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¡Conozca a los mejores diseñadores de interiores de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (Parte II)!

¡Conozca a los mejores diseñadores de interiores de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (Parte II)!

Conocidos por las compras de lujo, la arquitectura ultramoderna, el diseño glamuroso y el estilo de vida exclusivo, los Emiratos Árabes Unidos tienen una de las industrias  de diseño de interiores más admiradas del mundo, donde los edificios súper altos satisfacen el anhelo de  interiores de lujo . Con este animado contexto en mente, Inspiration and Ideas ha seleccionado a los mejores diseñadores de interiores de los EAU (parte II), que aportan aún más grandeza  a este maravilloso país con sus  proyectos de diseño de lujo .


31. HBA

Los 20 mejores diseñadores de interiores de Dubái

HBA , o  Hirsch Bedner and Associates , es una de las principales firmas de  diseño de lujo en la industria hotelera de lujo . Crean la apariencia distintiva de las  marcas de lujo de hoy en día ,  hoteles boutique contemporáneos independientes ,  spas de centros turísticos urbanos ,  residencias de clase mundial ,  restaurantes  y  casinos . La presencia internacional, la profundidad de la experiencia y el conocimiento detallado de la industria de HBA permiten a sus mejores diseñadores de interiores identificar  las tendencias de diseño de interiores. en su origen, hacen predicciones definitivas sobre nuevas direcciones e innovaciones, e influyeron en los estándares de señalización a nivel mundial. Están ubicados en todo el mundo, lo que incluye los emocionantes terrenos de  Dubái .

32. Casa de los tesoros

Créditos: Casa de los Tesoros

Como sugiere el nombre, House of Treasures es… una House of Treasures de diseño de lujo . Con un excelente servicio y personas influyentes en el diseño en su equipo, House Of Treasures puede brindarle todo lo necesario para producir un interior impresionante .

IDC Insignia,  responsable de una serie de proyectos en  Oriente Medio  y  Europa  para  el diseño privado, comercial, corporativo  y  de productos,  ofrece  soluciones de diseño a medida ,  servicios de consultoría  y  suministro de mobiliario . La firma se asegura de que todos sus productos posean una distinguida firma de  lujo, glamour  y  brillo , ya sea en  muebles, acabados  o  telas .

34. Diseño de interiores de arte de ideas

Érase una vez, allá por 1994, un joven arquitecto de interiores ambicioso, Salah Jizi, tomó la iniciativa de fundar  IDEA ART  siguiendo una estela de éxito, comenzando en los años 80 cuando fue llamado para trabajar en un importante palacio en Abu Dhabi. La historia de éxito de este palacio abrió oportunidades para diseñar y ejecutar palacios prestigiosos para las familias reales de Abu Dhabi, Dubai y Sharjah, y sus clientes vivieron felices para siempre.

35. Justin Wells

Los 20 mejores diseñadores de interiores de Dubái

Justin Wells  es un  arquitecto registrado  con más de 20 años de experiencia en  proyectos galardonados  en todos los sectores de  la arquitectura  y  el diseño de interiores  en  Oriente  Medio ,  Sudeste Asiático  y  Australia . Sus esfuerzos en la construcción de relaciones con clientes, autoridades y colegas profesionales durante 20 años han asegurado que ha podido aprovechar una gran diversidad de tipologías arquitectónicas y de identificación para su carrera hasta la fecha. Su inclinación por la  arquitectura de ocio, hoteles, F&B, residencial  y  diseño de interiores . ha visto muchos viajes a lo largo de su vida para proporcionar una comprensión de las  tendencias globales  y las influencias retrospectivas.

Una entrada contemporánea con un aparador exclusivo

36. Grupo de karts

Kart group es un taller de diseño de lujo e importador de los EAU de muebles finos, iluminación, accesorios y obras de arte para interiores únicos. Desde 2005, la firma es especialista en interiores en diseño moderno y contemporáneo con un enfoque particular en muebles a medida.

37. Mundo KPS

KPS es un contratista de interiores centrado en el diseño y liderado por la tecnología que da vida a los espacios comerciales aprovechando las tendencias, las innovaciones y los recursos porque creemos que cada espacio tiene la oportunidad de algo extraordinario. Con fuertes raíces suecas, la firma cuenta con oficinas en Egipto, Francia, Líbano, Reino de Arabia Saudita, Reino Unido y Emiratos Árabes Unidos.

38. Kristina Zanic Consultores ZF

Kristina es una figura destacada en el diseño de interiores en Asia y Oriente Medio. El diseñador de interiores pasó más de 20 años en Tailandia y trabajó con marcas internacionales, multinacionales y empresas locales destacadas en toda Asia. En los últimos 10 años, Kristina ha estado trabajando en el Medio Oriente y desde entonces ha establecido su propio estudio de diseño exclusivo en Dubái: Kristina Zanic Design Consultants.

39. Diseños de Laith

Al completar su Licenciatura en Cine en Emerson College en Boston,  Laith Abdelhadi  se embarcó en su viaje para perseguir su pasión por  los proyectos de diseño de interiores  trabajando en publicidad y  escenografía . Laith  dominó una amplia gama de estilos y géneros de  diseño de interiores   , con un refinado equilibrio y yuxtaposición de combinar a la perfección lo antiguo y lo nuevo con un ojo editado, pero siempre creando  proyectos de diseño de interiores refinados  y  atractivos.

40. Interiores del espacio vital

Life Space Interiors es una empresa completa de equipamiento de interiores capaz de proporcionar a los clientes soluciones completas de interiores llave en mano. Brindamos servicios incomparables a empresas, hoteles minoristas y desarrolladores. Sus servicios se basan en tres principios básicos: integridad, servicios personalizados y excelencia.

