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HSI: diseños magistrales que están cambiando el mundo

HSI: diseños magistrales que están cambiando el mundo

Con más de 800 proyectos en África y Medio Oriente , Hany Saad Innovations – HSI aborda cada proyecto como un nuevo viaje de diseño que requiere una perspectiva fresca y una mente abierta .

Acerca de Hany Saad – CEO/ FUNDADOR

El arquitecto y diseñador de interiores egipcio , Hany Saad , se ha convertido en una figura destacada en el nicho de los diseños elegantes , los acabados lujosos y los diseños visionarios.

Reconocido por sus diseños altamente expresivos marcados por materiales mixtos y formas dinámicas , es considerado un pionero en los estilos de arquitectura de grandeza contemporánea y moderna en la región.

Acerca de las innovaciones de Hany Saad

Creada en 2003, Hany Saad Innovations – HSI ya ha completado más de 800 proyectos en África y Medio Oriente , desde villas residenciales privadas hasta proyectos comerciales de usos múltiples , clubes, hoteles, centros comerciales, edificios administrativos y complejos residenciales ultralujosos . .

solo tristes innovaciones

Pioneros en la utilización del espacio y la ingeniería creativa, somos arquitectos, constructores y diseñadores de interiores que creemos tanto en comprometernos con la tradición como en romperla.

Innovaciones Hany Saad – HSI

¿Está listo para descubrir algunos de los mejores proyectos de HSI?

Premier Romance Hotel

¡ Este hotel diseñado por HSI es absolutamente increíble ! Dejar fluir la energía en el confort de este santuario se logra con sus acabados contemporáneos que deleitan todos los sentidos .

primer hotel romántico

Con acabados contemporáneos , las habitaciones son todas de color blanco neutro, marrón y gris , y refrescantemente luminosas y ofrecen la sensación de estar sumergido en un baño de luz .

primer hotel romántico

Los elementos de decoración rebotan, desde mesas de centro de mármol hasta piezas de arte contemporáneo y un sistema de armario retroiluminado. Cada detalle se agrega para expandir la sensación de espacio preservado a través de la paleta de colores claros de la habitación.

primer hotel romántico

El baño de la suite está separado del dormitorio por una ventana de vidrio, brindando una relajante y acogedora experiencia de relajación .

Mansión de las colinas de la palma
mansión palm hills en el cairo

 Esta mansión de Palm Hills cuenta con una piscina que se extiende a lo largo de la residencia, tragaluces repartidos por todas partes y un paisaje que se funde con el entorno arquitectónico para crear una experiencia residencial de lujo que no tiene igual.


mansión palm hills en el cairo
mansión palm hills en el cairo

Con grandes losas de mármol negro , cómodos asientos tapizados , piezas llamativas de bronce en tonos neutros , mesas auxiliares y lámparas que adornan el área de recepción.

lujosa área de recepción con techos altos
lujosa área de recepción con techos altos

Los tragaluces de aumento dan forma al espacio, fusionándose con exquisitas ventanas de vidrio que se extienden desde el techo hasta el suelo.


lujosa sala de estar con dos sofás verdes

HSI utilizó exquisitas mallas de materiales y texturas y muebles eclécticos y armoniosos , al tiempo que utilizó tonos apagados y materiales ricos como el ante.

tonos grises en un dormitorio principal

El dormitorio principal en tonos topo y beige tiene unas espectaculares vistas panorámicas a la piscina. Una variedad de características de lujo, que incluyen vestidores y lavabos dobles , se pueden encontrar en el primer y segundo dormitorio principal .

tonos neutros en un dormitorio principal
tonos neutros en un dormitorio principal de hsi

En los baños se utiliza una variación de texturas y colores de mármol. El contraste entre el mármol oscuro y el blanco permite que las bañeras queden elevadas y separadas del resto del espacio del baño , mientras que las ventanas del piso al techo dejan entrar la luz del sol y permiten que la limpieza se convierta en una experiencia natural y relajante .

