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¡Conozca a los mejores diseñadores de interiores de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (Parte I)!

¡Conozca a los mejores diseñadores de interiores de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (Parte I)!

Conocidos por las compras de lujo , la arquitectura ultramoderna, el diseño glamuroso y el estilo de vida exclusivo, los Emiratos Árabes Unidos tienen una de las industrias de diseño de interiores más admiradas del mundo, donde los edificios súper altos satisfacen el anhelo de interiores de lujo. Con este animado contexto en mente, Inspiration and Ideas ha seleccionado a los mejores diseñadores de interiores de los EAU (Parte I), que traen aún más grandeza a este maravilloso país con su proyecto de diseño de lujo.

1. Diseño de interiores 4Space

Armados con una profunda comprensión de los desafíos únicos del diseño de lujo dentro de Dubai, los mejores diseñadores de interiores de 4Space se esfuerzan por enfrentarlos con el conocimiento y las habilidades incomparables de un equipo de profesionales con múltiples talentos. Dirigida por los principales socios Amjad Hourieh y Firas Alsahin, esta firma se ha convertido en una de las más respetadas de la región, con más de 15 años de experiencia en la industria, en espacios minoristas, hoteleros y comerciales, o espacios residenciales y de vivienda.


Abanos es una de las empresas de ebanistería y acondicionamiento de interiores holísticas más grandes y confiables de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, con el objetivo de ofrecer proyectos personalizados y de alta calidad, todos fabricados en sus instalaciones de producción de última generación. Establecida en 1985, la compañía se ha expandido de manera constante desde sus primeros días, ¡y ahora opera en los mercados de los EAU, GCC y en todo el mundo!

3. Interiores Aedas

Aedas Interiors es una firma internacional que saca lo mejor de dos mundos diferentes: la arquitectura y el diseño de interiores. Como parte del Grupo Aedas, Aedas Interiors se enfoca en ofrecer una amplia gama de servicios de diseño de interiores que van desde el corporativo hasta el residencial y la hospitalidad. Los números de la firma son impresionantes, ya que ha sido galardonada varias veces, ha aparecido en varios proyectos en todo el mundo y cuenta con 1400 mentes creativas que crean soluciones de diseño de lujo de clase mundial con un profundo conocimiento social y cultural de las comunidades para las que diseñan.

4. Al-Manzool Interiors

Fundada por el ingeniero Eman Orphally a principios de la década de 1990, Al Manzool es una empresa con sede en Abu Dabi que ofrece servicios completos y una empresa mediana de arquitectura, planificación y diseño de interiores. Al Manzool es una empresa receptiva y centrada en el cliente que brinda servicios de diseño de interiores y arquitectura de alta calidad y productos con clase que van desde telas hasta muebles e iluminación para sus estimados clientes en los sectores corporativo, comercial y residencial.


Centrándose en hoteles y resorts de 5 estrellas, Alec Fitout es parte del Grupo Alec y ofrece soluciones interiores completas que satisfacen la necesidad de gestión de proyectos, ingeniería, ingeniería de valor, diseño y construcción. La empresa ofrece soluciones de acondicionamiento y renovación de alta calidad.

6. Al-Huzaifa

Apasionado del diseño. Perfeccionistas hasta la médula. Buscando sin descanso nuevas ideas, materiales, posibilidades y tendencias. El equipo de diseño de Al Huzaifa está formado por 16 profesionales cualificados y muy motivados que han trabajado en algunos de los proyectos más exigentes.

7. Álgreda

Algedra es una de las principales empresas de diseño de interiores de Dubái y sus proyectos de diseño de interiores adoptan a la perfección el estilo de vida lujoso y exclusivo de la ciudad. Algedra le asegura que tiene una entrada de villa única, noble y sofisticada. Los proyectos de diseño de interiores de Algedra muestran estilos lujosos, modernos, contemporáneos o clásicos de alta gama que sin duda tendrán un primer impacto sorprendente en cualquier huésped o visitante.


ANARCHITECT es una práctica de arquitectura, arquitectura de interiores y diseño galardonada con múltiples premios con sede en Dubái y Londres que se especializa en la entrega de proyectos a medida para clientes privados y corporativos impulsados ​​por el diseño en todo el mundo. Su diversa cartera de trabajos construidos abarca residencias, ocio, hotelería, lugares de trabajo y cultura en todo Oriente Medio, Europa, Asia y África. Fundada en 2013, la práctica manifiesta la arquitectura a través de diversas escalas de diseño con artesanía, detalle y materialidad superlativos.

9. Compañía árabe

Establecida en 1967 por el visionario difunto fundador Ali Baslaib, Arabian Company cuenta hoy con más de 40 empresas y organizaciones afiliadas. Han recibido elogios y premios por el diseño y la calidad de sus servicios, y están orgullosos de ser una historia de éxito en los EAU.

10. Arco Interiors

Arco Interiors es un especialista en soluciones de interior que ofrece diseño de interior, equipamiento y mobiliario llave en mano de alcance completo. Su equipo unido de diseñadores, arquitectos e ingenieros puede traducir las ideas de los clientes en un proyecto exitoso que funciona tanto estética como funcionalmente.

11. Diseño de Interiores Artesanal

Artizan Interior Design es una firma de Dubái que encarna el verdadero espíritu de la excelencia en el diseño de lujo. Conocido por sus proyectos comerciales y de hospitalidad, los mejores diseñadores de interiores de Artizan reúnen la investigación y la implementación de avances tecnológicos mientras cumplen con los plazos para brindar un servicio eficiente a un mercado global en crecimiento. Dicho esto, prepárese para hermosos ambientes y escenarios inspiradores.

12. Arquitectos Bayaty

Créditos: Bayaty Arquitectos

Fundada en 1978 por la Dra. Muthanna Al-Bayaty, Bayaty Architects se ha convertido en una práctica multidisciplinaria única. Bayaty Architects es una firma de diseño e ingeniería para arquitectos e ingenieros que trabaja para brindar y apoyar el desarrollo de proyectos de diseño.