41. Antonovich de lujo

Luxury Antonovich Design  es un  estudio de diseño de interiores  y  arquitectura de interiores de lujo  en  Dubái . Con un gusto brillante y un toque de lujo, sus mejores diseñadores de interiores son expertos en  trabajos de acondicionamiento de interiores, ebanistería, muebles  y  mobiliario,  y brindan  proyectos llave en mano  para  los principales sectores residenciales, comerciales, palacios  y  residencias de alto perfil .

42. Lux y más

Luxury & More interiors es una firma de diseño de interiores especializada en proyectos residenciales y comerciales . Luxury & More interiors se fundó en 2015 en Abu Dabi.

43. Diseño de lujo Antonovich

Luxury Antonovich Design se ha convertido en una práctica totalmente integrada que brinda servicios de Estructura, Arquitectura, Diseño de Interiores, Ingeniería de Valor, Acondicionamiento y Gestión de Proyectos en una amplia variedad de proyectos de construcción de prestigio. Considerando los objetivos comerciales y residenciales del Cliente como una prioridad máxima y adoptando una política de total transparencia e integridad profesional, esta es una de las principales empresas de interiorismo y acondicionamiento en Dubái y Riyadh.

44. Mouhajer Diseño Internacional

Con el inicio del nuevo milenio, el proyecto Mouhajer fue iniciado por el Ing. Maher Mouhajer, como una base geométrica que formaba un ascenso piramidal consistente. La capacidad de alto nivel de la empresa ha contribuido a trabajar en el campo del diseño como casas particulares, hoteles de prestigio, oficinas presidenciales y embajadas.

45. Musa Interior

Muse design es una empresa de primer nivel fundada en 2007 por  Michael Dudnyk y Stanislava Rudas-Dudnyk . La empresa fabrica y ofrece los mejores servicios de productos de diseño de interiores a un precio asequible. Ofrecemos los mejores servicios de diseño de interiores en los EAU.


46. ​​Decoración interior del nido

Decoración interior de nido

Nest Interior Decor cree que el propósito de nuestro trabajo es hacer que los espacios sean más efectivos, eficientes y satisfactorios para quienes los ocupan.

47. Nikki Bisiker/Da Fonseca Design

Los 20 mejores diseñadores de interiores de Dubái

Da Fonseca Design  está dirigido por su fundadora y diseñadora principal,  Nikki Bisiker Da Fonseca . Este  estudio de diseño  cuenta con el respaldo de un equipo central de profesionales experimentados y talentosos  en arquitectura  e  interiores  dedicados a ofrecer soluciones de diseño de la más alta calidad. Una de las cosas que notará con solo mirar cualquier proyecto de Da Fonseca Design es el uso de nada más que los  mejores materiales  y  acabados  en sus proyectos. Todo se ve exactamente como se supone que debe ser, y siempre hay una sensación de  lujo organizado .

Sofá Sol

48. Interiores nómadas

28 de enero de 2011, Abu Dabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos — Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Street (Hamdan Street), Abu Dabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Oriente Medio — Imagen de © Alan Copson/Robert Harding World Imagery/Corbis

NOMAD Interiors LLC fue establecida en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos en 2010 por Imad Fandi Azzam, un veterano en Diseño, Ejecución y Gestión de Proyectos con más de 14 años de amplia y sólida experiencia en Desarrollo y Gestión de Proyectos de lujo y Comercial, Residencial, Retail, Hoteles y High -subir torres

49. Pallaví Decano

Los 20 mejores diseñadores de interiores de Dubái

Pallavi Dean  es una de las  diseñadoras de interiores más prometedoras de los EAU.  Como asociada de  Godwin Austen Johnson  en  Dubái , ha trabajado en una variedad de  proyectos comerciales  y  de hospitalidad de alto perfil en  toda la región. Su trabajo fue reconocido en 2010 cuando ganó el premio  CID Middle East Interior Designer Award of the Year . Pallavi es un miembro activo de la  comunidad de diseño de los EAU , escribe para  publicaciones de la industria ,  organiza eventos  y  asesora a estudiantes .

50. Interiores de pátina

Patina Interiors es una de las empresas de diseño de interiores más creativas y lujosas de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos , que se centra en el diseño de interiores comerciales y servicios y soluciones de diseño de interiores residenciales que combina la planificación creativa del espacio, el diseño y la gestión de proyectos para todo tipo de proyectos de interiores. ¡El equipo de arquitectos, diseñadores, gerentes de proyectos y artesanos profesionales de diseño de interiores de Patina Interior ofrece proyectos que superan las expectativas!

51. Taller de Sneha Divias

Nacida en  Portugal ,  Sneha Divias  tiene una  Maestría  en  Arquitectura  de la  Universidad Lusiada de Oporto  y se especializó en  Diseño de Interiores  en  la Universidad de Nueva York . Habiendo trabajado en proyectos a nivel mundial con  consultores de arquitectura  y  diseño de renombre  en  Lisboa  y  Dubai  antes de fundar el  Atelier , Sneha Divias dirige la firma con una verdadera visión empresarial. Al poco tiempo de expandirse por su cuenta, Divias se ha establecido rápidamente como diseñadora con una de las carteras más diversas de proyectos construidos.

52. Estudio Internacional

Créditos Studio International

Studio International es una nueva consultoría de diseño formulada por personas que han acumulado una importante experiencia a nivel mundial en una amplia gama de disciplinas de diseño. Su conocimiento combinado ha permitido a los principales hoteleros, empresas corporativas, operadores de transporte, minoristas y principales desarrolladores comerciales del mundo ofrecer experiencias únicas y valiosas a sus clientes.

53. Los interiores del centro

Créditos: The Hub Interiors

Desde su lanzamiento en 2015, el objetivo principal de ” The Hub Interior Decoration ” ha sido desarrollar relaciones de trabajo cercanas con su clientela. Cada diseño que crean cuenta una historia visual de su cliente.

