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HERMÈS – Summits of silk

¡Los silenciadores slalom, los lazos escalan las pendientes y las bufandas parten a toda velocidad, antes de atar las cosas en un patín controlado antes de la línea de meta!

HERMÈS – Summits of silk

Actitudes en altitud

Alto volante

Eres el piloto! Con su ilusión óptica, esta bufanda High Flyer 140 diseñada por Dimitri Rybaltchenko se eleva sobre los picos en un helicóptero, llevándote a la cima. En un toque característico, el diseñador ha incorporado algunas referencias ocultas a Hermès, incluido el cuaderno Ulysse y el accesorio de bolso Rodéo.


Sesenta y ocho millones de años después, la diseñadora Alice Shirley ha reinventado el animal prehistórico más fascinante de todos: el tiranosaurio, mejor conocido como T-Rex. Esta bufanda 100 crea un aspecto mitad aterrador y mitad divertido. Con su mandíbula gráfica, su mirada azul hielo y escamas fascinantes, ¡aquí hay un dinosaurio que ciertamente no teme a la edad de hielo!



Mufflers slalom, ties scale the slopes, and scarves set off at full speed, before tying things up in a controlled skid before the finish line!

HERMÈS – Summits of silk

Attitudes at altitude

High Flyer

You’re the pilot! With its optical illusion, this High Flyer 140 scarf designed by Dimitri Rybaltchenko soars over the peaks in a helicopter, taking you to the top. In a characteristic touch, the designer has incorporated a few hidden references to Hermès, including the Ulysse notebook and Rodéo bag accessory.


Sixty-eight million years later, designer Alice Shirley has reinvented the most fascinating prehistoric animal of all: the tyrannosaurus, better known as T-Rex. This 100 scarf creates a half-terrifying, half-fun look. With its graphic jaw, icy-blue stare and mesmerising scales, here is one dinosaur that certainly doesn’t fear the ice age!



Mufflers slalom, ties scale the slopes, and scarves set off at full speed, before tying things up in a controlled skid before the finish line!

HERMÈS – Summits of silk

Attitudes at altitude

High Flyer

You’re the pilot! With its optical illusion, this High Flyer 140 scarf designed by Dimitri Rybaltchenko soars over the peaks in a helicopter, taking you to the top. In a characteristic touch, the designer has incorporated a few hidden references to Hermès, including the Ulysse notebook and Rodéo bag accessory.


Sixty-eight million years later, designer Alice Shirley has reinvented the most fascinating prehistoric animal of all: the tyrannosaurus, better known as T-Rex. This 100 scarf creates a half-terrifying, half-fun look. With its graphic jaw, icy-blue stare and mesmerising scales, here is one dinosaur that certainly doesn’t fear the ice age!


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