13. Interiores Belhasa

Belhasa Interiors es un estudio de diseño de interiores líder, versátil y con principios de sostenibilidad con sede en Dubái que cuenta con los mejores diseñadores de interiores. Como parte de uno de los grupos de cartera más grandes y diversificados de la región, Belhasa Interiors ha aprovechado sus vastos recursos internos para liderar el diseño y la ejecución de más de 50 clientes residenciales, comerciales y gubernamentales de alto perfil y más de 200 proyectos en toda la región. como The Chocolate Bar en Mercato Mall, Studio 8 en Dubai Mall Fashion Avenue, la sede y los puestos de Moneykicks en SoleDXB, el Centro de Innovación del Ministerio de Justicia y la estación de policía de Ras Al Khaimah.

14. Diseño de obispo

Los 20 mejores diseñadores de interiores de Dubái

Fundada por Paul Bishop en 2004, Bishop Design LLC ha completado continuamente proyectos repartidos por toda la región MENA y el mundo. Es a través de la ejecución del estudio de soluciones de diseño de lujo bien planificadas, amplia experiencia en conocimiento de productos y costos junto con coordinación y supervisión dedicadas, que su cartera contiene cientos de proyectos ejecutados con éxito en todo el mundo.

15. Black VogelKop

Black Vogelkop trabaja en servicios de diseño de interiores, equipamiento y renovación, y ha realizado desarrollos a gran escala y proyectos de nicho más pequeños para algunos de los establecimientos líderes de los EAU. Con un enfoque en la calidad y la funcionalidad, trabajan en estrecha colaboración con sus clientes para garantizar que todos los aspectos del trabajo, desde el concepto hasta la finalización, se realicen de manera profesional.


16. Grupo Bluehaus

Los 20 mejores diseñadores de interiores de Dubái

Bluehaus Group es una empresa líder en consultoría de diseño que posee habilidades de consultoría multidisciplinarias en diseño arquitectónico, diseño de interiores y diseño de ingeniería que brinda experiencia e innovación a socios y clientes. Con 15 años de experiencia, la renombrada firma de consultoría ha crecido de manera constante a través de un modelo estratégico comercial repetido mediante la construcción de relaciones duraderas con organizaciones globales y locales de renombre y sus marcas en Medio Oriente, África y el resto del mundo.

17. Bonos interiores


Todo comenzó con un puñado de ingenieros que tenían una visión muy simple: ofrecer el mejor equipamiento posible para los clientes, de forma breve y a tiempo. Mientras tanto, Bond Interior ha completado más de 2500 proyectos en nuestros más de 30 años de historia. Esta es una de las empresas de equipamiento de interiores de alta gama más grandes de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y emplea a más de 2000 personas con oficinas en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, China, India y Filipinas.

18. Caspaiou Diseño e Interiores

La filosofía de Caspaiou Design & Interiors es crear una atmósfera de lujo minimalista, terrenal y discreta, en lugar de seguir tendencias sencillas. Como estudio de diseño de interiores contemporáneo, ofrece conceptos distinguidos que son modernos pero atemporales en su atractivo.

19. Cherwell

Los productos y muebles de diseño a medida son los que hacen que un proyecto de diseño de interiores sea único. Esto es lo que mejor hace Cherwell, una empresa muy activa en el distrito de diseño de Dubái. Su equipo de diseño de los mejores diseñadores de interiores se especializa en diseñar los espacios y crear muebles a medida para contextos residenciales. Cherwell fabrica muebles a medida para cada habitación del hogar o la oficina, pero son famosos por sus hermosas cocinas, vestidores y carpintería especializada.

20. D&D Este.

Est. D&D se estableció en Riyadh a principios del nuevo milenio, creando planes para los mejores edificios y palacios, basados ​​en una comprensión especial del mundo de la arquitectura y los últimos descubrimientos de las ciencias del diseño y la decoración en el mundo. El Establecimiento expandió rápidamente sus actividades y divisiones en una institución integral, trabajando desde la transferencia de ideas al papel para supervisarlas e implementarlas por completo. Esto se basa en su profundo conocimiento de las etapas del trabajo, desde las percepciones hasta su transferencia a la implementación. Hoy, D&D está dirigido por un equipo profesional de administradores e ingenieros. Técnicos altamente experimentados y técnicos que trabajan en sus departamentos. y cuenta con el personal necesario para la dirección y supervisión del proyecto.

21. Depa Interiors

Depa Group ofrece proyectos hoteleros, comerciales (oficinas y minoristas), infraestructura social, infraestructura económica, yates y marinos, residenciales de gran altura y de poca altura y aviones en países seleccionados de Oriente Medio y África del Norte, Europa, Asia y Norteamérica. Depa se enorgullece de establecer los estándares de excelencia en la implementación de interiores, como lo demuestra la entrega de los proyectos más icónicos en el Medio Oriente, Asia y otras regiones.

22. Junta de Arquitectos + Ingenieros

Créditos: Dewan Architects + Ingenieros

Dewan Architects + Engineers ha estado a la vanguardia del floreciente sector del diseño arquitectónico y de ingeniería de Oriente Medio durante casi tres décadas. Su fundador y actual presidente y director general, Mohamed Al Assam, estableció la oficina inaugural de Dewan en Abu Dhabi en 1984 y completó con éxito el primer proyecto comercial de gran altura de Dewan, Baniyas Tower, en 1988, que consolidó la presencia de Dewan como un actor importante en el panorama arquitectónico regional.

23. Diane Thorsen/Perkins + Will

Los 20 mejores diseñadores de interiores de Dubái

Dirigiendo la dirección de diseño creativo y gestionando el proceso de diseño en Perkins + Will, Diane Thorsen sigue siendo la fuerza creativa detrás de la oficina de Dubái del estudio, que estableció en 2010 junto con Steven Charlton. Sus diseños de lujo para el lugar de trabajo internacional, la hospitalidad y los desarrollos de uso mixto muestran atención al detalle, amor por el arte local y calidad de la artesanía. Su enfoque de trabajo y diseño galardonado se basa en la sostenibilidad, la entrega de proyectos innovadores y holísticos y el diseño y la investigación centrados en el usuario.