54. Diseño de interiores trigonométricos

Trig Interior Design se enorgullece de llamarse creyentes de que cada espacio de diseño de interiores tiene un potencial único y adopta el enfoque de abordar los requisitos individualmente. El resultado es producto de nuestras cuidadosas decisiones de diseño, entorno, selección de materiales, comodidad personal, integración de tecnología manteniendo el sentido de comunidad y sinergias personales con los clientes.

55. Interiores de Versalles

Versay Interiors  es una empresa de diseño de interiores con sede en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Dubai. Un equipo creativo de diseñadores de interiores y arquitectos en los EAU ha realizado muchos proyectos de diseño de interiores en todo el mundo. Cada uno de los clientes tiene su propio estilo de vida, visión individual y un proyecto de diseño siempre especial y exclusivo por parte de la empresa, que va a juego con su personalidad.

56. Víspera y Countaj

Vesper & Countaj es una firma consultora independiente de arquitectura e inversión que ofrece productos de inversión personalizados para inversores privados e institucionales con sede en Francia y Dubái. La empresa combina arquitectura e ingeniería para sacar el máximo partido a un proyecto trabajando con la empresa hermana especializada en pretensado.

57. Visiontech

Visiontech es una empresa de diseño de interiores, capaz de proporcionar y entregar todos los elementos de un proyecto, desde obras de habilitación hasta subestructuras, superestructuras y equipamiento. Nacido del cambio de marca de AMBB Interiors (ahora BW Interiors), Visiontech se ha establecido rápidamente como un socio confiable para minoristas, hoteles, restaurantes, oficinas comerciales y villas privadas.

58 . Diseño VSHD

Los 20 mejores diseñadores de interiores de Dubái

El galardonado estudio de  diseño VSHD  fue fundado por la arquitecta de interiores y directora gerente  Rania Hamed . VSHD Design ha realizado proyectos en todo el mundo desde  Europa  hasta  Estados Unidos,  así como en  Oriente Medio . En sus  interiores elegantes  y  refinados , la diseñadora aúna  diseño contemporáneo  y  contextos decididamente clásicos  y  minimalistas .

59. Colectivo XBD

La arquitectura  y  el diseño de interiores  nunca han estado lejos el uno del otro y, con  XBD Collective , ese vínculo se vuelve aún más fuerte. XBD Collective es una organización multidisciplinar que aporta soluciones únicas para  proyectos residenciales ,  comerciales  y  hosteleros  con un toque inconfundible y exclusivo. Presentado por  Ellen Søhoel ,  Lee Nellis  y un maravilloso equipo de los mejores diseñadores de interiores y otros profesionales experimentados, esta firma lo hace hermoso tanto en interiores como en exteriores.

60. Interiores zen

Los 20 mejores diseñadores de interiores de Dubái

En  Zen Interiors , creen que los clientes merecen las soluciones más inteligentes. Cuando se trata de crear espacios impresionantes, ofrecen una combinación inigualable de  flexibilidad ,  durabilidad  y asequibilidad. Como los mejores diseñadores de interiores , les apasionan los productos superiores y los servicios profesionales y su objetivo es ofrecer resultados perfectos, siempre y para cada cliente. Así como se adaptan a estilos, gustos, presupuestos y  plazos específicos , puede contar con sus conocimientos y experiencia en todas las etapas, desde  el concepto  hasta

61. Decoración de Zoom Homes

oom Homes Décor es una empresa de Interiorismo, acondicionamiento y Decoración. La empresa brinda excelentes servicios en interiores y exteriores minoristas, comerciales y residenciales, durante muchos años.


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Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part II)!

Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part II)!

Known for luxury shopping, ultra-modern architecture, glamorous design, and exclusive lifestyle, the United Arab Emirates has one of the most admired interior design industries in the world where super-tall buildings meet a craving desire for luxury interiors. With this lively context in mind, Inspiration and Ideas has selected the best Interior designers from UAE (part II), that bring even more grandeur to this wonderful country with their luxury design projects!

31. HBA

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

HBA, or Hirsch Bedner and Associates, is one of the leading luxury design firms in the luxury hospitality industry. They create the signature looks of today’s luxury brandsindependent contemporary boutique hotelsurban resort spas, world-class residencesrestaurants and casinos. HBA’s international presence, depth of experience and detailed industry knowledge enables its top interior designers to identify interior design trends at their source, make definitive predictions about new directions and innovations, and influenced sign standards at a global level. They are located across the globe, which includes the exciting grounds of Dubai.

32. House of Treasures

Credits: House of Treasures

Like the name suggests, House of Treasures is…a House of Treasures of Luxury Design. With great service and design influencers on their team, House Of Treasures can give you everything to produce a stunning interior.

IDC Insignia, responsible for a series of projects in the Middle East and Europe for private, commercial, corporate and product design, offers tailor-made bespoke design solutionsconsultancy services and furniture supply. The firm makes sure that all their products own a distinguished signature of luxury glam and sparkle, whether it concerns furniture, finishes or fabrics.

34. Idea Art Interior Design

Once upon a time, back in 1994, a young ambitious interior architect, Salah Jizi, took the initiative of founding IDEA ART following a trail of success, starting from the 80’s when he was called in to work on a major palace in Abu Dhabi. The success story of this palace opened up opportunities to design and execute prestigious palaces for the royal families of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah, and his clients lived happily ever after.

35. Justin Wells

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Justin Wells is a registered architect with in excess of 20 years of experience in award-winning projects across all sectors of architecture and interior design in the Middle EastSouth-East Asia, and Australia. His efforts in building relationships with clients, authorities, and professional colleagues over 20 years, have ensured that he has been able to draw upon a vast diversity of Architectural and ID typologies for his career to date. His penchant for Leisure Architecture, Hotels, F&B, Residential, and Interior Design has seen expansive travel over a lifetime to provide an understanding of global trends and retrospective influences.

A contemporary entryway with an exclusive sideboard

36. Kart Group

Kart group is a luxury design atelier and U.A.E. importer of fine furniture, lighting, accessories, and artwork for unique interiors. Since 2005, the firm is an interiors specialist in modern and contemporary design with a particular focus on bespoke furniture.