lujoso baño de mármol
mesas de café
CFC Villa

HSI se inspiró en una selva tropical de mármol para crear la CFC Villa . Desde luces en cascada hasta grandiosas obras de arte como estatuas y bustos grecorromanos clásicos, esta es una casa que celebra lo mejor de la vida.

entrada glamorosa

Baldosas de mármol asimétricas en forma de rombo acentuadas con incrustaciones de metal de latón se extienden desde la entrada hasta el área de recepción, para ser ingeniosamente reemplazadas con paneles de madera oscura en las áreas de estar principales para una sensación más cómoda.

salón de lujo

Una chimenea moderna bordea el área de recepción con la sala de estar, con una base de mármol negro y una cubierta de vidrio .

salón de lujo

Los grises profundos de la sala de estar contrastan con la luminosidad del área de recepción bien iluminada , lo que le permite aparecer como un refugio. Los fuertes elementos de diseño vertical permiten que la habitación se extienda hacia arriba y llame la atención sobre la altura del techo .

comedor de lujo con sillas grises y verdes
sala de estar de lujo con sofás color crema y sillones verdes

Donde el cuidado personal es un acto de lujo , el baño de CFC Villa lo convierte en un acto de pura devoción. Las lámparas difusas y empotradas en todos los estantes dan un brillo suave y cálido , que se refleja fácilmente en los elementos de latón y vidrio incorporados en el diseño de la ducha y la bañera.

lujoso baño con tonos oscuros y detalles dorados de hsi
lujoso baño con tonos oscuros y detalles dorados de hsi

La decoración del dormitorio se destaca por un diseño de baño minimalista , que incorpora paredes , pisos , encimeras de mármol gris claro y un espejo circular minimalista caprichoso pero simple.

tonos neutros en un dormitorio principal con armario
tonos neutros en un dormitorio principal con armario
¡Inspírate con estas maravillosas habitaciones de HSI !
dormitorio principal femenino
dormitorio infantil con colores naranjas
dormitorio infantil de hsi
¡Quédese con nosotros y descubra más proyectos de HSI!
clásico moderno
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HSI: Masterful Designs That Are Changing The World

HSI: Masterful Designs That Are Changing The World

With more than 800 projects across Africa and the Middle East, Hany Saad Innovations– HSI approaches each project as a new design journey that requires a fresh perspective and an open mind.

About Hany Saad – CEO/ FOUNDER

Egyptian architect and interior designer, Hany Saad, has become a prominent figure in the niche field of elegant designs, luxurious finishes and visionary layouts.

Renowned for his highly expressive designs marked by mixed materials and dynamic forms, he is considered a pioneer in contemporary and modern grandeur architecture styles in the region.

About Hany Saad Innovations

Created in 2003, Hany Saad Innovations– HSI has already completed more than 800 projects across Africa and the Middle East, from private residential villas to multi-use commercial projects, clubs, hotels, shopping malls, administrative buildings, and ultra-luxurious residential compounds.

hany saad innovations

Pioneers in space utilization and creative engineering, we are architects, builders and interior designers who believe both in engaging tradition and in breaking it.

Hany Saad Innovations – HSI

Are You Ready To Discover Some Of The Best HSI Projects?

Premier Romance Hotel

This hotel designed by HSI is absolutely incredible! Letting energy flow into the comfort of this sanctuary is achieved by its contemporary finishes that delight all the senses.

premier romance hotel

With contemporary finishes, the rooms are all neutral white taupe and grey, and refreshingly bright and offer the sensation of being submerged in a light bath.

premier romance hotel

Decor elements bounce around, from marble center tables to contemporary art pieces to a back-lit closet system. Every detail is added to expand the sense of space preserved through the room’s light colour palette.

premier romance hotel

The suite’s bathroom is separated by a glass window from the bedroom, providing a relaxing and cosy experience of relaxation.