24. Diseño DZ

DZ Design ofrece diseño de interiores en Dubái y la región MENA en general. Ya sea que se trate de una villa de lujo, un hotel mediano o un proyecto de oficina, ¡esta empresa de diseño de interiores puede ayudarlo! Establecidos inicialmente en 2014 por Dina Murali y Zain Belgami, comenzaron su vida como un pequeño estudio de arquitectura y diseño de interiores con solo ellos dos trabajando en su mesa de comedor.

25. Etcétera Diseño de interiores vivos

Lesley, fundadora de Etcetera Living Interior Design, cree en adoptar un enfoque muy práctico, que implica la colaboración del cliente durante todo el proceso. Desde la primera reunión con los clientes, se toman el tiempo para comprender su visión y las necesidades de su espacio vital.

26. Propiedades de Emaar

Emaar Properties es una de las empresas de desarrollo inmobiliario más valiosas y admiradas del mundo. Con competencias comprobadas en propiedades, centros comerciales y comercio minorista, hotelería y ocio, Emaar da forma a nuevos estilos de vida centrándose en la excelencia del diseño, la calidad de la construcción y la entrega oportuna.

27. Decoración de interiores de halcón

Los 20 mejores diseñadores de interiores de Dubái

Falcon Interior Decoration es una empresa líder en contratación de diseño de interiores y equipamiento con sede en Dubái, con una reputación excepcional por ofrecer diseños y servicios innovadores, de calidad y extraordinarios en todas las soluciones de diseño y equipamiento de interiores, como comerciales, hoteleras, residenciales y de carpintería. Sus mejores diseñadores de interiores brindan soluciones completas llave en mano que brindan servicios sin complicaciones a los clientes, desde la planificación y el diseño hasta la ejecución del proyecto y las aprobaciones de las autoridades. Pueden manejar todos los aspectos de cualquier proyecto de acondicionamiento de interiores para que no tenga que correr para encontrar diferentes materiales o proveedores de varios productos que desee en su proyecto.

28. Cuatro estaciones Ramesh Galler

Four Seasons Ramesh Gallery es el proveedor líder de bellas artes, marcos de cuadros, muebles, iluminación decorativa y accesorios para el hogar. Fundada en 1970 y con dos galerías en funcionamiento, su galería principal está situada en una sala de exposición de 15.000 pies cuadrados en Dubái, mientras que el segundo estudio está ubicado en Los Ángeles, California. La galería de los EAU opera la fábrica de marcos de cuadros más grande del Golfo y maneja proyectos en todos los países del Golfo Arábigo, África y Europa.

29. Arquitectos de Godwin Austen Johnson

GAJ es una de las firmas de arquitectura y diseño del Reino Unido más grandes y con mayor trayectoria en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. ¡Con más de 30 años de experiencia, han creado algunos de los edificios más icónicos de la región!

30. Interiores Havelock One

Desde su incorporación en 1998, Havelock One Interiors se ha convertido en uno de los contratistas de equipamiento llave en mano más reconocidos y en la fabricación de carpintería de alta calidad, trabajos decorativos en metal y accesorios sofisticados para tiendas en Oriente Medio.

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Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part I)!

Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part I)!

Known for luxury shopping, ultra-modern architecture, glamorous design, and exclusive lifestyle, the United Arab Emirates has one of the most admired interior design industries in the world where super-tall buildings meet a craving desire for luxury interiors. With this lively context in mind, Inspiration and Ideas has selected the best Interior designers from UAE (Part I), that bring even more grandeur to this wonderful country with their luxury design project

1. 4Space Interior Design

Armed with a profound understanding of the unique challenges of luxury design within Dubai, top interior designers from 4Space strives to meet them with the unparalleled knowledge and skills of a multi-talented team of professionals. Led by major partners Amjad Hourieh and Firas Alsahin, this firm has become one of the region’s most respected, with more than 15 years of industry experience – in retail, hospitality and commercial spaces, or residential and living spaces.


Abanos is one of the largest and most reliable holistic interior fit-out and joinery companies in the UAE, with the aim to deliver high-quality and tailor-made projects, all fabricated at its state-of-the-art production facilities. Established in 1985, the company has expanded steadily since its early days, now operating throughout the UAE, GCC and worldwide markets!

3. Aedas Interiors

Aedas Interiors is an international firm that brings out the best of two different worlds – architecture and interior design. Part of the Aedas Group, Aedas Interiors focuses on offering a comprehensive range of interior design services that go from corporate to residential and hospitality. The firm’s numbers are impressive since it has been awarded several times, been featured in various projects around the world, and counts 1,400 creative minds that create world-class luxury design solutions with a deep social and cultural understanding of the communities they design for.

4. Al-Manzool Interiors

Founded by Engineer Eman Orphally in the early 90’s, Al Manzool is an Abu Dhabi based firm is a full-service, medium-sized architectural, planning and interior design company. Al Manzool is a responsive, client-focused firm that provides high quality architectural & interior design services and classy products ranging from fabric to furniture & lighting to its esteemed clients in the corporate, commercial and residential sectors.


Focusing on 5-star hotels & resorts, Alec Fitout is part of the Alec Group and offers complete interior solutions fulfilling the need for project management, engineering, value engineering, design-build. The firm delivers high-quality fit-out and refurbishment solutions.

6. Al Huzaifa

Passionate about design. Perfectionists to the core. Relentlessly seeking out new ideas, materials, possibilities and trends. The design team of Al Huzaifa is made up of 16 qualified, highly motivated professionals who have worked on some of the most demanding projects.

7. Algreda

Algedra is one of the top interior design companies in Dubai and its Interior Design Projects perfectly embrace the city’s luxurious and exclusive lifestyle. Algedra assures you that you have a unique, noble, and sophisticated villa entrance. Algedra interior design projects show high-end luxury, modern, contemporary or classic styles that will certainly make an amazing first impact on any guest or visitor.