37. KPS World

KPS is a technology-led, design-focused interior contractor that brings commercial spaces to life by tapping into trends, innovations, and resources because we believe every space holds the opportunity for something remarkable. With strong Swedish roots, the firm has offices in Egypt, France, Lebanon, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.

38. Kristina Zanic Consultants FZ

Kristina is a prominent figure in interior design in Asia and the Middle East. The interior designer spent over 20 years based in Thailand and worked with international brands, multinationals, as well as prominent local companies throughout Asia. In the past 10 years, Kristina has been working in the Middle East and has since established her own signature design studio in Dubai: Kristina Zanic Design Consultants.

39. Laith Designs

Upon completion of his Bachelor’s Degree in Film at Emerson College in Boston, Laith Abdelhadi embarked upon his journey to pursue his passion for interior design projects by working in advertising and set design. Laith mastered a wide range of interior design styles and genres, with a refined balance and juxtaposition of seamlessly combining the old and the new with an edited eye, yet always creating refined and inviting interior design projects.

40. Life Space Interiors

Life Space Interiors is a full-fledged interior fit-out company capable of providing clients with full turnkey interior solutions, we provide unparalleled services to corporates, hotels retail and developers. Their services are built around three core principles: integrity, personalized services and excellence.

41. Luxury Antonovich

Luxury Antonovich Design is a luxury interior design and interior architecture studio in Dubai. Using brilliant taste and a touch of luxury, their top interior designers are experts in interior fit-out works, joinery, furniture and furnishing, and provide turnkey projects to prime residential, commercial sectors, palaces and high-profile residences.

42. Lux & More

Luxury & More interiors is an interior design firm specializing in residential and commercial projects. Luxury & More interiors was founded in 2015 in Abu Dhabi.

43. Luxury Antonovich Design

Luxury Antonovich Design has developed into a fully integrated practice providing Structural, Architectural, Interior Design, Value Engineering, Fit-out, and Project Management services on a wide variety of prestigious construction projects.nBy considering the Client’s commercial and residential objectives as a top priority and adopting a policy of complete transparency and professional integrity, this is one of the Top Interior and Fit-Out Company in Dubai and Riyadh.

44. Mouhajer International Design

With the beginning of the new millennium, the Mouhajer project started out by Eng. Maher Mouhajer, as a geometrical base that formed a consistent pyramidal ascent. The high-level capacity of the company has contributed to work in the field of design such as private houses, prestigious hotels, presidential offices, and embassies.

45. Muse Interior

Muse design is a top-notch company that was established in 2007 by Michael Dudnyk and Stanislava Rudas-Dudnyk. The company manufactures and delivers the best services of interior designing products at an affordable price. We offer the best interior designing services throughout the UAE.

46. Nest Interior Decor

Nest Interior Decor

Nest Interior Decor believes the purpose of our work is to make spaces more effective, efficient and satisfying for those that occupy them.

47. Nikki Bisiker/Da Fonseca Design

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Da Fonseca Design is run by its founder and lead designer, Nikki Bisiker Da Fonseca. This design studio is supported by a core team of experienced and talented Interior and Architectural professionals dedicated to offering the highest quality design solutions. One of the things you will notice just by looking at any project by Da Fonseca Design is the use of nothing but the best materials and finishes on their projects. Everything looks exactly how it is supposed to be, and there is always a sense of organized luxury.

Soleil Sofa

48. Nomad Interiors

28 Jan 2011, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates — Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Street (Hamdan Street), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Middle East — Image by © Alan Copson/Robert Harding World Imagery/Corbis

NOMAD Interiors L.L.C was established in UAE on 2010 by Imad Fandi Azzam, a veteran in Projects Design, Execution and Management with more than 14 years of extensive and solid experience in Projects Development and Management of luxurious and Commercial, Residential, Retail, Hotels and High-rise Towers

49. Pallavi Dean

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Pallavi Dean is one of the UAE’s most promising interior designers. As an Associate with Godwin Austen Johnson in Dubai, she’s has worked on a range of high-profile commercial and hospitality projects across the region. Her work was recognized in 2010 when she won the CID Middle East Young Interior Designer of the Year Award. Pallavi is an active member of the UAE design community, writing for industry publicationsorganizing events and mentoring students.

50. Patina Interiors

Patina Interiors is one of the most creative and luxury interior design company in the UAE which focuses on commercial interior design and residential interior design services and solutions that combines creative space planning, designing, and project management for all types of interior projects. Patina Interior’s professional interior design team of architects, designers, project managers and professional craftsmen deliver projects that exceed expectations!

51. Sneha Divias Atelier

Born in PortugalSneha Divias holds a Master’s Degree in Architecture from the Lusiada University of Porto and specialized in Interior Design at New York University. Having worked on projects globally with renowned architecture and design consultants in Lisbon and Dubai prior to founding the Atelier, Sneha Divias helms the firm with a true entrepreneurial vision. Within a short span of branching out on her own, Divias has quickly established herself as a designer with one of the most diverse portfolios of built projects.

52. Studio International

Credits Studio International

Studio International is a new design consultancy formulated by individuals who have accumulated a significant body of experience globally across a comprehensive range of design disciplines. Their combined knowledge has enabled the world’s leading hoteliers, corporate businesses, transport operators, retailers and principle commercial developers to deliver unique and valuable experiences to their customers.

53. The Hub Interiors

Credits: The Hub Interiors

Since the launch in 2015, the main goal at “The Hub Interior Decoration” has been to develop close working relationships with its clientele. Every design they create tells a visual story of their client.

54. Trig Interior Design

Trig Interior Design are proud to call themselves believers that each interior design space has a unique potential and embraces the approach of addressing requirements individually. The outcome is a product of our careful design decisions, environment, selection of material, personal comfort, integration of technology while maintaining the sense of community and personal synergies with clients.