Palm Hills Mansion
palm hills mansion in cairo

 This Palm Hills Mansion features a pool that spans the length of the residence, skylights scattered throughout, and landscaping that melds with the architectural environment to create a luxury residential experience that is unmatched.


palm hills mansion in cairo
palm hills mansion in cairo

With large slabs of black marble, comfortable upholstered seating, neutral-toned bronze statement pieces, side tables and lamps adorn the reception area.

luxurious reception area with high-ceilings
luxurious reception area with high-ceilings

Magnifying skylights shape the space, merging into exquisite glass windows that extend from ceiling to floor.

luxurious living room with two green sofas

HSI used exquisite meshes of materials and textures and eclectic and harmonious furniture while also using muted tones and rich materials such as suede.

grey tones in a master bedroom

The master bedroom in taupe and beige tones has spectacular panoramic views of the pool. A variety of luxury features, including walk-in closets and double sinks, can be found in the first and second master bedrooms.

neutral tones in a master bedroom
neutral tones in a master bedroom by hsi

A variation of marble textures and colours are used in the bathrooms. The contrast between dark marble and white allows the bathtubs to be elevated and separate from the rest of the bathroom space, while floor-to-ceiling windows let the sunlight in and allow cleaning to become a natural, relaxing experience.

luxurious marble bathroom
coffee tables
CFC Villa

HSI took inspiration from a marble rainforest to create the CFC Villa. From cascading lights to grandiose pieces of art like classical Greco-Roman statues and busts, this is a home that celebrates the best in life.

glamorous entryway

Asymmetrical lozenge-shaped marble tiles accented with brass metal inlays extend from the entrance to the reception area, to be artfully replaced with dark wood panelling in the main living areas for a more comfortable feel.

luxury living room

A modern fireplace borders the reception area to the living area, with a black marble base and glass encasement.

luxury living room

Deep greys of the living area contrast with the brightness of the well-lit reception area, allowing it to appear as a refuge. Strong vertical design elements allow the room to stretch upwards and draw attention to the ceiling height.

luxury dining room with grey and green chairs
luxury living room with cream sofas, and green armchairs

Where self-care is an act of luxury, the CFC Villa bathroom turns it into an act of pure devotion. Diffuse, recessed light fixtures on all shelves give a soft, warm glow, which is easily reflected by the brass and glass elements incorporated into the shower and tub design.

luxurious bathroom with dark tones and golden details by hsi
luxurious bathroom with dark tones and golden details by hsi

The bedroom’s decor is emphasized by a minimalist bathroom design, incorporating light grey marble walls, floors, countertops and a whimsical but simple minimal circular mirror.

neutral tones in a master bedroom with a closet
neutral tones in a master bedroom with a closet
Get Inspired With These Marvellous Bedrooms by HSI!
girly master bedroom
kids bedroom with orange colours
kids bedroom by hsi
Stay With Us And Discover More HSI Projects!
modern classic
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HSI: Masterful Designs That Are Changing The World

HSI: Masterful Designs That Are Changing The World

With more than 800 projects across Africa and the Middle East, Hany Saad Innovations– HSI approaches each project as a new design journey that requires a fresh perspective and an open mind.

About Hany Saad – CEO/ FOUNDER

Egyptian architect and interior designer, Hany Saad, has become a prominent figure in the niche field of elegant designs, luxurious finishes and visionary layouts.

Renowned for his highly expressive designs marked by mixed materials and dynamic forms, he is considered a pioneer in contemporary and modern grandeur architecture styles in the region.

About Hany Saad Innovations

Created in 2003, Hany Saad Innovations– HSI has already completed more than 800 projects across Africa and the Middle East, from private residential villas to multi-use commercial projects, clubs, hotels, shopping malls, administrative buildings, and ultra-luxurious residential compounds.

hany saad innovations

Pioneers in space utilization and creative engineering, we are architects, builders and interior designers who believe both in engaging tradition and in breaking it.

Hany Saad Innovations – HSI

Are You Ready To Discover Some Of The Best HSI Projects?