ANARCHITECT is a multiple award-winning Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Design practice based in Dubai and London that specializes in delivering bespoke projects for design-driven private and corporate clients globally. Their diverse portfolio of built work spans residential, leisure, hospitality, workplace, and culture throughout the Middle-East, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Founded in 2013, the practice manifests architecture across diverse scales of design with superlative craft, detail, and materiality.

9. Arabian Company

Established in 1967 by the visionary late founder Ali Baslaib, the Arabian Company today has more than 40 companies and affiliated organizations. They have received praise and awards for the design and quality of their services, and are proud to be a UAE success story.

10. Arco Interiors

Arco Interiors is a specialist in interior solutions providing full-scope turn-key interior design, fit-out, and furnishings. Their close-knit team of designer, architects, and engineers are able to translate client ideas into a successful project that work both aesthetically and functionally.

11. Artizan Interior Design

Artizan Interior Design is a firm from Dubai that embodies the true spirit of luxury design excellence. Known for its commercial and hospitality projects, the top interior designers at Artizan brings together the research and implementation of technological advancement while meeting the deadlines to deliver an efficient service to a growing global market. This being said, prepare yourself for beautiful ambiances and inspiring settings.

12. Bayaty Architects

Credits: Bayaty Architects

Founded in 1978 by Dr Muthanna Al-Bayaty, Bayaty Architects has emerged to be a unique multidisciplinary practice. Bayaty Architects is a design and engineering firm for architects and engineers that work to provide and support the development of design projects.

13. Belhasa Interiors

Belhasa Interiors is a leading, sustainability-principled and versatile interior design studio based in Dubai with talented top interior designers. Part of one of the largest and most diversified holding groups in the region, Belhasa Interiors has leveraged its vast in-house resources to lead the design and execution of over 50 high-profile residential, commercial and governmental clients and over 200 projects region-wide such as The Chocolate Bar in Mercato Mall, Studio 8 at Dubai Mall Fashion Avenue, Moneykicks headquarters and booths at SoleDXB, the Ministry of Justice Innovation Center and Ras Al Khaimah Police Station.

14. Bishop Design

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Founded by Paul Bishop in 2004, Bishop Design LLC has continuously completed projects spread across the entire MENA region and the world. It is through the studio’s execution of well-planned luxury design solutions, extensive expertise of product knowledge and costs along with dedicated coordination and supervision, that their portfolio holds hundreds of successfully executed worldwide projects.

15. BlackVogelKop

Black Vogelkop works in interior design, fit-out, and refurbishment services, having delivered large-scale developments and smaller niche projects for some of The UAEs leading establishments. With a focus on quality and functionality, they work closely with their clients to ensure that all aspects of work, from concept to completion are conducted in a professional manner.

16. Bluehaus Group

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Bluehaus Group is a leading design consultancy firm holding multi-disciplined Architectural Design, Interior Design and Engineering Design consultancy skills that delivers experience and innovation to partners and customers. With 15 years of experience, the renowned consultancy firm has grown steadily through a repeat business strategic model by building lasting relationships with renowned global and local organizations and their brands across the Middle East, Africa and the wider globe.

17. Bond Interior


It all began with a handful of engineers who had a very simple vision – to deliver the best possible fit-out for clients, to brief, and on time. In the mid-time, Bond Interior has completed over 2,500 projects in our 30 years plus history. This is one of the largest high-end interior fit-out companies in the UAE, employing over 2,000 staff with offices in the UAE, China, India and the Philippines.

18. Caspaiou Design & Interiors

Caspaiou Design & Interiors’ philosophy is to create a minimalistic, earthy, and understated atmosphere of luxury, rather than follow easy trends. As a contemporary interior design studio, they deliver distinguished concepts that are modern yet timeless in their appeal.

19. Cherwell

Bespoke design products and furnishings are what make an interior design project unique. This is what Cherwell, a highly-active company in the design district of Dubai, does best. Its design team of top interior designers specializes in designing the spaces and creating custom-made furnishings for residential contexts. Cherwell makes bespoke furniture for every room of the home or office, but they are renowned for their beautiful kitchens, dressing rooms, and specialist joinery.

20. D&D Est.

D&D Est. was established in Riyadh at the beginning of the new millennium, creating plans for the finest buildings and palaces, based on a special understanding of the world of architecture and the latest findings of design and decoration sciences in the world. The Establishment quickly expanded its activities and divisions into a comprehensive institution, working from transferring ideas to paper to supervise and fully implement them. This is based on her deep understanding of the stages of work, starting from perceptions until its transfer to implementation. Today, D&D is managed by a professional team of administrators and engineers. Highly Experienced technicians and technicians working in its departments. and it has the necessary staff for project management and supervision.

21. Depa Interiors

Depa Group delivers hospitality, commercial (offices and retail), social infrastructure, economic infrastructure, yachts and marine, high-rise and low-rise residential, and aircraft projects in selected countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America. Depa has proudly set the standards of excellence in interior implementation, as evidenced by the delivery of the most iconic projects in the Middle East, Asia, and other regions.

22. Dewan Architects + Engineers

Credits: Dewan Architects + Engineers

Dewan Architects + Engineers has been at the forefront of the Middle East’s booming architectural and engineering design sector for almost three decades. Its founder and current Chairman and Managing Director, Mohamed Al Assam, established the inaugural Dewan office in Abu Dhabi in 1984 and successfully completed Dewan’s first high-rise commercial project, Baniyas Tower, in 1988, which cemented Dewan’s presence as a major player in the regional architectural scene.

23. Diane Thorsen/Perkins + Will

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Leading the creative design direction and managing the design process at Perkins + Will, Diane Thorsen remains the creative force behind the studio’s Dubai office, which she established in 2010 together with Steven Charlton. Her luxury designs for the international workplace, hospitality and mixed-use developments, display attention to detail, a love of local art and quality of craftsmanship. Her award-winning work and design approach is informed by sustainability, holistic, innovative project delivery and user-centric design and research.