55. Versay Interiors

Versay Interiors is an interior design company based in UAE, Dubai. A creative team of interior designers and architects in UAE has done a lot of interior design projects around the world. Each one of the clients has his own lifestyle, individual vision, and always special, exclusive design project from the company’s side, which is matching with their personality.

56. Vesper & Countaj

Vesper & Countaj is an independent architecture and investment consultant firm providing tailored investments products for both private and institutional investors based in France and Dubai. The company combines architecture and engineering to get the best out of a project working with the sister company specialized in prestressing.

57. Visiontech

Visiontech is an interior design firm, able to provide and deliver all elements of a project, from enabling works to sub-structures, superstructures, and fit-out. Born out of the rebranding of AMBB Interiors (now BW Interiors) Visiontech has quickly established itself as a reliable partner for Retail, Hotels, Restaurants, Commercial Offices and Private Villas.

58. VSHD Design

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

The award-winning VSHD Design studio was founded by interior architect and managing director Rania Hamed. VSHD Design has carried out projects all over the world from Europe to the United States, as well as in the Middle East. In her elegant and refined interiors, the designer brings together contemporary design and resolutely classic and minimalist contexts.

59. XBD Collective

Architecture and interior design have never been far from each other and, with XBD Collective, that bond gets even stronger. XBD Collective is a multi-disciplinary organization that provides unique solutions for residentialcommercial, and hospitality projects with an unmistakable, exclusive touch. Brought to you by Ellen SøhoelLee Nellis, and a wonderful team of top interior designers and other experienced professionals, this firm makes it beautiful both in and outdoors.

60. Zen Interiors

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

At Zen Interiors, they believe that clients deserve the smartest solutions. When it comes to creating stunning spaces, they offer an unbeatable combination of flexibilitydurability, and affordability. As top interior designers, they are passionate about superior products and professional services and aim to deliver perfect results – each time, and for every client. Just as they cater to specific styles, tastes, budgets, and deadlines, you can count on their expertise and experience at all stages, from concept to

61. Zoom Homes Décor

Zoom Homes Décor is Interior Designing, fit-out and Decoration company. The company provides excellent services in retail, commercial and residential Interior and Exterior, for many years.


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Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part II)!

Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part II)!

Known for luxury shopping, ultra-modern architecture, glamorous design, and exclusive lifestyle, the United Arab Emirates has one of the most admired interior design industries in the world where super-tall buildings meet a craving desire for luxury interiors. With this lively context in mind, Inspiration and Ideas has selected the best Interior designers from UAE (part II), that bring even more grandeur to this wonderful country with their luxury design projects!

31. HBA

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

HBA, or Hirsch Bedner and Associates, is one of the leading luxury design firms in the luxury hospitality industry. They create the signature looks of today’s luxury brandsindependent contemporary boutique hotelsurban resort spas, world-class residencesrestaurants and casinos. HBA’s international presence, depth of experience and detailed industry knowledge enables its top interior designers to identify interior design trends at their source, make definitive predictions about new directions and innovations, and influenced sign standards at a global level. They are located across the globe, which includes the exciting grounds of Dubai.

32. House of Treasures

Credits: House of Treasures

Like the name suggests, House of Treasures is…a House of Treasures of Luxury Design. With great service and design influencers on their team, House Of Treasures can give you everything to produce a stunning interior.

IDC Insignia, responsible for a series of projects in the Middle East and Europe for private, commercial, corporate and product design, offers tailor-made bespoke design solutionsconsultancy services and furniture supply. The firm makes sure that all their products own a distinguished signature of luxury glam and sparkle, whether it concerns furniture, finishes or fabrics.

34. Idea Art Interior Design

Once upon a time, back in 1994, a young ambitious interior architect, Salah Jizi, took the initiative of founding IDEA ART following a trail of success, starting from the 80’s when he was called in to work on a major palace in Abu Dhabi. The success story of this palace opened up opportunities to design and execute prestigious palaces for the royal families of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah, and his clients lived happily ever after.

35. Justin Wells

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Justin Wells is a registered architect with in excess of 20 years of experience in award-winning projects across all sectors of architecture and interior design in the Middle EastSouth-East Asia, and Australia. His efforts in building relationships with clients, authorities, and professional colleagues over 20 years, have ensured that he has been able to draw upon a vast diversity of Architectural and ID typologies for his career to date. His penchant for Leisure Architecture, Hotels, F&B, Residential, and Interior Design has seen expansive travel over a lifetime to provide an understanding of global trends and retrospective influences.

A contemporary entryway with an exclusive sideboard

36. Kart Group

Kart group is a luxury design atelier and U.A.E. importer of fine furniture, lighting, accessories, and artwork for unique interiors. Since 2005, the firm is an interiors specialist in modern and contemporary design with a particular focus on bespoke furniture.

37. KPS World

KPS is a technology-led, design-focused interior contractor that brings commercial spaces to life by tapping into trends, innovations, and resources because we believe every space holds the opportunity for something remarkable. With strong Swedish roots, the firm has offices in Egypt, France, Lebanon, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.

38. Kristina Zanic Consultants FZ

Kristina is a prominent figure in interior design in Asia and the Middle East. The interior designer spent over 20 years based in Thailand and worked with international brands, multinationals, as well as prominent local companies throughout Asia. In the past 10 years, Kristina has been working in the Middle East and has since established her own signature design studio in Dubai: Kristina Zanic Design Consultants.

39. Laith Designs

Upon completion of his Bachelor’s Degree in Film at Emerson College in Boston, Laith Abdelhadi embarked upon his journey to pursue his passion for interior design projects by working in advertising and set design. Laith mastered a wide range of interior design styles and genres, with a refined balance and juxtaposition of seamlessly combining the old and the new with an edited eye, yet always creating refined and inviting interior design projects.

