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SEÚL, COREA, 2022  — Genesis anunció el martes que cuatro de sus creaciones obtuvieron reconocimiento en los Good Design Awards 2021, una prueba más del destacado liderazgo de la marca en la escena mundial del diseño. El GV70, el X Concept, el  Genesis EV Home Charger y el Genesis Wireless EV Charging System se llevaron todos los honores en la categoría de transporte.

Los Good Design Awards, presentados anualmente por el Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design y Metropolitan Arts Press, han reconocido la competitividad del diseño de la marca por séptimo año consecutivo. Genesis también ganó premios Good Design en 2015 por el G90, en 2016 por Vision G Concept, en 2017 por G80 Sport y GV80 Concept, en 2018 por G70 y Essentia Concept, y en 2019 por G90 y Mint Concept. En 2020, los elogios fueron para el G80, el GV80 y el tema Copper Design utilizado en el sistema de información y entretenimiento Genesis.

El GV70 es un SUV inspirado en la filosofía de diseño de Génesis de “Elegancia atlética”. La línea parabólica que comienza en la parte superior de los faros cuádruples y corre hábilmente a lo largo del costado del SUV crea un contraste dramático con los guardabarros traseros musculosos. La elegante línea del techo estilo coupé y la línea cromada que se inclina hacia el pilar C ayudan a darle al vehículo una apariencia distintiva que es a la vez deportiva y poderosa.

En la parte trasera, los faros cuádruples súper delgados forman las dos líneas por las que la marca es conocida. Con todos sus elementos funcionales integrados en el parachoques, el SUV logra un aspecto limpio y ordenado. La parte trasera también presenta detalles sutiles, como un patrón G-Matrix en el parachoques.

El interior del GV70 exhibe una filosofía de diseño llamada “la belleza del espacio en blanco”, que busca maximizar la comodidad y conveniencia de los pasajeros.

El Genesis X Concept es una versión eléctrica del concept car Gran Turismo. Utiliza el elemento de diseño central de Genesis, las dos líneas, para presentar una visión del futuro del diseño de vehículos eléctricos. El diseño Two Lines se puede ver en todo el interior y el exterior del automóvil, incluso en el puerto de carga eléctrica.

El frente del Genesis X Concept es bajo y ancho. Armoniza con la Crest Grille, los faros Two-Line y los parachoques de doble capa. Las lámparas cuádruples de dos líneas ejemplifican lo mejor del diseño y la tecnología líderes de la marca.

El lateral sigue el diseño tradicional del modelo Gran Turismo con un cofre largo y una parte trasera corta, y las luces de dos líneas que conducen a los faros y las luces traseras son impresionantes. La Línea Parabólica que recorre el lateral crea una impresión dinámica y elegante con el voluminoso guardabarros. La cuña ovalada en la parte trasera del automóvil emana una elegante sencillez.

El interior presenta un diseño inspirado en la cabina, lo que significa que los sistemas operativos y las pantallas rodean al conductor. La belleza del espacio en blanco también es evidente aquí.

El Genesis X Concept también demuestra lujo sostenible al incorporar restos de cuero reciclado del proceso de producción del vehículo en los cinturones de seguridad, el volante y las cubiertas de las bolsas de aire.

“Nos sentimos muy honrados de ser reconocidos por los Good Design Awards por estos importantes vehículos e innovaciones”, dijo SangYup Lee, vicepresidente ejecutivo y director del Genesis Global Design Center. “Este honor habla del excelente trabajo de nuestro equipo de diseño de ensueño, que puso su pasión y su corazón en este proyecto, y también de nuestros ingenieros del centro de I+D. Hicieron este logro juntos. También refleja la competitividad de la identidad de diseño de Genesis Two Lines en el mercado global”.