24. DZ Design

DZ Design provides interior design in Dubai and the wider MENA region. Whether it’s a luxury villa, mid-size hotel or office project, this interior design firm can help! Initially established in 2014 by Dina Murali and Zain Belgami, they started life as a small architectural and interior design studio with just the two of them working across their dining table.

25. Etcetera Living Interior Design

Lesley, Etcetera Living Interior Design’s founder, believes in taking a very hands-on approach, which involves client collaboration throughout the entire process. From the very first meeting with clients, they take the time to understand their vision and needs for their living space.

26. Emaar Properties

Emaar Properties is one of the world’s most valuable and admired real estate development companies. With proven competencies in properties, shopping malls & retail, and hospitality & leisure, Emaar shapes new lifestyles with a focus on design excellence, building quality, and timely delivery.

27. Falcon Interior Decoration

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Falcon Interior Decoration is a leading Interior Design and Fit-out Contracting company based in Dubai with an exceptional reputation for providing innovative, quality and extraordinary designs and services across all interior design and fit-out solutions such as commercial, hospitality, residential and joinery. Their top interior designers provide complete turnkey solutions providing hassle-free services to clients from planning and designing to project execution and authority approvals. They can handle every single aspect of any interior fit-out project so that you don’t need to run around to find different materials or suppliers of various products you want in your project.

28. Four Seasons Ramesh Galler

Four Seasons Ramesh Gallery is the leading supplier of Fine Art, Picture Frames, Furniture, Decorative Lighting, and Home Accessories. Founded in 1970, and with two galleries in operation, their main gallery is situated in a 15,000 sq. ft. showroom in Dubai, while the second studio is located in Los Angeles, California. The UAE gallery operates the largest picture-framing factory in the Gulf and handles projects all over the Arabian Gulf countries, Africa and Europe.

29. Godwin Austen Johnson Architects

GAJ is one of the largest and longest-established UK architectural and design firms in the UAE. With more than 30 years of experience, they have created some of the region’s most iconic buildings!

30. Havelock One Interiors

Since its incorporation in 1998, Havelock One Interiors has become one of the most renowned turnkey fit-out contractors and manufacturers of high-quality joinery, decorative metal works, and sophisticated shop-fittings in the Middle East.

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Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part I)!

Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part I)!

Known for luxury shopping, ultra-modern architecture, glamorous design, and exclusive lifestyle, the United Arab Emirates has one of the most admired interior design industries in the world where super-tall buildings meet a craving desire for luxury interiors. With this lively context in mind, Inspiration and Ideas has selected the best Interior designers from UAE (Part I), that bring even more grandeur to this wonderful country with their luxury design project

1. 4Space Interior Design

Armed with a profound understanding of the unique challenges of luxury design within Dubai, top interior designers from 4Space strives to meet them with the unparalleled knowledge and skills of a multi-talented team of professionals. Led by major partners Amjad Hourieh and Firas Alsahin, this firm has become one of the region’s most respected, with more than 15 years of industry experience – in retail, hospitality and commercial spaces, or residential and living spaces.


Abanos is one of the largest and most reliable holistic interior fit-out and joinery companies in the UAE, with the aim to deliver high-quality and tailor-made projects, all fabricated at its state-of-the-art production facilities. Established in 1985, the company has expanded steadily since its early days, now operating throughout the UAE, GCC and worldwide markets!

3. Aedas Interiors

Aedas Interiors is an international firm that brings out the best of two different worlds – architecture and interior design. Part of the Aedas Group, Aedas Interiors focuses on offering a comprehensive range of interior design services that go from corporate to residential and hospitality. The firm’s numbers are impressive since it has been awarded several times, been featured in various projects around the world, and counts 1,400 creative minds that create world-class luxury design solutions with a deep social and cultural understanding of the communities they design for.

4. Al-Manzool Interiors

Founded by Engineer Eman Orphally in the early 90’s, Al Manzool is an Abu Dhabi based firm is a full-service, medium-sized architectural, planning and interior design company. Al Manzool is a responsive, client-focused firm that provides high quality architectural & interior design services and classy products ranging from fabric to furniture & lighting to its esteemed clients in the corporate, commercial and residential sectors.


Focusing on 5-star hotels & resorts, Alec Fitout is part of the Alec Group and offers complete interior solutions fulfilling the need for project management, engineering, value engineering, design-build. The firm delivers high-quality fit-out and refurbishment solutions.

6. Al Huzaifa

Passionate about design. Perfectionists to the core. Relentlessly seeking out new ideas, materials, possibilities and trends. The design team of Al Huzaifa is made up of 16 qualified, highly motivated professionals who have worked on some of the most demanding projects.

7. Algreda

Algedra is one of the top interior design companies in Dubai and its Interior Design Projects perfectly embrace the city’s luxurious and exclusive lifestyle. Algedra assures you that you have a unique, noble, and sophisticated villa entrance. Algedra interior design projects show high-end luxury, modern, contemporary or classic styles that will certainly make an amazing first impact on any guest or visitor.


ANARCHITECT is a multiple award-winning Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Design practice based in Dubai and London that specializes in delivering bespoke projects for design-driven private and corporate clients globally. Their diverse portfolio of built work spans residential, leisure, hospitality, workplace, and culture throughout the Middle-East, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Founded in 2013, the practice manifests architecture across diverse scales of design with superlative craft, detail, and materiality.

9. Arabian Company

Established in 1967 by the visionary late founder Ali Baslaib, the Arabian Company today has more than 40 companies and affiliated organizations. They have received praise and awards for the design and quality of their services, and are proud to be a UAE success story.

10. Arco Interiors

Arco Interiors is a specialist in interior solutions providing full-scope turn-key interior design, fit-out, and furnishings. Their close-knit team of designer, architects, and engineers are able to translate client ideas into a successful project that work both aesthetically and functionally.

11. Artizan Interior Design

Artizan Interior Design is a firm from Dubai that embodies the true spirit of luxury design excellence. Known for its commercial and hospitality projects, the top interior designers at Artizan brings together the research and implementation of technological advancement while meeting the deadlines to deliver an efficient service to a growing global market. This being said, prepare yourself for beautiful ambiances and inspiring settings.