Premier Romance Hotel

This hotel designed by HSI is absolutely incredible! Letting energy flow into the comfort of this sanctuary is achieved by its contemporary finishes that delight all the senses.

premier romance hotel

With contemporary finishes, the rooms are all neutral white taupe and grey, and refreshingly bright and offer the sensation of being submerged in a light bath.

premier romance hotel

Decor elements bounce around, from marble center tables to contemporary art pieces to a back-lit closet system. Every detail is added to expand the sense of space preserved through the room’s light colour palette.

premier romance hotel

The suite’s bathroom is separated by a glass window from the bedroom, providing a relaxing and cosy experience of relaxation.

Palm Hills Mansion
palm hills mansion in cairo

 This Palm Hills Mansion features a pool that spans the length of the residence, skylights scattered throughout, and landscaping that melds with the architectural environment to create a luxury residential experience that is unmatched.


palm hills mansion in cairo
palm hills mansion in cairo

With large slabs of black marble, comfortable upholstered seating, neutral-toned bronze statement pieces, side tables and lamps adorn the reception area.

luxurious reception area with high-ceilings
luxurious reception area with high-ceilings

Magnifying skylights shape the space, merging into exquisite glass windows that extend from ceiling to floor.

luxurious living room with two green sofas

HSI used exquisite meshes of materials and textures and eclectic and harmonious furniture while also using muted tones and rich materials such as suede.

grey tones in a master bedroom

The master bedroom in taupe and beige tones has spectacular panoramic views of the pool. A variety of luxury features, including walk-in closets and double sinks, can be found in the first and second master bedrooms.

neutral tones in a master bedroom
neutral tones in a master bedroom by hsi

A variation of marble textures and colours are used in the bathrooms. The contrast between dark marble and white allows the bathtubs to be elevated and separate from the rest of the bathroom space, while floor-to-ceiling windows let the sunlight in and allow cleaning to become a natural, relaxing experience.

luxurious marble bathroom
coffee tables
CFC Villa

HSI took inspiration from a marble rainforest to create the CFC Villa. From cascading lights to grandiose pieces of art like classical Greco-Roman statues and busts, this is a home that celebrates the best in life.

glamorous entryway

Asymmetrical lozenge-shaped marble tiles accented with brass metal inlays extend from the entrance to the reception area, to be artfully replaced with dark wood panelling in the main living areas for a more comfortable feel.

luxury living room

A modern fireplace borders the reception area to the living area, with a black marble base and glass encasement.

luxury living room

Deep greys of the living area contrast with the brightness of the well-lit reception area, allowing it to appear as a refuge. Strong vertical design elements allow the room to stretch upwards and draw attention to the ceiling height.

luxury dining room with grey and green chairs
luxury living room with cream sofas, and green armchairs

Where self-care is an act of luxury, the CFC Villa bathroom turns it into an act of pure devotion. Diffuse, recessed light fixtures on all shelves give a soft, warm glow, which is easily reflected by the brass and glass elements incorporated into the shower and tub design.

luxurious bathroom with dark tones and golden details by hsi
luxurious bathroom with dark tones and golden details by hsi

The bedroom’s decor is emphasized by a minimalist bathroom design, incorporating light grey marble walls, floors, countertops and a whimsical but simple minimal circular mirror.

neutral tones in a master bedroom with a closet
neutral tones in a master bedroom with a closet
Get Inspired With These Marvellous Bedrooms by HSI!
girly master bedroom
kids bedroom with orange colours
kids bedroom by hsi
Stay With Us And Discover More HSI Projects!
modern classic
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HSI: Masterful Designs That Are Changing The World

HSI: Masterful Designs That Are Changing The World

With more than 800 projects across Africa and the Middle East, Hany Saad Innovations– HSI approaches each project as a new design journey that requires a fresh perspective and an open mind.

About Hany Saad – CEO/ FOUNDER

Egyptian architect and interior designer, Hany Saad, has become a prominent figure in the niche field of elegant designs, luxurious finishes and visionary layouts.

Renowned for his highly expressive designs marked by mixed materials and dynamic forms, he is considered a pioneer in contemporary and modern grandeur architecture styles in the region.