Mientras tanto, el sistema de carga inalámbrico para vehículos eléctricos Genesis y el cargador doméstico para vehículos eléctricos Genesis fueron reconocidos por su diseño centrado en el ser humano. El sistema de carga Genesis Wireless EV ofrece una experiencia perfecta con una aplicación que brinda información en tiempo real sobre el estado de carga y más. El cargador doméstico Genesis EV refleja el aspecto característico de la marca y ofrece una comodidad sin igual. Al agregar un carrete para que el cable se pueda rebobinar sin problemas, Genesis ha hecho que el dispositivo sea más seguro que otros en el mercado. Las características de diseño funcional, como la capota, el soporte ajustable para adaptarse a conductores de diferentes alturas y la autenticación RFID, hacen que se destaque aún más.

Desde su creación en 1950, los Good Design Awards han reconocido la excelencia en el diseño en todo el mundo. Su objetivo es crear conciencia sobre el diseño contemporáneo, para honrar a los innovadores en diseño y fabricación, así como a sus productos.

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SEOUL, KOREA, 2022 — Genesis announced Tuesday that four of its creations had gained recognition at the 2021 Good Design Awards, further proof of the brand’s outstanding leadership in the world design scene. The GV70, the X Concept, the Genesis EV Home Charger and the Genesis Wireless EV Charging System all took away honors in the transportation category.

The Good Design Awards, presented annually by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and Metropolitan Arts Press, have acknowledged the brand’s design competitiveness for the seventh consecutive year. Genesis also won Good Design awards in 2015 for the G90, in 2016 for the Vision G Concept, in 2017 for the G80 Sport and GV80 Concept, in 2018 for the G70 and Essentia Concept, and in 2019 for the G90 and Mint Concept. In 2020, accolades went to the G80, the GV80, and the Copper Design theme used in the Genesis infotainment system.

The GV70 is an SUV inspired by the Genesis design philosophy of “Athletic Elegance.” The Parabolic Line that begins at the top of the Quad Lamps and runs deftly along the side of the SUV creates a dramatic contrast with the muscular rear fenders. The sleek coupé-like roofline and the chrome line that slopes toward the C-pillar help give the vehicle a distinctive appearance that is both sporty and powerful.

At the rear, super-slim Quad Lamps form the Two Lines that the brand is known for. With all its functional elements built into the bumper, the SUV achieves a clean, uncluttered look. The rear also features subtle details such as a G-Matrix pattern on the bumper.

The GV70’s interior exhibits a design philosophy called “the Beauty of White Space,” which seeks to maximize passengers’ comfort and convenience.

The Genesis X Concept is an electric version of the Gran Turismo concept car. It uses Genesis’ core design element, the Two Lines, to present a vision for the future of electric vehicle design. The Two Lines design can be seen throughout the car’s interior and exterior, even the electric charging port.

The front of the Genesis X Concept is low and wide. It harmonizes with the Crest Grille, the Two-Line headlights and the double-layered bumpers. The Two-Line Quad Lamps exemplify the best of the brand’s leading design and technology.

The side follows the traditional Gran Turismo model design with a long hood and a short rear, and the Two-Line lamps leading to the headlamps and taillights are impressive. The Parabolic Line that runs along the side creates a dynamic, elegant impression with the voluminous fender. The oval wedge at the rear of the car exudes sleek simplicity.

The interior features a cockpit-inspired design, which means the operating systems and displays surround the driver. The Beauty of White Space is evident here as well.

The Genesis X Concept also demonstrates sustainable luxury by incorporating upcycled leather scraps from the vehicle production process into the seat belts, steering wheel and airbag covers.

“We are greatly honored to be recognized by the Good Design Awards for these very important vehicles and innovations,” said SangYup Lee, executive vice president and head of the Genesis Global Design Center. “This honor speaks to the outstanding work of our design dream team, who put their passion and their hearts into this project, and also our R&D center engineers. They made this achievement together. It also reflects the competitiveness of the Genesis Two Lines design identity in the global marketplace.”

Meanwhile, the Genesis Wireless EV Charging System and the Genesis EV Home Charger were recognized for their human-centered design. The Genesis Wireless EV Charging System offers a seamless experience with an app that provides real-time information about charging status and more. The Genesis EV Home Charger reflects the brand’s signature look while delivering unparalleled convenience. By adding a reel so the cable can be rewound smoothly, Genesis has made the device safer than others on the market. Functional design features such as the canopy, the adjustable stand to suit drivers of different heights, and RFID authentication make it stand out further.