12. Bayaty Architects

Credits: Bayaty Architects

Founded in 1978 by Dr Muthanna Al-Bayaty, Bayaty Architects has emerged to be a unique multidisciplinary practice. Bayaty Architects is a design and engineering firm for architects and engineers that work to provide and support the development of design projects.

13. Belhasa Interiors

Belhasa Interiors is a leading, sustainability-principled and versatile interior design studio based in Dubai with talented top interior designers. Part of one of the largest and most diversified holding groups in the region, Belhasa Interiors has leveraged its vast in-house resources to lead the design and execution of over 50 high-profile residential, commercial and governmental clients and over 200 projects region-wide such as The Chocolate Bar in Mercato Mall, Studio 8 at Dubai Mall Fashion Avenue, Moneykicks headquarters and booths at SoleDXB, the Ministry of Justice Innovation Center and Ras Al Khaimah Police Station.

14. Bishop Design

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Founded by Paul Bishop in 2004, Bishop Design LLC has continuously completed projects spread across the entire MENA region and the world. It is through the studio’s execution of well-planned luxury design solutions, extensive expertise of product knowledge and costs along with dedicated coordination and supervision, that their portfolio holds hundreds of successfully executed worldwide projects.

15. BlackVogelKop

Black Vogelkop works in interior design, fit-out, and refurbishment services, having delivered large-scale developments and smaller niche projects for some of The UAEs leading establishments. With a focus on quality and functionality, they work closely with their clients to ensure that all aspects of work, from concept to completion are conducted in a professional manner.

16. Bluehaus Group

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Bluehaus Group is a leading design consultancy firm holding multi-disciplined Architectural Design, Interior Design and Engineering Design consultancy skills that delivers experience and innovation to partners and customers. With 15 years of experience, the renowned consultancy firm has grown steadily through a repeat business strategic model by building lasting relationships with renowned global and local organizations and their brands across the Middle East, Africa and the wider globe.

17. Bond Interior


It all began with a handful of engineers who had a very simple vision – to deliver the best possible fit-out for clients, to brief, and on time. In the mid-time, Bond Interior has completed over 2,500 projects in our 30 years plus history. This is one of the largest high-end interior fit-out companies in the UAE, employing over 2,000 staff with offices in the UAE, China, India and the Philippines.

18. Caspaiou Design & Interiors

Caspaiou Design & Interiors’ philosophy is to create a minimalistic, earthy, and understated atmosphere of luxury, rather than follow easy trends. As a contemporary interior design studio, they deliver distinguished concepts that are modern yet timeless in their appeal.

19. Cherwell

Bespoke design products and furnishings are what make an interior design project unique. This is what Cherwell, a highly-active company in the design district of Dubai, does best. Its design team of top interior designers specializes in designing the spaces and creating custom-made furnishings for residential contexts. Cherwell makes bespoke furniture for every room of the home or office, but they are renowned for their beautiful kitchens, dressing rooms, and specialist joinery.

20. D&D Est.

D&D Est. was established in Riyadh at the beginning of the new millennium, creating plans for the finest buildings and palaces, based on a special understanding of the world of architecture and the latest findings of design and decoration sciences in the world. The Establishment quickly expanded its activities and divisions into a comprehensive institution, working from transferring ideas to paper to supervise and fully implement them. This is based on her deep understanding of the stages of work, starting from perceptions until its transfer to implementation. Today, D&D is managed by a professional team of administrators and engineers. Highly Experienced technicians and technicians working in its departments. and it has the necessary staff for project management and supervision.

21. Depa Interiors

Depa Group delivers hospitality, commercial (offices and retail), social infrastructure, economic infrastructure, yachts and marine, high-rise and low-rise residential, and aircraft projects in selected countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America. Depa has proudly set the standards of excellence in interior implementation, as evidenced by the delivery of the most iconic projects in the Middle East, Asia, and other regions.

22. Dewan Architects + Engineers

Credits: Dewan Architects + Engineers

Dewan Architects + Engineers has been at the forefront of the Middle East’s booming architectural and engineering design sector for almost three decades. Its founder and current Chairman and Managing Director, Mohamed Al Assam, established the inaugural Dewan office in Abu Dhabi in 1984 and successfully completed Dewan’s first high-rise commercial project, Baniyas Tower, in 1988, which cemented Dewan’s presence as a major player in the regional architectural scene.

23. Diane Thorsen/Perkins + Will

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Leading the creative design direction and managing the design process at Perkins + Will, Diane Thorsen remains the creative force behind the studio’s Dubai office, which she established in 2010 together with Steven Charlton. Her luxury designs for the international workplace, hospitality and mixed-use developments, display attention to detail, a love of local art and quality of craftsmanship. Her award-winning work and design approach is informed by sustainability, holistic, innovative project delivery and user-centric design and research.

24. DZ Design

DZ Design provides interior design in Dubai and the wider MENA region. Whether it’s a luxury villa, mid-size hotel or office project, this interior design firm can help! Initially established in 2014 by Dina Murali and Zain Belgami, they started life as a small architectural and interior design studio with just the two of them working across their dining table.

25. Etcetera Living Interior Design

Lesley, Etcetera Living Interior Design’s founder, believes in taking a very hands-on approach, which involves client collaboration throughout the entire process. From the very first meeting with clients, they take the time to understand their vision and needs for their living space.

26. Emaar Properties

Emaar Properties is one of the world’s most valuable and admired real estate development companies. With proven competencies in properties, shopping malls & retail, and hospitality & leisure, Emaar shapes new lifestyles with a focus on design excellence, building quality, and timely delivery.

27. Falcon Interior Decoration

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Falcon Interior Decoration is a leading Interior Design and Fit-out Contracting company based in Dubai with an exceptional reputation for providing innovative, quality and extraordinary designs and services across all interior design and fit-out solutions such as commercial, hospitality, residential and joinery. Their top interior designers provide complete turnkey solutions providing hassle-free services to clients from planning and designing to project execution and authority approvals. They can handle every single aspect of any interior fit-out project so that you don’t need to run around to find different materials or suppliers of various products you want in your project.