40. Life Space Interiors

Life Space Interiors is a full-fledged interior fit-out company capable of providing clients with full turnkey interior solutions, we provide unparalleled services to corporates, hotels retail and developers. Their services are built around three core principles: integrity, personalized services and excellence.

41. Luxury Antonovich

Luxury Antonovich Design is a luxury interior design and interior architecture studio in Dubai. Using brilliant taste and a touch of luxury, their top interior designers are experts in interior fit-out works, joinery, furniture and furnishing, and provide turnkey projects to prime residential, commercial sectors, palaces and high-profile residences.

42. Lux & More

Luxury & More interiors is an interior design firm specializing in residential and commercial projects. Luxury & More interiors was founded in 2015 in Abu Dhabi.

43. Luxury Antonovich Design

Luxury Antonovich Design has developed into a fully integrated practice providing Structural, Architectural, Interior Design, Value Engineering, Fit-out, and Project Management services on a wide variety of prestigious construction projects.nBy considering the Client’s commercial and residential objectives as a top priority and adopting a policy of complete transparency and professional integrity, this is one of the Top Interior and Fit-Out Company in Dubai and Riyadh.

44. Mouhajer International Design

With the beginning of the new millennium, the Mouhajer project started out by Eng. Maher Mouhajer, as a geometrical base that formed a consistent pyramidal ascent. The high-level capacity of the company has contributed to work in the field of design such as private houses, prestigious hotels, presidential offices, and embassies.

45. Muse Interior

Muse design is a top-notch company that was established in 2007 by Michael Dudnyk and Stanislava Rudas-Dudnyk. The company manufactures and delivers the best services of interior designing products at an affordable price. We offer the best interior designing services throughout the UAE.

46. Nest Interior Decor

Nest Interior Decor

Nest Interior Decor believes the purpose of our work is to make spaces more effective, efficient and satisfying for those that occupy them.

47. Nikki Bisiker/Da Fonseca Design

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Da Fonseca Design is run by its founder and lead designer, Nikki Bisiker Da Fonseca. This design studio is supported by a core team of experienced and talented Interior and Architectural professionals dedicated to offering the highest quality design solutions. One of the things you will notice just by looking at any project by Da Fonseca Design is the use of nothing but the best materials and finishes on their projects. Everything looks exactly how it is supposed to be, and there is always a sense of organized luxury.

Soleil Sofa

48. Nomad Interiors

28 Jan 2011, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates — Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Street (Hamdan Street), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Middle East — Image by © Alan Copson/Robert Harding World Imagery/Corbis

NOMAD Interiors L.L.C was established in UAE on 2010 by Imad Fandi Azzam, a veteran in Projects Design, Execution and Management with more than 14 years of extensive and solid experience in Projects Development and Management of luxurious and Commercial, Residential, Retail, Hotels and High-rise Towers

49. Pallavi Dean

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Pallavi Dean is one of the UAE’s most promising interior designers. As an Associate with Godwin Austen Johnson in Dubai, she’s has worked on a range of high-profile commercial and hospitality projects across the region. Her work was recognized in 2010 when she won the CID Middle East Young Interior Designer of the Year Award. Pallavi is an active member of the UAE design community, writing for industry publicationsorganizing events and mentoring students.

50. Patina Interiors

Patina Interiors is one of the most creative and luxury interior design company in the UAE which focuses on commercial interior design and residential interior design services and solutions that combines creative space planning, designing, and project management for all types of interior projects. Patina Interior’s professional interior design team of architects, designers, project managers and professional craftsmen deliver projects that exceed expectations!

51. Sneha Divias Atelier

Born in PortugalSneha Divias holds a Master’s Degree in Architecture from the Lusiada University of Porto and specialized in Interior Design at New York University. Having worked on projects globally with renowned architecture and design consultants in Lisbon and Dubai prior to founding the Atelier, Sneha Divias helms the firm with a true entrepreneurial vision. Within a short span of branching out on her own, Divias has quickly established herself as a designer with one of the most diverse portfolios of built projects.

52. Studio International

Credits Studio International

Studio International is a new design consultancy formulated by individuals who have accumulated a significant body of experience globally across a comprehensive range of design disciplines. Their combined knowledge has enabled the world’s leading hoteliers, corporate businesses, transport operators, retailers and principle commercial developers to deliver unique and valuable experiences to their customers.

53. The Hub Interiors

Credits: The Hub Interiors

Since the launch in 2015, the main goal at “The Hub Interior Decoration” has been to develop close working relationships with its clientele. Every design they create tells a visual story of their client.

54. Trig Interior Design

Trig Interior Design are proud to call themselves believers that each interior design space has a unique potential and embraces the approach of addressing requirements individually. The outcome is a product of our careful design decisions, environment, selection of material, personal comfort, integration of technology while maintaining the sense of community and personal synergies with clients.

55. Versay Interiors

Versay Interiors is an interior design company based in UAE, Dubai. A creative team of interior designers and architects in UAE has done a lot of interior design projects around the world. Each one of the clients has his own lifestyle, individual vision, and always special, exclusive design project from the company’s side, which is matching with their personality.

56. Vesper & Countaj

Vesper & Countaj is an independent architecture and investment consultant firm providing tailored investments products for both private and institutional investors based in France and Dubai. The company combines architecture and engineering to get the best out of a project working with the sister company specialized in prestressing.

57. Visiontech

Visiontech is an interior design firm, able to provide and deliver all elements of a project, from enabling works to sub-structures, superstructures, and fit-out. Born out of the rebranding of AMBB Interiors (now BW Interiors) Visiontech has quickly established itself as a reliable partner for Retail, Hotels, Restaurants, Commercial Offices and Private Villas.

58. VSHD Design

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

The award-winning VSHD Design studio was founded by interior architect and managing director Rania Hamed. VSHD Design has carried out projects all over the world from Europe to the United States, as well as in the Middle East. In her elegant and refined interiors, the designer brings together contemporary design and resolutely classic and minimalist contexts.