Since their inception in 1950, the Good Design Awards have recognized excellence in design throughout the world. Their aim is to raise awareness about contemporary design — to honor innovators in design and manufacturing, as well as their products.

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SEOUL, KOREA, 2022 — Genesis announced Tuesday that four of its creations had gained recognition at the 2021 Good Design Awards, further proof of the brand’s outstanding leadership in the world design scene. The GV70, the X Concept, the Genesis EV Home Charger and the Genesis Wireless EV Charging System all took away honors in the transportation category.

The Good Design Awards, presented annually by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design and Metropolitan Arts Press, have acknowledged the brand’s design competitiveness for the seventh consecutive year. Genesis also won Good Design awards in 2015 for the G90, in 2016 for the Vision G Concept, in 2017 for the G80 Sport and GV80 Concept, in 2018 for the G70 and Essentia Concept, and in 2019 for the G90 and Mint Concept. In 2020, accolades went to the G80, the GV80, and the Copper Design theme used in the Genesis infotainment system.

The GV70 is an SUV inspired by the Genesis design philosophy of “Athletic Elegance.” The Parabolic Line that begins at the top of the Quad Lamps and runs deftly along the side of the SUV creates a dramatic contrast with the muscular rear fenders. The sleek coupé-like roofline and the chrome line that slopes toward the C-pillar help give the vehicle a distinctive appearance that is both sporty and powerful.

At the rear, super-slim Quad Lamps form the Two Lines that the brand is known for. With all its functional elements built into the bumper, the SUV achieves a clean, uncluttered look. The rear also features subtle details such as a G-Matrix pattern on the bumper.

The GV70’s interior exhibits a design philosophy called “the Beauty of White Space,” which seeks to maximize passengers’ comfort and convenience.

The Genesis X Concept is an electric version of the Gran Turismo concept car. It uses Genesis’ core design element, the Two Lines, to present a vision for the future of electric vehicle design. The Two Lines design can be seen throughout the car’s interior and exterior, even the electric charging port.

The front of the Genesis X Concept is low and wide. It harmonizes with the Crest Grille, the Two-Line headlights and the double-layered bumpers. The Two-Line Quad Lamps exemplify the best of the brand’s leading design and technology.

The side follows the traditional Gran Turismo model design with a long hood and a short rear, and the Two-Line lamps leading to the headlamps and taillights are impressive. The Parabolic Line that runs along the side creates a dynamic, elegant impression with the voluminous fender. The oval wedge at the rear of the car exudes sleek simplicity.

The interior features a cockpit-inspired design, which means the operating systems and displays surround the driver. The Beauty of White Space is evident here as well.

The Genesis X Concept also demonstrates sustainable luxury by incorporating upcycled leather scraps from the vehicle production process into the seat belts, steering wheel and airbag covers.

“We are greatly honored to be recognized by the Good Design Awards for these very important vehicles and innovations,” said SangYup Lee, executive vice president and head of the Genesis Global Design Center. “This honor speaks to the outstanding work of our design dream team, who put their passion and their hearts into this project, and also our R&D center engineers. They made this achievement together. It also reflects the competitiveness of the Genesis Two Lines design identity in the global marketplace.”

Meanwhile, the Genesis Wireless EV Charging System and the Genesis EV Home Charger were recognized for their human-centered design. The Genesis Wireless EV Charging System offers a seamless experience with an app that provides real-time information about charging status and more. The Genesis EV Home Charger reflects the brand’s signature look while delivering unparalleled convenience. By adding a reel so the cable can be rewound smoothly, Genesis has made the device safer than others on the market. Functional design features such as the canopy, the adjustable stand to suit drivers of different heights, and RFID authentication make it stand out further.

Since their inception in 1950, the Good Design Awards have recognized excellence in design throughout the world. Their aim is to raise awareness about contemporary design — to honor innovators in design and manufacturing, as well as their products.

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