28. Four Seasons Ramesh Galler

Four Seasons Ramesh Gallery is the leading supplier of Fine Art, Picture Frames, Furniture, Decorative Lighting, and Home Accessories. Founded in 1970, and with two galleries in operation, their main gallery is situated in a 15,000 sq. ft. showroom in Dubai, while the second studio is located in Los Angeles, California. The UAE gallery operates the largest picture-framing factory in the Gulf and handles projects all over the Arabian Gulf countries, Africa and Europe.

29. Godwin Austen Johnson Architects

GAJ is one of the largest and longest-established UK architectural and design firms in the UAE. With more than 30 years of experience, they have created some of the region’s most iconic buildings!

30. Havelock One Interiors

Since its incorporation in 1998, Havelock One Interiors has become one of the most renowned turnkey fit-out contractors and manufacturers of high-quality joinery, decorative metal works, and sophisticated shop-fittings in the Middle East.

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Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part I)!

Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part I)!

Known for luxury shopping, ultra-modern architecture, glamorous design, and exclusive lifestyle, the United Arab Emirates has one of the most admired interior design industries in the world where super-tall buildings meet a craving desire for luxury interiors. With this lively context in mind, Inspiration and Ideas has selected the best Interior designers from UAE (Part I), that bring even more grandeur to this wonderful country with their luxury design project

1. 4Space Interior Design

Armed with a profound understanding of the unique challenges of luxury design within Dubai, top interior designers from 4Space strives to meet them with the unparalleled knowledge and skills of a multi-talented team of professionals. Led by major partners Amjad Hourieh and Firas Alsahin, this firm has become one of the region’s most respected, with more than 15 years of industry experience – in retail, hospitality and commercial spaces, or residential and living spaces.


Abanos is one of the largest and most reliable holistic interior fit-out and joinery companies in the UAE, with the aim to deliver high-quality and tailor-made projects, all fabricated at its state-of-the-art production facilities. Established in 1985, the company has expanded steadily since its early days, now operating throughout the UAE, GCC and worldwide markets!

3. Aedas Interiors

Aedas Interiors is an international firm that brings out the best of two different worlds – architecture and interior design. Part of the Aedas Group, Aedas Interiors focuses on offering a comprehensive range of interior design services that go from corporate to residential and hospitality. The firm’s numbers are impressive since it has been awarded several times, been featured in various projects around the world, and counts 1,400 creative minds that create world-class luxury design solutions with a deep social and cultural understanding of the communities they design for.

4. Al-Manzool Interiors

Founded by Engineer Eman Orphally in the early 90’s, Al Manzool is an Abu Dhabi based firm is a full-service, medium-sized architectural, planning and interior design company. Al Manzool is a responsive, client-focused firm that provides high quality architectural & interior design services and classy products ranging from fabric to furniture & lighting to its esteemed clients in the corporate, commercial and residential sectors.


Focusing on 5-star hotels & resorts, Alec Fitout is part of the Alec Group and offers complete interior solutions fulfilling the need for project management, engineering, value engineering, design-build. The firm delivers high-quality fit-out and refurbishment solutions.

6. Al Huzaifa

Passionate about design. Perfectionists to the core. Relentlessly seeking out new ideas, materials, possibilities and trends. The design team of Al Huzaifa is made up of 16 qualified, highly motivated professionals who have worked on some of the most demanding projects.

7. Algreda

Algedra is one of the top interior design companies in Dubai and its Interior Design Projects perfectly embrace the city’s luxurious and exclusive lifestyle. Algedra assures you that you have a unique, noble, and sophisticated villa entrance. Algedra interior design projects show high-end luxury, modern, contemporary or classic styles that will certainly make an amazing first impact on any guest or visitor.


ANARCHITECT is a multiple award-winning Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Design practice based in Dubai and London that specializes in delivering bespoke projects for design-driven private and corporate clients globally. Their diverse portfolio of built work spans residential, leisure, hospitality, workplace, and culture throughout the Middle-East, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Founded in 2013, the practice manifests architecture across diverse scales of design with superlative craft, detail, and materiality.

9. Arabian Company

Established in 1967 by the visionary late founder Ali Baslaib, the Arabian Company today has more than 40 companies and affiliated organizations. They have received praise and awards for the design and quality of their services, and are proud to be a UAE success story.

10. Arco Interiors

Arco Interiors is a specialist in interior solutions providing full-scope turn-key interior design, fit-out, and furnishings. Their close-knit team of designer, architects, and engineers are able to translate client ideas into a successful project that work both aesthetically and functionally.

11. Artizan Interior Design

Artizan Interior Design is a firm from Dubai that embodies the true spirit of luxury design excellence. Known for its commercial and hospitality projects, the top interior designers at Artizan brings together the research and implementation of technological advancement while meeting the deadlines to deliver an efficient service to a growing global market. This being said, prepare yourself for beautiful ambiances and inspiring settings.

12. Bayaty Architects

Credits: Bayaty Architects

Founded in 1978 by Dr Muthanna Al-Bayaty, Bayaty Architects has emerged to be a unique multidisciplinary practice. Bayaty Architects is a design and engineering firm for architects and engineers that work to provide and support the development of design projects.

13. Belhasa Interiors

Belhasa Interiors is a leading, sustainability-principled and versatile interior design studio based in Dubai with talented top interior designers. Part of one of the largest and most diversified holding groups in the region, Belhasa Interiors has leveraged its vast in-house resources to lead the design and execution of over 50 high-profile residential, commercial and governmental clients and over 200 projects region-wide such as The Chocolate Bar in Mercato Mall, Studio 8 at Dubai Mall Fashion Avenue, Moneykicks headquarters and booths at SoleDXB, the Ministry of Justice Innovation Center and Ras Al Khaimah Police Station.