About Hany Saad Innovations

Created in 2003, Hany Saad Innovations– HSI has already completed more than 800 projects across Africa and the Middle East, from private residential villas to multi-use commercial projects, clubs, hotels, shopping malls, administrative buildings, and ultra-luxurious residential compounds.

hany saad innovations

Pioneers in space utilization and creative engineering, we are architects, builders and interior designers who believe both in engaging tradition and in breaking it.

Hany Saad Innovations – HSI

Are You Ready To Discover Some Of The Best HSI Projects?

Premier Romance Hotel

This hotel designed by HSI is absolutely incredible! Letting energy flow into the comfort of this sanctuary is achieved by its contemporary finishes that delight all the senses.

premier romance hotel

With contemporary finishes, the rooms are all neutral white taupe and grey, and refreshingly bright and offer the sensation of being submerged in a light bath.

premier romance hotel

Decor elements bounce around, from marble center tables to contemporary art pieces to a back-lit closet system. Every detail is added to expand the sense of space preserved through the room’s light colour palette.

premier romance hotel

The suite’s bathroom is separated by a glass window from the bedroom, providing a relaxing and cosy experience of relaxation.

Palm Hills Mansion
palm hills mansion in cairo

 This Palm Hills Mansion features a pool that spans the length of the residence, skylights scattered throughout, and landscaping that melds with the architectural environment to create a luxury residential experience that is unmatched.


palm hills mansion in cairo
palm hills mansion in cairo

With large slabs of black marble, comfortable upholstered seating, neutral-toned bronze statement pieces, side tables and lamps adorn the reception area.

luxurious reception area with high-ceilings
luxurious reception area with high-ceilings

Magnifying skylights shape the space, merging into exquisite glass windows that extend from ceiling to floor.

luxurious living room with two green sofas

HSI used exquisite meshes of materials and textures and eclectic and harmonious furniture while also using muted tones and rich materials such as suede.

grey tones in a master bedroom

The master bedroom in taupe and beige tones has spectacular panoramic views of the pool. A variety of luxury features, including walk-in closets and double sinks, can be found in the first and second master bedrooms.

neutral tones in a master bedroom
neutral tones in a master bedroom by hsi

A variation of marble textures and colours are used in the bathrooms. The contrast between dark marble and white allows the bathtubs to be elevated and separate from the rest of the bathroom space, while floor-to-ceiling windows let the sunlight in and allow cleaning to become a natural, relaxing experience.

luxurious marble bathroom
coffee tables
CFC Villa

HSI took inspiration from a marble rainforest to create the CFC Villa. From cascading lights to grandiose pieces of art like classical Greco-Roman statues and busts, this is a home that celebrates the best in life.

glamorous entryway

Asymmetrical lozenge-shaped marble tiles accented with brass metal inlays extend from the entrance to the reception area, to be artfully replaced with dark wood panelling in the main living areas for a more comfortable feel.

luxury living room

A modern fireplace borders the reception area to the living area, with a black marble base and glass encasement.

luxury living room

Deep greys of the living area contrast with the brightness of the well-lit reception area, allowing it to appear as a refuge. Strong vertical design elements allow the room to stretch upwards and draw attention to the ceiling height.

luxury dining room with grey and green chairs
luxury living room with cream sofas, and green armchairs

Where self-care is an act of luxury, the CFC Villa bathroom turns it into an act of pure devotion. Diffuse, recessed light fixtures on all shelves give a soft, warm glow, which is easily reflected by the brass and glass elements incorporated into the shower and tub design.

luxurious bathroom with dark tones and golden details by hsi
luxurious bathroom with dark tones and golden details by hsi

The bedroom’s decor is emphasized by a minimalist bathroom design, incorporating light grey marble walls, floors, countertops and a whimsical but simple minimal circular mirror.

neutral tones in a master bedroom with a closet
neutral tones in a master bedroom with a closet
Get Inspired With These Marvellous Bedrooms by HSI!
girly master bedroom
kids bedroom with orange colours
kids bedroom by hsi
Stay With Us And Discover More HSI Projects!
modern classic
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