59. XBD Collective

Architecture and interior design have never been far from each other and, with XBD Collective, that bond gets even stronger. XBD Collective is a multi-disciplinary organization that provides unique solutions for residentialcommercial, and hospitality projects with an unmistakable, exclusive touch. Brought to you by Ellen SøhoelLee Nellis, and a wonderful team of top interior designers and other experienced professionals, this firm makes it beautiful both in and outdoors.

60. Zen Interiors

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

At Zen Interiors, they believe that clients deserve the smartest solutions. When it comes to creating stunning spaces, they offer an unbeatable combination of flexibilitydurability, and affordability. As top interior designers, they are passionate about superior products and professional services and aim to deliver perfect results – each time, and for every client. Just as they cater to specific styles, tastes, budgets, and deadlines, you can count on their expertise and experience at all stages, from concept to

61. Zoom Homes Décor

Zoom Homes Décor is Interior Designing, fit-out and Decoration company. The company provides excellent services in retail, commercial and residential Interior and Exterior, for many years.


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Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part II)!

Get To Know The Best Interior Designers From United Arab Emirates (Part II)!

Known for luxury shopping, ultra-modern architecture, glamorous design, and exclusive lifestyle, the United Arab Emirates has one of the most admired interior design industries in the world where super-tall buildings meet a craving desire for luxury interiors. With this lively context in mind, Inspiration and Ideas has selected the best Interior designers from UAE (part II), that bring even more grandeur to this wonderful country with their luxury design projects!

31. HBA

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

HBA, or Hirsch Bedner and Associates, is one of the leading luxury design firms in the luxury hospitality industry. They create the signature looks of today’s luxury brandsindependent contemporary boutique hotelsurban resort spas, world-class residencesrestaurants and casinos. HBA’s international presence, depth of experience and detailed industry knowledge enables its top interior designers to identify interior design trends at their source, make definitive predictions about new directions and innovations, and influenced sign standards at a global level. They are located across the globe, which includes the exciting grounds of Dubai.

32. House of Treasures

Credits: House of Treasures

Like the name suggests, House of Treasures is…a House of Treasures of Luxury Design. With great service and design influencers on their team, House Of Treasures can give you everything to produce a stunning interior.

IDC Insignia, responsible for a series of projects in the Middle East and Europe for private, commercial, corporate and product design, offers tailor-made bespoke design solutionsconsultancy services and furniture supply. The firm makes sure that all their products own a distinguished signature of luxury glam and sparkle, whether it concerns furniture, finishes or fabrics.

34. Idea Art Interior Design

Once upon a time, back in 1994, a young ambitious interior architect, Salah Jizi, took the initiative of founding IDEA ART following a trail of success, starting from the 80’s when he was called in to work on a major palace in Abu Dhabi. The success story of this palace opened up opportunities to design and execute prestigious palaces for the royal families of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah, and his clients lived happily ever after.

35. Justin Wells

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Justin Wells is a registered architect with in excess of 20 years of experience in award-winning projects across all sectors of architecture and interior design in the Middle EastSouth-East Asia, and Australia. His efforts in building relationships with clients, authorities, and professional colleagues over 20 years, have ensured that he has been able to draw upon a vast diversity of Architectural and ID typologies for his career to date. His penchant for Leisure Architecture, Hotels, F&B, Residential, and Interior Design has seen expansive travel over a lifetime to provide an understanding of global trends and retrospective influences.

A contemporary entryway with an exclusive sideboard

36. Kart Group

Kart group is a luxury design atelier and U.A.E. importer of fine furniture, lighting, accessories, and artwork for unique interiors. Since 2005, the firm is an interiors specialist in modern and contemporary design with a particular focus on bespoke furniture.

37. KPS World

KPS is a technology-led, design-focused interior contractor that brings commercial spaces to life by tapping into trends, innovations, and resources because we believe every space holds the opportunity for something remarkable. With strong Swedish roots, the firm has offices in Egypt, France, Lebanon, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.

38. Kristina Zanic Consultants FZ

Kristina is a prominent figure in interior design in Asia and the Middle East. The interior designer spent over 20 years based in Thailand and worked with international brands, multinationals, as well as prominent local companies throughout Asia. In the past 10 years, Kristina has been working in the Middle East and has since established her own signature design studio in Dubai: Kristina Zanic Design Consultants.

39. Laith Designs

Upon completion of his Bachelor’s Degree in Film at Emerson College in Boston, Laith Abdelhadi embarked upon his journey to pursue his passion for interior design projects by working in advertising and set design. Laith mastered a wide range of interior design styles and genres, with a refined balance and juxtaposition of seamlessly combining the old and the new with an edited eye, yet always creating refined and inviting interior design projects.

40. Life Space Interiors

Life Space Interiors is a full-fledged interior fit-out company capable of providing clients with full turnkey interior solutions, we provide unparalleled services to corporates, hotels retail and developers. Their services are built around three core principles: integrity, personalized services and excellence.

41. Luxury Antonovich

Luxury Antonovich Design is a luxury interior design and interior architecture studio in Dubai. Using brilliant taste and a touch of luxury, their top interior designers are experts in interior fit-out works, joinery, furniture and furnishing, and provide turnkey projects to prime residential, commercial sectors, palaces and high-profile residences.

42. Lux & More

Luxury & More interiors is an interior design firm specializing in residential and commercial projects. Luxury & More interiors was founded in 2015 in Abu Dhabi.

43. Luxury Antonovich Design

Luxury Antonovich Design has developed into a fully integrated practice providing Structural, Architectural, Interior Design, Value Engineering, Fit-out, and Project Management services on a wide variety of prestigious construction projects.nBy considering the Client’s commercial and residential objectives as a top priority and adopting a policy of complete transparency and professional integrity, this is one of the Top Interior and Fit-Out Company in Dubai and Riyadh.