14. Bishop Design

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Founded by Paul Bishop in 2004, Bishop Design LLC has continuously completed projects spread across the entire MENA region and the world. It is through the studio’s execution of well-planned luxury design solutions, extensive expertise of product knowledge and costs along with dedicated coordination and supervision, that their portfolio holds hundreds of successfully executed worldwide projects.

15. BlackVogelKop

Black Vogelkop works in interior design, fit-out, and refurbishment services, having delivered large-scale developments and smaller niche projects for some of The UAEs leading establishments. With a focus on quality and functionality, they work closely with their clients to ensure that all aspects of work, from concept to completion are conducted in a professional manner.

16. Bluehaus Group

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Bluehaus Group is a leading design consultancy firm holding multi-disciplined Architectural Design, Interior Design and Engineering Design consultancy skills that delivers experience and innovation to partners and customers. With 15 years of experience, the renowned consultancy firm has grown steadily through a repeat business strategic model by building lasting relationships with renowned global and local organizations and their brands across the Middle East, Africa and the wider globe.

17. Bond Interior


It all began with a handful of engineers who had a very simple vision – to deliver the best possible fit-out for clients, to brief, and on time. In the mid-time, Bond Interior has completed over 2,500 projects in our 30 years plus history. This is one of the largest high-end interior fit-out companies in the UAE, employing over 2,000 staff with offices in the UAE, China, India and the Philippines.

18. Caspaiou Design & Interiors

Caspaiou Design & Interiors’ philosophy is to create a minimalistic, earthy, and understated atmosphere of luxury, rather than follow easy trends. As a contemporary interior design studio, they deliver distinguished concepts that are modern yet timeless in their appeal.

19. Cherwell

Bespoke design products and furnishings are what make an interior design project unique. This is what Cherwell, a highly-active company in the design district of Dubai, does best. Its design team of top interior designers specializes in designing the spaces and creating custom-made furnishings for residential contexts. Cherwell makes bespoke furniture for every room of the home or office, but they are renowned for their beautiful kitchens, dressing rooms, and specialist joinery.

20. D&D Est.

D&D Est. was established in Riyadh at the beginning of the new millennium, creating plans for the finest buildings and palaces, based on a special understanding of the world of architecture and the latest findings of design and decoration sciences in the world. The Establishment quickly expanded its activities and divisions into a comprehensive institution, working from transferring ideas to paper to supervise and fully implement them. This is based on her deep understanding of the stages of work, starting from perceptions until its transfer to implementation. Today, D&D is managed by a professional team of administrators and engineers. Highly Experienced technicians and technicians working in its departments. and it has the necessary staff for project management and supervision.

21. Depa Interiors

Depa Group delivers hospitality, commercial (offices and retail), social infrastructure, economic infrastructure, yachts and marine, high-rise and low-rise residential, and aircraft projects in selected countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America. Depa has proudly set the standards of excellence in interior implementation, as evidenced by the delivery of the most iconic projects in the Middle East, Asia, and other regions.

22. Dewan Architects + Engineers

Credits: Dewan Architects + Engineers

Dewan Architects + Engineers has been at the forefront of the Middle East’s booming architectural and engineering design sector for almost three decades. Its founder and current Chairman and Managing Director, Mohamed Al Assam, established the inaugural Dewan office in Abu Dhabi in 1984 and successfully completed Dewan’s first high-rise commercial project, Baniyas Tower, in 1988, which cemented Dewan’s presence as a major player in the regional architectural scene.

23. Diane Thorsen/Perkins + Will

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Leading the creative design direction and managing the design process at Perkins + Will, Diane Thorsen remains the creative force behind the studio’s Dubai office, which she established in 2010 together with Steven Charlton. Her luxury designs for the international workplace, hospitality and mixed-use developments, display attention to detail, a love of local art and quality of craftsmanship. Her award-winning work and design approach is informed by sustainability, holistic, innovative project delivery and user-centric design and research.

24. DZ Design

DZ Design provides interior design in Dubai and the wider MENA region. Whether it’s a luxury villa, mid-size hotel or office project, this interior design firm can help! Initially established in 2014 by Dina Murali and Zain Belgami, they started life as a small architectural and interior design studio with just the two of them working across their dining table.

25. Etcetera Living Interior Design

Lesley, Etcetera Living Interior Design’s founder, believes in taking a very hands-on approach, which involves client collaboration throughout the entire process. From the very first meeting with clients, they take the time to understand their vision and needs for their living space.

26. Emaar Properties

Emaar Properties is one of the world’s most valuable and admired real estate development companies. With proven competencies in properties, shopping malls & retail, and hospitality & leisure, Emaar shapes new lifestyles with a focus on design excellence, building quality, and timely delivery.

27. Falcon Interior Decoration

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Falcon Interior Decoration is a leading Interior Design and Fit-out Contracting company based in Dubai with an exceptional reputation for providing innovative, quality and extraordinary designs and services across all interior design and fit-out solutions such as commercial, hospitality, residential and joinery. Their top interior designers provide complete turnkey solutions providing hassle-free services to clients from planning and designing to project execution and authority approvals. They can handle every single aspect of any interior fit-out project so that you don’t need to run around to find different materials or suppliers of various products you want in your project.

28. Four Seasons Ramesh Galler

Four Seasons Ramesh Gallery is the leading supplier of Fine Art, Picture Frames, Furniture, Decorative Lighting, and Home Accessories. Founded in 1970, and with two galleries in operation, their main gallery is situated in a 15,000 sq. ft. showroom in Dubai, while the second studio is located in Los Angeles, California. The UAE gallery operates the largest picture-framing factory in the Gulf and handles projects all over the Arabian Gulf countries, Africa and Europe.

29. Godwin Austen Johnson Architects

GAJ is one of the largest and longest-established UK architectural and design firms in the UAE. With more than 30 years of experience, they have created some of the region’s most iconic buildings!

30. Havelock One Interiors

Since its incorporation in 1998, Havelock One Interiors has become one of the most renowned turnkey fit-out contractors and manufacturers of high-quality joinery, decorative metal works, and sophisticated shop-fittings in the Middle East.

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