Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra and Shishi each wore a model from the new Constellation “Manhattan” Jewellery Collection. These 28 mm timepieces are distinguished by their dials made from Australian white opal. The hours are marked by 12 baguette-cut ruby indexes – beautifully matching the red dresses worn by the OMEGA ambassadors.

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Four leading ladies join OMEGA in Shanghai for the launch of the new Constellation “Manhattan”

Four leading ladies join OMEGA in Shanghai for the launch of the new Constellation “Manhattan”

An unforgettable night with Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio and Liu Shishi.

It was an evening of true star quality, as OMEGA launched its new Constellation “Manhattan” collection at a special event in Shanghai. Hosted at the city’s dazzling Expo I–Pavilion, the celebrations introduced a full makeover for the iconic Constellation timepieces and also brought four of OMEGA’s most inspirational women to the stage.

Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio and Liu Shishi arrived as the glamorous guests of honour for the evening – each representing the beauty, sophistication and excellence that the Constellation collection is known for.

Standing alongside the four OMEGA ambassadors was Raynald Aeschlimann, President and CEO of OMEGA, who said, “The Constellation has always been admired by women all around the world. No matter the country, it has appealed to ladies of all backgrounds and styles. To celebrate that spirit, we’ve been lucky to have not one, but four of our closest friends here together. Having Nicole, Cindy, Shishi and Alessandra at one single event shows how much love there is for the Constellation.”

The Constellation collection has long been OMEGA’s symbol of unrivalled precision and elegance in watchmaking. It was the “Manhattan” design in 1982 that introduced the modern look and today’s new collection has enhanced many of the most famous features. More than 100 new models will be made available to customers, each of them with subtle updates including bevelled edges for a refined feminine look, slender bezels and the iconic “claws”, which now fit more snugly to the case. More dial colours and case sizes have also been created, including watches in 25 mm, 28 mm and 29 mm.

Stepping inside the venue, it was clear for guests to see the evening’s inspiration, with an exquisite backdrop of white and gold that mirrored the “Manhattan” skyline. Amongst the many shapes and textures, the new timepieces were on display and ready for a close-up look.

Cindy Crawford has a very unique connection to the Constellation, as she was part of the collection’s redesign in 1995. Speaking in Shanghai, she said, “I’ve now seen this collection evolve over the past several decades and I’m always impressed by OMEGA’s new designs. It’s such a classic watch, yet these new models prove just how relevant it remains today.”

Alessandra Ambrosio, one of the world’s most recognised super-models, said, “I love fashion that is timeless. The Constellation is the perfect example. It has history and style, and it’s a watch that never loses its charm. That’s the sign of a truly great design.”

Nicole Kidman is another watch fan who knows OMEGA and the Constellation very well. Speaking to guests, she said, “I’ve known OMEGA a long time and they’re a brand that cares about quality and advancing their products. We can clearly see that in the Constellation. These watches are made especially for women and they have been able to adapt and change in the most subtle and elegant way.”

The Chinese actress, Liu Shishi, one of OMEGA’s newest ambassadors, said, “It’s my honour to welcome everyone here in my home country. It’s a privilege to be in Shanghai and to share the stage with such great women.”

The special evening concluded with a musical performance by the pianist Stephen Ridley as well as the revelation of OMEGA’s new Constellation advertising campaign. The imagery, shot by renowned photographer Damon Baker, features Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra and Liu Shishi, all together in one powerful and beautiful portrait.

For the evening, Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra and Shishi each wore a model from the new Constellation “Manhattan” Jewellery Collection. These 28 mm timepieces are distinguished by their dials made from Australian white opal. The hours are marked by 12 baguette-cut ruby indexes – beautifully matching the red dresses worn by the OMEGA ambassadors.

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Four leading ladies join OMEGA in Shanghai for the launch of the new Constellation “Manhattan”

Four leading ladies join OMEGA in Shanghai for the launch of the new Constellation “Manhattan”

An unforgettable night with Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio and Liu Shishi.

It was an evening of true star quality, as OMEGA launched its new Constellation “Manhattan” collection at a special event in Shanghai. Hosted at the city’s dazzling Expo I–Pavilion, the celebrations introduced a full makeover for the iconic Constellation timepieces and also brought four of OMEGA’s most inspirational women to the stage.

Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman, Alessandra Ambrosio and Liu Shishi arrived as the glamorous guests of honour for the evening – each representing the beauty, sophistication and excellence that the Constellation collection is known for.

Standing alongside the four OMEGA ambassadors was Raynald Aeschlimann, President and CEO of OMEGA, who said, “The Constellation has always been admired by women all around the world. No matter the country, it has appealed to ladies of all backgrounds and styles. To celebrate that spirit, we’ve been lucky to have not one, but four of our closest friends here together. Having Nicole, Cindy, Shishi and Alessandra at one single event shows how much love there is for the Constellation.”

The Constellation collection has long been OMEGA’s symbol of unrivalled precision and elegance in watchmaking. It was the “Manhattan” design in 1982 that introduced the modern look and today’s new collection has enhanced many of the most famous features. More than 100 new models will be made available to customers, each of them with subtle updates including bevelled edges for a refined feminine look, slender bezels and the iconic “claws”, which now fit more snugly to the case. More dial colours and case sizes have also been created, including watches in 25 mm, 28 mm and 29 mm.

Stepping inside the venue, it was clear for guests to see the evening’s inspiration, with an exquisite backdrop of white and gold that mirrored the “Manhattan” skyline. Amongst the many shapes and textures, the new timepieces were on display and ready for a close-up look.

Cindy Crawford has a very unique connection to the Constellation, as she was part of the collection’s redesign in 1995. Speaking in Shanghai, she said, “I’ve now seen this collection evolve over the past several decades and I’m always impressed by OMEGA’s new designs. It’s such a classic watch, yet these new models prove just how relevant it remains today.”

Alessandra Ambrosio, one of the world’s most recognised super-models, said, “I love fashion that is timeless. The Constellation is the perfect example. It has history and style, and it’s a watch that never loses its charm. That’s the sign of a truly great design.”

Nicole Kidman is another watch fan who knows OMEGA and the Constellation very well. Speaking to guests, she said, “I’ve known OMEGA a long time and they’re a brand that cares about quality and advancing their products. We can clearly see that in the Constellation. These watches are made especially for women and they have been able to adapt and change in the most subtle and elegant way.”

The Chinese actress, Liu Shishi, one of OMEGA’s newest ambassadors, said, “It’s my honour to welcome everyone here in my home country. It’s a privilege to be in Shanghai and to share the stage with such great women.”

The special evening concluded with a musical performance by the pianist Stephen Ridley as well as the revelation of OMEGA’s new Constellation advertising campaign. The imagery, shot by renowned photographer Damon Baker, features Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra and Liu Shishi, all together in one powerful and beautiful portrait.

For the evening, Cindy, Nicole, Alessandra and Shishi each wore a model from the new Constellation “Manhattan” Jewellery Collection. These 28 mm timepieces are distinguished by their dials made from Australian white opal. The hours are marked by 12 baguette-cut ruby indexes – beautifully matching the red dresses worn by the OMEGA ambassadors.

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