44. Mouhajer International Design

With the beginning of the new millennium, the Mouhajer project started out by Eng. Maher Mouhajer, as a geometrical base that formed a consistent pyramidal ascent. The high-level capacity of the company has contributed to work in the field of design such as private houses, prestigious hotels, presidential offices, and embassies.

45. Muse Interior

Muse design is a top-notch company that was established in 2007 by Michael Dudnyk and Stanislava Rudas-Dudnyk. The company manufactures and delivers the best services of interior designing products at an affordable price. We offer the best interior designing services throughout the UAE.

46. Nest Interior Decor

Nest Interior Decor

Nest Interior Decor believes the purpose of our work is to make spaces more effective, efficient and satisfying for those that occupy them.

47. Nikki Bisiker/Da Fonseca Design

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Da Fonseca Design is run by its founder and lead designer, Nikki Bisiker Da Fonseca. This design studio is supported by a core team of experienced and talented Interior and Architectural professionals dedicated to offering the highest quality design solutions. One of the things you will notice just by looking at any project by Da Fonseca Design is the use of nothing but the best materials and finishes on their projects. Everything looks exactly how it is supposed to be, and there is always a sense of organized luxury.

Soleil Sofa

48. Nomad Interiors

28 Jan 2011, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates — Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Street (Hamdan Street), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Middle East — Image by © Alan Copson/Robert Harding World Imagery/Corbis

NOMAD Interiors L.L.C was established in UAE on 2010 by Imad Fandi Azzam, a veteran in Projects Design, Execution and Management with more than 14 years of extensive and solid experience in Projects Development and Management of luxurious and Commercial, Residential, Retail, Hotels and High-rise Towers

49. Pallavi Dean

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

Pallavi Dean is one of the UAE’s most promising interior designers. As an Associate with Godwin Austen Johnson in Dubai, she’s has worked on a range of high-profile commercial and hospitality projects across the region. Her work was recognized in 2010 when she won the CID Middle East Young Interior Designer of the Year Award. Pallavi is an active member of the UAE design community, writing for industry publicationsorganizing events and mentoring students.

50. Patina Interiors

Patina Interiors is one of the most creative and luxury interior design company in the UAE which focuses on commercial interior design and residential interior design services and solutions that combines creative space planning, designing, and project management for all types of interior projects. Patina Interior’s professional interior design team of architects, designers, project managers and professional craftsmen deliver projects that exceed expectations!

51. Sneha Divias Atelier

Born in PortugalSneha Divias holds a Master’s Degree in Architecture from the Lusiada University of Porto and specialized in Interior Design at New York University. Having worked on projects globally with renowned architecture and design consultants in Lisbon and Dubai prior to founding the Atelier, Sneha Divias helms the firm with a true entrepreneurial vision. Within a short span of branching out on her own, Divias has quickly established herself as a designer with one of the most diverse portfolios of built projects.

52. Studio International

Credits Studio International

Studio International is a new design consultancy formulated by individuals who have accumulated a significant body of experience globally across a comprehensive range of design disciplines. Their combined knowledge has enabled the world’s leading hoteliers, corporate businesses, transport operators, retailers and principle commercial developers to deliver unique and valuable experiences to their customers.

53. The Hub Interiors

Credits: The Hub Interiors

Since the launch in 2015, the main goal at “The Hub Interior Decoration” has been to develop close working relationships with its clientele. Every design they create tells a visual story of their client.

54. Trig Interior Design

Trig Interior Design are proud to call themselves believers that each interior design space has a unique potential and embraces the approach of addressing requirements individually. The outcome is a product of our careful design decisions, environment, selection of material, personal comfort, integration of technology while maintaining the sense of community and personal synergies with clients.

55. Versay Interiors

Versay Interiors is an interior design company based in UAE, Dubai. A creative team of interior designers and architects in UAE has done a lot of interior design projects around the world. Each one of the clients has his own lifestyle, individual vision, and always special, exclusive design project from the company’s side, which is matching with their personality.

56. Vesper & Countaj

Vesper & Countaj is an independent architecture and investment consultant firm providing tailored investments products for both private and institutional investors based in France and Dubai. The company combines architecture and engineering to get the best out of a project working with the sister company specialized in prestressing.

57. Visiontech

Visiontech is an interior design firm, able to provide and deliver all elements of a project, from enabling works to sub-structures, superstructures, and fit-out. Born out of the rebranding of AMBB Interiors (now BW Interiors) Visiontech has quickly established itself as a reliable partner for Retail, Hotels, Restaurants, Commercial Offices and Private Villas.

58. VSHD Design

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

The award-winning VSHD Design studio was founded by interior architect and managing director Rania Hamed. VSHD Design has carried out projects all over the world from Europe to the United States, as well as in the Middle East. In her elegant and refined interiors, the designer brings together contemporary design and resolutely classic and minimalist contexts.

59. XBD Collective

Architecture and interior design have never been far from each other and, with XBD Collective, that bond gets even stronger. XBD Collective is a multi-disciplinary organization that provides unique solutions for residentialcommercial, and hospitality projects with an unmistakable, exclusive touch. Brought to you by Ellen SøhoelLee Nellis, and a wonderful team of top interior designers and other experienced professionals, this firm makes it beautiful both in and outdoors.

60. Zen Interiors

Top 20 Interior Designers From Dubai

At Zen Interiors, they believe that clients deserve the smartest solutions. When it comes to creating stunning spaces, they offer an unbeatable combination of flexibilitydurability, and affordability. As top interior designers, they are passionate about superior products and professional services and aim to deliver perfect results – each time, and for every client. Just as they cater to specific styles, tastes, budgets, and deadlines, you can count on their expertise and experience at all stages, from concept to

61. Zoom Homes Décor

Zoom Homes Décor is Interior Designing, fit-out and Decoration company. The company provides excellent services in retail, commercial and residential Interior and Exterior, for many years.


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